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Synchronous Generators or Alternators ton 152 Constucton 153 Exctaton Sysco 354 ature Wiasings 15.7 Winging Facer 188 oe qu (ates 15.42 Factors Contating Size of 45:1 INTRODUCTION G synchronous machine is an ac machine in which the rotor fpoves ata speed which bears a constant relationship to the frequency of currents, in the armature winding. A synchronous machin isone ofthe important types of electric machines. Large acnetworks operating at constant frequency of 50 Hz (or 60 Hi) rly almost exclusively on synchronous generators, also called ‘healiemarors, forthe supply of electrical energy, and may have synchronous compensators at key points for control of reactive over Private, stand-by and peak load plants with diesel or gas- turbine prime movers also have synchronous generators. Non- Jang based synchronous plants (with a generating capacity of 50 MVA oe more) are found on oil rigs, on large aircrafts (vith $ydrauically driven generators working at 400 Hz), and on ships ievariahte frequency supply to synchronous propeller motors. ‘Sqrchronous motors provide constant speed industrial drives ‘With the possibility of power factor correction, Synchronous machines are generally constructed in larger S285, Small size alternators are not economical, The modem sad is to build alternators of very large sizes capable of Scerating 500 MV or even more. The synchronous motor is Eel built in small sizes owing to superior performance | tetera fes and economical construction of induction motors. SU Operating Principle. Synchronous machines operate on 4 guts fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction as ee ues Dut unlike the latter, inthe synchronous machine no 5 i i Jnis induced s. Consequently’ a synchronous machine Adee TET TOMIMUtator. Mis, in Fact, quite possible tous ‘oF as an altemator by placing a set of collector rings, INSIDE THIS CHAPTER’ ‘on the shaft and connecting these rings to the proper points on the armature winding: brushes riding on the rings can then be connected to the load. But unlike de generator, they are to be driven at a very definite constant speed as the frequency of Benerated emf is determined by that speed. The latter is usually referred to as the synchronous speed, for which reason these ‘machines are frequently called the synchronous generators. ‘Synchronous generators, because of absence of commutator. are comparatively simple and possess several important advantages over the de generators. 18.1.2, Classification of Synchronous Machines. Synchronous machines, according to their applications, may be synchronous Crnerator: sechronous motors oF synchronous compensators A synchronous generator is a synchronous machine which receives mechanical energy from a prime mover (steam turbine, hydraulic turbine or diesel engine) to which itis mechanically coupled and delivers electrical energy. synchronous motor receives electrical energy from ac supply main and drives mechanical load.Bynchronous compensator (or phase modifier) isa synchronous Machine designed to operate on no load with its shaft connected neither to a prime mover nor to’ mechanical load and is used to control rea ower in power supply networks:)Synehronous compensators are designed for ratings upto 100 MVAR and speeds up t9 3,000 rpm. ‘The synchronous machines may be singles, nvwo- oF S-phase types. For the single-phase type, the armature has all the coils connected for addition of individual voltages; this provides « paiof output terminals anda single ae output. For the two-phase {ype the armature has two sets of windings placed so the outputs from three terminals (one common) are 90° out of phase. For the 509 Scanned with CamScanner 510 three-phase type. the armature has thee sets of windings place sothattee oupus witha mel pasion ene available, Three windings may be