Venezuela Informează - Buletin Săptămânal 27.08.2021 - Versiune Limba Engleza

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Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs

Weekly Newsletter / August 27th 2021


Venezuela files with the ICC evidence

of the criminal nature of the blockade
The Government of Venezuela delivered a report tions, but since October 2017, as a result of the MCU, completed the cycle to demonstrate that there are
detailing the damage caused by the imposition the deterioration of the company began, which led reasonable causes, in this referral that has been
of Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU) against the to the decline in the nation’s income by 99 %. made before the International Criminal Court, to
country, to the new prosecutor of the International affirm that a crime against humanity has been
Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan. This will be part Damage to the population committed,” said Rodríguez, who indicated that in
of a file opened since February of 2020, when the The damage is also evident in the health of previous months the legal instruments that serve
criminal nature of the so-called sanctions was de- the population, by decreasing the production as scaffolding for this violation of the rights of
nounced before that instance. of medicines. Since 2016, 15 pharmaceutical Venezuelans were also sent as evidence.
As a result of these actions contrary to International subsidiaries have left the country and the resources In addition, were also the confessions of figures
Law, measures have been imposed on 192 people, for the payment of vaccines were frozen before the such as John Bolton, former National Security
150 companies, 69 vessels, 58 aircrafts and 30 oil Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). adviser in the Donald Trump government; the re-
tankers, which places Venezuela as the fifth country The attacks derived from the blockade also port of the UN special rapporteur on the negative
with the most MCUs in the world. compromised the supply of drinking water. impact of unilateral coercive measures on the en-
Producers of pumps, energization systems joyment of human rights, Alena Douhan; letters
They don’t care about the suffering and spare parts have delayed or canceled the from banks that blocked resources from the coun-
Those who promote these actions“do not care about shipment of supplies, due to restrictions to carry try and the report of the US government’s auditing
the suffering they have caused the Venezuelan out transactions or transfer materials. organization, which admits that the “sanctions”
people,” as their political objective is to “defeat a The MCU also affected food imports, which be- created obstacles for humanitarian work.
government not aligned” with imperial interests, gan to fall in 2014, as well as the development The Vice President emphasized: “We do not intend
said the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, of the Local Supply and Production Committees to victimize ourselves and cry about the criminal
who explained that the consigned Document program (Clap for its initials in Spanish) and the blockade, but we do intend to demonstrate to the
describes the damages caused to the main indus- availability of proteins. world the crimes that have been committed by the
try of the country: Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). United States government and those who have
The production and income conditions of the state Crime against humanity joined this criminal blockade.”
company had a behaviour similar to that of other na- With the report delivered this week, “we have Photo: Courtesy

• Peace diplomacy • Science and Farmer Alliance • In greater love


• Thanks to Russia • US Democrats against the UCM • Bartolina Sisa


• “... emancipate the Homeland ...” • Paralympic medalist • Media corporations
August 27th 2021 / Page 2


