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CONJUNCTIONS 1. Introduction Bu béltimde basit ciimleleri birlestirerek bilesik veya kompleks cimieleri olusturmaya yarayan baglagiar bir arada incelenip karsilastinlacak. Bagiaglar dért bashk altinda toplanabiliror. Bu gruplar farkit kullanim. ézellklerine sahiptir ve bu farkliliktant anlamak son derece énemlidir. Bu yizden drneklerin dikkatle incelenip farkiihklarin kavranmasi gerekir 1. Zarf Cumlocigi Baglaglan (Subordtinating Conjunctions) when, as, unless, although etc. 2. Koordinasyon Baglaglan (Coordinating Conjunetions) and, but, yet etc. 3. Egli Baglaglar (Paired Conjunctions) either — or, neither -~ nor ete. 4, Baglag Islevi Géron Edatlar (Conjunctive Prepositions) because of, in spite of etc. 5, BaGlag Islevi Goren Zarflar (Conjunctive Adverbs) however, therefore ete. D> Asagidaki iki cdmlenin farkli gekillerde birlestiriimig hallerini dikkatle inceleyiniz. Robert has got a terrible headache. He keeps on working. 1. Although he has got a terrible headache, Robert keeps on working Robert keeps on working, although he has got a terrible headache. 2. Robert has gota terrible headache, but he keeps on working, 3. Despite his terrible headache, Robert keeps on working. Robert keeps on working despite his terrible headache. 4, Robert has got a terrible headache, However, he Keeps on working, D> Baglaglardan her biri yukaridaki gruplardan birine dahildir. Simdi bunlan émekleriyle birlkte tek tek inceleyelim. 2. Zarf Cimlecigi Baglaglar (Subordinating Conjunctions) D> Ciimle (sentence) igindeki cimlecikleri (clauses) birbitine baglayan zarf comlecigi baglagiant (subordinating conjunctions), anlamlarina gére Zaman, Sebep-Amag, Zithk, Kogul baglacian diye sinifiandiniilar, 167 Diko Vayiniant (Conjunctions D> Zarf camlecigi baglaclan, bagimsiz s6zctikler degillerdir. Bir climleyle birlegorek ana bittinlGigt kazanurlar. Omegin, although baglaci, buna ragmen desl, -e ragmen demektir ve ancak bir climle ile birlegirse cule iginde bir anlam kazanir. Bu yizden, ciimle iginde tek basina degil ancak birlostigi ctimlecikie birlkte hareket edebilir. Bu sézodklerden hemen sonra virgil kullanilamaz. Bagimli climlecik basta oldugunda virgil Kullanili. Bagimsiz cimilecik basta oldugunda ise virgil kullaniimaz: * When the attomey told him he would probably be sentenced to fifteen years, the accused got ‘mad and hit him on the nose + The accused got mad and hit the attorney on the nose when he told him he would probably be sentenced to fifteen years, 3. Zaman ren Zart Cimlecigi Baglaclari (Subordinating Conjunctions of Time) after before as ‘as / 80 Jong as dit stirece ‘as soon as colur olmaz just as : tam .. ken just after den hemen sonra just before -den hemen énce once .. olunea, ..olur olmaz since den beri when digi zaman every time = her... oldugjunda whenever her... oldugunda by the time -den nce, -e kadar while -iken tnt ti +e kadar the next time : bir daha ... oldugunda the first time ik kez ... oldugunda the last time + en Son ... oldugjunda the moment (thal): ... oldugu an Diko Yayiniant i ‘www didkoyayincilikcom Conjunctions _) ‘+ The two countries will be able to live in peace as long as they cooperate to get over the obstacles together. + The moment / Once / As soon as the new cabinet was formed, the prime minister announced ‘that they would do their best to decrease the taxes. + The next time you lie to me to save the day, | will severely punish you. + The old lady takes a stroll by the sea every time / whenever she feels depressed. + Fortunately, the whole building had been evacuated by the time / before the fire was completely out of control. + Once / The moment / As soon as he realised his car had been stolen, he called the police. + As/Justas / While we were leaving for home, the depariment manager announced that we had to stay until the report was completed. + The boy said he would not do anything for her until til she apologized. + As children get older, their questions get harder to answer. + We had to wait for some time as the lecture did not start until all the committee members arrived. + Since Henry Ford invented the Model T, America has been romanced by the automobile. + When the Roman Republic became an empire in 31 BC, its great power was concentrated in too few hands. + You should write a 150-word summary of your work after you have completed the final draft of your thesis. Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions below before by the time since after when x3 until X2 while 4, Mozart lived just a lttle over half of Beethoven's life span, but was amazingly prolific from early childhood. his death in 1791. ere striking a huge iceberg, the 46,500-ton vessel, the Titanic, sank in less than three hours. 3} Dike Vayinian Conjunctions _) 3 __the students were discussing the text within their groups, the teacher walked around to each group and asked them specific questions about the text. 4, ___4 person is dealing with stress, even everyday stress, his brain produces a stress hormone called cortisol 5. _____ 1801, censuses have been taken every ten years in Britain, except during 1941, when wartime disruption occurred. er ul ___ the discovery of antibiotics and modern medicines, life was nasty, brutish and short 7. ___ one thing exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it. 8 _____ recently, women and racial minorities, on account of restrictions on their ‘education and employment opportunities, were essentially left out of working life. 9. Emest Rutherford came up with the earliest version of today's atomic model at he conducted his gold foil experiments, 10. Most of the local guests will have left the hotel the new foreign group arrives. Exercise 2 Choose the correct option Feeling homesick is a natural stage that many people go through -—- they move to anew city or environment. A) when B) but ©) due to D) however E) unless 2, ~~ people get older, their immune system weakens, that is particularly true for people with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetics and those with heart conditions. A) The last time 8) Though ©) Despite D) Because of ——E) As Diko Yayinlant 170 10. Conjunctions _) ~~ arriving at a conclusion, we must wait to hear and try to understand their case from their perspective A) By the time B) So that ©) Before D) Now that 5) Yet A supervolcano is one that ejects more than a trillion tons of material ~~ it erupts. A)in spite of |B) when ©) nor D) the next time) owing to — colonial times, there has been a strong tradition of realism in the United States. A) Once B)Eversince — C) Whenever D) Before E) As ~~ the Europeans were exploring Canada, they found all regions occupied by native peoples they called Indians. ‘A)Now that B) Whenever C) Until D) While E) Ever since Scientists may have to wait --- an investigation has been repeated many times before accepting the results as correct. A) until B) since C) when D) yet E) once, — people began to use metals such as bronze and copper, military technology became more advanced. A)Dueto —B) If ©) When D) But E) Unit the Industrial Age developed in the early 1900s, a new middle class emerged. A) Despite B) As. C) Now that D) The next time) Oniy if European music is largely distinguished from many other non-European and popular musical forms by its system of staff notation, in use ~~ about the 16” century. A) whon B)by the time C) once D) the moment —_E) since. 