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Name: Christian Ervin N.

Section: Aquila
Strand: ABM

21 ST Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

QUIZ 4/3 rd Quarter

Question and Answer:

1. What made Dodong feel that he was no longer a boy but already a man?
- Dodong made him feel that he was no longer a boy but a man when he started to have pimples on
his face and his upper lip already was dark(indicates mustache).

2. What sort of conflict did Dodong encounter at the beginning of the story? 2. What sort of conflict
did Dodong encounter at the beginning of the story?
-The conflict starts on Dodong when he wanted to confront his father to inform him that he wants to
marry Teang and ask for its permission because he had a thought that he knows that he is in the legal
age that can be independent and can definitely choose the right from wrong.

3. Why do you think Dodong is hesitant to tell his father about Teang?
- Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had
unhitched the carabao from the plow, and led it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it,
he wanted his father to know what he had to say was of serious importance as it would mark a
climacteric in his life.

4. Do you think his father will allow him to marry at an early age?
- No because, They are too young

5. Why do you think Dodong’s father had a strange and helpless light in his eyes when they talked
about marrying?
- His father had a strange and helpless light in his eyes because he can't do anything about it if his son
wants it so badly. He knew what it's like to be a father, and I think that he knows that Dodong is not
ready to be a father yet.

6. What does Dodong’s father mean when “he kept gazing at him in flexible silence” after he revealed
his intentions?
- He must've wanted to say a lot of things but he chose not to, because his son was being compulsive
about him marrying Teang

7. Will they have a successful married life? Explain your answer

- No, because of parenting at a young age, they have not yet proven that they are capable of actually
raising a family and especially have planned to take place.
8. How does Dodong feel about Teang’s giving birth?
- He felt embarrassed, He realizes that he was so stubborn that he did not listen to his parent now

9. How does he accept his first child?

- Dodong was guilty at first, but when he saw his child he was filled in happiness

10. Why does he feel ashamed of his youthful paternity?

- He felt ashamed because at the young age, he became a father, he already had a family to take care of,
to feed. That he now has a big responsibility.

11. What role of parent is seen in that part of the story?

- In my opinion, even though they knew parenting at an early age was difficult they still supported their
child and guided him.

12. What kind of father will he be?

- For me, I think he will be a good father to his children just like his father.

13. Why do you think Dodong does not want to have children anymore?
- Because having children every year must've been hard for both of them. They need to provide for their
children and as a parent of many children they need to make ends meet.

14. Why does Teang regret being married at an early age?

- Teang secretly regretted being married at an early age. She wondered if she would have the same life if
she married Lucio. Dodong finally realized the hardships of marrying such an early age.

15. “Life did not fulfill all youth’s decision.” How would you relate this statement to Dodong and
Teang’s lives?
- Both of them believed they can handle life’s challenges and decided to marry each other not thinking
what are the consequences they might have to face. And that they have sacrificed their youth just for
their desires.

16. Will Blas follow the path his father took in life?
- Yes. Since toward the finish of the story a similar situation where Dodong inquires his dad for his
authorization to wed Teang reoccurred.
17. Why does Dodong feel extremely sad and sorry for his son Blas when he said that he will marry
- Because Dodong understood what will occur later on, the outcomes that his youngsters may confront.
Dodong previously understood the significance of appreciating the existence of the adolescent. He feels
sorry in light of the fact that blas' will presently don't encounter the genuine importance of 'youth'.

18. If you were in Dodong’s shoes, will you allow your son to get married at a young age?
- No, because they are too young to get married and I will not tolerate them getting married because it
might ruin their lives and lose many opportunities.

19. What is the moral of the story?

- Marriage in a very young age when you are not yet prepared with the obligations accompanied to it
will give birth to more problems. Therefore before entering to a married life, we must not only think
twice but a hundred times.

20. What do you think is the purpose of the author? Would you recommend the story to other
- I imagine that he needs individuals, particularly the adolescents to comprehend the significance of
marriage. That this story really happened in certain pieces of the world. He needs us to comprehend
that we ought to appreciate being a child, a teen, to encounter satisfactions throughout everyday life.

(Understanding the Text/Mapping-out of the Story)

1. Setting


There's no exact place mentioned

for the setting but it was described
that it is in a rural area where they
work as farmers and takes place the
same time when it was written.

Dudong Teang Blas

He is the mal lead She is the muse of He is the first Tena
of the story. He is Dudong and loves born of the She is the love
young and him immensely. married couple. interest of Blas
confident. He feels She chooses him When he turns 18, and loves him
independent over another suitor he also wants to dearly.
enough to marry Lucio who is a lot marry young but
the love of his life older than her.

Lucio Dudong’s Father

He is the suitor of He is the one who
Teang and wants advises Dudong to
to marry her. He is think hard before
almost 190 years jumping into a
older than her and commitment like
a lot mature. But marriage.
once she rejects
3. Plot


Exposition: Dodong is a 17-

yearold who lives on a farm. He
Rising Action: Dodong's father is
felt that he was manly enough to
thinking that they are still young
be independent in life. While
but Dodong's father allowed them
walking towards their house, he
to be.
thought about marrying his
beloved girl, Teang.

Climax: After all that, Dodong saw Falling Action: Teang, secretly
her wife with their firstborn child regretted being married at an early
named Blas. Dodong heard his age. Teang wondered if it would
baby cry. Dodong could not be the same if he was married to
control the swelling happiness in Lucio instead. If she would have
him and also felt embarrassed the same life. While Dodong,
because he is still not ready to realized the hardship, the struggle
provide for his family. of marrying at an early age.

Conclusion: Blas, Dodong's son who is

eighteen years old, asked his father,
Dodong if he could marry Tona, Blas'
girlfriend. Dodong didn't object but he
tried to make Blas think twice
because Dodong doesn't want Blas to
end up like him.
4. Conflict


The conflict in the story is the struggles

of (character names) because of
marrying at such a young age. They
both realized how hard their situation
and regret their decisions after.

5. Theme and Point of View

- The them of the story is about youths who always go with their feelings without hesitation, without
thinking about it properly.

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