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 LAW  BLOCK  B  BATCH  2015  

Law  109  (I-­‐B)  

Criminal  Law  1  
Consolidated  Reviewer  
Edited  by  Roberto  Miguel  O.  Rañeses  


Consolidated  reviewer  for  Criminal  Law  1  under  Prof.  

Dan  Peruelo  Calica.  Digests  were  either  culled  from  
various  sources  (contributions  of  blockmates,  etc.)  or  
written  by  the  editor  himself.  Notes  and  annotations  
were  taken  from  Reyes’s  annotations  of  the  RPC.    
Rañeses  1  
General  Principles  of  Criminal  Law   Reyes:    
1. There   are   no   common   law   crimes   in   the  
Philippines.   Common-­‐law   crimes,   known  
A. Definitions    
as   the   body   of   principles,   usages   and   rights  
of   action,   which   do   not   rest   for   their  
Criminal   law   is   that   branch   or   division   of   law  
authority   upon   any   express   and   positive  
which  defines  crimes,  treats  of  their  nature,  and  
provides  for  their  punishment  [Reyes,  The  RPC,  
declaration  of  the  will  of  the  legislature,  are  
Book  I,  16th  Revised  Edition]   not   recognized   in   this   country,   unless  
provided  by  law.    
It   is   that   branch   of   public   substantive   law   2. The   State   has   the   authority,   under   its  
which   defines   offenses   and   prescribes   their   police   power,   to   define   and   punish  
penalties.  It  is  substantive  because  it  defines  the  
crimes  and  to  lay  down  rules  of  criminal  
state’s   right   to   inflict   punishment   and   the  
procedure.   States,   as   part   of   their   police  
liability   of   the   offenders.   It   is   public   law  
power,  have  a  large  measure  of  discretion  to  
because   it   deals   with   the   relation   of   the  
individual  with  the  state.     creating   and   defining   criminal   offenses.  
  (People  v.  Santiago,  43  Phil.  120,  124)    
  3. The   Bill   of   Rights   of   the   1987  
Crime   is   an   act   committed   or   omitted   in   Constitution   has   certain   limitations   in  
violation   of   a   public   law   forbidding   or   the  enactment  of  penal  legislation.    
commanding   it.   [Reyes,   supra,   at   1,   citing   I   1. No   ex   post   facto   law   or   bill   of  
Bouvier’s   Law   Dictionary,   Rawle’s   Third  
attainder   shall   be   enacted.   (Art.   III,  
Revision,  729]  
  Sec.  22)  
2. Mo   person   shall   be   held   to   answer  
B. Nullum  crimen  nulla  poena  sine  lege  
for   a   criminal   offense   without   due  
  The   maxim   has   its   roots   in   history.   It   is   in   process  of  law.  (Art.  III,  Sec.  14[1])    
4. An  ex  post  facto  law  is  one  which:  
accordance   with   both   centuries   of   civil   law  
  and   common   law   tradition.   Moreover,   it   is   an   1. Makes   criminal   an   act   done   before  
  indispensable   corollary   to   a   regime   of   liberty   the   passage   of   the   law   and   which  
  enshrined   in   our   Constitution.   It   is   of   the   was   innocent   when   done,   and  
  essence  then  that  while  anti-­‐social  acts  should   punishes  such  an  act;  
be   penalized,   there   must   be   a   clear   definition   2. Aggravates   a   crime,   or   makes   it  
of  the  punishable  offense  as  well  as  the  penalty   greater   than   it   was,   when  
  that   may   be   imposed   –   a   penalty,   to   repeat,  
  that   can   be   fixed   by   the   legislative   body,   and  
3. Changes  the  punishment  and  inflicts  
  the  legislative  body  alone.  So  constitutionalism   a   greater   punishment   than   the   law  
  mandates,  with  its  stress  on  jurisdictio  rather   annexed   to   the   crime   when  
than   guvernaculum.   The   judiciary   as   the  
dispenser   of   justice   through   law   must   be  
  aware   of   the   limitation   on   its   own   power.   4. Alters   the   legal   rules   of   evidence,  
  [Concurring   opinion,   Justice   Fernando,   and   authorizes   conviction   upon   less  
  People  v.  Cabural]   or   different   testimony   than   the   law  
  required   at   the   time   of   the  
Sources  of  Philippine  Criminal  Law   commission  of  the  offense;    
a. The   Revised   Penal   Code   (Act   no.   3815)   and   5. Assumes   to   regulate   civil   rights   and  
amendments  thereto   remedies   only,   in   effect   imposes  
b. Special  criminal  laws   penalty   or   deprivation   of   a   right   for  
c. Penal  provisions  in  other  laws   something   which   he   has   become  
d. Local  ordinances   entitled,   such   as   the   protection   of   a  
Rañeses  2  
former   conviction   or   acquittal,   or   a    
proclamation  of  amnesty.  (In  re:  Kay   Const.  (1987),  art.  II,  sec.  1  
Villegas   Kami,   Inc.,   35   SCRA   429,  
431)     The   Philippines   is   a   democratic   and   republican  
• A   bill   of   attainder   is   a   legislative   act   State.   Sovereignty   resides   in   the   people   and   all  
government  authority  emanates  from  them.  
which   inflicts   punishment   without   trial.    
Its  essence  is  the  substitution  of  a  legislative    
act   for   a   judicial   determination   of   guilt.   People  v.  Santiago,  43  Phil.  120  (1922)  
(People  v.  Ferrer,  48  SCRA  382,  395)     Facts:   The   accused   was   driving   an   automobile   at  
  the   rate   of   30   miles   an   hour   on   a   highway   6   meter  
wide,   notwithstanding   the   fact   that   he   had   to   pass   a  
RPC,  Art.  5:  
narrow   space   between   a   wagon   standing   on   one  
Duty   of   the   court   in   connection   with   acts   which   side   of   the   road   and   a   heap   of   stones   on   the   other  
should  be  repressed  but  which  are  not  covered  by   side  where  the  were  two  young  boys,  the  appellant  
the   law,   and   in   cases   of   excessive   penalties.   -­‐   did   not   take   the   precaution   required   by   the  
Whenever   a   court   has   knowledge   of   any   act   circumstances   by   slowing   his   machine,   and   did   not  
which  it  may  deem  proper  to  repress  and  which   proceed   with   the   vigilant   care   that   under   the  
is   not   punishable   by   law,   it   shall   render   the  
circumstances   an   ordinary   prudent   man   would   take  
proper   decision,   and   shall   report   to   the   Chief  
in   order   to   avoid   possible   accidents   that   might  
Executive,  through  the  Department  of  Justice,  the  
reasons   which   induce   the   court   to   believe   that  
occur,  as  unfortunately  did  occur,  as  his  automobile  
said   act   should   be   made   the   subject   of   penal   ran   over   the   boy   Porfirio   Parondo   who   was  
legislation.   instantly  killed  as  the  result  of  the  accident.  
RPC,  Art.  21:     Issue:   WON   Act   No.   2886   (SEC.   2.   All   prosecutions  
Penalties   that   may   be   imposed.   -­‐   No   felony   shall  
for   public   offenses   shall   be   in   the   name   of   the  
be   punishable   by   any   penalty   not   prescribed   by   People  of  the  Philippine  Islands  against  the  persons  
law  prior  to  its  commission.   charged   with   the   offense)   under   which   the  
  complaint  in  the  present  case  was  filed,  is  valid  and  
C. State  authority  to  punish  crimes      
  Held:   Yes.   Since   the   provisions   of   this   General  
Sources:     Order  (No.  58)  have  the  character  of  statutory  law,  
  the   power   of   the   Legislature   to   amend   it   is   self-­‐
Const.  (1987),  art.  II,  sec.  5   evident,   even   if   the   question   is   considered   only   on  
principle.   Our   present   Legislature,   which   has  
The   maintenance   of   peace   and   order,   the   enacted   Act   No.   2886,   the   subject   of   our   inquiry,   is  
protection   of   life,   liberty,   and   property,   and  
the  legal  successor  to  the  Military  Government  as  a  
promotion  of  the  general  welfare  are  essential  for  
legislative  body.    
the  enjoyment  by  all  the  people  of  the  blessings  of  
  United  States  v.  Pablo,  35  Phil.  94  (1916)    
  Facts:   Andres   Pablo,   a   policeman,   reported   that   he  
Const.  (1987),  art.  VI,  sec.  1   saw   Rodrigo   and   Malicsi   in   the   jueteng   arena   and  
then   testified   on   the   contrary   during   the   trial.   He  
The   legislative   power   shall   be   vested   in   the  
was  charged  with  perjury  and  convicted  under  Act.  
Congress  of  the  Philippines  which  shall  consist  of  
1697   which   was   said   to   have   repealed   articles   318  
a   Senate   and   a   House   of   Representatives,   except  
to   the   extent   reserved   to   the   people   by   the   and  324  of  the  penal  code.  
provision  on  initiative  and  referendum.    
Rañeses  3  
Issue:  WON  defendant  can  be  punished  for  perjury   Const.  (1987).  art,  III  
Held:   Yes.   Notwithstanding   that   the   said   Act   No.   Sec.  19  
1697   (which,   as   interpreted   by   this   court   in   its  
1. Excessive  fines  shall  not  be  imposed,  nor  cruel,  
decisions,   was   deemed   to   have   repealed   the   degrading   or   inhuman   punishment   inflicted.  
aforementioned   article   of   the   Penal   Code   relating   to   Neither  shall  death  penalty  be  imposed,  unless,  
false   testimony,   comprised   within   the   term   of   for   compelling   reasons   involving   heinous  
perjury)   did   not   expressly   repeal   the   said   articles   of   crimes,   the   Congress   hereafter   provides   for   it.  
the   Penal   Code;   and   as   the   said   final   article   of   the   Any   death   penalty   already   imposed   shall   be  
Administrative   Code,   in   totally   repealing   Act   No.   reduced  to  reclusion  perpetua.  
1697,   does   not   explicitly   provide   that   the   2. The   employment   of   physical,   psychological,   or  
mentioned   articles   of   the   Penal   Code   are   also   degrading   punishment   against   any   prisoner   or  
detainee   or   the   use   of   substandard   or  
inadequate   penal   facilities   under   subhuman  
conditions  shall  be  dealt  with  by  law.  
  Sec.  20  

Const.  (1987),  art.  III   No   person   shall   be   imprisoned   for   debt   or   non-­‐
payment  of  a  poll  tax.  
Sec.  1  
Sec.  22  
No   person   shall   be   deprived   of   life,   liberty,   or  
property   without   due   process   of   law,   nor   shall   any   No   ex   post   facto   law   or   bill   of   attainder   shall   be  
person  be  denied  the  equal  protection  of  the  laws.   enacted.    

Sec.  14   *See  definition  of  ex  post  facto  law  on  page  1  and  bill  
of  attainder  on  page  2.    
1. No  person  shall  be  held  to  answer  for  a  criminal    
offense  without  due  process  of  law.    
2. In   all   criminal   prosecutions,   the   accused   shall   Reyes:  A  right  which  may  be  waived  is  the  right  of  
be   presumed   innocent   until   the   contrary   is  
the   accused   to   confrontation   and   cross-­‐
proved,  and  shall  enjoy  the  right  to  be  heard  by  
examination.   A   right   which   may   not   be   waived   is  
himself   and   counsel,   to   be   informed   of   the  
nature  and  cause  of  the  accusation  against  him,  
the  right  of  the  accused  to  be  informed  of  the  nature  
to   have   a   speedy,   impartial,   and   public   trial,   to   and  cause  of  the  accusation  against  him.    
meet   the   witnesses   face   to   face,   and   to   have    
compulsory   process   to   secure   the   attendance   of   The   reason   or   principle   underlying   the   difference  
witnesses   and  the  production   of   evidence  in  his   between  rights  which  may  be  waived  are  personal,  
behalf.   However,   after   arraignment,   trial   may   while  those  rights  which  may  not  be  waived  involve  
proceed   notwithstanding   the   absence   of   the   public   interest   which   may   be   affected.   (2   Moran,  
accused:   Provided,   that   he   has   been   duly   Rules  of  Court,  1952  Edition,  748)  
notified   and   his   failure   to   appear   is  
*Refer  to  Revised  Rules  on  Criminal  Procedure,  Rule  
Sec.  18     115,   Sec.   1   for   the   relevant   statutory   rights   of   the  
accused  on  page  4  
1. No  person  shall  be  detained  solely  by  reason  of  
his  political  beliefs  and  aspirations.  
2. No   involuntary   servitude   in   any   form   shall   exist  
except   as   a   punishment   for   a   crime   whereof   the  
party  shall  have  been  duly  convicted.  
Rañeses  4  
Revised  Rules  on  Criminal  Procedure,  Rule  115   and   3)   three   certificates   of   inspections.   In   spite   of  
the   papers,   the   carabaos   were   confiscated   by   the  
Section   1.   Rights   of   accused   at   trial.   –   In   all   criminal   provincial   veterinarian   and   the   town’s   police  
prosecutions,   the   accused   shall   be   entitled   to   the   station   commander   while   passing   through  
following  rights:  
Camarines  Norte.  Confiscation  was  based  on  EO  No.  
(a)   To   be   presumed   innocent   until   the   contrary   is   626-­‐A   which   prohibits   transportation   of   carabaos   &  
proved  beyond  reasonable  doubt.   carabeef  from  one  province  to  another.  
(b)   To   be   informed   of   the   nature   and   cause   of   the   Issue:   WON   EO   No.   626-­‐A,   providing   for   the  
accusation  against  him.  
confiscation   and   forfeiture   by   the   government   of  
(c)   To   be   present   and   defend   in   person   and   by   carabaos  transported  from  one  province  to  another,  
counsel   at   every   stage   of   the   proceedings,   from   dated   October   25,   1980   is   enforceable   before  
arraignment  to  promulgation  of  the  judgment.  x  x  x       publication  in  the  Official  Gazette  on  June  14,  1982  
(d)   To   testify   as   a   witness   in   his   own   behalf   but  
Held:   No.   The   said   order   isn’t   enforceable   against  
subject  to  cross-­‐examination  on  matters  covered  by  
the   Pesigans   on   April   2,   1982   because   it’s   a   penal  
direct   examination.   His   silence   shall   not   in   any  
manner  prejudice  him.  
regulation   published   more   than   2   mos.   later   in   the  
OG.   It   became   effective   only   fifteen   days   thereafter  
(e)   To   be   exempt   from   being   compelled   to   be   a   as   provided   in   A2   of   the   CC   &   §11   of   the   Revised  
witness  against  himself.   Administrative   Code.   The   word   “laws”   in   article   2  
includes   circulars   &   regulations   which   prescribe  
(f)   To   confront   and   cross-­‐examine   the   witnesses  
against  him  at  the  trial.    x  x  x  
penalties.   Publication   is   necessary   to   apprise   the  
public   of   the   contents   of   the   regulations   &   make   the  
(g)   To   have   compulsory   process   issued   to   secure   said   penalties   binding   on   the   persons   affected  
the  attendance  of  witnesses  and  production  of  other   thereby.   Commonwealth   Act   No.   638   requires   that  
evidence  in  his  behalf.   all   Presidential   EOs   having   general   applicability  
(h)  To  have  speedy,  impartial  and  public  trial.   should   be   published   in   the   OG.   It   provides   that  
“every   order   or   document   which   shall   prescribe   a  
(i)   To  appeal  in  all  cases   allowed   and   in   the   manner   penalty   shall   be   deemed   to   have   general  
prescribed  by  law.   applicability   and   legal   effect.   This   applies   to   a  
  violation   of   EO   No.   626-­‐A   because   its   confiscation   &  
  forfeiture   provision   or   sanction   makes   it   a   penal  
Civil  Code,  Art.  2   statute.  It  results  that  they  have  cause  of  action  for  
the   recovery   of   the   carabaos.   The   summary  
Laws   shall   take   effect   after   fifteen   days   following   confiscation   wasn’t   in   order.   The   recipients   of   the  
the   completion   of   their   publication   in   the   Official   carabaos   should   return   them   to   the   Pesigans.  
Gazette,  unless  it  is  otherwise  provided.    This  Code  
However,   they   cannot   transport   the   carabaos   to  
shall  take  effect  one  year  after  such  publication.  (1a)  
Batangas   because   they   are   now   bound   by   the   said  
  executive  order.  Neither  can  they  recover  damages.  
  Doctor   Miranda   &   Zenerosa   acted   in   good   faith   in  
Pesigan  v.  Angeles,  129  SCRA  174  (1984)     ordering   the   forfeiture   and   dispersal   of   the  
Facts:  Anselmo  and  Marcelo  Pesigan  transported  in   carabaos.  
the   evening   of   April   2,   1982   twenty-­‐six   carabaos    
and   a   calf   from   Camarines   Sur   with   Batangas   as   Doctrine:   Publication   is   necessary   to   apprise   the  
their   destination.   They   were   provided   with   three   public   of   the   contents   of   the   regulations   &   make   the  
certificates:   1)   a   health   certificate   from   the   said   penalties   binding   on   the   persons   affected  
provincial   veterinarian,   2)   permit   to   hereby.   Justice   &   fairness   dictate   that   the   public  
transfer/transport  from  the  provincial  commander;  
Rañeses  5  
must  be  informed  of  that  provision  by  means  of  the   *Refer   to   page   3   for   the   relevant   constitutional  
publication  on  the  Gazette.   provision   (Art.   III,   Sec.   22)   and   page   1   for   the  
  definition  of  an  ex-­‐post  facto  law.    
Tañada  v.  Tuvera,  136  SCRA  27  (1985)      
Facts:  Invoking  the  people’s  right  to  be  informed  on   In   re:   Kay   Villegas   Kami,   Inc.,   35   SCRA   429  
matters   of   public   concern,   a   right   recognized   in   (1970)    
Section   6,   Article   IV   of   the   1973   constitution,   Facts:   Kay   Villegas   Kami   Inc.   claiming   to   be   a  
petitioners   seek   a   writ   of   mandamus   to   compel   recognized   non-­‐stock,   non-­‐profit   corporation  
respondent  public  officials  to  publish,  and/or  cause   contests   validity   of   RA   6132   Sec.   8   saying   it   violates  
the   publication   in   the   Official   Gazette,   of   various   due   process   rights   of   association,   freedom   of  
presidential  decrees,  letters  of  instructions,  general   expression  and  is  an  ex  post  facto  law  
orders,   proclamations,   executive   orders,   letter   of    
implementation   and   administrative   orders.   The   Issues:  
respondents  would  have  this  case  dismissed  on  the   1. WON  it  violates  three  rights?  
ground  that  petitioners  have  no  legal  personality  to   2. WON  it  is  an  ex  post  facto  law?  
bring   this   petition.   Petitioners   maintain   that   since    
the   subject   of   the   petition   concerns   a   public   right   Held:    
and   its   object   is   to   compel   public   duty,   they   need   1. No.   It’s   set   up   to   prevent   prostitution   of  
not  show  any  specific  interest.  Respondents  further   electoral   process   and   equal   protection   of  
contend  that  publication  in  the  OG  is  not  a  sine  qua   laws.  
non   requirement   for   the   effectivity   of   laws   where   2. No.  Ex  post  facto  law  defined:  
the   laws   themselves   provide   for   their   own   a. Makes   criminal   an   act   done   before   law  
effectivity  dates.   was   passed   and   punishes   act   innocent  
  when  done.  
Issue:  WON  publication  in  the  Official  Gazatte  is  an   b. Aggravates   a   crime,   makes   it   greater  
indispensable  requirement  for  the  effectivity  of  the   than  it  was  
PDs,   LOIs,   general   orders,   EOs,   etc.   where   laws   c. Inflicts   greater   punishment   than   the   law  
themselves  provide  for  their  own  effectivity  dates.     prescribed  when  committed  
  d. Alters   legal   rules   of   evidence   and  
Held:  Yes.  It  is  the  people’s  right  to  be  informed  on   authorizes   conviction   upon   less   or  
matters   of   public   concern   &   corollary   access   to   different  tests  
official   records,   &   to   documents   &   papers   e. Assuming   to   regulate   civil   rights   and  
pertaining   to   official   acts,   transactions,   or   decisions,   remedies  only  in  effect  imposes  penalty  
shall   be   afforded   the   citizens   subject   to   such   or  deprivation  of  right  which  when  done  
limitation  as  may  be  provided  by  law  (§6  AIV,  1973   was  lawful  
Constitution).  Laws,  to  be  valid  &  enforceable,  must   f. Deprives   a   person   accused   of   a   crime  
be   published   in   the   OG   or   otherwise   effectively   some   lawful   protection   to   which   he   has  
promulgated.   The   fact   that   a   PD   or   LOI   states   its   become   entitled,   such   as   the   protection  
date   of   effectivity   does   not   preclude   their   of   a   former   conviction   of   acquittal   or   a  
publication   in   the   OG   as   they   constitute   important   proclamation  of  amnesty.  
legislative   acts.   The   publication   of   presidential   Constitutional   inhibition   refers   only   to  
issuances   “of   public   nature”   or   “of   general   criminal   laws.   Penalty   in   law   imposed   to  
applicability”   is   a   requirement   of   due   process.   acts  committed  after  approval  of  law  
Before  a  person  may  be  bound  by  law,  he  must  first    
be  officially  informed  of  its  contents.   People  v.  Villaraza,  81  SCRA  95  (1978)  
Ex-­‐post  facto  law   Facts:   On   December   3,   1975   an   assistant   fiscal  
charged   Caesar   Puerto   with   estafa   in   the   city   court  
Rañeses  6  
of   CDO   for   having   issues   two   bouncing   checks.    A  complaint  was  filed  in  the  Court  of  First  Instance  
Judge   Villaraza,   upon   confirming   that   the   accused   of   the   city   of   Manila   on   May   6,   1921,   charging   the  
had   waived   his   right   to   the   second   stage   of   defendants   with   a   violation   of   the   Usury   Law   (Act  
preliminary   investigation,   directed   the   case   be   No.  2655).  Upon  said  complaint  they  were  arrested,  
elevated   to   the   CFI.   The   CFI   of   Misamis   Oriental,   charged,   and   pleaded   not   guilty.   On   September   1,  
returned  the  case  to  the  city  court.  Disagreeing  with   1921,   the   case   was   finally   brought   on   for   trial.   At  
the  CFI’s  decision,  Judge  Villaraza  once  again  raised   the   end   of   the   trial,   with   consideration   to   the  
it   to   the   CFIwith   the   belief   that   estafa   committed   by   evidences   cited   in   court,   Hon.   M.   V.   del   Rosario,  
the  accused  is  punishable  by    prision  mayor  medium   judge,   found   that   the   defendants   were   guilty   of   the  
under  P.D.  No.  818,  which  took  effect  on  October  22,   crime  charged  in  the  complaint  and  sentenced  each  
1975  and  which  amended  Art.  315  of  the  RPC.     of   them   to   pay   a   fine   of   P120   and,   if   they   cannot  
  meet   their   debt   obligations,   the   defendants   would  
Issue:   WON   Puerto   is   punishable   with   prision   suffer   subsidiary   imprisonment   in   accordance   with  
mayor  medium  under  P.D.  818  which  amended  Art.   the   provisions   of   the   law.   From   that   sentence   each  
315  of  the  RPC.     of  the  defendants  made  an  appeal.  