connected either in star or deta. Large 8 machines ae invariably 3-phase type Based on the construction of the machines, the synchronous machines may be classified as (i) rotating armature type and (ii) rotating field type. = Since it is immaterial for generation of an induced emf whether a conductor moves across a magnetic fel or vice versa, synchronous generators may be constructed with either the ‘armature oF the field structure asthe revolving member. Rotating armature type alternator looks very much like a de generator except that there are 3 slip rings in place of commutator (or 4 slip rings if it is desired to provide a ‘connection to the generator neutral). In such generators the required magnetic field is produced by de electromagnets Placed on the stationary member called the stator, and the Current generated is collected by means of brushes and slip tings on the revolving member, called the rotor. Such an arrangement is economical for the small low-voltage generators. Rotating armature type alternators are built ‘only in small ratings up to about 200 or 250 KVA because the voltage generated is ‘comparatively low and the current to be collected by the brushes small, no difficulty being experienced in olleting such acurrent. Such machines are suitable for small power plants, isolated lighting plants, where medium or small size machines are required. FROM ounce oF Exeraion Fig. 18.1 Revolving Armature Alternator Practically all medium and large sized machines are always, constructed with revolving field. The advantages of stationary armature and revolving field system are given below: 1. It is easier to insulate stationary armature winding for very high voltage e.g. as high as 33,000 volts because insulation of stationary armature is not subjected to mechanical stresses due to centrifugal action and more space is available on the stator for providing more insulation as the stator is outside the rotor. 2. The load circuit can be connected directly withthe fixed terminals of the stator (or armature windings) without _: Theory and Performance oft re, rough slip T = pasing dough tng ed bases ty tating armature the load ciceuit joe & rating is eure sed with the armature Winding hy 9 ery high vol Mt 3. The armature winding can be more easily brace rigid frame to prevent any deformation whigh Sing developed by the mechanical stresses setup dug be circuit curents and the high centrifugal fore 2S. into play. bough 4, ‘The annature winding is cooled more readily stator core ean be made large enough wih nate passages oF cooling Uucts for forced air circu at 5. Only two slip rings are required for he supply ot current tothe rotor and since the exciting curren supplied at low voltage of 125 or 250 Vinge difficulty in insulating them. Tis ng 6. Since the exciting current is relatively smal the slip rings and the brush gear need be construction. 7. Due to simple, light and robust construction of higher speed of rotating de field is possible. 4% in increased output from the machine of given dimer Since inde machines the commutator makes es gs Mh then ofan either the armature should be rotating one, ot brushes revolve with the field, itis convenient to have aman rotating member in dc machines. Mate as Revolving field alternator with essential paris sy Fig. 152. ‘The synchronous machines may be lassie a () st pole machines and (i) cylindrical rotor machines depenge® upon the typeof consrcton used forthe rotor. The slag construction is used for generators and motors ofl rag futput and upto all but the higher speeds. Metim an sized generators for the highest speeds are ofthe cylin rotor type. ‘The synchronous generators, based onthe typeof ping movers to which they are mechanically coupled, maybe ctasfee ig Fig. 15.2. Revolving Field Salient Pole Type Alternator L Scanned with CamScanner | gence’ ongenerators (i) BY Generators or