Orthodox Great Lent 4thsunday

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4th Sunday of Lent - Sunday of St John Climascus

Christ performed many miracles, and today we are going to learn about another
one. But did you know that with each miracle, Christ is trying to teach us something? MARK 9:17-31
Today, I want you to listen to the re-telling of the Gospel story, and try to figure
out what Christ and the Church wants to tell us. At the end of today’s lesson, I will ask
you to share with the group your thoughts.

A great crowd was approaching Jesus and one father in particular called out to
Jesus for help because his son was controlled by an evil demon since he was a young
child. This evil spirit did everything it could to try and harm the boy, it even prevented
the boy from hearing about God or speaking about God. The demon would throw the
boy to the ground, and cause him to be full of anger and hatred. No one could cure
the poor boy, even the Apostles. With hope and desperation, the father asked Jesus
for help and said, “if you can, do something.” Jesus responded that if only the father
would believe, he would see that all things are possible with God. The father then
cried out with tears, “I believe, help my unbelief!” It was those very words that Christ
was waiting for. Then, Jesus commanded that the evil demon come out of the boy
and never return to him. The boy shook and fell down as if he were dead. All the
people watching were very afraid. ACTIVITIES
Christ then took the hand of the boy and raised him up back to life. This is very First, sit quietly to listen to
important because it is exactly how Christ raises Adam and Eve in the icon of the the Gospel story of the day.
Resurrection, and it is how He will raise all those who believe in Him to take them Second, identify everyone in
into Paradise. Afterward, Christ explains to the disciples that this type of demon the icon and color it properly.
could only be cast out with prayer and fasting, the two spiritual exercises that we try
to do during Great Lent. At the end of today’s Gospel reading Christ then predicts His Third, divide into groups and
own very death on the cross and tells us to look forward to His own Resurrection and arrange the sentence puzzles
ultimate triumph over death three days later. containing these phrases:

Now, can you try to share with the class what you learned from today’s miracle? 1) “All things are possible to
him who believes in God”
2) “I believe, help my
1) We do not know why the boy and his family were the ones to be troubled by unbelief!”
this demon. But Christ uses this opportunity to teach the father in the Gospel
3) "The Son of man will be
to believe, while also teaching us the importance of FAITH. We learn that even
delivered into the hands of
when life is challenging and our faith is weak, if we rely on God, He will help.
men, and they will kill him;
and when he is killed, after
2) The sincere prayer of our parents for us is important. Ask them to pray for you.
three days he will rise."

3) Christ shows us the power of prayer and fasting. He sets the example for us. Finally, distribute and depart
class wearing the bracelets
shown here.

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