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Drug Profile

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Vigabatrin monotherapy for

infantile spasms
Expert Rev. Neurother. 12(3), 275–286 (2012)

Eija Gaily Infantile spasms syndrome (IS) (also known as West syndrome) is an epileptic encephalopathy
Helsinki University Central Hospital, with a heterogeneous etiology. One of the most common specific causes is tuberous sclerosis,
Department of Pediatric Neurology, diagnosed in almost 10% of the affected infants. Adrenocorticotropic hormone or steroids
PO Box 280, 00029 HUS, Helsinki, have been the preferred treatments for IS for several decades. Clinical studies have shown that
Tel.: +358 50 4270742
vigabatrin is superior to placebo in decreasing the frequency of infantile spasms. In tuberous
Fax: +358 9 47180413 sclerosis, vigabatrin may be considered the first-line treatment for IS. The mode of action is increasing concentrations of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. The use of
vigabatrin is limited by a serious adverse effect, permanent visual field constriction, which may
affect 6–7% of exposed infants. Treatment choices are based on balancing the potential
adverse effects against the risk of catastrophic cognitive and behavioral outcomes caused by
uncontrolled spasms.

Keywords : epilepsy • infantile spasms • vigabatrin • West syndrome

Infantile spasms syndrome (IS) is an epilep- Treatment response and prognosis of IS are
tic encephalopathy with peak onset at around mainly dependent on etiology. In the sympto-
6 months of age [1,2] . The term ‘West syndrome’ matic etiology subgroup, 50–60% of infants
is practically synonymous with IS  [1] . The esti- become free of spasms with drug therapy, and
mated incidence is 0.25–0.42 per 1000  live fewer than 20% have normal or nearly normal
births per year [3] . Typical seizures are clusters development [4,8] . In the idiopathic/cryptogenic
of epileptic spasms (so-called infantile spasms), subgroup, nearly all infants become spasm-free
which occur several times daily, especially after and have normal development [4] , provided that
awakening, and last from a few minutes to effective treatment was started within 1 month
15 min, sometimes even longer. Interictal EEG of spasm onset [9] .
shows hyps­a rrhythmia, defined as multifocal Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) has
high-amplitude spikes and sharp waves with slow been the preferred treatment for IS for several
background activity, or multifocal spikes against decades [2] . Steroids, such as prednisone, pred-
a relatively normal background. If spasms are nisolone and hydrocortisone, are used less fre-
not controlled by treatment, cognitive outcome quently [2,10] . A ketogenic diet and surgery may
is nearly always poor. be options for some intractable patients [2] . Data
The etiology of IS is symptomatic (related on the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs other than
to a known or unknown brain abnormality) in vigabatrin for IS are scarce.
approximately 70–80% of children [3–6] . One of Vigabatrin was first reported to be efficacious
the most common specific causes is tuberous scle- in IS in 1990 [11] . It has been used for treatment
rosis, which accounts for approximately 10% of of IS in several countries in Europe since the
symptomatic etiologies [4,6] . Infants with sympto­ 1990s. Reported adverse effects delayed the
matic etiology may also have other seizure types, approval of vigabatrin for IS by the US FDA until
most commonly focal seizures. The terms ‘idio­ 2009, when vigabatrin was licensed for treating
pathic’ and ‘cryptogenic’ are often applied as syno- IS in children between 1 month and 2 years of
nyms [1] , although some authors have attempted age [12] .
to define idiopathic etiology more rigorously,
requiring a hereditary predisposition to epilepsy Pharmacology
and the absence of focal EEG abnormalities after The chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaco­
intravenous diazepam injection [7] . kinetics and pharmacodynamics of vigabatrin 10.1586/ERN.12.3 © 2012 Expert Reviews Ltd ISSN 1473-7175 275

