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September 8, 2020

The Tree and the Reed

into ['ɪntʊ]

over ['əʊvə]

of [ɒv] [əv]

tell [tel] (told [təʊld])

dig [dɪg]

raise [reɪz]

say [seɪ] (said [sed])

come [kʌm] (came [keɪm])

blow [bləʊ] (blew [blu:])

repent [rɪ'pent]

boast [bəʊst]

stand [stænd] (stood [stʊd])

bend [bend]

- 1 -
tree [tri:]

reed [ri:d]

root [ru:t]

ground [graʊnd]

head [hed]

air [eə]

way [weɪ]

hurricane ['hʌrɪk(ə)n]

force [fɔ:s]

wind [wɪnd]

okay ['əʊ'keɪ]

upright ['ʌpraɪt]

once [wʌns]

deeply ['di:plɪ]

also ['ɔ:səʊ]

boldly ['bəʊldlɪ]

yet [jet]

- 2 -
A tree once told a reed to dig its roots deeply into the ground.
It also told the reed to raise its head boldly in the air.

The reed said it was happy the way it was.

One day, a hurricane came and blew the tree over. The tree
had to repent of its boasting.

Yet, the reed was okay. It stood upright, bending to the force
of the wind.

a tree
a reed
a hurricane
the force
the wind
one day

into the ground

in the air
the way it was

tell sb to V
have to V
blow N over
repent of ~
stand upright

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Q. & A.

1. What the tree told the reed to do at first?

2. How the reed answered the tree?

3. What happened later?

4. How were they at the end?

- 4 -

A ( ) once ( ) a ( ) to ( ) its

( ) deeply ( ) the ( ). It ( ) told

( ) reed ( ) ( ) its ( ) boldly ( ) the

( ). ( ) reed ( ) it ( ) happy the ( ) it

( ). ( ) day, a ( ) ( ) and ( )

the tree ( ). The tree ( ) to ( ) of its

( ). ( ), the ( ) was ( ). It ( )

( ), ( ) to the ( ) of the ( ).

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