7 Diko Vayintan Conjunctions 4. Sebep veya Amag Bildiren Zarf Ciimlecigi Baglaclari (Subordinating Conjunctions of Reason or Purpose) as / since / because / on the grounds that / inasmuch as (=insofar as) / now that / seeing that (seeing as) -diG1igin, -e gore, ... sebebiyle so / such ... that Oylesine / 0 kadar... Ki. so that ebilmek igin in order that -» r@bilmek igin for fear (that) / lest :.. olmasin diye in that -masi bakimindan, -digtigin in view that : 96z éniinde tutarak, gbz Gniinde tutarsak + Seeing that there were no seats left, she rushed to another classroom to grab a chair. ‘+ Sometimes she finds life so meaningless that she loses all her motivation. + The new singer wants to appear on TV as often as possible so thal /n order that people get to know her better. * The kidnapped man’s wife has agreed to do whatever the kidnappers demand for fear / lest he might be Killed, * Turkey has one of the most promising economies in the word in that it has a very young population. * This new test is a valuable tool in view that it expands the horizons of testing for evaluation of performance. Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks with so that or because 1. Ahair spray is used on hair after styling is done the hairstyle remains intact fora long time. 2. Rehabilitation units are designed Patients can do many things by themselves. 3. Ecologists try to find out how the Earth’s environments can be preserved living things will continue to survive on the planet. Diko Yayinian W vwowedilkoyayineilikscom (_ Conjunetions ‘There are moments when everyone is stuck with an uncomfortable silence there is nothing to say. We went to the hail a little early ‘we could find seats in the front row. They wanted to leave early they had an important appointment. | really wish I could change my job Ican't stand the pace of work here. 8. Some people do not go out on Sundays__ they can relax at home. 8 the journey to the holiday sight took longer than we had expected, we checked in after midnight. 10. You must study regularly every day you can actually learn what you study. > So/ Such.... that sebep-sonug iligkisini gglO gekilde ifade etmek igin kullanilan bir yapidir. + The weatherin some pars ofthe word is very cold. Therefore, there are no human settlements in those places + The weather in some parts of the world is so cold that there are no human settlements in those places. D> So + sifat: My brother is so honest (that) whoever knows him trusts him. + My car is s0 old that it will cost me a fortune to repair it when it breaks down. + The refugees were so many that the government had to make a camp for them outside the city walls for the winter. © The lecture hall was so crowded that they couldn't help going out to get some fresh air. + Many organisms or organic structures are so complex that they could not possibly have evolved through natural selection. * Social networking sites have become so popular that they are used for everything, from earning about potential / current employees, to finding old friends. Cis Diiko Vayinlan Conjunctions —_) > So + zar: She speaks English so fluently (that) you would ik she is American. * Today, the system is working so slowly that itis driving me mad. + We pack each shipment so carefully that we rarely have a damaged shipment. + Some napkins are arranged so beautifully that you don’t want to use them, + The order interface has been designed so efficiently that i is easy to fill out with just a few pieces of data. ‘+ Many cosmetic procedures can be performed so quickly that you can have them done on your lunch hour. D> Such + (sifat) + isim: He saw such a (beat cat at the fair (that) he will never forget it. * Jack has such a heavy workload that iis dificult for him to travel, + We immediately need a soothing cream as we stayed in the sun for such a long time that we became sunburned, * In our school, Professor Quinn gives such interesting lessons that his classes are never boring. * My brother, Tony, is such an outgoing person that he has had more friends than me since we ‘moved to this town, + My brother spent such an enjoyable vacation in the United States this summer that he plans to return as soon as he saves enough money. D> So many / few + sayilabilen cogul isim: They have so many /few problems to deal with (that) they wouldn't understand what we're going through. + There were so few students registered to the art class that the class was cancelled. * They had so few applications th they decided not to hold the competition this year. * Depression affects so many people that most of us know someone in our family, at work or ‘among our friends who has been affected. + Owing to the high quality of our services and our global approach, we have so many customers that we are able to support low prices, Diko Yayinlani 174 wirw.dilkoyayincilikcom Conjunctions _) > So much / litte + sayilamayan isim: They have so much /|ittle money (that) they wouldn't care about the problems we're having. * The grass in the backyard received so litle water that it turned brown in the heat. + Before payday, my brother and | had so little money that we both had to borrow some money from our parents, D> Such a lot of + sayilabilen / sayilamayan isim: They have such a lot of problems / money that they wouldn't understand what we mean. = There were such a lot of spectators in the stadium that we had hardly found our seats when the match started. + The day before the surgery, my grandfather had such a lot of pain that he had to take some pain killers in order to relieve this. D> Bu yapilarda that atileblir, ama vurgu igin gogjuntukla kullari Exercise 4 Fill in the blanks with so or such 1. Those given by our teacher were__________ complex exercises that we spent two weeks finishing them. 2. A.cup of air contains milions of atoms, but a cupful of space gas is thin that it would contain only about 300 atoms. 3. Having a child is an important decision that one should consider all things before going that way. 4, Anthonyis _____ an outgoing person that he can easily make friends with whoever he meets, 5, The truck in the front on the one-lane road was______ slow that the drivers behind got crazy. rz Dilko Vayinian Conjunctions 6. There was, hot weather throughout the summer that air conditioner sales more than doubled. 7. The boxer was round. ____ strong that he knocked out all his opponents in the first 8 Sandra is beautiful that whoever sees her thinks she Is a model. 8 a lot of students complained about the size of the classrooms that the school administration had to rebuild them. 10. There were many spectators waiting outside the stadium that all the roads around it were locked. Exercise 5 Choose the correct option 1. There are lot of different types of spices and herbs available in the market — it may be difficult to choose the right ones. A) so/ that B) such / that 2. My best friend, Shelia, has exceptional abilities --- everybody is jealous of her. A) such / that B) so/ that 3. E-book devices have been — popular — they now come in various competitive brands with feature innovations that are being updated almost annually. A) so/ that B) such / that 4, Ithas been -— a long time since | last saw Jason — I'm not sure whether | will remember him. A) so/that B) such / that Ditko Vayintar 176 ‘winwadlkoyayineticom 8 10. (C Conjunetions ly in recent years —- phones are not just phones any Technology has advanced — rapii ‘more. A) so/ that B) such / that Many people are —- afraid of spiders —~- they cannot even think of going near them. A) such / that B) s0/that ‘The organisation was --- a great success -—- the promoters decided to repeat it next month, A) s0/ that B) such / that Burning coal is —- bad for the environment -- many companies have started to get their ‘energy from the sun. A) so/that B) such /that ‘Over the past few years, --- many new social networking sites have popped up ~~ it’s impossible to keep track of them all. A) such / that B) so/ that ‘The teachers and the administrators are having ~~ a difficult