Monthly Report Utilization Manual: (ZX-3 Type)

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Global e-Service CON-MD-ZX3-(S;MID;L)-EN-02B

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report
Utilization Manual
(ZX-3 Type)


The monthly report delivery service is a service, in which each customer's machine data
uploaded to the Global e-Service is analyzed, reorganized into an easy-to-read report
and delivered to each customer's e-mail address on a monthly basis.
In this manual, how to interpret and utilize the machine operating data is explained.


Monthly reports are based on data that has been uploaded to the Global e-Service.
They may not necessarily reflect the latest condition of each machine.
Individual customer's private information is in the monthly reports. Please take care not
to leak such private information to a third party when the reports are taken outside your
company, copied or forwarded.
The monthly reports are compiled based on data uploaded through the satellite
communication or mobile communication. Note that data may get altered due to satellite
or mobile communication situations or on-off timing of the battery earth switch
(disconnect switch) of each machine.
Also, data of the same class machines in the same region is presented for certain items.
Please use it for your reference.

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Copyright © 2017 Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Table of Contents

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Table of Contents
* By clicking each content item, you can jump to its detailed page.

Cover Sheet .......................................................................................................................... 4

A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1).............................................................................. 6

1. Operating Hours and Conditions ................................................................................................ 7
2. ECO Operation Report ............................................................................................................... 8
3. Operating Hours of the Reporting Month .................................................................................. 11
4. Analysis of Operating Condition ............................................................................................... 12

B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures .............................................................. 14

5. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures ................................................................................. 15

C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures ..................................................... 18

6. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures ................................................................................. 19

D. Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs ....................................................... 23

7. Pump Pressure ......................................................................................................................... 24
8. Pump Pressure (Digging) ......................................................................................................... 24
9. Pump Pressure (Traveling) ....................................................................................................... 24

E. Daily Operating Report.................................................................................................. 26

10. Daily Operating Report (Details) ............................................................................................. 27

F. Alarm Issuance History.................................................................................................. 28

11. Table of Alarms Issued............................................................................................................ 29

Supplement: Explanation of Terminology ....................................................................... 30

Reference for Dealer

B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures .............................................................. 31
5. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures (Reference for Dealers) .......................................... 32

C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures ..................................................... 33

6. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures (Reference for Dealers) .......................................... 34

F. Alarm Issuance History.................................................................................................. 35

11. Table of Alarms (Reference for Dealers)................................................................................. 36

Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 37

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Table of Contents

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Definition of judgment criteria and display comments................................................... 39
ECO Operation Report ................................................................................................................. 39
Ratio of Each Operation Hours ..................................................................................................... 40
Monthly Averaged Daily Highest Coolant Temperature ................................................................ 41
Transition of Daily Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures................................................................ 43
Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs ......................................................................... 45

Regional Partition............................................................................................................... 48

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Cover Sheet

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Cover Sheet

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Cover Sheet

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There are basic information and a summary of a reporting month on the cover sheet.

Summary of the Reporting Month

A. Operating Hours and Conditions
• The "Operating days" are based on the number of daily operating reports registered during the reporting period.
• The "Engine Operating Hours" are cumulative during the reporting period.
• The "Fuel Consumption" is a cumulative fuel amount consumed during the reporting period.
• The "ECO Index (Non-Operation Ratio)" is a ratio of time in which no lever is operated to the "Engine Operating
• The "ECO Index (Swing Operation Ratio)" is a ratio of time in which the swing lever is operated to the "Engine
Operating Hours".
Refer to P. 8 for details.

B. Refer to P. 14 for details of the "Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures".

C. Refer to P. 18 for details of the "Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures".

D. Refer to P. 23 for "Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs".

E. Daily Operating Report

The engine operating hours are divided into "Actual Operating Hours" and "Non Operation Hours". The "Engine
Off Time" is also shown for your reference. Refer to P. 26 for details.
F. Alarm Issuance History
Number of ConSite alarms issued for the target machine during the reporting period is shown. Refer to P. 28 for
In the customer report, number of ConSite "emergency" alarms only is shown.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1)

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A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1)

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1)

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1. Operating Hours and Conditions

Latest Hour Meter Readings: Hour meter readings gotten from the daily operating report of the last day of the
reporting period.
Time Since Delivery: Years and months lapsed since the delivery of the target machine.
No. of Operating Days: Number of operating days gotten from the daily operating reports during the reporting
Engine Operating Hours: Engine operating hours gotten from daily operating reports during the reporting month.
Engine Operating Hours: Time in which the alternator is charging or the engine is running at speeds of more than
600min-1. (There is no specified charging voltage for the alternator.)

How to look at the table

Data of the reporting period is shown in a calendar format.

❑ Operating Conditions Calendar

There are two segments in each day. Daily operating hours (in units of 0.1 hour) are shown in the upper segment ,
daily fuel consumption (in units of liter) is shown in the lower segment. Four different colors are used according to
daily operating hours.
Orange: Daily operating hours are 8.1 hours or more.
Yellow: Daily operating hours are less than 8 hours.
Blue: Daily operating hours are less than 3 hours.
White: No operating hour.

❑ Setting of Tuning
For machines to which the tuning service was implemented, the date of the last tuning service done and its
tuning point are shown. In the case that no tuning service has been done, "-" is shown.

❑ Fuel Efficiency & CO2

Fuel Consumption: A total of fuel injection amounts during the reporting period is captured and shown.
The fuel consumption amount shown here tends to be more than the actually consumed fuel amount since
overflowed fuel (excess fuel remaining from fuel injection), which is returned to the fuel tank, is also counted as
part of consumption.
Fuel Efficiency: The fuel efficiency is derived from the fuel consumption being divided by the engine operating
hours during the reporting period and shown in units of liter/hour.
CO2 emission amount: = Fuel consumption amount x calorific value per unit fuel x carbon emission coefficient
per unit calorific value x 44/12
* Calorific value per unit fuel: 37.7 (GJ/CJ)
* Carbon emission coefficient per unit calorific value: 0.01879 (tC/CJ)
= Fuel consumption amount x 2.58 kg-CO2/l (light diesel oil)
(Tables of calculation methods and emission coefficients in the calculation, reporting and disclosure system) as
of April 2012 by the Ministry of the Environment.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1)

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How to analyze the data
• When the tuning service is implemented, fuel efficiencies before and after can be compared.
• If the tuning service is done before new machine delivery, comparison of fuel efficiencies before and after the tuning
service cannot be done. However, an improvement due to the service can be confirmed by comparing the fuel
efficiency with the general efficiency of the same class machines.

Hints for customer recommendations

Customers have a greater interest in fuel efficiency these days. The following suggestions could be made
to customers;
• To check the fuel efficiency on a continuous basis to see if there is any room for further improvement of
fuel efficiency.
• To see if there is any better layout of the job site for a more efficient use of the machine.
• To see if there is any better placement of the machine for better efficiency.
Also, when the tuning service is implemented, suggestions can be made by comparing fuel efficiencies
before and after.

2. ECO Operation Report

Non-Operation Ratio: Ratio of the time in which no lever is operated to the "Engine Operating Hours".
Swing Operation Ratio: Ratio of the time in which the swing lever is operated to the "Actual Operating Hours".
Actual Operating Hours: Time which is gotten by subtracting the non-operation hours from the engine operating hours.

How to look at the table

❑ Non-operation (hours) ratio
The ratio of non-operation hours, in which none of the travel, swing, boom and bucket levers is operated during
the reporting period, to the engine operating hours is shown. (Non-operation ratio = Non-operation hours/
Engine operating hours) The upper segment of the bar chart indicates the non-operation ratio of the target
machine during the reporting period and the lower one indicates the region/class average.
* In the case that there isn't any same class machine in the same region, the region/class average may not be
shown in the report. The region/class average is updated every three months. The judgment criteria are
calculated from the data of the predecessor machines in the same region when a new model is introduced and
they are reviewed a year later by using the updated data. The review is done based on the standard deviation of
the data, which is normally used for analysis of degree of scatter.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the indexes. As the index
moves in the direction of D=>A, the ECO condition becomes better. Refer to "Definition of judgment criteria and
display comments" of "ECO Operation Report (P. 39)" for details.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (1)

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❑ Swing operation (hours) ratio
The ratio of swing operation hours during the reporting period to the actual operating hours is shown. The upper
segment of the bar chart indicates the swing operation ratio of the target machine and the lower one indicates
the region/class average.
* In the case that there isn't any same class machine in the same region, the region/class average may not be
shown in the report. The region/class average is updated every three months. The judgment criteria are
calculated from the data of the predecessor machines in the same region when a new model is introduced and
they are reviewed a year later by using the updated data. The review is done based on the standard deviation
of the data, which is normally used for analysis of degree of scatter.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the indexes. As the index
moves in the direction of D=>A, the ECO condition becomes better. Refer to "Definition of judgment criteria and
display comments" of "ECO Operation Report (P. 39)" for details.

