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BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility

Student ID  Student Name 

   First Name:   Eduardo

Last Name:    Aguirre

Group Work 
This assessment task has been completed by the following persons and we
acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the
work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from
another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced
documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by
another person. 

Group Members’ Names 

Student ID  Student & Last Name 

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Submitting your assessment:  
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Moodle for grading. Videos and information on how to submit work through Moodle
are in the FAQ section of your VET Orientation course. Once your assessment is
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Assessor’s acknowledgement: 
Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each
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Authentic: I am assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the

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Current: I am assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current
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Sufficient: I am assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the
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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions

Provide the qualifiable and quantifiable CSR drivers for each organisation.
(Proporcione los impulsores de RSE cuantificables y calificables para cada
Organisations Qualifiable drivers Quantifiable drivers
Fast food chain looking to - Growth potential -Stable and predictable
partner with a food rescue -goodwill cash flow.
charity. -Quality of human capital.
Banking institution aiming -conditions of equipment - Reliable financial
to minimise paper usage. and facilities. information.
Multinational technology - Growth potential. Diversified customer
company looking to base.
employ local Indigenous -business systems and
people. procedures.

Using the organisations in question 1, determine a goal each could be trying to

achieve and the expected benefit from implementing the goal.
Organisation Goal Benefit
Fast food chain Reach more than 100,000 Brand positioning and
followers on Social engagement.
Banking institution Draw up strategies that Business organization,
allow the achievement of cost savings, boost
the economic objectives business, always be at
defined for each of the the forefront of the
years. competition.
Multinational Crear una red de Database, strengthening
technology company networking muy relationships, new ideas
importante tanto a nivel and new opportunities.
nacional como

Each of the sources of information listed below are relevant to a CSR framework.
Provide an example of each and outline how each affects a company’s adoption
of a corporate social responsibility policy.
Legislation This Source of information may be relevant to the CSR
insofar as it proposes control and regulation parameters
for voluntary initiatives.
Regulation This Source of information may be relevant to the CSR
insofar as it proposes control and regulation parameters
for voluntary initiatives.

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It may be relevant to the extent that CSR provides market
incentives to companies to correct possible market failures
and distributional conflicts.
As legal responsibilities change, all employees at all levels
must stay informed and comply with all legal
CSR is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen.
recognizing the responsibility to deal effectively and
appropriately into the community.
Organisational As legal responsibilities change, all employees at all levels
policies/Codes of must stay informed and comply with all legal
practice responsibilities.
Australian and CSR is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen.
Global standards recognising the responsibility to deal effectively and
appropriately into the community.

Provide sources of information for each aspect of the CSR framework and indicate
whether the sources are internal or external.
CSR Framework Source of information Internal or
Legislation The constitution, enactments, acts External
or statutes, rules and common law.
Culture Contacts, Information, government External/Internal
programs and services for Aboriginal
people and Torres Strait Islanders.
Workplace Sources of work health safety Internal
practices information are like books,
newspaper articles, flyers,
pamphlets, and educational videos
explaining the regulations set out by
the WHS Act.
Code of practice Training courses, meetings at work Internal
and their managers/supervisors and
the media.
Organisational -Federal or State or Territory police Internal
Objectives or law enforcement bodies.
-the affected entity’s financial
services provider.
- Australian Securities &
Investments Commission.
- Australian Prudential Regulation
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
Regulation -Case law and legislation. Internal
Workplace policies Company OH&S guidelines and Internal
manual, company reports, incident
reports, staff memos.

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Standards ISO, IEC, US, UK, Germany, External

Explain why keeping up to date with emerging approaches and best practice in CSR
can enhance the adoption of organisational & industry policy.
CSR influences the employee, the client, the suppliers and the company directors
in a comprehensive manner, being leaders or pioneers in sustainable economic
development through collaboration with their employees, their family members, the
local community and society. , in order to improve the quality of life, being up-to-
date with the approaches is essential for the proper functioning of the processes.

Outline at least three (3) potential barriers to the implementation of CSR strategies
and describe the opportunity to overcome each barrier.
Potential barrier Opportunity
Llegar a los consumidores Brands must use CSR as a
differentiator to increase sales.
Comunicar de forma It should be taken into account what
diferente interests each group, taking into
account what interests each one and
what language would be most effective.
Incorporar la RSE a toda la Create new roles dedicated to CSR,
empresa Make a complete change to corporate
culture and management priorities in
order to incorporate responsible
principles at all levels, becoming a
strategic direction.

