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Presented By
Hira Saeed

Internship Duration




We testify that there is none worthy of worship but ALLAH, and HE is the ONE who made
us that much capable to accomplish our task.

 Our sincere thanks to Mr.Waheed and Mr.Shahzada Khurram who has given me the
appropriate knowledge and guided me.
We would also like to give a special thanks to our parents for supporting us
financially and morally.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
Hello to the future

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the largest telecommunication
company in Pakistan. This company provides telephony services to the nation and still holds
the status of backbone for country’s telecommunication infrastructure in spite of entrance of
the dozen other Telco including telecom giants like TELENOR and CHINA Mobile.

The Government of Pakistan sold 26% shares and control of the company to ETISALAT in
2006. The Government of Pakistan retained 62% of the services while the remaining 12% are
held by the general public.

As the most important Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the
region we are the link that allows global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing
the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future
that offers telecom services to bring the world closer.

Pakistan has made solid progress in expanding telecommunication networks and services in
recent years. In Pakistan this industry had few big giants in the past with

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) being the solitary provider of

landline telephone service in the country. At present the organization principal activity is to
provide telecommunication services all over the country. It offers both domestic and
international services throughout Pakistan. PTCL also manufactures telecommunication
related equipment.

In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance formed the basis for

PTCL monopoly over basic telephony in the country. It also paved the way for the
establishment of an independent regulatory regime. The provisions of the Ordinance were
lent permanence in October 1996 through Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization)
Act. The same year, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed
on all stock exchanges of Pakistan.

Brand Values:
 Evolving
 Innovative
 Human
 Trustworthy
 Quality Conscious

VISION Statement:
To be the foremost Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the
region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value'. The future is
relating around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication.
We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in
innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer.

MISSION Statement:
 An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality
 An environment that is cost effective and quality aware
 Services that are based on the most optimum technology 
 "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service
 Continued growth in earnings and profitability

Core Values:
 Professional Integrity
 Customer Satisfaction
 Teamwork
 Company Loyalty

Registered Office:
 PTCL Headquarter Block-E, Sector G-8/4, Islamabad, Pakistan


 SEAMEWE-3 Submarine Cable System:

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is a member of SEAMEWE 3

Cable Consortium with its Cable Landing Station at Karachi. SMW-3 cable connects 39
cable landing stations in 33 countries and four continents. SMW-3 is the longest system of
the world with a total length of 39,000 Km.

 SMW-4 Submarine Cable System:

SMW-4 is a relatively new submarine cable system (inaugurated in December 2005) and
links 14 countries with 16 landing stations across Europe, Middle East and Asia. The system
is using Terabit DWDM technology to achieve. The link between any two destinations is
STM-1. SMW-4 is designed for relatively higher traffic volumes.

 IMEWE cable details and Status with Map:

IMEWE Submarine Cable is a Tera bit capacity submarine cable system connecting India to
Western Europe through Middle East. The Cable system is 13,000 km long with 10 landing
points in 8 countries.

 Satellite Communication:

PTCL has Intelsat Standard Earth Stations near Karachi and Islamabad. These installations
provide the diversity for International voice connectivity and also work as Hub for domestic
satellite users. There are four Intelsat Standard B Earth Stations at Islamabad, Gilgit, Sakardu
and Gawadar.

 Privatization

The enlargement of the cellular sector in Pakistan can also be attributable to good
governance policies of the government of Pakistan and the Privatization Commission. In
April 2006, Emirates Telecommunication Corporation, which is commonly known as
Etisalat, has unspecified management control of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation
Ltd – part of the $2.6bn deal to buy a 26% stake in PTCL.

The winning privatization of PTCL, and accordingly UFONE, is hail as escorting in a new
era for telecommunications in Pakistan. Now, under the management of Etisalat, UFONE
will deliberate on customer needs and reimbursement and is more resolute than ever to be the
leading cellular player in the market.