time agreeing on a contract for the forthcoming year ~~ the teachers may go on a strike. A) such / that B) so / that wine dilkoyayincikccom a7 Dilko Yayiniart (— Conjunetior ) Zitlik veya Beklenmeyen Sonug Bildiren Zarf Ciimlecigi Baglaclari (Subordinating Conjunctions of Contrast or Unexpected Result) Zithk ile kastedilen, siyah-beyaz, ucuz-pahalt gibi karsitliklardir. Beklenmeyen sonug ise, adindan da anlasilacagi gibi, s6z Konus durumda beklenenden farki bir durum / sonug ortaya rkmasidir. although / even though / though / while / much as / notwithstanding: -e ramen while / whereas + ken, oysa, halbuki sifat /zart + as :-@ ragmen sifat / zarf + though +e ragmen no matter what / how / where / when ine /nasil / nerede /ne zaman ... olursa olsun whatever / however / wherever / whenever ne / nasil /nerede / ne zaman ... olursa olsun even if -se bile when -iken * Although / Even though / Though / While / Much as / Notwithstanding the footballers were incredibly ambitious, my team lost another important match. * _ InGermany people can lead a comfortable life when they retire, while / whereas in Turkey retirees live in poverty unless they have a source of extra income. * Very new though /as the software company is, they have managed to be a leading one in the sector. * No matter where you go and what you do during your holiday, you come back refreshed. + However ambitious you might be, there is a limit to what you can do in life if you were born to a poor family. * Ifyou are over the age of forty, you must have a check-up once a year even if you think you are very healthy. * can’t believe it. You are still watching TV when you should be studying in your room. * Although / Even though / Though / While / Much as / Notwithstanding T.S. Eliot published few poems, they have had a tremendous influence on modem poetic technique. * While visiting Iceland, you must be prepared for rapid and extreme weather changes, no matter. where and when you go. * These findings, however interesting they may seem at first sight, do not tell anything new about the subject. + Baloen whales typically have a pair of blowholes while / whereas toothed whales have only one, * Sandra will join us even if she doesn't feel good as we will need her expertise. Dilko Yayiniant ie Conjunctions Dikkat ‘However’ (+ adjective / adverb) ve ‘no matter’ (+ question word) yapilari bazen benzer anlamlarda kullanulir. > No matter how much | eat, | am able to keep my weight under control. * However much | eat, | am able to keep my weight under control, (her iki ciimienin gevirisi: Ne kadar yersem yiyeyim kilomu kontrol altinda tutabiliyorum.) * No matter how much you sleep, you may stil feel tired or worn out. + However much you sleep, you may stil feel tired or worn out. (her iki ciimlenin gevirisi: Ne kadar uyursaniz uyuyun yine de kendinizi yorgun ve bitkin hissedebilitsiniz.) Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with the-given conjunctions below though whereas evenifX2__—althoughX2_—as_—_no matter X3 1 __ what type of Intemet service you have, there are still some tips that you can use to make the Internet run faster. 2 ______ he does not agree with them, Daren pays full attention to others and dignifies, their ideas. 3. Hard they tried, the two sides couldn't agree on a peace settlement. 4, ____ some teachers guide the natural development of the child's innate powers, ‘others build knowledge into the child's mind through a systematic method of instruction. 5. Abas guitar that is out of tune sounds bad __who is playing it. 6 he quits smoking today, he'll have a greater chance of developing health problems than a non-smoker. 7. deeply influenced by Greek education, Roman education was quite different. 8. Whales live in all of the open seas of the world; some occasionally enter coastal waters how fantastic they may be, dreams can be explained in terms of our experiences or desires. 10. Most sports journalists have a background in journalism, case. ___ this is not always the www dittoyayinedikcom 178 Dilko Yayinlan Conjunctions Exercise 7 Choose the correct option 1, —-sea turtles live most of thei on land to lay their eggs. ives in the ocean, adult females must return to beaches A) Even though B) So that ©) Only if 1D) Despite E) Yet 2, many business ideas are rich with opportunity, some business ventures are equally vulnerable to setbacks and failure. A) Because of B) In spite of C) While D) But E) In that - Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) did not deal with American themes, she ranks high among modem American writers. A) Due to B) However C)Although —_D) Despite Bit 4, Death rates dropped sharply in the 1950s to about eight per thousand — births remained at 30 to 40 per thousand until the 1970s in Shanghai. A) since B) whereas: ) only if D) whenever —_E) in spite of 5. = how much effort has been put into the preparation of a reference book, it is of little value if the material is not reliable. ‘A) No matter B) Though C) While D) Although ) Even it 6. Sandy doesn't even know how to use a dictionary --~- she is trying to learn French. Ajas B) though ©) since 1D) now that E) despite 7. —-online courses can offer more flexibility in scheduling, they require more selt- discipline and independence than on-campus courses. A) In spite of B) Only if ©) While D) Yet E) No matter Ditko Yayiniant 180 ‘ww Conjunctions 8. The population has been shifting in its distribution from rural to urban in Malaysia, -— it is still predominantly rural. A) unless B) though C)no matter —_D) despite E) because of 9. — the brain has been determined to be dead, it is possible to keep the heart and lungs ‘operating by machine. A) So that B)Nomatter _C) Evenif D) Owing to E) In spite of ind dunes are spectacular features of deserts, they are not as common or widespread as generally believed. A) Although B) Once ©) Since 1D) Until E) Despite 6. Kosul Bildiren Zarf Ciimlecigi Baglaclan (Subordinating Conjunctions of Condition) if : eger, sayet, ... -(i)se only ancak ...-()se unless +. -mazsa /... -madikga as long as / so long as +. olursa, ... -mast gartiyla providing (that ) / provided (that) / on condition (that) : .. olursa, ...-mast gartiyla in the event that / in case /in case of +a 61 durumunda, ola ki... olur supposing eer, .. var sayarsak + If'no one volunteers to assist the preparation work, | will have to take care of it myself * Some of us will ry an alternative route ifthe organization committee does not object to it. + Immigrants will be eligible for permanent residence only if they have lived here for five years. + Oniyif thoy have lived here for five years, will immigrants be eligible for permanent residence. ‘ iat Dike Vayiniar Conjunctions * You might fll out sections of the forms incorrectly if you fail to follow the instructions. * Ifthe Earth were flat, there would be no problem in representing its surface on a flat sheet of Paper. * Bird flu is a disease of birds, not humans, and people become infected only if they have particularly close contact with infected birds. + Applications will be kept in our roster only if the candidates update their CV regulary in their ‘own career contre. * Only the candidates update their CV regularly in their own career contre, will applications be opt in our roster. D> Yukarda da gorilddga gibi, comle only if le baslarsa, ana ciimle devrik olur. + John is likely to fail the final exam unless he makes a thorough revision. ‘+The father told her daughter that he could let her live alone as long as / so she earned enough to survive. ‘+ Inthe event that /In case there is an emergency, you must evacuate the premises immediately. * Supposing you were the president now, what major decisions would you take? ‘+ Supposing | hadn't invited you to my wedding last year, would you have been offended? Exercise 8 Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions below ‘supposing in case X2 ifx2 only ifX2 unless X 3 1, ______ you pay the bill within the next three days, your phone will be cut off. 2. you agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations, will you be authorized to use the services. you had the opportunity to travel back in time to go anywhere, where would you go? Dike Vayiniarr 12. wwe. dilkoyayinclieom Conjunctions 4, _______ people develop wound infections, they should see a doctor promptly to ‘ensure they are treated appropriately. 