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UA18BA358 PES1201801214
Our Takeaways from the talk:

Ar. DAKSHATH M KIDIYOOR gave an eye-opener talk on various aspects

of a structure with the consideration of its context.
Architecture is the art of designing spaces based on the content as well
as context while having a realistic stand-point.

While speaking the architect speaks about the importance of context and
content, while context is a situation standpoint that is tangible, the
content speaks about the substance within. This relates to how this
works simultaneously to bring about the formation of design.

This brings about the spatial experience in the forms of site, spiritual
visual, expression, and experience.

While he brings on an important quote by Ar. B V. Doshi states

"Ancestors will speak to you if you know what to ask". Where in the
ancestors is being referred to the site and how we need to analyze the
site in order to manifest our design.

Spiritual defines the way in which a person grasps the space. Where the
monumental Taj Mahal speaks on the spiritual experience.

Visual is a medium that is defining aspect of all designs, which includes

man-made structures as well as nature. Visual architecture can be
explained through the mystery in "The Centre of the Unknown"

Spatial interaction defined the way in which a building perceives various

elements such as weather, nature and context. The Louvre of Abu Dhabi
defines spatial architecture.

The speaker concludes his talk by quoting the legendary director

Quentin Tarantino, which states " When people ask me if I went to film
school, I tell them no I went to films" which defines the importance of
interpretation and experience.

Bond with
Ar. Radhika G.

UA18BA358 PES1201801214
Our Takeaways from the talk:

Ar. Radhika G speaks upon the topic of an uprising material - bamboo.

Which is fastly becoming an alternative material for many non-
sustainable materials in the construction industry. For a fact that this
material can be utilized in various components of a building such as false
ceilings, partitions, walls, flooring, and even the foundation. This material
is widespread in the rural context.

Talking about the environmental impact, the speaker continues on

claiming facts on the way it stabilizes the soil, removes atmospheric
carbon, uses in medicine, paper, and even furniture!

Speaking on the growth and availability, the bamboo forests are

predominantly found in Asia, where India is the 2nd largest producer of

Bamboo has been an essential part of being a building material in

earthquake-prone zones, because of its tensile strength, also a good
weight to strength ratio. This can withstand 3656 kg/cm2 of pressure
which acts as a highly resilient material.

Speaking of examples, Auroville Bamboo Research Center and the

Building Material Technology Promotion Council, Bengaluru.


Bond with
Ar. Radhika G.

UA18BA358 PES1201801214
Our Takeaways from the talk:

In the second session, Ar. Radhika G continues on bamboo as a

construction material.
The speaker mentions notable architects and designers who exploring
this material in their designs, such as Ar. Neelam Manjunath, who
headed the project "Bamboo Symphony". which aimed to replace steel
and concrete with bamboo. Ar. Neelam has used this material to the
maximum extent in all her other projects as well. Ar. Elora Hardy
designed the famous Green Village in Bali, Turtle Classroom, Garden
House, River House, etc where she implemented bamboo.

There are various techniques based on the joinery:

Double Bytt: Reduce the cost of bamboo, smoother joint surface,
requiring skilled labor.

Positive tilting condition: Which doesn't require a complicated lashing

Others include friction-tight rope connection, plug-in or bolt connection,
and the interlocking connection.
The speaker talked about the ZERI (Zero Emission Research Institute)
Pavilion in Germany which is made of bamboo, which makes sure that
bamboo is eligible to be used in the construction industry like durability,
fire safety, etc.,

While concluding, she mentions bamboo can play an important role in

traditional construction as well as an industrialized product.

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