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MGMT 601: Assignment #2 – Case Analysis


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August 27, 2021



The paper will analyse the leadership within the compliance of workforce oriented to complete

these given tasks. Having effective analysis and organizing work process within the team will be

comprehensively discussed. The idea of issues within the team or subordinates leading to

problematic situations will be analysed using the case study of Claus, Riley and Trevon. This

video will allow the use of theoretical knowledge on tackling issues arising within the team and

organization. Lastly, the paper will also highlight on the recommendations to offer for the future

prospects and able to combat given likely situations in the organization.


There are many components that impact the associations as authority and gathering conduct are

not many of them. The initiative was characterized as the most common way of impacting a

coordinated gathering toward achieving its objectives. It is extremely basic for the associations to

support and flourish, so one thing that is frequently discussed is whether the leader's qualities,

character, and insight are the keys for viable authority or they are only a variable among

numerous others. The Most significant in administration is the leader's conduct, which sways the

leader's capacity to connect with groups and accomplish the ideal outcomes. Also, this could be

perceived by seeing, what it is that leaders do.

According to the scientists at the University of Michigan, four classes of administration practices

are identified with powerful gathering execution: leader support, connection assistance, objective

accentuation, and work help. Here we are managing a work circumstance wherein a leader needs

to managed distinctive individual character among his colleagues which is affecting its

continuous undertaking contrarily. Further on evaluating the circumstance, it is evident that there

are sure holes in the gathering execution coming about in delays in the fruition of undertaking

and the primary giver towards these holes are the defects of authority conduct of the leader and

individual character qualities of gathering individuals. In this way, dissecting the circumstance

further it very well may be recognized that there is a hole in communication among the gathering

and intergroup in the association (ȚUȚUIANU, 2012). As powerful communication is vital for

the association's prosperity, absence of it brings about a super bad way. Great man theory may

have contributed to the organizational issue because the senior management did not provide the

middle level management with an opportunity to practice leadership hence creating a gap in the

leadership structure (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2018). Restructuring the leadership hierarchy

of the organization, this would enable the organization a leadership representative in every level

of the organization hence eliminating the gap in the leadership structure. Style and behaviour

theory is also discussed as it focuses on promoting the value of leadership styles with an

emphasis on concern for people and collaboration (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2018). It

promotes participative decision making and team development by supporting individual needs

and aligning individual and group objectives.

Issue 1

Communication advances inspiration among subordinates causing them to feel association and

belongingness to the association, it serves to explain the assignment to the gathering and guide

simultaneously and support wherein expected to work on the exhibition. It likewise assumes a

significant part in changing a person's mentality which is truly necessary for the event of both

Riley and Trevon. In the event that your subordinates/representatives/bunch is very much

educated about the task to be done then their perspectives get changed appropriately to play out

the undertaking. It likewise helps in mingling which is needed on occasion in work


circumstances like Riley is in. It is the essential obligation of a chief to create and keep up with a

powerful communication framework in the association. He/she should find the hindrance to

correspondence in the gathering or intergroup and take preventive measures to conquer it. Here

in the event that there was connection assistance present, there were no issues in the information

stream inside the intergroup and inside the gathering of an association and the outcomes would

have been accomplished on schedule. In the case, Riley knew about her undertakings which

incorporates Liaoning with bury office for information to achieve her end task in advance then

she would not have been reluctant to impart to finish the job inside the set courses of events.

Furthermore, if in spite of doing legitimate entomb office correspondence, would she had not got

the information, then, at that point she would have raised something very similar to Claus in

advance, wherein he would have stepped in and figured out how to get the necessary information

on prompt premise and had not stuck in last minutes. For over the correspondence must be

obvious from the beginning which was administrator's obligation so I feel it was one of the

issues inadequacies of errand circulation and by and large work measures in this group.

Issue 2

Second there was a lack of work facilitation i.e., no escalation matrix, no guidance from

manager, no support etc. There was lag in approach from manager’ side too else there would be a

daily or interval call on project updates, priorities of task would have been defined like Riley’s

task need to finish first providing ample time to Trevon to finish his. Leaders need to motivate

their followers to achieve the desired results but here in this situation there is no motivation from

Claus despite of him being aware of his subordinate’s personality traits like Riley’s rigid and

irresponsible nature and Trevon’s fragile and anxious nature. Considering the experience of last

project with Riley and Trevon, Claus could have worked on their different personality traits and

planned the whole task accordingly instead he was kept relying on them till last minutes. Here

Even Riley and Trevon should have considered their last project experience and could have done

some improvements in their performance.

