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READING PASSAGES / TEST-1 (01.-03. sorulart asagidaki parcaya gére cevaplayiniz. (04,-06. sorulari agagidaki parcaya gre cevaplayiniz. Whether used to cut through the hardest materials, provide a spectacular light show, run a high-speed printer, or perform delicate microsurgery, lasers are now a part of everyday life, A laser is a beam of pure light of energy with such intensity that itcan be made to cut through dense materials or produce searing heat with pinpoint accuracy. Since the first laser was developed in 1960, laser technology has spread throughout industry into the flelds of science, medicine, communications, defense, printing, . photography, recording and entertainment. Over their short history, new typas of lasers have evolved quickly |. Itis mentioned in the passage that lasers —-. A) are mostly used to provide light show 8) no matter where they are used, are in our daily lives today ) are found in every phase of our lives D) are used very safely in medicine E) are indispensable for most people today 2. It is clear in the passage that, though the history of lasers are very short —-. A) it has been used in many fields ranging from medicine to entertainment B) laser technology has reached its ultimate phase C) itis found in all fields of science D) its technology has been known throughout history E) itis now known in most parts of the world 3, It Is told in the passage that the density of lasers A) is used to provide light show B) is mostly preferred to be used in microsurgery C) enabled scientists to use itn every field of tho science D) can be used to cut through very hard materials E) has showed its importance especially in new types of lasers 689 J ‘Born a slave-on a Maryland plantation around 1820, Harriet Tubman was the sixth of 11 children. Her family lived in poverty in a one-room hut with no windows. By the time she turned 5, she started to work in fields, At the age of 8 she cared for a white infant 24 hours a day. During these days, she saw a slave running from his owner, which inspired and encouraged her. Not long after that, she, herself, tried to escape which was in vain in the first attempt but ‘eventually a door for her free fe tll she died. 4, One can easily understand from the passage that when Harflet was born ‘A) her family was very poor B) she started to work in fields ) she had 11 brothers D) her mother was working in fields as a slave E) her father had already died It may be concluded from the- passage that Hatriet Tubman ~—. AA) lived with her parents until she was B) worked in fields as a stave in all ner life C) took care of a baby when she was a child D) was happy to work in fields E) cared for white infants in her adult years According to the passage Harriet Tubman A) was a slave all her life B) tried to escape from her slavery many times but she was unsuccessful tll she died ) was able to manage to free herself for good D) encouraged many slaves to escape E) saw a slave escaping from his owner when she was 5 Reading Test 1 07.-09. sorulan agagidaki pargaya gére cevaplayinz. _ 10.12. sorulant agagjidaki parcaya gére cevaplayiniz. Your skin provides more than a covering for your body. It protects your body from bums, dirt, germs and harmful rays from the sun. It keeps fluids inside your body. Your skin also contains nerves that allow you to feel things. Being the largest organ in your body, if you stretched it out, it would be about the size. of a kid's bed sheet. The skin consists of layers. The first what you see out. The middle layer is called the dermis. Beneath the. dermis is the subcutaneous tissue. 7. As pointed out in the passage the skin of our body ‘A) has got various functions for our body B) cannot protect us from sun burns C) .can easily be cleaned from germs D) is the solely protection for the fluids inside our body E) is made of nerves Itis mentioned in the passage that our skin —-. ‘A) is the heaviest organ in the body B) has got some nerves that enable us to fee! things ©) protects us from hazardous to our body D) in fact, is the smallest organ in our body since itis about the size of a kid's bed sheet E) has got the dermis layer which protects us from the hazardous lights of the sun. everything which is As obviously mentioned in the passage the subcutaneous tissue —. A) protects us from the sun B) is above the dermis layer C) is made up of three layers D) is the innermost layer E) is the middle layer 690 As long as there have been people, there's been trash. In the USA, beginning in colonial days, people in rural areas just threw their trash in one spot in the city. The plant and animal materials rotted. The rest just piled up causing the suburbs to tum into filthy places. Getting rid of trash has always been a bigger problem than this. There wasn't much space available for junk to pile up. Hence, town centers had bands of roaming wild dogs. They ate most of the refuse but the things they couldn't eat were still loft behind, may be concluded from the passage that trash AA) is thrown in one point in the USA, B) caused the trees to decay in the USA C) affects especially the animals and the plants D) is inevitable so long as there are people E) is the biggest problem in the USA 11.1t is clear from the passage that in colonial days in the USA, the suburbs — A) were the suitable parts of the cities to get rid of trash B) were the places where wild dogs roamed CC) were insufficient for the trash accumulation D) were dirty places with the rest of the trash piled in the cities E) caused the cities to tum into filthy places 12. As mentioned in the passage the insuffi of the trash compilation place caused ney A) the uneaten refuse to remain in the city ceriters, B) the wild dogs to come into the town centers ) the junk to scatter into the city conters D) a very big problem for the dogs roaming in the towns ) the suburbs to divert into places where the wild dogs roamed in bands Svat GURCAN & froven GUABUZ 13.15, sorulari agagidaki pargaya gére cevaplayiniz. 16.-18. sorulan agagidaki pargaya gore cevaplayiniz. The sea horse is found in tropical and temperate waters all around the world. This unusual-looking fish resembles a horse, which is how it got its name. This sea animal is truly a fish which has a dorsal fin on the lower body and a pectoral fin on its head. This intriguing fish is endangered due to the fact that itis hunted overly. In Asian countries, by the way, it is used as medicine. Over 20 million sea horses are used annually for this purpose. They can also be kept in an aquarium, however most sea horses are not able to survive without the right conditions. 