Damp Proofing Vs Waterproofing: Problems Due To Leakage of Water

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Damp Proofing vs Waterproofing

There is a subtle difference between damp proofing and waterproofing. The general objective of both is
to minimize the travel or passage of water through a material.

People face a lot of problems due to leakage of water/seepage/dampness in buildings soon after
construction and during life of buildings. Problem is faced by the occupants for repairing the same on
permanent basis. This is a source of unhygienic condition, health hazard, etc., besides life of the building
is shortened considerably.

Following are three types of problems:-

 Dampness

 Leakage

 Seepage


This is mainly on the floor, walls of ground floor or even walls of upper floor. The main source of
dampness is due to low lying area and moisture rising from ground / foundation / earth filling below
floor. It is also due to not providing proper Damp Proof Course at plinth level and due to defects in
construction of DPC and foundation.


Leakages are found from various sources viz. wet areas in buildings (toilets, bathrooms, kitchen, roof,
terrace, water supply & sanitary service installations, drainage & sewerage installations, overhead water
tanks etc


One main source of seepage is leakages as stated above. Besides dampness is formed due to defective
constructions / materials of external walls of building.


The main causes which create dampness/leakage come under three heads:

(a) Inadequate investigation, defective planning/ design.

(b) Inferior quality of materials used in construction and

(c) Poor quality of workmanship

Though the literary meaning of both sounds same however almost all codes have defined these two
separately in terms of form of moisture, based on methods to treat it which differs in terms materials
used, thickness of preventive layer applied and of course methods of applying it. CPWD ( Indian
government building department, American Concrete Institute as well as International Residential codes
have defined both.

The American Concrete Institute (ACI 515.1) defines waterproofing as a treatment of a surface or
structure to resist the passage of water under hydrostatic pressure, whereas damp proofing is defined
as a treatment of a surface or structure to resist the passage of water in the absence of hydrostatic

Damp proofing is intended to keep out soil moisture, while waterproofing keeps out both moisture (and
water vapor) and liquid water. The International Residential Code (IRC) specifies that “any concrete or
masonry foundation walls that retain earth and enclosed interior spaces and floors below grade shall be
damp proofed from the top of the footing to the finished grade.” Waterproofing is required only “in
areas where a high water table or other severe soil-water conditions are known to exist.”

The purpose of the damp course treatment is to prevent rising of dampness from the sub-soil or
foundation reaching the brick masonry at the plinth level. Damp proof treatments are generally flexible
i.e. bituminous-based or bituminous-based membranes. Polymer membranes made out of butyl rubber
based formulations can be used for achieving damp proofing of basement RCC/CC floor surfaces,
provided the membranes are applied with appropriate latex type adhesive to develop proper bondage
to the concrete and remain undamaged in the process of receiving a layer of concrete over them and
are sandwiched between two concrete layers. It has one main purpose: stopping the transference of
ground moisture through masonry or concrete. Typically the damp proofing coating cured thickness is
less than 10 mm thick. Damp proofing is not intended to keep all water and moisture out, but rather its
goal is to retard moisture infiltration by blocking the capillaries of concrete or masonry, which slows
water penetration.

The damp proof treatments must be preceded by collateral measures of sub-soil water collecting
systems, proper construction of rainwater collection and disposal systems and impervious plinth
protection all around the structure.
Similarly in the CPWD Schedule of Rates, 2002 under the Sub-head 4.0—Concrete Work, the items of
providing 40mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 and applying a coat of residual bitumen of penetration
80/100 @ 1.70 kg per square meter come under damp proof.  The treatment carried out to the
basement also comes under the classification of damp proof course.  In the same schedule of rates,
there is a special Chapter on waterproofing (Chapter: 25).


The goal of building waterproofing is to prevent as much water as possible from entering the building,
and to provide outlets and drainage so that if water does get inside, it is not allowed to remain. Many
designers while designing simply forgets that there is going to be water.

Waterproofing materials have the ability to seal cracks that develop over time due to their elastic,
flexible nature and the thickness of the applied coating. Waterproofing materials also are designed to
withstand hydrostatic pressure and are often in excess of 40 mm.

Treatment to the roof and other parts of the structure comes under the nomenclature of waterproofing
and not damp proofing. Waterproofing treatment ensures or expected to ensure foolproof mechanisam
against ingress of water. The problem with the penetration of water into the RCC is that it initiates the
damage and the damage in course of time gets propagated to the other areas of the structure causing
more and more damage.

Waterproofing is essential in areas where there are significant rain and high water tables or building is
near to water bodies like lake, river etc. As water enters the ground, it collects around the foundation.
The higher the water rises up the foundation, the greater the hydrostatic pressure exerted against the
concrete or masonry surface. This is especially true in areas with clay soils, as clay will absorb and hold
more water than granular soil. This hydrostatic pressure forces water through porous concrete/
masonry. So the sub-grade depth of the concrete structure, the degree of inherent hydrostatic pressure
in the area and the use of the interior space are important criteria to consider when determining
whether damp proofing or waterproofing is appropriate.
Of course damp proofing will not seal large pores or cracks. It also cannot take care of poor
workmanship resulting from coarse or careless back filling, limited thickness of DPC, brittle material used
etc. It will succeed if there is adequate foundation drainage leading to absence of hydro static pressure.

Hence whether to adopt damp proofing or water proofing will depend on many factors like soil type and
soil conditions, water table, drainage in the surrounding area, amount of damp or moisture that one
may allow within the structure. It is natural that waterproofing will definitely cost more than damp
proofing. One has to make a right choice based on discussions above.

Importance of Waterproofing for your House!