Drug Profile Gaily

have been recently reviewed in detail [12,13] ; only a brief summary A multicenter international double-blind study by Appleton
is given here. et al. randomized 40 infants (aged 4–20 months) with newly diag-
Vigabatrin is a vinyl-derivative of the inhibitory neuro­ nosed IS to receive either vigabatrin or placebo [15] . The percent-
transmitter GABA and causes irreversible inhibition of the age of patients with IS of cryptogenic etiology was 30% in both
enzyme GABA transaminase. This enzyme is responsible for groups. Patients with tuberous sclerosis were excluded, as previous
the degradation of GABA. The inhibited catabolism results in studies had already suggested that vigabatrin may be effective for
elevated GABA concentrations in the brain, leading to seizure that etiology. The mean vigabatrin dosage was 133 mg/kg/day.
inhibition. Seizure outcome was evaluated at 5 days after starting therapy.
Vigabatrin is well absorbed (more than 95%) after oral admin- This was followed by an open-label phase during which infants
istration. The maximum blood concentration is achieved within who were initially started on placebo received vigabatrin. Spasms
approximately 1 h. Dosage-dependent concentrations of viga- were significantly decreased during the first 5 days of therapy in
batrin can be measured in the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid after the group receiving vigabatrin compared with placebo (p = 0.02).
6 h. Elimination is mainly via the kidneys as unchanged drug. Freedom from spasms was achieved by seven out of 20 infants
There is no protein binding. in the vigabatrin group and two out of 20 infants in the placebo
Measurements of GABA in the brain in animals have shown group (p = 0.063). Both placebo responders later relapsed with
that the concentrations remain high for at least 24–48  h. spasms. During the open-label phase, spasms stopped with viga-
Spectroscopic studies in humans have indicated that GABA batrin monotherapy for 15 out of 40 infants (38%) in an average
concentrations are elevated for at least 24 h after a single dose of 8 days. Four children later relapsed.
of vigabatrin. Therefore, the effects of vigabatrin are prolonged A US multicenter, single-blind study by Elterman et al. rand-
significantly beyond measurable blood concentrations and depend omized 179 infants who had been diagnosed with IS a maximum
on the rate of GABA transaminase resynthesis. of 3 months previously and who were less than 2 years of age to
Vigabatrin (Sabrilex ® [manufactured by Patheon France receive either a low or a high dosage of vigabatrin [16] . The low
S.A., distributed in Europe by Sanofi-Aventis Ltd.] or Sabril® dosage was designed as an active control. The median ages of the
[Lundbeck Inc.]) is available as 500-mg tablets and 500-mg infants at randomization were 6.4 and 6.8 months. Some infants
powder sachets that can be dissolved in liquid. For IS, the rec- were receiving other anti-epileptic drugs, but none had been
ommended initial dosage is 50 mg/kg/day, which is increased treated with ACTH, corticosteroids or valproate. The percent-
after 2–3 days to 100 mg/kg/day and, if required, after another ages of cryptogenic etiology were similar (31 vs 33%) between
2–3 days to a maximum of 150 mg/kg/day. Dosage needs to be both groups. Patients with tuberous sclerosis were included as
adjusted in patients with compromised kidney function. vigabatrin was not yet available for any patients with IS in the
USA. Thirty seven infants were excluded from the study for
Clinical efficacy various reasons other than adverse effects (mainly missing data)
Randomized controlled trials before evaluation of outcome. The main outcome variable was
The randomized controlled trials that have investigated the clini- the percentage of infants who had been spasm-free for ≥7 days,
cal efficacy of vigabatrin for infantile spasms are summarized in provided that spasms had stopped during the first 2 weeks of
Table 1. therapy. Outcome was confirmed by an 8-h video-EEG. Freedom
A French nonblinded study by Chiron et al. only included from spasms was achieved by 24 out of 67 infants (36%) receiv-
infants with tuberous sclerosis  [10] . Twenty two infants ing the high dosage and by eight out of 75 infants (11%) who
2–17 months of age with IS who had not been previously treated received the low dosage (p < 0.001). There were significantly
with ACTH, steroids or vigabatrin were randomized to receive more responders among children who had tuberous sclerosis
either vigabatrin or hydrocortisone. Spasm freedom at 1 month (13 out of 25) compared with other etiologies (19 out of 117;
was significantly more common in the vigabatrin than in the p < 0.001). Overall, 16% of responders relapsed during the first
hydrocortisone group. 3 months of therapy. The final report of this study 9 years later
The study by Vigevano et al. randomized 42 infants included 221 patients and confirmed that spasm freedom was sig-
2–9 months of age with new-onset IS to receive either vigabatrin nificantly more common in the high-dosage than the low-dosage
or ACTH depot 10 IU intramuscularly once daily for 20 days [14] . group (Table 1) [17] .
Video-EEG was used to confirm diagnosis and spasm cessation. The most recent and largest randomized controlled study com-
There was no significant difference in spasm freedom at day 20 paring vigabatrin and hormonal treatment for IS was the United
between the two groups. When the alternative treatment was Kingdom Infantile Spasms Study (UKISS) by Lux et al. [18] . This
given to infants resistant to the first therapy, two out of five multicenter trial was conducted in 150 hospitals in the UK and
infants responded to vigabatrin and 11 out of 12 to ACTH, lead- included 107 infants 2–12 months of age with new-onset IS. The
ing to a significant difference in the total efficacy results: 46 vs patients were randomized to receive either vigabatrin (divided in two
81% in favor of ACTH (p = 0.007). EEG response tended to daily doses), synthetic ACTH (tetracosactide depot) or oral pred-
appear sooner with ACTH treatment than with vigabatrin. After nisolone. The prednisolone dose was increased to 60 mg/day in three
3 months, spasm relapses occurred for six patients treated with doses after 1 week if spasms continued. The three treatments were
ACTH and for one treated with vigabatrin. randomly allocated in the ratio 2:1:1, respectively. Randomization