UFONE (Pakistan Telecom Mobile Ltd) a wholly-owned additional of PTCL begin its
process on 29th January 2001 as a GSM 900 service provider. UFONE is now measured to
be one of the most vigorous, violent and pioneering players in the mobile sector of Pakistan.

The enlargement of the cellular industry is a straight effect of the successful accomplishment
of the telecom deregulation and cellular mobile policy by the Ministry of IT and
Telecommunications (MOIT&T) and the support, guidance and timely enforcement of
regulatory process by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA).

UFONE provide International Roaming facility with more than 150 international operators
across 79 countries. With a total current investment of $400 Million, UFONE has network
coverage in more than 260 cities and towns and across all major highways of the country.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) acquired Maskatiya

Communication Company (PVT) Limited (MAXCOM) during the year 2009-2010.
MAXCOM is an internet service provider operating in Karachi and some parts of Hyderabad.
Its customer base is around 6,000 subscribers. The 100% shareholding of MAXCOM has
been relocating in PTCL’s name because of the acquisition, MAXCOM customers are now
appropriate to enjoy higher PTCL broadband and other products and services.

PTCL Company Analysis

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is an efficiently managed

company and has initiated measures, with active support of the Federal Government, to
inculcate a corporate culture that benefits company.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the primary provider of

Telecommunication services in Pakistan. The range of services include basic telephony,
Telegraph, fax, telex, Public data, Internet, E-mail, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital
Network), Universal Access Numbers (UAN), and other value added services.

The advent of digital systems, increasing application of computer technologies and

development of wide-band systems has generated new customer needs. Innovative products
and services such as cellular mobile, high-speed data, Internet etc are much in demand. The
current decade has proved to be the period of sector restructuring and growth globally.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has some basic strength and the probable
that needs to be exploited into real business opportunities. The Directors of the Company feel
that a firm and unwavering commitment towards provision of a complete range of market
driven telecommunication services to its customers using state of the art technology proven
products and a customer care approach is essential in a rapidly expanding telecom market.

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is following a business-oriented policy to

associate private entrepreneurs in telecom sector development. PTCL has successfully
entered into arrangements with foreign and local telecom companies and has signed three
contracts prepaid calling card service to promote international traffic.

The Government of Pakistan has encouraged the growth of the telecom sector to enable
Pakistan to keep pace with the rapid technological advancement in the field of

The GOP has reduced the CED on telecom services, encourages the use of value added
services with special emphasis on proliferation of Internet. It has also reduced the import
duties on telecom equipment and allows tax exemption.

Telecommunication Company Limited an opportunity lease capacity. Its available IT &

Internet infrastructure both for private sector licensed operators and Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited own customers

PTCL Core Objectives:

The following are the long-term objectives of the organization

 Provision of Telecom services all over the country.

 Plan, establish and maintain telecommunication
 Acquire, promote and manage research and development, transfer of technology and
software development including manufacturing of telecommunication equipment and
 Enhance efficiency, improve quality and expand the system to meet customer
satisfaction and provide service on demand.
 Expand customer awareness of all value-added services of PTCL.
 To improve the efficiency of Customer Service Centers by deputing qualified persons
who are well aware of public relation techniques.
 To introduce new services of audio Tex and video conferencing for the business

PTCL Company Environment Analysis

The telecom sector of Pakistan has come in into a new era and PTCL is slowly moving
towards competition in the basic telecom services.

The company’s policy objectives are as follows:

o improve service choice for all consumers of telecom services at competitive and
reasonable prices
o Increase private asset in the telecom sector and encourage local telecom
manufacturing/service industry
o Increase long run benefits to the Government’s financial position by expanding the
taxable revenue base.
o Encourage fair competition among service providers, while maintaining leadership in
the telecom sector
o sustain stability with the Pakistan IT and internet promotion policy of low prices for
Bandwidth and Internet access
o The cycle above describes the Organizational Management process at PTCL.