5. Addepositis a sum of money you pay to a landlord, which he holds as insurance you damage the property. 6. You won't be able to upload files to that folder ____ you reduce the amount of space to below the quota you've set. 7 students fulfil the admission requirements for the program of their choice, will requests for transfer be considered. a a business manager does not know what their customers want, they will not be able to make their products stand out from their competitors’ products. 9. Keep a hammer in the car so that the windshield can be broken you are ‘rapped inside the car after a crash. 10. Janette will continue to have problems with her teeth ____she gives up drinking sugary soft drinks and eating candy. Exercise 9 Choose the correct option 4. You should see a doctor immediately —- you get a sudden, severe headache along with a stiff neck or a fever. A)unless BY incaseot_ CC) if D) whereas E) since 2. =~ you reduce the total number of calories you eat, the use of sugar substitutes will not, help you lose weight. A) Only if B) Supposing C)Aslongas —D) Unless eit can lend you my laptop —- you promise to return it by Tuesday. A) due to B)aslongas _C) unless. D) so that E) in case of vonwedilkoyayinelikccom 183 Dilko Vayinian 7 10. Conjunctions = you learn to cope with the problems which you come across, you will be able to reduce stressful reactions to these problems. A) Incase B) Only if C) Eventhough —D) Because of) If -— you can keep the elderly active, their quality of life improves so much. A)Evenif —B) Although) It D) Unies E) Due to ~— the academic community places greater value on policy-relevant theoretical work, can the gap between theory and policy be narrowed. A) Only if B) Provided C)Solongas Dif E) Incase of Home sales will probably stay about the same in the coming year —-- there are some dramatic changes. A) unless B) in order that C) no matter D) because of —_E) supposing Microsoft Office Word includes a number of ways to back up and recover your documents -- power failure or other problems. ‘A) providing that B)incase of CC) as longas_ =D) provided ==) unos You will need an agenda ~~ you are a very busy person that has to attend several meetings throughout the day. A)whereas —_B) so that C)even though —D) if E) in case —— there are enough applicants for the course, will level 4 be offered in the spring semester. AA) In the event that B) Providing C) If 1D) Unless E) Only if Diko Yayinlant iat wane dlikoyayinelicom (__Conjunctions _) . _Koordinasyon Baglagiari (Coordinating Conjunctions) > But, and, oF, nor, so, yet vefor gibi baglaclarda esas olan paraleli gruplan paralel olmalidir. ir. Baglanan sézeik veya s6zcik * She is tired but happy. (sifat + but + sifat) + She's not a doctor but a pharmacist. (isim + but + isim) = She wants to dance, but her husband wants to watch TV. (ciimlecik + but + ciimlecik) D> Simdi cimlecikleri birbirine baglayan koordinasyon bagjaglant igeren Smekler inceleyelim: = Linvited him several times, but /yet he didn’t want to join us. (fakat) ‘They decided to come togethor early in the moming, and everybody was there at dawn. (ve) * You can join the team now, of you may choose to stay out of It forever. (ya da) + She doesn’t want to sleep, nor does she want to revise for her exams. (ne de) + Theard they had been divorced, so | was surprised when | saw them together yesterday. (bu yiizden) + Iwas sad, for | had lost my gitfriend. She had gone away with another man. (giinki) D> 1. iki comlecigibirlestircikleri zaman, bu ba@laglardan énco gonolikle virgal kullanit. ‘Actually, they didn't want to cooperate with us, but in the end we managed to convinee them, 2. For, giinkti demektir ve yalnizea iki cimlenin arasinda kullanilebitir. Jack didn't tell us about the accident, for he didn't want us to worry. 3, Yel, iki ctimlecigjiligkilendiren bir baglag olarak kullanildiginda fakat anlamina gol. Terry has always wanted to run his own business, yet he has not had a chance to do it. wonlioyayincilitccom 185: Dike Vayinian Conjunctions _) > Esli Baglaclar (Paired Conjunctions) isminden de antasilacagt gibi bu baglaclar gogu zaman ikili olarak kullarulilar. * Neither the students nor the teacher wants to go. (ne ... ne de ...) * Either one of the students or the teacher will have to clean the board. (ya ... ya da ..) * Both the students and the teacher want to go. (hem ... hem de ..) + The teacher not only did a written exam but he also did an oral exam. (yalnizea ... deg... da) ‘+ The teacher not only did a written exam, he did an oral exam as well. (yalnizca ... dedi. da) * Im going to fight for our rights, whether you stay here like a coward or come with me. (ister. ister.) ‘Whether ... or not’ yapisi s6zt| edilen eylemin her iki olasilktan da etkllenmeyecedini gésteri. * Whether you want to eat it or not, you're going to finish your meal. (att gill bolimiin geviist: Yemok istesen de istemesen de...) Either -- or, neither --- nor veya not only --- but also / as well ézneyi niteledigi zaman, fill gekiminde kine! isim belireyici olur. * Neither the coach nor the players think that they need a new forward player. * Neither the players nor the coach thinks that they need a new forward player. * Either the doctor or the patients were not telling the truth, ‘+ Either the patients or the doctor was not telling the truth. * Not only the disabled man but also all his relatives and friends are in pain. + Not only the disabled man but also all his family is in pain Dik Yayinian 136_J wow (C Conjunctions Exercise 10 Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions below both... and not only ... but also whether... or X 2 either ... o X3 neither ... nor X2 not only ... as well the mental ability 1. I decided to quit playing tennis when | realized that | got the physical strength it required. 2, Research in psychiatry found that psychiatric problems were a result of self-problems, but a result of relational problems aN you come to Beijing for business holiday, you can relax in our comfortable chauffeur driven car and enjoy the sights of Beijing city. 4. Acountry with public health provides its citizens with health coverage at a discounted rate at no charge. 5. Some public schools in the U.S. have all boy students all gil students. 6. When his mother died, the novelist John Lanchester discovered that the name that he knew her by her date of birth were false. ____________the boy in the back row the girls beside him patticipated in class discussion yesterday, so they each got a low mark. 8. you come to our faculty from down the street ‘across the globe, you'll certainly find a warm welcome here. 9. Workers are compelied to meet their own needs those of the exploiting ruling class. 