Sbca Guidelines in Online Learning

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The Learning Continuity Plan of St. Bernadette College of Alabang stipulates the commitment of the
school to facilitate learning in the chosen learning modality. The extraordinary surface of the school
year calls for adjusted procedures to suit the online distance learning with utmost consideration to the
school’s philosophy, vision, and mission as well as the better conduct of virtual learning experience of
our learners.


Students are expected to know, remember, and attend the regular daily Class Advisory Program class activities
-- i.e. Monday Flag Ceremony, morning CAP check-ins, CAP-dismissal, Mentoring sessions, Consultation
hours -- even if the Class Adviser does not give a reminder.

Students are expected to attend daily CAP in the morning and CAP before dismissal from Mondays to Fridays.
They are expected to be online checking their advisory google classroom at least 10 minutes before 8 AM
(except for Mondays – they should be online at 7:40 AM for department flag ceremony)

● All students will have homeroom sections guided by their respective Class Adviser.
● Class Advisers will be in charge of the general day-to-day concerns of their class. They will provide their
moderator section - guidance in developing helpful age-appropriate routines, regular updates, announcements,
and reminders relevant to their student life.


To help students prepare for daily academic work, basic routines will be implemented
and supervised by the Class Adviser daily. While the routines may come in different
formats depending on the day and grade level, they are meant to form a structure to help students start
the day and ready themselves for academic work.

MORNING CAP: Every morning, whether SC or AC day, students will have a 30-minute check-in
for K-3 and 20-minute check-in for Intermediate to SHS with their class adviser. All the students in a
section will have a synchronous check-in that includes three parts:

Manual Checking of Attendance
Reminders and Announcements
Assignment Log Inspection (Mondays)

CAP DISMISSAL. Class Advisers will make available 10 minute CAP dismissal to close the day.
Additional reminders and quick class check may be done.

Online communication between Class Advisers, students, and parents will be important to inform them
of announcements, activities, or upcoming synchronous or asynchronous classes. The following are the
only official communication platforms that
shall be used for various student , class, teacher needs throughout the school year:
Scheduling activities, appointments, and Google Classroom
Posting CAP announcements and other Google Classroom Stream
reminders for the class
Posting asynchronous modules / worksheets Google Classroom Stream
(materials and activities)
Doing asynchronous check-ins and CAP dismissals Class Gmeet

Setting appointments with the Class Adviser or PTCSs Gmail

Sending Parent / Guardian updates Gmail / Official class GC

Communicating on matters related to Gmail
student discipline, guidance and
counseling, spiritual formation programs, and
student formation in general
Communicating immediately with the Class Gmail / Official class GC
Adviser for urgent concerns

Joining synchronous classes and formation Google Meet

Attending PTCs
Consulting with the Class Adviser
Official class meetings

Asynchronous activities / modules / worksheets will be posted on the date and time that follows the
schedule of the class every Tuesday and Thursday. Students must therefore regularly check their
advisory google classrooms for announcements of the subject teachers’ guide on the asynchronous
activities. Teachers will be virtually present by actively being online and on standby to assist learners
with the activity / module given. Questions and assistance may be ruled through Google Classroom or
official class gc.


Synchronous class rules may vary according to grade level departments. In general, the school shall
observe and highly entrust the following:

1. Mics should always be muted during class discussions with cameras turned on.
2. Mic may be unmuted when teacher asks student to recite or when acknowledged for concerns.
3. Always admit to online class on time.
4. Have all learning materials and physical textbooks ready and nearby before going attending online
5. Always wear your (TOP) school uniform. Do away with wearing inappropriate clothing.
6. Avoid eating and drinking while attending online classes so you could fully devote time
concentrating on the lesson.
7. Participate and engage in the class discussion.
8. Use chatbox with caution and kindness. You may also use this to address urgent concerns to your
9. Parent and guardians are highly encouraged to let their children work independently. They should
see to it that the learning space of the child is protected from noise and other distractions; including
personally interacting with them. Parents should help the school teach the child become independent
10. Observe respect, courtesy, orderliness, and cooperation to every member of the class.


1. Students are expected to be in online at least 5 minutes before the official scheduled time and should
access directly the GMEET link from the stream of Google classroom.
2. School top uniform should be worn. White collared shirt is required for all new students. In no way,
will other improper clothes be allowed by the teacher in charge e.g. sando, round neck shirt, pajama,
3. Teacher manually checks attendance of the class.
4. Only official school domain account assigned to the student shall be used and in no way will a
private gmail account be admitted to the meet.
5. Proper behavior and compliance to class rules are expected from the students.
6. An assignment log-notebook shall be used by all students in taking down assignments, whether
offline or online work as well as other PT related tasks. These logs will be inspected by the adviser
weekly and should bear a signature from the parent as proof of monitoring.


