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Avinash Rajpurohit (B009)
Kasireddy Manikanta Reddy (B028)
Assignment 1
Question: Examine the diversity practices and its implementation of any two organizations.

Organization1- McKinsey& Company

Industry type- Management Consulting

McKinsey and company is a global management consulting firm that serves leading businesses,
governments, non-government organizations and not for profits companies. They help companies
realize their most important goals and help them achieve the goals by implementing long lasting

McKinsey’s definition of Diversity: According to McKinsey & Co., diversity, equity and inclusion are not
just moral imperatives, but rather an integral part of their dual mission i.e., to help their clients build a
substantial, long lasting performance improvements and to develop an organization that attracts,
develops, excites and retains people with exceptional talent from different backgrounds, societal groups
and racial segments.

McKinsey’s Diversity Implementation Practices:

 McKinsey has a wider and broader reach in terms of national and international diversity with
employees and clients ranging from 140+ citizenships speaking more than 135 languages with
offices in more than 65 countries across the globe.
 The company has always opened its doors by creating and providing opportunities for the
LGBTQ community and scored 100% for LGBTQ equality in the Human Rights Campaign
Foundation's Corporate Equality Index for 15 consecutive years since 2006.
 After the killing of George Floyd in 2020, McKinsey put forth a public commitment to anti-racism
and social justice and has supported the black community by involving black people in the top-
level leadership and promoting racial discrimination free environment both within and beyond
the organization.
 McKinsey has also created a program called “BLACK NETWORK” in 1991 to promote and attract
the young talented Africans by running offices in various parts of Africa such as Johannesburg,
Lagos, Casablanca, Cairo, Luanda, Nairobi, and Addis Ababa and has been successfully retaining
talent from the black pool for 15 years from its initialization in Africa.
 With an increase in murders against the Asian community across the world the company has
taken up initiatives to show the world what Asian identity means and how the allies of McKinsey
are supporting the Asians to have a protective environment at workplace and how they are
processing the moment. 72 Asian employees at McKinsey had raised their voices and shared
their stories about their experience at McKinsey and the collated video was posted to the official
website of McKinsey.
 McKinsey has always been a company to promote gender equality at workplace and has proven
time and once how they support women at workplace. According to a survey conducted by
McKinsey and Co. between 40000 women across 317 companies it was found that between
January 2015 and January 2020, representation of women in senior-vice-president positions
grew from 23 to 28 percent, and representation in the C-suite grew from 17 to 21 percent.
 Till date McKinsey has invested a whopping amount of 20 million dollars for research on
diversity, equity and inclusion at workplace.


McKinsey & Company .Retrieved from

Organization 2- Louis Vuitton

Industry type- Luxury Goods

Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE commonly known as LVMH or Louis Vuitton is a luxury goods
conglomerate based in France. It is a merger between the renowned fashion house Louis Vuitton and
wines and spirits company Moët Hennessy. LVMH controls a large number of subsidiary luxury goods
brands under its wings such as Christian Dior, Givenchy, Marc Jacobs, Stella McCartney, LoroPiana,
Kenzo, Celine, Fenty, Princess Yachts, and Bulgari.

LVMH’s definition of Diversity: Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton embarks itself as a company that believes
and promotes the ideology that each employee is unique in his or her own way and that they offer the
employees the means to find their place and helps them strive for what they are good at. Louis Vuitton
also believes in promoting professional equality at workplace for everyone.

LVMH’s Diversity Implementation Practices:

 Louis Vuitton is one of the companies across the globe which has higher women employment
ratio. According to a report within Louis Vuitton women comprise almost 62% of their total
executive workforce in the year 2020. In the year 2013, Louis Vuitton signed a pact with the UN
Women’s Empowerment Principles to support women’s rights and development.
Abiding to the contracts principles they have implemented gender equality at
workplace in terms of recruitment, job mobility, compensati on and work life balance.
 In the year 2019, Louis Vuitton has signed the UN Standards of Conduct for Tackling
Discrimination against LGBTQI+ community and has encouraged LGBTQ people into pursuing
jobs and positions at LVMH and has pledged to involve and inculcate this into their work culture.
 Louis Vuitton also has a greater international connect with employees hailing from as much as
100+ nationalities worldwide with its operations commencing in almost 62 countries serving the
rich and upper classes of the society.
 Another important diversity factor from Louis Vuitton is that the company has almost 400+
employees who are specially abled working in different sections of the company and the
company has also planned to include many more people from the disabled community in the
years to come.
 Louis Vuitton has also started a program in the year 2018 for preventing unconscious bias and
stereotyping at workplace and has been conducting training programs for its employees to make
them mentally capable to let go the prejudices they has towards biasness and discrimination.
 In the year 2018, LVMH created and launched a digital platform named ‘SHERO’ to empower
men and women in the LVMH community through various videos, podcasts and articles.