 Financial analysis

Financial analysis is very essential for the evaluation and assessment of an organization. The
information consequent from these types of analysis should be blended to determine the
overall financial position. This analysis includes ratio analysis common size analysis and the
study of differences in components of financial statement.

In the financial analysis of PTCL we will analyze some important information about the
company. As I did my internship in human resource management, but it has not an
independent organization so I have to analyze the PTCL for the analyze purpose.

 Business Strategies

PTCL choose 14th August to launch its new logo theme “feel free”. PTCL offered
nationwide calls to the people of Pakistan Company is still the trusted landmark of the
people of Pakistan.

Company vision of maintaining and growing as the leading ICT service provider and a
profit leader a five years strategic master plan for the company with defined corporate
KPI targets, timelines and ownership was developed by the PTCL management.

 Analysis of External Environment

Pakistan follows a steady loom to rest its telecom market. During 1990s, as a first step,
market was opened for value added services and competition was introduced in cellular
mobile sector as four licenses were issued (MOBILINK, PTML,

PAKTEL and INSTAPHONE). The government monopoly was retained in fixed line

PTCL legal monopoly ended with effective from 31st December 2002. The government
announced Telecom Deregulation Policy and Cellular Mobile Policy in 2003 and 2004

 Regulatory Environment

PTCL has recently taken an initiative to right size itself by introduction of VSS for its
employee where about 30000 employees are accepted under the scheme.

PTCL has important obligations towards defense of the country and other exciting
operators, in addition, PTCL has been declared SMP operator. Under the status of SMP also,
PTCL has certain obligations PTA, as regulator, has to ensure that new management of
PTCL fulfills all these obligations.

 Industrial structure

Pakistan’s telecom sector has finally begun moving and looked set for an era of unique
escalation. The sector has observer terrific growth in recent years with teledensity depicting
major expansion after deregulation.

Current Teledensity in Pakistan has expanded exponentially from 4.3 percent in 2002-03 to
stand at 48.4 percent in 2006-07 with currently standing at over 52 percent, with better
services and competitive rates.

In recent times, the focus has increasingly shifted from Fixed Lines to Cellular and Wireless
Fixed Lines (WLL), with better portability and convenience. WLL has shown an
improvement from 0.7 percent to 1.1 percent in 2006- 07 from last year with subscribers of

WORLD CALL and WATEEN have further benefited the consumers to access timely
information over the internet with competitive rates. The broadband penetration however has
not depicted as much growth as expected growing with 3.5mn subscribers in 2007 against
2.4mn subscribers in 2006.

WORLD CALL has initiated cable television services with PTCL expected to follow suit by
providing IPTV services through its Triple Play services, ensuring diversification of products
and services.

 Market structure

PTCL is most important in terms of traffic on WLL in Pakistan, which has about 54 percent
market share of total traffic of WLL segment. Two major players, PTCL and

TELECARD have lost market share in WLL traffic in quarter ending December 2007 when
compared with the same quarter of the last year

PTCL share came down to 54 percent from 57 percent while TELECARD share in total
traffic has come down to 22 percent from 30 percent. World Call has gained 100 percent and
its share reached to 22 percent at the end of 2007 compared to the same quarter last year.

PTCL, the current operator in fixed line in Pakistan has also emerged as market leader with
57 percent market share followed by TELECARD and World call with 19.6 percent and 20.2
percent market share at the end of December 2007.

PTCL has already covered over 11,500 cities/towns/villages while other major operators like
World call, TELECARD and Great bear are increasing their coverage too. WLL system is
best suited for rural, sub urban areas and very congested metropolitan areas.

