Konu Anlatımı - TENSES

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Eylemli Cümle Eylemsiz Cümle ( To be )

v1 Present Simple Johnsons visit the museum She is a teacher
be v+ing Present Continuous Johnsons are visiting the museum
have /has v3 Present Perfect Johnsons have visited the museum She has been a teacher
have /has been v+ing Present Perfect Continuous Johnsons have been visiting the museum

v2 Past Simple Johnsons visited the museum She was a teacher
was/were v+ing Past Continuous Johnsons were visiting the museum
had v3 Past Perfect Johnsons had visited the museum She had been a teacher
had been v+ing Past Perfect Continuous Johnsons had been visiting the museum
will v1 Future Simple Johnsons will visit the museum She will be a teacher
will be v+ing FutureContinuous Johnsons will be visiting the museum
will have v3 FuturePerfect Johnsons will have visited the museum She will have been a teacher
will have been v3 Future Perfect Continuous Johnsons will have been visiting the museum

Present: Güncel, şu ana dair Perfect: Konuşulan andan önce başlamış, ama etkisi o anda devam eden
Future: Gelecekte, henüz gerçekleşmemiş Continuous: Süreyen, devam eden, yapmakta olduğumuz Past: Geçmişte kalmış, olup bitmiş
always, sometimes, twice a day, on
Present Simple 1 Rutinden bahsederken / sıklık zarflarıyla birlikte Maria usually goes jogging around the park Saturdays etc.
2 Hobilerden, fobilerden bahsederken I don't like watching horror movies.
3 Gazete başlıklarında A huge wave hits the city!

4 Zaman çizelgelerinde The film starts at 8:30 PM and finishes at 11:00 PM

5 Genel geçer ifadelerde If you heat an ice, it melts
Present Continuous 1 Şu anda yapmakta olduğumuz: Lisa is cooking for dinner right now now, at the moment, right now etc.

2 Şu sıralar yapmakta olduğumuz I am dealing with my project these days these days, nowadays, this week etc.
3 yakınmak, şikayet amaçlı She is always talking about her husband! always, constantly etc.

4 gelecek zaman anlamında Ted is coming to concert as well, he has a ticket. tomorrow, this summer, next week etc.
already, since, for, ever, never, just, yet,
Present Perfect 1 Etkileri devam eden geçmiş olaylarda A: What is that smell? B: I have just painted the walls lately,recently, so far, up to now,

2 İlk defa verilen bir haber / anlatılan bir olay Scients have discovered the mistery of Pyramids
3 This the first /second time... Cümleleri This is the first time that I have been to Ankara

4 The most / the best ( superlative ) .... Cümleleri She is the most charmful girl I have ever seen
Henüz bitmemiş süre dilimlerinden Today, this morning, this week, this month,
5 bahsederken I haven't had breakfast this morning this year, this century
Present Perfect Etkileri ile birlikte kendisi de devam eden ama
Continuous 1 geçmişte başlamış They have been living in Ankara for more than 3 years for, since, all day, all week, all year
Geçmişte başlamış ve henüz bitmiş, ama A: What is that mess? B: I have been decorating the
2 etkileri itibariyle YAKINMA içeren room since morning
last, ago, yesterday, when, as soon as,
Past Simple 1 Geçmişte olup bitmiş ve bu belirtilmiş She bought me presents when I was achild once etc, 2011 etc.
2 Hayali, gerçek dışı konuşmalarda What would you do if you had a lot of money?

Geçmişte yapılan ve süreyen, uzun eylemlerden While Karl was doing his homework, he heard a starge
Past Continuous 1 bahsederken noise when, while, during etc.

Geçmişteki bir olayın daha öncesinden We had to change our clothes after we had visited the
Past Perfect 1 bahsederken muddy caves. Before, after, when etc..
Geçmişteki bir zamana göre daha önce
başlamış ve bitmiş, ama etkileri o zamanda When I saw him along the street yesterday afternoon,
2 devam eden durumlar he had already finished shopping.

3 Koşul cümleleri Type 3 I you had been hurry, we wouldn't have missed it
Geçmişteki bir zamana göre daha önce
Past Perfect başlamış , ama etkileri ve kendisi o zamanda The moment I got into house, the tap had been leaking
Continuous 1 devam eden durumlar since that morning. The house was like a tiny lake.
I think COVID-19 will influence more people than we
Future Simple 1 Gelecekle ilgili tahmin ya da anlık kararda assume.
2 Conditional type 1 If you study hard, you will pass the exam

Gelecekte belirli bir zamanda yapıyor They will probably be flying to Ankara at these hours at this time tomorrow, at these times next
Future Continuous 1 olacağımız süreyen eylemler için tomorrow year, at eleven next Saturday etc.
A: Will you be using your drill? B: No, why? A: Can I
2 Rica cümlelerinde borrow it?

Gelecekte bir zamana göre bitmiş olacak bir She will have had more than 10.000 subscribers by by, before, in a month, in two years, by the
Future Perfect 1 olayı anlatırken Christmas time .... , when Etc

Gelecekte bir zamana göre daha önce başlamış

Future Perfect ve o konuşulan zamanda da devam eden By the end of this month, we will have been studying
Continuous 1 durumlarda English for 9 weeks by, by the time, for
Tense Agreement Bağlı ya da birleşik cümlelerde bir zaman uyumu olması gerekir When I was a child... PAST SİMPLE

Conditionals Koşul cümleleri 0,1,2,3 ve mixed için ayrı ayrı tense kalıpları vardır If you heat an ice, it melts ( zero type)
Keşke cümleleri ( dilek) Past Simple iken, geçmişe yönelik keşkeler
Wish / If only (pişmanlık) Past perfect gerektirir I wish she were here / I wish she had paid the bill on time
The preparations are amazing! It looks as if we are going the have
Bir izlenim ifadesiyse present / future bir yapı, hayali bir çıkarımsa past crazy party. Look at
As if / As though bir yapı alır her! She walks as if she were a queen.
In case Present bir yapı kullanılır Don't forget to bring your umbrella in case it rains
Reported speech
Conjuctions Bazı bağlaçlar bazı özel zaman çekimleri gerektiririr He had no sooner arrived in the school than the bell rang
Gramer soruları
Cloze testler
Cümle tamamlama
Paragraf tamamlama
Çeviri soruları
Bütünlüğü bozan cümle

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