Alternators seconds. therefor, the average rte of ating the fay, oe eT ep Towns Nei ve average emf intacad in each conductor Average emt per phase, Ephse = Namber of sondoston in scree hase aang Tnqne suptex average enfingasad percondstor = ZAMO=2T AIO =40/T als 2,22 Tums) For distrituted winning the average vahie of em per phase Wille times the above value eB, (phase = 4K O/T volts _ Borshort pitch winding the tre average value of emf per phase will DEK, timestheatonve vale Ea, phase = 444 KK, ethe aktemator is starewnnected, as is usualy the ease the Hine voltageis VJ times the phase value. Soline intuoed emt Bp Fx 444K, K, OFT vols = land y= or fullpitched and concentrated windings, K, Example 18.6, The armature of a I-phase alternator is completely wound with 100 siagle-turn cuils distributed uniformly. The induced cemfin each tura is2 V, What isthe emf induced in the whole winding, ‘with all 100 coils connected in series? Solution: Incase of Single-phase winding, the number of slots per pole Rerphase, number of slots per potest and distribution factoris given as 180°/n Sinn sin SOLE ‘Foe very small angle in 8 = 8 in radians EMF induce in the whole winding = Number of tums x induce emf in each tum x Ky 40 oinx DV Ans, 83294 ON Theory an Perfomanceey Electric Mech, {Example 187. A epole alternator hasan armature with 2 gy Seondctors pe st ad rotates a 100 rp and fa por {UIs Catatethe emt nerf wndingacor nog ccontors are inseries. at Wana Unis Electriel Machines, NovemberDecembey Fux poeple, © £005 Wh PN _ 41.500 120 Number of conductors connected in series, 2012, Solution: 0 He Z,, = Number of slots x numberof conductor, . 25xS=200 PS seg ‘Number of tums, Winding factor. K, Generatedemt.E KK, ARK XO xfxT vols = 4a44 x 096 x 005 x $0 100, : 9555V spy Example 158.4 3-phas, £0 Mz,20 ple salient ple atesaoe. Sareumnce sir inghas 150s on ety gt Consists of 8 conductors. The Mux per pole is 25 mayest ‘Shusoidally distribute. The cis are fll-ptched.| di speed of the alternator a phase and (i) line voltage. Solution: Flas per pole, ® = 25mWb=0.025 yy, Froquency.f = $0 He Number of amature conductors, Z = 180% 8 = 1,449 Sunterofamueconnoserpe = HH , Sunberotume perp. = $3 og Number of poles, P= 20 (a Speed. (2 Numer of sos perpen = ‘Numer of slots per pole per phase, nm 9 ‘Number of phases ~ 3 Angular displacement between the slots, 180° _ 180° Ba T=) = 20 (elec) Distribution factor. Ky = Sa sia “Coils are full-pithed ich factor. K, = 1 (G Winding factor, Ky = KyK,=096%1=096 Ans (Gi) Generated emt per phase = 4.44 KK, O/T vols 444 x 0.96 x 1 x 0.025 x 50x240 280 V Ans. (iv) Line voltage, V,_ = V3 x 1,280 =2215 V Ans. Example 15.9. A 3:phase, 4-pole, star-connected synchronous generator runs at 1.500 rpm. The stator has 80 slots and 18 ‘conductors pe slot. The Mux inthe stator yoke 0.006 Wh. Deteraine ‘generated phase and line voltages, i the winding factor i 0.96. (GB. Technica! Univ. Electromechanical Energy Conversion, 201-13] Scanned with CamScanner eens or Atenas Rehan toy PAS AMON asthe fo Sb : Naomi Nt oi SHOTS ANIL TESCO LOG, pe NSS S20560V ig, ae ANE ovastsy TENE EANROOVERISY agg 1g Find the nodoad phase aa ti part spies Opole altemstor which rane es OE tan a ihrunsat 300 seh ude of ALND Smusoidally distributed ee Pe Hahing Seer tel Aedes aN ed bY lt aaa iy, Electrol Machines Fux perl =0.1 Vy, Frequenyys PN 6x1.20 to Ro 1 Seroner 014) =e Ne of armature conductors, Z=Sx8x20 561 sestrtemspernbne T= Say ‘Number of slots per pole Phaseangle, x = S80" = Pichi = Co Co sachsen pe in, mated #7 pop dcenenttceni ws ot Barden ra sian t® gq 22 oat Noveadpha vga, <4 K,K, 0/7 4x 096 xISHS 01 xEOx 18 27 As, Nohatlin votige 5 = V5, = 5 3 ample 1.1, A2phase, le poe alternator has taconeted "ng it 14ltsand conductor prs The fx per poke {80.03 Wo and is sinusoidally distributed. The speed of the mact S35 pm. Find the frequency, the