The civilization of a nation is generally judged by the type of buildings and structures it builds.  Water is
creator and also destroyer of the building. Waterproofing of a building therefore is very important and is
seeking more attention in recent times. It is now understood that if water ingress is not stopped in time,
then it severely damages the building. The life of a structure depends upon its stability and that is what
is affected by the ingress of water.

The construction is mainly in the hands of Civil Engineers and Architects. However, if the structures are
not executed in a sound manner without flaws, the society has a right to condemn the work. One of the
chronic problems in the construction industry is obtaining work free of discrepancies avoiding moisture
penetration in the buildings. One is always worried to ensure that his/her building is free from
unwanted moisture and wall is free of dampness, seepage, and leakage.

The concept of waterproofing or protecting buildings against the damaging action of water derives from
the need to avoid water and humidity that act negatively upon construction and materials used in
construction. This negative effect manifest in several ways, creating health problems, structural
deterioration, corrosion which is like cancer in a building, facility damage and several other problems.
Repairing a building damaged by water can be very expensive particularly RCC buildings getting affected
by corrosion.

The goal of building waterproofing is to prevent as much water as possible from entering the building,
and to provide outlets and drainage so that if water does get inside, it is not allowed to remain. Many
designers while designing simply forgets that there are going to be water.
The best and the most effective approach for waterproofing are to adopt adequate care:

 While designing and detailing the building

 While exercising maximum care during construction

 While observing all precautions post construction

 And maintaining the building as per standard engineering practices.

Again using good quality materials is a pre requisite. Practice has established that minor problems
relating to dampness, seepage and leakage can be effectively tackled/avoided by using materials of
acceptable quality by skilled experienced artisans and skilled and meticulous supervision.

Since waterproofing is the treatment to a surface or structure to prevent passage of water under
hydrostatic pressure, one should aim to lower the hydro-static pressure which will prove to be the most
effective. Designs incorporating the rain screen principle and providing for pressure equalization offer
the best assurance against water penetration. Internal measures can include membranes inside the
walls, such as barrier insulation which keeps water out. Typically, building waterproofing is done in
several different ways to create multiple barriers for water so that it cannot enter a structure.

Waterproofing of buildings is designed to prevent water from penetrating a building. Usually extensive
waterproofing measures are incorporated in a building at the time of construction, to provide moisture
control at the initial stage. Waterproofing may also be carried out after a building is built, to address
problems as they emerge. Waterproofing is critical for a number of reasons. Now days there are
specialized contractors possessing special skills, knowledge and technology for building waterproofing,
providing restoration and maintenance who also gives warranty/guarantee for 10 to 20 years.

Today the material chemistry has revolutionized the construction industry like all other industries. The
advancements in waterproofing materials and technologies have revolutionized the modern
construction industry, not only with their ease of applications but also longer durability and less and
easy maintenance aspects.  Lot of research is also going on globally to prevent water intrusion into the
structure. Many technologies, products and methods are being developed to make the buildings leak

Waterproofing of a structure is a serious subject. The idea of “applying just any chemical and believing
that waterproofing is done” was never valid and is no more valid even today however miraculous
chemicals might have been invented… Complete study of a building and impact of elements on it is
therefore must.

The most frequent causes of permeability are, porous or flawed material, badly sealed splices, cracks in
structural elements, building defects and inadequate/improper surface treatment.

Again there can be different kinds of humidity, the one that gets in from the outside (because of rain or
snow, different kind of water infiltrations, ground humidity or underground water), building’s own
humidity (permanent or because of the construction) and the one produced gradually by the building
(because of its service as well as due to condensation and water leaks).

Damages to the concrete as well as wooden structures and also inbuilt furniture also result in high cost
of repair and maintenance and sometimes even more than the cost of the structure itself. Stitch in time
saves nine. Prevention is therefore better than cure is best applicable in case of leakage and seepages.
To minimize the problems of dampness, leakage and seepage, the best course of course is to take
precautions in the initial stages itself.

There are various materials and methods depending upon the technology they employ. In India incl SE
Asia “Brick Bat Koba” system is popularly used for waterproofing flat surfaces like RCC slab, terrace or
chajjias. But it is also not a full poor waterproofing system.

Please remember even a hair crack is sufficient for water to enter any surface. One has to therefore
treat the building with utmost care. Negligent handling like fixing of window grills or random hammering
for any purpose which exert extra load on a building will lead to the formation of cracks or mobile
towers fixed on a building add to the aggravation of leakage problem. Vegetation growth or root
penetration in a structure is a serious problem and should be handled before it gets difficult. Roots
damage structure in very serious way. These are some of the external reasons which lead structure to
the deterioration and their functioning should be understood to decide the remedial action.

However in spite of using the best of materials, sometimes waterproofing may fail. There are various
reasons for such failure. Some of them could be faulty design, mistake in diagnosing the cause for the
leakage, inappropriate material used in the treatment, lapses in supervision etc. The entire 99% job
done with perfection can fail just by one percent mistake. The mistake could be of any type, by anybody,
but if the results are not 100% satisfactory, then the waterproofing job is likely to fail.

In existing buildings when you treat the building for leakage proper diagnosis of cause is must. There
could be many reasons for the leakages. They should be detected first to decide the treatment and the
products. One should not be happy with just curative or aesthetical treatment but should treat the
fundamental cause, the preventive care.

The damages by leaking water are not limited only to the structure itself but also extend to the people
who are making use of the building. Many serious sicknesses have their origin in the damp walls of the
house where they live or in the premises where they work. WHO has released a report on it, after
thorough study in the several cases, which points out that leakages pose health hazard and about 50
dreaded diseases have their source in the damp patches on the wall.