Venezuela continues to boost peace

diplomacy and multilateralism
Defending the diplomacy of peace, respect for the
Charter of the United Nations, as well as promoting Extensive diplomatic career
multilateralism and integration, are fundamental Bachelor in International Studies, with a Master
banners of Venezuelan foreign policy, which guide Degree from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
the functions of the new People’s Power Minister and a Postgraduate Degree in Diplomatic Studies
for Foreign Relations, Félix Plasencia, recently from the University of Oxford, Félix Plasencia has
appointed by President Nicolás Maduro. been a diplomatic official since 1991. Among
Venezuela is accompanied by the governments and the positions he has held at the People’s Power Thanks to Russia
peoples of the world in its “defense and struggle for Ministry for Foreign Relations, in 2016 he assumed In a telephone conversation, the Executive
multilateralism and against Washington’s unilateralism. as Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, thanked the
In this we are winners and we are great,” said Minister Affairs and in 2018 as Vice Minister for Multilateral Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei
Plasencia during his swearing-in ceremony, in which Issues. After serving as People’s Power Minister for Lavrov, for supporting the dialogue initiated
he highlighted the legacy of his predecessors in Tourism, in 2020 he was appointed as Venezuelan with the opposition in Mexico and for the help
office: President Maduro; Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Ambassador to China. received to combat Covid-19.
Vice-President, and Jorge Arreaza, now People’s Power Photo: Courtesy
Minister for Industry and National Production. Venezuela, Serguei Melik-Bagdasárov. Both nations
“will continue to strengthen their strategic relation- Support for Dominica
Strengthening cooperation ties ship in all international areas, spaces and forums,” Venezuela donated 5,000 Covid-19 screening
In his first week at the forefront of Venezuelan diplo- said the Foreign Minister. tests to the Commonwealth of Dominica,
macy, Minister Plasencia has developed an intense Likewise, the minister held meetings with the am- through the humanitarian airlift established
agenda of exchanges to strengthen strategic ties bassadors of Nicaragua and Qatar in Caracas, and by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of
between Venezuela and various nations. He spoke accompanied President Maduro in receiving the Our America (Alba-TCP), a regional bloc that
with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, with Letters of Credence of the Ambassadors of the promotes solidarity as one of its principles.
whom he reaffirmed the importance of continuing to Kingdom of Tonga, Viliami Va’inga Tone, and the
boost relations between the two countries. Kingdom of Thailand, Sorayut Chasombat. Solidarity with Haiti
He also met with the Russian Ambassador to Photo: Courtesy Venezuela sent a second flight with around 30
tons of supplies to assist the people of Haiti,
International support for dialogue following the devastating 7.2 magnitude
The dialogue established in Mexico between the Affairs of the Russian Federation. earthquake on August 14th, which has left more
Venezuelan Government and extremist sectors of Likewise, China supports the talks and “rejects in- than 2,200 dead. The shipment includes potable
the opposition, grouped in the self-styled Unitary terference in the internal affairs of other countries water, food and medicine, explained the Director
Platform, has received broad support from the in- and unilateral sanctions.” of Civil Protection, Eduardo Hurtado.
ternational community following the signing of a The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Anto-
Memorandum of Understanding, which has the ap- nio Guterres, welcomed the process and expressed
proval of the National Assembly and the Citizen Power. his support to Norway as facilitator, to Mexico as Union visits Venezuela
“We are convinced that Venezuelans are the only host, as well as to Russia and the Netherlands as Following an invitation from the National
ones who can solve the problems facing their accompanying countries. Assembly, a delegation from the
country, without destructive external interference,” The next session of the dialogue table will take Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) arrived in
states a communiqué from the Ministry of Foreign place between September 3rd and 6th. Venezuela this week to meet with represen-
tatives of the Public Powers and various po-
CAPSULES OF IDEAS litical sectors of the country. “The best way to
contribute is to know the reality,” said Duarte
“If two men are enough to emancipate the country, Pacheco, President of the IPU. The group also ex-
pressed the support of the Inter-Parliamentary
I am ready to accompany you.” Union to the dialogue process between the
General in Chief Rafael Urdaneta to the Liberator Simón Bolívar, May 18th, 1813. Government and the Venezuelan opposition.

Year 1 / Number 23
August 27th 2021 / Page 3


congressmen from
the US demand an Science and Farmer Alliance
end to Unilateral boosts seed production
Coercive Measures More than 3,500 families dedicated to farming in
126 nucleus established in the country have united
Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture
(FAO). Furthermore, they use biocides designed in
against Venezuela their experience with investigators and laboratories
to stimulate and to strengthen the production of
Venezuelan laboratories.
In the Venezuelan Andes, at the Páramo region, a great
A group of 19 congressmen from the national seeds, to recover local varieties in order to farming area, the families dedicated to planting pota-
Democratic Party demand the President of progressively substitute imports of these supplies. toes offer their experience in order to improve the pro-
the United States, Joe Biden, to put an end Through the Science and Farmer Alliance the wis- duction of seeds of this tuberculum.
to the wrongly called sanctions imposed on dom of farmers is combined with the knowledge They are also working on the production of gar-
Venezuela, by considering that such measures of men and women of science for the growth lic seeds free of pathogens without an agro toxic
are contrary to international law and consti- of agroecology in Venezuela. It is a process charge and a higher potential for a bigger and
tute a failure in North America’s foreign policy. where “farmers keep a horizontal relation with more productive harvest.
In a letter sent to the Secretary of State, researchers,” explained Miguel Ángel Núñez, advi- These type of experiences are also carried out
Anthony Blinken, on August 12, they call on sor to the Ministry of Science and Technology. in the Andes, with sweet potatoes, coffee, cocoa
the lifting of the prohibition to exchange oil for Thanks to this exchange, nuns in Chirgua, in and celery, by combining the old wisdom with
diesel, imposed by Donald Trump’s administra- Carabobo state, in the center northern part of the the scientific labor aimed at improving seeds for
tion, and to depoliticize all operations related country, cultivate ancestral corn seeds as part of a a robust crop.
to humanitarian issues. project that Venezuela carries on with the United Photo: Courtesy
They also consider that the policy applied by
the former leader against Venezuela damaged
the credibility of the US in the region, and they
urge Biden a change in the course of his ad-
ministration that includes an exchange with
sectors from the non extremist opposition.
In the text, which was signed by figures such
as James McGovern, Mondaire Jones, Jared
Huffman, Raúl Grijalva and Jesús “Chuy” García,
they also ask the US leader to support the dia-
logue process initiated in Mexico City between
the Venezuelan government and the Unitary
Platform of Venezuela, that counts on the me-
diation of “highly respected actors,” such as the
government of Norway, who is a facilitator.
The congressmen also conclude that the
objectives posed by Unilateral Coercive
Measures to press for a change in the govern- VENEZUELA IN IMAGES
ment have not been accomplished, because
President Nicolás Maduro continues stronger
Clara Fuentes wins bronze in Tokyo Paralympics
than ever heading the Bolivarian Government. Weightlifter Clara Fuentes gave Venezuela its first proud to award this medal to Venezuela at my first
“The current ‘maximum pressure’ policy medal at the Tokyo 2020+1 Paralympic Games, Paralympic Games,” she said It’s 18th medal in our
towards Venezuela is a total failure.” winning bronze in the -41 kg weightlifting catego- Paralympic history.
Image: Courtesy ry. The 24-year-old athlete lifted 97 kg. “I am very Photo: Courtesy