276 Expert Rev. Neurother. 12(3), (2012)

Table 1. Summary of all available randomized controlled studies reporting on the efficacy of vigabatrin for infantile spasms.
Study (year) Study treatment Comparison Patients with Duration Outcome measure Seizure outcome Comment Ref.
mg/kg/day treatment symptomatic of blinded
(patients, n) (patients, n) etiology phase
Chiron et al. VGB 150 (11) Hydrocortisone 100%, all TS 1 month Spasm freedom Spasm free: VGB 100% All HC-resistant [10]
(1997) 15 mg/kg/day HC 45%, RR 2.20, infants later
(11) 95% CI 1.15–4.20 became spasm free
with VGB
Vigevano et al. VGB 100–150 (23) ACTH 10 IU/day VGB 70% (TS 13%) 20 days Spasm freedom at Spasm free: VGB 48%, All TS patients [14]
(1997) (19) ACTH 58% (TS 5%) 20 days from therapy ACTH 74%, p = 0.12 became sz-free:
onset, vEEG confirmation 3 with VGB, 1 with
Appleton et al. VGB 50–150 (20) Placebo 70% in both 5 days Spasm reduction More reduction of Spasm freedom: [15]
(1999) (20) groups, none with spasms in the VGB p = 0.063
TS group (p = 0.02)
Elterman et al. VGB 100–148 (107) VGB High dosage: 75% 14 days Spasm freedom starting Spasm free: 53% were [16,17]
(2010); Interim 18–36 mg/kg/day (TS 19%), low within 14 days and lasting high dosage 31%, receiving other
results (‘active control’) dosage: 74% >7 days, vEEG low dosage 13%, AEDs for other
published in (114) (TS 16%) confirmation p = 0.0014 seizure types at
2001 onset of VGB
1) Lux et al. VGB 100–150 (52) Tetracosactide† im. VGB 60%, 14 days 1) Spasm freedom for Spasm free: Better cognitive [18,19,20]
(2004); 0.5 mg/every hormonal‡ 55%, 48 h at 13/14 days after 1) VGB 54%, hormonal outcome after
2) Lux et al. other day (30) or none with TS onset of treatment 73% p = 0.04 hormonal therapy
(2005); prednisolone 2) spasm freedom at 2) VGB 76%, hormonal in the group with
3) Darke et al. 40 mg/day (25) 14 months of age, 75% no identified
(2010) 3) seizure freedom at 3) sz free: VGB 45%, etiology
4 years hormonal 56%

Synthetic ACTH.

Hormonal includes both tetracosactide and prednisolone.
ACTH: Adrenocorticotrophic hormone; AED: Antiepileptic drug; HC: Hydrocortisone; im.: Intramuscularly; RR: Relative risk; sz: Seizure; TS: Tuberous sclerosis; vEEG: Video-EEG; VGB: Vigabatrin.
Vigabatrin monotherapy for infantile spasms
Drug Profile

Drug Profile Gaily

was stratified based on sex, age and risk factors for developmental drugs are not similar for their prognostic factors, which may
delay. The third stratification criterion probably reflects etiology cause significant bias in the results. In addition, evaluation of out-
relatively well. All 14 infants who were known or suspected to have come may not be consistent and treatment protocols may change
tuberous sclerosis were excluded. The diagnosis of IS was based on during the period from which data are collected. However, in a
clinical presentation and EEG. Hypsarrhythmia was present at the situation where randomized controlled studies on the treatment
time of diagnosis in 39 out of 55 infants (71%) in the hormonal and of IS are scarce, retrospective studies may provide useful data to
in 44 out of 52 (85%) infants in the vigabatrin group. help clinical decision-making.
The primary outcome variable was cessation of spasms for at Population-based noncontrolled data on vigabatrin efficacy
least 48 h before 14 days had elapsed after treatment initiation. in IS have been obtained [4] . Infants with newly diagnosed IS
Analysis was by intention to treat. Spasm freedom was achieved were first started on vigabatrin and nonresponders were given
by 40 out of 55 (73%) infants in the hormonal and 28 out of 52 ACTH or valproate as the second drug. All 35 infants with IS
(54%) infants in the vigabatrin group. Cessation of spasms was in the Uusimaa region (Finland) diagnosed in November 1993
more likely in the hormonal group, the difference being 19% through November 1997 and seven infants from nearby regions
(95% CI: 1–36; p = 0.043). were included. Etiology for spasms was cryptogenic for ten and
As a continuation of the aforementioned study, the same study symptomatic for 32 infants. Response was defined as total dis-
group published the results of follow-up assessments at 14 months appearance of spasms ≥1 month and confirmed by video-EEG.
[19] and 4 years [20] . Of the children who did not respond to hor- Eleven infants (26%) responded to vigabatrin: 50% of the cryp-
monal treatment as the first therapy, nine out of 12 (75%) later togenic and 19% of the symptomatic group. Two out of three