Structure of HR department

The human resource Department in PTCL was established in 1996 and it was reorganized in
2005. PTCL human resource is known as HRIS-PTCL. The main objectives of HR
department in PTCL are to bring together company needs of the human resource and the
needs of the people hired by the company. They consider employees the main assets of
organization and focusing on providing them the better facilities.

a) Department Hierarchy of PTCL

Chief President







b) Number of employees working under Hr Department:

HRM is played a vital role in every field of life. All administrative and management are
involved in Human Resource management. There is lot of functions of HRM

Staffing Job analyses, HR Planning, Recruitment and selection


Training, Development, OD, Carrier


Performance, Appraisal, Compensation, Benefits


Global HR, Health & Safety, Ethics, Employee Relation,

Industrial Relation

The HR structure is essential for company of all sizes, whether they operate locally or
globally. Keeping track of labor, forecasting labor requirements, facilitating day to day
employee management and providing financial reporting to the accounting department are
essential components to company operations (Sabeen Jamil, July 25, 2005).

(c ) Types of Employees in PTCL:
 Permanent Employees
 Contractual /NTC Employees
 NCPG Employees


Permanent employees are regular employees in the organization. They have long careers in PTCL.
Different recompense and benefits they have during their services like pension, accommodation, free
medical services, employment to their children.


NTC employees are on contract bases not everlasting. These employees are dealt by Headquarter
Islamabad. After privatization NTC employment has been widely used in PTCL.


NCPG employees came which was neither contract based nor permanent they were new
compensation package employees were known as NCPG Employees. There are not clear rules and
regulations for them although they can work as a permanent employee till the age of sixty. Open
contract is used in PTCL like HR Posts

Functions of HR department
 HR Department of PTCL:

H.R management activities are carried on both by the staff H.R Dept and by operating
management in the course of direct the activities of the work force. Distinction from the
model explains may occur in exacting companies because of special circumstances. H.R
purpose include recruitment, selection and induction into the organization and its
responsibility to decide the content of the job to be perform and the employee experience
necessary to complete the job satisfactory.

The H.R Department is usually decided full and final authority to make the hiring decision.
The new employee’s supervisor bears important responsibilities for introducing her/ his to
the new work environment. This is often called direction.


Human resource planning and forecasting contain the dependable activity that equally represents
HRP System

 HRP Process
 Forecasting HR Requirements
 Method to Forecast HR Needs


HRP is dealt with various matters in the organization same the case with PTCL.

The HRM process consists of organized activities in PTCL as like

 Recruitment
 Selection
 Training
 Compensation
 Supervision

HRP process of PTCL is having the following categories which are:

 Employee Recruitment and Selection

 Training and Development
 Define skills required to define objectives
 Determine the objectives
 Enlarge procedures to meet the expected HR requirements


Forecasting of human resource is to estimate labor requirements at some possible times.HR obtain the
appropriate quantity and quality of workers from outer the organization. In this case external
recruitment is essential.


 Simulation
 Zero-Base Forecasting
 Bottom-Up Approach
 Use of Mathematical modules

 Simulation:

Simulation is for searching with an actual world state through a mathematical model representing that

 Zero-Base Forecasting:

Zero base forecasting is current level of employment as the initial position for decisive future staff
needs in PTCL.

 Bottom-Up Approach

Bottom up approach is starting with the deprived and forecasts its employee requirements in order to
finally provide a cooperative forecast of employee needs.

 Use of Mathematical modules

Mathematical modules explain the connection between demand and the number of employees


 Sources of Candidates
 Internal Sources
 External Sources
 Employment Selection Process

Recruitment and Selection:

In PTCL office Mr. Asif Iqbal (S.M) has main responsibility of recruitment and selection.
And believe on merit recruitment and selection. Customized tests are used by PTCL. On line , and PTCL own websites like
are websites sources where posts are displayed for applicants.

 Recruitment Procedure of PTCL

 Vacant post
 Approval from HR office
 Target staff needed
 Consultation with financial dept
 Advertisement

New recruitment of professional are only being made in areas Technical Human
Resource HR expert, HR Managers), Finance, Accounts, Marketing and business
Development and Information Technology. The recruitment procedure of PTCL is as

Vacancy is announced in electronic media, newspaper, internet, and print media.

Candidates are being short listed the next step is recruitment process is the interview.
They usually conduct interview structured and semi structured for the candidates.