One should also not forget that Repair and waterproofing of a structure are two sides of coin.
Appearance of crack itself suggests that all is not well. Leaking water again leads to the formation of
cracks. In repair if waterproofing is not considered then it will not be long lasting work and it will fail,
soon. The gravity force, surface tension and capillary action, control the movement of water, into the
body mass of a structure. One therefore has to have sound knowledge of building physics.
Waterproofing is very important form the point of stability of structure. Once it is damaged, then it
cannot be brought back to its original status.

However the  problem can be avoided or reduced to the minimum, if proper attention is paid in the
material and construction procedure.  Everything should also be done keeping in mid the maintenance
aspect. The construction team should ensure quality during construction at the initial stages itself. I.e.
Investigation Stage, Planning Stage, and Construction Stage, rather than taking it as-a repair work or
defect attending work.
Proper observation should be made to deal with the subsoil water as well as storm water in the rainy
season. If no adequate care is taken in beginning post treatment in arresting seepage is a difficult and
cumbersome process in spite of the additional cost.

When waterproofing is done properly, it gives results. The approach has to be scientific and systematic.
There is no short cut in waterproofing. All the steps and standards should be followed for getting the
results. Successful waterproofing is achieved by using various products and techniques.

Waterproofing if not done in time then the problem gets aggravated in many folds. It should be done
systematically, and with appropriate products as thereafter the results are magical.

Waterproofing of a building is a major activity. It may appear to be expensive, but it is not so. In fact it
saves a lot of money which may otherwise go in drain for various reasons. One should always consider
Life cycle cost rather than mere capital cost.

To get the job done is a job by itself. Broadly speaking it starts from assessing the work, then procuring
the estimate, selecting a contractor, getting the work done in a systematic way. You therefore need a
real good designer as well as contractor who not only possess technical knowledge but also execute the
job successfully for which he has to posses many other qualities, equipments, tools etc. to deliver the

Need of Waterproofing for Your House!

The leakage and seepage in the house are the most chronic problem which occurs from time to time just
after completion of the house or at a later stage of completion during its life. It has been found that
sincere and hard efforts of design and construction team are highly affected due to the above chronic
problems, which may occur due to various reasons.

These problems occur on the underground basements, bathrooms and toilets, terraces, balconies, and
other areas affected by rain water directly, overhead water tanks, plumbing joints, kitchen, etc.

From the viewpoints of its occupants, building waterproofing is important because it keeps a building
dry. It also reduces internal humidity, making a building more comfortable to work in and protecting
objects inside the building from damage as a result of humidity or water exposure. However, building
waterproofing is also important to the integrity and durability of the building itself.

Water damage can be a serious issue in a structure. With water, there will arise host of other problems
which can undermine foundations, make conditions in the building unsafe, and damage property inside
the building. Wooden buildings can suffer rapid decay from water exposure. Water penetration can also
damage to concrete and other building materials, especially in cold climates where water may freeze
and cause cracks. Insufficient waterproofing can be a problem throughout the year, and not just during
the rainy season.

If waterproofing is not properly done the structure or the building will undergo severe damages or
stresses, and its life will be reduced. It will also affect the health of occupants.

The different types of damages that may occur to the building are as below:

01. The harmful or undesirable effects due to leakage in the buildings are many. When water penetrates
into the foundation, cracks develop due to the unequal settlement of foundations which may ultimately
result in structural failure and sometimes difficult to repair.

02. Dampness in floors will cause not an only settlement of floor resulting in cracking or uprooting of
floor tiles but will also create safety and health problems. Floors become slippery causing a safety
hazard for the occupants.

03. Unsightly marks appear in the wall faces due to dampness and seepage resulting in efflorescence
and discoloration. The paint on the plastered surface will peel off at many locations making paint
applications ineffective and the room or building will look ugly due to discoloration as well as ugly
patches. However, the right paint will never survive on damp walls.

04. Damages to furniture, cloth and other household items, books, papers, etc., are some of the
undesirable and serious damages and effects.

05. Dampness attracts and breeds termites leading to unhygienic conditions, ill-health and discomfort to
the inhabitants.

06. If wardrobes are on external walls of a house and when ply has been used for wardrobes, it may
happen that the termite will destroy the wardrobes totally and you will have to redo it from scratch. The
termites if allowed to spread further can also damage RCC structure causing huge damages and huge
repair cost may arise.

07. In toilets and depressed floors, nuisance is caused not only in the particular floor but also in the floor
below or on sides. This is a major nuisance and point of disputes, particularly in high-rise building flats.
This will cause the lot of uncomfort.

08. In many cases, the durability of the structure itself is seriously affected. The concrete deteriorates
and the steel corrodes.  Because of corrosion cracks will start developing which will again invite
additional moisture from air accelerating corrosion and also invite CO2 which will ultimately result in
loss of alkalinity of concrete. This will further aggravate corrosion. Thus the vicious cycle continues and
cancer in the building sets in. A day will come when repairing corrosion damaged structures would be
more difficult and even costlier than making it entirely new.  If continuously ignored this may lead to
total collapse of RCC building.

09. Due to dampness, safety problems are created in the electrical installations and wiring causing the
short circuit, fire hazard and damage to electrical installations. This may cause accidents like an electric
shock and also fire in the building or damage to electronic appliances.

10. In laboratories and technical buildings meant for scientific purposes, humidity due to dampness
creates failures of sophisticated electrical and electronic equipment. The cost involved to attain specific
levels of temperature and humidity is quite high. In residential buildings, the cost of a/c will increase.

11. The moisture in floor tiles will cause its expansion leading to its expansion resulting in tenting or
buckling of tiles.