Held:   No.   The   penalty   of   prision   mayor   medium   Issue:   WON   the   Usury   law   would   apply   to   the  
imposed   by   P.D.   818   applies   only   to   swindling   appellants   considering   that   they   executed   the  
committed   on   or   after   October   22,   1975.   The   contract  before  the  passage  of  said  law.    
increased   penalty   does   not   apply   to   Puerto   to   the    
estafa   committed   on   October   16,   1974.   To   do   so   Held:   No.   The   court   held   that   the   acts   complained  
would  make  it  an  ex-­‐post  facto  law,  which  is  clearly   of   by   the   defendants   did   not   constitute   a   crime   at  
repugnant  to  Art.  21  and  22  of  the  RPC  and  Sec.  12,   the   time   they   were   committed.     A   law   imposing   a  
Art.  IV  of  the  Constitution.     new   penalty,   liability   or   disability,   or   giving   a   new  
  right   of   action,   must   not   be   construed   as   having   a  
U.S.  v.  Diaz-­‐Conde,  42  Phil.  766  (1922)     retroactive   effect.     It   is   an   elementary   rule   of  
Facts:   On   December   30,   1915,   Bartolome   Oliveros   contract   that   the   laws   in   force   at   the   time   of   the  
and  Engracia  Lianco  accomplished  and  delivered  to   contract   were   made   must   govern   its   interpretation  
the  defendants  a  contract  (named  ‘Exhibit  B’)  which   and   application.     Laws   must   be   construed  
stated   that   the   Oliveros   and   Lianco   had   borrowed   prospectively  and  not  retrospectively.    If  a  contract  
from   the   latter   a   sum   of   three   hundred   pesos   (Php   is  legal  at  its  commencement,  it  cannot  be  rendered  
300),   and   by   virtue   of   the   terms   of   said   contract,   illegal   by   any   subsequent   legislation.     To   make   it  
Oliveros  and  Lianco  obligated  themselves  to  pay  to   applicable  in  the  present  case  would  make  it  an  ex-­‐
the   defendants   interest   at   the   rate   of   five   percent   post  facto  law.    
(5%)  per  month,  payable  within  the  first  ten  days  of    
each  and  every  month,  the  first  payment  to  be  made   Bill  of  attainder    
on  the  January  10,  1916.   *Refer   to   page   3   for   the   relevant   constitutional  
  provision   (Art.   III,   Sec.   22)   and   page   2   for   the  
 On   May   1,   1916,   Act   no.   2655   or   the   Usury   Law   definition  of  a  bill  of  attainder.    
came  into  effect.    The  law  stated  that  that  the  legal    
rate   of   interest   for   the   loan   or   forbearance   of   any   People  v.  Ferrer  48  SCRA  382  (1972)    
money,   goods   or   credits,   […]   shall   be   12%   per   Facts:   Hon.   Judge   Simeon   Ferrer   is   the   Tarlac   trial  
annum.   Any   amount   of   interest   paid   or   to   be   paid   in   court   judge   that   declared   RA1700   or   the   Anti-­‐
excess   of   that   fixed   by   law   is   considered   usurious,   Subversive   Act   of   1957   as   a   bill   of   attainder.   Thus,  
therefore  unlawful.   dismissing   the   information   of   subversion   against  
  the   following:   1.)   Feliciano   Co   for   being   an  
officer/leader   of   the   Communist   Party   of   the  
Rañeses  7  
Philippines   (CPP)   aggravated   by   circumstances   of   1. No.   In   the   case   at   bar,   the   statute   simply  
contempt   and   insult   to   public   officers,   subversion   declares  the  CPP  as  an  organized  conspiracy  
by   a   band   and   aid   of   armed   men   to   afford   impunity.   for   the   overthrow   of   the   Government   for  
2.)   Nilo   Tayag   and   5   others,   for   being   purposes  of  example  of  Sec.  4  of  the  Act.  The  
members/leaders   of   the   NPA,   inciting,   instigating   Act   applies   not   only   to   the   CPP   but   also   to  
people   to   unite   and   overthrow   the   Philippine   other   organizations   having   the   same  
Government.   Attended   by   Aggravating   purpose   and   their   successors.   The   Act’s  
Circumstances   of   Aid   or   Armed   Men,   Craft,   and   focus  is  on  the  conduct  not  person.  
Fraud.   The   trial   court   is   of   opinion   that   1.)   The    
Congress   usurped   the   powers   of   the   judge   2.)   The   statute   is   PROSPECTIVE   in   nature.   Sec.  
Assumed   judicial   magistracy   by   pronouncing   the   44   prohibits   acts   committed   after   approval  
guilt  of  the  CPP  without  any  forms  of  safeguard  of  a   of   the   act.   The   members   of   the   subversive  
judicial   trial.   3.)   It   created   a   presumption   of   organizations   before   the   passing   of   this   Act  
organizational   guilt   by   being   members   of   the   CPP   are   given   an   opportunity   to   escape   liability  
regardless  of  voluntariness.   by   renouncing   membership   in   accordance  
  with  Sec.  8.    
The   Anti-­‐Subversive   Act   of   1957   was   approved   on   2. Yes,   but   it   is   justified.   The   declaration   of  
June   20   1957.   It   is   an   act   to   outlaw   the   CPP   and   that   the   CPP   is   an   organized   conspiracy   to  
similar  associations  penalizing  membership  therein,   overthrow   the   Philippine   Government  
and   for   other   purposes.   It   defined   the   Communist   should   not   be   the   basis   of   guilt.   This  
Party   being   although   a   political   party   is   in   fact   an   declaration  is  only  a  basis  of  Section  4  of  the  
organized   conspiracy   to   overthrow   the   Act.   The   existence   of   substantive   evil  
Government,  not  only  by  force  and  violence  but  also   justifies   the   limitation   to   the   exercise   of  
by   deceit,   subversion   and   other   illegal   means.   It   “Freedom  of  Expression  and  Association”  in  
declares  that  the  CPP  is  a  clear  and  present  danger   this  matter.    
to  the  security  of  the  Philippines.  Section  4  provided    
that  affiliation  with  full  knowledge  of  the  illegal  acts   D. Characteristics  of  Criminal  Law    
of   the   CPP   is   punishable.   Section   5   states   that   due    
investigation   by   a   designated   prosecutor   by   the   General:  
Secretary   of   Justice   be   made   prior   to   filing   of    
information  in  court.  Section  6  provides  for  penalty  
Const.  (1987),  Art.  VI,  sec.  1  
for  furnishing  false  evidence.  Section  7  provides  for  
2   witnesses   in   open   court   for   acts   penalized   by   The   legislative   power   shall   be   vested   in   the  
prision   mayor   to   death.   Section   8   allows   the   Congress  of  the  Philippines  which  shall  consist  of  a  
renunciation   of   membership   to   the   CPP   through   Senate   and   a   House   of   Representatives,   except   to  
writing   under   oath.   Section   9   declares   the   the   extent   reserved   to   the   people   by   the   provision  
constitutionality   of   the   statute   and   its   valid   exercise   on  initiative  and  referendum.  
under  freedom  if  thought,  assembly  and  association.    
Civil  Code,  Art.  14  
1. WON   or   not   RA   1700   is   a   bill   of   attainder/   Penal  laws  and  those  of  public  security  and  safety  
ex  post  facto  law.   shall  be  obligatory  upon  all  who  live  or  sojourn  in  
2. WON   RA   1700   violates   freedom   of   the  Philippine  territory,  subject  to  the  principles  of  
expression.   public  international  law  and  to  treaty  stipulations.  
Rañeses  8  
Agreement  between  the  Government  of  the  Republic   personnel   subject   to   the   military   law   of   the   United   States  
of  the  Philippines  and  the  Government  of  the  United   in  relation  to:  
States   of   America   Regarding   the   Treatment   of   United      
States   Armed   Forces   Visiting   the   Philippines,   10   (1)   offenses   solely   against   the   property   or   security   of   the  
February  1998  (Visiting  Forces  Agreement)   United   States   or   offenses   solely   against   the   property   or  
  person  of  United  States  personnel;  and  
Article  V      
Criminal  Jurisdiction   (2)   offenses   arising   out   of   any   act   or   omission   done   in  
    performance  of  official  duty.  
1.  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  this  article:      
    (c)  The  authorities  of  either  government  may  request  the  
(a)   Philippine   authorities   shall   have   jurisdiction   over   authorities   of   the   other   government   to   waive   their  
United   States   personnel   with   respect   to   offenses   primary  right  to  exercise  jurisdiction  in  a  particular  case.  
committed   within   the   Philippines   and   punishable   under      
the  law  of  the  Philippines.   (d)   Recognizing   the   responsibility   of   the   United   States  
    military   authorities   to   maintain   good   order   and  
(b)  United  States  military  authorities  shall  have  the  right   discipline  among  their  forces,  Philippine  authorities  will,  
to   exercise   within   the   Philippines   all   criminal   and   upon   request   by   the   United   States,   waive   their   primary  
disciplinary   jurisdiction   conferred   on   them   by   the   right  to  exercise  jurisdiction  except  in  cases  of  particular  
military   law   of   the   United   States   over   United   States   importance   to   the   Philippines.   If   the   Government   of   the  
personnel  in  the  Philippines.   Philippines   determines   that   the   case   is   of   particular  
    importance,   it   shall   communicate   such   determination   to  
2.   (a)   Philippine   authorities   exercise   exclusive   the   United   States   authorities   within   twenty   (20)   days  
jurisdiction  over  United  States  personnel  with  respect  to   after  the  Philippine  authorities  receive  the  United  States  
offenses,   including   offenses   relating   to   the   security   of   the   request.  
Philippines,  punishable  under  the  laws  of  the  Philippines,      
but  not  under  the  laws  of  the  United  States.   (e)   When   the   United   States   military   commander  
    determines  that  an  offense  charged  by  authorities  of  the  
(b)   United   States   authorities   exercise   exclusive   Philippines  against  United  States  personnel  arises  out  of  
jurisdiction  over  United  States  personnel  with  respect  to   an   act   or   omission   done   in   the   performance   of   official  
offenses,   including   offenses   relating   to   the   security   of   the   duty,  the  commander  will  issue  a  certificate  setting  forth  
United   States,   punishable   under   the   laws   of   the   United   such   determination.   This   certificate   will   be   transmitted  
States,  but  not  under  the  laws  of  the  Philippines.   to  the  appropriate  authorities  of  the  Philippines  and  will  
    constitute  sufficient  proof  of  performance  of  official  duty  
(c)   For   the   purposes   of   this   paragraph   and   paragraph   3   for   the   purposes   of   paragraph   3(b)(2)   of   this   article.   In  
of  this  article,  an  offense  relating  to  security  means:   those   cases   where   the   Government   of   the   Philippines  
    believes   the   circumstances   of   the   case   require   a   review  
(1)  treason;   of   the   duty   certificate,   United   States   military   authorities  
    and   Philippine   authorities   shall   consult   immediately.  
(2)  sabotage,  espionage  or  violation  of  any  law  relating  to   Philippine   authorities   at   the   highest   levels   may   also  
national  defense.   present   any   information   bearing   on   its   validity.   United  
    States   military   authorities   shall   take   full   account   of   the  
3.   In   cases   where   the   right   to   exercise   jurisdiction   is   Philippine   position.   Where   appropriate,   United   States  
concurrent,  the  following  rules  shall  apply:   military  authorities  will  take  disciplinary  or  other  action  
    against   offenders   in   official   duty   cases,   and   notify   the  
(a)  Philippine  authorities  shall  have  the  primary  right  to   Government  of  the  Philippines  of  the  actions  taken.  
exercise   jurisdiction   over   all   offenses   committed   by      
United   States   personnel,   except   in   cases   provided   for   in   (f)   If   the   government   having   the   primary   right   does   not  
paragraphs  l  (b),  2  (b),  and  3  (b)  of  this  Article.   exercise  jurisdiction,  it  shall  notify  the  authorities  of  the  
    other  government  as  soon  as  possible.  
(b)   United   States   military   authorities   shall   have   the      
primary   right   to   exercise   jurisdiction   over   United   States  
Rañeses  9  
(g)   The   authorities   of   the   Philippines   and   the   United   8.   When   United   States   personnel   have   been   tried   in  
States   shall   notify   each   other   of   the   disposition   of   all   accordance   with   the   provisions   of   this   article   and   have  
cases  in  which  both  the  authorities  of  the  Philippines  and   been   acquitted   or   have   been   convicted   and   are   serving,  
the  United  States  have  the  right  to  exercise  jurisdiction.   or  have  served  their  sentence,  or  have  had  their  sentence  
    remitted  or  suspended,  or  have  been  pardoned,  they  may  
4.   Within   the   scope   of   their   legal   competence,   the   not  be  tried  again  for  the  same  offense  in  the  Philippines.  
authorities  of  the  Philippines  and  the  United  States  shall   Nothing   in   this   paragraph,   however,   shall   prevent   United  
assist  each  other  in  the  arrest  of  United  States  personnel   States   military   authorities   from   trying   United   States  
in   the   Philippines   and   in   handing   them   over   to   personnel   for   any   violation   of   rules   of   discipline   arising  
authorities  who  are  to  exercise  jurisdiction  in  accordance   from  the  act  or  omission  which  constituted  an  offense  for  
with  the  provisions  of  this  article.   which  they  were  tried  by  Philippine  authorities.  
5.  United  States  military  authorities  shall  promptly  notify   9.   When   United   States   personnel   are   detained,   taken   into  
Philippine  authorities  of  the  arrest  or  detention  of  United   custody,   or   prosecuted   by   Philippine   authorities,   they  
States   personnel   who   are   subject   to   Philippine   primary   shall   be   accorded   all   procedural   safeguards   established  
or   exclusive   jurisdiction.   Philippine   authorities   shall   by   the   law   of   the   Philippines.   At   the   minimum,   United  
promptly   notify   United   States   military   authorities   of   the   States  personnel  shall  be  entitled:  
arrest  or  detention  of  any  United  States  personnel.      
    (a)  To  a  prompt  and  speedy  trial;  
6.  The  custody  of  any  United  States  personnel  over  whom      
the   Philippines   is   to   exercise   jurisdiction   shall   (b)   To   be   informed   in   advance   of   trial   of   the   specific  
immediately   reside   with   United   States   military   charge   or   charges   made   against   them   and   to   have  
authorities,   if   they   so   request,   from   the   commission   of   reasonable  time  to  prepare  a  defense;  
the   offense   until   completion   of   all   judicial   proceedings.      
United   States   military   authorities   shall,   upon   formal   (c)  To  be  confronted  with  witnesses  against  them  and  to  
notification   by   the   Philippine   authorities   and   without   cross  examine  such  witnesses;  
delay,  make  such  personnel  available  to  those  authorities      
in   time   for   any   investigative   or   judicial   proceedings   (d)   To   present   evidence   in   their   defense   and   to   have  
relating   to   the   offense   with   which   the   person   has   been   compulsory  process  for  obtaining  witnesses;  
charged.   In   extraordinary   cases,   the   Philippine      
Government   shall   present   its   position   to   the   United   (e)  To  have  free  and  assisted  legal  representation  of  their  
States   Government   regarding   custody,   which   the   United   own   choice   on   the   same   basis   as   nationals   of   the  
States   Government   shall   take   into   full   account.   In   the   Philippines;  
event   Philippine   judicial   proceedings   are   not   completed      
within  one  year,  the  United  States  shall  be  relieved  of  any   (f)  To  have  the  services  of  a  competent  interpreter;  
obligations   under   this   paragraph.   The   one   year   period      
will   not   include   the   time   necessary   to   appeal.   Also,   the   (g)   To   communicate   promptly   with   and   to   be   visited  
one   year   period   will   not   include   any   time   during   which   regularly   by   United   States   authorities,   and   to   have   such  
scheduled   trial   procedures   are   delayed   because   United   authorities   present   at   all   judicial   proceedings.   These  
States   authorities,   after   timely   notification   by   Philippine   proceedings   shall   be   public   unless   the   court,   in  
authorities   to   arrange   for   the   presence   of   the   accused,   accordance   with   Philippine   law,   excludes   persons   who  
fail  to  do  so.   have  no  role  in  the  proceedings.  
7.  Within  the  scope  of  their  legal  authority,  United  States   10.   The   confinement   or   detention   by   Philippine  
and   Philippine   authorities   shall   assist   each   other   in   the   authorities   of   United   States   personnel   shall   be   carried  
carrying  out  of  all  necessary  investigations  into  offenses   out  in  facilities  agreed  on  by  appropriate  Philippine  and  
and   shall   cooperate   in   providing   for   the   attendance   of   United   States   authorities.   United   States   personnel  
witnesses   and   in   the   collection   and   production   of   serving   sentences   in   the   Philippines   shall   have   the   right  
evidence,   including   seizure   and,   in   proper   cases,   the   to  visits  and  material  assistance.  
delivery  of  objects  connected  with  an  offense.      
    11.  United  States  personnel  shall  be  subject  to  trial  only  
in  Philippine  courts  of  ordinary  jurisdiction,  and  shall  not  
Rañeses  10  
be   subject   to   the   jurisdiction   of   Philippine   military   or   person   of   any   ambassador   or   public   minister   of   any  
religious  courts.   foreign   State,   authorized   and   received   as   such   by   the  
  President,   or   any   domestic   or   domestic   servant   of   any  
Republic  Act  no.  75   such   ambassador   or   minister   is   arrested   or   imprisoned,  
  or   his   goods   or   chattels   are   distrained,   seized,   or  
An   act   to   penalize   acts   which   would   impair   the   attached,   shall   be   deemed   void,   and   every   person   by  
proper  observance  by  the  republic  and  inhabitants  of   whom   the   same   is   obtained   or   prosecuted,   whether   as  
the   Philippines   of   the   immunities,   right,   and   party   or   as   attorney,   and   every   officer   concerned   in  
privileges   of   duly   accredited   foreign   diplomatic   and   executing   it,   shall   upon   conviction,   be   punished   by  
consular  agents  in  the  Philippines   imprisonment  for  not  more  than  three  years  and  a  fine  of  
  not   exceeding   two   hundred   pesos   in   the   discretion   of   the  
Section  1.  Any  person  who  shall  falsely  assume  and  take   court.  
upon   himself   to   act   as   a   diplomatic,   consular,   or   any    
other  official  of  a  foreign  government  duly  accredited  as   Section  5.  The  provisions  of  section  four  hereof  shall  not  
such   to   the   Government   of   the   Republic   of   the   apply   to   any   case   where   the   person   against   whom   the  
Philippines   with   intent   to   defraud   such   foreign   process  is  issued  is  a  citizen  or  inhabitant  of  the  Republic  
government  or  the  Government  of  the  Philippines,  or  any   of   the   Philippines,   in   the   service   of   an   ambassador   or   a  
person,   or   in   such   pretended   character   shall   demand   or   public   minister,   and   the   process   is   founded   upon   a   debt  
obtain,   or   attempt   to   obtain   from   person   or   from   said   contracted   before   he   entered   upon   such   service;   nor  
foreign   government   or   the   Government   of   the   shall   the   said   section   apply   to   any   case   where   the   person  
Philippines,   or   from   any   officer   thereof,   any   money,   against   whom   the   process   is   issued   is   a   domestic   servant  
paper,   document,   or   other   thing,   of   value,   shall   be   fined   of   an   ambassador   or   a   public   minister,   unless   the   name  
not   more   than   five   thousand   pesos,   or   shall   be   of   the   servant   has,   before   the   issuing   thereof,   been  
imprisoned   for   not   more   than   five   years,   or   both,   in   registered   in   the   Department   of   Foreign   Affairs,   and  
addition  to  the  penalties  that  may  be  imposed  under  the   transmitted   by   the   Secretary   of   Foreign   Affairs   to   the  
Revised  Penal  Code.   Chief   of   Police   of   the   City   of   Manila,   who   shall   upon  
  receipt  thereof  post  the  same  in  some  public  place  in  his  
Section   2.   Any   person,   other   than   a   diplomatic   or   office.  All  persons  shall  have  resort  to  the  list  of  names  so  
consular  officer  or  attaché,  who  shall  act  in  the  Republic   posted   in   the   office   of   the   Chief   of   Police,   and   take   copies  
of   the   Philippines   as   an   agent   of   a   foreign   government   without  fee.  
without   prior   notification   to,   and   registration   with,   the    
Secretary  of  Foreign  Affairs  shall  be  fined  not  more  than   Section   6.   Any   person   who   assaults,   strikes,   wounds,  
five   thousand   pesos,   or   imprisoned   not   more   than   five   imprisons   or   in   any   other   manner   offers   violence   to   the  
years,   or   both,   aside   from   other   penalties   that   may   be   person   of   an   ambassador   or   a   public   minister,   in  
imposed  by  law.   violation   of   the   law   of   nations,   shall   be   imprisoned   not  
  more   than   three   years,   and   fined   not   exceeding   two  
Section   3.   Any   person,   who   with   intent   to   deceive   or   hundred  pesos,  in  the  discretion  of  the  court,  in  addition  
mislead,   within   the   jurisdiction   of   the   Republic,   wear   any   to  the  penalties  that  may  be  imposed  under  the  Revised  
naval,   military,   police,   or   other   official   uniform,   Penal  Code.  
decoration,   or   regalia   of   any   foreign   State,   nation   or    
government  with  which  the  Republic  of  the  Philippines  is   Section   7.   The   provisions   of   this   Act   shall   be   applicable  
at  peace,  or  any  uniform,  decoration  or  regalia  so  nearly   only   in   case   where   the   country   of   the   diplomatic   or  
resembling   the   same   as   to   be   calculated   to   deceive,   consular   representative   adversely   affected   has   provided  
unless  such  wearing  thereof  be  authorized  by  such  State,   for   similar   protection   to   duly   accredited   diplomatic   or  
nation,   or   government,   shall   upon   conviction,   be   consular   representatives   of   the   Republic   of   the  
punished   by   a   fine   not   exceeding   two   hundred   pesos   or   Philippines   by   prescribing   like   or   similar   penalties   for  
imprisonment  not  exceeding  six  months,  or  by  both  such   like  or  similar  offenses  herein  contained.itc-­‐alf  
fine  and  imprisonment.1awphil-­‐itc-­‐alf    
  Section  8.  This  Act  shall  take  effect  upon  its  approval.  