Recruitment Methods:
There are basically two methods at PTCL when desired these methods are as follows:

 Internal Methods
 External Methods

 Internal Methods:

In Internal method is a hunt mode in which PTCL makes sure the potential and exact person within
the PTCL to get preferred candidates they promote within the organization by job specification and
job description by using Notice Boards

 External Methods:

PTCL recruits outwardly from the outside environment. For this method they use different modes to

recruit the people. Few of the methods are as follows carried out in past as well as currently:

 Online Recruitment
 Use of Print Media (Newspapers

Employment & Selection Process of PTCL

 Initial interview
 General knowledge test
 Work sampling
 Previous record
 Physical test
 Qualification verification
 Appointment letter 

(c) Training and development
PTCL has recognized its own training amenities as detailed below:

 Telecom Staff College Hari Pur

 Telecom Staff College Lahore Cantt.

The district level staffs training schools are also concerned for enlarge training facility to all
the staff members of the organization based at regional headquarter level such kind of
Regional Telecom Training schools are

 R.T.T.S Lahore
 R.T.T.S Multan
 R.T.T.S Faisalabad
 R.T.T.S Karachi
 R.T.T.S Islamabad

The types of training being offered are:

 Initial Training for the new staff generally 3 to 6 months as per designations at T.S.C
Lahore / Hari Pur
 Refresher courses for exacting employee
 Endorsement training courses
 Special developing technology trainings
 Some times PTCL also sings with its supplier for foreign trainings.

 Training Need Assessment:

Useful training perform involve the use of an instructional systems design process. The
instructional systems design process creates by conducting a needs assessment because needs
assessment is the first step in the instructional design process Needs assessment refer to the
process used to conclude if training is necessary. Identify internal & external resource of
training and their field of specialization.

 Training Process of PTCL:

 Informal learning
 Effective lectures
 On-the-job Training
 Off-the-job Training

 Need Assessment Require of PTCL:

 Performance Analysis
 Organizational Analysis
 Person Analysis
 Task Analysis


Employee developments programs arrange to donate certainly and a supervisor's group can
complete more as employees rise in experience, knowledge and organizational performance.
PTCL is dedicated to an employee development practice that facilitates all its employees to
attain their best prospective thereby producing a high performance organization.

Purpose of training and development activities are bear on employees side by side of latest
specialized knowledge and skills in all areas of telecommunication, as well as to strengthen
an enthusiasm for the maximum quality of customer service at all levels. A Personal
Development plan put out the actions people advise to take to learn and to increase

(d)Performance Management:
Performance management is a strategic and integrated approach the performance of the
people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual
contributors. Performance management is a systematic course of action during which the
organization involve its employees, as individuals and team members of a task, in getting
settled objectives, which are in the line with the organizations vision , values, goals and helps
in recognition of their developmental want and needs.

The Human Resources Department flat the development in functioning Performance

Management i.e. performance feedback, performance planning and performance appraisal of
the employee in association with Line Managers.

 Setting performance standards & expectations

In PTCL performance expectations are the source for evaluating employee performance In
my opinion, the way in which performance is generally define construct the task of receiving
suitable performance values vague and a unreasonably complexity.

From performance standards, supervisors can provide specific feedback describing the gap
between expected and actual performance.

 How performance reports are written

A performance is used for appraisal which has diverse ratings. And According to these
ratings employees are provided special ranks Employee’s performance position is converse
to writing so that can improve. Benefit of standard appraisal is that employee can
herself/himself work out his performance on criteria.

Performance appraisal of the employee in association with Line Managers However if the
Line Manager and/or the employee feel it necessary, they can conduct an additional review
of performance any time they want.

The Line Manager needs to know the following at the opening of the appraisal phase:

 The basic job role

 The goals set for the appraisal period
 Performance rating
 Career and other professional orientation
 Validity of the present job role
 Training and development needs
 New objectives/goals for the coming twelve months period
 The last completed “Appraisal Form”
 A new appraisal form to be filled, considering:

(e) Employee Compensation and Benefits:

Compensation and Benefits is generally the function of HRM most linked with the
competitors on the market and it sets the compensation policies, which are fully competitive
on the job market, but the policies still meet the targets defined by the organization.