Identify the benefits of corporate social responsibility, both internally and externally,
for an organisation. Provide three (3) examples for each area.

Internal benefits External benefits


Identify six (6) types of stakeholders across an organisation. Include internal and
external stakeholders.

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Internal stakeholders:
-Owners / Administrators of the organization, Management, Employees (high
positions, middle managers, low positions, unions if they exist), Quality manager.

External stakeholders:
-Clients, suppliers, public bodies, citizens and neighbors, professional associations
to which we belong, professional groups of which we are members.

Provide a brief outline of two (2) change management techniques that could be used
to implement CSR changes within an organisation.

Align changes with objectives: Changes need to be consistent with objectives.

Transformations must take the business in the right direction, strategically,
tactically, financially, and ethically.

Renew communication: certify that the information is bidirectional, as that will bring
groups and individuals closer to the objectives. Plan the timeline, channels,
means to show how the changes will be communicated incrementally, covering
topical issues and doubts.

Develop two (2) strategies or techniques you could apply to maximise engagement
for each of the following procedures:
Procedures for
Two (2) strategies or techniques for each
maximising engagement
Consultation OR or / (bar): these two bookmarks serve the same
function: Google will search for pages that contain
one term or another.
* (wildcard): used to replace a word and can be
combined with the literal operator ("").
Generating new ideas - Socialize Outside Your Normal Circles
-Use Structured Exercises.
Communicating Empathize rather than remain detached.
information Value yourself and your own experiences.

Addressing barriers or -Be patient and take your time before coming to a
resolving problems conclusion.
-Approach the owner of the problem and ask the
right questions.

Identify two (2) factors to consider when analysing legislation for an organisation, to
meet compliance with relevant legislative standards.

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- Behavior of human capital, knowing the explicit rules to coexist in an environment
of respect and cordiality so that the tasks of each person can be developed.

- Safety and coexistence rules.

Identify four (4) pieces of legislation, regulations or standards that make acting
ethically and responsibly a legal requirement. Outline how they could be relevant.
-The Utilitarian Approach.
-The Rights Approach.
- The Fairness or Justice Approach.
- The Common Good Approach.

Provide three (3) examples of workplace policies that could affect CSR.

1. The shrinking role of government

In the past, governments have relied on legislation and regulation to deliver

social and environmental objectives in the business sector. Shrinking
government resources, coupled with a distrust of regulations, has led to the
exploration of voluntary and non-regulatory initiatives instead.

2. Demands for greater disclosure

There is a growing demand for corporate disclosure from stakeholders,

including customers, suppliers, employees, communities, investors, and activist

3. Increased customer interest

There is evidence that the ethical conduct of companies exerts a growing

influence on the purchasing decisions of customers. In a recent survey by
Environics International, more than one in five consumers reported having
either rewarded or punished companies based on their perceived social

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Name three (3) actions that you could undertake to assist with identifying future
opportunities for socially responsible practices.
- The participation
-The process approach
-The integral human development

Provisions are organised preparations that must be completed prior to introducing

CSR policies and procedures. Name four (4) provisions an organisation should
undertake prior to introducing CSR policies.

- Support the principles of freedom of association and the right to collective


- Eliminate forced and compulsory labor.

- Abolish any form of child labor.

- Eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation.

When developing new CSR strategies, or modifying existing ones, the following
steps are taken. Explain each step and provide an example of each.
1. Determine 3. Document and
2. Consult
requirements Review
It is the step whereby the It is the step where Collecting summaries of
companies integrate customizable reporting all projects-the data will
social and other useful modules are used to focus tell about the story of the
concerns in their business on different topics and Company and about the
operations for the data points. employees who invest in
betterment of their their community.
stakeholders and society.

Determine at least three (3) ways you could incorporate any new CSR strategies in
organisational systems, procedures or processes.

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-Define interest groups and activities. Social responsibility programs targeting
specific communities.

-Establish objectives and goals.

-Measure the results and monitor constantly.