12. The moisture will cause wooden members to expand, resulting in difficulty in the closing of doors
and windows.

13. There would be cracks everywhere which would make you feel unsafe and invite other structural as
well as non-structural problems apart from ugly appearance.

Therefore, special care should always be taken to make the structure free from leakage and seepage.
One has to understand the cause of occurrence as well as the effect of the treatment proposed to resist
the water seepage and leakage. In recent years, the lot of developments has taken place in both
materials and technology.  The waterproofing treatment may be done during construction or in post-
construction stage depending on the situation.

Causes of Waterproofing Failure

Any structure, such as a house, has to deal with the forces of mother nature: wind, sun, rain, and snow.
Their combination affects the integrity of the structure.

As such, the structure is constructed with an exposed terrace or top level. This is where it endures the
maximum direct impact of the sun and rain. The external facade of the building i.e. the principal front of
a building that faces on to a street or open space also sustains varying degrees of wind, sun, and rain.
Due to the behavioural difference of action of these weather phenomena on the ground floor and at
terrace level, some kind of i.e. movement always takes place in the overall structure. Generally, they are
within acceptable limits for most of the structure as designed. However, it is a common observation that
weather damage is more toward the top of the structure as compared to the bottom.

Now, the construction of any structure requires the use of a wide variety of materials. Each one has
different properties. Depending on its basic build-quality and the manner in which it is constructed and
maintained, the variation of properties leads to separation cracking between different surfaces of the
building. Such cracking is a common occurrence in present-day construction.

There are three stages where action needs to be taken:

Pre-Construction Stage

Meticulous planning and designing by the architect and structural engineer with detailed working
drawings, specifications, and estimates for inviting tenders is a must. Engineers/design consultants
prepare various service systems including designing building facades in such a way so as to repel water
and facilitate easy flow.

Technical investigation of underground soil, site survey/levels, and past data of stagnation of water on
low lying area need to be done prior to commencing design.

Construction Stage

Proper management, supervision, monitoring, and total quality control is required during construction.
All this can be done by prudently selecting a reputed contractor who ensures the application of project
management and best quality control practices. Additionally, the waterproofing contractor also ensures
that everything goes as per approved architectural drawings, engineering details, and specifications.

Post-Construction Stage

After the construction is complete, it is time to rectify defective works. Besides, efficient maintenance
works including special repairs should never be ignored.

Construction of a building is a joint effort by numerous people. Waterproofing is the ultimate test of
their work done by all of them. Any mistake in the design or faults made during the construction process
will come to light in the form of leakage.
Waterproofing work should be done with the utmost attention to every single detail. Vigilance is key.

Reasons for Roof Waterproofing Failure

Without further ado, let’s discuss the most common reasons for waterproofing disasters.

01. Incorrect Diagnosis of the Leakage Problem

The source of leakage is not always located near the visual marks of it. After entering the body mass,
water flows in all possible directions. The source might not be where you see dampness. It might
originate from somewhere else. Thus, careful and studied manual inspection is required to identify the
true source of leakage.

A study of construction sequence and activities will help in arriving at the conclusion. The information
provided by the people making use of the premises may also help in detecting the root cause.

Electronic probing instruments often prove useful in the detection of an underlying water source.

On the collection of data from different sources, a conclusion should be drawn and accordingly the
material and the method to be used for the treatment should be decided. Any mistake in judgment here
may result in the failure of waterproofing.

02. Faulty External Plastering

During waterproofing of punctures after repairs or modifications of walls, plaster or any part of a
building, the envelope is left carelessly without cover treatment on it. For example, during external
plastering, the holes provided in the walls for scaffolding are never filled properly nor corrected after

Moreover, waterproofing treatment cannot be carried out in patches. It has to be all over on the
exposed surface of the structure. Dependence on local or partial treatment should be avoided.

03. Improper Selection of Waterproofing Material

Wrong selection of material will certainly result in the failure of the treatment. In the market, many
waterproofing chemicals are available. However, each one has a specific use case.

When these waterproofing chemicals are used in the wrong way at a wrong place, the treatment is
bound to fail, sooner or later.

In larger structures, when expansion joints are provided with the waterproofing material to cover the
gap, they should be flexible enough to stretch along with the bodies. It should also come back to its
original state when required. If the material does not keep pace with the movement of the structure,
then it will fail eventually. So, the filler material has to be flexible. Application of rigid compounds won’t
work here.

A point where two or three different types of building materials form a joint is termed as a composite
joint. At such places, the waterproofing material used has to be compatible with all the surrounding
materials or else the treatment will fail. For example, waterproofing of aluminium or wooden window
frame fitted in the wall.
Epoxy is formulated in part A and B. The proportion differs with every manufacturer. When they are
mixed in the right quantity, they form a third product which is completely different from the first two.
Same way, certain products in polyurethane require the catalyst to initiate the chemical reaction. Till
then, the product is not effective. And if the manufacturer’s instructions are not followed thoroughly
then the product will not perform and will malfunction, resulting in failure of the system and hence

04. Not Carrying Out Proper Preparatory Work

Before commencing waterproofing treatment, it is essential to do preliminary work, such as:

 Cleaning the surface to remove dust

 Filling all the holes, cracks and cavities

 Repairing the damaged sections

 Relocating the embedded pipes

 Removing the residual waterproofing material from the earlier treatment

 Applying recommended primer

 Core cutting in concrete made for the pipe fitting needs to be properly finished.

Any lapses in systematic preparatory work will lead to the failure of the system.

05. Use of Incompatible Materials

Various integrated systems and products are used together to achieve the required
waterproofing effect. The products used may be solvent based, oil based, or water soluble. These
products do not always complement with other materials when used in combination. Certain products
might have to be used early or at a later stage. They will not form one monolithic treatment.

