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Paragraph Completion / Test-1 ee [[01--25. sorularda, pargada bos birakilan yere | wyaun digen sdzotk ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. We are constantly at war with some insects. They annoy us, bite us, and infect us with deadly diseases. They attack our crops, our pets, and our domestic animals. They invade our homes, eat our food, and damage our property. -—-. They pollinate many of our crops, provide us with honey and other produets, and serve as food for fish, birds, and many other animals. In fact, life as we know it could not oxist if all the insects were to disappear. A) Even so, insects are among frightening animals on earth B) Hence, we are constantly at war-with some insects ) Only in the oceans are few insects found D) However, insects also have great value to us E) Furthermore, they can be found in caves deep in the earth, or flying high in the sky the most People differ widely in their abil and tendencies to use different aspects of imagery. For example, some people are better than others at moving objects in images. They can visualize an N changing into a Z when rotated to a certain point. A) People can create mental sensations of situations or conditions they have not actually experienced 8) In addition, some people are better than others at picturing more objects in their images or at creating new objects in images C) Mental imagery is produced by the same parts, of the brain-used in actual perception D) Children tend to use imagery in thinking more than adults do ) Imagination plays an important role in a child's, life inem vavinciuK inem vavInciuK 515 3. According to a report, learning mentors and higher level teaching assistants are among those to have made a positive impact on pupils’ achievement. —-. The report concluded that these members of staff have also played a valuable role in reaching out to parents previously reluctant to come into school or who were unsure how to help their children. ‘A) Some found it easier to relate to members of the wider workforce B) It’s vital that schools invest time and money in. evaluating and developing all their staff, fot just teachers C) They have particularly benefited the most vulnerable students including those’ likely to play truant, underachieve or be excluded from school D) Government changes to the school workforce in 2003 introduced teaching assistants and other staff to schools E) Schools also failed to take advantage of help available to them Hedonism is the doctrine that holds that pleasure is the highest good. —. The cruder form was that proposed by Aristippus, who believed that pleasure was achieved by the complete gratification of all one's sensual desires. On the other hand, Epicurus and his school, though accepting the primacy of pleasure, tended to equate it with the absence of pain and taught that it could best be attained through the rational control of one’s desires. ‘A) Motivational hedonism is the claim that only pleasure or pain motivates us B) Hedonists insist that all such motivation is ultimately only for the sake of that individual's own pleasure or pain C) In ancient times, it expressed itself in two ways. D) There are several Kinds of standard objection to normative hedonism E) It is often described that we fail to attain pleasures if we deliberately seek them Paragraph Completion Test 1 5. A piece of research claims that more women than suspected could be afflicted. with postnatal depression. It was believed that the mood disorders affecting up to 75 per cent of new mothers were caused by the women's circumstances, personality and hormonal changes. -—. The study is now working to isolate the gene, which will enable doctors to identify and treat high-risk women before they become ill A) But according to a recent study by several Universities, the most severe form of postnatal depression, postpartum psychosis, has a genetic cause “Baby blues" ~ a short period of tearfulness and tiredness after childbirth ~ is a temporary condition ‘The effect on mothers can also be devastating The most serious form of maternal depression affects about one in 500 new mothers The doctors aim to isolate the gene and identify and treat high-risk women before they become ill B) °) D) 5) Food and shelter are guaranteed and access to health services can be greater than they would be in the community. The life, here, can offer stability for those whose lives were unstable. Incarceration has the potential to serve as a “time out” for people who otherwise feel trapped by unhealthy lifestyles and overwhelming relationships. Imprisonment can be used as a period of self-reflection and can link people to those who can help them change their lives. ‘A) The rate of suicide in prison is particularly high B) There have been few studies on the impact of incarceration on families ©) Evidence from UK suggests that prison worsens mental health, which has an impact on physical health D) Prison has been described as an “intrinsically non-therapeutic environment” ) Prison can have a positive impact on health inem vavinciuk inem vavINcILik 516 7. Among other specialists that will always be demanded are the house builders and all those who deal with the construction of premises, roads and etc. -—. Actually, it is one of the ‘most ancient professions in the world, and not a single crisis can ruin it. People need to live somewhere and it is the fact that doesn’t need any arguments. . A) The profession of builder exists for many centuries and even millenniums B) There are stil some categories of specialists ‘who didn’t feel any influence of the world crisis ©) If the government can rescue commercial banks, maybe it should be looking at home building companies as well