10. Gladiators were captured soldiers from rival armies condemned criminals selected for their ferocity, strength and skill Baglag islevi Géren Edatlar (Conjunctive Prepositions) Edatlarisimlerden, zamirlorden, isimlegmis fillerden (gerund) ve isim ctimleciklerinden (noun clauses) 6nce kullanilirar. + All my friends in the ho: tal are on duty tonight. (isim) = They are very worried about her as they haven't heard from her for a week. (zamir) ‘ 187 Diko Yayinian Conjunction) * She was upset about losing her boyfriend, who she was madly in love with. (isimlesmis fil * Her surprisingly good remarks about her job have made me curious about where she works, (isim cimlecigi) D> Ayni gekilde, baglag islevi géren edatlar da isimlerden, zamirlerden, isimlesmis fillerden (gerund) ve isim cumleciklerinden (noun clauses) énce kullanuhirlar: * Jack is having serious problems at work because of his carelessness. (isim) himself. (zamir) being careless. (isimlegmig fil) the fact that he is careless. (isim ctimlecigi) DP Simdi baglag iglevi goren edatlari (conjunctive prepositions) émekleriyle tek tek inceleyelim. Because of / Due to / On the grounds of / Owing to /‘On account of / As a result of /As a consequence of In view of: ytiziinden, dayanarak, sonucunda * George was not popular with his classmates on account of his rude manners. ‘Thanks to: sayesinde, yiznden * Thanks to my mother’s unconditioned support, | managed to get over those days of pain and tie By means of: yoluyla, sayesinde, aracilgnyla * Our teaching module doesn't make you translate the Latin into English at all, but shows the relationships among words by means of tree diagrams. Instead of / Rather than: yerine * You must study instead of watching TV all day. Such as / Like: gibi * Many cities such as / like Ordu and Giresun lack enough employment. Unlike: aksine * Unlike my wife, | hate to watch TV. Diko Yayiniant 138 wnne.dilkovayinelicom (—_ Conjunctions —_) For fear of: korkusuyla + She did whatever they wanted for fear of being Killed. Except for / Apart from / Aside from: haricinde, diginda + There is nothing to eat except for a few eggs. But for: olmasaydt, olmadan + Butfor you, darling, life would be meaningless. In the event of /in case of: durumunda + Inthe event of /In case of emergency, you must evacuate the premises immediately. As of: -den itibaren + Aso today, you are authorized to use this facility ‘As to: hakkinda + Young people have concerns as to their future careers. As for: -e gelinge * matte strict and fussy. As for my wife, | should say shé very tolerant and understanding, Regardless of: dikkate almaksizin © Regardless of the many wamings we made, the local government sold that factory. With respect to / With regard to / Concerning / As regards: hakkinda = [have no worries at all conceming my future. | already have all need, In terms of: bakimindan + Interms of numbers of lakes, the Eastern Anatolian region, containing Turkey's largest, Lake Van, is the richest. ‘As well as / In addition to / Besides: yaninda, ek olarak The boy is attending a course as well as taking private lessons in order to get into university. 188 Dilko Yayinian (Conjunctions__) In spite of / Despite / Notwithstanding / For all: -e ramen * They managed to be a market leader despite their financial drawbacks. As opposed to / Contrary to: tersine, aksine * Contrary-to our expectation, the luxury restaurant was Inexpensive. > Bazi edatlarin (preposition) sonuna the fact that eklenebilir. Bu durumda baglagtan sonra ctimlecik gelir + Be L uence of / Du it inks to / On. Un_view of the fact that there are more factories than ever in and around the city, the air that we inhale is highly polluted * inspite of / Despite / Notwithstanding / For all the fact that she was hungry, she didn't eat anything. Exercise 11 Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions below such as despite contraryto —ratherthan = due to like well as unlike regardless of in spite of 1 Joseph, who was exceedingly anxious for power, Napoleon's second brother, Lucien, was an ardent republican. 2. Most ancient Egyptian clothing, _____ the gender or social class for which it was intended, was designed for the purpose of keeping cool in the hot, dry desert. 3, Smell can evoke emotions happiness, fear, even sexuality. 4. John is jealous of his wife's achievements. However, she is flying up her ladder of career him, 5. _____popular belief, he cat cannot heal the wound by licking it. 6. Experts estimate that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day rainforest deforestation. 7. Human inventiveness has brought now risks ___ improvements to human. existence, Ditko Yayiniart 180 wine.dilkoyayinelicom Conjunctions 8 the Romans, the scholars of the Middle Ages took over the content of Greek education and adapted it to their own culture. 9. ____my disagreement with his point of view, | can't help admiring his honesty. 10. Scientists have investigated the possibilty that whales actually communicate by means of a language comparable to those used by humans, simply using the underwater signals to provide information about immediate conditions. Exercise 12 Choose the correct option 1, The average brain requires 25 percent of all oxygen used by the body, —~ 12 percent used by the kidneys and 7 percent by the heart. ‘A) as opposed to B) in other words _C) so that D) in case ) with regard to computers, ecologists hai animals. mulated communities containing various plants and ‘A) According to B) For C) Seeing that D) Since E) By means of 3. —the Greeks, who considered physical health a part of education, the church considered the human body something to be ignored. A) Though B) Since ©) Unlike D) But for ) No matter 4, her lack of interest in noisy parties, Elizabeth pretended to be enjoying herself. A) As B) Notwithstanding C) Yet D) Even though) By means of 5. Canada’s economy was greatly affected in the 1920's ~ and by the over expansion of industries. the over-production of goods A)as B)because of C) since D) instead of ——_—E) seeing that, ‘www dilowayinelikccom 191 Diko Yayinian 16. (_cotinetions =) 6. -~ similarities in purpose among all tribal dances, differences existed from culture to culture. A) In spite of B) Although C)Nomatter. —_D) Incase E) Whereas. 7. Break the window with the hammer --—- emergency. A)even though —_B) incase ©) unless, D) besides E) in case of 8 —- teaching, my father has always been involved in public affairs. A)Inaddition ——_B) Similarly C)Nomatier —_D) Aswellas__E) Inorder to 9. —next year, all US model building codes will incorporate ground motion hazard maps derived from the geological survey studies. A) Since B) Thanks to ©) Asto D) As of E) Such as 10. Some animals are becoming extinct - unstable weather conditions. A) despite B) only if C) instead of —-D) nowthat_——_E) owing to Ba§lag islevi Goren Zarflar (Conjunctive Adverbs) Bu baglaclar ciimieleri birlestiriier ve bunlardan sonra virgil kullanilir. Fark kullanim secenekleri vardir. + The teacher wants to continue. However, the students want to go home, + The teacher wants to continue. The students, however, want to go home. * The teacher wants to continue. The students want to go home, however. * The teacher wants to continue; however, the students want to go home, * The teacher wants to continue; the students, however, want to go home. * The teacher wants to continue; the students want to go home, however. Diko Yayiniant 92 wovedilkoyayincilicom Conjunctions _) Therefore / Consequently / For this reason / As a result / As a consequence / That's why / Accordingly / Thus / Hence / Thereby: bu yazden, sonug olarak © She spent years getting prepared for the race. Therefore, nobody was surprised when she won. However / Nevertheless / Nonetholess / Even so / Still All the same: fakat, yine de, buna ragmen + He apologized to the woman several times. Even so, she didn’t forgive him. (On the other hand: dlijer yandan * Many people are very happy to be living in istanbul. On the other hand, there are those longing for a peaceful life in a small town, In contrast / Conversely: oysa, halbuki * Mary is very shy and reserved. In contrast, her brother is very self-confident and sociable. (On the contrary: tam tersing + She is not a slow learner. On the contrary, she is one of the fastest learners I've ever met, Instead: onun yerine + We thought Gary would resign after the row he had with the director. Instead, he held on*to what he had and started to work even harder. ‘Anyway: hemeyse I'm going through a difficult stage of my life. | have problems with my job, family and friends. ‘Anyway, this is enough of me. How are you doing? Afterall: her geye ragmen + The weather was too hot and the hotel was very crowded. Afterall, we enjoyed a lovely week by the sea. Above all: hepsinden dnemlisi * Rion is easy-going, helpful and clever. Above all, he is very honest, which is not a very usual personality trait today. 