Communis: Sender

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Good Morning everyone, my name is Dianne Mae M.

Salvador and I’m your new English Language

Tutor. Today I’d like to give a brief introduction in the elements of communication.
I’ve divided my presentation into two main parts. First I want to discuss to you the definition of
communication. Then the second one are the elements of communication which is so important to you to
know .
So let’s begin.
Communication- Did you know that The term communication is derived from the Latin word communis,
meaning common.
Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information. the act or process of
using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express
your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
For example : The face to face conversation , telephone calls, text message and more.
So let’s proceed to our main topic for today which is the elements of communication.
The essential elements of communication are the following.
• The sender • Decoding
• encoding • Receiver
• Message • Feedback

First is the sender

So SENDER He is the person who sends his ideas to another person. A sender is a person
who encodes & sends the message to the expected receiver through an appropriate channel.
For example, if a manager wants to inform his subordinates about the introduction of a new
product, he is the sender.
Another example is the person who write a letter for a friend.
Next is the MESSAGE the idea, feeling, suggestion, guidelines, orders or any content which is
intended to be communicated is message. For example, message is the introduction of new
product. Another example is if the person write a letter then the message is all about
greetings, saying hello and how are you like that.
Next is the CHANNEL A channel is a medium through which a message is sent or received
between two or more people. Several channels can be used to send or receive the message,
i.e. seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, & tasting.
For example, phone calls, text messages, emails, video, radio, and social media are all types
of communication channels.
And next is the RECEIVER it is the person to whom the message has been sent. For example,
subordinates are the receivers.
Lastly is the FEEDBACK, It is the response by the receiver. It marks the completion of the
communication process. It is a return message sent by the receiver to the sender.
This English language presentation is coming to an end but before we go any further I'd like to
give you some examples and ask you if you know who sent it, who received it, and what the
message is all about. So let’s begin.
So as you can see in the picture on your screen there is a sentence there, read it first and I ask
a question.

A teacher wants to inform her students about the
incoming program in their school.

Who is the sender in the sample sentence after you've read it? Encircle the sender and underlined
the message all about and lastly, box the receiver.
So here is the answer in your screen ….

Teacher wants to inform her Students
A teacher students about the
incoming program in their school.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask now and I’ll do my best to answer.
So thank you everyone and that’s all for today goodbye….

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