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STUDENT NO : 51397862


UNIQUE NO : 605674

1. Which factors influence the modern era of sport?

 Equality for all – There’s a need for all to participate in sports. Therefore all
people of any sex, race, class, etc should be allowed to participate in sports.
(discrimination impacts the equal opportunities one has to participate).
 Rationalization and rules – sports are controlled by sets of rules and strategies
(to give each individual a fair change to compete). Children’s games are also
regulated by the rules for adults.
 Qualification – all events are recorded according to time/distance/scores.
Therefore, measurements and statistics are common aspects related to
modern sports. This makes sports very competitive at early stages of
 Records – the best performing candidates will compete with each other in
order to break records/setting up records. The over emphasis on winning has
caused many athletes to stop to participate at a very early age.
 Secularism – sport is far less linked to religious beliefs and rituals than it was in
earlier times. Material values plays a more important role in modern times.

2. Changes in body proportions affect how skills are performed. Explain why this is so
 The relative size of the head in early childhood influences the balance of the
body during movement.
 The relative shortness of legs in very young children limits running ability.
 Long arms and legs at the beginning of puberty enables children to run better
and gives them the ability to gain while running ever faster.
 Rapid growth leads to clumsiness.
 The additional weight that girls gain during puberty, and their change in body
posture influences the speed at which they can move.
 Changing from a shorter distance to a longer distance is often advisable,
because pubescent girls run more slowly.

3. Why knowledge regarding the structure and functioning of the body so important to
the physical education teacher and couch?
 This knowledge will enable the coach to know how the child/athlete responds
to exercise and training. This will also have an impact on the planning of
training activities.
 It will also enable coach’s knowledge on which exercises are relevant for the
child and which are suitable for the athletes development.
 Children should not be treated as little adults.
 The education teacher has to know the basic structures of the body and how
they all work together in order to prevent any damage to the structure or to
prevent any injuries, especially in the crucial stage or rapid growth.
 The coach has to make certain adjustments when teaching children.

4. What steps can be taken to improve techniques of good teaching?

 Demonstrate effective teaching techniques in every lesson. Focus should be on
the subject area. Be sure to communicate these techniques effectively.
 Hold the learners interest in the lesson. Divide learners into groups, arrange
equipment, give an interesting introduction and change activities often.
 Your competence to cope with each learner’s level of ability.
 Your ability to create a warm and positive learning environment. Reinforcing
and endorsing good behavior in the classroom promotes a healthy atmosphere
in class.
 Design a series of class structures and routines to keep learners committed to
their work, while still promoting a warm and friendly classroom environment.
5. Describe the teaching progression that is best suited for a child during early childhood.
 Learners needs a broad experience of activities in games, dancing and
gymnastics, since they tend to have little experience or knowledge of it in the
early childhood. Learners should be able to explore and discover in order to
know how their bodies work.
 Learners in the early childhood tend to have a short attention span. Educators
should focus on active involvement with the learners in the activities and
promote good and clear communication.
 Grades 1 and 2 educators should concentrate on creative and explorative skills
involved in games and gymnastics, and in locomotory and non locomotory
skills and movement patterns.
 Dance activities should involve creativity and developing rhythmic skills like
singing games and imaginary movements.
 Each activity should allow time appropriate to learners level of maturity and

6. Name five instances in which a physical education teacher can be found guilty
 When physical education teachers fail to provide proper supervision by
neglecting to assist injured learners.
 When physical education teachers permits learners to play unsafe games that
may lead to injury.
 When the physical teachers fail to give adequate instructions(due to a lack of
communication skills)
 When the physical education teachers takes unreasonable risks(that could also
lead to injury or promoting an atmosphere where a number of learners can’t
 When the physical education teachers do not organize field trips properly.
7. Your coaching athletes and school sport benefit from improving school-community
links. Include strategies on how to link school sport programmes with the community
with regards to the following:
 By encouraging their help and participation. Create environments where
parents would want to be involved.
 Explaining your philosophy and plans regarding the coaching and areas of
 Explaining your attitudes and promote positive attitudes from learners and
their parents.
 Setting behavioral standards (from parents and learners).
 Encourage parents to give positive feedback and conducting a parents meeting
at regular intervals.
8. Give an explanation of the terminology as it is related to physical education and sports
 Accurate assessment
 Analysis of performance
 Athletes need to achieve success
 Motivation is the key to performance
 Need for commitment to programme

9. Give an explanation of the terminology as it is related to physical education and sports

Protein The main body building nutrients, needed to repair damaged
tissues. Also needed for muscles recovery and new
formation of amino acids.
Nutrients These are substances that provides nourishment that is
essential for the maintenance of life and for growth.
Carbohydrates These are sugars or starches that are a major food source
and the key form of energy to the body.
Minerals These are basic elements found in soil and air. Only small
amounts of minerals are needed daily, and are essential for
the proper functioning of muscles and nerves to assist and
build the body.
Fat Slow energy food and is a very concentrated source of
energy. They are not as good a source of energy as
carbohydrates. Fat is found in many animals and vegetable
foods and is stored under the skin and in muscles.
Indemnity This is security or protection against loss or other burdens.
Athlete’s parents are required to sign a form exempting the
school from liability.
Negligence This refers to the failure to act as a reasonably careful and
prudent individual would act under the circumstances
involved in a specific situation.
In loco parents Acts in place of diligent and sensible parent.
Liability The state of being legally responsible for something. All
educators have a duty of care when learners are placed in
their care, meaning that they are responsible for their
learner’s well - being. The school would be liable to pay for
injuries, should they not take the necessary precaution.
Steroids These are used to help build strength and stamina, and to
reduce the recovery rate of training and result in either
anabolic(building) or androgenic effect. Taking by injection
or orally.

Study guide for PST312M/2008-2010
Total = 50 / 50 (100%)

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