Louis Vuitton fostering diversity and inclusion. Retrieved from
Assignment 2

Question 1) Why do bad guys (dark triad) win at work?

Psychologists have identified three traits that make up the evil sounding "Dark Triad": narcissism,
Machiavellianism and Psychopathy. These traits are often used to achieve personal goals, neglecting the
consequences others might have to face. This can be observed by:

 In the study conducted by Peter K Jonason and team, it was proved that the Dark Triad composite
was positively correlated with extraversion, openness, and self-esteem and individuals who have
such negative traits as those high on the Dark Triad, might be able to extract resources from
their environment.
 Bad guys, don’t play by the rules, and quickly learn that it’s pretty easy to lie to others and get
away with it.
 It can be observed from the study ‘The Dark Triad at Work: How toxic employees get their way’
that individuals with dark triad traits tend to enhance competitiveness in the organization.
Studies have shown that people with psychopathic and Machiavellian tendencies depicts the
seduction and intimidation tactics that frighten potential competitors and captivate bosses.
 Studies have shown that an intermediate level of Machiavellianism predicts the highest level of
organizational citizenship, perhaps because Machiavellian individuals are politically savvy and good
at networking and managing upwards.
 In the study ‘Narcissism and emergent leadership in military cadets’, it is pretty evident that the
best leaders displayed the bright-side features of narcissism while inhibiting its dark-side traits: they
were high in egotism and self-esteem but low in manipulative-ness and impression management.

Conclusion: People with such personalities win at work but their success comes at a price, and that price
is paid by the organization. So, such attributes should be used wisely keeping in mind the overall picture.

Question 2) What are the characteristic traits of introverts? How can you make best use of an
introvert’s potential in your team?


 Introverts are committed to their goals: Introverts are focused and they channelize their energy
to achieve their ambitions.
 Introverts are independent decision makers: Introverts do not reply on external sources for
approval, they are generally very clear about their thoughts.
 Introverts are very observant: Though introverts do not express greatly, but they do observe the
changes happening around.
 Introverts are super focused: They are attentive; they concentrate with everything they have
got. They can comprehend and interpret the hidden meanings behind the non verbal clues with
no trouble.
How to make best use of an introvert’s potential?

 Respect their space: Introverts perform best when they are allowed to work on their own terms.
Interference in their work structure can impact the overall performance.
 Cater to their tastes: It’s necessary to ensure that the work process they are involved in do not
make them uncomfortable.
 Avoid surprises: A manager should ensure that there aren’t any impromptu agendas involved
and the tasks are pre defined as the introverts need to send their thoughts to the internal
auditor first and the process takes time.
 Challenge introverts with detail oriented problems: Studies show that introverts do extremely
well at problem solving and strategizing. With autonomy, introverts can deliver exceptional
 Construct writing time: As introverts aren’t great at formulating ideas instantly, managers
should allow them some time to formulate and then present.


 Monika Prusik and Michal Szulawski (2019, June 7). The Relationship between the Dark Triad
Personality Traits, Motivation at Work, and Burnout among HR Recruitment Workers. Retrieved

 Peter K Jonason, Norman P. Li and Emily A Teicher (2010). Who is James Bond?: The Dark Triad
as an Agentic Social Style. Retrieved from

 Pilch, I. (n.d.). As cold as a fish? Relationships between the Dark Triad personality traits and
affective experience during the day: A day reconstruction study. Retrieved from

 Bruce, J. (2017, February 17). Unleash Your Team's Full Potential: A Guide to Introverts In The
Office. Retrieved from
 Matthew Arrington (2015, June 18). 6 Ways to Maximize Your Introverted Employee’s Strengths.
Retrieved from

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