Tar with its characteristics does not have good bonding with certain polymeric or rubberized products. If
such products are used in combination, the system inevitably fails.

06. Design Flaws

When large-sized unprotected openings are constructed in the direction of the rain, then water can
easily enter the building. The designer has to consider the junctions carefully and take into account the
terminations that coming across.

The provision of flashings, mouldings, drops and slopes needs scrupulous planning.  Staircase landings
should be well protected from spilling of rainwater through the ventilation openings.

The members of the R.C.C grid designed with joints and junctions need to be properly covered. Such
places are critical for water to get into the body mass. The designer should visualise these areas and
provide remedial solutions to such impending problems.

Old palaces and monumental buildings are often decorated with intricate designs. The ornamental
design is not just for aesthetic purposes, but also to channelize free-flowing water into the direction of
the terminal drainage system. This proves that waterproofing can be achieved by cleverly devised design
systems too.

07. Lapse in Supervision by Architects, Engineers, Contractors, and Owners

Any mistakes in the detailing of the drawings or during the execution of the job will lead to the failure of
the system. Careful supervision of the work being done should be top priority.

When large size coating material is applied on extremely porous surfaces, it does not penetrate. The
surface gets heated due to continuous exposure to the sun. The air trapped in the cavities causes the
hairline cracks to expand and form blisters on the surface which, in turn, delaminates the film.

08. Blunder in Detailing of Junctions and Terminations

An uniform treatment cannot be used at all spots on the surface. Treatment at the junction and the
transition of the plane needs to be different than the one given on the plain surface.

The drops, openings, and flat surfaces should be properly safeguarded by providing flashing, moulding,
slopes, and so on. Areas with large span typically require treatment with a breaking of continuity and
tolerance for movement, failure of which will crack the surface. A mistake in locating critical areas will
again result in the failure of the system.

09. Not Adhering to the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Last but not least, it is important to follow to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Most of the modern
waterproofing materials have polymer as a base. These chemicals are designed to perform different
tasks for which they are specially made, and therefore the manner of their application becomes pivotal.

Many waterproofing chemicals have a pot life or shell life i.e. they need to be used within a certain time
after opening the container. They lose their efficacy after expiry. Likewise, if they are not mixed
properly, they may not work as desired.

When all is said and done, there is not much scope for correction. Simply put, rectification is a waste of
money, time, material, and labour. Therefore, it is imperative that all the supervisory level personnel are
attentive in carrying out their duties carefully, during every stage of the work.
10. Final Words on Roof Waterproofing

Discussed in this post are some of the most common reasons for the failure of waterproofing systems.
But the list is not exhaustive.

Concerted efforts are required in overcoming such failures. A lot more can be accomplished when
everyone is devoted to the project as a team rather than mere individuals.

Waterproofing Terminology (1/2)

Waterproofing in the building is done to prevent water from penetrating a home. Take necessary
measures for waterproofing at the time of construction stage. It will prevent moisture at the initial
stage.  Waterproofing may also be carried out after a building is built, to address problems as they
emerge. Waterproofing terminology is the terms of waterproofing which helps to understand
waterproofing system. Here is certain basic waterproofing terminology.

From the viewpoints of owner, building waterproofing is important because it keeps a building dry.

Waterproofing Terminology

Following are the basic terms of waterproofing.

01. Abrasion:

Abrasion is the process of scraping or wearing of surface materials by friction. Surface particles become
detached by a combined action of shearing and tearing.
02. Absorption:

It is the process in which fluid penetrate into small pores of the material.

03. Adhesion:

It is the force acting on the interface of two solid materials when sticking or attaching to one another.

It is the tendency of the different particles or surfaces to hold on tightly to one another

04. Admixtures:

The admixture is a material other than water, aggregates, and cement and used as a component of
concrete or mortar.

It helps to modify the properties like the heat of hydration, accelerate or retard set, workability, water
reduction, dispersion and air-entrainment, impermeability and durability.

05. Alkalinity:

Alkalinity is the condition of having or containing alkaline substances with (OH-) ions to cause its ph
more than 7. It is the sign of the relative higher amount of the H- ions concentration.

An alkaline compound like hydroxides and carbonates eliminate H+ ions from the water and lowers the
acidity of water and result in higher pH.

06. Ambient Temperature:

It is the environmental temperature surrounding objects which needs the power supply and cooling

07. Anode:
It is the positive charged electrode where oxidation occurs due to electrons moving into the electrode.

08. Bond Breaker:

It is a self-adhesive non-woven polyester fabric which is used to facilitate independent movement

between two units, which would otherwise behave monolithically.

They are available in liquid, spray, rods and tape forms. They are such products that form a membrane
which allow the surface to be separated easily.

09. Burlap:

Burlap is a coarse fabric of jute, hemp, or flax which is used as a water retaining cover while curing
cementitious materials.

10. Capillary Action:

Capillary action is a rise of fluid in a small diameter tube due to the surface tension of the fluids.

It is the movement of a liquid through or along the surface of another material in spite of other forces,
such as gravity.

Water is good at capillary action than the other fluids.

11. Carbonation:

It is the process of conversion of calcium hydroxide in the hardened cementitious material into calcium
carbonate due to reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide which makes concrete
brittle. Carbonation of concrete initiate corrosion of reinforcement.

12. Cathode:

At negative potential, electrons are drawn away from it and a chemical reduction reaction occurs.

13. Cathodic Protection:

It is the method of protecting the metal from corrosion by making it, a cathode by impressed current by
the introduction of a lesser noble metal.