193 Dilko Yaiyiniari Conjunctions In fact / Indeed / As a matter of fact / Actually: gergekten ‘+ We thought she would cause some trouble. Indeed, she has proven to be a pain in the neck. (On the whole / Allin all: gene! olarak bakildiginda, her sey g6z6niinde bulunduruldugunda, * There were problems at times, but on the whole it was a great h In conclusion / To conclude / To sum up / In briet / Briefly / In summary / In short: 6zetle, kisacast + To.conclude, if we want a better-organized society, each individual must follow his share of responsibility. Similarly / Likewise / In the same way: aynt gekilde * She didn’t go to university and started to work. Similarly, most of her friends were high school graduates. Meanwhile / In the meantime / At the same time: bu arada, bu sirada, ayni zamanda 19. Meanwhile, | was shopping for food. + My wife was clearing up the mess all mor Otherwise / Or (else): aksi takdirde, yoksa * You have to enrol in the class this week. Otherwise / Or (else), you will have to wait for another four months. ‘Moreover / What is more / Furthermore / Besides / In addition / Also: ayriea, ek olarak, ilaveten * In order to curtal the inflation rate, the government increased some taxes. In addition, they gave zero-payrise to the government workers. For instance / For example / To illustrate: émegin ‘+ She is fond of a variety of sports. For instance, she has been playing volleyball since she was ten. In other words / That is / That is to say / Namely / Specifically: yani, bir bagka deyisle * She handed in her resignation. That is, she is not going to work with us any more. Dike Vayinian 134 wirw (_Conjunctions —_) Atfirst: baslangigta + Atfirst things were going well. But then we were trapped in the jungle. At last / Eventually / Finally In the end: sonunda + I spent years trying to be the best ofall, and at last | managed to be the world champion. Afterwards / Later / Then / Next / Subsequently: sonradan, daha sonra + Ourrelationship started very well. Things were running smoothly. Afterwards, we started to have frequent rows, and in the end we broke up. In particular / Particularly: dzellikle. + Myson likes eating all kinds of fruit. In particular, he loves grapes. Exercise 13 Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions below thereby that's why furthermore asa result however otherwise _nevertheless instead in addition therefore 1. We are not interested in being the biggest library in the city. _, we aim to offer a personal service to our clients by providing high quality creative images at a fair price. 2, The robbery took place in broad daylight; ____, there seem to have been no eye- witnesses. ' 3. _Atthe time of his death, Picasso was keeping many of his paintings in his possession and, , he had a considerable collection of the work of other famous artist. 4, Fallure of the breathing mechanism once was known to bring about cessation of heartbeat, inducing death. 5. There are a lot of serious problems in our education system. , only a small percentage of our young people can study at university. 6. You had better be more polite to your friends, /ou might lose them. 7. Plants and animals both need to take in water, and animals need to take in food. they all need light. ‘wan ilkoyayinelik-com 15 Dilko Vayiniant a Conjunctions _) 8. Awoman in good shape has between 15 to 18 per cent body fat. The models used in most of the advertising for abdominal machines, have less than 10 per cent body fat. 9. Since cats land on all four paws, the impact from landing on the ground is absorbed by all four. they bend their legs when they land, which cushions the impact by spreading it 10. Women often drive more slowly than men. usually less serious, accidents involving females are Exercise 14 Choose the correct option 1. Stress can drastically reduce the circulation of blood in the brain, —- increasing the chances of suffering a stroke. A) because B) as a result ) thereby D) despite E) likewise 2. Greek sculptors had learned to represent the human form naturally and easily, in action or at rest; ~~, they were interested chiefly in portraying gods. ‘A) however B) in addition to. ~—C) on accountot_—_D) otherwise) only if Abundance of prey can vary locally within a region. —-, whales must be prepared to move constantly in search of the highest food densities. A)Thus B) Although —C) Instead_—=—«(D) Butfor__—_E) As a consequence of 4, Animals have no maps or compasses to guide them; --- they can find their way over, long distances. A)in spite of 8) even so C)contraryto ——«-D) suchas.) unlike 5. Stephen Crane's schooling was not continuous; -— he read all of the 19%-century English writers and the Greek and Latin classics. A)bythetime 8) due to C)as for D) nonetheless E) as well as 6. Your bicycle chain is the central component of your drivetrain, and — replace it when it gets worn. is important to ‘A) whereas B) but C)asaresult of D) so that E) therefore Dike Vayiniant C6. Conjunctions _) 7. Some artists paint concrete forms with which viewers are generally familiar. —, others try to create entirely abstract relationships. ‘A) As opposedto —_B) Unlike C)incase ——-D) Evenit_—_&) On the other hand 8. A greenhouse is used both for displaying plants and, where winters are cold, for ‘growing plants that would not -— survive the seasonal change. A)asto B) unless C) such as D)otherwise —€) as for 9. Global warming will result in more wildfires, — resulting in depletion of already dwindling forest cover across the world. A) but for B)inasmuch as) thus. D)no matter €) in addition 10. Itis never easy to identify the true ancestry for animal species. —-, most scientists agree ‘that the earliest ancestors of whales originated about 70 million years ago. A) Contrary to B) However ¢) Since D) Despite E) Thanks to 11. Zarf Ciimleciklerinin Kisaltiimast (Reduction of Adverbial Clauses) D> Zarf cimlociklerinin kisaltilmast iki grup halinde incelenebilir; zart ciimlecigi baglacinin atildigi kisaltmalar (1) ve baglacin atlmadigt kisaltmalar (2). Zarf ciimlecigi baglacinin atildigy kisaltmalar + While she was driving to Bodrum, my bestfriend had an accident. (egzamanit eylem) + Driving to Bodrum, my best friond had an accident. + Ashe was getting ready for work yesterday morning, my uncle had a heart attack, (eszamanit eylem) + Geiting ready for work yesterday moming, my uncle had a heart attack. www 197 Dike Vayinian ‘Conjunction ) * Because she eams a lot, she can afford to buy whatever she wants. (sebep-sonue iliskisi) + Earning a lot, she can afford to buy whatever she wants. * Since he didn’t earn much, he had difficulty in getting by. (sebep-sonug ilskisi) + Noteaming much, he had difficulty in getting by. + After she reloaded the program into her computer, she noticed that the blinking of the screen was gone. (arka arkaya gergeklegen eylemler) * Having reloaded the program into her computer, she