How to analyze the data

❑ Non-operation (hours) ratio
The more the non-operation hours become, the more fuel is consumed. The situation of the target machine
during the reporting period can be known by comparing the ratio with the region/class average.

❑ Swing operation (hours) ratio

In general, it is reasonable to say that the higher the ratio becomes, the larger the cycle time of work becomes.
You can compare the ratio of the target machine with the region/class average.

Hints for customer recommendations

❑ Non-operation (hours) ratio
• The higher the non-operation ratio is, the more fuel is wasted. Therefore, fuel efficiency can be
improved by using the auto idling or frequently stopping the engine.
• In the case of 20 ton class machines, fuel is consumed in the ratio of 2.1L/hr during idling and 4.1 L/hr
during the auto idling. Also, please note that in the case of a crane configuration machine with a
moment limiter, time in which the machine is in hold waiting for adjustment of a lifted load is counted
as part of the non-operation hours and fuel is consumed the same as in idling.

❑ Swing operation (hours) ratio

If a reduction of swing operation hours will result in a reduction of cycle time of a work and an eventual
increase of productivity. It is essential to devise an optimal layout of each job site so that cycle times
become the minimum and fuel efficiency becomes better.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (2)

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A. Operating Hours and Conditions (2)

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (2)

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3. Operating Hours of the Reporting Month

Actual Operating Hours: Time which is gotten by subtracting the non-operation hours from the engine operating hours.
Front Operation Hours: Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the front pilot pressure (swing, boom, arm,
bucket and auxiliary piping) is more than 0.7 MPa.
Swing Operation Hours: Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the swing pilot pressure is more 0.7 MPa.
Travel Operation Hours: Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the travel pilot pressure is more than 0.7 MPa.
Attachment Operation Hours: Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the auxiliary piping pilot pressure is
more than 0.7 MPa.

How to read the charts

❑ Operating Hours of the Reporting Period
The bar chart shows operating conditions of the target machine during the reporting month.
Combined operation hours are redundantly counted in each type operation. Because of that, the total of the
operation hours may become more than the engine operating hours.

❑ Total Operating Hours

The bar chart shows cumulative operating hours since the delivery of the target machine.
• Engine Operating Hours Cumulative engine operating hours
• Actual Operating Hours Hours which are gotten by subtracting the cumulative non-operation hours from the
cumulative engine operating hours
• Non-Operating Hours Hours which are gotten by subtracting the cumulative actual operating hours from the
cumulative engine operating hours
(The actual operating hours are the total of the travel, swing, front, and attachment (auxiliary port) operation hours.)
Combined operation hours are redundantly counted in each type operation. Because of that, the total may
become larger than the engine operating hours.

How to analyze the data

Compare the operating hours of the reporting month with operating hours of other months and check to see if there
are any differences. Also, compare the operating hours of the reporting period with the total operating hours to see
if there are any different tendencies.

Hints for customer recommendations

• Since the non-operation hours and swing operation hours affect the ECO status, pay attention to them.
• When the travel operation hours increase, pay attention to lives of the undercarriage parts and components.
• The attachment operation hours can be used as reference for maintenance planning of the attachment (such
as breaker or other types).

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (2)

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4. Analysis of Operating Condition

❑ Ratio of Each Operation Hours
Actual: Ratio of the actual operating hours to the engine operating hours during the reporting period.
Non: Ratio of the non-operation hours to the engine operating hours during the reporting period.
Swing: Ratio of the swing operation hours to the actual operating hours during the reporting period.
Front: Ratio of the front operation hours to the engine operating hours during the reporting period.
Travel: Ratio of the travel operation hours to the engine operating hours during the reporting period
Attachment: Ratio of the attachment operation hours to the engine operating hours during the reporting period.

❑ Transition of Cumulative Engine Operating Hours

Cumulative Operating Hours (Estimated): Engine operating hours of one year later estimated based on the
actual engine operating hours up to the reporting month.
Calculation Method
(1) Calculate the difference between the operating hours at the last day of the reporting month and the operating
hours at 15 days before it.
(2) Calculate operating hours per day from the difference. Then, multiply the hours per day by 365 to get
operating hours per year.
* The estimated cumulative operating hours are updated every month. Therefore, the estimated hours of this
month may differ from the previously estimated operating hours.

❑ Expected Milestone Dates

Based on the hour meter readings on the daily operating report of the last day of the reporting month, dates of
the four future maintenances (every 250 hours) are provided.

How to read the charts

❑ Ratio of Each Operation Hours
Ratio of each type of operation hours is shown in the radar chart. The blue colored area indicates accumulated
mean ratios and the orange color line indicates the ratios of the reporting month. Each type of operation ratio is
calculated by dividing each operation hours by the actual operating hours.
In the sample on the page 10, the ratio of the non-operation hours of the reporting month greatly increased and the
front and the swing operation hour ratios decreased as indicated by the orange color line. Thus, it is known that the
front and swing operation hours decreased and non-operation hours increased.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the difference between the
cumulative hours and the hours of the reporting month. Refer to "Definition of judgment criteria and display
comments" of "Ratio of Each Operation Hours (P. 40)" for details.

❑ Transition of Cumulative Engine Operating Hours

The blue line shows the transition of the engine operating hours since the delivery of the machine. (Actual
Hours) The red line shows estimated operating hours up to one year from the reporting month. (Estimated
Cumulative Operating Hours)

❑ Expected Milestone Dates

The four future maintenance dates of 250 hours, 500 hours, 750 hours and 1,000 hours can be confirmed.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > A. Operating Hours and Conditions (2)

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How to analyze the data
❑ Ratio of Each Operation Hours
Compare the ratios of the reporting month with those of other reporting months and see if there is any significant
change. Also, check to see if there are any significant differences between the ratios of the reporting month and
the total (cumulative or accumulated mean) ratios.

❑ Transition of Cumulative Engine Operating Hours

Confirm the estimated engine operating hours after one year.

❑ Expected Milestone Dates

To confirm the future maintenance dates (every 250 hours) to facilitate communication with customer.

Hints for customer recommendations

❑ Ratio of Each Operation Hours
Customers know their own job sites and their conditions. Try to promote communication with them by
using the data on the report.
• For example, you can confirm with them that the machine has moved to a different job site and been
used for a different application.
• Or, the machine could not work enough due to environmental changes. (The operating hours
decreased due to low temperatures.)

❑ Transition of Cumulative Engine Operating Hours

The graph shows the estimated engine operating hours after one year based on the actual engine
operating hours up to the reporting month.
• A new machine proposal can be made at an appropriate timing utilizing the operating hours data.
• Future maintenance scheduling and budgeting can also be done based on the operating hours.

❑ Expected Milestone Dates

The date for the next periodical maintenance can be known.
• Future maintenance scheduling and preparations can be done based on the expected milestone dates.
• Oils and other consumables can be prepared in advance.

Different points from the M+MIC (Global e-Service)

❑ Ratio of Each Operation Hours
• Only cumulative base data are available with the M+MIC. The operating condition data of the reporting
month added to the ConSite monthly report.
• Ratios of operation hours are shown in the form of radar chart in the ConSite monthly report.

❑ Transition of Cumulative Engine Operating Hours

• The chart of transition of cumulative engine operating hours is shown in the ConSite monthly report.

❑ Expected Milestone Dates

• The future maintenance dates (for every 250 hours) are shown in the ConSite monthly report.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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5. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures

Monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperature: Monthly average of daily highest temperatures captured
by the coolant temperature sensor during each reporting period (month).
Ambient temperature: Monthly average of daily highest ambient temperatures captured by the ambient
temperature sensor during each reporting period (month).