PTCL is offering compensation as follows:

 Cash Imprest
 Entertainment Allowance
 Marriage Grant
 Medical Facilities
 Death Compensation of Diseased Employees
 Life Insurance of Employees
 Free Service Telephone Connection
 Pensions
 Benevolent Fund
 Pay Scales & Opportunities

 Types of Compensation and Benefit

The day to-day work of analyzing jobs, evaluating their value according to an official job
evaluation plan and maintaining suitable records is are H.R. Department functions periodic
wage are conducted by the H.R department but any firm decision to rise or change the entire
schedule is particularly always reserved for the CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the organization.

There are three types of Compensation packages are being served to PTCL staff

1. N.B.P.S (National Basic Pay Scale)

2. N.C.P.G (New Compensation Pay Grades)
3. N.T.C ( New Terms and Conditions)

(f) Organization Career Management:

Career is the series of the achievement and success taken by an individual throughout a
lifetime, for the most part consistent to that individual’s profession. A career is often
collected of the job held; designation get and works accomplished in excess of a long period
of the time, rather than just referring to one position.

"A goal that you desire to achieve in a selected field or occupation with a well-thought out
plan, to get you there is called Career Planning."

Career planning is constant procedure of assess your current standard of living, likes,
dislikes, passions, skills, personality, dream job, and current job and career path and making
alteration and upgrading to enhanced organize for future steps in your career.

 Employee job changes

In employee changes individual behavior appear to be extensively more complicated and

time consuming. As the manager may have the knowledge about the compensation of
enlarged follower participation and contribution decision making and may even feel that such
participation would improve their presentation and yet they may be not capable to assign and
share the decision making responsibilities significantly with subordinates.

 Job changes with the organization

Job Changes with the organization have to face a vital responsibility in trying to decide its
shape, in terms of both size and difficulty that will facilitate it to work efficiently in the
active world in which it works. Any entity chosen or supported must be expert as fit in
agreement with and focus to the civil service official process. The state personnel director
will manage the documentation of each and every endorsement & selection.

 Promotion

Promotions are onward from HR & Administration Branch. Staff Branch coordinates with
HR & A Branch and makes sanctions for promotion. Cases of promotions are forwarded to
General Manager (GM) HR. For example there are 400 employees in any branch then 33%
get promotions.

There is different hierarchy of clerical/ admin staff for promotion:

 LDC (Low division clerk)

 UDC (Upper division clerk)
 AD Admin/ Superintendent
Non management positions are up to scale 16. Above 16 scales management posts are
started. Non gazette promotions are given if any line man has worked at least 12 years then
he directly got scale 8 from scale 4 (if he exists in). After 1994 service book came, it was
ordered to give increments. According to it in every year of December 1 increment is added.

 Transfer/Posting

Staff Branch Mr. Sultan Mohi-ud-Din I/C, is in charge of posting and transfers of employees.
For this purpose there are plenty of things required like list of employees working in different
regions, their nature of work, their responsibilities are fundamentals. Even HR & A
coordinates with staff Branch because cases are forwarded from HR & A Branch. In the past
application was written for transfer purpose to BM. Then forwarded to GM HR and then
easily transfer was took place. But now there is different procedure for transfer in PTCL:

 Firstly the standardized form has to fill by the employee.

 GM receives this form, two stamps are labeled on it first from GM who
receives that person because of transfer and other is GM of leaving
department of that person.
 Then it goes to Executive Vice President (EVP).
 After those transfers to SEVP Headquarter, then transfer
 Then transfer occurs when HR & A issues the order of transfer the employee
to new place with last pay slip of previous division then after new pay slip
will be issued from new place of working.

 Demotion

Demotion of employee generally involves a privilege, cut in pay, status, and opportunities for
higher grades.

