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China Pakistan Economic Corridor-


China is the most populated country in the world. China has very close relations with
Pakistan since 1955 when the Prime Ministers of both countries met in Indonesia.
China has helped Pakistan in many areas of life. China and Pakistan are sharing a 600-
kilometre long borderline. China lent a helping hand during the Indo-Pak war in 1965
and 1971 and supported Pakistan fully and promptly. That is why China and Pakistan
have a deep-rooted friendship. This companionship grew stronger when the
Karakoram highway, commonly known as Silk Route, was built. It linked many areas
of Pakistan to China and helped a lot in the silk trade. Now, these relations will increase
due to CPEC as it is the outcome of Xi's mission One Road One Belt. As this will link
many Central and South Asian countries under one road. Which will result in a stable
economy of Pakistan.
CPEC is the abbreviation ( )‫مےفے ے ہے‬of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. It is a
highway which links the newly created Gwadar port to the historical city of China,
Kashgar. Its estimated length is about 2318 kilometres. Gawadar port will be used for
importing and exporting the Chinese and Pakistani goods. The significant objective of
the CPEC is to establish a cutting edge ( ‫جدید ترین‬international airport and to rebuild
the railway infrastructure of Pakistan. The main goal of CPEC is to expand the trade
relations of China and Pakistan to the other countries, to stabilize the economy of
Pakistan and to popularize the natural sights of Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
CPEC will also prove a good deal for China. There are many undeveloped areas in
Western China and this road will bring a noticeable change in such areas. Secondly,
this will also enable China to have better trade relations in many countries like India,
Bangladesh, Singapore and the countries which are linked directly or indirectly to the
Indian Ocean. It will also help many Chinese companies to make the most of their
products and services outside of China.
"CPEC will be a game-changer for Pakistan". This quote is based on reality. It is true
that Pakistan will hold more advantages than China in respect to CPEC. China has
been investing 46.5 billion dollars in establishing new energy resources in Pakistan to
run this linkage between Kashgar and Gwadar smoothly. This will end the continuous
load-shedding in Pakistan. Moreover, it will reduce economic instability gradually.
Pakistan has been spending a large number of its economic resources in importing oil.
Through CPEC, Pakistan will have to rely on its coal resources which will reduce the
oil bill. As this road is passing through many undeveloped areas of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, this highway will create many opportunities for the
people living in these provinces ( )‫صوب‬to earn their livelihood (. ‫روزی‬
Both Pakistan and China are working with great enthusiasm to build the pathway of
progress. But Pakistan should keep an eye on its interests. There are many factors
which are playing havoc against CPEC. Therefore, Pakistan should provide all possible
measures to China to guard and protect CPEC. Pakistan should maintain its trade
relations with China as well as with other countries. Moreover, cutting trees and
replacing them with a road can cause serious environmental problems. That is why our
environment should be protected at any cost. And lastly, Pakistan should provide
equal chances to the industries to take advantage of CPEC.
It is stated that this project will be completed after 2025. The project like CPEC is
essential for its economic revival. That is why, it should be completed in time.

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