How to read the charts

❑ Transition of average ambient temperature
The line chart shows transition of monthly averaged daily highest ambient temperatures.
The solid line indicates ambient temperatures of the target machine in the current year. The dotted line indicates
ambient temperatures in the preceding year.
The ambient temperatures tend to be higher than actual outdoor air temperatures since the temperature sensor
gets heat effect of the hydraulic components. Since the coolant temperature is affected by ambient
temperatures, this graph is shown here as reference.

❑ Transition of Daily Highest (Coolant) Temperatures:

This line chart shows transition of monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperatures.
• The red solid line indicates monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperatures of the target machine in the
current year.
• The red dotted line indicates monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperatures of the target machine in
the preceding year.
• The blue band indicates region/class average (the same class machines in the same region) in the
preceding year.

Definitions of the temperature ranges on the vertical axis

Danger range: more than 106°C
High range: more than 94°C and less than 106°C
Mid range: more than 80°C and less than 94°C
Low range: less than 80°C

❑ Note
• It the engine is restarted immediately after being stopped, the coolant temperature will goes higher due to
residual heat. It is possible that this surge temperature is registered as its daily highest.
• It may occur that temperatures occurred after production and before delivery of the machine are uploaded
and registered in the system.

❑ Regarding the region/class average

The data are shown as a band for a comparison purpose.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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Definition of the region/class average
• Regional partition
The world is divided into the regions considering geographical location and the temperature zones. Refer to
Regional Partition (P. 48) for details.
• Machines are classified into the weight categories of 10t~, 15t~, 20t~, 25t~, 30t~, 40t~. (ZX240 is classified
into the category of 20t~.)

* In the case that there isn't any same class machine in the same region, the region/class average may not be
shown in the report. The region/class average is updated every three months.
Although there may be significant outdoor temperature variations within the same region, especially in
mountainous areas, if the region is divided into too small segments, the region/class average temperature
would become inaccurate due to too small a machine population. The regional division was done also with such
The region/class average is shown with a blue band. This is to signify a certain allowance and to avoid
disclosure of raw data to competitors.
Raw temperature data of the target machine (shown in the report for dealer) is specified as "for dealer use only"
as in P. 31.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the temperature ranges.
Refer to "Definition of judgment criteria and display comments" of "Monthly Averaged Daily Highest Coolant
Temperature (P. 41)" for details.

How to analyze the data

• Compare the transition of average ambient temperatures with the transition of daily highest coolant temperatures.
• Compare the transition of daily highest coolant temperatures in the current year with the transition in the preceding
year. Compare the transition of daily highest coolant temperatures of the target machine with the transition of the
region/class average.

Hints for customer recommendations

You can get a tendency by observing the transition of daily highest coolant temperatures. When necessary,
you can check daily temperature data on daily operation reports, which can bee seen in "M+MIC".
• In the case of a sample on the page 14, the coolant temperature in June is lower than the temperature in
May. That is because the ambient temperature in June was lower. However, on top of that, it's also possible
that the radiator was cleaned some time in May. Analyze the data in such a manner and make a proposal to
• The main cause of overheating is clogging of the radiator and its front net. You can recommend more
frequent cleaning while looking at the data together with the customer. If it is a situation in which you think it's
difficult to recover its cooling capability by normal cleaning, you may propose removal of parts and cleaning
or their replacement with new parts.
• With machines with high cumulative operating hours, it is likely that the radiator thermostat is faulty or the
radiator inner cores are clogged due to lack of maintenance or simply due to age. You can propose new
parts in such a case.
• The main factors for high coolant temperatures other than mechanical failures are environmental conditions
(such as ambient temperature, dirt and fine dust), clogging of the radiator and its front nets, and high engine
and hydraulic pump loads. Communicate with customer understanding such a mechanism.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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Different points from the M+MIC (Global e-Service)
With the M+MIC, you can see data of each day. However, you need to move to another page to see data of a
different day so it's difficult to compare data over a certain period of time. With the ConSite monthly report, you can
see transition or tendency of temperatures through the year at a glance. Also, you can compare temperatures of
the target machine with the region/class average temperatures.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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6. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures

Monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil temperature: Daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures are
averaged for each month. (Hydraulic oil temperature measurement is done by a temperature sensor, which picks
up instantaneous changes. So, there is a tendency that measured temperatures are slightly higher than actual oil
Ambient temperature: Monthly average of daily highest ambient temperatures captured by the ambient
temperature sensor during each reporting period (month).

How to read the charts

❑ Transition of average ambient temperature
The line chart shows transition of monthly averaged daily highest ambient temperatures.
The solid line indicates ambient temperatures of the target machine in the current year. The dotted line indicates
ambient temperatures in the preceding year.
The ambient temperatures tend to be higher than actual outdoor air temperatures since the temperature sensor
gets heat effect of the hydraulic components. Since the hydraulic oil temperatures are affected by ambient
temperatures, this graph is shown here for reference.

❑ Transition of Daily Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

This line chart shows transition of monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures.
• The red solid line indicates monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures of the target machine
in the current year.
• The red dotted line indicates monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures of the target machine
in the preceding year.
• The blue band indicates region/class average (the same class machines in the same region) in the
preceding year.

Definitions of the temperature ranges on the vertical axis

Danger range: more than 100°C
High range: more than 90°C and less than 100°C
Mid range: more than 50°C and less than 90°C
Low range: less than 50°C

❑ Note
It may occur that temperatures occurred after production and before delivery of the machine are uploaded and
registered in the system.

❑ Regarding the region/class average

The data are shown as a band for a comparison purpose.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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Definition of the region/class average
• Regional partition
The world is divided into the regions considering geographical location and the temperature zones. Refer to
Regional Partition (P. 48) for details.
• Machines are classified into the weight categories of 10t~, 15t~, 20t~, 25t~, 30t~, 40t~. (ZX240 is classified
into the category of 20t~.)

* In the case that there isn't any same class machine in the same region, the region/class average may not be
shown in the report. The region/class average is updated every three months.
Although there may be significant outdoor temperature variations within the same region, especially in
mountainous areas, if the region is divided into too small segments, the region/class average temperature
would become inaccurate due to too small a machine population. The regional division was done also with such
The region/class average is shown with a blue band. This is to signify a certain allowance and to avoid
disclosure of raw data to competitors.
Raw temperature data of the target machine (shown in the report for dealer) is specified as "for dealer use only"
as in P. 33.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the temperature ranges.
Refer to "Definition of judgment criteria and display comments" of "Transition of Daily Highest Hydraulic Oil
Temperatures (P. 43)" for details.

How to analyze the data

• Compare the transition of average ambient temperatures with the transition of daily highest hydraulic oil
• Compare the transition of daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures in the current year with the transition in the
preceding year. Compare the transition of daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures of the target machine with the
transition of the region/class average.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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Hints for customer recommendations

• You can make a maintenance proposal to customers by observing transition of monthly averaged daily highest
• If high hydraulic oil temperatures continue, lives of seals, o-rings and hoses will be affected.
• Recommend to customers to clean the hydraulic cooling system (the oil cooler and other parts). When the oil
cooler is replaced, it is recommended to also replace the hydraulic oil.
• It is extremely time consuming to drain hydraulic oil from all hydraulic components, which is different from the
situation with the engine oil. So, the total maintenance cost can be saved by replacing hydraulic oil before it
gets severely contaminated since draining of hydraulic oil from all hydraulic components can be avoided.
• When hydraulic oil gets deteriorated, its viscosity increases, which leads to higher oil temperatures.
• Recommend to use Hitachi genuine hydraulic oil. The Hitachi genuine hydraulic oil has the following four
superior features over oils sold on the market. The following are for your reference.
(1)Superior oxidation stability
Oxidation process
When hydraulic oil is exposed to high temperatures and high pressures, air (oxygen), which exists in
the oil, and hydrocarbons (a component of hydraulic oil) get chemically combined and become
oxidants. When oxidants are generated in the oil, the oil viscosity increases. Then, its friction
coefficient also increases, which leads to higher oil temperatures.