became spasm free with vigabatrin, and of those who did not infants with tuberous sclerosis responded. The effective dosage
respond to first-line vigabatrin, 14 out of 19 (74%) achieved spasm was 50–100 mg/kg/day for all except one infant. Spasm freedom
freedom with hormonal treatment. Spasm relapse led to vigabatrin was observed within 1 week for nine responders. Of vigabatrin
treatment for 14 children who were first allocated hormonal treat- nonresponders, 22 subsequently received ACTH and 11 (50%)
ment. Three children relapsed during vigabatrin treatment and then responded. One infant relapsed after being spasm free with
were given hormonal treatment. Vigabatrin was continued until vigabatrin for 4 months.
14 months of age in responders. During the past 5 years, six retrospective hospital-based studies
At 14  months, the primary outcome variable was neuro­ have reported on the use of vigabatrin in IS. These studies are
development assessed with the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour briefly reviewed in the following paragraphs.
Scales (VABS) in a telephone interview at 14 months of age on an Camposano et al. included 68 children who had been treated
intention­-to-treat basis. Seizure outcome and adverse effects at age with vigabatrin for IS [21] . Forty two children (62%) had tuberous
12–14 months were the secondary outcomes. Five infants had died sclerosis. Control of spasms was achieved by significantly more
and one was withdrawn before the age of 14 months. There were children with tuberous sclerosis (73%) than children with IS of
no significant differences in developmental scores, severe adverse other etiologies (27%).
effects or rates of seizure freedom between the groups at 14 months. A multicenter study in Israel identified all children who had
Seizure freedom was achieved by 28 out of 55 (51%) infants in the been diagnosed with idiopathic IS in 1985 through 2002 at six
hormonal group and 32 out of 51 (63%) infants in the vigabatrin centers and who had at least 5 years of follow-up evaluation  [5] .
group. The mean VABS score was 78.6 in the hormonal treatment The mean age at spasm onset was 5.5 months and the average time
group and 77.5 in the vigabatrin group. However, for infants with lag to treatment was 25 days. Fourteen infants had been treated
no identified underlying etiology, the mean VABS score was greater with vigabatrin within 1  month of spasm onset and 14  with
for the hormonal group compared with the vigabatrin group (88.2 ACTH (eight within 1 month and six later). Response within
vs 78.9; difference: 9.3; 95% CI: 1.2–17.3; p = 0.025). the first 2 weeks of therapy was achieved by 78% of vigabatrin­-
At 4 years, 77 children from the original cohort had participated treated and 87% of ACTH-treated patients. The mean follow-up
in the study. Nine had died, and 21 children either declined to time was 9 years. Normal cognitive outcome was observed for
continue participating or were lost to follow-up. Data for develop- all children in the early-ACTH group, 67% of the late-ACTH
mental assessment and seizures were again collected by telephone group and 54% of the vigabatrin group (p = 0.03). Seizure relapses
interview. There was no significant difference between the median occurred for 54% of patients in the vigabatrin group, in 33% of
VABS scores of the hormonal and the vigabatrin groups (60 vs 50), the late-ACTH group and none of the children who received early
but again, when the group with no identified etiology was consid- ACTH (p < 0.05).
ered separately, VABS scores were greater for the 21 allocated to Karvelas et al. studied a population of 80 children diagnosed
hormonal treatment (median 96) than for the 16 allocated to viga- with IS between 1990 and 2003  [22] . Two-thirds of the infants
batrin (median 63; p = 0.033). There was no significant difference had hypsarrhythmia at presentation. Fifty children (63%) had
in the rate of seizure freedom between the groups. symptomatic and 30 had cryptogenic spasm etiologies. First-line
therapy was vigabatrin for 46 infants and ACTH/prednisone for
Retrospective studies 34 infants. In the cryptogenic group, 82% of infants responded
The validity of retrospective studies in comparing treatments to vigabatrin and 84% to ACTH/steroids. Of those with
is limited in several ways. Often, the groups receiving different sympto­matic etiology, 52% responded to vigabatrin and 53% to