1. Attend your CAP by joining your Google Advisory Classroom by 8:00 AM for Attendance
and Adviser’s Reminders.
2. Follow your Asynchronous class schedule and observe HEALTH BREAKS.
3. Obtain learning module / worksheets or asynchronous activity instructions from your teacher on
your advisory google classroom stream only.
4. Always read learning modules or activity sheets with understanding. Follow them step by step. Do
your best to work independently.
5. If you have questions or problems regarding the activity or learning module. Communicate with
your Adviser through your official Messenger GC or the stream message board at your Google
Advisory Classroom.
6. Keep in mind that accomplishing your outputs should be done promptly before cut-off. Refrain from
submitting beyond this time to train yourself with time management and to respect time of others.
NOTE: A cut-off does not mean your work will no longer be accepted by your teacher. It is a practice
to show respect to other people’s time and instruction. It is also to let you


Student consultation hours are from Monday to Friday shortly after dismissal. Upon notice, this may
also be utilized by parents with student tasks related concerns.
The consultation hours can cover questions in relation to the subject – PTs, HWs, Modules, learning
outputs ,etc., the advisory class activities or other collaborative programs. During these hours, students
may drop-in via chat, email, or text messaging for up to five minutes to receive assistance with:
 Submission, additional direction, clarification and signing of documentation.
basic queries relating to the subject and tasks
 Making appointments to discuss more complex issues relating to academic problems
and concerns
If teachers are unable to answer all of their questions during the drop-in consultation sessions, an
appointment may be arranged with the adviser or the teacher concerned depending on the teacher’s
availability. Students must first attend a drop-in session to schedule an appointment.


Structured adjustments are made so that students can signify their attendance during synchronous and
asynchronous classes. While, in a face-to-face class, attendance means being present physically in
school or in class, in an online set-up, ‘attendance’ will mean students’ being present during
synchronous sessions, being seen on video conference, being available, being virtually present through
chats or messages and engaged in studying during asynchronous sessions.

Students’ online attendance is essential for effective online learning. By being present
and engaged, students can learn from the activities prepared by their teachers, as well
as participate and contribute actively in the learning activities, together with their

Class advisers as well as subject teachers are required to manually take attendance using an attendance
form as well as an electronic attendance checker Google Extension. These structures are used to
monitor online attendance that will help ensure that students engage in learning and accomplish tasks
in a timely manner so as not to be overwhelmed by of academic submissions. Through these
“attendance” structures, we hope that students can develop the values of punctuality, consideration for
others, and professionalism, all of which will be critical to their future success.

On Online Absence and Tardiness

The presence of students will be indicated through the following:

For synchronous sessions, students enter the video conference meeting room on time as scheduled and
join the meeting. Students are highly encouraged to turn on their videos. Should there be internet or
technical problems, it is the responsibility of the student to inform immediately the teacher. However,
the same shall be noted by the teacher for monitoring and documentation purposes.

For asynchronous sessions , students may sometimes be requested by their subject teacher or Class
Adviser to signify their readiness to do academic work by replying to a
prompt acknowledgement (in Google Classroom stream or Classwork) within a limited period of time.
These prompts should be acknowledge to signify an asynchronous attendance. Students may be
considered late if they fail to complete the prompt or task within the announced period of time.

A cut-off time for output submissions is indicated in the class schedule. This refers to a time curb in
which a learner may submit or turn in their accomplished outputs online to their teachers. It does not
however mean that submission will no longer be accepted. The cut-off is only given to train learners of
work ethics and time management for study as well as respecting time of others. Outputs may in turn
be submitted the following day.

Addressing Series of Absences or Tardiness .

Students who are unable to attend their scheduled synchronous sessions will need to
request their parent/guardian to send an email to the teacher concerned hours before
to explain the reason for not being able to attend the session.

Students’ tardiness during synchronous sessions and repeated failure to register their
attendance during asynchronous sessions will be monitored by each teacher or Class
Moderator. Patterns of tardiness or non-attendance during asynchronous sessions will
be regularly summarized and, when necessary, subject teachers, class moderators, or
guidance counselor may schedule a PTC to determine the reasons for tardiness or
non-attendance and to develop action plans on how students can improve in this area.

Failed Attendance due to Poor Internet Connectivity

If a student’s live synchronous attendance gets disrupted due to internet connectivity problems, it is the
responsibility of the student to notify his or her subject teacher or class adviser through available
alternative official means such as official class groupchat or sms in order to augment measures to be
done should the technical problem persist. Missed quizzes or important learning tools e.g. modules or
slides may be provided just in case.

Patterns of frequent and intentional disruptions during synchronous sessions will be regularly
summarized and, when necessary, subject teachers, class moderators, or guidance counselor may
schedule a PTC to determine the reasons for the same and to develop action plans on how students can
improve in this area.

Note: Disciplinary measures pertaining to attendance may also be read in the Digital Student

Consolidated by:

Maria Ramona C. Gonzales

December, 2021

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