(2) Low sludge and carbon buildup

Sludge and carbon buildup process
The Hitachi genuine hydraulic oil is of non-zinc type while most of oils on the market contain zinc
additives as an anti-wear component. During operation, zinc tends to be separated from other
components of the additives and get combined with other elements (mostly sulfur). Once it's
combined, it is hard to be broken off. Thus, sludge is generated and the oil viscosity increases.
Accumulation of such sludge leads to sticking of moving parts of hydraulic components and/or
deterioration of heat exchange efficiency of the oil cooler.
(3) Low viscosity change over a wide range of temperature
Viscosity change process
Hydrocarbons in hydraulic oil tend to be separated under high temperatures and the oil viscosity
decreases. In reverse, additives get combined under low temperatures and the viscosity increases,
which hinders smooth flow of the hydraulic oil.
(4) Better lubrication characteristic to prevent metal contacts
Metal contacts
One of the important characteristics of hydraulic oil is lubrication. Hydraulic oil forms an oil film
between metal surfaces and prevents metal to metal contact. When metal to metal contact happens,
wearing of metal occurs and oxidation of the oil also may occur. Metal particles from the wearing
goes to the entire system and adversely affect hydraulic components.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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❑ Factors for temperature changes

1) Higher temperatures due to clogging of the radiator and/or other environmental conditions.
(1) The machine moved to a different job site and is engaged in a different type of job from the preceding
(2) The machine is being operated under higher ambient temperatures. (It is also necessary to check
daily ambient temperatures with the daily operating reports.)

2) Temperature changes due to utilization of different types of attachment and/or different types of job.
(1) The machine moved to a different job site and is engaged in a different type of job from the preceding
(2) Since an attachment which utilizes the machine's hydraulic power is being used (ex. breaker, lifting
magnet, pulverizer, etc.) , hydraulic temperatures go up.

3) Temperature changes due to high pump loads, which are due to change of materials being handled.
(1) The machine moved to a different job site and is engaged in a different type of job from the preceding
(2) Ratios of higher pump pressures have increased.

Different points from the M+MIC (Global e-Service)

Transitions of monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic temperatures in both the current and preceding years are
shown in the ConSite monthly reports.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > D. Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs

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D. Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > D. Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs

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7. Pump Pressure
8. Pump Pressure (Digging)
9. Pump Pressure (Traveling)

Pump Pressure: Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2.
Pump Pressure (Digging): Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2 while the arm crowd pilot pressure is
more than 0.7 MPa.
Pump Pressure (Traveling): Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2 while the travel lever pilot pressure
is more than 0.7 MPa.
Reporting Period: The latest 200 hours of the engine operating hours. (It's not a date period.)

How to read the charts

❑ Pump pressure
The bar charts show time ratios of the pump pressure ranges of the target machine and the region/class
average. Comparing the two charts, you can see a tendency of the target machine. The upper bar chart
represents the target machine and the lower one for the region/class average.

❑ Pump Pressure (Digging)

The bar charts show time ratios of the pump pressure ranges during digging of the target machine and the
region/class average. Comparing the two charts, you can see a tendency of the target machine. The upper bar
chart represents the target machine and the lower one for the region/class average.

❑ Pump Pressure (Traveling)

The bar charts show time ratios of the pump pressure ranges during traveling of the target machine and the
region/class average. Comparing the two charts, you can see a tendency of the target machine. The upper bar
chart represents the target machine and the lower one for the region/class average.

Very High: more than 30MPa

High: more than 20MPa and less than 30 MPa
Mid: more than 10MPa and less than 20MPa
Low: less than 10MPa

* In the case that there isn't any same class machine in the same region, the region/class average may not be
shown in the report. The region/class average is updated every three months.
* The comment at the bottom of each chart is automatically provided according to the temperature ranges. Refer
to "Definition of judgment criteria and display comments" of "Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs
(P. 45)" for details.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > D. Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs

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How to analyze the data
• Compare the pump pressure charts with ones in the reports of the last few months and try to see any changes in the
• Compare the pump pressure distribution of the target machine with the distribution of the region/class average

Hints for customer recommendations

• When an obvious change of tendency over time is seen, check to see if such change is due to change of
type of job or attachment.
• If an obvious change is seen in the travel pump pressures, it is necessary to check to see if it is due to a
undercarriage component failure, inappropriate track link tension or compacted dirt in the track links.
• When ratios of the Very High and High ranges are predominant, it is probable that the machine is engaged in
hard soil digging. In such a case, it is necessary to frequently check hydraulic oil deterioration due to high
temperature or cracking or wearing of the front-end tools.
• If hydraulic oil temperatures are higher than normal and pump pressures are higher than normal, it is
possible that the machine is engaged in a job which is suitable for a larger size machine or that the machine
is equipped with an attachment and engaged in an extremely heavy duty job.
• As for traveling pump pressures, the mid pressure range becomes predominant if the machine is working on
a flat ground. When the travel operation hours are less than normal, it is assumed that the machine travels a
short distance in low speeds.

Different points from the M+MIC (Global e-Service)

In the M+MIC, ratios of pump pressure ranges are shown in a vertical bar chart. In the ConSite monthly report,
the ratios are shown in a horizontal bar chart together with the region/class average bar chart so that comparison
can be done.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > E. Daily Operating Report

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E. Daily Operating Report

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > E. Daily Operating Report

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10. Daily Operating Report (Details)

Engine Operating Hours: Engine operating hours gotten from daily operating reports during the reporting month
Actual Operating Hours: Hours which are gotten by subtracting the non-operation hours from the engine
operating hours during the reporting month.
Non-Operation Hours: Hours obtained by subtracting the actual operating hours from the engine operating hours
during the reporting months.
Engine Off Time: Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the engine is off.

How to look at the table

The numbers on the vertical scale indicate dates in the reporting month and the numbers on the horizontal scale
indicate hours in one day. Each hour is broken into four 15-minute segments.
Color coding is as follows:
Orange: Engine operating hours
White: Engine off time
Yellow: Non-Operation Hours
Gray: Time for which no daily operating report has been uploaded.

How to analyze the data

You can see the actual operating hours, non-operation hours and engine off time of the machine during the
reporting month.

Hints for customer recommendations

• You can advise customer on non-operation hours of each day. Explain the non-operation ratio described in
ECO Operation Report (P. 8) at the same time.
• When checking or repairing the machine, use the data in order to utilize non-operation hours as much as
possible so that down time is minimized.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > F. Alarm Issuance History

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F. Alarm Issuance History

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > F. Alarm Issuance History

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11. Table of Alarms Issued

Number of ConSite alarms during the reporting month: the number of ConSite emergency alarms issued for
the target machine during the reporting month.

How to look at the table

• Date, frequency, name and code of each ConSite emergency alarm are shown in the table.
• ConSite emergency and caution alarms during the reporting period are shown in the reverse order of issuance up to
as many as can be shown on one page.

How to analyze the data

Check the ConSite emergency and caution alarms shown in the table. If the same alarm was repeatedly issued for
a few continuous days, there should be something abnormal with the machine.

Hints for customer recommendations

• When a ConSite alarm is issued, take an action of some sort for the customer. By doing so, you can
demonstrate your attention and care for the machine and the customer.
• The alarms on the table are all of emergency type, so immediately check the machine in coordination with
the customer or confirm that the customer have taken an action of some sort.
• Continuous issuance of emergency alarms is an clear indication of a certain abnormality leading to a
mechanical failure or an operational problem. Set up an inspection date with the customer to take
appropriate countermeasures.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Supplement: Explanation of Terminology

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Supplement: Explanation of Terminology

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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Reference for Dealers
B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures

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5. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures (Reference for Dealers)

This graph was made by rearranging B. Transition of Highest Coolant Temperatures (P. 14) for dealer internal use.
There is no additional comment. Please refer to the definition, how to read the graph and the points for customer
recommendations in the report for customer.

Different points from the graph in the customer report

In the customer report, temperatures are classified and shown as the ranges of Danger, High, Mid and Low. That is
because we do not want to disclose heat balance data of our machines, which is extremely valuable to competitors.
So, we use the temperature ranges instead of actual numbers of degree.
In the graph for dealer, numbers of degree are used in consideration of a situation in which customers may ask for
actual temperature degrees.
The numbers at the top of the lower graph are monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperatures in the current
year. The numbers at the bottom of the lower graph are monthly averaged daily highest coolant temperatures in the
preceding year.

