Group: Epsilon

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Group: Epsilon

Munir Ahmed Khan

ID: 182-40-521

Jannatul Ferdous Dilruba

ID: 182-40-512

Abrar Mahir Antor

ID: 172-40-438

Durjoy Paul
ID: 182-40-528

Maymuna Eshika
ID: 191-40-591

Course: New Typeface Design

Course Code: MCT 431
Semester: Spring 2021

Supervised By
Mizanur Rahman
Sr. Lecturer
Department of MCT
Daffodil International University


Typography is an astonishing design of fonts that have the ability to alter the atmosphere
of readers' Solicitudes and we Team Epsilon had an excellent opportunity to learn explore
and produce our own typography through this project. Our team members did their most
salutary to acknowledging unique typography and conceive a new one following the rules
and exceptional collaboration. Following this statement, we will define everything we
prepared to develop this project.

Objective plays an essential part to prepare a project. Our objective was to produce a font
from the scratch and to do this we have followed all the steps provided by our course
teacher. At first, our team members had to create some demo fonts of their own variety.
Later finishing that, we had to decide on one scheme of font out of them. After picking we
did a decent illustration of the preferred font design and used some guidance from our
instructor to correct some flaws. After that, we comprehended the procedure of the
preferred font design and split the work for each team member. After that, we have
designed all the fonts using Adobe illustrator and took a review from our instructor to
correct the flaws, and redesigned a conclusive version of our font. This way we have
approached the objective we were tasked to strike.

Every creation has a purpose behind its creation. And the purpose of our font is fulfilling
the demand of the new generation. The new generation involves new stuff to bargain with.
Learning what is the most desired and what is the most user-friendly font for the new
generation was a hard arrangement to execute, but we did our best to comprehend them
by proper researching and executed everything into the font.

This is a group project. The name of our group is EPSILON and we have five members
in our group. In this project there are 344 characters to make. One of our team members
provide us sketch, then we divide our work and complete our job in illustrator. All the
members try herd and give their level best.

In this project we used sketch book, pen, and pencil for sketch all characters. And finally,
we used illustrator for made those characters.

In our region, there are few people who work with Bangla font design and have interested
in it. Despite the fact that Bengali is our mother language, we should make an effort to
design Bangla fonts. We can only hope that our efforts would spark. New people's interest
in contributing to it. The new generation will gain a deeper understanding of Bangla font
design as a result of this project. If we can focus on it carefully and do our best to make
it great, it can encourage our new generation to go for it.


Abrar Mahir Antor

Durjoy Paul

Maymuna Eshika

Munir Ahmed Khan

Jannatul Ferdous Dilruba

We get a really good idea about typeface in this course. This course encourages us to
develop new typeface designs and to use our imagination. This course assists in the
development of our design sense. All of this is possible just because of our excellent
course teacher, who trained us well and encouraged us to try something new and exciting.
Finally, we are all delighted to be a part of this new typeface design course.

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