So, if we say Claus had made work facilitation for Riley and Trevon like proper planning of the

task, Timely updates on project, providing guidance, supporting in need, providing escalation

matrix etc., then the flow of project would have been in an effective and timely manner. Also, if

all three had considered the issues they had faced in the last project and had improved on them

then this project would have definitely been not impacted.

Issue 3

Third problem which I feel in the overall work process is cross skilling. Here Claus has already

faced the problem of different personality trait of his subordinates in the past project so he needs

to be prepared for like situation in future and accordingly would have started cross skilling

among team members which is not only useful in such situation but also in uncertainty. As

industry practice every employee should have a backup plan for his or her role and same way

Claus should also have adopted the cross skilling. Here it is visible that Trevon is ready to

support Riley but due to his lack of process knowledge or skills, Claus cannot get him involved

in Riley’s task. If Claus have considered this problem of cross skilling before and had

implemented on time then in the current scenario Trevon could have helped Riley in her task

instead of waiting for data from Riley and being anxious. Moreover, even in their project update

meeting just some time before Claus’s Meeting with the director, I feel his approach was not in a

leadership way for e.g. First instead of listening to subordinate’s problem and supporting in a

crisis like situation and initiating an escalation for data to Camille and Che, Claus expects the

same to be done by Riley. I agree that Riley is responsible for her but guiding and supporting is a

leadership behavior which needs to exhibit by the leader. Here if Claus has initiated an

escalation, then considering his position, Camille and Che would have definitely responded on

immediate basis and Riley could have completed her task on time and the same can be forwarded

to Trevon for further task and even Trevon can be in a position to complete the Job before

director’s meeting making the submission of project on time.

Instead of understanding the different personality and making your employee feel belongingness

towards the organization and motivating them to complete the task he was demoralizing the

Trevon by commenting on his anxious nature. Also, Claus should have taken a proactively

preventive action against the Riley’s task based on his previous working experience with her. He

should have tried to develop a belongingness in Riley to make her take responsibility and

perform. Motivating her with different effective ways. If he had done the same previously then

Riley would have completed her task responsibly and on time. Even at the last Claus should

regulate her task closely instead of only giving deadlines. What if she had not been able to

complete her task on time and at last minute, she straightly run away with her responsibility. It

will be the Claus who will be under the bus in front of director.

During the conversation, it felt like manager is giving orders and the subordinates have to follow.

Instead, there should be involvement of all members of the team, there should be a brainstorming

of how to solve the problems in hand, how everyone can put their efforts beyond their

responsibility or task, and how to complete the task effectively on time. There should be a team

effort and not an individual task to achieve the success in an organization. So, leader is the one to

initiate such culture among team and organization. If there was a team culture then everyone

should have considered the responsibility as a whole and had performed beyond the individual

task resulting in a great success in project and in organization (Graefe, 2016).


Unlike an outward mindset which is concerned about the needs of others, an inward mindset is

self-centered and makes little attention and concerns of others. Leaders who demonstrate an

inward mindset tent to be blind of the needs and concerns of those around them as well as being

unable to be accountable rather blaming others for their shortcomings (Michelle, Mountford and

Skrla, 2006). Rather than working for the good of the entire organization or team, individuals

with an inward mindset are more concerned about individual achievements. Their primary goal is

to achieve personal glory and achievements even when this is at the expense of the team or

organization. By ignoring the needs of others and only focusing on individual needs and

achievements, leaders upholding the inward mindset tend to get into conflicts and find it hard to

resolve issues with others as they are ignorant of their needs and concerns. Remaining in the

“box” prevents one from practicing positive leadership as it makes it blind of the needs and

concerns of others around us. Individualism and selfish interests are some of the main reasons

why individuals might find it hard to drop the inward mindset. The urge to be seen as better over

the others as well as working towards achieving individual goals rather than those of the team

can make it hard for people to adopt the outward mindset.