This graph is confidential and for dealer use only. Handle this data with care since competitors would try to
get it by all means. Note that it is strictly confidential and for dealer use only.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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Reference for Dealers
C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures

Confidential/Dealer use only

6. Transition of Daily Highest Temperatures (Reference for Dealers)

This graph was made by rearranging C. Transition of Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures (P. 18) for dealer internal
use. There is no additional comment. Please refer to the definition, how to read the graph and the points for
customer recommendations in the report for customer.

Different points from the graph in the customer report

In the customer report, temperatures are classified and shown as the ranges of Danger, High, Mid and Low. That is
because we do not want to disclose heat balance data of our machines, which is extremely valuable to competitors.
So, we use the temperature ranges instead of actual numbers of degree.
In the graph for dealer, numbers of degree are used in consideration of a situation in which customers may ask for
actual temperature degrees.
The numbers at the top of the lower graph are monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil temperatures in the
current year. The numbers at the bottom of the lower graph are monthly averaged daily highest hydraulic oil
temperatures in the preceding year.

This graph is confidential and for dealer use only. Handle this data with care since competitors would try to
get it by all means. Note that it is strictly confidential and for dealer use only.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > F. Alarm Issuance History

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Reference for Dealers
F. Alarm Issuance History

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > F. Alarm Issuance History

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11. Table of Alarms (Reference for Dealers)

Number of alarms during the reporting month: A total number of ConSite emergency and caution alarms issued
for the target machine during the reporting month.
Emergency Alarm: Alarm for a case in which there is an apparent mechanical abnormality or parts or components
will break or may break if the machine continues to be operated.
Caution Alarm: Alarm for a case in which there is a noticeable mechanical abnormality or an alarm display is
illuminated on the machine monitor.

How to look at the table

• Date, frequency, name and code of each ConSite emergency or caution alarm are shown in the table.
• ConSite emergency and caution alarms during the reporting period are shown in the reverse order of issuance up to
as many as can be shown on one page.
• Caution alarms are not shown on the table in the report for customer.

How to analyze the data

• Check the ConSite emergency and caution alarms shown in the table. If the same alarm was repeatedly issued for a
few continuous days, there should be something abnormal with the machine.
• It is required to take an immediate action for emergency alarms.
• It is required to take an action of some sort within a few weeks for caution alarms.

Hints for customer recommendations

• When a ConSite alarm is issued, take an action of some sort for the customer. By doing so, you can
demonstrate your attention and care for the machine and the customer.
• For emergency alarms, immediately check the machine in coordination with the customer or confirm that the
customer have taken an action of some sort.
• For caution alarms, an immediate action is not required, but it is necessary to check the machine as soon as
the situation allows since the machine will get affected over time. Take an action as appropriate.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Glossary

Confidential/Dealer use only


Term Definition Page
Latest hour meter readings Hour meter readings obtained from the daily operating report of the last 0.1hr P. 7
day of a reporting period
Engine operating hours Time in which the alternator is charging or the engine is running at speeds 0.1hr P. 7
of more than 600min-1.
Fuel consumption amount Accumulated fuel injection amounts during a reporting period. 0.1l P. 7
Fuel efficiency Fuel amount per hour obtained by dividing the accumulated fuel injection 0.1l/hr P. 7
amounts by the engine operating hours during a reporting period.
Non-operation (hours) ratio Ratio of the non-operation hours to the engine operating hours during a 0.1% P. 8
reporting period.
Swing operation (hours) Ratio of the swing operation hours to the engine operating hours during a 0.1% P. 8
ratio reporting period.
Actual operating hours Time (expressed as number of hours) which is obtained by subtracting the 0.1hr P. 8
non-operation hours from the engine operating hours during a reporting period.
Front operation hours Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the front pilot pressure 0.1hr P. 11
(swing, boom, arm, bucket and auxiliary piping) is more than 0.7 MPa.
Swing operation hours Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the swing pilot pressure is 0.1hr P. 11
more than 0.7 MPa.
Travel operation hours Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the travel pilot pressure is 0.1hr P. 11
more than 0.7 MPa.
Attachment operation Time (expressed as number of hours) in which the auxiliary piping pilot 0.1hr P. 11
hours pressure is more than 0.7 MPa.
Actual operating (hours) Ratio of the actual operating hours (the engine operating hours - the non- 0.1hr P. 12
ratio operation hours) to the engine operating hours during a reporting period.
Front operation (hours) Ratio of the front operation hours to the engine operating hours during a 0.1hr P. 12
ratio reporting period
Travel operation (hours) Ratio of the travel operation hours to the engine operating hours during a 0.1hr P. 12
ratio reporting period
Attachment operation Ratio of the attachment operation hours to the engine operating hours 0.1hr P. 12
(hours) ratio during a reporting period
Monthly averaged daily Monthly average of daily highest temperatures captured by the coolant 0.1°C P. 15
highest coolant temperature temperature sensor during a reporting period (month).
Ambient temperature Monthly average of daily highest ambient temperatures captured by the 0.1°C P. 15
ambient temperature sensor during each reporting period (month).
Monthly averaged daily Monthly average of daily highest temperatures captured by the hydraulic 0.1°C P. 19
highest hydraulic oil oil temperature sensor during a reporting period (month).
Pump pressure Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2. 0.1 MPa P. 24
Pump pressure (Digging) Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2 while the arm crowd pilot 0.1 MPa P. 24
pressure is more than 0.7 MPa.
Pump pressure (Traveling) Average delivery pressure of the pumps 1 and 2 while the travel lever pilot 0.1 MPa P. 24
pressure is more than 0.7 MPa.
Engine off time Time in which the engine is off or not running. 15min P. 27
Number of alarms during Number of ConSite emergency and caution alarms issued for a target P. 29
the reporting month machine during a reporting month. P. 36

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Glossary

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Term Definition Page
Emergency alarm Alarm to be issued in a case in which there is an apparent mechanical - P. 36
abnormality or certain parts or components will break or may break if the
machine continues to be operated.
Caution alarm Alarm to be issued in a case in which there is a noticeable mechanical - P. 36
abnormality or an alarm display is illuminated on the machine monitor.

Confidential/Dealer use only

Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

Confidential/Dealer use only

Definition of judgment criteria and display comments
ECO Operation Report
❑ Non-operation (hours) ratio
Judgment criterion Comment to be displayed
A Non-operation ratio was minimized. The machine operated economically.
B Non-operation ratio was lower than normal. However, there is still a possibility to save fuel by
stopping the engine while waiting or during short breaks.
C Non-operation ratio was higher than normal. Please stop the engine during waiting time or short rest.
D A prolonged idling wastes fuel a lot. Please stop the engine more frequently. Also, there is a
possibility that a certain mechanical problem might have contributed to the high non-operation ratio.
Engine operating hours No judgment was made since engine operating hours were less than 1 hour.
during the reporting
period were 0 hours.*1
No daily operating data No judgment was made since engine operating hours were less than 1 hour.
during the reporting

❑ Swing operation (hours) ratio

Judgment criterion Comment to be displayed
A Swing operation ratio was minimized. The machine operated efficiently.
B Swing operation ratio was lower than normal. The machine operated efficiently.
C Swing operation ratio was higher than normal. In general, work efficiency can be improved by
lowering the swing operation ratio.
D Swing operation ratio was very high. In general, work efficiency can be improved by lowering the
swing operation ratio. Also, there is a possibility that a certain mechanical problem or might have
contributed to the high swing operation ratio. Otherwise, just unintended operation of swinging
might have been the case.
The actual operating No judgment was made since actual operating hours were less than 1 hour.
hours during the
reporting period were
0 hours.*1
No daily operating data No judgment was made since actual operating hours were less than 1 hour.
during the reporting
In the case the ratio is It is presumed that the pilot pressure sensor was abnormal.
more than 100%

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Ratio of Each Operation Hours
Judgment criterion Comment to be displayed
There are types of operation whose ratios are higher [applicable types of operation]*3 are higher than their total (cumulative
than the corresponding total (cumulative average) average) values.
values by more than 10%.
There are types of operation whose ratios are lower [applicable types of operation]*3 are lower than their total (cumulative
than the corresponding total (cumulative average) average) values.
values by more than 10%.
Some types of operation ratios are higher by 10% and [applicable types of operation]*3 are higher than their total (cumulative
some other types of operation ratios are lower by 10%. average) values.
[applicable types of operation]*3 are lower than their total (cumulative
average) values.
All types of operation ratios are within 10% of variation There is not any significant variation between the current month ratios
from their corresponding total (cumulative average) and their corresponding total (cumulative average) values .
No total value is available. [Type of operation] *4 was higher than the other types of operation.
Engine operating hours during the reporting period No judgment was made since engine operating hours were less than
were 0 hours.*1 1 hour.
No daily operating data during the reporting period.*2 No judgment was made since engine operating hours were less than
1 hour.
Any of the swing operation ratio, the travel operation It is presumed that the pilot pressure sensor was abnormal.
or the attachment operation ratio is more than 100%.
Otherwise, the front operation ratio is 0%.

