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Name : ______________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score : _______

School: ______________________________ Teacher: ______________________Subject: Science - 7

LAS Writer: Richel M. Nacubuan Content Editors: Murdy F. Bautista, Hermer B. Tidalgo
Lesson/Topic: LIGHT CHARACTERISTICS: Sources of Light (Quarter 3 Week 5, LAS 1)
Learning Target: Describe how charge is processed by conduction. MELCS(S7LT-IIIe-8)
Reference(s): Asuncion, P et. Al., 2013 Science 7, Pasig City, Philippines. DedEd ICMS, pp.173-175
Sir Isaac Newton believed that light behaves like a particle while
Christian Huygens believed that light behaves like a wave. A third scientist,
Max Planck came up with what is now known as the Dual-Nature of Light.
He explained that light can be a particle and can also be a wave. To complete
our knowledge about the nature of light, James Clark Maxwell proposed the
Electromagnetic Theory of Light. He combined the concepts of light,
electricity and magnetism to come up with his theory forming electromagnetic
waves. Since these are waves they also exhibit different characteristics of
waves such as wavelength, frequency and wave speed. There are different
forms of electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency. This
arrangement of the electromagnetic waves is known as Electromagnetic
spectrum. The visible part of which is known as white light or visible light.

The sun is known as a natural source of light. Sun is also considered

as a luminous body (an object capable of producing its own light). Other
sources are the lamps, bulbs, and candles. These are the artificial sources.
Energy transformation is needed to convert or transform forms of energy to Electromagnetic Spectrum
light or other forms. In bulbs, electric potential is converted to light. In lamps,
chemical energy is transformed to light.

Brightness of light depends on the source and the distance from the source. The farther the light source,
the dimmer is the light and the lower the intensity. Brightness however, is qualitative and is dependent of the
person’s perception. Quantitatively, brightness can be expressed as luminous intensity with a unit known as
candela. The unit expression came from the fact that one candle can approximately represent the amount of
visible radiation emitted by a candle flame.

Natural Sources of Artificial Sources
Light of Light
Sun Lamps
Moon Bulbs
Stars Candles

ACTIVITY: Match the Light

Instruction: Match the concept from Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the number.
Column A Column B

_______1. It depends on the sources and the A. Frequency

distance from the source.
_______2. Light can be a particle and a wave. B. Light
_______3. It is needed to convert or transform
energy to light or other forms. C. Dual-Nature of Light
_______4. This is the combination of light, electricity and
magnetism concepts forming electromagnetic D. Electromagnetic Theory of Light
_______5. In this way electromagnetic waves are E. Brightness
F. Energy Transformation

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