278 Expert Rev. Neurother. 12(3), (2012)

Vigabatrin monotherapy for infantile spasms Drug Profile

ACTH/steroids. Five out of seven infants with tuberous sclerosis vigabatrin and 406 controls. Ten studies included only children
were given vigabatrin and all responded. (n = 295), but none who were exposed in infancy. Of vigabatrin-
A study in Pakistan included 56 patients who presented with exposed patients of all ages, 738 (44%) had pVFD compared with
infantile spasms at the Aga Khan University Hospital from 30 (7%) controls. The estimated risk was greater for adults (52%;
January 2006 to April 2008, and who received either vigabatrin 95% CI: 46–59) than for children (34%; 95% CI: 25–42). The
or ACTH as first-line therapy for spasms [23] . Infants with tuber- relative risk for pVFDs for vigabatrin-exposed patients was 4.0
ous sclerosis were excluded from the study. Additional inclusion (95% CI: 2.9–5.5). Increasing cumulative dosage and increasing
criteria were hypsarrythmia or modified hypsarrythmia on EEG, age were associated with greater risk of pVFD.
at least 6 months of follow-up and receipt of any of the two drugs Only two studies have reported visual fields in children who
mentioned above. Symptomatic etiology was observed for 64% had been treated with vigabatrin for IS during the first year of life
of patients, and 36% were considered cryptogenic or idiopathic. [28,29] . The first study included 16 children who had been started on
Vigabatrin was received by 38 patients and ACTH by 18. Choice vigabatrin at a mean age of 7.6 months [28] . The median maximum
of drug depended on availability, cost and ease of administration. daily dosage was 137 mg/kg. The duration of therapy varied from
In the event of incomplete response to the first drug, the infant 9.3 to 29.8 months (mean: 21 months), and cumulative dosage
was switched to the other treatment. Responder rates regarding ranged from 209 to 1109 g (mean: 655 g). Most children had
the initial therapy were 21 out of 38 (55%) for vigabatrin and cryptogenic etiology for spasms. All had become spasm free either
nine out of 18 (50%) for ACTH. Relapses after succesful initial with vigabatrin treatment monotherapy or combination therapy.
therapy occurred for 33% of infants who received vigabatrin and Visual fields were examined by Goldmann kinetic perimetry at
56% of those who received ACTH. 6–12 years of age. Seven children required more than one study
A UK study included 75 children with infantile spasms, and session to obtain conclusive results with improving cooperation.
32% of these had cryptogenic etiology [24] . Fifty four children were One child (6%) showed mild pVFD (temporal meridian more
treated with vigabatrin at a maximum dosage of 150 mg/kg/day. than 50 but less than 70 degrees). He had received vigabatrin for
Eighteen children received either prednisolone 2–4 mg/kg/day or 19 months, with a cumulative dosage of 572 g. The other children
40 mg for 2 weeks, followed by 10-mg reductions every 5 days. had normal visual fields.
Three were treated with valproate. Response was defined as spasm The other study reported visual fields studied by the Goldmann
freedom for ≥2 weeks. Eleven children (61%) responded to ster- kinetic perimetry for 15 children started on vigabatrin as treat-
oids and 23 (42.5%) to vigabatrin. Steroids had significantly bet- ment for IS at age 2.5–12 months (mean: 6 months)  [29] . The
ter response in the cryptogenic group but not in the symptomatic median daily dosage was 92  mg/kg. The cumulative dosage
group. Spasms ceased significantly sooner after steroid therapy ranged from 135 g to >5.9 kg. Two children with tuberous sclero-
(8 days) than after vigabatrin treatment (16 days). sis were treated for 7 and 12 years, respectively. Both had normal
visual fields. For the others (two had symptomatic etiology, two
Adverse effects had cryptogenic and nine had idiopathic), the mean duration of
Peripheral visual field defect vigabatrin therapy was 1.7 years (range: 6 months–2.8 years).
Vigabatrin was first suspected of causing visual field loss in Age at examination was >8 years, except for one child, who was
patients with epilepsy in 1997 [25] . Soon afterwards, the only rand- 6.5 years old. One child (7%) with idiopathic etiology for spasms
omized-controlled, blinded study on this topic was published [26] . exhibited pVFD after a cumulative dosage of 765 g and treatment
Fifty patients aged 19–73 years who had been randomized in 1988 duration of 2.8 years. Another child was tested twice with normal
through to 1995 to receive either vigabatrin or carbamazepine for results in the second study.
new-onset partial epilepsy were included in the study. At the time Electroretinogram (ERG) studies of infants receiving viga-
of the study, 32 patients were taking vigabatrin (27 since rand- batrin have shown abnormal results [30] . The earliest sustained
omization) and 18 were taking carbamazepine (one changed from onset of the vigabatrin-induced ERG abnormality in infants has
vigabatrin). The duration of medication was 29–119 months. been 3.1 months [31] . Abnormal ERG has been associated with
Visual fields were investigated by Goldmann kinetic perimetry, impaired visual function as measured by grating acuity in child­
and the results were analyzed by two blinded ophthalmologists. ren exposed to vigabatrin in infancy [32] . There are no data on
Visual field loss was observed for 13 out of 32 (41%) patients later visual field testing in children with abnormal ERG during
receiving vigabatrin (aged 22–72  years), and for none of the vigabatrin treatment.
patients in the carbamazepine group (number needed to harm: No evidence of pVFD was observed for six children with prenatal
2; 95% CI: 2–4). Visual field loss was considered to be severe exposure to vigabatrin [33,34] .
for three and mild for ten patients. However, none of them had pVFD does not usually progress in patients who have received
noticed visual field constriction before participating in the study. vigabatrin for several years even if they continue on the drug [35,36] .
Maguire et al. undertook a systematic review of observational This suggests that retinal sensitivity to vigabatrin toxicity may be an
studies published in 1999–2009 to assess the risk of periph- idiosyncratic reaction, perhaps genetically determined. The mecha-
eral visual field defect (pVFD) and possible clinical predictors nism of pVFD is still unknown, although associations with taurine
for vigabatrin-exposed patients with partial epilepsy  [27] . The deficiency in animals [37] and low basal ornithine–aminotransferase
authors identified 32 relevant studies of 1678 patients exposed to activity in humans [38] have been observed. 279
Drug Profile Gaily