*1: The machine operated but its operating hours were less than 1 hour.
*2: The machine did not operate.
*3: Any of the following operation ratios (multiple items may be selected.)
Actual operating hour ratio, non-operation hour ratio, swing operation hour ratio, front operation hour ratio, travel operation
hour ration and attachment operation hour ratio
*4: The highest item among non-operation, swing, front, travel and attachment operation hours ratios is referred to in the
comment space.

*[Supplement] Regarding the total (cumulative average) values

The total values (cumulative average ratios) of engine operating hours, actual operating hours (engine operating hours -
non-operation hours), non-operation hours, front operation hours, travel operation hours and attachment operation hours are
calculated based on accumulated data obtained from daily operating reports.
However, daily operating reports which contain abnormal data (due to a sensor failure for example) are cut out to make the
calculation accurate. Because of that, if you calculate a cumulative average ratio of each type of operation hours from the data
in the table on the page of "A. Operating Hours and Conditions", the resulting ratio may not precisely match up with the ratio of
the graph on the same page.

Abnormal case Explanation

Engine operating hours > 1,440 minutes Engine operating hours exceeds 24 hours within a day.
Engine operating hours < Actual operating hours Actual operating hours are more than engine operating hours.
Engine operating hours < Non-operation hours Non-operation hours are more than engine operating hours.
Actual operating hours < Swing operation hour Swing operation hours are more than actual operating hours.
Actual operating hours < Front operation hours Front operation hours are more than actual operating hours.
Actual operating hours < Travel operation hour Travel operation hours are more than actual operating hours.
Actual operating hours < Attachment operation hour Attachment operation hours are more than actual operating hours.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Monthly Averaged Daily Highest Coolant Temperature
Judgment Judgment
Judgment criterion (3) Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2)
Danger temperature range
The coolant temperature of the reporting month
― ― ― reached the "Danger" temperature range. Please
immediately have the machine inspected.
High temperature range
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
a year ago < month > Target machine in reporting month lower than the regional & class average of the same
Reporting month but higher than the temperature of the machine
month in the same month a year ago. The machine operated
in the "High" temperature range. Please have the
machine inspected.
Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
month < Target machine in reporting month higher than the regional & class average of the same
month and the temperature of its own in the same month
a year ago. The machine operated in the "High"
temperature range. Please have the machine inspected.
Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
month = Target machine in reporting month higher than that of the same month a year ago. The
machine operated in the "High" temperature range.
Please have the machine inspected.
No regional & class average data of The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. higher than that of the same month a year ago. The
machine operated in the "High" temperature range.
Please have the machine inspected.
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was lower
a year ago > month > Target machine in reporting month than the regional & class average of the same month and
Reporting that of the machine in the same month a year ago.
month Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
month < Target machine in reporting month higher than the regional & class average of the same
month but lower than the temperature of the machine in
the same month a year ago.

Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
month = Target machine in reporting month lower than that of the same month a year ago.
No regional & class average data of The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. lower than that of the same month a year ago.
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was lower
a year ago = month > Target machine in reporting month than the regional & class average of the same month.
Reporting Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
month month < Target machine in reporting month higher than the regional & class average of the same
Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
month = Target machine in reporting month the "High" temperature range in the same way as in the
same month a year ago.
No regional & class average data of The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
reporting month available. the "High" temperature range in the same way as in the
same month a year ago.
No data for Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was lower
the same month > Target machine in reporting month than the regional & class average of the same month.
month a Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was
year ago month < Target machine in reporting month higher than the regional & class average of the same
Regional & class average in reporting The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
month = Target machine in reporting month the "High" temperature range.
No regional & class average data of The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
reporting month available. the "High" temperature range.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Judgment Judgment
Judgment criterion (3) Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2)
Mid temperature range
― ― ― The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
the "Mid" temperature range.
Low temperature range
― ― ― The coolant temperature of the reporting month was in
the "Low" temperature range.
No daily operating data during the reporting period. No or insufficient data for the reporting month.
Transition of temperatures cannot be displayed.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Transition of Daily Highest Hydraulic Oil Temperatures
Judgment Judgment
Judgment criterion (3) Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2)
Danger temperature range
The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month
― ― ― reached the "Danger" temperature range. Please
immediately have the machine inspected.
High temperature range
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
a year ago < month > Target machine in reporting lower than the regional & class average of the same month
Reporting month but higher than the temperature of the machine in the same
month month a year ago. The machine operated in the "High"
temperature range. Please have the machine inspected.
Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month < Target machine in reporting higher than the regional & class average of the same
month month and the temperature of its own in the same month
a year ago. The machine operated in the "High"
temperature range. Please have the machine inspected.
Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month = Target machine in reporting higher than that of the same month a year ago. The
month machine operated in the "High" temperature range.
Please have the machine inspected.
No regional & class average data of The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. higher than that of the same month a year ago. The
machine operated in the "High" temperature range.
Please have the machine inspected.
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
a year ago > month > Target machine in reporting lower than the regional & class average of the same month
Reporting month and the temperature of its own in the same month a year ago.
month Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month < Target machine in reporting higher than the regional & class average of the same
month month but lower than the temperature of the machine in
the same month a year ago.
Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was

month = Target machine in reporting lower than that of the same month a year ago.
No regional & class average data of The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. lower than that of the same month a year ago.
Same month Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
a year ago = month > Target machine in reporting month lower than the regional & class average of the same month.
Reporting Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month month < Target machine in reporting higher than the regional & class average of the same month.
Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month = Target machine in reporting month in the "High" temperature range in the same way as in the
same month a year ago.
No regional & class average data of The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. in the "High" temperature range in the same way as in the
same month a year ago.
No data for Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
the same month > Target machine in reporting month lower than the regional & class average of the same
month a month.
year ago Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month < Target machine in reporting month higher than the regional & class average of the same month.
Regional & class average in reporting The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
month = Target machine in reporting in the "High" temperature range.
No regional & class average data of The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
reporting month available. in the "High" temperature range.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Judgment Judgment
Judgment criterion (3) Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2)
Mid temperature range
― ― ― The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
in the "Mid" temperature range.
Low temperature range
― ― ― The hydraulic oil temperature of the reporting month was
in the "Low" temperature range.
No daily operating data during the reporting period. No or insufficient data for the reporting month. Transition
of temperatures cannot be displayed.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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Tendency of Pump Pressure in the latest 200hrs

❑ Pump Pressure
Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment
Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2) criterion (3) criterion (4)
Regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
class average range ratio > 20% High" pressure range.
― ―
available The lower bar chart indicates the regional &
class average.
Very high pressure Very high + high The machine operated mostly in the "High"
range ratio < 20% pressure ranges pressure range.

ratio > 30% The lower bar chart indicates the regional &
class average.
Very high + high Mid pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
pressure ranges range ratio > 40% pressure range.
ratio < 30% The lower bar chart indicates the regional &
class average.
Mid pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
range ratio < 40% pressure range.
The lower bar chart indicates the regional &
class average.
No regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
― ―
class average range ratio > 20% High" pressure range.
Very high pressure High pressure The machine operated mostly in the "High"

range ratio < 20% range ratio > 30% pressure range.
High pressure Mid pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
range ratio < 30% range ratio > 40% pressure range.
Mid pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
range ratio < 40% pressure range.
• No pressure data available. No data or insufficient data (less than
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (New machine) 10 hours). Pump pressure tendency for the
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (Cumulative data of the last reporting month cannot be displayed.
2 up-loadings is for less than 10 operating hours.)
• No data from the target machine.