Year 1 / Number 23
August 27th 2021 / Page 4


Bartolina Sisa,
symbol of the
struggle against Mauro of Catia, the wise
colonialism and combative voice of the elderly
The heroism of Latin American women, particu-
larly of our native people, has unavoidable names. More than a radio program, “A gathering with Mauro year, the mission was launched with the rank and
Like Bartolina Sisa, a symbol of bravery and intel- of Catia” was a space for debates and contributions force of law.
ligence in the indigenous struggles that preceded led by Mauro González, a fighter and social leader for “In the past we lived like fish in a fish tank and we
the independence of South America the elderly. Mauro, a resident of the popular sector believed that there were no other spaces, until you
Before the Wars of Independence of the nine- of Catia, in Caracas, valued radio as a tool to add, and (Chávez) appeared on February 4th, 1992, and taught
teenth century, our aborigines had a history of from there, after a conversation with Commander us that there is a sea and an ocean to navigate and we
struggle to liberate us from the Spanish em- Hugo Chávez in October 2011, proposed what would decided to break the glass from the fish tank to go
pire. The Aymaras and Quechuas led some of later become the Great Mission in Higher Love (“Gran sailing with you,” said Mauro at the time.
the most important uprisings. Misión en Amor Mayor”). When Mauro passed away on August 23rd, 2013,
Bartolina Sisa stands out. Born in August 1750, This social program made the approach of the so- his proposal had already transpired. Thanks to it
as a child she observed the cruel treatment cial fighter a reality: granting a pension to older and the Patria Social Protection System, Venezuela
against her people, humiliated and exploited adults who had not been able to contribute to the managed to include in 2018 100% older adults of
by the imperial masters. That forged her Venezuelan Institute of Social Security to obtain pensionable age, women from 55 years of age and
rebellious spirit and led her to become an that protection, which included people dedicated men from 60 years of age. By the end of 2020, more
example of resistance. to housework, the field, fishing, taxi drivers, among than 5,000,000 older adults were receiving their
In March 1781, together with her husband, others. The proposal received immediate approval pension, a figure that grows every month.
Tupac Katari, her sister-in-law, Gregoria Apaza, from President Chávez and, in December of that Photo: Archive /Courtesy
and other leaders, she commanded the insur-
rection against the Spanish crown in Bolivia
(then Alto Perú) known as the Siege of La Paz.
At the beginning of the uprising, some 50,000
indigenous people participated and in 90 days Media corporations bet
they amounted to almost 100,000.
Bartolina expertly handled the kurawa (sling), on the failure of dialogue
the rifle, rode on horseback and excelled in The aspiration to the failure of a process with tion to the conversations, when in reality even
organization and combat strategy. She resisted broad support seems to guide the narrative of pollsters linked to opposition sectors corrobo-
and defeated the royalists who believed they media corporations and influencers aligned rate the broad support for the process.
could break the siege at the point commanded with radical sectors, in the face of the new The big media installed in Miami and Bogotá also
by a woman. cycle of dialogue installed in Mexico between pretend to ignore that President Nicolás Maduro
Unable to militarily defeat the Quechua and the Venezuelan Government and the so-called has always built bridges with all sectors of the
Aymara army, the Spaniards resorted to bribery Unitary Platform of the opposition. country, while the extreme right left the dialogue
until treason allowed them to capture Bartolina, The agents acting against Venezuela insist that the table several times, as it did in the Dominican
whom they tortured, murdered, dismembered talks will fail if there is no change of government, Republic in 2018 and in Barbados in 2019.
and exhibited. an objective that they have sought - unsuccess- It is also hidden that, thanks to this mecha-
The objective was to “chastise” the rebels. They fully - through violent means (assassination, coup nism, always promoted by the government,
failed. Bartolina Sisa forever became an exam- d’état and mercenary invasion, among others) and the presidential elections in 2018 and the
ple, symbol and inspiration of the struggles with the imposition of criminal Unilateral Coercive 2020 parliamentary elections were held with
for the liberation of the peoples. In honour of Measures (UCM) against the country, whose lifting the participation of the democratic opposi-
this Aymara heroine, every September 5th is is one of the points of the dialogue. tion and that the authorities of the Electoral
commemorated as the International Day of In social networks it is intended to impose the Power were renewed, in accordance with the
Indigenous Women. matrix of resounding rejection of the popula- National Constitution.
Image: Courtesy

Year 1 / Number 23

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