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Who is your favorite hero? This is the question that this essay focuses about.

Some may expect me to answer Superman, Wonder woman, Batman or any other

fictional heroes. The truth is none of these choices that were included is not even closed

to how good and strong my favorite hero is. My favorite hero is my father. Others may

find it cheesy or cliché but let me tell you a story on why do I believe that my father is

my true hero.

My definition of being a hero is not based by measuring one’s strength. Knowing

how to fly, time-travel or have super senses. It is about the strength of one’s heart. Your

willingness to help without expecting something in return, sacrificing one’s happiness for

the sake of others and is not afraid to face challenges that may come to one’s life.

My father has always been my true hero. My mother died when I was very little

and so, he needed to raise me and my two other siblings alone. Losing a loved one is

hard, but having to be independent in taking the responsibility as a parent for your

children is much harder. Despite of this challenge that happened to his life, he still stood

up not only as father, but also a mother to us. He didn’t fail to become a good parent.

He sustained everything that we needed. Food, clothes, shelter and the opportunity to

experience education.

He is not just a hero but also a role model for me. On his teenage years, his

family was poor and couldn’t afford the education that he wants. This result, to him
being a working student just to sustain his education. I remember him telling me a story

about what job is he doing for. Cleaning trashes from the bus, selling cigarettes and

candy to many people just to have an allowance and walking instead of commuting to

save the money for his school expenses.

Let us all be reminded that being a hero is not always based in what we see in

movies and books. Let us look in the reality of things. We should appreciate our parents

for their sacrifices and effort just to give us everything we needed. Grab every

opportunity to express how much you care and love them. Lastly, let us all live with

purpose and help not only your parents but also those people around you. That’s all.


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