D) Builders nationwide offer incentives to select their construction services E) It includes virtually all construction industry home < buyers design and sectors of the When HIV was identified in the early 1980s, United States ‘politicians predicted that. a vaccine and a cure for AIDS would be available within five years. The first is that it mutates rapidly, meaning that a vaccine developed against one form of the virus may not work against another. Another problem is that HIV integrates itself into the patient's DNA. A third difficulty is that the virus attacks the very cells of the immune system sent to attack it. Once infected, these T-cells take the virlis deeper into the body's immune defences. A) These therapeutic vaccines are aimed at stimulating the disease-fighting cells of the immune system In recent years, however, thé focus of vaccine development has shifted This pointed to ways of sabotaging viral replication in infected patients ‘There are, however, inherent problems with developing a vaccine against HIV Albert Sabin, who developed the world's first oral polio vaccine, said in 1993 that it is Impossible to produce an effective AIDS vaccine B) °) 0) gE) 9. Gold has always been used as a form of money since 560 BC. ---. Gold and other precious metals are assets that are both tangible and liquid and hence considered safer than other investments. Most people believe that if the monetary or financial systems collapse, gold would still retain its value. Thus gold as an investment is a prudent idea. Even central banks across the world are believed to retain large reserves of gold. ‘A) Buying gold as an investment at today's prices ‘would offer considerable gains 8B) That is why most analysts believe that gold, as an investment, wil continue to flourish ©) And even today, it is considered by many cultures as @ valuable and long term investment as well as a safe haven in times of crisis D) Today, lke all investments, the price of gold is, governed by demanid E) The price of gold is affected by changes in sentiment, not by the changes in production or demand 10.From simple online diaries, many of today's blogs become a real business with a real profit for those people who attract from what they publish even tens of thousands of unique its per day. There are numbers with six figures involved in this gam: But the biggest part of the more than 75 millions of blogs existing today, according to a survey, still remain just online personal diaries. A) A good blogger spends a few hours a day for producing high-interest content for his blog B) This doesn't stop the fast-growing number of ‘new blogs that appear daily C) Internet is a thriving job market for those who are looking for short-term projects. D) Many intemet users choose to make a blog- based Intémet business E) While members-only blog content can be a lucrative business, bloggers should expect to meet with criticism from readers inem vavinciuin inem vavINcIuK Svat GURCAN & fiovan GURBUZ 11.When the Wright brothers made the first powered flight in 1903, they inaugurated basic principles that survive to this day, including thin wings for lift and a vertically mounted propeller to provide forward thrust. But two centuries earlier, Swedish inventor Emanuel ‘Swedenborg had already dreamed up a flying- saucer-shaped aircraft. Countless. designers around the world have since envisioned round planes. However, the technology has long been hampered by major drawbacks. A) The biggest challenge is that round airplanes are highly unstable because they don't employ the conventional aerodynamic systems To overcome this obstacle, Moller’s M200G. uses its propulsion system to stabilize itself if plane is moving through the air at a high enough speed, aerodynamic forces can be used to stabilize it Because of their shape, circular aircraft can theoretically move anywhere—up, down, and side to side Round aircraft are also. advantageous in principle because they could fly faster than the other notable VTOL aircraft, helicopters 8) °c) D) 5) 12.E.coli has earned a nasty reputation for upsetting stomachs and killing people. But now scientists are putting the bad bug to good use, genetically engineering it to excrete biodiesel. Using a pilot plant and E. coli, they were able to turn out a new biodiesel fuel. —. The microbes metabolize the sugars and excrete fatty that have the same hydrocarbon configuration as petroleum. Unlike othér biodiesel setups, this new fuel is easy to collect and can go straight into your gas tank. A) Making fuel from sugarcane uses fewer resources than com B) Biodiesel doesn't require the major infrastructure upgrades that ethanol natural gas call for ©) Fuols have a host of problems that electricity never will D) The plant modified E.coli sugarcane in large vats of water E) Converting to wood chips, saw grass, or any other pant waste is more efficient and mixes with 517 Poragraph Completion Test 1 13. 