A prospective vigabatrin patient registry has been initiated in dysgenesis. The prevalence of these prespecified MRI changes was
August 2009 [39] . All patients who are prescribed vigabatrin in significantly increased in vigabatrin-treated infants compared
the USA are enrolled. Visual function is assessed regularly at with vigabatrin-naive children (22 vs 4%). When the analysis
every 3 months during therapy, as well as at 3–6 months after was restricted to children who were scanned both prior to and
discontinuation. At the first data analysis on 1 February 2011, during vigabatrin therapy (n = 25), 36% had the typical abnor-
1500 patients with IS were included (1234 aged less than 3 years mality pattern. There were no associated clinical symptoms. The
of age). Follow-up data on visual function are not yet available. MRI abnormalities resolved for most infants who had follow-up
scans, some of whom continued on vigabatrin. The study also
New brain abnormalities detected on MRI included older (2–11  years) vigabatrin-exposed patients with
Animal studies have revealed that mice, rats and dogs treated partial epilepsy who did not show similar MRI abnormalities.
with high dosages of vigabatrin develop microvacuolation in the Dracopoulos et al. undertook a retrospective analysis of MRI
white matter [40] . This is typically localized to the cerebellum, images of patients treated for IS [43] . Infants with disorders that
reticular formation, fornix, hypothalamus and thalamus. The could potentially affect the basal ganglia were excluded. Ninety-
microvacuoles contain fluid accumulation and separation of five patients treated with vigabatrin and 12 patients non-exposed
the outer layers of myelin, hence the term intramyelinic edema. to vigabatrin were included in the study. A total of 65% had IS of
Reactive astrocytosis and microglial activation may also occur. cryptogenic etiology, and 22% had tuberous sclerosis. A total of
Animal species differ in susceptibility, and the most sensitive 31% of the vigabatrin­-exposed patients exhibited typical signal
kind already show typical changes after 4 weeks of treatment. hyperintensity while on the drug. The abnormalities were associ-
Microvacuolation increases in severity for the first few months, ated with diffusion restriction on diffusion-weighted imaging,
then become stable during continued treatment, and completely which was suggested to be related to intramyelinic edema. Young
disappears after vigabatrin is stopped. MRI is the most sensitive age (less than 1 year) and cryptogenic etiology were associated
method for diagnosing intramyelinic edema, but visual-, somato­ with a greater frequency of vigabatrin-associated MRI abnormal-
sensory- and brainstem-evoked potential also correlate with the ity. Follow-up scans (most after vigabatrin was stopped) were
histologic changes in animal studies. available in 66% of the patients who had abnormalities. All but
By the year 2000, when the review by Cohen et al. was pub- one resolved. The patients naive to vigabatrin had normal MRI
lished [40] , no cases of vigabatrin-associated intramyelinic edema results.
had been reported in humans after autopsy. Patients in clinical Figures 1–4 provide the typical MRI changes in a vigabatrin-
trials with vigabatrin were investigated with evoked potentials treated infant at 7.5 months of age and absence of such abnormal­
and MRI with negative findings, and it was concluded that these ities after vigabatrin discontinuation in the same child, imaged
changes must be very rare in humans. However, infants were not at 12 months of age.
included in any of the reported trials. There is only one pathology report describing white matter
Prompted by an index patient 13 months of age with new vacuolation and intramyelinic edema after vigabatrin exposure
MRI changes during vigabatrin therapy, Pearl et al. undertook a in a human patient [44] . This infant, with hypoxic–ischemic
retro­spective review of MRIs of 22 patients who were scanned at brain injury and IS, died at the age of 9 months after receiving
9 months to 18 years of age while being treated with vigabatrin vigabatrin for 3 weeks.
for epilepsy [41] . Of the vigabatrin users, seven out of 22 patients
(32%) demonstrated T2-weighted hyperintensive abnormalities Other adverse effects
in the basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem or dentate nucleus, In comparison of vigabatrin and placebo, at least one adverse
which had not been present on MRI performed before vigabatrin effect occurred in 60% of vigabatrin-exposed patients and in 30%
onset. The duration of vigabatrin treatment prior to MRI varied of placebo-treated patients during the double-blind phase  [15] .
from 1 to 11 months. After vigabatrin discontinuation, these However, these did not cause withdrawal from the study for any
abnormal­ities disappeared in all patients. All affected patients patient. The most common symptom was drowsiness (40%).
had IS, and were also younger at the time of study than unaf- When two dosages of vigabatrin were compared, 48% of the
fected patients (median age of 11 months vs 5 years). None of patients in the high-dosage (>100 mg/kg/day) and 51% of those
the 56 vigabatrin-naive patients with IS exhibited similar MRI in the low-dosage (<36 mg/kg/day) group were reported to have
changes. one or more adverse effects during the blinded phase  [17] . The
Wheless et  al. retrospectively studied MRI findings from most common of those were sedation (17%) and somnolence
93 vigabatrin-exposed infants and 112 infants naive to vigabatrin (14%), followed by problems with sleep (11%), irritability (10%),
but treated with other drugs for IS [42] . Etiology was cryptogenic constipation (4%), lethargy (4%), decreased appetite (3%) and
for 46% of patients and tuberous sclerosis for 14%. MRI read- hypotonia (2%).
ing was centralized and blinded for clinical data. Reviewers were In children with tuberous sclerosis, vigabatrin was associated
instructed to report any hyperintensities on T2-weighted or fluid- with significantly better tolerability than hydrocortisone  [10] .
attenuated inversion recovery sequences with or without diffusion Adverse effects were observed in 44% of the children in the
restriction, which were not readily explained by a radio­graphically vigabatrin group: drowsiness (17%), hyperexcitability (17%) and
well-characterized pathology such as tuberous sclerosis or cortical muscular hypertonia or hypotonia (11%).

280 Expert Rev. Neurother. 12(3), (2012)

Vigabatrin monotherapy for infantile spasms Drug Profile

Figure 1. MRI showing new bilateral hyperintense changes in globus pallidi in an infant, 32 days after starting vigabatrin
(present dose 150 mg/kg/day) at the age of 7.5 months. (A) T2-weighted image; (B) diffusion tensor image; and (C) resolution of
the changes of vigabatrin at 12 months, 4 months after vigabatrin was stopped, T2-weighted image. Thalamic changes are also seen on
diffusion tensor image.

