Accounting Assignment

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0 Introduction

Bookshack is a cafe in the food and Beverages industry which has started established
since 01-01-2019. The name of the shop “Bookshack Cafe” is the form of sole
proprietorship which provides service to customers.The owner of this shop is Lim Qi
En.The reason I choose to use this logo because it is my cafe’s signature.The word
‘bookshack’means that I will provide books such as novels,magazines to my
customers to read while they are in my cafe having their tea break. This brings
benefits to people that we are trying to encourage the public to get use of reading. In
the cafe,we provide latte,expresso,ice blended,Americano,homemade cakes & muffin.
In order to begin the business, I have contributed RM200,000 into the business as an
opening capital,where RM100,000 used to buy machinery and storage hardware.
RM90,000 to renovate the shop, another RM10,000 to buy office equipment.
However, the rest of the capital will used to purchase ingredients. Thus, I have
employed 5 workers which is 1 cashier,2 chef,1 coffee maker,1 waiter. Bookshack
determined to become a famous cafe for local coffee lovers,a place for you to relax
after a tiring day. As a sole proprietor, I believed that Bookshack Cafe can provide my
customers a best place to enjoy coffee and take a relax there.

1.1 Body

To ensure that my business goes smoothly and successfully, I have to run my

business to become a famous and well-known cafe. There are various ways that
need to be developed which consist how the product can be promote,the target
customers,the ways to distribute the product and the methods to provide my
business a competitive edge.

Ways to promote the products

To promote my products, I should promote by distributing flyers to the people

around my shop. Flyers are very effective in promoting products among the public.
Flyers helps my business to bring informations to the public. The next method to
promote my product is to post photos,information about my shop to the social
media such as Facebook,Instagram that are mainly used by the public
nowadays.People nowadays will more prefer online information as it is easy to
access and read.
Target Customers

My target customers are the teenagers,working adults. This is because teenagers

and working adults are from the age from 18 to 30 years old will have the high
possiblility to buy my products. The teenagers such as university students will hang
out and choose a suitable cafe to start do their assignments,or chatting with their
friends. For the working adults, usually they will meet people in the cafe as there is
an air conditioner environment with internet access area. Easier for them to access
the internet connection.

Methods to provide business with competitive edge

The methods to provide my business a competitive edge is using the 4P’s marketing
strategies such as product,price,place,promotion. The part of marketing mix involves
food and beverages. I can provide extra service that provides delivery product to
customers’ residence. Besides that, I will advertise or promote my products using
online method. Not only I can sell my products in shop, but I can promote my
products using social media as well. For the price, I will give special price to students
to encourage they always purchase my products with me. About the promotion, I
will do special promotion on some festival seasons such as Chinese New Year,
Christmas day to attract more customers to enter my shop for purchasing. I will also
organise some activities in the shop for a rebating that the customers’ support. The
promotion strategy takes advantage of the behavioral tendency of people to
purchase more products with higher price.

Mission and Vision


The mission of our business is to provide the world’s ultimate coffee shop experience
with the highest-quality products, most inviting stores, friendliest staff and best
value.Providing the greatest standards of quality of purchasing and free delivery of
our coffee.Creating extraordinary coffee experiences for our customers all of the time.
Our vision is to set and maintain the highest standard of quality and ethics in
everything we do.To provide perfect, delicious coffee products and excellent, reliable
services to our customers.Next, we want to earn the trust of our customers,
employees, partners and our community and to contribute to good development and
prosperity.And to be established and trusted as the perfect coffee business partner.To
be a leader in innovation, service and quality.
Details of Business

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