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Name of student(s):Jemelyn Tesara Date submitted:

Instructor: Mrs. Richel J. Gabutin-Jacela Activity No.: 2 Score:

 Study, discuss and answer the questions.

1. Discuss the S-W-O-T Analysis (strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats) as an essential part of the planning
process. Differentiate Strengths from Opportunities. Also,
Differentiate Weaknesses from Threats.
Answer: S-W-O-T Analysis plays essential part of the planning process because it is an
integral part of the strategic planning used to evaluate or identify the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats in business. These four factors, SWOT stand for
pertaining the organizational growth, product and services, business objectives and
market competition. We can use SWOT Analysis to make effective results for our
organizational plan where we can reduce the chances of failures by understanding what
we are lacking and eliminating hazards.

2. What are the differences between strategies, programs, and

projects? At what level of management should each be this done?
Answer: The differences of these three are, strategies are a long-termed planned of
objectives and executive management’s vision of how the organization intends to
achieve those objectives. Strategy set to organize plan to make sure that the business
being achievable. While programs are usually within the functional areas to coordinate
activities across functions up and down of the layers of an organization. It may involve
the organization’s ability to transform and change which is concerned with the
delivering business outcomes. While projects are more granular and lay out the specific
tactics that need to be followed by members of the organization in order to execute the
strategy. It focuses on output or deliverables. They are typically confined to a single
functional unit within an organization. It should be done this in all levels because
without these three we could not totally develop and achieve our business. When we
would like to build a company or business these three should be include so that we are
totally achieve and have a great outcome our business.

3. What are the factors to be considered in designing an

organizational structure? On what circumstances would you
consider an organizational design as top heavy?
Answer: The factors to be considered in designing an organizational structure, although
many things can affect the choice of an appropriate structure for an organization. Here
are some factors that we may consider in designing an organizational structure. First,
organizational size, the larger the organization becomes more complicated in its
structure. When the organization is small such as a single retail store it can be simple
easiest way to manage. In reality, if your business or organization is very small, you do
not need own have a formal structure. Instead of following the organizational chart,
individual should only perform simple tasks. Second, broaden or long period of time to
prepare because if you want to build r construct a business or company you need to
plan out first what you need in preparation for your business in business. If you have a
better plan you have a better innovation. You may experience a trial and error but this
only a challenge for you on how you face it and solve it. Lastly, organization has a life
cycle; not only humans has a life cycle but in organization also, our world business now,
customers always prefer trends products.

4. How can modern technology or digital technology enhance the

organization’s Knowledge Management? Cite specific examples.
Answer: Modern or digital technology can help to enhance the organization’s
Knowledge Management through storing the information easy with where knowledge
located in an organization and it can be embedded in best practices of how people learn
and how knowledge or ideas is transferred. It is also used an instrument in a collection
of process that will govern the creation, dissemination and utilisation of knowledge to
fulfil organizational objectives. It is a tool to assist the management of explicit
knowledge. It makes your work or tasks easier and orderly.
1. Easy to stored information
2. Tool to collect or transferred information
3. Easy to work difficult task
4. Broaden your ideas and knowledge


5. Identify a business organization and analyze is Vision, Mission, and Goals/Objectives. ( it

should be local or national organization)
Make a critical evaluation on how effective was it able to its VGMO. Rate it based on a
scale of 0-100%. Give your short review.

Document and/or summarize responses in less than 200 words.

Established in Seattle, Washington in 1971, Starbucks Coffee continues to
grow and expand its business internationally. This expansion brings the
company in competition against various firms. For example, the company
competes against Dunkin’ Donuts and McDonald’s, as well as other food
service businesses that offer food and beverage products, such as Burger
King and Wendy’s. The Porter’s Five Forces analysis of Starbucks
Corporation shows that these competitors and related industry factors and
market factors combine to create the strong force of competitive rivalry in the
industry environment. The company must strengthen its competitive
advantages accordingly.

Starbucks Coffee’s corporate mission is “to inspire and nurture the human
spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” This
mission statement reflects what the company does to keep its business
running. It is clear that target consumers are given emphasis in this corporate
mission. The following components of Starbucks’s corporate mission
statement influence strategic management in growing the business:

1. Inspire and nurture the human spirit

2. One person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time

Starbucks Coffee “inspires and nurtures the human spirit,” starting with its
employees. To address this component of its mission statement, the company
maintains a small company culture, where rapport and warmth are important.
In this way, the corporate mission is a direct determinant of Starbucks
Coffee’s corporate culture. In addition, the same component of the company’s
mission statement pertains to customers’ experience. The business extends
its warm and small company culture to its customers. For example,
employees’ and customers’ first names are used at Starbucks cafés. Also, the
design of these coffeehouses aims for warmth and coziness. These
approaches inspire and nurture meaningful and warm relationships involving
employees and customers. Another factor to consider in Starbucks Coffee’s
corporate mission statement is that it indicates a personal and gradual
approach. The “one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time”
component shows that the company ensures meaningful impact on every
employee and customer. In parallel, this part of the corporate mission means
that Starbucks Coffee plans to continually and gradually grow the business,
one place or neighborhood at a time.