According to (Graefe, 2016), a leader notices by executing positive hierarchical practices

through certain authority, such foundations will encounter a critical expansion in benefit,

usefulness, and quality. Advancement, consumer loyalty, and representatives' maintenance

additionally increment after some time. A Leader noticed that when hierarchical authority

participates in upright practices like empathy, generosity, pardons, and appreciation, they will in

general record benefit and better execution contrasted with the business normal. The perspectives

communicated by the team leader subtleties the significance of having a positive climate and

demeanor in the working environment. At the point when pioneers inside an association show

appreciation and empathy to those they work with, a positive climate that energizes development

and responsibility is probably going to be made. A positive initiative that is established on the

standards of temperance is critical to empowering a positive and dynamic culture in the work

environment which converts into beneficial outcomes on execution and representatives'



Concluding the given situation conversation and analysis of them, it is apparent that there is a

flaw in Claus’s leadership behaviors and he needs to work on it to effectively manage the team.

More on, according to the path-goal leadership model, developed by Robert J. House, leaders are

effective because of their constructive outcome on devotees' inspiration, capacity to perform, and

fulfillment. The hypothesis is assigned way objective since it centers around what the pioneer

means for the adherents' view of work objectives, self-improvement objectives, and ways to

objective achievement. Here the Claus has to understand the personality trait of his subordinates

and need to behave accordingly to make them perform well. He needs to Motivate his

employees, needs to encourage them, make them feel acceptable and part of the organization and

without them organization will face difficulties in operating so that they importance and perform

to do the best. Importantly it is the people who makes the best organizations and performs the

best so there involves an employee part too and in the given scenario Riley and Trevon has to

perceive the behavior exhibits by Claus and understand their responsibility and perform to the

best to achieve a desired end result.



Firstly, there should be a leader support wherein a leader shows concern for subordinates, try to

help them in needs, try to help them in improving their personality traits, guide them in every

phase of work. Similarly in a situation where Riley needed help to get the data from Camille and

Che. Second is work facilitation wherein employees are clearly communicated with their roles,

their task has been explained clearly, proper and effective planning has been places, various

dispute resolution matrix has been formed etc. Transactional theory has had an influence on the

issues in the organization because the leaders in the organization mainly focused on attaining the

organizational needs without put into consideration the needs of the workforce (Hughes, Ginnett

and Curphy, 2018). Here as claimed by Riley that it is not her responsibility to get data anyhow

from Camille and Che which is again uncleared specification of tasks and no escalation matrix in

place. Thirdly proper communication between the team. A leader should always be in

communication with the followers. It is critical for effective implementation of the task. Leader

should always be present to listen to followers and their concerns (Graefe, 2016). Like in the

situation there was a gap in communication between team as well as inter team which led to

delay in getting the data and execution of the required task. Fourth, leader should adopt to goal

emphasis behavior to motivate the subordinates to complete the task. He should encourage them

with different ways like rewards, recognition, liking etc. Here based on previous experience

Claus has not tried to motivate or encourage the team to be responsible and perform well in

future. Fifth, the leader should try to understand the personality traits of subordinates and behave

accordingly. Contingency theory also may have been an influencer of the situation in the

organization as most of the senior management and the workforce forced on engaging on areas

that they thrived in hence forgetting other essential areas of the organization that need attention

(Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2018). As per The Hersey-Blanchard Situational leadership

Model, the leader has to choose from the various style available according to the situation like in

Riley’s Case she seems able but unwilling to take personal responsibility so leader needs to use

Participating style wherein the leader and followers share in decisions about to achieve the best

in a task (Graefe, 2016). Whereas in case of Trevon he is not able but willing to take the

responsibility then the leader needs to select the Selling style wherein the Claus provides the

Trevon with structured instructions for task and is supportive in needs. Lastly the leader should

consider the various situations at work or in life and accordingly exhibit either the task or people-

oriented behavior or at times both to accomplish the desired results or output. In every

organization, leadership behavior is critically important to manage the people as well as



Graefe, A. (2016). Issue-handling beats leadership: Issues and leaders model predicts clinton will

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Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., & Curphy, G. (2018). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (9th

ed.), McGraw-Hill LLC

Michelle Young, G. e., Meredith Mountford, G. e., & Linda Skrla, G. e. (2006). Infusing gender

and diversity issues into educational leadership programs: Transformational learning and

resistance. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(3), 264-277.

Obholzer, A. (1996). Psychoanalytic contributions to authority and leadership issues. Leadership &

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