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Personal Development Plan (Template)

Name: Current Position: Date Started:

1. Career Mission Statement (What you intend to accomplish and why?)

Write your Career Mission Statement here using the SMART formula:
2. Major Career Goals (What you need to accomplish in the medium term to further your mission)
**Make sure you include here one of your SMART Goals from your Learning Activities

Goal Target Date Goal Target Date

3. This next section asks you to complete a skills audit: Use the following legend to measure your current ability, knowledge, skills and

Skills Audit:

A: I have accomplished this skill/I demonstrate high levels of competence D: I need to put in considerable work to develop this

B: I have this skill/competency but some improvements could be made. E: I need to acquire this skill/develop this competency

C: I need to improve this skill/competency

Skill/ Ability Rank (Audit rating) Skill/ Ability Rank (Audit rating)

No 6m 1y 3y No 6m 1yr 3y
w r w
4. Assess Personal Knowledge and Skills against Workplace Performance Standards and Academic Qualifications needed for Job/ further Job

In reference to each Skill/Ability you have included in the above table in Question 3, list the Workplace Performance Standards and Academic
Qualifications you have used to assess/measure your own personal knowledge skills against.
How do you know you need improvement/development in a particular area?

What benchmark do you use for rating your skills and abilities (e.g. How would you know to give yourself a score of “A”?) These may be industry or
work related standards (e.g. organisational policies, job descriptions) or from other sources (e.g. Academic qualifications).
5. Consultation with Network Contacts
As part of this process, you need to access and approach at least 3 different people in your networks (these may be work colleagues, supervisors, contacts,
clients, mentors, coaches etc.) and discuss with them your Career Missions Statement, Goals and Skills Audit (Questions 1-3) You will need to ask for their
thoughts and feedback on your Skills Audit, and the personal and professional development options available to you to help you fulfil your Career Mission
Statement and Goals. Please document the feedback you receive from your consultations (including the names and relationship you have with each network
6. Create an Action Plan to help work step by step towards your goals for the next 6 / 9/ 12 months (circle the appropriate timescale)

Goals I want to Action Steps How does the Action Complete What What are some Evaluation
Develop Steps suit your by (Date) obstacles solutions to
personal learning might you counteract these
style? potentially obstacles?
7. How will you foster new relationships and/or maintain current networks to continuously update your knowledge and skills for professional development
and career advancement? What methods will you use to monitor your progress?
8. Looking back at your answers for Questions 1 and 2 where you have written your Career Missions Statement and Goals. What can you do to enhance your
advantage when applying for jobs in these areas? Look also at your Opportunity Analysis (completed in the Learning Activities). What methods and
practices can you adopt to put you “ahead of the game” and be the best you can be?
9. Discuss the steps you will take to maintain a work-life balance to manage your health/ stress as you embark on this Personal Development Plan? What
strategies will you use to keep everything in balance?
10. Looking back at your answers in Questions 2 and 6, describe how you will measure your progress towards achieving the steps towards achieving your
goals/ action plan. What methods can you use to reflect on your progress in 12 months time against these goals and action plan steps you have set?

I am committing to these goals and will review this Personal Development Plan on a regular basis and update it as necessary.



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