Referring to the internal and external stakeholder types listed below, list all relevant
sources of information that can be used to inform personnel on CSR strategy.

Stakeholders Sources of information

Financial documents, human resources
Internal: Employees,
information, sales report.
managers, owners, directors.

-Resource Dependence, banks, financial

External: Customers,
companies, suppliers of raw materials etc.
suppliers, community groups,
government authorities. -Involvement in Implementation. The importance
has been shifted from manufacturing to the
-Internal Links.

Provide at least four (4) methods and relevant people that can be used to conduct
regular reviews.
1. Define interest groups and activities. Social responsibility programs are always
geared towards specific groups or communities.
2. Set objectives and goals.
3. Measure results and constantly monitor.
4. Communicate actions.

Identify at least two (2) methods used to evaluate CSR against organisational
objectives. For each, explain when it would be suitable to employ this method.

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1. Incentives aligned with CSR.
2. Adequate management of suppliers.
3. Reflection on CSR in one's own environment.
4. Information quality before quantity.

What strategies could you employ when making recommendations for improvement
to CSR policy and practices?

1. Incentives aligned with CSR.

2. Adequate management of suppliers.

3. Reflection on CSR in one's own environment.

4. Information quality before quantity.

21 questions in total

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Task 3 – Project: Create CSR for BizOps Enterprises Templates
Part 1: Research change required to implement CSR policy and objectives

Research Report
Note: Student, please delete blue guidelines when complete and before submission.

The introduction presents the background of your research, introduces your topic
and aims, and gives an overview of the report. A good introduction will provide a
solid foundation and encourage readers to continue on to the main parts of your
report—the methods used, results, and discussion. (Approximately 150 words or
PESTLE Analysis
Develop PESTLE analysis using research of the internal and external business
environment. (Approximately 50 words or more for each topic)
Political and legal changes
Economic changes
Sociocultural changes
Technological changes
Quantifiable evidence
Qualifiable factors
Review Organisational Objectives and Policy & Procedures
What is currently missing from the policy and procedures and needs to be included
to support CSR? (approximately 100 words or more}
Legislation, Regulation, and Standards
Identify one (1) federal piece of legislation and one (1) Global standard which are
directly relevant to BizOps’ strategic goals/operational plan which create qualitative
drive for the implementation of CSR strategies. For each, summarise how these
would be incorporated into the operational plan.
SWOT Analysis
Perform SWOT analysis in relation to establishing and improving CSR for BizOps.
(approximately 50 words or more for each)
 Internal: What are the strengths and weaknesses of adopting CSR for
 External: What are the opportunities and threats?
Socially Responsible Practices
Outline best practice approaches for adopting CSR. (Approximately 50 words or
Two areas or opportunities for CSR
The response should contain two CSR initiatives, whether they be philanthropic,
environmental or social, and describe how they are aligned with specific drivers

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within an organisation. The initiatives should also be linked to the organisation’s
objectives, culture and goals. (Approximately 100 words or more)
Conclusion should include: (approximately 100 words or more)
 Summarise key points
 State the significance or results
 Conclude your thoughts.

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Part 2: Engage stakeholders in setting CSR objectives, policy and change
management strategies

Stakeholder Analysis
Note: Student, please delete blue template instructions when complete and before
Stakeholder Analysis
All relevant stakeholders Primary:
Prioritise stakeholders
[High power/less interest] [High power/high interest]
Keep satisfied Manage Closely
Powerful but less interest: Key stakeholders: must be fully
Could cause problems, have engaged and keep satisfied.
power over the project.

[Low power /less interest] [Low power/ high interest]

Monitor Keep informed
Minimum effort shouldn’t be Typically, keeping theses
ignored but reduce time to stakeholders informed and
communicate. updated on the policy is
sufficient. Access to a public
page of a website is sufficient.


Forms of engagement
Modes of communication
BizOps’ personnel
Customers, clients
and suppliers
friends, family

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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Policy brief and purpose

Outline the scope of the CSR policy. (100 words or more)

Outline the CSR objectives in line with BizOps goals. (100 words or more)

Compliance – What will the policy adhere to?