14. Chloride Content:

It is the total amount of chloride ions including the fixed chlorides (non-soluble in pore water) present in
concrete or mortar

15. Cold Joint:

Cold Joint is a construction joint formed due to the setting of concrete/mortar before placing of next
batch of material.

It is a plane of weakness or discontinuity formed when a concrete or mortar hardens before the next
batch is placed against it. Many times this becomes a cause of leakage.
16. Condition Survey:

The condition survey is an examination of structure for the purpose of identifying and defining the area
of distress. It is the assessment of physical conditions and should identify deficiencies, and maintenance.

17. Corrosion:

Corrosion is the process of deterioration of concrete or reinforcement due to chemical or

electrochemical change caused in the presence of moisture. It will lead to the loss of quality of the
element as a result of freezing or chemical reactions.

It will result in loss of area of steel. Corrosion in building is like cancer in building. If not attended in time,
it will lead to irreparable damage.

18. Corrosion Inhibitors:

It is the chemical, when added to concrete in small proportions, checks or retards the process of
corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement.
19. Cover:

It is the least distance between the surface of the reinforcement and the outer surface of the concrete.
It lies between reinforcement and the outer surface of the concrete to protect the reinforcement from
corrosion. Adequate cover is also needed to protect steel from fire.

20. Creep:

Creep is the irrecoverable strain caused to a solid material due to movement and deformation under
constant stress for a long duration.

Creep is more severe in materials that are subjected to heat for long periods and increase with the
increase in temperature.

21. Curing:

It is the process of maintaining sufficient moisture and temperature in the concrete after its placing in
position, which is absolutely necessary for its complete hydration. If concrete/mortar is not cured
properly, material will never gain desired strength.

22. Defects:

It is a shortcoming, imperfection, or lack of quality standard in material selection or workmanship.

23. Delamination:

It is a separation, splitting or cracking roughly parallel and near to surface due to which significant loss of
mechanical toughness is observed.

24. Depassivation:

It is the loss of alkalinity in the immediate vicinity of steel reinforcement due to carbonation process so
as to cause dissolution of its protective passive layer.

25. Design Service Life:

The life specified for the structure at its design stage for it to adequately perform its functions.

It is the period or time during which the structure or item is expected to work within its specified
26. Deterioration:

It is the process of becoming worse or decay with the time. The building structure is subjected to the
process of becoming progressively worse due to faulty materials and faulty construction.

27. Disintegration:

Disintegration is the process of breaking into small fragments or losing cohesion or losing strength.

28. Dry Pack Concrete:

It is a stiff mix of concrete/mortar usually compacted by ramming for filling patches where
reinforcement is exposed or holes which extend through and through wall or beam.

29. Drying Shrinkage:

Drying shrinkage is defined as the shrinkage caused due to loss of water from concrete after its
hardening. It may lead to cracking, warping, and deflection before the concrete is subjected to any kind
of loading.

30. Durability

It is the characteristic of a structure or any element to resist gradual degradation of its serviceability in a
given environment for the design service life. In other words, durability is the ability to withstand wear,
pressure, or damage which will define its life.

31. Electrolyte:
Any substance like liquid and gel which when dissolved in water or other suitable solvent forms a
solution that conducts electricity, due to ionic dissociation of the dissolved substance in a solvent.

32. Environment:

The surrounding conditions of temperature, humidity, chemicals, etc. of a structure or structural

member to which it is exposed to.

33. Epoxy:

Epoxy is a high strength adhesive compound formed as a result of polymerization of resin at an ambient
temperature in the presence of a specified proportion of hardener.

It is also a flexible resin or adhesive which gains property like hardness, smoothness and flexibility after
it dries.

34. Erosion:

It is a progressive or gradual disintegration of a solid by the abrasive or cavitations action of gases, fluids
or solid motion.

35. Ettringite:

It is the expansive crystals that swell due to absorption of water in the alkaline environment. These
crystals are formed due to the reaction of alumina containing hydrates in hardened cement paste with
sulphate ions in the presence of calcium hydroxide.

36. Evaluation:

It is the making of judgement about the amount, number, or value of the structure. It is also an
assessment of the quality and importance of the structure using criteria governed by standards.

37. Fatigue:

It is the weakening of a material by repeated or alternating loads.

38. Feather Edge:

It is the bevelled edge of a repair concrete or mortar which is at an acute angle from the surface.

39. Ferrocement:
It is thin reinforced cement mortar construction using more than one layer of continuous small diameter
metallic square, expanded, and hexagonal wire mesh.

The material used in ferro-cement structure consists of mortar made with Portland cement, water and
aggregate and the reinforcing mesh. The placement of mortar shall generally be done by hand plastering
or spray gun device.

40. Fibre Wrap:

It is the integrating woven or non-woven high strength fibre (e.g. E-Glass fibre)

Causes of Leakage in Buildings

It is very difficult to pin-point exact cause as well as the sources of leakage of water in the building.
Water passes through labyrinth of porosity channels of capillary as well as air voids which are invisible
and which are difficult to track down to their routes. The water might enter from one point and become
visible at some other point. Hence the possible causes of leakages should be analyzed and understood
as described here under before taking up remedial measures:

Ingress of Water in Structures can be:

From below (subsoil water), through Soil and Masonry by Capillary action.

From above i.e. external sources are such as rain/storm. Rain water and/or Water pressure exerted on
structural members and their inability to withstand the same.

From inside the building owning to improper water supply, sewerage and drainage installations. Internal
water sources such as leaking pipes/ improper fittings, joints incl joints which have opened.

