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COPY NO………………………….

Controlled document: A Controlled copy is always at the correct/latest revision level. When a change
is made, it is retrieved and replaced.

It is used for distributing photo copies of (original) documents to every department (internally). This
stamp should be in Red ink.

After taking the print out of all documents, it has to be signed by General Manager/CEO/factory
Manager/Top Management.

This original signed document is the property of Management Representative (MR), and he has to
distribute copies of these documents to every department head/manager. And stamp it with
controlled document stamp for controlling the document, and if later there is any revision or change is
made in documents, it is replaced with the new revised document.

COPY NO……………………………………………

Uncontrolled Document: uncontrolled document is a hard copy of the document that shall not bear
the stamp "CONTROLLED COPY" in red. Uncontrolled copy shall not be subject to automatic update
when a new revision is released. It is for reference only. It should be in blue ink

It is used for distributing photo copies of documents to customers, interested parties, for training
purpose etc


Superseded: when a new document replaces a previous one, it cancels the Previous in its entirety,
while when it supersedes the previous document, the terms that are unchanged or not mentioned in
the new document remain in force as per the previous document, as if to say that “supersedes”
means update. This stamp should be in black ink.

2. Quality/OHSAS/EMS Company Policy

This policy should be framed and hang on walls in prominent locations inside company.
The management should ensure that all employees are not only aware of, but fully understand the
objectives stated through the Quality Policy.

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