(L-3) - (JEE 3.0) - Atomic Structure - 27th April.

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Atomic Structure 3

Rutherford’s Atomic Model

AIR - 9,10, 14 (JEE Adv.)
AIR - 6, 9, 10 (Main)
AIR- 2, 4 , 6 , 9 (NEET)

Ashwani Tyagi
10+ ICHO selections, 100+ KVPY selections
13+ yrs teaching experience
Mentored 10 Lac+ students


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Atomic Structure 3
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
Properties Of Charge
Atomic Models
Thomson’s Atomic Model
Thomson’s Atomic Model

According to J.J Thomson,

⮚ Atom is spherical in shape.

⮚ Radius of an atom is approximately 10 -10 m =1 A0.

⮚ Positive charge is uniformly distributed throughout the sphere.

⮚ Electrons are arranged in such a manner to give most stable

electrostatic arrangement.
Discovery Of X-Rays

Coolidge Type X-ray Tube


Coolidge X-ray Tube

Roentgen discovered X-rays when cathode rays strike the target anode.
Discovery Of X-Rays

⮚ Roentgen did not know the properties of these rays emitted from
target anode and called them as x-rays.


⮚ X-rays are powerful electromagnetic radiations with wavelength

nearly 0.1 nm.
Discovery Of X-Rays

⮚ X-rays have high penetrating power, hence are used for the study of
interior structure of atom or matter.

⮚ X-rays are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

⮚ X-rays are high energetic radiations and can cause ionization readily.

Who observed the phenomenon of natural radioactivity?

Henri Becquerel
The substances which show the property of radioactivity
are called radioactive elements.
e.g. U(uranium), Th(thorium)
Ra (Radium), Fr(Francium) etc.
Alpha Particle Scattering Experiment
Alpha Particle Scattering Experiment
Alpha Particle Scattering Experiment
Alpha Particle Scattering Experiment

N(θ) ∝ Z2
N(θ) ∝ Ni
N(θ) ∝ 1/ KE2
N(θ) ∝ 1/sin4(θ/2)
In the Rutherford scattering experiment, the number of alpha particles
scattered at an angle 𝜭= 60o is 36 per minute. The number of alpha particles
per minute scattered at angles 𝜭 = 90o is (Assume all other conditions to be
A. 144
B. 9
C. 36
D. 16
Distance Of Closest Approach
With what velocity should an a–particle travel towards the nucleus of a
copper atoms so as to arrive at a distance 10–13 m from the nucleus of the
copper atom? (4.8 × √(29 × 60) = 200, NA = 6 × 1023)
A. 2 × 103 ms−1 (JEE Advanced)
B. 4 × 1010 ms−1
C. 2 × 105 ms−1
D. 2 × 107 ms−1
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
Rutherford’s Atomic Model
• Electrons, protons & neutrons are the
most important fundamental particles
of atoms of all elements (Except
• Mass number (A) = Atomic number (Z)
+ number of neutrons (n)
• RN = R0(A)1/3, R0 = 1.33 × 10–13 cm
A = mass number, RN = Radius of nucleus
Rutherford’s Atomic Model

1) The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is densely
concentrated in extremely small region. This very small portion of
the atom was called nucleus.

2) The nucleus is surrounded by electrons. Electrons revolve around the

nucleus with a very high speed in circular paths called orbits.
Rutherford’s Atomic Model

3) Electrons and the nucleus are held

together by the electrostatic forces of


Density Of Nucleus
Important Terms

Atomic number
⮚ The number of protons (positively charged particles ) inside the nucleus
is called atomic number.

Atomic number is denoted by ‘Z’

Atom, on the whole, is electrically neutral i.e., the number of negatively

charged particles (electrons) outside the nucleus is equal to the number
of positively charged particles inside the nucleus.
Important Terms

Mass Number

⮚ Mass number is the sum of the number of protons and number of

neutrons inside the nucleus.

It is denoted by ‘A’

A= Z + n ; n=A-Z

‘n’ is the number of neutrons.

Mass number is a whole number.

Important Terms Symbolic representation of an element

X - indicates element

Z - indicates Atomic number (subscript)

A - indicates Mass number (superscript)

Important Terms
Chlorine has two isotopes

Isotope 35 37
17Cl 17C

Z 17 17
A 35 37
n=A-Z 18 20
Important Terms

What are isobars ?

Isobars are the atoms of different elements with same mass number and
different atomic numbers.

Isobars 40 40 40
18Ar 19K 20Ca
Z 18 19 20
A 40 40 40
n=A-Z 22 21 20
Important Terms
• Isotopes: Atoms having same number of protons but
different mass number.

• Isobars: Elements having same mass number.

• Isotones: Elements having same number of neutrons

(A – Z)

• Isoelectronic: Species/elements having same

number of electrons.
Important Terms
• Isosters: Species having same number of atoms and

• Isodiaphers: Elements having same number of

|N – Z| or |A – 2Z|.

• Paramagnetic: Species having non-zero unpaired


• Diamagnetic: Species having zero unpaired electron.



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