43.It is obvious from the passage that the sea horse A) took its name from its similarity with a horse B) can live in all sorts of water C) manages to survive in oceans as well as lakes D) looks exactly ike a horse E) lives in cold waters and resembles a horse 14, The sea horse A) is used as medicine in all over the world B) is in danger of extinction ) is kept in aquariums in Asian countries D) is hunted excessively in Asian countries only ) is found abundantly in the oceans 15.As mentioned in the passage in an aquarium most sea horses - A) 8) cc) D) E) are used as medical purposes annually ‘cannot stay alive unless the right conditions are mairitained are kept to continue their existence die due to the bad living conditions are kept one year and then released to open waters 691 Onille and Wilbur Wright dreamed of building the world's first flying machine. After much work and several failed attempts, the brothers had their dream come true. Wilbur made the first successful airplane flight on @ windy beach in North Carolina, in 1903, ‘The brothers’ plane flew 120 feet. That is less than half the length of a football field. Although the flight lasted only 12 seconds, it steered the course of history in a new direction, The brothers launched the age aviation. 16. As it is clearly stated in the passage before the first successful airplane flight, the brothers ~~. A) were only dreaming of building a flying machine had worked for the American army worked on a windy beach in North Carolina produced an airplane which could fly less than 12 seconds made many attempts successful at all 8) c) D) E) which were not 17. Itis obvious from the passage that ~ A) two brothers’ attempt to fly in North Carclina was in vain rot until 1903 could people fly in an airplane Onvillo and Wilbur developed the first airplane on a windy beach the first flying attempt was made in a football field the flying dream came true in their first attempt in North Carolina 8) °) D) 5) .It is mentioned in the paragraph that though the first flight lasted in a very short time ~ A) ittchanged the course of history into a new way B) scientists were not satisfied with the result C) the brothers managed to pass the football field on the windy beach D) the age of aviation entered a new phase E) two brothers succeeded in increasing the flight time Reading Test 1 19.21. sorulan agagidaki parcaya gére cevaplayiniz. Satellites orbiting round the earth have provided scientists with a vast amount of information about conditions in outer space. By comparison, relatively little is known about the internal structure of the earth, It has proved easier to. go up than to go down. The deepest hole ever to be bored on land went down 7,72 meters: considerably less than the height of Mount Everest. Drilling a hole under the sea has proved to be even more difficult. The deepest hole bored under the sea has been about 20,000 feet. Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise a drill which would: be capable of cutting through hard rock at great depths. 19. tis obvious in the passage that ~ A) satellites tuning round the earth are. very ‘complex in their structures B) scientists know nothing as to the intemal structure of the earth ©) scientists acquire- a large amount of information about outer space thanks to the satellites orbiting around the earth D) itis not a challenging work to dill a hole under the sea E) scientists know everything about the intemal structure of the earth 20. It may be concluded from the passage that ‘A) according to scientists, it is impossible to a0 the center of the earth B) in contradiction to the vast amount of knowledge about the outer of the earth little is known about the interior of the earth C)-even a long time ago it was possible to find a device which could cut the hard rocks D) tands make it more difficult to drill a hole E) space has always been a mysterious place for the scientists 21. It can be understood from the passage that —~. AA) there are lots of satellites around the earth B) the internal of the earth is a complete secret for the scientists ) space is larger than scientists think D) water makes it difficult to drill a hole through the center of the earth E) Mount Everest is the highest mountair world in the 692 22-24. sorulant agagidaki parcaya gore cevaplayini Africa was one of the places where agriculture played a ‘great role in: public life. Archaeological investigations suggest that knowledge of agriculture moved west from ancient south Palestine and arrived in the Nile delta in-Egypt about the fifth millennium before Christ. Agriculture then traveled down the Nile valley and moved west across the southern edge of the Sahara to the central and western Sudan, By the first century B. C. agriculture existed in West Africa. From there it spread to the equatorial forests. African farmers leamied to domesticate plants, including yams and sorghum. Cereal-growing people probably taught African farmers to plant regular fields. Gradually, Mfrican farmers also learned to clear land by burning aut which was also accepted as detrimental to the soil, sy western farmers. 22. Itis obvious from the passage that -—. A) African people were the only ones to know agricultural facilities 8) agriculture first began in the Nile valley C) archaeological investigations are made in Palestine D) there were also other places where agriculture ‘was very important for people as well as Africa E) the starting point of agriculture is most probably in Africa 23. After arriving in the Nile delta, agriculture first A) moved western countries B) reached the south Palestine C) reached the west of Africa D) moved west across the southern edge of the ‘Sahara to the central and western Sudan E) reached down the Nile valley 24, understood from the passage that —. ‘A) equatorial people taught the African farmers to domesticate plants 5) agriculture spread the earth from Africa C) buring land was seen dangerous for the earth by westem farmers D) it is certain that African farmers leamed to plant regular fields from cereal-growing people E) african farmers were not very good at cultivating plants

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