* The bar chart for the regional & class average is shown.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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❑ Pump Pressure (Digging)
Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment
Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2) criterion (3) criterion (4)
Regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
class average range ratio > 20% ― ― High" pressure range. The lower bar chart
available indicates the regional & class average.
Very high pressure Very high + high The machine operated mostly in the "High"
range ratio < 20% pressure ranges ― pressure range. The lower bar chart
ratio > 30% indicates the regional & class average.
Very high + high Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
pressure ranges ratio > 40% pressure range. The lower bar chart
ratio < 30% indicates the regional & class average.
Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
ratio < 40% pressure range. The lower bar chart
indicates the regional & class average.
No regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
― ―
class average range ratio > 20% High" pressure range.
available Very high pressure High pressure The machine operated mostly in the "High"

range ratio < 20% range ratio > 30% pressure range.
High pressure Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
range ratio < 30% ratio > 40% pressure range.
Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
ratio < 40% pressure range.
• No pressure data available. No data or insufficient data (less than
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (New machine) 10 hours). Pump pressure tendency for
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (Cumulative data of the last
2 up-loadings is for less than 10 operating hours.) the reporting month cannot be displayed.
• No data from the target machine.

* The bar chart for the regional & class average is shown.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Definition of judgment criteria and display comments

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❑ Pump Pressure (Traveling)
Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment
Comment to be displayed
criterion (1) criterion (2) criterion (3) criterion (4)
Regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
class average range ratio > 20% ― ― High" pressure range. The lower bar chart
available indicates the regional & class average.
Very high pressure Very high + high The machine operated mostly in the "High"
range ratio < 20% pressure ranges ― pressure range. The lower bar chart
ratio > 30% indicates the regional & class average.
Very high + high Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
pressure ranges ratio > 40% pressure range. The lower bar chart
ratio < 30% indicates the regional & class average.
Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
ratio < 40% pressure range. The lower bar chart
indicates the regional & class average.
No regional & Very high pressure The machine operated mostly in the "Very
― ―
class average range ratio > 20% High" pressure range.
available Very high pressure High pressure The machine operated mostly in the "High"

range ratio < 20% range ratio > 30% pressure range.
High pressure Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Mid"
range ratio < 30% ratio > 40% pressure range.
Mid pressure range The machine operated mostly in the "Low"
ratio < 40% pressure range.
• No pressure data available. No data or insufficient data (less than
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (New machine) 10 hours). Pump pressure tendency for
• Pressure data of less than 10 operating hours. (Cumulative data of the last
2 up-loadings is for less than 10 operating hours.) the reporting month cannot be displayed.
• No data from the target machine.

* The bar chart for the regional & class average is shown.

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional Partition
Regions to be used for region/class averaging were divided in the following manners. Refer to the following table
for details of each region.
• Japan: Prefectures were geographically classified into three regions.
• China: Provinces and main cities were geographically classified into 8 regions.
• Other than Japan and China: The entire area was geographically divided into the 8 regions (Africa, America, the
South Polar region, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Other areas in Asia, and Russia/CIS), considering average
temperatures. Then, each region was divided into countries.
Russia, Turkey and Australia were further divided into several main cities or areas.

Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4

Japan 西日本・沖縄 滋賀県 ―
京都府 ―
大阪府 ―
兵庫県 ―
奈良県 ―
和歌山県 ―
鳥取県 ―
島根県 ―
岡山県 ―
広島県 ―
山口県 ―
徳島県 ―
香川県 ―
愛媛県 ―
高知県 ―
福岡県 ―
佐賀県 ―
長崎県 ―
熊本県 ―
大分県 ―
宮崎県 ―
鹿児島県 ―
沖縄県 ―
東日本 茨城県 ―
栃木県 ―
群馬県 ―
埼玉県 ―
千葉県 ―
東京都 ―
神奈川県 ―
新潟県 ―
富山県 ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Japan 東日本 石川県 ―
福井県 ―
山梨県 ―
長野県 ―
岐阜県 ―
静岡県 ―
愛知県 ―
三重県 ―
北日本 北海道 ―
青森県 ―
岩手県 ―
宮城県 ―
秋田県 ―
山形県 ―
福島県 ―
China 華東地区 安徽省 ―
江苏省 ―
上海市 ―
浙江省 ―
華北地区 河北省 ―
山西省 ―
山东省 ―
天津市 ―
北京市 ―
西南云贵地区 云南省 ―
四川省 ―
重庆市 ―
贵州省 ―
西北青藏地区 甘肃省 ―
新疆维吾尔自治区 ―
西藏自治区 ―
青海省 ―
宁夏回族自治区 ―
陕西省 ―
東北内蒙地区 吉林省 ―
内蒙古自治区 ―
黑龙江省 ―
辽宁省 ―
华中地区 ( 含山东 ) 河南省 ―
湖南省 ―
湖北省 ―
江西省 ―
华南地区 ( 含福建 ) 海南省 ―
福建省 ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
China 华南地区 ( 含福建 ) 广西壮族自治区 ―
广东省 ―
Africa Eastern Africa Burundi ―
Comoros ―
Djibouti ―
Eritrea ―
Ethiopia ―
British Indian Ocean Territory ―
Kenya ―
Madagascar ―
Mozambique ―
Mauritius ―
Malawi ―
Mayotte ―
Reunion ―
Rwanda ―
Somalia ―
Seychelles ―
Tanzania ―
Uganda ―
Zambia ―
Zimbabwe ―
Middle Africa Angola ―
Central African Republic ―
Cameroon ―
Democratic Republic of the Congo ―
Congo ―
Gabon ―
Equatorial Guinea ―
São Tomé and Príncipe ―
Chad ―
Northern Africa Algeria ―
Egypt ―
Western Sahara ―
Libya ―
Morocco ―
Sudan ―
Tunisia ―
Southern Africa Botswana ―
Lesotho ―
Namibia ―
Swaziland ―
South Africa ―
Western Africa Benin ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Africa Western Africa Burkina Faso ―
Côte d'Ivoire ―
Cape Verde ―
Ghana ―
Guinea ―
The Gambia ―
Guinea-Bissau ―
Liberia ―
Mali ―
Mauritania ―
Niger ―
Nigeria ―
Senegal ―
Saint Helena ―
Sierra Leone ―
Togo ―
America Caribbean Aruba ―
Anguilla ―
Netherlands Antilles ―
Antigua and Barbuda ―
The Bahamas ―
Barbados ―
Cuba ―
Cayman Islands ―
Dominica ―
Dominican Republic ―
Guadeloupe ―
Grenada ―
Haiti ―
Jamaica ―
Saint Kitts and Nevis ―
St Lucia ―
Montserrat ―
Martinique ―
Puerto Rico ―
Turks and Caicas Islands ―
Trinidad & Tobago ―
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ―
British Virgin Islands ―
US Virgin Islands ―
Central America Belize ―
Costa Rica ―
Guatemala ―
Honduras ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
America Central America Mexico ―
Nicaragua ―
Panama ―
El Salvador ―
Northern America Bermuda ―
Canada ―
Greenland ―
St Pierre and Miquelon ―
United States ―
South America Argentina ―
Bolivia ―
Brazil ―
Chile ―
Colombia ―
Ecuador ―
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) ―
French Guiana ―
Guyana ―
Peru ―
Paraguay ―
Suriname ―
Uruguay ―
Venezuela ―
Other areas in Asia Eastern Asia Hong Kong ―
South Korea ―
Macau ―
Mongolia ―
North Korea ―
Taiwan ―
Vietnam ―
South-Eastern Asia Brunei Darussalam ―
Indonesia ―
Cambodia ―
Laos ―
Burma ―
Malaysia ―
Philippines ―
Singapore ―
Thailand ―
Timor-Leste ―
Southern Asia India Central
-Madhya Pradesh
East 1