14. Bacteria are all around us. Given “good growing conditions, a’ bacterium: grows slightly in size or length, a'néw cell wall. grows through the centre forming two daughter cells, each with the same genetic material-as the parent cell. Ifthe environment is optimum, the two daughter cells may ‘divide into four in 20 minutes. Then why isn't the earth covered with bacteria? —. ‘A) Because the bacteria structure is so minute, can only be seen through a microscope B) The primary reason may be that conditions are rarely ideal C) It seems, our pursuit of a bacteria-free world is making us sick D) They can be found thriving in some of the most hostile environments imaginable E) Because such a drug would’ not kill the bacteria directly, it would not encourage the development of resistance Biological control agents such as naturally occurring fungi, bacteria or viruses are applied in much the same way as chemical pesticides to fight insect pests, but have obvious advantages as ‘they “have little: impact on other-organisms, are compatible with other natural enemies, do not leave toxic residues and are relatively cheap to develop. —-. However, because the regulatory systems in most countries were developed with ‘chemical pesticides “in mind, they”'do not ‘encourage the development of biopesticides. A) The . research’! suggests that consumer concemns "about toxic residues could undermine the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables B) New chemical formulations ‘could be Used to solve problems with biopesticide storage and efficacy C) Risks, costs and benefits need to-be shared out between the manufacturer, regulator, govemment and consumers D) The absence of a Europe-wide market for biopesticides is a significant obstacle to: their wider commercial availability E) These far outweigh the disadvantages of lower effectiveness and a shorter shelf life inem vavinciuK inem vayINcIuK 518 18. Cooking is the preparation of food for eating by applying heat. Cooking makes food more appetizing and easier to digest. -~. Many People enjoy cooking, Skillful cooks take great care in preparing delicious, attractive, and nutritious meals. Some people use the term cooking to refer to preparation of all foods, not just those that are heated. A) A beginner should first try simple recipes and meals and then go on to more difficult ones B) However, some cookbooks give general tips ‘on cooking and recipes ) In-addition, recipes appear on food packages and in many magazines and newspapers D) Many foods turn out well consistently if prepared according to a recipe E) It also kills harmful bacteria that could otherwise cause illness 46.Climate change caused by rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (C02) is now widely recognized. But the other side of the equation — the massive absorption of CO2 by the ocean — 3 received far less attention. The planet's seas kly absorb 25 to 30 peregnt of humankind’s a C02 emissions. —. Thus, we are acidifying the ocean and fundamentally changing its remarkably delicate geochemical balance. Scientists are only beginning to investigate the consequences, ‘but comparable natural changes in our geologic history have caused several mass extinctions throughout the earth's waters. A) We have “disposed of 530 billion tons of the {925 in this way, and the rate worldwide is now ‘one milion tons per hour B) About 89 percent of the carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater takes the form of bicarbonate ion C) Marine animals will find it harder to build skeletons, construct reefs, or simply to grow’ and breathe D) The fossil record shows that ocean life has suffered massive extinctions during periods of rapidly rising carbon dioxide fevels E) Emissions could reduce surface pH by another 0.4 unit in this century alone and by as much as 0.7 unit beyond 2100 7. 18, Water and energy are the two most fundamental ingredients of modern civilization. Without water, people die, Without energy, we cannot grow food, run computers, or power home: schools or offices. As the world’s population grows in number and affluence, the demands for both. resources are increasing faster than ever. —. We consume massive quantities of water to generate energy, and we consume massive quantities of energy to deliver clean water. A) Water scarcity is a key challenge of climate change B) Each sustainable water strategy sets out a long-term regional plan to secure water for local growth C) Woefully underappreciated, however, is the reality that each of these precious commodities might soon cripple our use of the other D) Florida was concerned that the restricted flow ‘would threaten certain endangered species ) Scientists can predict when such an eruption will occur by measuring a series of indicators Because Earth, while turning upon:its axis, also moves around the Sun, there are two kinds of days. A day may be defined as the intorval botwoon the highest point of the Sun In the sky on two successive days. ~—-. But one might also define a day as the time interval between the moments when a certain point in the sky, say a conveniently located star, is directly overhead. This is called sidereal time. A) This, averaged out over the year, produces the customary 24-hour day ‘The meridians are traditionally counted from the meridian of the observatory of Greenwich This has the result that Earth moves faster in January and slower in July Earth needs 365 days plus about 6 hours to go around the Sun once For practical purposes, ‘this convention is sometimes altered 8) c) D) &) inem vavINcIUK inem vavINCILuK 519 Svat GURCAN & Rrovan GURBUZ 19.1n order to accomplish millions of complex functions, your body has to be able to communicate with itself, all the way down to the cellular level through pulses of electricity. Your body operates on an electro magnetic current. All of the organs in your body emit these fields of electrical current. In fact, nerve signals are nothing more than electrical charges. --. And of all the systems in your body that depend on this delicate bio chemical balance, the most important is your blood stream. ‘A) The complex sets of chemicals in the brain are designed to process incoming information and create a response ‘What creates this electrical power in your body is @ very fine balance that exists in your bio chemistry As the biochemical balance is disrupted and the red blood cells can't deliver oxygen and nutrients as efficiently to all the cells, energy level drops dramatically ‘As we discover more about neuro-transmitters, we can identify which of them control certain bodily functions