noticed that the blinking of the screen was gone. * After he closed the door to his office, he picked up the phone with excitement. (arka arkaya gergeklesen eylemler) * Having closed the door to his office, he picked up the phone with excitement. * My boyftiend sold his old car and bought a brand-new one, but he still complains about the car's performance: (and yerine) * My boytriond sold his old car, buying a brand-new one, but he stil complains about the car's, performance, * The general director came to my office and congratulated me on my promotion. (and yerine) * The general director came to my office, congratulating me on my promotion. Zart ciimleciai baglacinin atilmadigi kisaltmalar > After, Before, While, When ve Since baglaclanndan birini igeren aki cmlecikler ve Once, Until, When, Whenever, If, Unless, Although, Though ve As baglaglanndan birin igeren pasif ciimlecikler baglaclan atmadan kisaltilabilirier. * Before you go to Aftica, you must got several injections. * Before going to Africa, you must get several injections. * You must get several injections before going to Africa. * Aller they examined the documents, they signed them, * Afler-examining the documents, they signed them. * While Lwas writing an email, | suddenly remembered | had left my mobile at home. > While writing an email, | suddenly remembered | had left my mobile at home. Ditko Yayiniant 136 (C Conjunetions * When they were dancing happily, they forgot the whole world. + When dancing happily, they forgot the whole world, + Since we came to Turkey, we have made a lot of great friends. + Since coming to Turkey, we have made a lot of great friends. * Once 1 was left alone in the room, | tried to look for a way out. * Once left alone in the room, | tried to look for a way out. + Until she was interviewed by the police, she didn't know there had been a murder in the next apartment. + Untilinterviewed by the police, she didn't know there had been a murder in the next apartment. + When they were treated badly by the security, they made a complaint to the management. + When treated badly by the security, they made a complaint to the management. + Whenever lam invited to a formal party, | get nervous because | don't have a nice suit. + Whenevar invited to a formal party, | get nervous because | don't have a inice suit. ‘+ Ifitis fed properly, this animal lives more than ten years: + This animal lives more than ten years if fed properly * Unless itis left in the sun for too long, this shirt will not fade. * Unless left in the sun for too long, this shirt will nt fade. * Although he was not invited to the reception, the man did not hesitate to join the crowd, * Although not invited to the reception, the man did not hesitate to join the crowd, * Asitwas stated above, the country is in turmoil. * Asstated above, the country is in turmoil D> Yukanida sézi edilen tiim zari cimlecigi kisaltmalarinda, ana climlecikteki ve yan ciimlecikteki ézneler aynidir. Ancak, éznoler farkit oldugu zaman da kisaltma yaptlabilir. = Asthe conditions were unsuitable, the match had to be postponed. + The conditions being unsuitable, the maich had to be postponed. + After the treaty had been signed by both sides, the presidents shook hands. + The treaty having been signed by both sides, the presidents shook hands. wine 139, Dilko Yayinian (—Conjunetions > Yukaridaki bazi omeklerden de aniasilabilecegi gibi, kisaltilan cUmlecik, cimlenin baginda ya da sonunda olabilir. * Having emptied his pocket onto the table, the man who insisted on being innocent looked in the officer's eyes angrily. + The man who insisted on being innocent looked in the officer's eyes angrily, having emptied his pocket onto the table. Exercise 15 ‘Change the reduced clauses into their full forms 1. Coconut oil, when applied to the damaged skin, moisturizes the skin and also effectively helps prevent dy skin. 2. Examining urine in his laboratory, German chemist Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus quite by chance. 3. Handles of some knives are attached to the blade with adhesives that can loosen if washed in the dishwasher. 4. No one believed her when Laura said, “My husband and I haver't had a row since getting marti five years ago. 5. _ In shor, the skylight stimulates the red and green cones almost equally, stimulating the blue cones more strongly. 6. Having been arrested for killing two of her sons, the mother refused anti-psychotic drugs. 7. They predicted that, unless curtailed, such rapid population growth would outstrip food supplies. 8. The Vietnamese follow the lunar calendar when fixing the dates of their festivals. ' Dike Yayinlan 200 (__Conjunctions _) 9. Still dissatisfied with the amount of data he had collected, the doctor decided to perform one more test to solidity his theory. 10, Replacing the broken tles on the roof, the man fell down and broke his leg 42. KONUYLA iLGiLi ONEMLi AYRINTILAR > Zaman bagacinin bulundugju comlecikte (yan cimlecik) will, would ve be going to gibi gelecok zaman yapilari kullanilmaz. Gelecekten s62 ediliyor olsa da simple present, present perfect veya uuygun bir modal Kullaruli. + Everybody will breathe a sigh of relief when the plane fighting against the storm lands / has. landed /-can land. D> Yan camiecikile ana ctimlecik arasinda zaman uyumu olmalidir. Bir cUmlecik gegmisle, ilgili olamaz. Bunun tek istisnast since baglacidir. igeri gimdiyle © Our customer lets us know when the merchandise arrives. = Ourcustomer lets us know when the merchandise has arrived. * Our customer will lot us know when the merchandise has arrived, * Our customer will let us know when the merchandise arrives. Our customer let us know when the merchandise had arrived. = Our customer let us know when the merchandise arrived. = Ourcustomer has expanded his business since he started working with us. D> After, before, since, until ve til sézodkleri, hem zarf ciimlecigi baglaci hem de edat (preposition) olarak. kullanutiriar. + The jury members had lunch together after the first session was ovar. (baglag) + The jury members had lunch together after the first session. (edat) * My father waited for me outside the show centre until the concert finished. (baglag) © My father waited for me outside the show centre until the end of the concer. (edat) wwwdikoyayincilikcom 201 Dike Vayiniant (—“Sonjunctions —) B® As long as ba@lact tig farkli anlamda kullanilabilir. * You can leave the country as long as you have a clean criminal record. (providing that) * _ Iwill strive to serve the interests of the company as long as | work here. (during the time) + Aslong as you're driving to work anyway, give me a lft to work, (because) D> By the time bir zaman baglaci, by ise bir edattir (preposition). * By-the time the war in Iraq ends, hundreds of thousands of people will have died, * Robin has always been a successful runner and by the time he was thirteen, he had won many races. * The rescue team had evacuated the flood zone by the time the flood water reached there. * The Japanese modern dance company is having a successful tour of Europe. Their dancers will have performed over 200 times by the time they return to Japan + The committee's members will have finished discussing the issue at hand by the time the vice president has arrived + Bythe end of the war in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of people will have died. + By the last half of the 19° century, both France and Germany had established secondary schools for women. + Scientists say that by 2050, 90% of the area where the forest dragons currently live will have become too hot for them to survive. + Bythe mid-19" century it had become fashionable to use schools objects that provided first-hand sense impressions