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ENLIGHT IAS AN Ins DIRECTIVE WORDS Break an issue into Look By Geptat ened) cok an i Eee Pets sconstuent ee against + Interrelation You need to investigate and explain the nature of the definitions or concepts of a question or topic and explain the way they are interrelated. Critically analyze ‘This could involve for example, expaiing in simpler terms a compton processor theory, orthe ‘elstionshipbetwcen tw ‘rabies Clarify You'll have to give Reapply your point using Comment Water foxes jou te including any ee upon "wbject ee) C sentyesintaer anf bested ompare pee en) Pretec P A ae Sean Include any views which are H ited eet: “contrary to your own and how Hee [=fg D> Cectermncenmee, “ayant ‘tom external sources, oF YOUR DREAMS Answer must be concluded by addressing the central Idea of the topic. support the argument by providing supporting evidence. ‘explain in such language that anyone can ‘understar Your opinion may be for or against, but you must back your argument with evidences. ‘Compare’ and ‘contrast’ will often feature together in an essay question. For example, consider the following natement: Nehra made a mistake by raising the ENLIGHT IAS AN INSTITUTE OF YOUR DREAMS DIRECTIVE WORDS _ iio cmat Point out any on inegt differences which Cea tebe Sermewn near are particularly them. important. atonal e Vege Sshatonse eee acta ere To give the | meaning of an problems with object in precise definitions and various eee interpretations Show how, Demonstrate aturcuncn illustrate. 7 Give a detailed explanation as Describe to how and why something happens. Or states the advantages and disadvantages of a given context. Explore alternative explanations where they exist. Don't forget to conclude your answer. ENLIGHT IAS AN INSTITUTE OF YOUR DREAMS. DIRECTIVE WORDS A person has to Also, discuss the eee 1INg DIO of view regarding the question. This directive Critically elit lats) Adopt a questioning approach and consider different perspectives. ‘Means give a detailed description of something. give his / her point points of cr regarding the ‘concept. ‘Thi shouldbe artes assessment and you should ryt find out why the acts and sues you have identied rete mostinportant one. Examine both sides of the coin. Where possible reconcile opposing views by presenting afinal line of argument. Don't be confused with ‘account for’ which asks you not ‘only what, but why something happened. icism ‘And at the same time explain the various ways they can be construed. End witha balanced conclusion. ENLIGHT IAS AN INSTITU YOUR DREAMS DIRECTIVE WORDS 2 ¢ Determine which key oC=Tal 1 AYA wecesanme are its implications. appropriate use ‘examples and statistics ‘toadd weight to your ‘explanation. Inthe latter Demonstrate your specltwrminoogybyan_‘iNstance, comment understanding of reeset cee eran sentient in ‘a plece patterns and causal an issue or topic. reae, temas Sone » O Create a case by providing “TepanE a Belaticed a body of evidence to eee ——> 18 | | y support your ideas and © before stating your perspectives. é setae Convey the key points ‘emphasizing global structures and interrelationships rather than minute detail. Reviews=== ENLIGHT IAS AN INS oF YOUR DREAMS DIRECTIVE WORDS rITUT Present, in a logical relevant eiiree cD . stages and combination crielapenehwiitp factors that give rise to reference to --> something. Specifying key aspects of a topic in clear terms without being explicitly descriptive. Brief or general examples would normally suffice for such an answer. scam crave strgernan crete cling relevant esearch ut at extent something is ‘same time remember to point out any true. laws and counter-arguments. To provide a lot of LAE ofe) ca] esp sian evoration arity topicby giving = Thereshouldeclorty defining key terme Eg explain why etledhcoutsttohowand _Invourwtingsothat wheres, ‘alr quality of ‘why tocar what is meant Complex processes ot ‘i ers ‘bythe use ofthis term in a ‘sequences of events bbe substantiated with Delhi pertclar context. ‘an be understood. ‘elevantresearch. poor. ENLIGHT IAS AN INSTITUTE OF YOUR DREAMS DIRECTIVE WORDS Break the statement/topicinto End with a comment on why eee SS Rn — ‘unworthy. oa: (By using critically, Examiner > fetal oe, a = statement rng within fangeotscurcsthat > plone of researchiscorrect, ‘agreeandcontradict |." evaluate Se Tete Website:

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