Business English

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Philosophy thought us that man is a social being. What does it mean to be a

social being? It simply means that man is a being who lives and conducts social
relationship. Everyday he socializes, interacts and communicates. Communication is
indispensable in socializing. We use lots of mediums in communication for the sake of
succeeding in socializing. Paul J. Meyer once said, “Communication- the human
connection- is the key to personal and career success.
Human being as a social being is always tied to secular and temporal affairs.
Temporal affairs are also needed for him to survive in this competent world. He must be
knowledgeable in communicating in the business world for him to be competent also.
Thus, there is a need for knowledge of Business English. It will serve as a guide in
communicating and transacting business related affairs. When he is knowledgeable
about it, he will surely succeed.
In my part, I'm truly grateful for this privilege. This is an opportunity for me to
learn in dealing with the business world. As a priest in the future, I also need to
communicate and perform commercial or official transactions especially in my pastoral
works. Thus, I also need to learn Business English. I hopeful that this subject can help
me a lot in the future in doing my role as a pastor of my flock. This will help a lot not for
my personal success but for the success of the church's saving mission.

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