and that supplomented abstract book learning, + Today, hal of the worle's population live in urban settlements, and estimates suggest that by 2030, this figure will have risen to two thirds, D> Hem by the time hem de until Tarkge'ye “-e kadar” diye gevrilseler de fark gokilordo kullanihirar. * Oya will have graduated from university by the time Tuna completes his military service. (buginden o gine kadarki zaman diliminde bir an) * Oya will wait for Tuna to get married until he compltes his military service, (buginden o gine kadarki zaman dlimi boyunca) Dilko Vayinian 202 (Conjunetions —_) > As sdzcigd pek cok farkl anlamda kullantlabili. + Asweall know, there is no immediate solution to the problem of unemployment. (gibi) As we become more experienced, we tend to make fewer mistakes. (-dikga) + As the official inflation rate is low, employers are unwilling to give high pay rises. (-chgi igin) = Asthe policeman was driving to the crime scene, he passed through the red lights. (-iken) * Worried as the mother was, she tried to hide it so as not to upset the other kids. (-e ragmen) = Asan experienced bus driver, David managed to avoid a terrible accident that could have ‘caused many casualties. (olarak) + Since hydrogen is highly flammable, especially when mixed with pure oxygen, itis used as a fuel in rockets. (olarak) > While baglaci Ug farkit aniamda kullanilabilr * While the kids were waiting for their mother to phone, they heard a knock on the door. (-iken) + The conditions in my company are great, while those in my wife's are terrible, (halbuki) While the man did all he could to convince the woman, she packed her suitcase and left for good. (-e ragmen) > For bagiaci, iki cimlenin ortasinda kullanulir ve Sncesinde virgil olmaltdir. Yer degigtirernez, ilk cimienin bagina gelemez. * The accounting manager is likely to stay here, for she is happy to be working with us. © Warming up before you exercise is very important, for it allows your muscles to literally warm up and prepare for exercise. + Amy can't have seen me in the shopping mall the other day, for | was in the office working all day long. ‘ 203, Dilko Yayinian: Conjunctions _) D> Thanks to gogunlukla olumlu geylerden s6z ederken kullanilr. Fishing around this part of the state has improved thanks to cooler temperatures and fair skies. ‘Today's houses have the potential to be safer and smarter than ever thanks to new products that combine technology and common sense. “Thanks to Jason's contributions, the conference was a huge success considering the attendance and the content. D> Such as iki fark gekilde kullanlabilr, Neighbouring countries such as Turkey and Greece often have disagreements. ‘Such neighboring countries as Turkey and Greece often have disagreements. The automotive Industry is an indicator of a nation’s economic health in industrialized countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan. ‘The automotive industry is an indicator of a nation’s economic health in such industrialized countries as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan, > Now that ile baglanan iki comlede antatilan eylomlerin arasinda fazia bir zaman farkt yoktur. Now that my father is retired, he can travel to wherever he wants. ‘Schoolkids have a long holiday to enjoy now that classes are over. ‘Now that more and more is learned about the biochemical changes that go on in the body as it {grows older, scientists may someday be able to modify those changes to ensure better health for the aged. ‘Now that you have completed the experiment and recorded the observations, you can analyse the information to see if it supports your hypothesis. > For fear ve lest baglaglariyla genellikie might veya should kullanuli. ‘The young boy tiptoed into the room for fear he might wake up his father. | will keep quiet lest somebody in the room should recognize | do not belong in there, Employers are generally wary of hiting people who have been out of work for six month or more for fear they lack the motivation and the skills to compete in a competitive environment. | hurried to explain myself further lest the manager should misunderstand my words. Dike Yayiniant T2048 (— Conjunctions For fear of bir edattir. +The new members ofthe team are working non-stop for fear of disappointing thelr coach, = Weare no longer allowed to let students bring CDs to stick in our computers for fear of infecting our school system computers with viruses. + Some people are staying away from department stores and other closed places for fear of being infected with the virus. > Notwithstanding otimlede veriten bilgiler arasinda zithk veya geliski oldugunu gésterirken ‘nevertheless’, ‘despite’ veya ‘although’ gibi kullanvlabilr + Tim wanted to be an engineer, but he faced many difficulties notwithstanding. (=nevertheless) +The referee didn't postpone the match and both of the teams played on notwithstanding the strong wind. (=despite) +The project wasn't put into practice notwithstanding it has received mainly positive reviews from citizens. (=although) D> No sooner ... than ve hardly / scarcely ... when yapilant as soon as ile ayni antamt veri. + Nosooner had I finished the meal than | started feeling hungry again. [had no sooner finished the meal than | started feeling hungry again (Yemegj bitirmemie yenicen ack hissetmeye baslamam bir oldu.) + No'sooner had | gone to my car than | realized that | forgot my phone at the office. | had no sooner gone to my car than | realized that | forgot my phone at the office. (Tam arabama gider gitmez teletonumu ofiste unuttugumu fark ettim.) + No-sooner had | seen that attic scene than I remembered watching the movie before. had no sooner seen that attic scene than | remembered watching the movie before. (O tavan arasi sahnesini gorir gérmez filmi daha énce izledigimi hatiracim * Hardly / Scarcely had | fallen asleep when a crash woke me. | had hardly / scarcely fallen asleep when a crash woke me. (Garditayle uyandigimda dana yeni uykuya dalmigtim.) wane 205 Dike Vayintan (Conjunctions + Hardly / Scarcely had we found our seats when the train pulled out. We had hardly / scarcely found our seats when the train pulled out (Yerlerimizi bulmamizia trenin hareket etmesi bir oldu.) + Haraly / hhad the minister finished his speech when gunshots stormed the stadium. The minister had hardly / scarcely finished his speech when gunshots stormed the stadium. (Bakan tam konusmasini bitirmisti ki stadyurnda silah sesleri yankilandh.) Exercise 16 Fill in the blanks with no sooner or hardly 1. Ihad_____seen Jack coming out of the building when | stopped to talk to him. had Amy settled into campus life than she decided to pursue film, a lifelong passion, in an academic setting, 9. Gerard had____ graduated from the university when he went to the United States to develop his English. 4. had Mrs Lawrence come back home than the maid left in a hurry. 5; had the army moved to prevent the riot than a fight began between the rebels and the troops. 6 Thad arrived at the hotel and had been pleased about the fact that it was in a quiet neighbourhood when a large noise started in front of the building Dm Asif —:-mis gibi AAs though: -mig gibi * The pupils look as if they have had a hard time. (gergek durum) * The pupils look as if they had been beaten by bullies. But, actually, they only played rugby. (hayali durum) * Tina is an ordinary office worker who lives on a low salary, but she acts as if she was a pop star. (hayali durum) * Alice looked at me as if Lhad told her a lie, but | swear | told the truth. (hayali durum) D> Simekte de goraidaga gibi, gorgek olmayan bir gérintiiden s6z ediiyorsa, bir fense geriye gil. Ditko Vayintarr C206 ne

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