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Characteristics of a Successful Student

in an Online Classroom
By: Ashlei Lewis

Imagine this: You’re a single parent, a couple years out of high school, raising two young
children, and working three jobs to make ends meet. But one night after the kids were in bed,
you were sitting on the couch, scrolling through social media, and an ad pops up about going
back to school. You decide that you want to go back to school, but instead of going to a physical
campus, which would mess with your already semi-perfect work schedule, you decide to go
online. And take classes in a virtual campus, to obtain your bachelor’s degree. At this point
you’re probably thinking to yourself, “how am I going to manage everything?” Well you can
successfully juggle school, work, and home life, with a few skills and characteristics such as:
Confidence, perseverance, time-management, and dedication.

Firstly, characteristics like honesty, trustworthiness, dedication, perseverance and hard

work, are important in an online classroom, because being honest helps build trust between
professor and student; also being dedicated means that you have the perseverance to work
hard and push through any challenge, you as a student, may face, in an Online Classroom.

Next, confidence, open-mindedness, positive attitude, set routine, and time management
skills are also important characteristics and skills that an online student needs to have. Because
having confidence, an open mind, and a positive attitude, can help a student by showing their
professors and peers, they can look at the topics at hand, seeing that there are many different
points of view, as well as arguments, within each topic, noting their ideas and points of view on
the topic(s) are important; but they also need to explore other points of view, for a better
understanding of the topic as a whole, not just what they know about it, with a positive attitude.
Having a positive attitude is also important to remind a.student and/or writer that being confident
in their work can take them a long way. Setting a routine, and good time- management skills is
important too. In the case that having both of these skills, and characteristics, helps students
work-on, and turn-in assignments on time, in the time allotted by the class. As well as,
effectively manage everything else in their lives.

Lastly, time-management, perseverance, confidence, and dedication are very important

characteristics to have as: being confident in your work shows your professor that you have
enough confidence in yourself as well as your work to persevere and dedicate enough time to
work on and complete an assignment within the allotted time. It also shows that you are willing
to work around and through any and all distractions, or obstacles students may or may not
come across.
In closing, having skills and characteristics such as dedication, time-management,
confidence, and perseverance, are important for a student to be successful in an online
classroom. For many reasons including the ones above, and many more. So whatever your
major or minor of choice, take my advice, “do your best, and be confident in yourself and your
abilities too”. That’s the best way to be successful in all that’s you do.

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