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Activity 1.


Direction: Based on your readings, formulate your “Philosophy in Life” using a quotation
(original or not) and explain the meaning of your philosophy.

NAME: IPAN, DIVINE Course Code: 2356

Course and Year: BSCE-1 Date: 10/2/2020


“Life is a reflection of the decisions each of us make everyday”


I believe that our existence in this life affects the world around us. No matter how small
we think it may be, every little choice we make can connect us even in the most remote
place in earth.
And so we should choose to live not just for ourselves but to also be responsible for the
damage and the good influences we impact on the lives we touch, the lives of other
beings around us. But of course, we’re not perfect. When it truly matters, we never really
know what the right thing to do is or if we even want to do them. Being human
guarantees we make mistakes, but being human also means that we have free will; we
can choose how to respond to our failures, we can choose to be better than we were, of
all the creatures on earth, we are blessed with the highest intellect for which we can
utilize to learn, change and adjust to whatever adversity is pit against us. We can choose,
not just for ourselves but for others as well.

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