Section  4.  Any  writ  or  process  sued  out  or  prosecuted  by    
any   person   in   any   court   of   the   Republic   of   the   Approved:  October  21,  1946  
Philippines,   or   by   any   judge   or   justice,   whereby   the    
Rañeses  11  
Republic  Act  no.  7055   Sec.  3.  Presidential  Decree  Nos.  1822,  1822-­‐A,  1850  and  
    1952,   and   all   acts,   general   orders,   executive   orders,   and  
An   act   strengthening   civilian   supremacy   over   the   other   presidential   issuances,   rules   and   regulations  
military   by   returning   to   the   civil   courts   the   inconsistent   with   this   Act   are   hereby   repealed   or  
jurisdiction   over   certain   offenses   involving   members   amended  accordingly.  
of  the  armed  forces  of  the  Philippines,  other  persons    
subject   to   military   law,   and   the   members   of   the   Sec.   4.   This   Act   shall   take   effect   fifteen   (15)   days  
Philippine   national   office,   repealing   for   the   purpose   following   its   publication   in   the   Official   Gazette   orin   at  
certain  presidential  decrees   least  two  (2)  newspapers  of  general  circulation.  
Be  it  enacted  by  the  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives   Presidential  Decree  no.  1850  
of  the  Philippines  in  Congress  assembled:    
    Presidential  decree  no.  1850  -­‐  providing  for  the  trial  
       Section   1.   Members   of   the   Armed   forces   of   the   by   courts-­‐martial   of   members   of   the   integrated  
Philippines   and   other   persons   subject   to   military   law,   national   police   and   further   defining   the   jurisdiction  
including   members   of   the   Citizens   Armed   Forces   of   courts-­‐martial   over   members   of   the   armed   forces  
Geographical   Units,   who   commit   crimes   or   offenses   of  the  Philippines  
penalized   under   the   Revised   Penal   Code,   other   special      
penal   laws,   or   local   government   ordinances,   regardless,   WHEREAS,   under   Section   12,   Article   XV   of   the  
of   whether   or   not   civilians   are   co-­‐accused,   victims,   or   Constitution,   the   State   shall   establish   and   maintain   an  
offended   parties   which   may   be   natural   or   juridical   integrated   national   police   force   whose   organization,  
persons,   shall   be   tried   by   the   proper   civil   court,   except   administration,  and  operation  shall  be  provided  by  law;    
when   the   offense,   as   determined   before   arraignment   by    
the   civil   court,   is   service-­‐connected,   in   which   case   the   WHEREAS,   under   and   pursuant   to   existing   laws,   the  
offense  shall  be  tried  by  court-­‐martial:  Provided,  That  the   various   municipal/city   police   and   fire   departments   and  
President   of   the   Philippines   may,   in   the   interest   of   jails   have   been   integrated   into   law-­‐enforcement   units  
justice,   order   or   direct   at   any   time   before   arraignment   under  the  operational  control  and  organization  set-­‐up  of  
that   any   such   crimes   or   offenses   be   tried   by   the   proper   the  Philippine  Constabulary;  
civil  courts.    
  WHEREAS,  in  the  interest  of  discipline  and  public  service,  
As   used   in   this   Section,   service-­‐connected   crimes   or   it   is   desirable   that   members   of   the   Integrated   National  
offenses  shall  be  limited  to  those  defined  in  Articles  54  to   Police   be   subject   to   trial   by   courts-­‐martial   under  
70,   Articles   70   to   92,   and   Articles   95   to   97   of   Commonwealth   Act   No.   408,   as   amended,   otherwise  
Commonwealth  Act  No,  408,  as  amended.   known   as   the   "Article   of   War   for   the   Armed   Forces   of   the  
  Philippines,"   for   all   crimes   of   offenses   which   are  
In   imposing   the   penalty   for   such   crimes   or   offenses,   the   heretofore  cognizable  by  the  civil  courts;  
court-­‐martial   may   take   into   consideration   the   penalty    
prescribed   therefor   in   the   Revised   Penal   Code,   other   WHEREAS,  as  a  complementary  measure,  there  is  a  need  
special  penal  laws,  or  local  government  ordinances.   to   clarify   existing   provisions   of   law   relating   to  
  jurisdiction   of   courts-­‐martial   and   the  
Sec.   2.   Subject   to   the   provisions   of   Section   1   hereof,   all   Tanodbayan/Sandiganbayan   and   the   regular   civil   courts  
cases   filed   or   pending   for   filing   with   court-­‐martial   or   over   crimes   and   offenses   committed   by   members   of   the  
other  similar  bodies,  except  those  where  the  accused  had   Armed  Forces  of  the  Philippines.  
already   been   arraigned,   shall,   within   thirty   (30)   days    
following  the  effectivity  of  this  Act,  be  transferred  to  the   NOW,  THEREFORE,  I,  FERDINAND  E,  MARCOS,  President  
proper  civil  courts:  Provided,  That  the  Chief  of  the  Armed   of   the   Philippines,   by   virtue   of   the   powers   vested   in   me  
Forces   of   the   Philippines   shall,   upon   petition   before   by  the  Constitution,  do  hereby  order  and  decree:      
commencement   of   trial   and   with   written   consent   of   the    
accused,   order   the   transfer   of   such   excepted   case   or   Section   1.   Court-­‐Martial   Jurisdiction   over   Integrated  
cases  to  the  proper  civil  courts  for  trial  and  resolution.   National   Police   and   Members   of   the   Armed   Forces.   —  
  Any  provision  of  law  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding  —  
(a)   uniformed   members   of   the   Integrated   National   Police  
Rañeses  12  
who  commit  any  crime  of  offense  cognizable  by  the  civil   summary   courts-­‐martial   when   empowered   by   the  
courts   shall   henceforth   be   exclusively   tried   by   courts-­‐ President.  
martial   pursuant   to   and   in   accordance   with    
Commonwealth   Act   No.   408,   as   amended,   otherwise   (b)   Where   military   personnel   and   Integrated   National  
known   as   the   Articles   of   War;   (b)   all   persons   subject   to   Police   members   are   commonly   charged.   —   The   court-­‐
military   law   under   Article   2   of   the   aforecited   Articles   of   martial   shall   be   appointed   by   the   appointing   authorities  
War   who   commit   any   crime   or   offense   shall   be   specified  in  Articles  8,  9,  10  and  11  of  Commonwealth  Act  
exclusively   tried   by   courts-­‐martial   or   their   case   disposed   No.  408,  as  amended.  
of  under  the  said  Articles  of  War;  Provided,  that,  in  either    
of   the   aforementioned   situations,   the   case   shall   be   Section   4.   Composition   of   Courts-­‐Martial.   —  
disposed   of   or   tried   by   the   proper   civil   or   judicial   Membership,   whether   military   personnel   or   Integrated  
authorities   when   court-­‐martial   jurisdiction   over   the   National   Police   members,   in   a   general   or   special   court-­‐
offense   has   prescribed   under   Article   38   of   martial   for   the   trial   of   a   member   of   the   Integrated  
Commonwealth   Act   Numbered   408,   as   amended,   or   National   Police   shall   be   in   a   ratio   as   determined   by   the  
court-­‐martial  jurisdiction  over  the  person  of  the  accused   appointing   authority;   Provided,   however,   that   the  
military   or   Integrated   National   Police   personnel   can   no   number  of  Integrated  National  Police  personnel  detailed  
longer  be  exercised  by  virtue  of  their  separation  from  the   shall  not  be  less  than  one-­‐third  of  the  total  membership  
active   service   without   jurisdiction   having   duly   attached   of  the  court.    
before  hand  unless  otherwise  provided  by  law.        
  Section  5.  Administrative  Action.  —  Court-­‐martial  action  
As   used   herein,   the   term   uniformed   members   of   the   against   uniformed   personnel   of   the   Integrated   National  
Integrated   National   Police   shall   refer   to   police   officers,   Police   as   herein   provided   shall   not   preclude   the   taking   of  
policemen,  firemen  and  jail  guards.   administrative   action   against   said   personnel   as   may   be  
  warranted  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  existing  law.  
Section   2.   Segregation   of   Criminal   Cases   of   Armed   Forces    
and  Integrated  National  Police  from  Civilian  Co-­‐accused.   Section   6.   Transitory   Provisions.   —   All   cases   pending  
—  In  cases  where  there  are  two  or  more  accused  one  or   before   the   civil   courts   against   military   personnel   in   the  
some   of   whom   is   or   are   civilian(s),   the   case   against   the   active   service   Integrated   National   Forces   of   the  
latter  shall  be  segregated  from  accused  Armed  Forces  or   Philippines   or   against   Integrated   National   Police  
Integrated   National   Police   member,   and   filed   with   the   personnel   where,   on   the   effective   date   of   this   Decree,   the  
appropriate   civil   court   for   trial   in   accordance   with   accused   have   been   arraigned,   shall   continue   to   be   tried  
existing   laws;   Provided,   however,   that   should   such   and   decided   by   said   civil   courts.   All   other   cases   against  
civilian   accused   waive   in   writing   civil   court   jurisdiction   such   personnel   shall   be   tried   by   courts-­‐martial   or  
and   submit   himself   to   court-­‐martial   jurisdiction,   then  the   disposed  of  pursuant  to  this  Decree.      
whole   case   involving   members   of   the   Armed   Forces   or    
the   Integrated   National   Police   as   well   as   the   civilian(s)   Section   7.   Promulgation   of   Rules.   —   The   Chief   of   Staff,  
shall  be  referred  for  trial  to  a  court-­‐martial.     AFP,   shall   formulate   rules   and   regulations   necessary   to  
  carry   out   the   provisions   of   this   Decree,   which   shall,   upon  
Section   3.   Appointing   Authorities.   —   (a)   Where   recommendation   of   the   Minister   of   National   Defense,   be  
uniformed   member(s)   of   the   Integrated   National   Police   subject  to  the  approval  of  the  President.  
are  charged.  —  The  President  of  the  Philippines  and  the    
Chief   of   Constabulary/Director   General,   Integrated   Section  8.  Appropriations.  —  The  amount  of  two  million  
National   Police   are   hereby   empowered   to   appoint   pesos   (P2,000,000.00)   is   hereby   authorized   to   be  
general,  special  and  summary  courts-­‐martial  for  the  trial   appropriated   out   of   the   funds   in   the   National   Treasury  
of  uniformed  members  of  the  Integrated  National  Police.   not   otherwise   appropriated   to   carry   out   the   purpose   of  
The   Constabulary   Regional   Commanders/Directors,   this   Decree   and,   thereafter,   such   amounts   as   may   be  
Integrated   National   Police   may   appoint   special   and   necessary  for  this  purpose  shall  be  included  in  the  annual  
summary   courts-­‐martial,   and   when   empowered   by   the   appropriation  of  the  Integrated  National  Police.  
President,  they  may  also  appoint  general  courts-­‐martial.    
Other   subordinate   field   commanders   of   the   Philippine   Section   9.   Repealing   Clause.   —   All   laws,   rules   and  
Constabulary/Integrated   National   Police   may   appoint   regulations,  or  portions  thereof,  which  are  contrary  to,  or  
Rañeses  13  
inconsistent   with,   the   provisions   of   this   Decree,   are   assault   charges   may   be   pressed   under   the  
hereby  repealed  or  modified  accordingly.   RPC.  
  3. No.  The  application  of  the  general  principle  
Section   10.   Effectivity.   —   This   Decree   shall   take   effect   that   the   jurisdiction   of   the   civil   tribunals   is  
unaffected   by   the   military   or   other   special  
character  brought  before  them  for  trial  (R.A.  
Done   in   the   City   of   Manila,   this   4th   day   of   October,   the  
year  of  Our  Lord,  nineteen  hundred  and  eighty-­‐two.   No.   7055).   Appellant   claims   that   the   act   was  
  service   connected.   If   this   were   true,   it   may  
U.S.  v.  Sweet,  1  Phil.  18  (1901)     be   used   as   a   defense   but   this   cannot   affect  
Facts:   Sweet   was   employed   by   the   United   States   the   right   of   the   Civil   Court   to   takes  
military   who   committed   an   offense   against   a   POW.   jurisdiction  of  the  case.”  
His   case   is   filed   with   the   CFI,   who   is   given   original    
jurisdiction  in  all  criminal  cases  for  which  a  penalty   Doctrine:   Jurisdiction   of   the   civil   courts   is   not  
of   more   than   6   months   is   imposed.   He   is   now   affected  by  the  military  character  of  the  accused.    
contending   that   the   courts   are   without   jurisdiction    
because  he  was  “acting  in  the  line  of  duty.”   Reyes:    
  1. Civil   courts   have   concurrent   jurisdiction  
Issues:   with  general  courts-­‐martial  over  soldiers  
1. WON   this   case   is   within   the   jurisdiction   of   of  the  Armed  Forces  of  the  Philippines.    
the  CFI.     2. The   RPC   or   other   penal   laws   is   not  
2. WON   an   assault   committed   by   a   soldier   or   applicable  when  the  military  court  takes  
military  employee  upon  a  prisoner  of  war  is   cognizance   of   the   case.   When   the   military  
not  an  offence  under  the  penal  code.   court  takes  cognizance  of  the  case  involving  
3. Assuming   that   it   is   an   offence   under   the   a   person   subject   to   military   law,   the   Articles  
penal   code,   WON   the   military   character   of  War  apply.    
sustained   by   the   person   charged   with   the   3.  The   prosecution   of   an   accused   before   a  
offence   at   the   time   of   its   commission   court-­‐martial   is   a   bar   to   another  
exempts   him   from   the   ordinary   jurisdiction   prosecution   of   the   accused   for   the   same  
of  the  civil  tribunals.     offense.    
  4. Offenders   of   war   crimes   are   triable   by  
Held:     military  courts.    
1. Yes.   By   Act   No.   136   of   the   US-­‐Phil   5. There   are   exceptions   to   the   general  
Commission,   the   CFIs   are   given   original   application   of   Criminal   Law   in   the  
jurisdiction   in   all   criminal   cases   in   which   a   Philippines.    
penalty   more   than   6   months   imprisonment   • The  opening  sentence  of  Art.  2  of  the  
or  a  fine  greater  than  $100  may  be  imposed.   RPC   says   that   the   provisions   of   this  
Furthermore,   CFIs   have   jurisdiction   to   try   Code   shall   be   enforced   within   the  
offenders   charged   with   violation   of   the   Philippine   Archipelago,   “except   as  
Penal   Code   within   their   territorial   limits,   provided   in   the   treaties   and   laws   or  
regardless   of   the   military   character   of   the   preferential  application.”  (i.e.  Treaty  
accused.   The   defendant   and   his   acts   are   –  VFA)  
within   the   jurisdiction   of   the   CFI   because   he   • Art.   14   of   the   new   Civil   Code  
failed  to  prove  that  he  was  indeed  acting  in   provides   that   penal   laws   and   those  
the  line  of  duty.   of   public   safety   shall   be   obligatory  
2. Yes.   Though   assault   by   military   officer   upon   all   who   live   or   sojourn   in  
against   a   POW   isn’t   in   the   RPC,   physical   Philippine   territory,   subject   to   the  
principles  of  public  international  law  
Rañeses  14  
and   to   treaty   stipulations.   (i.e.   Law   judicial  dept,  to  determine  if  war  has  ended.  
of   preferential   application   –   R.A.   Fact   that   delivery   of   certain   persons   under  
no.   75,   which   favors   diplomatic   custody   of   the   US   Army   has   already   begun  
representatives   and   their   servants;   doesn’t   mean   that   the   war   has,   in   the   legal  
Principle   of   public   international   sense,   already   terminated,   w/c   clearly   it  
law   –   immunity   for   (1)   sovereigns   hasn’t.   Delivery   w/in   power   of   military  
and   other   chiefs   of   state,   (2)   authorities   to   make   even   before   was  
ambassadors,   ministers   terminated.  
plenipotentiary,   ministers   resident   2. No.   Civil   Courts   shouldn’t   interfere.   A  
and  charges  d’affaires.)     foreign  army  permitted  to  march  through  a  
  friendly   country   or   to   be   stationed   in   it,   is  
Raquiza  v.  Bradford,  75  Phil.  50  (1945)     exempt   from   civil   &   criminal   jurisdiction   of  
Facts:   By   virtue   of   the   proclamation   issued   by   the   place.   Grant   of   free   passage   implies   a  
General   of   the   Army   MacArthur,   petitioners   were   waiver  of  all  jurisdiction  over  troops  during  
arrested   by   the   306   CIC   and   detained   under   passage   (let   them   exercise   their   own  
security   commitment   order   No   385.   The   petitioners   discipline).   Any   attempt   by   our   civil   Courts  
Raquiza,   Tee   Han   Kee,   and   Infante   were   charged   to   exercise   jurisdiction   over   US   troops  
with   Espionage   activity   with   the   Japanese   &   active   would   be   a   violation   of   our   country’s   faith.  
collaboration  with  the  enemy  respectively.  Power  of   On   the   other   hand,   petitioners   may   have  
Commander  of  the  US  Army  to  proclaim  by  virtue  of   recourse  to  proper  military  authorities.  
military   necessity   is   not   questioned.   He   based    
proclamation   on   reasons   that   apprehended   have   Liang  v.  People,  323  SCRA  692  (2000)    
violated   due   allegiance   to   US   and   it   is   a   military   Facts:  Petitioner  is  an  economist  for  ADB  who  was  
necessity.   Petitioners   move   for   writ   of   Habeas   charged   by   the   Metropolitan   TC   of   Mandaluyong  
Corpus.   City   for   allegedly   uttering   defamatory   words  
  against  her  fellow  worker  w/  2  counts  of  grave  oral  
Issues:   defamation.     MeTC   judge   then   received   an   office   of  
1. WON   the   war   terminated   within   the   protocol   from   the   Department   of   Foreign   Affairs,  
meaning   of   that   part   in   the   proclamation?   stating  that  petitioner  is  covered  by  immunity  from  
[Note:   The   power   of   commander   in   chief   of   legal   process   under   section   45   of   the   agreement   bet  
the   US   Army   to   issue   a   proclamation   ADB   &   the   gov’t.   MeTC   judge,   w/o   notice,   dismissed  
providing  for  military  measures  to  be  taken   the   two   criminal   cases.     Prosecution   filed   writ   of  
upon   the   apprehension   of   Filipino   citizens   mandamus   &   certiorari   and   ordered   the   MeTC   to  
who   voluntarily   have   given   aid,   comfort   and   enforce  the  warrant  of  arrest.  
sustenance   to   the   enemy,   cannot   be    
seriously  questioned.]   Issue:   WON   the   petitioner   is   covered   by   immunity  
2. WON   this   court   has   jurisdiction   or   legal   under   the   agreement   and   that   no   preliminary  
power   to   afford   relief   to   the   petitioners   in   investigation   was   held   before   the   criminal   cases  
the  sad  and  sorry  plight  to  which  they  have   were  filed  in  court.    
been  and  are  being  subjected?    
  Held:   No.   He   is   not   covered   by   immunity   because  
Held:     the   commission   of   a   crime   is   part   of   the  
1. No.   “The   war,   in   the   legal   sense,   continues   performance   of   official   duty.   Courts   cannot   blindly  
until,   and   terminated   at   the   same   time   of,   adhere  and  take  on  its  face  the  communication  from  
some   formal   proclamation   of   peace   by   an   the   DFA   that   a   certain   person   is   covered   by  
authority  competent  to  proclaim  it.  It  is  the   immunity.  That  a  person  is  covered  by  immunity  is  
province   of   the   political   dept,   &   not   the  
Rañeses  15  
preliminary.   Due   process   is   right   of   the   accused   as   such   as   acting   ambassadors   or   nuncios,   or  
much  as  the  prosecution.     internuncios   and   charges   d’affaires   are  
  exempted   from   the   exercise   of   local  
Slandering   a   person   is   not   covered   by   the   jurisdiction.   The  remedy   of   a  local  state  is  to  
agreement   because   our   laws   do   not   allow   the   consider  him  persona  non  grata.    
commission   of   a   crime   such   as   defamation   in   the   • Immunities   of   consuls:   Consuls   do   not  
name   of   official   duty.   Under   Vienna   convention   on   belong   to   the   class   of   diplomatic   agents.  