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Other areas in Asia Southern Asia India -Sikkim
-West Bengal
East 2
-Himachal Pradesh
-Jammu & Kashmir
-Uttar Pradesh
North East
-Arunachal Pradesh
North West
-Andaman and Nicobar Islands
South 1
South 2
-Andhra Pradesh
-Tamil Nadu
-Dadra and Nagar Haveli
-Daman and Diu
Sri Lanka ―
Maldives ―
Bangladesh ―
Western Asia Bhutan ―
Nepal ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Other areas in Asia Western Asia Pakistan ―
Europe Eastern Europe Bulgaria ―
Cyprus ―
Czech Republic ―
Hungary ―
Poland ―
Romania ―
Slovakia ―
Northern Europe Aland Islands ―
Denmark ―
Estonia ―
Finland ―
Faroe Islands ―
Isle of Man ―
Iceland ―
Lithuania ―
Latvia ―
Norway ―
Jan Mayen ―
Sweden ―
Southern Europe Albania ―
Andorra ―
Bosnia and Herzegovina ―
Spain ―
Gibraltar ―
Greece ―
Croatia ―
Italy ―
Macedonia ―
Malta ―
Montenegro ―
Portugal ―
Serbia ―
San Marino ―
Slovenia ―
Vatican City ―
Western Europe Austria ―
Belgium ―
Switzerland ―
Germany ―
France ―
United Kingdom ―
Ireland ―
Liechtenstein ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Europe Western Europe Luxembourg ―
Monaco ―
Netherlands ―
Middle East Central Middle East Iran ―
Iraq ―
Kuwait ―
Eastern Middle East Afghanistan ―
Northern Middle East Turkey Aegean Region
-Afyonkarahisar Province
Black Sea Region

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Middle East Northern Middle East Turkey Central Anatolia Region
Eastern Anatolia Region
Marmara Region

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Middle East Northern Middle East Turkey Mediterranean Region
-Mersin Province
Southeastern Anatolia Region
Southern Middle East United Arab Emirates ―
Bahrain ―
Oman ―
Qatar ―
Saudi Arabia ―
Yemen ―
Western Middle East Israel ―
Jordan ―
Lebanon ―
Syria ―
Oceania Australia and Australia New South Wales
neighboring countries -Australian Capital Territory
-New South Wales
Northern AUS
-Northern Territory
Papua New Guinea
-Aubusi Island
-Boigu Island
-Dauan Island
-Kaumag Island
-Mata Kawa Island

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Oceania Australia and Australia Queensland
neighboring countries -Buru
-Kawa Island
Southern AUS
-South Australia
Western AUS
-Western Australia
Norfolk Island ―
Melanesia Cocos (Keeling) Islands ―
Christmas Island ―
Fiji ―
New Caledonia ―
Papua New Guinea ―
Solomon Islands ―
Vanuatu ―
Micronesia Micronesia ―
Guam ―
Kiribati ―
Marshall Islands ―
Northern Mariana Islands ―
Nauru ―
Palau ―
Polynesia American Samoa ―
Cook Islands ―
Niue ―
French Polynesia ―
Tokelau ―
Tonga ―
Tuvalu ―
Wake Island ―
Wallis and Futuna ―
Samoa ―
New Zealand New Zealand ―

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Russia / CIS Northern Russia / CIS Russia Far Eastern
-Amur Oblast
-Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
-Kamchatka Krai
-Khabarovsk Krai
-Magadan Oblast
-Primorsky Krai
-Republic of Sakha
-Sakhalin Oblast
-Jewish Autonomous Oblast
-Belgorod Oblast
-Bryansk Oblast
-Ivanovo Oblast
-Kaluga Oblast
-Kostroma Oblast
-Province of Kursk
-Lipetsk Oblast
-Oryol Oblast
-Ryazan Oblast
-Smolensk Oblast
-Tambov Oblast
-Tula Oblast
-Tver Oblast
-Vladimir Oblast
-Voronezh Oblast
-Yaroslavl Oblast
-Moscow Oblast
North Caucasia
-Republic of Chechen
-Republic of Ingushetia
-Republic of Kabardino-Balkar
-Republic of Karachay-Cherkess
-Republic of Dagestan
-Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
-Stavropol Krai

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Monthly Report Utilization Manual > Regional Partition

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Russia / CIS Northern Russia / CIS Russia North West
-Arkhangelsk Oblast
-Leningrad Oblast
-Murmansk Oblast
-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
-Novgorod Oblast
-Pskov Oblast
-Republic of Karelia
-Vologda Oblast
-Kaliningrad Oblast
-Altai Krai
-Zabaykalsky Krai
-Irkutsk Oblast
-Kemerovo Oblast
-Krasnoyarsk Krai
-Novosibirsk Oblast
-Omsk Oblast
-Republic of Altai
-Republic of Buryatia
-Republic of Khakassia
-Republic of Tuva
-Tomsk Oblast
-Astrakhan Oblast
-Republic of Kalmykia
-Krasnodar Krai
-Republic of Adygea
-Rostov Oblast
-Volgograd Oblast
-Chelyabinsk Oblast
-Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
-Kurgan Oblast
-Sverdlovsk Oblast
-Tyumen Oblast
-Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

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Regional partition 1 Regional partition 2 Regional partition 3 Regional partition 4
Russia / CIS Northern Russia / CIS Russia Volga
-Republic of Chuvash
-Kirov Oblast
-Republic of Komi
-Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
-Orenburg Oblast
-Penza Oblast
-Perm Krai
-Republic of Bashkortostan
-Republic of Mari El
-Republic of Mordovia
-Republic of Tatarstan
-Samara Oblast
-Saratov Oblast
-Republic of Udmurt
-Ulyanovsk Oblast
Southern Russia / CIS Armenia ―
Azerbaijan ―
Georgia ―
Kazakhstan ―
Kyrgyzstan ―
Tajikistan ―
Turkmenistan ―
Uzbekistan ―
Western Russia / CIS Belarus ―
Moldova ―
Ukraine ―

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Revision History

Revision Corrected
Date Correction
Trail page
1 2015/5/8 5 [Contents and Summaries]: Sentences are modified and added in the section
"A. Operating Hours and Conditions".
1 2015/5/8 5 [Contents and Summaries]: The section "F. Alarm Issuance History" is added.
1 2015/5/8 7 [How to look at the table]: A sentence is modified in the section "Operating
Conditions Calendar".
1 2015/5/8 7 [How to look at the table]: Sentences are modified in the section "Fuel
Efficiency and CO2".
1 2015/5/8 8 [Definition]: The term "Actual operating hours" is added.
1 2015/5/8 8 [How to look at the table]: Sentences are modified in the section "Non-
Operation Ratio".
1 2015/5/8 9 [How to look at the table]: Sentences are modified in the section "Swing
Operation Ratio".
1 2015/5/8 9 [How to analyze the data]: The section "Swing operation ratio" is added.
1 2015/5/8 9 [Hints for customer recommendations]: A sentence is modified in the section
"Swing Operation Ratio".
1 2015/5/8 12 [Definition]: Sentences are modified and added in the section "Transition of
Cumulative Engine Operating Hours".
1 2015/5/8 12,13 The item "Expected milestone dates" is added to each section.
1 2015/5/8 15 [Definition]: Sentence are modified in the section "Monthly averaged daily
highest coolant temperature".
1 2015/5/8 15,19 [Definition]: The definition of "Ambient temperature" is modified.
1 2015/5/8 15,19 [How to read the charts]: The explanation of "Transition of average ambient
temperature" is modified.
1 2015/5/8 27 The section "How to analyze the data" is added.
1 2015/5/8 27 The section "Hints for customer recommendations" is added.
1 2015/5/8 28,29,35,36 The section "F. Alarm issuance history" is added".
1 2015/5/8 37 Some items are modified and added in the section "Glossary".
1 2015/5/8 39 [Definition of judgment criteria and display comments] → [ECO operation
report]: The table "Swing operation ratio" is modified.
1 2015/5/8 39 [Definition of judgment criteria and display comments]: The table "Ratio of
Each Operation Hours" is modified.
1 2015/5/8 40 [Definition of judgment criteria and display comments]: The section
"[Supplement] Regarding the total (cumulative average) values" and the table
1 2015/5/8 48-60 The table "Regional Partition" is modified.

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