Erancls Mziamika Kahda: Environment Access, So I

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Osaka City University

3-3-138 Sugimoto. Sumiyoshi-ku Osaka shi. 558- 8585 Japan

Website https/
Socially Innovative Global Classroom (SlGLOC)


(Declaration) access, so that i
will prepare a suitable learning environment including Internet
can participate in the training without problems.
will attend all programs throughout the training period, except for
'uncontrollable circumstances"
rregular participation and absenteeism are not

Iwill participate in given tasks and take diagnostic tests before and atter the


Printed Name of Participant Date

ERANCLS MZIAMIKA if the 2s 06 2021
participant is under the legal age in
Signature (of parent or legal guardian
his/her country)


I, the undersigned Participant, hereby grant permission to

Osaka City University or

its agents to photograph, videotape, audio record, televise, duplicate, and/or

otherwise record my image, voice, submitted re ports and worksheets and likeness

("the recordings").

I understand that the recordings copyrights are the property of Osaka

and their
use, display, publish, broadcast,
City University, and that Osaka City University may at the full discretion of
and otherwise distribute the recordings in any medium,
Osaka City University.
for my participation the
understand that I will not be compensated in exchange

recordings or in connection With any

and all use of the recordings.

I release Osaka City University and their regents, employees, and agents trom any
but not limited
and all liability arising out of the use of these recordings, including
of publicity, libel, slander, false
to any claim arising out of my right of privacy, right
light, copyright violation or trademark
Major purposes of usage of the recordings
1. Teaching materials for future SIGLOCs
in academic conterene es
2 Presentations or reports
Public relations (websites, Ilyers, poste1S, etc.)

University use all the

For the purposes 1 and 2, agree that Osaka City may
tollowing contents/items without my permission
Contents of agreenment:
writtendocuments (reports, submitted assignments, ets,j
presentation materials (slides, etc. )
photographs (my images)
video recordings (motion picture)
handle used on the SNS etc.
my icons or names

the following items

may use
For the purpose 3, I agree that Osaka City University
(Please delete all that do not apply)

(reports, submitted assignments,

etc )
written documents
presentation materials (slides, etc.)
photograph (my images)
video recordings (motion pictures)
(nicknames) used on the SNS etc
my icons or pseudonyms

Printed Name of Participant


2slo6 3c21
is under the legal age in

Signature (of parent legal

or guardian if the participant
his/her country)



record meetings
to obtain permission to recordphotos
take or
understand that I need
videos if prohubited
the seminar. I will never take photos nor
contact with
understand that the personal information of anybody whom I made
will never be disclosed without their
written permissio
during the seminar

15 a legal contrut I hove read and unders tand

I understandthat th1s Agreement
and am signing it voluntarily

Printed Name of Participant


if the partivpant is undet the legal ape

Signature(of parent or legal guardian
his/her country)

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