Diplomatic   Relations,   commission   of   a   crime   is   not   They   do   not   enjoy   immunity   from   local  
part  of  official  duty.   jurisdiction   from   private   or   commercial  
  transactions   not   connected   with   consular  
On   the   contention   that   there   was   no   preliminary   duties.    
investigation   conducted,   suffice   it   to   say   that   • Honorary   consuls:   Are   appointed   to  
preliminary   investigation   isn’t   a   matter   of   right   in   perform  limited  curricular  duties.  They  have  
cases  cognizable  by  the  MeTC  such  as  the  one  at  bar.   no   specific   “definition”   in   the   Vienna  
Being   purely   a   statutory   right,   preliminary   Convention.  Their  immunities  are  limited  to  
investigation  may  be  invoked  only  when  specifically   the   level   necessary   for   their   proper   exercise  
granted   by   law.   The   rule   on   criminal   procedure   is   of   official   consular   functions.   Consular  
clear   than   no   preliminary   investigation   is   required   employees  at  a  post  headed  by  an  honorary  
in   cases   falling   w/in   the   jurisdiction   of   the   MeTC.   consul   and   members   of   the   honorary  
Besides,   the   absence   of   preliminary   investigation   consul’s   family   are   granted   none   of   the  
doesn’t   affect   the   court’s   jurisdiction   nor   does   it   privileges  provided  in  the  convention.    
impair   the   validity   of   the   information   or   otherwise   • Immunity   of   Officials   Representing   a  
render  it  defective.   Sovereign   State:   Officers   representing   the  
  sovereign   state   are   exempted   from   local  
Various   Categories   of   Diplomatic   Immunity   jurisdiction.    
from  Local  Jurisdiction   • Immunity   of   Officials   of   International  
• Immunity   from   the   exercise   of   local   Organizations:   The   immunities   enjoyed   by  
jurisdiction   may   be   generally   classified   as   the   UN   includes   immunity   for   UN   assets  
absolute  or  relative.     from   any   legal   process;   from   search,  
• Absolute   and   Relative   Immunity:   A   requisition,   expropriation,   confiscation,   and  
foreign   sovereign   could   not,   without   his   any   sort   of   interference;   of   archives;  
consent,   be   made   a   defendant   in   the   courts   freedom   from   all   financial   controls,  
of   another   sovereign.   In   a   newer   and   moratoriums,   or   other   monetary  
restrictive   theory   of   sovereign   immunity,   regulations;   freedom   to   hold   funds   in   any  
such   exemption   has   been   recognized   only   desired   currency   or   metal;   freedom   to  
with   respect   to   sovereign   or   public   acts   of   transfer  funds;  an  absolute  exemption  of  all  
state  and  not  necessarily  with  respect  to  its   assets   and   revenue   from   all   direct   taxes;  
so-­‐called   private   acts.   Regardless   of   exemption   from   all   customs   duties   as   well  
whether  an  individual  is  constitutionally  the   as   from   any   foreign   trade   prohibitions   on  
actual   head   of   state   or   only   its   nominal   needed   goods;   guarantee   of   most   favored  
head,   he   or   she   enjoys   complete   immunity   diplomatic   treatment;   exemption   from  
from   suit   in   the   territory   of   another   state.   censorship,   etc.   Officers   of   the   UN   enjoy  
And   whatever   the   sovereign   may   do   in   the   immunity  from  local  jurisdiction.    
territory   of   another   state,   he   is   immune    
from  all  prosecution,  civil  or  criminal.     Similarly,   representatives   of   the   European  
• 1961   Vienna   Convention   on   Diplomatic   Economic   Community   and   the   EURATOM  
Relations:   heads   of   diplomatic   missions,  
Rañeses  16  
possess   customary   diplomatic   privileges   was   overruled,   he   filed   a   petition   for   a   writ   of  
and  immunities.     prohibition   to   prevent   the   CFI   from   taking  
  cognizance   of   the   criminal   action   filed   against   him.  
Members   of   special   diplomatic   missions   Aside   from   this,   he   contended   that   original  
enjoy  civil  and  criminal  immunities,  and  are   jurisdiction   over   cases   affecting   ambassadors   and  
exempted   from   customs   duties   and   consuls   is   conferred   exclusively   upon   the   Supreme  
inspections.     Court  of  the  Philippines.  
• Immunity   of   Intergovernmental    
International   Organizations:   Issues:  
Intergovernmental   international   1. WON   the   US   SC   has   Original   Jurisdiction  
organizations   are   granted   privileges   and   over   cases   affecting   ambassadors,   consuls,  
immunities   to   secure   them   from   legal   and   et.   al   &   such   jurisdiction   excludes   courts   of  
practical   independence   in   the   performance   the  Phils.  
of   their   duties.   (Jenks,   International   2. WON   original   jurisdiction   over   cases  
Immunities,  London  [1961])     affecting   ambassadors,   consuls,   et.   al.   is  
• Immunity   of   Non-­‐Governmental   conferred   exclusively   upon   the   Supreme  
Intergovernmental   International   Court  of  the  Philippines  
Organizations:   The   principle   of   immunity    
from   suit   has   been   extended   to   these   Held:  
organizations  in  order  to  give  them  freedom   1. No.   First   of   all,   a   consul   is   not   entitled   to   the  
of  performance  of  their  activities.     privilege   of   diplomatic   immunity.   A   consul  
• Doctrine   of   Restrictive   Immunity:   the   is  not  exempt  from  criminal  prosecution  for  
privileges   of   diplomatic   officials   are   not   violations   of   the   laws   of   the   country   where  
altogether   unlimited.   Restrictive   theory   he   resides.   The   inauguration   of   the  
limits  immunity  to  public  acts  and  excluding   Philippine  Commonwealth  on  Nov.  15,  1935  
all  commercial  or  private  acts.     caused  the  Philippine  Constitution  to  go  into  
• Immunity   of   As   Hoc   Diplomats:   members   full  force  and  effect.  This  Constitution  is  the  
of   official   missions   and   delegates   traveling   supreme   law   of   the   land.   It   also   provides  
abroad   to   attend   international   conference   that   the   original   jurisdiction   of   this   court  
are   accorded   diplomatic   immunity   while   in   “shall   include   all   cases   affecting  
the  performance  of  their  official  functions.     ambassadors,  consuls”  
• Proper   procedure   for   Liang   v.   People:   2. “The  Supreme  Court  shall  have  original  and  
The   court   should   have   inquired   whether   the   appellate   jurisdiction   as   may   be   possessed  
crime  committed  was  in  connection  with  his   and   exercised   by   the   Supreme   Court   of   the  
official   duties   pursuant   to   the   agreement   Philippines   at   the   time   of   the   adoption   of  
between   the   Government   of   the   RP   and   the   this   Constitution.”   According   to   Sec.   17.   of  
ADB.  His  immunity  was  not  absolute,  as  the   Act   No.   136   and   by   virtue   of   it,   jurisdiction  
principle   of   restrictive   immunity   applies   to   to   issue   writs   of   quo   warranto,   certiorari,  
him.     mandamus,   prohibition   and   habeas   corpus  
  was  also  conferred  on  the  CFI’s.  As  a  result,  
Schneckenburger  v.  Moran,  63  Phil.  249  (1936)     the   original   jurisdiction   possessed   and  
Facts:   Schneckenburger,   who   is   an   honorary   consul   exercised   by   the   Supreme   Court   of   the  
of   Uruguay   at   Manila   was   subsequently   charged   in   Philippines  at  the  time  the  Constitution  was  
CFI-­‐Manila   with   the   crime   of   falsification   of   a   adopted   was   not   exclusive   of,   but  
private   document.   He   objected   to   this   saying   that   concurrent   with,   that   of   the   CFI’s.   The  
under   the   US   and   Philippine   Constitution,   the   CFI   original   jurisdiction   conferred   to   SC   by   the  
has   no   jurisdiction   to   try   him.   After   his   objection  
Rañeses  17  
Constitution   was   not   an   exclusive   U.S.  v.  Bull,  15  Phil.  7  (1910)  
jurisdiction.   Facts:  Bull,  the  master  of  the  steamship  STANDARD,  
  carried,   transported   and   brought   into   the   port   &  
Territorial   city   of   Manila,   aboard   said   vessel,   677   head   of   cattle  
  &   carabaos,   w/o   providing   suitable   means   for  
securing  said  animals  while  in  transit,  so  as  to  avoid  
RPC,  Art.  2    
cruelty  &  unnecessary  suffering  to  the  said  animals.  
Article   2.   Application   of   its   provisions.   -­‐   Except   as   He   failed   to   provide   stalls   &   suitable   means   for  
provided   in   the   treaties   and   laws   of   preferential   tying   &   securing   said   animals   in   a   proper   manner.    
application,   the   provisions   of   this   Code   shall   be   Bull  even  caused  some  of  the  said  animals  to  be  tied  
enforced  not  only  within  the  Philippine  Archipelago,   by   means   of   rings   through   their   noses   and  
including   its   atmosphere,   its   interior   waters   and   permitted  others  to  be  transported  loose  in  the  hold  
maritime   zone,   but   also   outside   of   its   jurisdiction,  
&   on   the   deck   of   said   vessel   w/o   being   tied   or  
against  those  who:  
secured   in   stalls.     Bedding   for   all   the   said   animals  
1.   Should   commit   an   offense   while   on   a   Philippine   was  not  provided  as  well.  Hence,  the  noses  of  some  
ship  or  airship;   of   said   animals   were   cruelly   torn,   many   of   said  
animals  were  tossed  upon  the  decks  of  hold  of  said  
2.   Should   forge   or   counterfeit   any   coin   or   currency  
vessels,   cruelly   wounded,   bruised   &   killed.   All   acts  
note   of   the   Philippine   Islands   or   obligations   and  
contrary  to  the  provisions  of  Acts  No.  55  &  No.  275  
securities   issued   by   the   Government   of   the  
Philippine  Islands;   of  the  Phil.  Commission.  
3.   Should   be   liable   for   acts   connected   with   the   Issues:  
introduction   into   these   islands   of   the   obligations   1. WON  the  trial  court  was  with  jurisdiction  to  
and  securities  mentioned  in  the  preceding  number;  
hear  and  determine  the  case.  
4.   While   being   public   officers   or   employees,   should   2. WON  Act  No.  55,  as  amended,  is  in  violation  
commit   an   offense   in   the   exercise   of   their   functions;   of  certain  provisions  of  the  Constitutions  of  
or   the  US.  
3. WON   Whether   or   not   the   evidence   is  
5.  Should  commit  any  of  the  crimes  against  national  
insufficient  to  support  the  conviction.    
security  and  the  law  of  nations,  defined  in  Title  One  
of  Book  Two  of  this  Code.   Held:    
1. Yes.    Act  No.  55  confers  jurisdiction  over  the  
offense.  When  the  vessel  came  w/in  3  miles  
Const.  (1987),  Art.  I   of   a   line   drawn   from   the   headlands   w/c  
The   national   territory   comprises   the   Philippine   embraces   the   entrance   to   Manila   Bay,   she  
archipelago,   with   all   the   islands   and   waters   was   w/in   territorial   waters.   The   completed  
embraced   therein,   and   all   other   territories   over   forbidden  act  was  thus  done  w/in  American  
which   the   Philippines   has   sovereignty   or   waters,   &   the   court   therefore   had  
jurisdiction,   consisting   of   its   terrestrial,   fluvial   and   jurisdiction   over   the   subject–matter   of   the  
aerial   domains,   including   its   territorial   sea,   the   offense  &  the  person  of  the  offender.    
seabed,   the   subsoil,   the   insular   shelves,   and   other   The  treaty  does  not  deprive  the  local  courts  
submarine  areas.  The  waters  around,  between,  and  
of   jurisdiction   over   offenses   committed  
connecting   the   islands   of   the   archipelago,  
onboard   a   merchant   vessel   by   one   member  
regardless   of   their   breadth   and   dimensions,   form  
part  of  the  internal  waters  of  the  Philippines.  
of  the  crew  against  another  w/c  amount  to  a  
  disturbance   of   the   order/tranquility   of   the  
    country.    A  fair  &  reasonable  construction  of  
Visiting  Forces  Agreement,  Art.  V     the   language   requires   us   to   hold   that   any  
*Refer  to  pp.  8-­‐10  for  full  text     violation   of   criminal   laws   disturbs   the  
Rañeses  18  
order/tranquility   of   the   country.     The   vessel   or   they   refer   to   the   internal  
offense   of   Bull,   master   of   the   said   vessel,   management  thereof.  This  is  the  rule  
was   a   violation   of   the   criminal   law   of   the   followed  in  the  Philippines.    
country   into   whose   port   he   came.   Hence,   2. Crimes   not   involving   a   breach   of   public  
neither   by   reason   of   the   nationality   of   the   order   committed   on   board   a   foreign  
vessel,   the   place   of   the   commission   of   the   merchant   vessel   in   transit   not   triable   by  
offense,  or  the  prohibitions  of  any  treaty  or   our  courts.    
general   principle   of   public   law,   are   the   3. Philippine   courts   have   no   jurisdiction  
courts   of   the   Phil.   Islands   deprived   of   over   offenses   committed   on   board  
jurisdiction   over   the   offense   charged   in   the   foreign  warships  in  territorial  waters.  In  
information  in  this  case.   case   vessels   are   in   the   ports   or   territorial  
2. No.  The  Constitution  of  the  US  operates  only   waters   of   a   foreign   country,   a   distinction  
upon   the   States   of   the   Union.   It   has   no   must   be   made   between   merchant   ships   and  
application   to   the   Government   of   the   warships.   The   former   are,   more   or   less,  
Philippine   Islands.   The   power   to   regulate   subjected   to   territorial   laws.   Warships,   on  
foreign   commerce   is   vested   in   Congress,   &   the  other  hand,  are  always  reputed  to  be  the  
by   virtue   of   its   power   to   govern   the   territory   of   the   country   to   which   they  
territory   belonging   to   the   US,   it   may   belong   and   cannot   be   subjected   to   the   laws  
regulate   foreign   commerce   w/   such   of  another  state.    
territory.   This   Act   has   remained   in   force  
since   its   enactment   w/o   annulment   or   other   People  v.  Look  Chaw,  18  Phil.  573  (1910)  
action   by   Congress,   and   must   be   presumed   Facts:   Between   11   and   12   o'clock   a.   m.   on   the  
to  have  been  met  w/  the  body’s  approval.   present   month   (stated   as   August   19,   1909)s   everal  
3. No.  The  evidence  is  SUFFICIENT  to  support   persons,  Jacks  and  Milliron,  chief  of  the  department  
the   conviction.   15   of   the   said   cattle   had   of   the   Port   of   Cebu   and   internal   revenue   agent   of  
broken   legs   &   3   others   have   died,   due   to   Cebu,   respectively,   went   aboard   the   steamship  
their   broken   legs.     The   said   cattle   were   Erroll  to  inspect  and  search  its  cargo,  and  found  two  
transported   &   carried   on   the   deck   &   in   the   sacks  containing  opium.  The  defendant  stated  freely  
hold  of  said  ship,  w/o  suitable  precaution  &   and   voluntarily   that   he   had   bought   these   sacks   of  
care  for  their  transportation  to  avoid  danger   opium   in   Hongkong   with   the   intention   of   selling  
&  risk  to  their  lives  &  security.   them   as   contraband   in   Mexico   or   Vera   Cruz,   and  
that   as   his   hold   had   already   been   searched   several  
Doctrine:   Offense   committed   on   board   a   foreign   times  for  opium,  he  ordered  two  other  chinamen  to  
merchant   vessel   while   on   Philippine   waters   is   keep   the   sack.   All   the   evidence   found   properly  
triable  before  our  court  (Reyes).     constitutes  corpus  delicti.  
Reyes:   It   was   established   that   the   steamship   Erroll   was   of  
1. There   are   two   rules   as   to   jurisdiction   English   nationality,   that   it   came   from   Hongkong,  
over   crimes   committed   aboard   foreign   and  that  it  was  bound  for  Mexico,  via  the  call  ports  
merchant  vessels.     in  Manila  and  Cebu.  
a. French   Rule   –   such   crimes   are   not    
triable  in  the  courts  of  that  country,   Issue:   WON   a   local   court   can   exercise   its  
unless   their   commission   affects   the   jurisdiction  over  foreign  vessels  stationed  in  its  port  
peace  and  security  of  the  territory  or    
the  safety  of  the  state  is  endangered.     Held:   Yes.   The   mere   possession   of   a   thing   of  
b. English   Rule   –   such   crimes   are   prohibited   use   in   these   Islands,   aboard   a   foreign  
triable   in   that   country,   unless   they   vessel  in  transit,  in  any  of  their  ports,  does  not,  as  a  
merely   affect   things   within   the   general  rule,  constitute  a  crime  triable  by  the  courts  
Rañeses  19  
of   this   country,   on   account   of   such   vessel   being   personal  use  is  unlikely,  judging  from  the  size  of  the  
considered   as   an   extension   of   its   own   nationality,   amount  brought.      
the   same   rule   does   not   apply   when   the   article,    
whose   use   is   prohibited   within   the   Philippine   People  v.  Lol-­‐lo  and  Saraw,  43  Phil.  19  (1922)  
Islands,   in   the   present   case,   a   can   of   opium,   is   Facts:   On   or   about   June   30,   1920,   two   boats   left  
landed   from   the   vessel   upon   the   Philippine   soil,   matuta,  a  Dutch  possession,  for  Peta,  another  Dutch  
thus  committing  an  open  violation  of  the  penal  law   possession.  In  one  of  the  boats  was  one  individual,  a  
in   force   at   the   place   of   the   commission   of   the   crime,   Dutch   subject,   and   in   the   other   boat   eleven   men,  
only  the  court  established  in  the  said  place  itself  has   women,   and   children,   likewise   subjects   of   Holland.  
competent   jurisdiction,   in   the   absence   of   an   After   a   number   of   days   of   navigation,   at   about   7  
agreement  under  an  international  treaty.     o'clock   in   the   evening,   the   second   boat   arrived  
  between   the   Islands   of   Buang   and   Bukid   in   the  
U.S.  v.  Ah  Sing,  36  Phil.  978  (1917)   Dutch   East   Indies.   There   the   boat   was   surrounded  
Facts:  The  defendant  is  a  subject  of  China  employed   by   six   vintas   manned   by   twenty-­‐four   Moros   all  
as   a   fireman   on   a   steamship.   The   steamship   is   a   armed.  The  Moros  first  asked  for  food,  but  once  on  
foreign   steamer   which   arrived   at   the   port   of   Cebu   the   Dutch   boat,   too   for   themselves   all   of   the   cargo,  
on   April   25,   1917,   after   a   voyage   direct   from   the   attacked  some  of  the  men,  and  brutally  violated  two  
port   of   Saigon.   The   defendant   bought   8   cans   of   of   the   women   by   methods   too   horrible   to   the  
opium   in   Saigon,   brought   them   on   board   the   described.  All  of  the  persons  on  the  Dutch  boat,  with  
steamship   and   had   them   in   his   possession   during   the  exception  of  the  two  young  women,  were  again  
the   trip   from   Saigon   to   Cebu.   When   the   steamer   placed   on   it   and   holes   were   made   in   it,   the   idea   that  
anchored   in   the   port   of   Cebu,   the   authorities   on   it   would   submerge,   although   as   a   matter   of   fact,  
making   the   search   found   the   cans   of   opium   hidden   these   people,   after   eleven   days   of   hardship   and  
in   the   ashes   below   the   boiler   of   the   steamer's   privation,  were  succored  violating  them,  the  Moros  
engine.   The   defendant   confessed   that   he   was   the   finally   arrived   at   Maruro,   a   Dutch   possession.   Two  
owner  of  the  opium  and  that  he  had  purchased  it  in   of   the   Moro   marauder   were   Lol-­‐lo,   who   also   raped  
Saigon.   He   did   not   confess,   however,   as   to   his   one   of   the   women,   and   Saraw.   At   Maruro   the   two  
purpose  in  buying  the  opium.  He  did  not  say  that  it   women  were  able  to  escape.  
was  his  intention  to  import  the  prohibited  drug.    
  Lol-­‐lo   and   Saraw   later   returned   to   their   home   in  
Issue:   WON   the   crime   of   illegal   importation   of   South   Ubian,   Tawi-­‐Tawi,   Sulu,   Philippine   Islands.  
opium  into  the  Philippine  Islands  has  been  proven?   There   they   were   arrested   and   were   charged   in   the  
  Court   of   First   Instance   of   Sulu   with   the   crime   of  
Held:  Yes.  It  is  the  onus  of  the  government  to  prove   piracy.   A   demurrer   was   interposed   by   counsel   de  
that   the   vessel   from   which   the   drug   discharged   officio  for  the  Moros,  based  on  the  grounds  that  the  
came  into  Philippine  waters  from  a  foreign  country   offense   charged   was   not   within   the   jurisdiction   of  
with  the  drug  on  board.  In  this  case,  it  is  to  be  noted   the   Court   of   First   Instance,   nor   of   any   court   of   the  
that   §4   of   Act   No.   2381   begins,   “Any   person   who   Philippine   Islands,   and   that   the   facts   did   not  
shall   unlawfully   import   or   bring   any   prohibited   constitute   a   public   offense,   under   the   laws   in   force  
drug  into  the  Philippine  Islands…”  Import  and  bring   in   the   Philippine   Islands.   After   the   demurrer   was  
should   be   construed   as   synonymous   terms.   The   overruled   by   the   trial   judge,   trial   was   had,   and   a  
mere  act  of  going  into  a  port,  without  breaking  bulk,   judgment  was  rendered  finding  the  two  defendants  
is   prima   facie   evidence   of   importation.   The   guilty   and   sentencing   each   of   them   to   life  
importation  is  not  the  making  entry  of  goods  at  the   imprisonment  (cadena  perpetua),  to  return  together  
customhouse,  but  merely  the  bringing  them  into  the   with   Kinawalang   and   Maulanis,   defendants   in  
port,   and   the   importation   is   complete   before   the   another  case,  to  the  offended  parties,  the  thirty-­‐nine  
entry   to   the   customhouse.   Moreover,   possession   for   sacks   of   copras   which   had   been   robbed,   or   to  
Rañeses  20  
indemnify  them  in  the  amount  of  924  rupees,  and  to   jurisdiction  over  certain  offenses  committed  within  
pay  a  one-­‐half  part  of  the  costs.   said  portions  of  territory.  
