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En térmios generales is to give employees directions for their work duties when
organising their day to day work golas, which means to help your organization tie
together your misió n, visió n, values, and culture into clearly written easily accesible
documents for all employees to take to heart.

If an employee was to have a set of work goals that didn´t support and mirror the
organisations goals then the employee would not be fullfilling their role and the
organisational plans would not be met.
In turn the employees´s as an asset to the business would depreciate.

An example may be an organisation´s Social Media Policy. This policy might state that
“employees when engaging and communicating on social media with internal
employees or the external community must not defame the employer on any social
media site, nor share information that could be considered confidential information or
intellectual property, nor to bring the employer into disrepute."

It would be a personal work goal written to the SMART formula.

Pay Off $10,000 in Business Debt Within 30 Months

- Specific: Pay off $10,000

- Measurable: I can measure progress by monitoring my cash accounts as I go, and I

will break down, or track, how I am doing month to month.

- Achievable: I will achieve this by spending less on thing that I do not need and I will
encourage to myself to pay on time and in full the school and rent.

Relevant: I will accept other jobs when I am not to busy, perhaps at times that do not
accommodate me so much, for example at night.

Time-bound: Within 30 months, I will achieve my objective

The purpose is to insure that the organisation and all of its subsystems and employees
are working together efficiently and eefectively to ensure má ximum output towards
achieving the performance standards required by the organisation.
If time is not proactively manged and assigned to a task, then time can be wasted on
activities which do not bring it closer to completing the work goals for that day.
Taking control of schedules, time management helps to plan the work day by
assignning suffcient time as a priority to achieve the significant and important tasks.

I would recommend to my colleague:

- Talk to the manager about the situation in order to negotiate a plan that satisfies
both parties.

- Make sure there is not too much overtime or work overload.

- Learn to delegate work and share the load.

- Eat healthy and exercise.

The purpose of a PDP is to guide a person to a professional goal, through steps that
indicate where the employee is currently and where they want to go in the short term,
which will contribute to the achievement of long-term goals with clear personal work
objectives .


The purpose of a PDP is to guide a person to a professional goal, through steps that
indicate where the employee is currently and where they want to go in the short term,
which will contribute to the achievement of long-term goals with clear personal work
objectives .

Improving their weaknesses by:
- constantly looking to grow and improve their performance in their jobs
- set goals
- keep open minded about learning
- resource themselves
- discuss with manager in performance reviews and development plans
- traineeship/apprenticeship which results in formal nationally recognised
- coaching
- buddying
- job rotation

Having self-awareness is the best way to determine future career goals and how you
can achieve them.
Knowledge abou personality preferences, aptitudes and skills can improve and help to
refine the research of all the different options available, indentifying those
opportunities for profressional development and personal growth which will be most
suited and enjoyable to the individual.

By far my preferred form of learning style is through reading, which is why I have
acquired my professional development with tons of books, articles and essays on the
subject I want to learn or improve on, and then collect the most important and give
a review of this new material I have created. In this way I can weave information
from different sources.
I even think that the courses can sometimes be a bit frustrating for me, so being
autodidact is my thing.

- setting claer SMART goals
- breaking goals down into smaller steps
- set small targets
- reviewing progress towards the goals regularly
- prioritising tasks
- organising work schedule
- persevering when things are not working out
- limit distractions
- training and actively seeking out learning opportunities

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