Vigevano et al. observed adverse effects during the randomized point in IS should be spasm freedom. The EEG criteria for suc-
phase of the study for 13% of vigabatrin-exposed infants and 37% cess were met only by two [14,17] of five randomized controlled
of those receiving ACTH (nonsignificant difference) [14] . In the studies.
vigabatrin group, drowsiness was present in 9%, irritability in Giving ACTH/hormonal treatment as the first drug for infants
9% and hypotonia in 9% of the children. with spasms of cryptogenic etiology seems to lead to a better
In the UK study, adverse events were reported for 55% of developmental outcome at 14 months and 6 years of age com-
infants receiving hormonal treatments and for 54% of infants pared with infants who were first treated with vigabatrin [19,20] .
receiving vigabatrin [18] . The most common symptoms in the This may be explained by earlier cessation of spasms in the
vigabatrin group were drowsiness (27%) and gastrointesti- ACTH/hormone group. In the symptomatic subgroup (exclud-
nal trouble (21%). Five infants (5%) died before 14 months ing tuberous sclerosis), there seems to be no differences in later
of age [19] . One death was caused by Staphylococcus aureus seizure outcome or development between ACTH/hormonal
septicemia and occurred on day 15 of treatment with pred- treatment and vigabatrin [19,20] .
nisolone. The remaining four infants died of Leigh’s disease, Retrospective studies [4,5,21–24] show great variation in response
aspiration of vomit, broncho­pneumonia and persistent epileptic rates, probably due to the bias caused by different populations,
encephalopathy (one each). treatment protocols and definition of response. The results are,
however, in line with randomized controlled studies in suggest-
Conclusion ing that vigabatrin is efficacious for IS, and infants with tuber-
Randomized controlled studies comparing vigabatrin with pla- ous sclerosis benefit most from the drug. Retrospective data
cebo [15] and with an active control of low-dosage vigabatrin [17] also suggest that cognitive outcomes may be better for the non­
have demonstrated that vigabatrin is efficacious in the treat- symptomatic etiology group after early ACTH treatment than
ment of IS. For tuberous sclerosis, vigabatrin seems to be supe- vigabatrin therapy.
rior to hormonal therapy [10] . In other etiologies, in the largest Peripheral visual field constriction is the most feared adverse
study comparing vigabatrin with ACTH/hormonal therapy, effect of vigabatrin. Only two small studies have examined
ACTH/hormonal therapy may have been more efficacious than visual fields in school-age patients after vigabatrin exposure in
vigabatrin in halting infantile spasms at 2 weeks [18] , although infancy  [28,29] . The results of both studies suggest that the risk
there was no difference in seizure outcome at 14 months between of concentric defects may be lower (perhaps less than 10%) than
the groups originally allocated vigabatrin or ACTH/hormonal patients treated with vigabatrin in later childhood or adulthood
treatment. A smaller study with insufficient power also indi- (40–50%) but the data are scarce and further studies are needed.
cated a trend toward ACTH superiority [14] . It should be noted, At present, there are no reliable methods to detect whether or
however, that the study comparing vigabatrin and placebo only not visual field defects are developing during ongoing vigabatrin
achieved statistical significance in spasm reduction, possibly due therapy in infancy.
to short duration of therapy (5 days compared with 14–30 days Recent MRI studies in infants have suggested that approxi-
in other randomized controlled studies)  [15] . The efficacy end mately a third of those exposed to vigabatrin exhibit hyper­intensive 281
Drug Profile Gaily

Figure 2. The same MRI studies as in Figure 1 showing hyperintense changes in thalamus on vigabatrin at 7.5 months.
(A) T2-weighted image; (B) diffusion tensor image; and (C) resolution of the changes off vigabatrin at 12 months, T2-weighted image.

abnormalities in the basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem or den- Expert commentary

tate nucleus on T2-weighted images  [41–43] . These changes are The available evidence supports the choice of vigabatrin as the
transient in most infants. They may rarely be accompanied by first treatment for infantile spasms caused by tuberous sclero-
muscular dystonia but the majority of the affected children are sis [10,16] . For infants with cryptogenic (unknown) etiology for
asymptomatic. Susceptibility seems to be restricted to infancy, spasms, ACTH/hormonal therapy seems to be the most beneficial
as older vigabatrin-treated patients do not experience similar treatment with regard to developmental outcome.
abnormalities. For symptomatic etiologies other than tuberous sclerosis, there
Of the other adverse effects, the one most commonly related is no evidence based on seizure outcomes or later development to
to vigabatrin treatment in the randomized controlled studies was help clinicians choose between vigabatrin and ACTH/steroids
drowsiness, reported for 9–40% of the exposed infants, followed as first treatment. The choice mainly depends on how the risks
by irritability, changes in muscular tone and gastrointestinal of serious adverse effects are weighed against each other. ACTH
symptoms. is associated with an increased risk of hypertonia, susceptibility

Figure 3. The same MRI studies as in Figures 1 & 2 showing hyperintense changes in dorsal brain stem on vigabatrin at
7.5 months. (A) T2-weighted image; (B) diffusion tensor image; and (C) resolution of the changes off vigabatrin at 12 months,
T2-weighted image.

