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Business Correspondence

Psychology builds harmonious relationship

Ethics builds trust.

Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour, according to the American
Psychological Association. Our mind affects on how we behave. If we think negatively, we will
also behave badly. Our behaviour will affect the relationship in our community. A Greek
philosopher named Plato once said, “Human behaviour flows from three main sources: desire,
emotion, and knowledge.” If our desire, emotion, and knowledge is negative, it will affect and
destroy relationship; but if our desire, emotion and knowledge is positive, it will build a
harmonious relationship to the society.

Ethics is a branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. Moreover, it is all
about systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour.
Ethics can help us in discerning which action is good or bad. According to philosophy, there is
an innate goodness in man. Thus, man is expected to choose good from bad. Goodness is
considered prerequisite to trust. Lao tzu said, “Goodness in words creates trust; goodness in
thinking creates depth; goodness in giving creates love. “ Indeed, when are morally good, we
can surely gain the trust of others.

Man is a social being. Hence, he is a being who is always in a relationship. Our behaviour
greatly affects our relationship with someone. A positive behaviour will yield to a harmonious
relationship while a negative behaviour will result to a chaotic relationship. Trust also is
necessary in a relationship for it makes the relationship stronger. Psychology and Ethics are
indeed important so that we will have a guiding principle in living with the community.

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