Reward and Recognition Policy

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Alston Technologies

Policy : Reward & Recognition Version: 1.0

Effective Date : 1st August 2009 Approved by : Director

Objective/ Purpose

 To encourage & recognize the excellent performance and achievement of

employees through the use of rewards those are creative, flexible, and
 To enable recognizing and rewarding in immediate response to specific
 To Contribute to our ability to attract, retain, develop and motivate the
right people

 The Reward and Recognition Policy will be applicable to all employees
and will be disbursed based on set parameters
 Motivation & Positive competition on-the-move

The Policy
1. The Reward and Recognition Policy will acknowledge performance and
initiatives at Company, team and individual levels.
2. Reward methods will be used to align individual performance and
corporate objectives.
3. Rewards will be designed to encourage individuals to behave in ways that
support corporate values e.g. teamwork, individual recognition.
4. The reward system will be underpinned by objective methodology for
judging the best on each parameter, and thus reinforce a performance
5. The Management reserves the right to terminate or make changes to this
policy at any time.

Reward - One-time cash or non-cash award for significant outstanding
performance on areas identified and defined.

Guiding Principles
1. Rewards should be given for significant outstanding performance that
advances the departmental goals, and should be tied to a specific
Alston Technologies
2. Rewards are most effective when they are meaningful to the individual.
3. Care should be taken in communication and distribution of rewards so
that they are not viewed as entitlements.
4. Care should be taken in communication and distribution of rewards so
that they are not viewed as subjective
5. Rewards are not adjustments to base salary, Special Allowance, or
variable pay programs (such as bonus, incentives etc).
6. Spontaneous recognition and rewards would be in the form of an
appreciation letter.

Reward & Recognition Committee

There will be a Reward & Recognition committee and will be comprised of all
concerned Functional Head.

Administration of the Policy

1. The HR will be responsible for the administration and maintenance of the
policy and ensuring the adaptation of best practices within the program.
2. The Office of Human Resources will:
 Provide guidelines regarding reward structure and processes.
 Invite Nominations as per period defined.
 Review all nominations for the month selecting the award winners,
subject to approval by the Management Team.
 Initiate and/or review changes to the Reward and Recognition Policy,
subject to approval by the Management team.
 Propose and manage the annual budget for the reward and
recognition schemes
 Serve as consultants to all departments in developing reward
 Oversee the use of reward programs.
 Serve as a clearinghouse for best practices.
 Process payroll taxes for cash and taxable non-cash awards.

3. Initiator :

Reporting officer of the employee Initiator will be required to provide information on the
nature of contribution made by the employee and the resulting benefits from it to the
Alston Technologies

1. To ensure both fair and consistent application, a core set of rewards and
recognition programs has been developed
2. The various Reward and Recognition Programs to be awarded are as
listed in
3. They are typical of recognition programs identified as best practices and
include both planned and immediate employee recognition programs.
4. Additional recognition programs may be added as the Company becomes
more accustom to their use.
5. The listing will be subject to review every year or based on Business
6. The Awards would be both monetary as well as non-monetary kinds

Award Categories

1. Promising New Comer Award:

• Criteria

Criteria for nominating employees for this award would be multifarious –

pertaining to every aspect of professional conduct of an employee in the
organization including his/her attitude, behavior, performance and potential.

These criteria have been detailed in the New joinee Assessment form

Minimum overall rating to qualify to be nominated in this award category is 4 on

a scale of 1-5 where I is the lowest rating

• Initiator

Reporting officer of the employee would initiate the process by filling the
relevant form and submitting it to HR after seeking approval from the
concerned function Head.

2. Excellence in Quality Award

Alston Technologies
Criteria for nominating projects/employees for the awards mentioned above would be
as follows.

a) Attaining an average score of 3& above when evaluated on the following

parameters on a scale of 1-5 where 1= never does 2= rarely,3= sometimes
,4=most of the times 5,=always

(1) Best project of the Quarter

Parameters Weightage

* Process adherence 20%

* Effectiveness of reviews and approvals 20%
* Time sheet entries 10%
* Participation in process improvement 20%
* Participation in CMM activity 25%
* Effective communication 5%

All nominators would be required to justify the nominations by giving illustrations

(wherever possible)in support of the ratings awarded against the parameters mentioned
above .

(2) Exceptional contribution in the area of quality in individual capacity

Parameters Weightage

a) Process adherence 20%

b) Spreading process awareness across the organization 30%
c) Turn around time to close Non-compliance 20%
d) Effective audit and value addition 20%
e) Identifying process gaps and filling them 10%

All nominators would be required to justify the nominations by giving illustrations

(wherever possible) in support of the ratings awarded against the parameters mentioned

3. Rewarding Exceptional Contribution in the Area of Team work

Alston Technologies
Criteria for nominating team members for this award would be as follows.

a) Attaining an average score of 4& above when evaluated on the following

parameters on a scale of 1-5 where I = never does,2= rarely ,3 =sometimes ,4=
most of the time ,5= always


• Cooperates and functions well with others in the pursuit of team objectives
• Leads by example in the pursuit of excellence in performance and delivering
value to the organization
• Inspires team members to achieve high standards of performance
• Actively looks for synergies and fosters cooperation across other functions
• Interacts with others in a sensitive manner and shows respect for their views and
• Is self motivated and undertakes initiatives
• Is receptive to feedback
• Shares knowledge and gives credit
• Is open to new knowledge and ideas.

b) Making a significant contribution towards the achievement of team objectives

during the specified nominating manager would be required to justify the
nomination of the person by specifying any such Achievement of his ,wherein his
team spirit is strongly reflected .

4. Rewarding Innovation and Creativity


Criteria for nominating team members for this award would be.

Proposing any innovative idea or solution which is approved for implementation and
which would lead to improvement in any of the following areas:

• Company Culture
• Company policies
• Functional Processes
• Inter/Intra Functional Team Functioning
• Areas pertaining to individual Role & Responsibilities

5. Rewarding outstanding performance

• Criteria
Alston Technologies
We take pride in our outstanding performers .They are the major force behind our
success .Criteria for nominating employees for this award would be exceptional
performance in a given role by an employee resulting in significant contribution
to the company in terms of savings/revenues/growth /technological
innovation/improvement in the functioning of the organization etc

Cash Award/ Monetary Awards

 One-time cash rewards are disbursed as additional pay during the
normal payroll cycle

Non-monetary Awards
Non-monetary recognition awards include: non-refundable gift certificates;
meals; trips; plaques; trophies; certificates; desk items; cups and mugs;
personal items of clothing such as caps, shirts, and sweatshirts; and other
items such as tools, electronics, radios, sports equipment and timepieces.

Tax Law Compliance

The Reward and recognition activities must be in compliance with all applicable
tax laws.

Planned Employee Recognition
This approach is characterized by scheduled ways of acknowledging
contributions and accomplishments of an individual or team. This approach is
less formal and provides more frequent opportunities to recognize employees.
1. The nomination process: The nomination is called from all departments
based on the schedule of disbursement
2. The nominations must be submitted to the HR department committee
with the appropriate documentation for all monetary awards, gift
cards/certificates for any amount and non-monetary awards.
3. The approval process: Nominations reviewed by designated committee
and recommendation made to the Management team; the Management
Team gives the go ahead.

Policy Interpretation
Alston Technologies
The HR Head is responsible for official interpretation of this policy. Questions
regarding the application of this policy should be directed to the HR

The Management reserves the right to revise or eliminate this policy.

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