If attention is not paid to their prevention at every stage of planning, execution and maintenance it is
likely to result in discomfort to occupants and unsightly appearances discomfort of living, unhygienic
conditions and at times diseases incl repairs beyond reach and possibility.
The major causes of leakage are:

(A) Structural Causes:

01. Cracks on the top surface of slab, due to various reasons including inadequate design of the slab.

02. Cracks on the bottom of slab due to excess deflection of slab, due to overloading or improper design.

03. Cracks at column supports.

 Poor workmanship and poor quality of materials particularly of RCC structures resulting in
excess porosity in the slab, bad quality of concrete etc.

 Honeycombing: Honeycombing in concrete is due to improper proportion of aggregates, poor

mixing or improper compaction or all of them together.

 Implications of use of higher water cement ratio: If the water cement ratio exceeds 0.6 to 0.7,
then the pores in the concrete do not get segmented even with proper curing. Among other
reasons, poor quality of construction makes the concrete pervious to water. Water enters into
the porous concrete due to capillary attraction.

04. Expansion Joints in the Building:

Ineffective Sealing of Joints:

 Leaks through ineffectively sealed expansion joints, construction joints and other active cracks.
For filling such joints, sealants like polysulphide are recommended. While providing expansion
joint the engineer must remember that he is a civil engineer first and structural engineer later.

05. Leakage Due to Cracks:

Water follows the line of least resistance for entering into any material. Cracks in concrete or masonry
walls provide paths of least resistance for the water to penetrate. Identify the type of crack. If it is a
static crack, use of non-shrink modified polymer mortars or micro-concrete or any other sealant may be

 Cracks due to differential settlement of foundations of a building.

 Cracks formed in the RCC slab, beam, walls due to poor design, deficiency, over loading or poor
workmanship resulting in honey combing etc

 Cracks due to thermal extremes, expansion- contraction, shrinkage, creep incl aggressive
climatic conditions and lack of joints.

 Cracks due to vegetation growth.

 Cracks due to absence of structural elements like lintels, sill etc

 Cracks between two different materials particularly with different co-efficient of thermal

06. Spalling of concrete due to corrosion in the slab leading to cracks.

07. Leakage Due to Cold Joints:

One of the potential sources of leakage undoubtedly is thorough cold joint formed at the time of casting
of concrete. It is difficult to identify such joints after completion of work. The location of these joints
could be guessed only at the time of leakage.

08. Poor construction joints in both underground as well as overhead water tanks.

(B) Non-Structural Causes:

01. Poor Workmanship:

a) Slope not Proper – Defective Gradient of Terrace:

Improper gradient or slope of terraces leaves scope for water stagnation. One of the chief culprits of
water leakage of roof slabs is improper gradient, improper drainage and rainwater collection
arrangement. The gradient sloping towards khurras therefore should be proper.

The gradient or slope on terrace for rainwater to drain effectively must be not less than 1 in 48. Flooding
of areas and improper or inadequate drainage is the main cause for leakage. Proper drainage of water
solves most of the leakage problems.

Sometimes defective grading in brick bat lime Koba would result into absorbing water and seeping the
same through weak spots or joints throughout the year instead of arresting the leakage.

It is also better to get rid of such sub-standard lime Koba grading.

It is also advisable not to adopt concealed rainwater disposal arrangements.

b) Defective Waterproofing:

Defects in Coping/Vatta:

 Lack of proper coping/ vatta at the junction between terrace and parapet walls is a major cause.
If coping is not properly done and not properly tucked into the parapet wall and roof slab, the
coping done would prove to be ineffective in arresting leakage of water through the cleavage
developed between coping and parapet wall and between coping and terrace. Therefore coping
provided must be effective and it must be done under close supervision.

Failure to Make Khurras:

 Khurras are other potential leaking points. Care must be taken to properly seal the khurras from
seepage into walls and roof slab. The water collecting depression of rainwater must be made

c) Extreme Weather Conditions:

 Dampness due to Development of Negative Pressure Inside the Structure:

 When the interior of the building develops low pressure when compared with that of the
external pressure, due to suction effect, during high humid conditions, the air carrying external
moisture may intrude inside the structure causing damp conditions.
02. Sub Standard Work Practices:

a) Holes in Masonry Made for Scaffolding:

During erection of scaffolding particularly for external plaster, holes are made for supporting one end of
horizontal member of scaffold in walls. These holes are filled up negligently while removing scaffolding.
Such holes are never filled with care. And again it is difficult to cure such isolated patches. Hence all such
holes become source of water into walls and appear as damp patches later on in walls.

b) Breakage of Walls for Installation of Air Conditioners:

Similarly while installing Air conditioner particularly split units, holes are made in walls for gas / exhaust
pipes. Such holes too are never filled with care that it needs.

c) Mechanical installations like cooling towers, AC units etc., on the terrace.

03. Poor Quality of Materials:

a) Poor Quality of Bricks and Plaster:

Masonry with poor quality bricks (having water absorption > 20%) and or with poor cement mortar
joints (CM poorer than 1:6 and poor external plaster (CM poorer than 1:4) or inadequately cured
masonry or plaster will always leak. Not only that, it will be very difficult and almost impossible to repair
such poor workmanship.

b) Use of Porous Finishes and Brickwork on Exterior Walls:

 Any other porous finish or even porous masonry will cause leakage.

c) Tiles on Terrace:

Because of lack of funds, many people still lay ordinary mosaic tiles made of cement concrete on
terrace. Like ordinary cement concrete, mosaic tiles are also never waterproof. They are even more
porous. Tiles will never solve your problem. What you need is good terrace waterproofing.

d) Trapped Water Problems:

 It is often found that the moisture trapped between the matrix of concrete and the surface
finishing such as exterior emulsion paints do not allow the moisture to escape or migrate to
other places, thereby causing damping problems and the attendant deterioration of substrate of
the finishing layer. We must therefore ensure that the paint used is of vapor permeable type.