 Inability to cope up with the requirements of his/her present position (poor

 The current position is re-evaluated downwards because of a change in the nature of
the job or marker conditions.

 Separations

Separation is a decision of the individual and an organization. It may be motivated by

corrective, personal and economic reason. Separation of Employee from the organization is
one of the vital and fundamental actions of HR Department. If this procedure is not handling
in a well-organized manner then it can lead to various legal barriers. These involve
employees moving out of the organization. There are four types of separations:

 Layoffs
 Termination
 Resignation
 Retirements

 Layoff:

Layoff is the taking apart of the employees from the organization for financial reason. If
reason by a business cycle the layoff may lasts many months or year. PTCL is anxious;
layoffs take place when there is overload of human resource. Layoffs is the short term
suspension or lasting termination of service of an employee or employees’ group for certain
reasons, for instance, decisions that some positions are no more essential or a business is
slow or disruption in job.

On the other hand if the layoff arises due to restrict such as downsizing or acquisitions, the
layoff may become permanent. Lay off can take many shapes and can be both temporary and

 Termination:

Termination of employee is due to little deceptive action with the organization.

There can be a lot of causes for an employer to terminate the agreement of employment but
some of the common reasons are:

1. Misconduct
2. Employee sickness
3. Removal from office
4. Non- performance
5. Bad Performance
6. End of the Contract
7. Wasteful working

 Resignation:

Resign may be willingly by the employee on account of health, better opportunities,

marriage, physical disabilities, abroad studies and somewhere else or they may be
compulsory when an employee is asked to put in his resignation.

 Retirement:

Retirement is a process when an employee completed the maximum age of his service within
one organization. For example in PTCL the maximum age of employees for retirement is
sixty two / three years or after the completion of 30 years of service. After the retirement the
employees gets full reimbursement of retirements like annuity, health check and other
amenities. The employees also get the benefits of gratuity funds.

g) Labor management relations:

When unification has been particular by the national labor relations Board, as the result of an
election, as the individual and exclusive bargaining organization for the employees, then
management must bargain with it in regard to wages, rate of pay, hours of work, and other
conditions of employment. The principal tasks involved in handling labor relations are
contract negotiation, contract interpretation and administration, and grievance handling.

 Significance
 Resolving Disputant
 Employment security
 Control on human diversity in the work place
 Resolving dispute matters

My internship Plan:

My experience in PTCL Branch where I did got internship being internee at PTCL my area

I observed and learned lot of things under the supervision of Mr.Abdul Waheed / ES ACS
COORDINATOR HRA LHR/ PTCL, Mr. Shahzada Khurram as well as . Ms. Sadaf Usman
Assistant Manager in PTCL

Starting and Ending date of my internship:

My internship duration in PTCL is

Starting Date ------------------- 13/03/2013

Ending Date ------------------- 27/04/2012

HR Department in which I got internship:
Under the supervision of Sir Waheed I perform some tasks which are as follows:

Entering data in the internship data base:

There is a excel database in which I have entered data base according to serial number .the
data is stored in the form of soft copy as well a hard copies are been made to keep a record of
all the internees .All the letters are been signed by the SM .

FSTC means free telephone service .This service is available to the staff of PTCL. Mr.
Waheed deal with all the cases if anyone wants to change his residential number or office
number they simply send their request by mail to MR. Waheed and then he proceed the case
as per the requirements. The file work is maintained of each and every case. I have learned
the file work of the cases.

Employee Card printing:

A Software is used to get the printing of employee a complete database is been made of all
the employee cards. The software is simple to learn and maintain. Duplicate as well as new
cards are also been printed. I have learned all of it.

Attendance Software:
I have enrolled majority of the staff of PTCL in the attendance software. The enrolled is done
through hand prints the verification is done thrice to confirm the originality.

Updating data into the machine:

The data is updated into the machine through the software also in to the computer.