Identify the laws and regulations that must be followed by BizOps personnel. (50
words or more)

Ethics – Outline the business ethics the policy will align to

Review of BizOps ethics and values that align with CSR policy. (100 words or

Policy statement – Include elements of Corporate Social Responsibility

Develop the elements of the CSR policy which create the policy statement. (200
words or more)

Rights and responsibilities to Corporate Social Responsibility

What are the rights and responsibilities of BizOps personnel to adhere to CSR
policy? (100 words or more)

Learning strategies
Outline learning strategies so stakeholders are aware of and personnel adhere to
CSR policy. (50 words or more)

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Part 3: Create change management Plan for CSR

Change Management Plan

Document Development:
Version: Date: Reason:
Version 1 (dd-mm-yyyy) Initial Release

Amendments in this Release:

Section Title Reason

Insert or delete rows as needed

Student must delete template instructions when complete and before submission. (Approximately 100 words or more for each topic)
Change Management Plan Template

Change Proposal
Areas or opportunities What are the areas or opportunities you have established for CSR?
for CSR
What will change? This should be a brief explanation of the proposed change. Make sure to address not
Proposed Change only what will change but also who it will affect and when it will take place.

Reason for Change Why should this change happen? When explaining the reason for the change, be specific. Explain exactly

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why the change is necessary. Remember, you need to fully justify the need for the change. Use this
section to address anticipated concerns and/or resistance for the ‘why’ for this change.

What would be the specific outcome of a successful change? Consider the purpose of your CSR
Intended Outcome(s) initiatives.

Determine benchmarks of intended outcomes.

What effective learning and coaching and other change management strategies would support the
Training and coaching
How long will it take? Provide an estimate of how much time will be required to implement the proposed
change. Be sure to include the time related to planning for the change, communicating the change to
Estimated Duration
those affected by it, and any transition periods.

Types of resources required to implement the change including personnel, tools and equipment and
Resource allocation estimated costs.

What other areas of the organisation might this change affect? Anything of note that is not covered by the
previous categories belongs in this section. For example, if the proposed change involves hiring new
Additional Factors to
staff, the organisational chart may need to be updated, and shifts to the organisational hierarchy could
affect employee morale.

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Communication Plan
Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission.

Strategy for promoting Write a statement about the current situation as it

applies to CSR strategy.

Outline organisational objectives as they apply to

Organisational objectives: the CSR strategy.

 Identify stakeholders that need to be satisfied

and informed of benefits and progress
 Determine which stakeholders need to be
Relevant stakeholders informed, monitored and managed
 Reflect on different groups, including their prior
knowledge and level of involvement

Communication strategy – Determine a strategy to use which stakeholders for

manage barriers & change and to manage barriers and resistance.
Determine the best communication methods
Communication methods
Review BizOps communication policy and
Reporting intervals & Who needs to know what information and when?

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Request for approval
Insert here the screenshot of your request for approval of the CSR policy in the
Moodle forum.

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Part 4: Monitor and review the CSR policy, objectives and change
management plan

Review Report
Student must delete template guidelines when complete and before submission.
(approximately 150 words or more for each topic)

The scope of a report should show what the report includes and excludes. It
outlines the aims and limitations of the report.

Evaluate performance against agreed benchmarks outlined in your Change
Management plan.
Evaluate CSR against sustainability objectives
Corporate social responsibility against organisational goals
Expected benefits
Summary of feedback

Gap analysis:
Identify the goals to be accomplished
Establish the ideal future state
Analyse the current state
Compare the current state with the ideal state
Describe the gap and quantify the difference

Performance against agreed benchmarks:

What are the current performance benchmarks?
Predict reasons for milestones or KPIs are not being reached for each area or
Reflect on the impact of barriers in reaching milestones

Identify and recommend improvements:

What procedures are not getting completed?
What negative feedback is there?
What are people are complaining about?
Who is complaining? Is there a specific type of stakeholder who consistently
complains or area that is receiving the most complaints?
Do staff need more training?

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Compliance, statutory and legal requirements:
Human rights Commission and CSR
How staff will comply with organisational policies and guidelines
How staff will be notified about organisational policy and changes to policy
Select team members to help enforce policy

Monitor policies and procedures:

Outline methods to monitor CSR policy and practices

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Part 4:

 Review Report

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Task 4 - Observation Assessment: Stakeholder engagement meeting

Add the link to your OneDrive audio file here:

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