Starbucks Coffee’s corporate vision is “to establish Starbucks as the
premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our
uncompromising principles while we grow.” This corporate vision
statement has the following components relevant to the business:

1. Premier purveyance
2. Finest coffee in the world
3. Uncompromising principles
4. Growth

Aiming to be the premier purveyor means that Starbucks Coffee wants to

achieve leadership in providing its products, especially coffee of the best
quality. The company achieves this component of its vision statement by
continuing its multinational expansion as one of the largest coffeehouses and
coffee companies in the world. However, it is not yet clear if Starbucks
effectively addresses the “finest coffee in the world” component of its
corporate vision. Analysts and critics point out that coffee from McDonald’s or
Dunkin’ Donuts may be better than Starbucks coffee in some aspects.
Nonetheless, Starbucks addresses the “uncompromising principles”
component of its corporate vision statement. These principles include ethical
conduct and a warm culture. The company maintains these principles,
especially during Howard Schultz’s leadership as CEO. Also, the company
satisfies the “growth” component of its vision statement, as manifested in the
continuing global expansion of the business through new Starbucks locations.
The company now has more than 28,000 locations around the world. Thus,
the business effectively addresses its corporate vision.

Starbucks Coffee’s Corporate Vision & Corporate Mission

– Recommendations

A good point about Starbucks Coffee’s mission statement is that it is

sufficiently abstract to make it applicable to future business scenarios.
However, this corporate mission does not satisfy many of the conventional
characteristics of ideal mission statements. For example, Starbucks’s mission
statement does not inform about target customers, types of products, and
target markets. While the company presents a facet of its business
philosophy, the resulting corporate mission needs improvement to satisfy ideal
conventions. Thus, it is recommended that Starbucks add such pieces of
information in its corporate mission statement to improve the matching of the
statement with the business and its operations.

Starbucks Coffee’s vision statement is concise, clear, and inspiring, especially

in terms of achieving and maintaining the premier status in the coffeehouse
and coffee industry. This focus on leadership is a motivator that challenges
management and other members of the company’s human resources.
Moreover, the corporate vision is stable in terms of applicability to future
business scenarios at Starbucks Corporation. For example, the “premier
purveyor” component is expected to remain applicable in the long term.
However, the company fails to include new business operations and products
in the corporate vision statement. For example, tea, pastries, and
merchandise (consumer goods) are now part of the product mix, as outlined
in Starbucks’s marketing mix or 4P. These products are not yet included in the
company’s corporate vision statement. Thus, a recommendation is to improve
Starbucks’s corporate vision by adding these pieces of information regarding
various products, to make the vision more accurate in representing the


Here is my critical evaluation on how effectively able to achieve its VMGO.

Good business leaders create their vision, articulate their vision, passionately own
the vision and relentlessly or determined drive it to completion. Regardless of
whether you are running a business having a vision and mission help to provide
employees and business with a purpose. The mission and vision in business are
very essential when it comes in strategies because they are used to define future
goals and operational techniques. The vision statements are effective way to
provide a direction in which the business wants to go. When drafting a vision
statement for your business, answer the questions about what hopes and dreams
are. What kind of future do you want to see in your business? , and how does the
business play a part in making that possible to happen? . This vision statement
defines what goals you want to be achieve in the future for your business.
The mission statements of an organization outlines where goals and its strategy to
be able to reach their own goals. It focuses more on where the business is at the
present time and the tactical process that wants to use to achieve its objectives.
When establishing a mission statement for your business, outline what is your
business does, who you serve and how you serve them.
The mission and vision statements of a company help the organization strategies
where both can provide a purpose and goals which are essential elements of a
strategy. They are always includes the audience for the business and what that
audience finds important. By identifying these elements can develop a more step
by step strategy that helps the company to achieve its mission in the short term
and vision for a long term. The goals and objectives of a company or business help
to develop innovation, high performance and accountability.
I would rate it 80 out of 100 because their performance or VGMO are consistently
exceeded expectations in all essential areas of responsibilities and the quality of
their overall work was great. They always consider their employees and
customers to be able to how do these both are make importance to a business
like what contribution they can provide to make their business improve and
develop. While the 20% percent left is considering of their trial and error because
not all of the business are make it possible perfection at all. They can experience
also a mistakes and challenges and also find what are their main inadequate of
their tasks in order to correct it properly as systematically to make it the best of
their company or business that will consider as a manner of effective innovation.

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