282 Expert Rev. Neurother. 12(3), (2012)

Vigabatrin monotherapy for infantile spasms Drug Profile

Figure 4. The same MRI studies as in Figures 1–3 showing hyperintense changes in nucleus dentatus on vigabatrin at
7.5 months. (A) T2-weighted image; (B) diffusion tensor image; and (C) resolution of the changes off vigabatrin at 12 months,
T2-weighted image.

to severe infections, electrolyte imbalance and adrenocortical function as part of the neurologic examination every 3 months [49] ,
hyporesponsiveness [45–47] , which may rarely be fatal. The risk including at least once after cessation of therapy. Confrontation
of serious consequences can be avoided using minimal effective testing of the peripheral visual field is possible with children less
ACTH dose and therapy duration, and suitable vigilance [48] . On than 2 years of age [49] by bringing an interesting object such as a
the other hand, vigabatrin may cause permanently constricted toy to the peripheral visual field and noting when the child turns
peripheral visual fields, although the risk may be relatively small his/her head or eyes toward the target. If signs of pVFDs are
after exposure in infancy. Taking into account the estimated detected, the risks and benefits of vigabatrin in that individual
developmental potential, degree of functional impairment and child should be re-evaluated.
comorbidities, each physician needs to make an individual choice Visual field testing should be carried out whenever possible for
for each infant. school-age children with vigabatrin exposure in infancy, as even
The recommended dosage of vigabatrin for infantile spasms subjectively asymptomatic pVFD may impair demanding behav-
is 100–150 mg/kg/day, which is the efficacious dosage based on ioral tasks such as driving [58] . The results should be reported
randomized controlled studies. If patients do not have a clinical as there are very few data on the risk of pVFD after vigabatrin
benefit from vigabatrin within 2–4 weeks of treatment initia- exposure in infancy. It is important to appreciate, however, that
tion, vigabatrin should be discontinued [2,49] . In responders, the the results may be falsely abnormal in young children, as the test
US consensus report recommends continuation of vigabatrin for requires good attention and cooperation. All abnormal findings
6–9 months [2] . For disease of crypto­genic or hypoxic–ischemic should be confirmed by repeated testing until conclusive results
etiologies, or for Down syndrome, a few months may be sufficient are obtained.
[50,51] . Longer treatment lasting for several years may be beneficial Despite the high prevalence of the hyperintense MRI abnormal­
for cognitive development in children with tuberous sclerosis [52] . ities, routine MRI follow-up of asymptomatic infants during
The potential benefit of reducing the risk of adverse effects with vigabatrin treatment is probably not justified, as the structural
shorter treatment must be weighed against the risk of relapse and changes seem to be transient and not associated with any perma-
intractable epileptic encephalopathy with catastrophic cognitive nent morbidity. Infants who display new neurological abnormal­ity
and behavioral outcomes, especially in patients with tuberous such as dystonic movements during vigabatrin therapy should
sclerosis [53,54] . have a diagnostic MRI, bearing in mind that hypersignal in
All patients continuing to receive vigabatrin should undergo the basal ganglia may also rarely be associated with metabolic
regular visual field examinations for the duration of treatment diseases, such as mitochondrial disorders [59] .
[27] . This is a very challenging task in infancy for several reasons;
infantile spasms are frequently associated with visual dysfunction Five-year view
even in the absence of vigabatrin [55,56] . ERG and optical coher- Improving cognitive and seizure outcome in IS remains a demand-
ence tomography [57] require anesthesia, and the results may be ing task. Vigabatrin will probably retain its position as a valu-
difficult to interpret. It is mandatory, however, to get a history able treatment choice for infants who have a contra­indication for
of possible signs of pVFD from the caregivers and assess visual ACTH/hormonal therapy, such as immuno­deficiency or chronic 283
Drug Profile Gaily

infections, or who have been resistant to ACTH/hormonal Future investigations, such as the ongoing registry study [39] ,
therapy. will hopefully clarify the magnitude of the risk of pVFD caused
At present, vigabatrin is the treatment of choice for IS associ- by vigabatrin exposure in infancy. Improved understanding of
ated with tuberous sclerosis, attributed to mutations in the TSC1 retinal pathophysiology of vigabatrin-attributed visual defects
and TSC2 genes. The mutations cause loss of inhibitory control will perhaps allow prediction and prevention of those defects
of the mTOR pathway, leading to excessive cell proliferation and in patients who benefit from long-term vigabatrin treatment.
cortical dysplasia. mTOR-inhibiting drugs, such as rapamycin and
everolimus, are already in clinical use in the treatment of giant-cell Financial & competing interests disclosure
astrocytomas in patients with tuberous sclerosis [60] . Recent studies The author has no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any
have shown that rapamycin, an inhibitor of the mTOR complex 1, is organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with
efficacious against IS in an experimental rat model of IS [61] . In the the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
future, mTOR inhibitors may challenge the role of vigabatrin as the employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
preferred drug for IS caused by tuberous sclerosis. mTOR inhibitors testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
may also prove useful for spasms caused by other etiologies. No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript.

Key issues
• Vigabatrin is the first-choice treatment for infantile spasms caused by tuberous sclerosis.
• For other etiologies, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)/hormonal therapy seems to be more efficacious than vigabatrin in stopping
spasms within 2 weeks.
• In infantile spasms of cryptogenic etiology, ACTH/hormonal treatment may be associated with better developmental outcome than
• For symptomatic etiology other than tuberous sclerosis, long-term seizure prognosis and cognitive outcome seem to be similar
regardless of whether treatment was started with vigabatrin or ACTH/hormonal therapy.
• All patients receiving vigabatrin should have regular visual field examinations every 3 months, as vigabatrin may cause permanent
peripheral visual field constriction.
• Infants on vigabatrin may demonstrate transient hyperintensive MRI abnormalities in the central parts of the brain. Routine MRI
follow-up of asymptomatic infants is not necessary.

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