Class: X - Mipa 5 Student's Number: 34 Name: Rizcky Sofyan Yanuar

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Class : X - MIPA 5

Student’s Number : 34
Name : Rizcky Sofyan Yanuar

You will be writing a response to a Covid-19 advertisement. You will use this
template to demonstrate your analysis of the advertisement.

The Poster's Link :


COVID 19 – Advertisement
Who created the advertisement? For what purpose and in what context?
- This advertisement is created by SPOTIFY.
- The purpose of making this ad is to campaign for the importance of social
distancing in preventing the spread of the corona virus in the world by staying at
- The context of making this ad is inviting spotify music listeners to listen to music
at home. Spotify has compiled a list of songs with the theme of staying at home,
one of which is a song from Boney M entitled Gotta Go Home.

How does the image make you feel?

- I feel if I see the image of this advertisement is very refreshing to the eye
because of the right combination of two colors so it is more pleasing to the eye and
can improve mood.
Who is the intended audience for the image?
- This IMAGE is intended for music listeners who want to hear a song that can
improve mood and stabilize emotions when being at home for quite a long time
titled Gotta Go Home from Boney M.
What 3-5 elements you can see? (e.g. lines and vectors, point of view, angles, ,
media, layout, colour, texture). Describe it!
- Colour : Pink Colour creates a feeling or mood for the individual who sees. This
colour relaxes or soothes, reduces anger and enhances compassion.
Blue colour creates the impression of a stable, cool and relaxtion when looking at
it. This colour can improve concentration.
- Layout : This image imagine an entertainment room for relaxing music listening at
- Media : In this image, they used television for creates impression of listening to
the music.

How the visual language contributes to the mood created?

Visual language is a communication system that uses symbols and variations in

colors, shapes and movements that are displayed in design and layout.

Cambridge University Press & Ads of the World

All of these elements affect one's mood for anyone who sees it. If we see
something that is soothing and soothing, then we will also feel it too. For example
if we see an ad that is visually pleasing to the eye, the color is bright, then we will
be happy to see that.
What text accompanies the image? Is there any caption?
I think the gotta go home song sung by Boney M, which is energetic and pleasing
when it is heard, is in perfect harmony with the colors of pink and blue that both
describe a relaxed, uplifting and cool atmosphere.
Why would the brand use certain emotion to sell their products?
Because it aims to arouse market emotions that are used as recipients of
messages and marketing targets.
For example, in the midst of this corona virus pandemic, Spotify provides a list of
selected songs for listeners so they don't get bored at home. The songs compiled
are evoking the mood or feelings of various kinds of musicians.
What message does the image transmit?

The message contained in this picture is to remind listeners to stay at home while
listening to relaxing and cheerful music in the midst of boredom.
What is the product? How can you tell?
This product is a spotify music poster that shows a variety of music selected based
on a specified theme. The theme in this poster is stay at home. The song was
chosen based on the corona virus situation that is endemic and was made for
music listeners who were at home.
Is this an effective advertisement or not? Why?
I feel this advertising is very effective because almost every human would
definitely hear the music in life everyday. by campaigning stay at home wrapped
with music in harmony with these conditions is expected to be able to move
listeners to stay at home and do not panic.

COVID-19 Ads

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from
person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus called
SARS-CoV-2 was first identified during an investigation into an outbreak in Wuhan,
China. This collection showcases the work agencies and brands created around the
the subject of the COVID-19 global pandemic.


Cambridge University Press & Ads of the World

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