Issue:     Issues:  
1. WON   the   local   court   has   jurisdiction   over   1. WON   the   offense   has   been   committed  
the  case.     within   a   US   base   thus   giving   the   US  
2. Does   Art.   153   of   the   Spanish   penal   code   jurisdiction  over  the  case.  
which  punishes  Piracy  still  apply?     2. WON   the   offender   is   a   member   of   the   US  
  armed  forces  
1. Yes.   Piracy   is   a   crime   not   against   any   Held:    
particular   State   but   against   all   mankind.   It   1. No.   The   Port   of   Manila   Area   where   the  
may   be   punished   in   the   competent   tribunal   offense   was   committed   is   not   w/in   a   US  
or   any   country   where   the   offender   may   be   base   for   it   is   not   names   in   Annex   A   or   B   of  
found  or  into  which  he  may  be  carried.  The   AXXVI   of   the   Military   Base   Agreement  
jurisdiction  of  piracy  unlike  all  other  crimes   (MBA)   &   is   merely   part   of   the   temporary  
had  not  territorial  limits.   quarters   located   w/in   presented   limits   of  
2. Yes.   All   laws   previously   in   force   shall   the   city   of   Manila.   Moreover,   extended  
remain  force  until  amended  or  repealed.     installations   &   temporary   quarters   aren’t  
considered   to   have   the   same   jurisdictional  
Doctrine:   Pirates   are   considered   hostis   humani   capacity   as   permanent   bases   &   are  
generis.  Therefore,  they  can  be  tried  anywhere.     governed  by  AXIII  pars.  2  &  4.  The  offence  at  
People  v.  Wong  Cheng,  46  Phil.  729  (1922)   bar,   therefore   is   in   the   beyond   the  
Facts:   Wong   Cheng   smoked   opium   while   aboard   jurisdiction  of  military  courts.  
merchant   vessel   Changsa,   anchored   in   Manila   Bay   2. No.   Under   the   MBA,   a   civilian   employee   is  
2.5  miles  from  shore.   not   considered   as   a   member   of   the   US  
  armed   forces.   Even   under   the   articles   of  
Issue:   WON   Philippines   has   jurisdiction   over   war,  the  mere  fact  that  a  civilian  employee  is  
Merchant  ships  in  its  territory?   in   the   service   of   the   US   Army   does   not   make  
him  a  member  of  the  armed  forces.  
Held:   Yes;   smoking   within   territory   allows    
substance   to   produce   pernicious   effects,   which   is   Prospective    
against   public   order.   It   is   also   an   act   of   defiance   of    
Miquiabas  v.  Commanding  General,  80  Phil.  262   Art.  1  
Facts:   Miquiabas   is   a   Filipino   citizen   and   civilian   Time   when   Act   takes   effect.   -­‐   This   Code   shall   take  
employee  of  the  US  army  in  the  Philippines  who  had   effect  on  the  first  day  of  January,  nineteen  hundred  
been  charged  of  disposing  in  the  Port  of  Manila  Area   and  thirty-­‐two.  
of   things   belonging   to   the   US   army   in   violation   of   Art.  21  
the   94th   article   of   War   of   the   US.   He   was   arrested  
and  a  General  Court-­‐Martial  was  appointed.  He  was   Penalties   that   may   be   imposed.   -­‐   No   felony   shall   be  
found   guilty.   As   a   rule,   the   Philippines   being   a   punishable   by   any   penalty   not   prescribed   by   law  
sovereign   nation   has   jurisdiction   over   all   offenses   prior  to  its  commission.  
committed  within  its  territory  but  it  may,  by  treaty    
or  by  agreement,  consent  that  the  US  shall  exercise  
Rañeses  21  
RPC  Art.  22   shall   be   applied,   except   when   the  
offender   is   a   habitual   delinquent   or  
Retroactive   effect   of   penal   laws.   -­‐   Penal   laws   shall   when   the   new   law   is   made   not  
have   a   retroactive   effect   insofar   as   they   favor   the   applicable   to   pending   action   or  
person   guilty   of   a   felony,   who   is   not   a   habitual  
existing  causes  of  action.    
criminal,   as   this   term   is   defined   in   rule   5   of   article  
2. If   the   new   law   imposes   a   heavier  
62   of   this   Code,   although   at   the   time   of   the  
penalty,   the   law   in   force   at   the   time  
publication   of   such   laws   a   final   sentence   has   been  
pronounced  and  the  convict  is  serving  the  same.   of   the   commission   of   the   offense  
  shall  be  applied.    
  3. If   the   new   law   totally   repeals   the  
existing   law   so   that   the   act   which  
A  person  shall  be  deemed  to  be  habitual  delinquent,  if  
within  a  period  of  ten  (10)  years  from  the  date  of  his   penalized   under   the   old   law   is   no  
release   or   last   conviction   of   the   crimes   of   serious   or   longer   punishable,   the   crime   is  
less   serious   physical   injuries,   robo,   burto,   estafa   or   obliterated.    
falsification,  he  is  found  guilty  of  any  of  said  crimes  a   4. When   the   repealing   law   fails   to   penalize  
third  time  or  oftener.  [Revised  Penal  Code,  Art.  62(5)   the   offense   under   the   old   law,   the  
as  amended  by  R.A.  No.  7659,  sec.  23]   accused   cannot   be   convicted   under   the  
  new  law.    
5. A   person   erroneously   accused   and  
Civil  Code,  Art.  4   convicted   under   a   repealed   statute   may  
be  punished  under  the  repealing  statute.    
Laws   shall   have   no   retroactive   effect,   unless   the  
contrary  is  provided.  (3)   6. A   new   law   which   omits   anything  
  contained   in   the   old   law   dealing   on   the  
  same   subject   operates   as   a   repeal   of  
Reyes:   anything   not   so   included   in   the  
1. Prospective,   in   that   a   penal   law   cannot   amendatory  act.    
make   an   act   punishable   in   a   manner   in    
which   it   was   not   punishable   when   Who  is  a  habitual  delinquent?  
committed.   As   provided   in   Article   366   of   Reyes:  A  person  is  a  habitual  delinquent  if  within  a  
the   RPC,   crimes   are   punished   under   the   period   of   10   years   from   the   date   of   his   last   release  
laws   in   force   at   the   time   of   their   or  last  conviction  of  the  crimes  of  (1)  serious  or  less  
commission.     serious   physical   injuries,   (2)   robo,   (3)   hurto,   (4)  
2. Whenever   a   new   statute   dealing   with   estafa,  or  (5)  falsification,  he  is  found  guilty  of  any  of  
crime   establishes   conditions   more   said  crimes  a  time  or  oftener.    
lenient  or  favorable  to  the  accused,  it  can    
be  given  a  retroactive  effect.  Unless:   Requisites:  
1. Where   the   new   law   is   expressly   1. That  the  offender  has  been  convicted  of  any  
made   inapplicable   to   pending   of   the   crimes   of   serious   or   less   serious  
actions   or   existing   causes   of   action.   physical   injuries,   robbery,   theft,   estafa,   or  
(Tavera   v.   Valdez,   1   Phil.   463,   470-­‐ falsification.    
471)   2. That   after   the   conviction   or   after   serving   his  
2. Where   the   offender   is   a   habitual   sentence,   he   again   committed,   and,   within  
criminal   under   Rule   5,   Article   62,   10   years   from   his   release   or   first   conviction,  
RPC.  (Art.  22,  RPC)   he   was   again   convicted   of   any   of   the   said  
3. The   Repeal   of   penal   laws   have   different   crimes  for  the  second  time.    
effects.     3. That  after  his  conviction  of,  or  after  serving  
1. If   the   repeal   makes   the   penalty   sentence   for,   the   second   offense,   he   again  
lighter   in   the   new   law,   the   new   law  
Rañeses  22  
committed,   and,   within   10   years   from   his   have   been   imprisoned   for   more   than   13   years   by  
last   release   or   last   conviction,   he   was   again   virtue  of  their  convictions.  
convicted   of   any   of   said   offenses,   the   third    
time  or  oftener.     They   now   invoke   the   doctrine   laid   down   in   People  
  v.  Hernandez  which  negated  such  complex  crime,  a  
Who  is  a  recidivist?   ruling  which  was  not  handed  down  until  after  their  
Reyes:   A   recidivist   is   one   who,   at   the   time   of   his   convictions   have   become   final.   In   People   v.  
trial   for   one   crime,   shall   have   been   previously   Hernandez,   the   SC   ruled   that   the   information  
convicted   by   final   judgment   of   another   crime   against   the   accused   for   complex   rebellion   with  
embraced   in   the   same   title   of   the   RPC   (People   v.   murder,   arson   and   robbery   was   not   warranted  
Lagarto,   G.R.   No.   65833,   May   6,   1991,   196   SCRA   under   Art.   134   of   the   RPC,   there   being   no   such  
611,  619)   complex  offense.  This  ruling  was  not  handed  down  
  until  after  their  convictions  have  become  final.  Since  
Requisites     Hernandez  served  more  than  the  maximum  penalty  
1. That  the  offender  is  on  trial  for  an  offense.     that   could   have   been   served   against   him,   he   is  
2. That   he   was   previously   convicted   by   final   entitled   to   freedom,   and   thus,   his   continued  
judgment  of  another  crime.     detention  is  illegal.  
3. That   both   the   first   and   second   offenses   are    
embraced  in  the  same  title  of  the  Code;     Issue:  WON  Art.  22  of  the  RPC  which  gives  a  penal  
4. That   the   offender   is   convicted   of   the   new   judgment   a   retroactive   effect   is   applicable   in   this  
offense.     case   (WON   judicial   decisions   favorable   to   the  
  accused/convicted   for   the   same   crime   can   be  
*There   is   recidivism   even   if   the   lapse   of   time   applied  retroactively)  
between  two  felonies  is  more  than  10  years.      
**Pardon   does   not   obliterate   the   fact   that   the   Held:   Yes.   Judicial   decisions   favorable   to   the  
accused   was   a   recidivist;   but   amnesty   extinguishes   accused   must   be   applied   retroactively.   Petitioners  
the  penalty  and  its  effects.     relied  on  Art.  22  of  the  RPC,  which  states  the  penal  
  laws   shall   have   a   retroactive   effect   insofar   as   they  
Who  is  a  quasi-­‐recidivist?     favour   the   accused   who   is   not   a   habitual   criminal.    
Reyes:  Any  person  who  shall  commit  a  felony  after   CC  also  provides  that  judicial  decisions  applying  or  
having   been   convicted   by   final   judgment,   before   interpreting   the   Constitution   forms   part   of   our   legal  
beginning   to   serve   such   sentence,   or   while   serving   system.   Petitioners   even   raised   their   constitutional  
the  same,  shall  be  punished  by  the  maximum  period   right   to   equal   protection,   given   that   Hernandez   et  
of   the   penalty  prescribed  by  law  for  the  new  felony.   al.,  has  been  convicted  for  the  same  offense  as  they  
(Art.  160)     have,   though   their   sentences   were   lighter.   Habeas  
  corpus   is   the   only   means   of   benefiting   the   accused  
Gumabon   v.   Director   of   Prisons,   37   SCRA   420   by  the  retroactive  character  of  a  favorable  decision.  
Facts:   Gumabon,   after   pleading   guilty,   was   In  Re:  Kay  Villegas  Kami,  Inc.,  supra  
sentenced  on  May  5,  1953  to  reclusion  perpetua  for   *Refer  to  page  5  for  the  digest  of  this  case.    
the   complex   crime   of   rebellion   with   multiple    
murder,  robbery,  arson  and  kidnapping  (along  with   People  v.  Narvaez,  121  SCRA  389,  (1983)  
Agapito,  Palmares  and  Padua).  The  decision  for  the   Facts:   Mamerto   Narvaez   has   been   convicted   of  
first   two   petitioners   was   rendered   on   March   8,   murder   (qualified   by   treachery)   of   David   Fleischer  
1954   and   the   third   on   Dec.   5,   1955.   The   last   and   Flaviano   Rubia.   On   August   22,   1968,   Narvaez  
petitioner  Bagolbagol  was  penalized  with  reclusion   shot   Fleischer   and   Rubia   during   the   time   the   two  
perpetua   on   Jan.   12,   1954.   Each   of   the   petitioners   were   constructing   a   fence   that   would   prevent  
Rañeses  23  
Narvaez   from   getting   into   his   house   and   rice   mill.   aggression   on   the   part   of   the   victim.  
The   defendant   was   taking   a   nap   when   he   heard   However,   this   aggression   was   not   done   on  
sounds  of  construction  and  found  fence  being  made.   the   person   of   the   victim   but   rather   on   his  
He   addressed   the   group   and   asked   them   to   stop   rights   to   property.   On   the   first   issue,   the  
destroying   his   house   and   asking   if   they   could   talk   courts   did   not   err.   However,   in  
things  over.  Fleischer  responded  with   "No,   gadamit,   consideration   of   the   violation   of   property  
proceed,   go   ahead."   Defendant   lost   his   rights,   the   courts   referred   to   Art.   30   of   the  
"equilibrium,"   and   shot   Fleisher   with   his   shotgun.   civil  code  recognizing  the  right  of  owners  to  
He   also   shot   Rubia   who   was   running   towards   the   close  and  fence  their  land.  Although  is  not  in  
jeep  where  the  deceased's  gun  was  placed.  Prior  to   dispute,  the  victim  was  not  in  the  position  to  
the   shooting,   Fleischer   and   Co.   (the   company   of   subscribe   to   the   article   because   his  
Fleischer's   family)   was   involved   in   a   legal   battle   ownership   of   the   land   being   awarded   by   the  
with   the   defendant   and   other   land   settlers   of   government   was   still   pending,   therefore  
Cotabato   over   certain   pieces   of   property.   At   the   putting   ownership   into   question.   It’s  
time  of  the  shooting,  the  civil  case  was  still  pending   accepted   that   victim   was   the   original  
for  annulment  (settlers  wanted  granting  of  property   aggressor.  
to   Fleisher   and   Co.   to   be   annulled).   At   time   of   the   2. Yes.   However,   the   argument   of   the   justifying  
shooting,   defendant   had   leased   his   property   from   circumstance  of  self-­‐defense  is  applicable  only  if  
Fleisher   (though   case   pending   and   ownership   the   3   requirements   are   fulfilled.   Art.   11(1)   RPC  
uncertain)   to   avoid   trouble.   On   June   25,   defendant   enumerates  these  requisites:  
received   letter   terminating   contract   because   he   1. Unlawful   aggression.   In   the   case   at   bar,  
allegedly  didn't  pay  rent.  He  was  given  6  months  to   there   was   unlawful   aggression   towards  
remove   his   house   from   the   land.   Shooting   was   appellant's  property  rights.  Fleisher  had  
barely   2   months   after   letter.   Defendant   claims   he   given   Narvaez   6   months   and   he   should  
killed   in   defense   of   his   person   and   property.   CFI   have   left   him   in   peace   before   time   was  
ruled   that   Narvaez   was   guilty.   Aggravating   up,  instead  of  chiseling  Narvaez's  house  
circumstances   of   evident   premeditation   offset   by   and   putting   up   fence.   A536   of   the   CC  
the   mitigating   circumstance   of   voluntary   surrender.   also   provides   that   possession   may   not  
For   both   murders,   CFI   sentenced   him   to   reclusion   be   acquired   through   force   or  
perpetua,   to   indemnify   the   heirs,   and   to   pay   for   intimidation;   while   Art.   539   provides  
moral  damages.   that  every  possessor  has  the  right  to  be  
  respected  in  his  possession  
Issues:   2. Reasonable   necessity   of   means  
1. WON   CFI   erred   in   convicting   defendant-­‐ employed   to   prevent   or   repel   attack.   In  
appellant   despite   the   fact   that   he   acted   in   case,   killing   was   disproportionate   to  
defense  of  his  person.   attack.  
2. WON   the   court   erred   in   convicting   3. Lack  of  sufficient  provocation  on  part  of  
defendant-­‐appellant   although   he   acted   in   person   defending   himself.   Here,   there  
defense  of  his  rights.   was   no   provocation   at   all   since   he   was  
3. WON   he   should   be   liable   for   subsidiary   asleep  
imprisonment   since   he   is   unable   to   pay   the   Since   not   all   requisites   present,   defendant   is  
civil  indemnity  due  to  the  offended  party.   credited   w/   the   special   mitigating  
  circumstance   of   incomplete   defense,  
Held:   pursuant   to   A13(6)   RPC.   These   mitigating  
1. No.   The   courts   concurred   that   the   fencing   circumstances   are:   voluntary   surrender   &  
and   chiselling   of   the   walls   of   the   house   of   passion   &   obfuscation   (read   p.   405  
the   defendant   was   indeed   a   form   of   explanation)  
Rañeses  24  
  possession  of  an  unlicensed  firearm  with  a  sentence  
Crime   is   homicide   (2   counts)   not   murder   of  17  to  20  yrs.  
because   treachery   is   not   applicable   on    
account   of   provocation   by   the   deceased.   Issues:  
Also,   assault   wasn’t   deliberately   chosen   1. WON   the   amendatory   law   RA   8294   (which  
with   view   to   kill   since   slayer   acted   took  effect  in  1997:  crime  occurred  in  1994)  
instantaneously.   There   was   also   no   direct   is  applicable  
evidence  of  planning  or  preparation  to  kill.   2. WON   RTC   erred   in   convicting   appellant   for  
  simple   illegal   possession   of   firearms   and  
Art.  249  RPC:  Penalty  for  homicide  is   sentenced   him   to   suffer   an   indeterminate  
reclusion  temporal.  However,  due  to   sentence  of  17  to  20  years.  
mitigating   circumstances   and   3. WON  trial  court  erred  in  convicting  accused  
incomplete   defense,   it   can   be   of  murder  
lowered   3   degrees   (Art.   64)   to   4. WON   RTC   erred   in   sentencing   the   accused  
arresto  mayor.   to   death   for   muder   which   wasn’t   proven   &  
3. No.   He   isn’t   liable   for   subsidiary   that   the   alleged   murder   committed   by   the  
imprisonment   for   non-­‐payment   of   civil   appellant,   the   appropriate   penalty   for   the  
indemnity.  RA  5465  made  the  provisions  of   offense   is   reclusion   perpetua   due   to   to   the  
A39   applicable   to   fines   only   &   not   to   absence  of  an  aggravating  circumstance.    
reparation   of   damage   caused,    
indemnification  of  consequential  damages  &   Held:    
costs   of   proceedings.   Although   it   was   1. No.   At   the   time   of   the   commission   of   the  
enacted   only   after   its   commission,   crime   the   use   of   an   unlicensed   firearm   was  
considering   that   RA   5465   is   favorable   to   the   still   not   an   aggravating   circumstance   in  
accused  who  is  not  a  habitual  delinquent,  it   murder   to   homicide.   To   apply   it   to   Ringor  
may   be   given   retroactive   effect   pursuant   to   would   increase   his   penalty   from   reclusion  
RPC  Art.  22.   perpetua   to   death.   Hence,   RA   8294   cannot  
  retroact   as   it   is   unfavorable   to   the   accused,  
People  v.  Ringor,  320  SCRA  342  (1999)   lest  it  becomes  an  ex  post  facto  law.  
Facts:  The  accused  (Ringor)  on  the  night  of  June  23,   2. Yes.   In   cases   where   murder   or   homicide   is  
1994   was   seen   entering   People’s   Restaurant.   A   committed   with   the   use   of   an   unlicensed  
witness   Fely   Batanes   saw   the   accused   approach   a   firearm,   there   can   be   no   separate   conviction  
table  where  the  victim  was  sitting,  pulled  his  hair,  &   for   the   crime   of   illegal   possession   of  
poked  a  knife  at  the  latter’s  throat.  After,  leaving  the   firearms   under   PD   1866.   It   is   simply  
restaurant,   the   accused   returned   with   a   gun,   considered   as   an   aggravating   circumstance,  
entered   the   kitchen   of   the   restaurant,   stealthily   no   longer   as   a   separate   offence.   According  
approached   the   victim   from   behind   &   shot   him   6   to   the   Art.   22   of   the   RPC,   retroactivity   of   the  
times   successively.   The   defendant   was   later   law   must   be   applied   if   it   is   favorable   to   the  
apprehended   and   caught   in   his   possession   was   an   accused.   Thus,   insofar   as   it   spares   accused-­‐
unlicensed   weapon.   Upon   verification   in   Camp   appellant   a   separate   conviction   for   illegal  
Crame,  it  was  found  out  that  Ringor  is  not  a  licensed   possession   of   firearms,   RA   8294   has   to   be  
firearm   holder   &   that   the   gun   was   not   licensed.   given  retroactive  application.  
Ringor   put   up   self-­‐defense   but   he   failed   to   prove   3. No.   For   self-­‐defense   to   prosper,   unlawful  
Florida’s   unlawful   aggression.   He   was   found   guilty   aggression,   proportionality   of   methods   to  
of  murder  qualified  by  treachery  and  was  sentenced   fend   said   aggression,   and   lack   of   sufficient  
to  death.  He  was  found  guilty  of  a  separate  charge  of   provocation  from  defender  must  be  proven.  