The brain consists of billions of neurons or cells that must communicate with each other B) °) D) ®) 20.Dancing plays an important role in social funetions. All societies have characteristic forms of dance. Such dancing may take place at ceremonial occasions or at informal gatherings. ---. By dancing together, members of a group express their sense of common Identity or belonging. A) Dance helps members of a nation or ethnic group recognize their connection to one another and to their ancestors B) In modem societies, many people enjoy dancing simply for entertainment C) Dance may also be used as one part of a religious occasion or ritual D) Spontaneous dance has become a common element of worship among people E) Dancing may not just help the dancers to express their all kinds of feelings Paragraph Completion Test 1 24. Astronomy is an’ ancient science. Like today's researchers, ancient scholars based their ideas of the universe’on' what they observed and measured and. on their understanding of why objects move as they do. -—. One reason for ‘their errors. was: that they did not understand the laws of motion. For example, they'did not know that a force which we know ‘as-gravitation-controls the: movements of the planets: Another reason was that their measurements did not reveal the movements of the planets in sufficient detail. ‘A) Also they study the structure of space’ and the past and future of the universe 8) Astronomers use chemistry to analyze the dusty, gaseous matter between the stars ©) However, the ancients developed: some incorrect ideas about the relationships between Earth and the objects they saiv in the heavens: D) So, the ancients noted that the positions of the sun, moon, and planets change from night to night E) They investigate nearby, bodies, such as the sun, planets, and comets, as well as. distant galaxies and other faraway objects inem vavinciuk, inem vavINCILIK 520 22. The housekeeping services had its: origin in the hotel industry. Later the concept of housekeeping got incorporated as a hospital service. There are, however, differences in concept and practice of housekeeping ies:in hospital and hotels. ---. In a hotel, ‘on the.other hand; the aesthetics receive the maximum emphasis. A) Control and prevention of hospital infection is one of the most vital functions of hospital housekeeping B) Unnecessary use of disinfectants is not only wasteful but may increase the microbiological hazard to the hospital environment ©) Cleaning . agents. and. disinfectants were essential requisites for attaining effectiveness in housekeeping services in health care institutions The various cleaning materials for housekeeping activities used at the hospital are liquid soap, soft'soap, soda. ash, cleanzo and nitric acid E) The. basic ingredient of any detergent are surface active agents or surfactants >) 23. Atropine produces rapid heart rate, dilated pupils, dry skin, and anesthetizes the nerve endings in the skin. Because it relaxes smooth muscle and suppresses gland and mucous secretions, it has been used to treat pepti uleer by reducing the production of stomach acid. Atropine is given before general anaesthesia to keep the air passages clear and is an ingredient in various preparations for symptomatic relief of colds and asthma, ‘A) Though so powerful in its action on the human body, the plant seems to affect some of the lower animals but little B) The drug atropine is produced from the foliage, which along with the berries are extremely toxic C) Atropine extracts were used by Cleopatra in the last century B.C. to dilate her pupils, in the hope that she would appear more alluring D) Atropine produces many effects in the body, including relief from spasms of the stomach and intestines E) It also acts as an antidote in poisoning from such agents as mushrooms, morphine, prussic and nerve gas, inem vavinciuK inem vavinciuk ‘Svat GURCAN & fiovan GURBUZ 24,A sedative is any.of a variety of drugs that relieves anxiety. Most sedatives act as mild depressants of the nervous system, lessening general nervous activity or reducing the irritability or activity of a specific organ. —. In increasing doses sedatives act as hypnotics, .. they induce sleep, and as anaesthetics. Many sedatives are habit-forming and should be taken only under medical direction. A) Sedative-hypnotics can be abused to produce an overly-calming effect B) Sedatives taken in small quantities are useful in relieving coughing, nausea, or convulsions and in lessening anxiety ©) Fentanyls are extensively used for anesthesia and analgesia, most often in the operating room and intensive care unit D) People who have difficulty dealing with stress, anxiety or sleeplessness may overuse or become dependent on sedatives E) These sedatives can dangerously depress important signals needed to maintain heart and lung function 25.The human brain helps make people the most adaptable of all creatures. They behave with the most flexibility and in the greatest variety” of ways. The human body is highly adaptable because it has few specialized features that could limit its activities. People cannot ‘swim as well as a seal, but they can also walk, run, and climb. ‘A) In contrast, a seal has a body streamlined for ‘swimming, but it has difficulty moving about on land B) The human brain gives people many special abilities, the most outstanding of which is the ability to speak C) So, human being has the most developed brain of any animal D) Inspite, the richness and complexity of human culture distinguish human beings from all other animals E) However, human adaptability enables people to live in an extremely wide variety of environments, ~ from the tropics to the Arctic highty 521

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