phase and ne etry forces. UN. Technological Univ. Electrical Machines-Il, May-2013] Salton: 282 V Ans, 4 Number of has per poten = 4 29 9 Nambec of sts per pole per pase. = = =3 528 Nontratvmtaaessennetatin sees fet 2 MD Numbers ss Angular dyplacemont between the sls te Sa Fropeny./ nm bak soe An Distibution fete, " xb sina f 2.098 Ane Bain ‘suming pte ator K, to Mascemb th = 4A CK) K, xix fT vs AHS 09995 6 LO SSIS SUSHLY Ans Linea, = JR, = AES 8H 89 VAs ample 18.12 Caleuate theme value ofthe ined ef per phase ‘9f3110 poe three phase, $0 He alternator with 2 slots per pole per hase and 4 conductors per slot in two layers, The cll yp 150", ‘The May per pale 6(L12 Wh, TUPSCLES.Blvtial Bgineerng Ul. 2008) Solutions Number of sts por pe por phase umber of ks per poke n= me umber of phases Natherof sos per phase = m x numberof poles = 2 10 = 20 Nanerof conductors evnnectedin seties per phase, "Number conductors pr slot x number of bts per phase S4xW=s0 z Namteroftums per phase, T = Sta Fi perl, Sumy eqns Angulardipacencatetween ss, rst _ 18 = SLI Lage 6 ” 6 isbn ficon Ky = hp as Dianta = pe 06 ‘Chonding angle = 180" spn = TSP 150P = 30° Pinter, = Cos$=Cor 2 =0966 RMS value of induced emt pe phase, Ex) = AK, Ky XO xx T 440,966 > 0.960 0.12 5040 = 90437 An Example 18.13. A 3éphase, starsconneeted alternator has the following data: ‘Voltage required tobe generated on open elrcult = 4,000 V at ‘50 Hz; Speed = $00 rpm; slots per pole per phase = 33 Conductors perslot= 12, Calculate numberof potes and (i useful ux per pole Assume all conductors per phase to be connected in series and coll tobe ful pitch. UN. Technological Uni, Electrical Machines, May+2013} Scanned with CamScanner Ne ‘tuts Cen i in ibe Fy 9 denny ‘Number shee pie per pane, men Nantes oat eH UM Ome de bee (Wherein sen Nomteed Seer tam gg Noho of goon Angular ttweonsl pe Sua Drobo ctr, Ky Coitspan taston Kyo Coie fal yet (00 PWN per pte, ._—_ VISE, SK RST we VIMAR aK, fT VISTA O sone Te SONS 02 Wh Ans, Example IG. A ATE MVA, 10 AY; Spe $0 te, 10 pe low atworly ‘ining with conductor pe cll se in cach ot The cll yan ot pitches The May per pole ts 0116 Wh, Calculate the phase = MORSE. LES. Electrical Engineering, 2008 Flux per pote, ® «0.116 Wb, ls Shasper poten SY 6 tad wsperpulen eT oh Shasprmeprpinc ne Meas Angular displacements between slots, so" _ 180" AO eas Cae aad Coil span = 12x 128 = 150" Chording angle, = 180" 15 s sit Dinibtonfat Ky= dp « —— Fes sn won” Gan 9 ASX128" ‘Number of tums per phase, MKS T =O Phase voltage, E, = 44 ky K, 2 444 0.9508 x 0.9659 x 0.116% 50% 240 12 Ans, sy ewes it Prat of Fhe ' Pca ti, ene 18 atest a0 soo Ye Wc a rear Vg te aternaar att ss per pep te Set report tenlers Fh salpun Ua ea frictional meen = ATW ot ere) Hert ttorhaqee Une Pesto Mas kines Hsp To Naor fake tephra fi Mmiber of abt fae, 4 De Dag Namtve of tt Phare = 1M Sotto Nownber of eobacbns sane serie, #20 tae) 4m «few Number of series taraiphene, To Anpuiat daplacemnent between ajo ony, two smu p.m owe sinm® sig 2507 pene # ac, & Coitapan tact, 9 Coe = Cae BE = Con 15° 00, Invlucet emf per phase (fundarventa component, by AAR, OT AAC 19806 0.900% O12 40 AY. No" 180" Caspar, Bp, C03 » Coss sary Trequency, , # 3x f= 3% 808 190 1 20 lux por poles) «A xOI2K A wg Fu perp, & 5 012 » 000 wy Induce mf per phase (hi harmonic component) Hy «A KY KO fT do} 0.707 0.707 X 01008 5 180% 40 10584 y ce emt per phase, 15, = Jif & Ylom? +108907 © 1,000 Ang Example 15.16, The Nu dlstrthutlon curve ofw smooth-cor, 0 te generator 1» 10 sin 0+ 2 ln 40 + Zin $0 + 28070 Moaun, ‘whet Oly measured from the neutral ass. The poe plteh i 38am, {he core length 32.