In   this   case,   defendant   failed   to   prove  
Rañeses  25  
unlawful  aggression.  The  statement  that  the   amended   to   mere   illegal   possession   of  
victim   approached   him   with   a   bolo   was   firearms  without  furtherance  of  subversion  
inconsistent   to   the   witness’   statement   of   the    
victim   being   in   a   prone   position   in   the   table.   People  v.  Lacson,  382  SCRA  365  (2002)  
This   does   not   constitute   the   requisite   Facts:   Soon   after   the   announcement   on   May   18,  
quantum   of   proof   for   unlawful   aggression.   1995   that   the   Kuratong   Baleleng   gang   had   been  
With   the   first   requirement   missing,   the   last   slain   in   a   shootout   w/   the   police,   2   witnesses  
two  requisites  have  no  basis.   surfaced   providing   the   testimony   that   the   said  
  slaying   was   a   rub-­‐out.   On   June   1,   1995,   Chief  
4. Yes.   In   the   absence   of   mitigating   or   Superintendent   Job   A.   Mayo,   PNP   Director   for  
aggravating   circumstances   to   a   crime   of   Investigation,   filed   murder   charges   with   the   Office  
murder   as   described   by   A248   RPC,   a   lesser   of   the   Ombudsman   against   97   officers   &   personnel  
penalty   of   reclusion   perpetua   has   to   be   of   ABRITFG.   The   next-­‐of-­‐kin   of   the   slain   KBG  
imposed   in   according   to   Art.   63(2)   of   the   members   also   filed   murder   charges   against   the  
RPC.   same  officers  and  personnel.  
People  v.  Pimentel,  288  SCRA  542  (1998)   On   Nov.   2,   1995,   after   2   resolutions,   the  
Facts:  1983.  Tujan  charged  with  subversions  under   Ombudsman   filed   before   the   SB   11   information[s]  
RA   1700   with   warrant   of   arrest   issued.   On   June   5,   of  murder  against  the  defendant  &  25  policemen  as  
1990,   Tujan   was   arrested   and   caught   with   .38   principals.   Upon   motion   of   the   respondent,   the  
caliber  revolver.  On  June  14,  1990,  he  was  charged   criminal   cases   were   remanded   to   the   Ombudsman  
with  illegal  possession  of  firearms  and  ammunition   &   in   a   re-­‐investigation,   the   information[s]   were  
in   furtherance   of   subversion   (PD   1866)   Tujan   filed   amended   downgrading   the   principal   into   an  
motion  to  quash  invoking  protection  versus  double   accessory.   With   the   downgrading   of   charges,   the  
jeopardy   (Art.   III,   Constitution;   Misolas   v.   Panga;   &   case   was   later   transferred   from   the   SB   to   the   RTC  
Enrile   v.   Salazar:   alleged   possession   absorbed   in   not  due  to  jurisdictional  questions  over  the  suspects  
subversion.  It  was  granted  by  the  TC  &  the  CA.   but   due   to   the   failure   to   indicate   that   the   offenses  
  charged  therein  were  committed  in  relation  to,  or  in  
Issue:   WON   charge   under   PD   1866   be   quashed   on   discharge   of,   the   official   functions   of   the  
ground   of   double   jeopardy   in   view   of   the   previous   respondent,   as   required   by   RA   8249.   Before   the  
charge  under  RA  1700.   arraignment,   the   witnesses   of   the   prosecution  
  recanted   their   statements   while   the   7   private  
Held:  No.   complainants   submitted   their   affidavits   of  
1. Art.   III   of   the   Constitution   &   RoC   117   state   desistance.   All   26   suspects   filed   individual   motions  
that  for  double  jeopardy  to  occur,  acquittal,   to  (1)  make  a  judicial  determination  of  the  existence  
conviction   or   dismissal   in   previous   cases   of   probable   cause   for   the   issuance   of   warrants   of  
must   have   occurred.   In   this   case,   first   case   arrest;   (2)   hold   in   abeyance   the   issuance   of   the  
was  not  even  arraigned  yet.   warrants,  &  (3)  dismiss  the  cases  should  the  TC  find  
2. They   are   different   offenses.   RA   1700   lack  of  probable  cause.  The  cases  were  dismissed.  
punishes   subversion   while   PD   1866    
punishes  illegal  possession  of  firearms.   It   was   on   March   27,   2001   when   PNP   director  
  Mendoza  indorsed  to  the  DOJ  new  affidavits  of  new  
However,   since   RA   7636   totally   repealed   witnesses   w/c   it   began   to   investigate   &   to   file   w/  
subversion   or   RA   1700,   &   since   this   is   the   RTC.   The   respondent,   invoking   among   others,  
favorable   to   the   accused,   we   can   no   longer   their   right   against   double   jeopardy,   then   filed   w/  
charge   accused   with   RA   1700   even   if   they   the   CA   a   petition   stating   that   §8,   Rule   117   of   the  
didn’t   raise   this   issue.   PD   1866   should   be  
Rañeses  26  
2000   Rules   on   Crim.   Pro.   bans   the   revival   of   the   People  v.  Lacson,  400  SCRA  267  (2003)  
murder  cases  against  him;  a  petition  the  CA  denied.     Facts:   Before   the   court   is   the   petitioner’s   MFR   of  
  the   resolution   dated   May   23,   2002,   for   the  
On   June   6,   2001,   11   Information[s]   for   murder   determination   of   several   factual   issues   relative   to  
involving   the   killing   of   the   same   members   of   the   the   application   of   §8   RCP   117   on   the   dismissal   of  
Kuratong   Baleleng   gang   were   filed   before   the   RTC   the   cases   Q-­‐99-­‐81679   &   Q-­‐99-­‐81689   against   the  
QC.   The   new   Information[s]   charged   as   principals   respondent.   The   respondent   was   charged   with   the  
34   people,   including   respondent   Lacson   &   his   25   shooting   &   killing   of   11   male   persons.   The   court  
other   co-­‐accused   in   Crim.   Cases   Nos.   Q-­‐99-­‐81679   to   confirmed  the  express  consent  of  the  respondent  in  
Q-­‐99-­‐81689.   The   defendant   filed   for   determination   the   provisional   dismissal   of   the   aforementioned  
of   probable   cause   &   an   outright   dismissal   in   the   cases   when   he   filed   for   judicial   determination.   The  
RTC.   The   CA   considered   the   original   cases   to   be   court  also  ruled  the  need  to  determine  whether  the  
provisionally   dismissed   &   the   new   cases   as   mere   other  facts  for  its  application  are  attendant.  
revivals.   Under   §8   2000   RCP   117,   the   cases   were   Issues:      
dismissed.   1. WON   the   requisites   for   the   applicability   of  
  §8,  2000  RCP  117  were  complied  w/  in  the  
Issue:   WON   §8,   Rule   117   bars   the   filing   of   the   11   Kuratong  Baleleng  cases  
information[s]   against   the   respondent   Lacson   • Was   express   consent   given   by   the  
involving   the   killing   of   some   members   of   the   respondent?  
Kuratong  Baleleng  gang.   • Was   notice   for   the   motion,   the   hearing  
  and   the   subsequent   dismissal   given   to  
Held:   Remanded   to   the   RTC   to   determine   if   they   the  heirs  of  the  victims?  
complied   with   rule   and   case   should   be   dismissed.   2. WON   time-­‐bar   in   §8   RCP   117   should   be  
There  is  no  question  that  the  new  rule  can  be  given   applied  prospectively  or  retroactively.  
retroactive   effect   given   RPC   Art.   22.   There   can   be    
no   ruling,   however,   due   to   the   lack   of   sufficient   Held:  
factual  bases  to  support  such  a  ruling.  There  is  need   1. No.  Sec.  8,  Rule  117  is  not  applicable  to  the  
of  proof  to  show  the  ff.  facts:   case   since   the   conditions   for   its  
1. provisional   dismissal   of   the   case   had   the   applicability,   namely:   1)   prosecution   with  
express  consent  of  the  accused   the   express   consent   of   the   accused   or   both  
2. whether   it   was   ordered   by   the   court   after   of   them   move   for   provisional   dismissal,   2)  
giving  notice  to  the  offended  party   offended   party   notified,   3)   court   grants  
3. whether  the  2  year  period  to  revive  the  case   motion  and  dismisses  cases  provisionally,  4)  
has  already  elapsed   public   prosecutor   served   with   copy   of  
4. whether  there  is  justification  for  filing  of  the   orders  of  provisional  dismissal,  which  is  the  
cases  beyond  the  2  yr  period.   defendant’s   burden   to   prove,   w/c   in   this  
The  respondent  expressed  consent,  but  the  records   case  hasn’t  been  done.  
don’t   reveal   whether   the   notices   to   the   offended   • The   defendant   never   filed   and   denied  
parties   were   given   before   the   cases   were   unequivocally  in  his  statements,  through  
provisionally   dismissed.   Only   the   right   to   double   counsel   at   the   Court   of   Appeals,   that   he  
Jeopardy   by   the   defendant   was   tackled   by   the   filed   for   dismissal   nor   did   he   agree   to   a  
litigants.   The   records   are   also   inconclusive   w/   provisional  dismissal  thereof.  
regards   to   the   2-­‐year   bar,   if   w/in   or   without.   • No   notice   of   motion   for   provisional  
Because  of  this,  both  prosecution  &  defendant  must   dismissal,   hearing   and   subsequent  
be   given   ample   time   to   adduce   evidence   on   the   dismissal   was   given   to   the   heirs   of   the  
presence  or  absence  of  the  adduced  evidence.   victims.  
Rañeses  27  
2. No.   Time-­‐bar   should   not   be   applied   on   the   basis   of   its   being   favorable   to   the  
retroactively.   Though   procedural   rules   may   accused.  
be   applied   retroactively,   it   should   not   be   if    
to   do   so   would   work   injustice   or   would   Held:    
involve   intricate   problems   of   due   process.     1. The   rule   should   be   applied   prospectively.  
Statutes   should   be   construed   in   light   of   the   The  court  upheld  the  petitioners’  contention  
purposes   to   be   achieved   &   the   evils   to   be   that   while   §8   secures   the   rights   of   the  
remedied.   This   is   because   to   do   so   would   be   accused,  it  doesn’t  &  shouldn’t  preclude  the  
prejudicial  to  the  State  since,  given  that  the   equally  important  right  of  the  State  to  public  
Judge   dismissed   the   case   on   March   29,1999,   justice.    If  a  procedural  rule  impairs  a  vested  
&  the  New  rule  took  effect  on  Dec  1,2000,  it   right,  or  would  work  injustice,  the  said  rule  
would   only   in   effect   give   them   1   yr   &   3   may  not  be  given  a  retroactive  application  
months   to   work   instead   of   2   yrs.   At   that   2. No.  The  Court  isn’t  mandated  to  apply  rules  
time,  they  had  no  knowledge  of  the  said  rule   retroactively   just   because   it’s   favorable   to  
and   therefore   they   should   not   be   penalized   the   accused.     The   time-­‐bar   under   the   new  
for   that.   “Indeed   for   justice   to   prevail,   the   rule   is   intended   to   benefit   both   the   State   &  
scales   must   balance;   justice   is   not   to   be   the  accused.  When  the  rule  was  approved  by  
dispensed  for  the  accused  alone.”   the   court,   it   intended   that   the   rule   be  
  applied   prospectively   and   not   retroactively,  
The   2-­‐yr   period   fixed   in   the   new   rule   is   for   for   to   do   so   would   be   tantamount   to   the  
the   benefit   of   both   the   State   &   the   accused.   denial  of  the  State’s  right  to  due  process.    A  
It  shouldn’t  be  emasculated  &  reduced  by  an   retroactive   application   would   result   in  
inordinate   retroactive   application   of   the   absurd,   unjust   &   oppressive   consequences  
time-­‐bar  therein  provided  merely  to  benefit   to   the   State   &   to   the   victims   of   crimes   &  
the   accused.   To   do   so   would   cause   an   their  heirs.  
injustice   of   hardship   to   the   state   &    
adversely   affect   the   administration   of   Construction/Interpretation  of  Penal  Laws  
  Reyes:  Penal  laws  are  strictly  construed  against  
People  v.  Lacson,  413  SCRA  20  (2003)   the   Government   and   liberally   in   favor   of   the  
Facts:   Petitioner   asserts   that   retroactive   accused.   (U.S.   v.   Abad   Santos,   36   Phil.   243;   People  
application   of   penal   laws   should   also   cover   v.  Yu  Hai,  99  Phil.  728)  The  rule  that  penal  statutes  
procedures,   and   that   these   should   be   applied   only   should   be   strictly   construed   against   the   State   may  
to  the  sole  benefit  of  the  accused.    Petitioner  asserts   be   invoked   only   where   the   law   is   ambiguous   and  
that   Sec   8   was   meant   to   reach   back   in   time   to   there   is   doubt   as   to   its   interpretation.   Where   the  
provide   relief   to   the   accused   in   line   with   the   law  is  clear  and  unambiguous,  there  is  no  room  for  
constitutional  guarantee  to  the  right  to  speedy  trial.   the   application   of   the   rule.   (People   v.   Gatchalian,  
  104  Phil.  664)    
1. WON   the   5   Associate   Justices   can   inhibit  
themselves   from   deciding   in   the   MFR   given  
they  were  only  appointed  in  the  SC  after  his  
Feb.  19,  2002  oral  arguments.  
2. WON   the   application   of   the   time-­‐bar   under  
§8   RCP   117   be   given   a   retroactive  
application   w/o   reservations,   only   &   solely  
Rañeses  28  
Const.  (1987),  Art.  III,  Sec.  14(2)    
In   all   criminal   prosecutions,   the   accused   shall   be    
presumed  innocent  until  the  contrary  is  proved,  and    
shall   enjoy   the   right   to   be   heard   by   himself   and  
counsel,   to   be   informed   of   the   nature   and   cause   of  
the   accusation   against   him,   to   have   a   speedy,  
impartial,   and   public   trial,   to   meet   the   witnesses  
face   to   face,   and   to   have   compulsory   process   to    
secure   the   attendance   of   witnesses   and   the    
production   of   evidence   in   his   behalf.   However,   after    
arraignment,  trial  may  proceed  notwithstanding  the    
absence   of   the   accused:   Provided,   that   he   has   been    
duly   notified   and   his   failure   to   appear   is    
Spanish   text   of   the   RPC   prevails   over   its  
English  translation.    
Retroactive   application   if   favorable   to   the    
accused.  (RPC,  Art.  22)    
*Refer  to  page  21  for  the  full  text  for  Art.  22  
Prescribed,  but  undeserved,  penalties    
RPC,  Art.  5,  2nd  par.    
In   the   same   way   the   court   shall   submit   to   the    
Chief   Executive,   through   the   Department   of  
Justice,   such   statement   as   may   be   deemed    
proper,   without   suspending   the   execution   of    
the  sentence,  when  a  strict  enforcement  of  the  
provisions   of   this   Code   would   result   in   the  
imposition   of   a   clearly   excessive   penalty,    
taking   into   consideration   the   degree   of   malice  
and  the  injury  caused  by  the  offense.  
Rañeses  29  
Felonies  and  Criminal  Liability   5. “Omission”   should   be   construed   as  
inaction,   the   failure   to   perform   a   positive  
duty   which   one   is   bound   to   do.   There  
A. Felonies     must   be   a   law   requiring   the   doing   or  
  performance  of  an  act.  If  there  is  no  law  that  
RPC,  Art.  3   requires   a   person   to   perform   a   certain   act,  
failure   to   do   such   act   would   not   result   in   a  
Definition.   -­‐   Acts   and   omissions   punishable   by   law  
felony   and   would   therefore   not   be  
are  felonies  (delitos).  
punishable  by  the  RPC.    
Felonies  are  committed  not  only  by  means  of  deceit    
(d+olo)  but  also  by  means  of  fault  (culpa).   Act  
People  v.  Gonzales,  183  SCRA  309  (1990)    
There   is   deceit   when   the   act   is   performed   with  
Facts:   Appeal   of   Custodio   Gonzales,   Sr.   that   the   CA  
deliberate   intent;   and   there   is   fault   when   the  
wrongful   act   results   from   imprudence,   negligence,   erred   in   convicting   him   of   murder   qualified   with  
lack  of  foresight,  or  lack  of  skill.   treachery   and   evident   premeditation   from   a  
  previous   case   on   the   sole   basis   of   Huntoria’s   (eye  
  witness)  account.  
1. Felonies   are   acts   and   omissions   Previous   case:     That   appellant   with   his   3   robust  
punishable  by  the  RPC.     sons   along   with   brother   and   sister   Fausta   and  
2. Felonies  have  certain  elements.   Rogelio   conspired   to   kill   Augusto   and   Fausta’s  
1. That   there   must   be   an   act   or   landlord,   Peñacerrada.     The   victim   sustained   16  
omission.   stab,   puncture,   and   lacerated   wounds,   5   of   which  
2. That   the   act   or   omission   must   be   were  fatal.    The  lone  eyewitness  was  Huntoria  who  
punishable   by   the   Revised   Penal   claimed   that   he   saw   all   6   accused   ganging   up   on   the  
Code.   victim,   but   he   failed   to   state   who   actually   did   the  
3. That   the   act   is   performed   or   the   stabbing  or  hacking.  
omission   incurred   by   means   of   dolo    
or   culpa.   (People   v.   Gonzales,   G.R.   All   the   accused   petitioned   for   parole   except   for  
No.   80762,   March   19,   1990,   183   appellant  
SCRA  309,  324)    
3. “Act”   must   be   understood   as   any   bodily   Issues:   WON   the   appellant   had   committed   the  
movement   tending   to   produce   some   felony   of   murder   with   treachery   and   evident  
effect   in   the   external   world,   it   being   premeditation.  
unnecessary   that   the   same   be   actually    
produced,   as   the   possibility   of   its   Held:   No.   The   Court   held   that   the   prosecution   was  
production   is   sufficient.   (People   v.   unable   to   prove   the   appellant’s   guilt   beyond  
Gonzales,   supra)   But   the   act   must   be   one   reasonable  doubt  because:  (a)  Huntoria  was  a  poor  
which   is   defined   by   the   RPC   as   constituting   eyewitness   (took   8   months   to   come   forward   and  
a   felony;   or,   at   least,   an   overt   act   of   that   wanted   to   get   in   the   good   graces   of   his   landlord’s  
felony,   that   is,   an   external   act   which   has   family)   and   was   unable   to   supply   any   information  
direct   connection   with   the   felony   intended   as  to  what  the  appellant  actually  did  (the  act)  in  his  
to  be  committed.  (Art.  6)     alleged   participation   in   the   murder;   (b)   it   was  
4. The   act   must   be   external,   because   illogical   that   the   appellant’s   3   robust   sons   together  
internal   acts   are   beyond   the   spere   of   with   Augusto   and   Fausta   would   bring   their   aging  
penal  law.     65-­‐year   old   father   to   the   victim’s   house   just   to  
participate   in   the   killing   considering   the   appellant  
Rañeses  30  
lived   a   good   kilometer   away   from   the   scene   of   the   period   to   prision   mayor   in   its   minimum   period,   or   a  
crime;  (c)  the  prior  investigations  were  sloppy  and   fine  ranging  from  200  to  10,000  pesos,  or  both,  shall  
provided   no   decent   evidence   to   support   the   be  imposed  upon  any  public  officer  who:  
appellant’s  participation  in  the  murder.  
2.   Being   entrusted   with   the   collection   of   taxes,  
licenses,   fees   and   other   imposts,   shall   be   guilty   or  
Doctrine:   Felony   must   involve   an   act   (any   bodily  
any  of  the  following  acts  or  omissions:  
movement   tending   to   produce   some   effect   in   the  
external   world)   or   omission.     The   act   of   hacking   or   (b)  Failing  voluntarily  to  issue  a  receipt,  as  provided  
stabbing  the  victim  was  never  proven  to  have  been   by   law,   for   any   sum   of   money   collected   by   him  
done   by   the   appellant.   Therefore,   the   accused   had   officially.  
not  committed  a  felony.    
Art.  223  
RPC,  Art.  116   Conniving   with   or   consenting   to   evasion.   —   Any  
public   officer   who   shall   consent   to   the   escape   of   a  
Misprision   of   treason.   -­‐   Every   person   owing   prisoner  in  his  custody  or  charge,  shall  be  punished:  
allegiance  to  (the  United  States)  the  Government  of  
the   Philippine   Islands,   without   being   a   foreigner,   1.   By   prision   correccional   in   its   medium   and  
and   having   knowledge   of   any   conspiracy   against   maximum   periods   and   temporary   special  
them,   who   conceals   or   does   not   disclose   and   make   disqualification  in  its  maximum  period  to  perpetual  
known   the   same,   as   soon   as   possible   to   the   special   disqualification,   if   the   fugitive   shall   have  
governor   or   fiscal   of   the   province,   or   the   mayor   or   been  sentenced  by  final  judgment  to  any  penalty.  
fiscal  of  the  city  in  which  he  resides,  as  the  case  may  
2.   By   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum   period  
be,  shall  be  punished  as  an  accessory  to  the  crime  of  
and   temporary   special   disqualification,   in   case   the  
fugitive   shall   not   have   been   finally   convicted   but  
Art.  137   only   held   as   a   detention   prisoner   for   any   crime   or  
violation  of  law  or  municipal  ordinance.  
Disloyalty   of   public   officers   or   employees.   -­‐   The  
penalty   of   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum   Art.  234  
period   shall   be   imposed   upon   public   officers   or  
Refusal   to   discharge   elective   office.   —   The   penalty   of  
employees   who   have   failed   to   resist   a   rebellion   by  
arresto   mayor   or   a   fine   not   exceeding   1,000   pesos,  
all   the   means   in   their   power,   or   shall   continue   to  
or   both,   shall   be   imposed   upon   any   person   who,  
discharge   the   duties   of   their   offices   under   the  
having  been  elected  by  popular  election  to  a  public  
control  of  the  rebels  or  shall  accept  appointment  to  
office,   shall   refuse   without   legal   motive   to   be   sworn  
office  under  them.  (Restored  by  E.O.  No.  187)  
in  or  to  discharge  the  duties  of  said  office.  
Art.  208  
Art.  275  (1)    
Prosecution  of  offenses;  negligence  and  tolerance.  —  
Abandonment   of   person   in   danger   and  
The   penalty   of   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum  
abandonment  of  one's  own  victim.  —  The  penalty  of  
period   and   suspension   shall   be   imposed   upon   any  
arresto  mayor  shall  be  imposed  upon:  
public   officer,   or   officer   of   the   law,   who,   in  
dereliction   of   the   duties   of   his   office,   shall   1.  Anyone  who  shall  fail  to  render  assistance  to  any  
maliciously  refrain  from  instituting  prosecution  for   person   whom   he   shall   find   in   an   uninhabited   place  
the   punishment   of   violators   of   the   law,   or   shall   wounded   or   in   danger   of   dying,   when   he   can   render  
tolerate  the  commission  of  offenses.   such   assistance   without   detriment   to   himself,  
unless   such   omission   shall   constitute   a   more  
Art.  213  (2)  (b)  
serious  offense.  
