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Quality Management System – Work Instruction

Document No: HEI-019C Date: 02/10/2004

Title: Engineering Change Order Review Meeting
Written By: Daniel Dunn Approved By: David Chastain
Revision History:

Revision Description Affected Pages Approval Date

A Initial Issue All David Chastain 9/8/03
B Add email notification of pending ECOs 2 David Chastain 01/12/04
C Add Accounting as required attendee. Add All
Estimated ECO implementation cost/saving data
Instruction Inputs and Outputs:
Input From Output To
Approved ECO HEI-018
Rejected ECO ECO Originator
Purpose and Scope:
HEI-003 – Engineering Change Order Generation and Submission
HEI-018 – ECO Processing After Review and Approval
HEI-020 - Engineering Change Order Implementation
HEF-019 – Engineering Change Order Review Meeting Agenda
See Figure 1 for the ECO meeting process.
Required Attendees and Responsibilities:
Process Engineering – Review ECO for producability accuracy, impact on Production cost and affect on
Assembly Procedures.
Production Planning – Review ECO for affect on current and planned Production builds, impact on
inventory and acquisition considerations and cost.
Purchasing – Review ECO for impact on open purchase orders and upcoming acquisition actions. Evaluate
make/buy, cost and lead-time issues for revised and tab-upped items.
Customer Care – Review ECO for affect on units in the field, customer impact and cost.
Hardware Engineering – Be available to discuss technical issues that may arise during the meeting.
Configuration Management – Review ECO to ensure configuration integrity and impact on other systems.
Accounting – Review ECO for cost impact.
Presence of all Required Attendees is necessary. An alternate member shall be assigned to ensure proper
representation at the ECO Review Meetings in the event that the primary member is unavailable.
Optional Attendees: Others on an as-required basis.
Meeting Schedule:
The ECO Review Meeting will be held every Wednesday. If there is an unpreventable schedule conflict, which
prohibits proper representation, the meeting will be rescheduled for no later than Friday morning.
ECO’s presented for review will be placed in the ECO Review Meeting folder no later than 3:00 PM on the Monday
prior to the scheduled review meeting. This will allow review time by the required attendees prior to the meeting.
An ECO with a “High Priority”, as defined in HEI-003, will be subject to a walk-around review and release
immediately upon approval. The walk-around review and results of the review will be recorded on the ECO Review
Meeting Agenda for the next scheduled meeting.

HEI-019C DRAFT (02/10/04) Engineering Change Order Generation and Submission Page 1 of 2
Quality Management System – Work Instruction

ECO Package

DCC Moves ECO Package into ECO

Meeting Folder at
Hardware\Released\Pending ECOs
and sends an email notification to the
ECO Review Meeting attendees.

DCC Generates ECO Meeting Agenda

Using HEF-019 in the ECO Meeting Folder

DCC updates the ECO package

and and submits the ECO for Upon receipt of the email notification the
review at the next meeting. or attendees review the ECOs, prepare the
walk-through if applicable applicable estimated cost/savings
information and take necessary actions in
preparation for the ECO Review Meeting.
Actionee satisfies action item and
forwards addition data if required
to DCC ECO is evaluated at the ECO Review
Meeting, disposition determined and the
effectivity established. If significant
Assign action item for alteration of changes are made to the ECO during the
ECO, record reason ECO is held meeting the responsible engineer will be
in ECO Meeting Agenda, and consulted for confirmation of the changes.
distribute to actionee.

Held ECO Disposition Rejected


List reason for rejection in ECO

ECO notes, record rejection and reason
Yes Implementation Plan on ECO Agenda and ECO Log

ECO Implementation
Plan developed in DCC returns the ECO to the
accordance with Originator, maintains original
Record approval in the
HEI-020 hardcopy in ECO Master files and the
ECO Meeting Agenda
electronic copy in ECO folder.

Process ECO in accordance

with HEI-018

Figure 1

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