¢m, anil the stator coll span fourth ofthe ple pitch, Determine the equatlon forthe emf tnduced in one tra and Hisrms value, ‘Solution: Area of pole pte = 0,98 0,32 6 0.112 m2 FFnuamentl component of lux por pole, 4 © Average lox density xarea . X10 1000 10 XO.112 = QUT) Wh *F Average vulug of fux density © 2 peak value of flux densi x tnd 1 Kiloganss 10" x 104 Win? Scanned with CamScanner = ‘Synchronous Generators or Alternators RMS value of fundamental voltage per conductor LIL x 2fx 0) = 11x 2x 50% 00713 7918V Peak value of fundamental voltage per conductor = V2 x7914= 11.193 Since harmonic conductor voltages are in proportion to thei fue densities, 30 ‘Third harmonic voltage (maximum value) Lisa 2 Fifth harmonic voltage (maximum value) = 11193 10 Seventh harmonic voltage (maximum value) = 1.193% 22224 catego « erate Socordinganaea = 180" 18°=36 Pich coro dno component on Pi tr idhamnle compen pee Ky = mn 2s 2 cose Ky = Cos S 0951 Pitch factor for fifth harmonie component, K,. = Cassa _ Cos5x36° Pitch factor for seventh harmonic component, iy, = S228 a 5 Since peak values of induced emfs in one tum =2% Kj, xpeak value of induced emt per conductor So peak values of induced emfsin one tum (forfundamental component, Eqggg = 20.951 x 11.193 =213V ib fr third harmonic component, Ey = 20.588 2.24 (for Sth harmonic component, Egg = 2X0%224 = 2010 (forth harmonic component. Eg = 2% 0.588) x2.24 2-266 V Hence the equation forthe emf induced in one tunis given as € = 213sin8+2.6$ in 38 261V ~2.64 sin 78 volts Ans, RMS value of emf induced in one tum, 183 _WAVESHAPE 189 WAVESHAPE The flux distribution curve in the air gap of an alternator ‘Fig. 1521) i not usually 'so rectangular as in a de machine, but 18 never perfe ily sinusoidal unless the machine has a salient Pole rotor with specially shaped pole shoes graduating the air — | 527 al rotor with a sinusoidally distributed field winding. The induced emf wave per conductor is similarto flay wave since induvedtemt per contactor isitecty Proportional to Muy density at constant speed. (¢ Biv volts, where & the length of conductor is constant Fig. 1821 Ifthe winding is full-pitehed one, the emfs, induced in two ‘willbe in phase and of the same magnitude because at any instant both the sides of the coil lie under Positions of opposite poles. Hence for full-pitched winding, the induced emf wave in each coil will have the same shape as the emf induced in each col sie, Ireoncentrated winding is employed, the resulting emf wave wil be ofthe sam the flux density curve, shown in Fig, 15.21, which is Mat topped. In Fig. 15.22, a phase belt consisting of 3 coils of a 3 phase altemator having 3 slots per pole per phase is shown, The shape of emf wave for each of the 3 full-pitch coils giving one p ‘the winding will be ofthe shape, as shown in Fig. 15.23 by curve 1 ALand II respectively. The displacement angle, Between the jg 100 adjacent slots is cemfs in the three successive coils are 20 electrical space degrees apart, as shown in Fig, 15.23. The resultant emf per phase would be the phasor sum of the induced emf in the three coils, which ‘may be obtained by adding the ordinates ofthe three emis waves, The resultant emf per phase E,, wave is not flat topped but is almost sine wave. Hence the distributed winding is employed to give emf wave nearly sinusoidal. By using distributed winding, breadth factor for harmonics is very much less than for the fundamental as explained in Art. 15.7.2, hence harmonies ane reduced in the resulant emf wave, For a fractional pitch winding, the emf in each coil may be obtained first by adding the emis of each coil side graphically, and then resultant emf per phase may be obtained by adding the coil emfs, as shown in Fig, 15.23, The resultant emf wave for a fractional pitch winding will be more nearly sinusoidal than for full pitch winding. Pitch factor or coil span factor for harmonies is very much less than forthe fundamental component, as already explained in Ar. 15.7.1 10 electrical space degrees, Hence three Scanned with CamScanner

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