04. Poor Detailing:

a) No Waterproofing in Sunken Slabs of Toilets:

Very good waterproofing on bottom as well as sides of sunken slab for toilets is must.

No dismantling, breaking walls / slabs for pipe laying or any nature of  hammering to any wall or
plastered waterproofed surface in toilets should be allowed once water proofing is done. Hammering
will create micro cracks causing leakage and which will be difficult to cure.

b) No Coping on Parapet Wall:

Defective Treatment of the Top of the Parapet:

 Failure to make the top of the parapet waterproofs.

 Normally after casting terrace slab, with a view to start immediate plastering work, parapet
walls are constructed first. Thus the slab directly below parapet remains without waterproofing.
Hence if adequate coping is not done, water will enter through top of parapet wall and enter in
terrace slab. Further even if coping is done, water may enter through sides of parapet wall. Even
a good coping (vatta) at junction will not prevent this.

c) Only Chemical waterproofing on Terrace:

Many people, who get motivated due to the advertisements of chemicals and chemical waterproofing,
may provide only chemical waterproofing on terrace. This will not survive. Because most of the
chemicals don’t have that stability against ultra violet radiation of the Sun. Further the film of chemical
will start peeling off, once there is damage due to mechanical failure, like punch or a pin hole formed
due to impact of heavy objects falling on it. This happen because the thickness of chemical
waterproofing is in microns.

d) Balcony Without Waterproofing:

In most of the balconies or open terraces, no waterproofing is done on slab. While being open, water
does get splashed and eventually accumulates there. Sometimes drains pipes from balconies are also
not provided. The tiles or any flooring however good will not be able to prevent the leakage.

e) Absence of Throtting or Drip Course on Chajjas:

The chajja/weather sheds must be provided with throtting or drip mould so that water does not trickle
down and it gets cut off and drops thereby stopping leakage.

f) No Vatta at the Joint Between Top of Chajja/Weather Shed and Wall:

Normally after casting chajja/weather shed, vatta or coping is needed at the joint between wall and
chajja/weather shed so that water does not enter through joint.

g) Cut out in the Structure for the Branch Pipe:

No random cut outs or holes should be made in RCC members or even walls. The joint between the two
is never going to be water tight.

h) Joints Between Flooring Tiles:

The joints between flooring tiles will allow water to percolate through slab causing leakage.

i) No Plinth Protection:

The water getting accumulated around the house will seep into the ground below. This will travel below
the plinth or enter through external walls which have no coping.

Lack of adequate precaution in protecting the structure due to watering the adjoining gardens or lawns
will also lead to such conditions.
j) Damp Proof Course not Provided or If Provided not Effective:

Most of the times DPC is not provided. If provided they are not adequate and may be at wrong

k) Leakage of Water from Water Storage Tanks:

Failure to Make the Terrace Slab Waterproof on which Water Storage Tank is Installed:

It is often seen that when inlet water pressure is very high or when sub-standard float valves are used,
the area below the water storage tank gets flooded and the situation gets worsened when there is water
stagnation below the tank and the area has not been made thoroughly waterproof. Sometimes a short
spout is provided for overflow of water and as a result of it, the overflow water gets collected around
the tank itself.

l) No Heat Insulation on Terrace Slab:

Most of the times the RCC slab does not leak during initial years but starts leaking after few years of
construction. This is because the slab originally was water tight. But because of extreme heat the due to
expansion-contraction cracks develop in slab which ultimately provides outlet for water. It is for reason
you also need to protect your slab from extreme heat and it is only because of this reason Brick Bat Lime
Koba has been found effective and popular.

05. Poor Plumbing:

 Inadequate rain water pipes, improper drainage, no khurras

 Laying soil pipe / G.I. pipe below the floor.

 Minimum depth of water seal in various types of traps not maintained.

 Improper joints of water supply lines, water supply fittings etc.

 Incorrect placement of overflow pipe in overhead tanks.

 Improper slopes in floors and sanitary pipes and lack of adequate drainage pipes.

 Huge pressure in running water may cause leakage through joints if not done properly.

 No rain water outlets in balconies, open terraces etc.

06. Poor Maintenance:

a) Jalis/Perforated Cover on Rain Water Pipes on Terrace Getting Choked with Vegetation, Plastics:

This happens during first rain. No one really cleans outlets/ tops  of rain water down take pipes. If there
are trees near the house, the leaves including other wastes like plastics get accumulated on
jalis/perforated cover and block water. The blocked water will find other routes or will get accumulated
on terrace resulting in leakage.

b) Chocked Pipes:
The choking will naturally block passage of water. Water will try to come out through some other source
or weak point, surface / joint.

c) Broken Pipes:

GI or other pipes, if not of good quality, when concealed will corrode or sometimes break. This will lead
to leakage.

d) Throwing of Solid Wastes in WC’s.

e) Lack of Periodic Checks and Cleaning Arrangements:

 All the causes narrated above needs preventive maintenance and if neglected will invite water
from one or other way.

It is therefore a common observation that most of the building elements are provided in the structure
without the required detailing and thought for weather protection. Observations and results are
imminent in their manifestation. One does not monitor the structures which one creates with love and

Any one of above or together is the sure cause of leakage. This cause will allow water to enter and it will
leak at some far away different point which is coherently weak. It therefore needs great care while
designing, detailing, construction and of course while maintaining. To understand more about it and to
identify the sources of water and remedial measures thereof, Read Sources of leakage.  

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