Frauds  against  the  public  treasury  and  offenses.  —  
The  penalty  of  prision  correccional  in  its  medium  
Rañeses  31  
Presidential  Decree  no.  953   maintain   not   less   than   thirty   percent   (30%)   of   the   total  
  area  of  the  subdivision,  exclusive  of  roads,  service  streets  
Requiring  the  planting  of  trees  in  certain  places  and   and   alleys,   as   open   space   for   parks   and   recreational  
penalizing   unauthorized   cutting,   destruction,   areas.  
damaging   and   injuring   of   certain   trees,   plants   and    
vegetation   No  plan  for  a  subdivision  shall  be  approved  by  the  Land  
  Registration   Commission   or   any   office   or   agency   of   the  
WHEREAS,   the   planting   of   trees   on   lands   adjoining   the   government   unless   at   least   thirty   percent   (30%)   of   the  
edge   of   rivers   and   creeks   in   both   a   measure   of   total   area   of   the   subdivision,   exclusive   of   roads,   service  
beautification  and  reforestation;  and   streets   and   alleys,   is   reserved   as   open   space   for   parks  
  and  recreational  areas  and  the  owner  thereof  undertakes  
WHEREAS,   the   planting   of   trees   along   roads   and   areas   to  develop  such  open  space,  within  three  (3)  years  from  
intended   for   the   common   use   of   owners   of   lots   in   the  approval  of  the  subdivision  plan,  in  accordance  with  
subdivisions   will   provide   shade   and   healthful   the  development  plan  approved  by  the  Bureau  of  Forest  
environment  therein;   Development   and   to   maintain   such   parks   and  
  recreational  areas.  
of   the   Philippines,   by   virtue   of   the   powers   vested   in   me   Section   3.   Any   person   who   cuts,   destroys,   damages   or  
by  the  Constitution,  do  hereby  order  and  decree:   injures,   naturally   growing   or   planted   trees   of   any   kind,  
  flowering   or   ornamental   plants   and   shrubs,   or   plants   of  
Section  1.  The  following  shall  plant  trees:   scenic,   aesthetic   and   ecological   values,   along   public  
  roads,   in   plazas,   parks   other   than   national   parks,   school  
1.   Every   person   who   owns   land   adjoining   a   river   or   premises   or   in   any   other   public   ground   or   place,   or   on  
creek,  shall  plant  trees  extending  at  least  five  meters  on   banks   of   rivers   or   creeks,   or   along   roads   in   land  
his   land   adjoining   the   edge   of   the   bank   of   the   river   or   subdivisions  or  areas  therein  for  the  common  use  of  the  
creek,   except   when   such   land,   due   to   its   permanent   owners   of   lots   therein,   or   any   species   of   vegetation   or  
improvement,  cannot  be  planted  with  trees;   forest   cover   found   therein   shall,   be   punished   with  
  imprisonment  for  not  less  than  six  months  and  not  more  
2.   Every   owner   of   an   existing   subdivision   shall   plant   than   two   years,   or   a   fine   of   not   less   than   five   hundred  
trees  in  the  open  spaces  required  to  be  reserved  for  the   pesos   and   not   more   than   five   thousand   pesos,   or   with  
common   use   and   enjoyment   of   the   owners   of   the   lots   both  such  imprisonment  and  fine  at  the  discretion  of  the  
therein   as   well   as   along   all   roads   and   service   streets.   The   court,   except   when   the   cutting,   destroying,   damaging   or  
subdivision   owner   shall   consult   the   Bureau   of   Forest   injuring   is   necessary   for   public   safety   or   the   pruning  
Development  as  to  the  appropriate  species  of  trees  to  be   thereof   is   necessary   to   enhance   beauty,   and   only   upon  
planted  and  the  manner  of  planting  them;  and   the   approval   of   the   duly   authorized   representative   of   the  
  head   of   agency   or   political   subdivision   having  
3.   Every   holder   of   a   license   agreement,   lease,   license   or   jurisdiction   therein,   or   of   the   Director   of   Forest  
permit   from   the   Government,   involving   occupation   and   Development  in  the  case  of  trees  on  banks  of  rivers  and  
utilization  of  forest  or  grazing  land  with  a  river  or  creek   creeks,  or  of  the  owner  of  the  land  subdivision  in  the  case  
therein,   shall   plant   trees   extending   at   least   twenty   (20)   of   trees   along   roads   and   in   other   areas   therein   for   the  
meters  from  each  edge  of  the  bank  of  the  river  or  creek.   common  use  of  owners  of  lots  therein.  If  the  offender  is  a  
  corporation,  partnership  or  association,  the  penalty  shall  
The   persons   hereinabove   required   to   plant   trees   shall   be   imposed   upon   the   officer   or   officers   thereof  
take   good   care   of   them,   and,   from   time   to   time,   remove   responsible  for  the  offense,  and  if  such  officer  or  officers  
any  tree  planted  by  them  in  their  respective  areas  which   are   aliens,   in   addition   to   the   penalty   herein   prescribed,  
has   grown   very   old,   is   diseased,   or   is   defective,   and   he   or   they   shall   be   deported   without   further   proceedings  
replant   with   trees   their   respective   areas   whenever   before  the  Commission  on  Immigration  and  Deportation.  
necessary.   Nothing  in  this  Decree  shall  prevent  the  cancellation  of  a  
  license   agreement,   lease,   license   or   permit   from   the  
Section   2.   Every   owner   of   land   subdivided   into   Government,  if  such  cancellation  is  prescribed  therein  or  
residential/commercial/industrial   lots   after   the   in  Government  regulations  for  such  offense.  
effectivity   of   this   Decree   shall   reserve,   develop   and    
Rañeses  32  
Section  4.  Any  person  who  shall  violate  any  provision  of   time   to   make   an   urgent   call   upon   our   citizenry   to   plant  
Section   one   hereof,   or   any   regulation   promulgated   trees:  
thereunder,  shall  be  punished  with  imprisonment  for  not    
less   than   six   months   but   not   more   than   two   years,   or   NOW,  THEREFORE,  I,  FERDINAND  E.  MARCOS,  President  
with   a   fine   of   not   less   than   five   hundred   pesos   but   not   of   the   Philippines,   by   virtue   of   the   powers   vested   in   me  
more   than   five   thousand   pesos,   or   with   both   such   by   the   Constitution,   do   hereby   order   and   decree   the  
imprisonment   than   fine   at   the   discretion   of   the   court.   If   following:  
the   offender   is   a   public   officer   or   employee,   he   shall,   in    
addition,   be   dismissed   from   the   public   service   and   Section   1.   It   is   the   policy   of   the   State   to   call   upon   every  
disqualified  perpetually  to  hold  public  office.   citizen  of  the  Philippines  to  help,  as  a  duty  and  obligation,  
  to  conserve  and  develop  the  resources  of  the  country.  
Section   5.   Any   person   who   shall   violate   the   provision   of    
Section   2   hereof,   or   any   regulation   promulgated   Section   2.   In   furtherance   of   said   policy,   every   citizen   of  
thereunder,  shall  be  punished  with  imprisonment  for  not   the   Philippines   at   least   ten   (10)   years   of   age,   actually  
less  than  two  (2)  years  but  not  more  than  five  (5)  years,   residing  therein,  unless  physically  disabled  to  do  so,  shall  
or   with   a   fine   equivalent   to   the   value,   at   current   plant  one  tree  every  month  for  five  (5)  consecutive  years.  
valuation,   of   the   area   representing   thirty   percent   (30%)    
of  the  total  area  of  the  subdivision,  or  both  such  fine  and   Section  3.  The  planting  of  such  trees  shall  be  done  in  any  
imprisonment  at  the  discretion  of  the  Court.   of  the  following  places:  
Section  6.  The  Director  of  Forest  Development  shall  issue   (a)  In  lands  or  lots  owned  by  his  family;  
such  rules  and  regulations  as  may  be  necessary  to  carry    
out  the  purposes  of  this  Decree.   (b)  In  lands  or  lots  leased  by  his  family  with  the  consent  
  of  the  owner  thereof;  
Section   7.   All   laws,   rules   and   regulations,   or   parts    
thereof,  inconsistent  herewith  are  hereby  repealed.   (c)   In   lands   which   are   parts   of   public   grounds   or   places  
  such  as  plazas,  schools,  markets,  roadside  and  parks,  and  
Section   8.   This   Decree   shall   take   effect   upon   its    
promulgation.   (d)   In   lands   of   the   public   domain   designated   by   the  
  Presidential   Council   for   Forest   Ecosystem   Management,  
Done   in   the   City   of   Manila,   this   6th   day   of   July   in   the   year   hereafter  referred  to  as  the  Council,  such  as  appropriate  
of  Our  Lord,  nineteen  hundred  and  seventy-­‐six.   forest   lands,   grazing   or   pasture   lands,   mineral   lands,  
  resettlement  lands,  civil  and  military  reservations.  
Presidential  Decree  no.  1153    
  Section   4.   The   trees   to   be   planted   shall   be   fruit-­‐bearing,  
Requiring   the   planting   of   one   tree   every   month   for   shade,  ornamental  or  forest  trees,  and  the  same  shall  be  
five   consecutive   years   by   every   citizen   of   the   taken   care   of   for   at   least   two   years   after   each   planting  
Philippines   and   replaced   if   the   same   die,   are   diseased   or   are  
WHEREAS,   more   abundant   natural   resources,    
particularly   forest   resources,   will   prevent   floods,   Section   5.   The   Council,   in   consultation   with   the  
droughts,   erosion   and   sedimentation,   and   will   increase   appropriate   government   agencies,   shall   issue   such   rules  
our   water   supply   needed   to   generate   more   power,   and  regulations  which  may  be  necessary  to  carry  out  the  
expand   farm   productivity,   and   meet   the   ever   increasing   purposes   of   this   Decree   and   Letter   of   Instruction   No.   423  
demand   for   domestic   consumption   of   our   exploding   whenever  applicable.  
population;  and    
  Section  6.  Any  person  who  violates  any  provision  of  this  
WHEREAS,   to   achieve   a   holistic   ecosystem   approach   to   Decree  or  any  rule  or  regulation  promulgated  thereunder  
forest   resource   management,   to   prevent   irreversible   shall   be   punished   with   a   fine   of   not   more   than   one  
consequences   of   human   activities   on   the   environment,   thousand   pesos   or,   in   appropriate   cases,   with  
and  to  promote  a  healthier  ecosystem  for  our  people,  it  is   disqualification  to  acquire  or  enjoy  any  privilege  granted  
exclusively   to   citizens   of   the   Philippines,   such   as   the  
Rañeses  33  
acquisition   either   through   sale,   free   patent,   homestead,   not   take   a   direct   part   in   the   commission   of   the   act,  
or  lease  of  public  lands,  enjoyment  of  a  franchise  to  own   who   does   not   induce   other   to   commit   it,   nor  
or   operate   a   public   utility   or   the   grant   of   lease,   license   or   cooperates  in  the  commission  of  the  act  by  another  
a   privilege   involving   natural   resources;   and   for   a   period   act   without   which   it   would   not   have   been  
of   five   years   be   disqualified   to   hold   public   office,   to  
accomplished,  yet  cooperates  in  the  execution  of  the  
graduate  from  any  educational  institution  at  all  levels,  to  
act  by  previous  or  simultaneous  actions.    
take   any   bar,   board   or   civil   service   examination,   and   to  
practice   any   profession   licensed   and   regulated   by   the      
Supreme   Court   or   the   Professional   Regulation   There   is   no   evidence   of   conspiracy   or   cooperation.  
Commission.   Mere  passive  presence  at  the  scene  of  another’s  crime  
  does   not   constitute   the   cooperation   required   in  
Section   7.   This   Decree   shall   take   effect   upon   its   Article  14  of  the  Penal  code.  
  Punishable  by  the  Revised  Penal  Code  
Done  in  the  City  of  Manila,  this  6th  day  of  June  in  the  year  
of  Our  Lord,  nineteen  hundred  and  seventy-­‐seven.  
  Nullum  crimen,  nulla  poena  sine  lege  
Omission   *Refer  to  page  1  for  the  definition,  as  elucidated  by  
People   v.   Sylvestre   and   Atienza,   56   Phil.   353   Justice  Fernando  
Facts:     Martin   Atienza   was   convicted   as   principal   RPC,  Art.  3  
by   direct   participation   and   Romana   Silvestre   as  
*Refer  to  page  29  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision  
accomplice  of  the  crime  of  arson  by  the  CFI.  
    Art.  5  
On   the   night   of   November   25,   1950,   while   the  
Duty   of   the   court   in   connection   with   acts   which  
defendants  and  Nicolas  De  la  Cruz  and  his  wife  were  
should   be   repressed   but   which   are   not   covered   by   the  
gathered  after  dinner,  Martin  Atienza  ordered  them  
law,   and   in   cases   of   excessive   penalties.   -­‐   Whenever   a  
to   take   their   furniture   out   of   the   house   as   he   was  
court  has  knowledge  of  any  act  which  it  may  deem  
going  to  set  it  on  fire  to  get  revenge  on  the  people  of   proper   to   repress   and   which   is   not   punishable   by  
Masocol,   who   instigated   the   charge   of   adultery   law,   it   shall   render   the   proper   decision,   and   shall  
against   him   and   Silvestre   and   drove   them   out   of   report   to   the   Chief   Executive,   through   the  
town.   As   Atienza   had   a   gun   in   hand,   nobody   said   Department  of  Justice,  the  reasons  which  induce  the  
anything.   The   de   la   Cruz   couple   left   to   alert   the   court   to   believe   that   said   act   should   be   made   the  
barrio   lieutenant,   but   before   they   got   there   they   subject  of  penal  legislation.  
heard   the   cries   of   “Fire!   Fire!”   and   looked   back   to  
Art.  21  
see  their  home  on  fire.  The  fire  destroyed  about  48  
houses.  Romana  was  accused  for  listening  to  her  co-­‐ Penalties   that   may   be   imposed.   -­‐   No   felony   shall   be  
defendants   threat   without   raising   a   protest,   and   not   punishable   by   any   penalty   not   prescribed   by   law  
giving   the   alarm   when   the   latter   set   fire   to   the   prior  to  its  commission.  
How  committed  
Issue:   WON   Silvestre’s   failure   is   an   omission   that  
belongs  properly  to  the  meaning  in  Art.3  and  hence,  
punishable.   RPC,  Art.  3  
*Refer  to  page  29  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision  
Held:   No.   Mere   passive   presence   at   the   scene   of  
another’s   crime,   mere   silence   and   failure   to   give   the   Act.  365  
alarm,  without  evidence  of  agreement  or  conspiracy,  
Imprudence  and  negligence.  —  Any  person  who,  
is   not   punishable.     An   accomplice   is   one   who   does    
Rañeses  34  
(Cont.)   by   reckless   imprudence,   shall   commit   any   of   Art.   3,   the   act   is   performed   with  
act  which,  had  it  been  intentional,  would  constitute   deliberate   intent   (with   malice).   The  
a   grave   felony,   shall   suffer   the   penalty   of   arresto   offender,   in   performing   the   act   or   in  
mayor   in   its   maximum   period   to   prision   incurring   the   omission,   has   the   intention   to  
correccional   in   its   medium   period;   if   it   would   have   cause   an   injury   to   another.   In   culpable  
constituted   a   less   grave   felony,   the   penalty   of   felonies,  the  act  or  omission  of  the  offender  
arresto  mayor  in  its  minimum  and  medium  periods   is   not   malicious.   The   injury   caused   by   the  
shall  be  imposed;  if  it  would  have  constituted  a  light  
offender   to   another   person   is  
felony,  the  penalty  of  arresto  menor  in  its  maximum  
“unintentional,   it   being   simply   the   incident  
period  shall  be  imposed.  
of   another   act   performed   without   malice.”  
Any   person   who,   by   simple   imprudence   or   (People  v.  Sara,  55  Phil.  939)    
negligence,   shall   commit   an   act   which   would   3. In   felonies   committed   by   means   of   dolo  
otherwise  constitute  a  grave  felony,  shall  suffer  the   or   with   malice   and   in   felonies   committed  
penalty   of   arresto   mayor   in   its   medium   and   by   means   of   fault   or   culpa,   the   acts   or  
maximum   periods;   if   it   would   have   constituted   a  
omissions  must  be  voluntary.    
less   serious   felony,   the   penalty   of   arresto   mayor   in  
4. A   person   causing   damage   or   injury   to  
its  minimum  period  shall  be  imposed.  
another,   without   malice   or   fault,   is   not  
When   the   execution   of   the   act   covered   by   this   criminally  liable  under  the  RPC.    
article   shall   have   only   resulted   in   damage   to   the    
property  of  another,  the  offender  shall  be  punished   Dolo  
by   a   fine   ranging   from   an   amount   equal   to   the   value    
of   said   damages   to   three   times   such   value,   but  
which   shall   in   no   case   be   less   than   twenty-­‐five  
1. The   word   “deceit”   in   the   second  
paragraph   of   Art.   3   is   not   the   proper  
A   fine   not   exceeding   two   hundred   pesos   and   translation   of   the   word   “dolo.”   Dolus   is  
censure  shall  be  imposed  upon  any  person  who,  by   equivalent   to   malice,   which   is   the   intent   to  
simple  imprudence  or  negligence,  shall  cause  some   do   an   injury   to   another.   (I   Wharton’s  
wrong   which,   if   done   maliciously,   would   have   Criminal  Law  180)  
constituted  a  light  felony.  
In  the  imposition  of  these  penalties,  the  court  shall   When   the   offender,   in   performing   an   act   or  
exercise   their   sound   discretion,   without   regard   to   in   incurring   an   omission,   has   the   intention  
the  rules  prescribed  in  Article  sixty-­‐four.   to  do  an  injury  to  person,  property  or  right  of  
  another,   such   offender   acts   with   malice.   If  
    the  act  or  omission  is  punished  by  the  RPC,  
The  provisions  contained  in  this  article  shall  not  be   he  is  liable  for  intentional  felony.    
applicable:   1. Art.   3   classifies   felonies,   according   to   to   2. There   are   certain   requisites   for   dolo   or  
the  means  by  which  they  are  committed,   malice.   In   order   that   an   act   or   omission  
  into   (1)   intentional   felonies,   and   (2)   may   be   considered   as   having   been  
culpable   felonies.   Thus,   the   second   performed   or   incurred   with   deliberate  
       1.   When   the   penalty   provided   for   the   offense   is  
equal   to   paragraph   of   the  
or   lower   than   aforementioned  
those   article  
provided   in   the   first   intent,  the  following  requisites  must  concur:  
two   paragraphs   states   that   of  felonies   are   committed  
this   article,   not  
in   which   case   only  
the   1. He  must  have  FREEDOM  while  doing  
by   means   of   deceit   (dolo)   but   also   by   mean  
court  shall  impose  the  penalty  next  lower  in  degree   an  act  or  omitting  to  do  an  act;  
than   that   of  fault  
which  (culpa).  
should     be   imposed   in   the   period   2. He   must   have   INTELLIGENCE   while  
which   they  may  
2. There   deem  
is,   proper  to  
obviously,   a  adistinct  
pply.   difference   doing   the   act   or   omitting   to   do   the  
between   intentional   and   culpable   act;  
felonies.   In   the   former,   the   act   or   omission   3. He   must   have   INTENT   while   doing  
of  the  offender  is  malicious.  In  the  language  
       2.   When,   by   imprudence   or   negligence   and   with   the  act  or  omitting  to  do  the  act.    
violation   of   the   Automobile   Law,   to   death   of   a  
person  shall  be  caused,  in  which  case  the  defendant  
Rañeses  35  
3. When   a   person   acts   without   freedom,   he   apply   article   549,   but   article   554   of   the  
is   no   longer   a   human   being   but   a   tool.     Penal  Code.  
Therefore,   a   person   who   acts   under   the    
compulsion  of  an  irresistible  force  is  exempt   Held:  
from   criminal   liability.   (Art.   12,   par.   5)   So   1. No.   Criminal   intent   as   well   as   the   will   to  
also,  a  person  who  acts  under  the  impulse  of   commit   a   crime   are   always   presumed   to  
an  uncontrollable  fear  of  an  equal  or  greater   exist  on  the  part  of  the  person  who  executes  
injury  is  exempt  from  criminal  liability.  (Art.   an   act   which   the   law   punishes,   unless   the  
12,  par.  6)   contrary  shall  appear.  (Art.  1,  Penal  Code.)  
4. Without   intelligence,   necessary   to   2. No.   The   argument   which   the   defense  
determine  the  morality  of  human  acts,  no   advances,   based   on   article   554,   which   in  
crime   can   exist.   Thus,   the   imbecile   or   connection   with   553   punishes   the   setting  
insane,   and   the   infant   under   nine   years   of   fire  to  a  building  intended  for  habitation,  in  
age,  as  well  as  the  minor  over  nine  but  less   an   uninhabited   place,   does   not   apply,  
than   fifteen   years   ol   and   act   without   because   the   article   question   refers   to   an  
discernment,   have   no   criminal   liability,   edifice  intended  for  human  habitation  in  an  
because   they   act   without   intelligence.   (Art.   uninhabited   place   at   a   time   when   the   same  
12,  pars.  1,  2  and  3)   is   unoccupied.   It   is   article   549,   which  
5. Intent   to   commit   the   act   with   malice,   punishes   with   the   very   severe   penalties   of  
being   purely   a   meantal   process,   is   cadena  temporal  to  cadena  perpetua  "those  
presumed   and   the   presumption   arises   who  shall  set  fire  to  any  edifice,  farmhouse,  
from   the   proof   of   the   commission   of   an   hut,  shed,  or  vessel  in  port,  with  knowledge  
unlawful  act.     that   one   or   more   persons   were   within   the  
6. All   three   requisites   of   voluntariness   in   same,"  that  must  be  applied.  
intentional   felony   must   be   present,    
because   “a   voluntary   act   is   free,   Doctrine:   As   intent   is   largely   a   mental   process,  
intelligent,  and  intelligent  act.”  (U.S.  v.  Ah   there  is  always  a  presumption  of  intent  aising  from  
Chong,  15  Phil.  488,  495)     overt  acts.    