Manual Maintaining reports:

Through buttons like Sort, Filter and Subtotal on excel I have made manual report of enrolled
and not enrolled staff. MR. Khurram has taught me also how to handle attendance software

Office Environment:
I have learned how to behave in office environment small things like how to deal with people
and be on time as well as time management and being on time in office.

My point of View:
I would say no doubt in PTCL my internship duration I have learned a lot of things and the
whole staff is very helpful, friendly, and suggest all their helping aid to me because of the
whole staff supervision is great. I am able to practice the different departments and I was
swivel to handle the singular tasks which is give to me in my tenure of internship.

During my internship I realized that PTCL is an outstanding, well and first-rate organization
and fully centralized. All the power lies in the hand of CEO of the company. PTCL
organizational structure is straight forward.

The telecommunications industry is extremely varied in its adoption of business intelligence

solutions. Quite a few companies are in advance stages of their business intelligence
initiatives; yet there are many that are oblivious of the benefits of BI. Some companies are
hesitating due to anticipated high cost and long implementation cycles that many business
intelligence solutions require.

So no doubt PTCL is take pleasure in monopoly .Human resources are the most important in
the organization It incorporate all the performance and functions of the company like job
analysis, recruitment, staffing, training, designing compensation package, employee’s
appraisal system.

Human Resource Department plays the key role in the hiring, retention, motivation and
promotion of the employee’s .Although the strategies they are adopting are good but they
still need further improvement for the satisfaction of their employees and best utilization of
human resource so in return they would be able to increase their market share.

FEEL THE DIFFERENCE is PTCL slogan they are now providing the most innovative and
advanced technologies to their customers.

 Upper management is very enthusiastic and motivated to bring the new and
competent people in the organization.
 The environment of working is very friendly as everyone from top to down be busy in
doing his/her work.
 Training seminars and sessions are conducted to improve the performance of workers
when needed.
 All the departments are working smoothly.
 Leadership has full control over the lower management. As the lower management
was reluctant in giving the giving the general information.
 Organization culture is growing as the leadership including the upper and middle
management is interested in bringing more improvements in the existing system.
 Middle management is willing to bring the system of more accountability to which
everyone from leadership to line man workers are answerable of their work.
 Executive leadership is Facilitative and middle management is autocratic as they
exercise control over the front line managers and workers.
 Departments are not interlinked with each other..
 Male staff is more helping and guiding in dealings.
 Middle management is satisfied with the working but wanted some changes in the
 Lower management is not satisfied with the salary and rewards offered to them. They
are not more interested towards the talent and motivation.
 PTCL identifies Talent by competence
 PTCL leadership is also perusing new techniques and methods to improve quality
work in the organization.
 Employees get adequate feedback from leaders when goals are accomplished.
 A PTCL Talent Management activity has impact on improving the performance of
the employees.
 PTCL environment is not fair in terms where employees are listened and valued.
 All decisions made by management are in time and well communicated.

 PTCL access Candidate skills earlier in the hiring process.
During the term of my six weeks internship in PTCL I get to a close by analyzing the
different procedure of PTCL so I would like to give some recommendations as per my

 The Human Resources should take fewer times in recruitment and training the staff.
 Highly eligible & skilled staff may be deputed in HR department.
 Stimulating courses should be adequate and more frequent during the year.
 PTCL should also encourage the Billing On line system that each and every customer
should have to pay his/her bill on line basis.
 The system of E-PAYMENT which although exist in PTCL finance system but there
is need of improvement this facility.
 PTCL should also provide the detail of local calls made from any Land Line Number
which would be provided in Micro level to the customer.
 PTCL should make Customer Care Centers in remote areas.
 PTCL is not utilizing its surplus profit in long-term investment projects which be
 PTCL management should give concentration towards the Securities of deposit and it
should be on maximum level.
 Human Resource Department may advice and train employees for one window
operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources.
 Agents for the promotion of the company policies and to facilitate the customers by
the Human Resource Department may be appointed with proper check and balance
 Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization.


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