Presumption  of  Intent   U.S.  v.  Catolico,  18  Phil.  504  (1911)  
U.S.  v.  Apostol,  14  Phil.  92  (1909)   Facts:  On  2  October  1900  justice  of  the  peace  Rafael  
Facts:   Five   individuals,   among   them   being   the   B.   Catolico   had   16   cases   against   16   distinct  
accused   herein,   went   to   the   house   where   Pedro   individuals   each   one   for   violating   a   contract   with  
Tabilisima,   Celestino   Vergara,   and   Tranquilino   one  Juan  Canillas.  All  cases  were  decided  in  favor  of  
Manipul  were  living,  and  there  inquired  after  some   Canillas;   and   all   16   cases   appealed,   depositing   P16  
carabaos   that   had   disappeared,   and   because   these   as   required   by   law   and   filing   a   bond   of   P50.   On   12  
above-­‐mentioned  inmates  answered  that  they  knew   October   1900   Canillas   proved   to   Catolico   that   each  
nothing  about  the  matter,  ordered  them  to  leave  the   of   the   bonds   were   insolvent.   As   a   result,   Catolico  
house,  but  as  the  three  men  named  above  refused  to   ordered   the   cancellation   of   the   bonds   filed   and  
do   so   the   accused   Catalino   Apostol,   set   fire   to   the   ordered   the   16   to   file   another   bond.   Canillas   then  
hut  and  the  same  was  burnt  down.   asked   for   the   court   to   declare   final   judgment   for  
  each   of   the   16   cases   and   at   the   same   time   asking  
Issue:     that   the   sums   deposited   by   the   defendants   be  
1. WON  proof  of  criminal  intent  is  needed.     delivered   to   him.   Catolico   agreed.   Attorney   for   the  
2. WON  due  to  the  burnt  hut  being  situated  in   defendants   in   the   16   cases   then   filed   a   complaint  
an   uninhabited   place,   it   is   not   proper   to   against   Catolico   for   malversation   of   public   funds.  
Catolico  was  convicted  and  now  appeals.    
Rañeses  36  
  awarded   to   her   under   the   provisions   of   the   Civil  
Issue:   WON   Catolico   committed   a   crime   when   he   Code.  
believed  he  was  performing  an  innocent  act    
  On   a   plea   of   not   guilty   when   arraigned,   appellants  
Held:  No,  he  did  not  commit  a  crime.   went   to   trial   which   ultimately   resulted   in   a  
1. Essential   elements   for   malversation   of   judgment   promulgated   on   September   26,   1990  
public  funds  were  not  present   finding   them   guilty   of   robbery   with   extortion  
o accused   did   not   convert   the   money   committed   on   a   highway,   punishable   under  
to   his   own   use   or   to   the   use   of   any   Presidential  Decree  No.  532.  
other  person    
o he   did   not   permit   anybody   else   to   On  their  appeal,  appellants  contended  that  the  court  
convert  it   a   quo   erred   (1)   in   convicting   them   under  
  Presidential   Decree   No.   532   since   they   were   not  
To  constitute  a  crime,  the  act  must,  except  in  certain   expressly   charged   with   a   crime   therein;   (2)   in  
crimes   made   such   by   statute,   be   accomplished   by   a   applying  Sections  4  and  5,  Rule  120  of  the  Rules  of  
criminal  intent  or  by  such  negligence  or  indifference   Court   since   the   charge   under   said   presidential  
to  duty  or  to  consequences  as  in  law  is  equivalent  to   decree  is  not  the  offense  proved  and  cannot  rightly  
criminal  intent   be   used   as   the   offense   proved   which   is   necessarily  
  included  in  the  offense  charged.  
The  maxim  is  actus  non  facit  reum  nisi  mens  rea  “a    
crime   is   not   committed   if   the   mind   of   the   person   Issue:  WON  the  accused  were  guilty  of  kidnapping.    
performing  the  act  complained  it  to  be  innocent”    
  Held;  No.  it  is  worth  recalling  an  accepted  tenet  in  
Doctrine:  The  presumption  of  criminal  intent  does   criminal  law  that  in  the  determination  of  the  crime  
not  arise  from  the  proof  of  the  commission  of  an  act   for   which   the   accused   should   be   held   liable   in   those  
which  is  not  unlawful.     instances   where   his   acts   partake   of   the   nature   of  
  variant   offenses,   and   the   same   holds   true   with  
General  and  Specific  Intent   regard   to   the   modifying   or   qualifying  circumstances  
People  v.  Puno,  219  SCRA  85  (1993)   thereof,  his  motive  and  specific  intent  in  perpetrating  
Facts:   The   primal   issue   for   resolution   in   this   case   is   the  acts  complained  of  are  invaluable  aids  in  arriving  
whether   accused-­‐appellants   committed   the   felony   at   a   correct   appreciation   and   accurate   conclusion  
of   kidnapping   for   ransom   under   Article   267   of   the   thereon.  
Revised   Penal   Code,   as   charged   in   the   information;    
or  a  violation  of  Presidential  Decree  No.  532  (Anti-­‐ With   respect   to   the   specific   intent   of   appellants   vis-­‐a-­‐
Piracy  and  Anti-­‐Highway  Robbery  Law  of  1974),  as   vis  the  charge  that  they  had  kidnapped  the  victim,  we  
contended  by  the  Solicitor  General  and  found  by  the   can   rely   on   the   proverbial   rule   of   ancient  
trial   court;   or   the   offense   of   simple   robbery   respectability   that   for   this   crime   to   exist,   there   must  
punished  by  Paragraph  5,  Article  294  of  the  Revised   be   indubitable   proof   that   the   actual   intent   of   the  
Penal  Code,  as  claimed  by  the  defense.   malefactors  was  to  deprive  the  offended  party  of  her  
  liberty,   and   not   where   such   restraint   of   her   freedom  
On   January   13,   1988   in   Quezon   City,   the   said   of  action  was  merely  an  incident  in  the  commission  of  
accused   Isabelo   Puno   and   Enrique   Amurao,   being   another   offense   primarily   intended   by   the   offenders.  
then   private   individuals,   feloniously   kidnapped   Hence,   as   early   as   United   States   vs.   Ancheta,   and  
Maria   del   Socorro   Sarmiento   for   the   purpose   of   consistently   reiterated   thereafter,   it   has   been   held  
extorting   ransom,   to   the   damage   and   prejudice   of   that   the   detention   and/or   forcible   taking   away   of  
the   said   offended   party   in   such   amount   as   may   be   the  victims  by  the  accused,  even  for  an  appreciable  
period   of   time   but   for   the   primary   and   ultimate  
Rañeses  37  
purpose   of   killing   them,   holds   the   offenders   liable   (example,  murder  and  kidnapping—kill  and  
for   taking   their   lives   or   such   other   offenses   they   deprive   victim   of   liberty)   motive:   reason  
committed   in   relation   thereto,   but   the   incidental   which   prompts   accused   to   engage   in  
deprivation   of   the   victims'   liberty   does   not   particular   criminal   activity   (ex.   Kidnap   for  
constitute  kidnapping  or  serious  illegal  detention.   ransom)   essential   for   kidnapping.  
  Information:   described   murder   and  
*Highway   robbery   does   not   apply   here   either.   kidnapping  not  specified.  
Accused  are  only  guilty  of  simple  robbery.     2. Yes.   Prosecution   proved   intent   to   kill   with  
  their   knives   and   handguns,   5   gun   shot  
Doctrine:   In   some   felonies,   proof   of   particular   wounds   and   4   stab   wounds   (defensive).  
specific   intent   is   required.   (i.e.   kidnapping,   Furthermore,   the   pieces   of   circumstancial  
homicide).     evidence   were   convincing:   Rita   and   Randy  
  testified   events.   Rita   claimed   she   heard   3  
People  v.  Delim,  396  SCRA  386  (2003)   gunshots   and   accordingly,   decomposing  
Facts:   Marlon,   Leon   &   Ronald   Delim   were   convicted   body   was   found   with   gunshot   wounds   and  
for  murder  of  Modesto  Delim,  resident  of  Bila,  Sison,   stabs.  
Pangasinan.   Modesto   is   the   adopted   child   of   3. Yes.   Conspiracy   is   when   two   or   more  
Marlon’s   Dad.   Marlon,   Manuel   &   Robert   are   persons   agree   and   decide   to   commit   a  
brothers   &   Leon   &   Ronald   are   their   nephews.   felony.   This   is   proven   by   acts   of   criminal.  
Around   6:30   pm,   January   23,   1999,   Modesto   and   Before   during   and   after   crime   committed  
family   were   preparing   to   eat   dinner   when   Marlon,   and   that   accused   had   same   purpose   and  
Robert   and   Ronald   arrived.   Marlon   poked   gun,   united   in   execution;   act   of   one   act   of   all.  
other   two   grabbed,   hog   tied   and   gagged   Modesto.   Wharton  criminal  law—actual  presence  not  
They   herded   him   out   of   the   hose   and   went   to   the   necessary   if   there’s   direct   connection   bet  
direction   of   Paldit.   Leon   and   Manual   guarded   Rita   &   actor  and  crime  
Randy   until   7   am   and   told   them   to   stay   put.   They   4. Yes.   Inconsistencies   mean   and   even  
searched   for   him   for   3   days   and   reported   to   police   strengthen.  It  was  not  rehearsed  
three   days   after   the   incident.   Randy   with   relatives   5. No.  Positive  identification  over  alibi.  Unable  
found   Modesto   in   the   housing   project   in   Paldit   to  prove  that  they  were  in  another  place  and  
under  bushes.  He  was  dead  due  to  gun  shot  wound   impossible  to  go  to  crime  scene  
on  head.   6. No.   Treachery   and   taking   advantage   of  
  superior   strength   was   not   proven   as   there  
Issues:   was  no  witness  or  evidence.  The  unlicensed  
1. WON  case  is  murder  or  kidnapping?   firearm   and   dwelling   was   further   not  
2. WON  prosecution  had  sufficient  evidence?   included  in  information.  
3. WON  there  was  conspiracy?    
4. WON  witness  testimonies  were  valid?   Important  snippets  from  the  case:  
5. WON  alibi  warranted?   • Specific   intent   is   not   synonymous   with  
6. WON   there   was   treachery   and   other   motive.     Motive   generally   is   referred   to   as  
aggravting  circumstances?   the   reason   which   prompts   the   accused   to  
  engage   in   a   particular   criminal   activity.    
Held:     Motive  is  not  an  essential  element  of  a  crime  
1. Murder:   when   primary   purpose   is   to   kill,   and  hence  the  prosecution  need  not  prove  the  
deprivation   is   incidental   and   doesn’t   same.    As  a  general  rule,  proof  of  motive  for  
constitute   kidnapping   (US   v.   Ancheta).   the  commission  of  the  offense  charged  does  
Specific   intent:   active   desire   to   do   certain   not  show  guilt  and  absence  of  proof  of  such  
criminal   acts   or   particular   purpose   motive   does   not   establish   the   innocence   of  
Rañeses  38  
accused   for   the   crime   charged   such   as   may  have  impelled  its  commission  is  
murder.     very  relevant.    
• Specific  intent  is  used  to  describe  a  state   2. Generally,   proof   of   motive   is   not  
of   mind   which   exists   where   necessary   to   pin   a   crime   on   the  
circumstances   indicate   that   an   offender   accused   if   the   commission   of   the  
actively   desired   certain   criminal   crime   has   been   proven   and   the  
consequences   or   objectively   desired   a   evidence   of   identification   is  
specific  result  to  follow  his  act  or  failure   convincing.    
to  act.   3. Motive   is   essential   only   when   there  
  is   doubt   as   to   the   identity   of   the  
Intent  and  Motive     assailant.   It   is   immaterial   when   the  
Reyes:     accused   has   been   positively  
1. Intent   is   different   from   motive.   Motive   is   identified.    
the   moving   power   which   impels   one   to   action   4. Where   the   defendant   admits   the  
for   a   definite   result.   Intent   is   the   purpose   to   killing,  it  is  no  longer  necessary    
use   a   particular   means   to   effect   such   result.   5. Motive   is   important   in   ascertaining  
Motive   is   not   an   essential   element   of   a   the   truth   between   two   antagonistic  
crime,   and,   hence,   need   not   be   proved   for   theories  or  versions  of  the  killing.    
purposes   of   conviction.   (People   v.   Aposaga,   6. Where   the   identification   of   the  
No.   L-­‐32477,   Oct.   30,   1981,   108   SCRA   574,   accused  proceeds  from  an  unreliable  
595)     source   and   the   testimony   is  
  inconclusive   and   not   free   from  
An   extreme   moral   perversion   may   lead   a   doubt,   evidence   of   motive   is  
man   to   commit   a   crime   without   a   real   necessary.    
motive  but  just  for  the  sake  of  committing  it.   7. Where  there  are  no  eyewitnesses  to  
Or,   the   apparent   lack   of   a   motive   for   the   crime,   and   where   suspicion   is  
committing   a   criminal   act   does   not   likely   to   fall   upon   a   number   of  
necessarily  mean  that  there  is  none,  but  that   persons,   motive   is   relevant   and  
simply   it   is   not   known   to   us,   for   we   cannot   significant.    
probe  the  depths  of  one’s  conscience  where   8. If   the   evidence   is   merely  
it   may   be   found,   hidden   away   and   circumstantial,   proof   of   motive   is  
inaccessible   to   our   observation.   (People   v.   essential.    
Taneo,  58  Phil.  255,  256)   9. Proof  of  motive  is  not  indispensable  
  where   the   guilt   is   otherwise  
One   may   be   convicted   of   a   crime   whether   established  by  sufficient  evidence.    
his   motive   appears   to   be   good   or   bad   or   10. While   the   question   of   motive   is  
even   though   no   motive   is   proven.   A   good   important   to   the   person   who  
motive   does   not   prevent   an   act   from   being   a   committed   the   criminal   act,   yet  
crime  (i.e.  Mercy  killing).     when   there   is   no   longer   any   doubt  
that   the   defendant   was   the   culprit,   it  
2. Motive   need   not   always   be   established,  
becomes   unimportant   to   know   the  
although   there   are   cases   where   the  
exact   reason   or   purpose   for   the  
determination   of   motive   aids   in   the  
commission  of  the  crime.    
evaluation  of  a  felony.    
3. Generally,   the   motive   is   established   by  
1. Where   the   identity   of   a   person  
the  testimony  of  witnesses  on  the  acts  or  
accused   of   having   committed   a  
statements   of   the   accused   before   or  
crime   is   in   dispute,   the   motive   that  
immediately  after  the  commission  of  the  
Rañeses  39  
offense.   Such   words   or   deeds   may   indicate    
the   motive.   (Barrioquinto   v.   Fernandez,   82   Issue:  WON  the  accused  is  guilty  of  murder.  
Phil.  642,  649)    
4. Disclosure   of   the   motive   aids   in   the   the   Held:  Yes,  the  accused  is  guilty  of  murder.  Judgment  
completion   of   the   proof   of   the   appealed   from   is   AFFIRMED   in   all   respects   and   civil  
commission  of  the  crime.     indemnity  increased  to  P30K.  It  was  proven  that  he  
5. Proof   of   motive   alone   is   not   sufficient   to   had  motive  in  killing  Cagampang:  he  had  knowledge  
support   a   conviction.   Existence   of   a   that   Cagampang   possessed   a   firearm;   this   was  
motive,   though   perhaps   an   important   motive   enough   to   kill   him,   as   part   of   NPA’s   “agaw  
consideration,   is   not   sufficient   proof   of   guilt.   armas”   campaign   or   killings   perpetrated   by   NPA   for  
Mere  proof  of  motive,  no  matter  how  strong,   the   purpose   of   acquiring   more   firearms.   Moreover,  
is   not   sufficient   to   support   a   conviction   if   proof   of   motive   is   not   essential   when   the   culprit   has  
there   is   no   reliable   evidence   from   which   it   been  positively  identified.  Also,  his  flight  implies  guilt.  
may   be   reasonably   deduced   that   the    
accused  is  the  malefactor.     The   prosecution   witness,   Victorina   Cagampang,  
6. Lack   of   motive   may   aid   in   showing   the   may   have   minor   inconsistencies   in   her   testimony  
innocence  of  the  accused.     but   this   does   not   diminish   her   credibility   –   that   is  
  part   of   being   human.   What   is   important   is   that   she  
People  v.  Temblor,  161  SCRA  623  (1988)   had   positively   identified   the   accused   as   the  
Facts:   On   30   December   1980,   7:30   PM,   Vicente   assailant  and  that  her  testimony  is  corroborated  by  
Temblor  alias  “Ronald”  (accused-­‐appellant)  went  to   other  witnesses.  
Julius   Cagampang’s   house   in   Agusan   del   Norte,   to    
buy  cigarettes.  Cagampang,  while  opening  a  pack  of   Furthermore,   the   accused’s   alibi   was   unacceptable  
cigarettes,   was   shot!   The   accused   (and   another   because   it   was   self-­‐serving   and   uncorroborated.   It  
person,   Anecito   Ellevera)   demanded   Victorina   cannot   overrule   positive   identification,   it   was  
Cagampang   (Julius’   wife)   that   she   brings   out   her   merely   15-­‐20   minutes   away   from   crime   scene   and  
husband’s   firearms.   The   accused   fired   two   more   Perol  was  at  work.  
shots   at   the   fallen   victim.   Victorina   gave   a   suitcase    
to   Temblor,   who   then   took   the   .38   caliber   which   People  v.  Hassan,  157  SCRA  261  (1988)  
was  inside,  and  fled.   Facts:  Usman  Hassan,  15  yrs.  Old  of  Samal  Tribe  in  
  Zambo   City   was   convicted   of   murder   of   Pichel.  
In   August   1981,   Temblor,   an   NPA,   surrendered   (it   Pichel  was  stabbed  to  death  at  fruit  paradise  while  
was   actually   a   mass   surrender   of   NPA’s)   after   sitting   at   his   red   Honda   motorcycle,   waiting   for  
hiding   in   the   mountains.   In   26   November   1981,   he   friend  Jose  Samson  who  was  buying  fruits.  
was   arrested   by   Buenavista   police   at   the   public    
market   and   then   detained   at   municipal   jail.   Issue:  WON  conviction  is  valid  
Regarding   the   murder   of   Cagampang,   Temblor’s   Held:   No.   Conviction   reversed.   Acquitted.   The  
alibi   was   that   day   until   the   next,   he   was   with   his   Medico  Legal  found  two  stab  wounds  from  front  but  
father  for  drinking  and  pulutan.  On  8  June  1982,  the   the   Samson   claimed   that   Pichel   was   stabbed   once  
accused   was   convicted   and   sentenced   to   suffer   from   behind.   Procedure   followed   was   also  
reclusion   perpertua,   and   to   indemnify   the   heirs   of   improper.   The   accused   was   presented   to   the  
the  victim  P12,000.  He  appealed.   witness   alone   and   in   confrontation,   not   police   line  
  up.   He   was   also   denied   right   to   counsel,   particularly  
***   In   this   appeal,   the   appellant   alleges   that   the   when   identification   took   place—this   qualifies   for  
court   a   quo   erred:   (1)   in   finding   that   he   was   uncounselled   confession.   The   witness   was   also  
positively   identified   by   the   prosecution   witness   as   questioned   2   days   after   incident   and   sworn   4   days  
the  killer,  and  (2)  in  rejecting  his  defense  of  alibi.     after.   The   fruit   vendor   as   well   as   the   companion   of  
Rañeses  40  
the   accused   was   not   investigated.   In   fact,   they   did   the  accused  believed  them  to  be.  In  other  
not   pursue   other   suspect.   Also,   the   knife   was   not   words,   the   act   done   would   not   constitute   a  
tested.  Further  notable  are  the  facts  that  the  age  of   felony   had   the   facts   been   as   the   accused  
the   accused   was   observed   without   medical   basis,   believed   them   to   be.   Furthermore,   the   act  
that   the   accused   did   not   run   away   and   that   he   had   done  by  the  accused  would  have  constituted  
no   motive,   which,   in   People   vs.   Verzo   was   (1)   a   justifying   circumstance   under   Art.   11,  
considered   important   when   there   is   doubt   in   the   (2)   an   absolutory   cause,   such   as   that  
identity   of   culprit   and   reiterated   in   People   vs.   contemplated   in   Art.   247,   par.   2,   or   (3)   an  
Pervelo   which   stated   that   identification   is   tenuous.   involuntary  act.    
Furthermore,  no  motive  was  established.     5. There  exists  no  crime  of  resistance  when  
  there  is  a  mistake  of  fact.    
People  v.  Delim,  supra   6. When   the   accused   is   negligent,   mistake  
*Refer  to  pp.  36  –  37  for  the  digest  of  this  case.  See   of  fact  is  not  a  defense..    
‘important   snippets   from   the   case’   for   notes    
pertaining  to  intent  and  motive.     U.S.  v.  Ah  Chong,  15  Phil.  488  (1910)  
  Facts:   Ah   Chong   was   a   cook   in   Ft.   McKinley.   He   was  
Mistake  of  Fact   afraid  of  bad  elements.  One  evening,  before  going  to  
Reyes:   bed,  he  locked  himself  in  his  room  by  placing  a  chair  
1. While   ignorance   of   the   law   excuses   no   against   the   door.   After   having   gone   to   bed,   he   was  
one   from   compliance   therewith   awakened   by   someone   trying   to   open   the   door.   He  
(ignorantia   legis   non   excusat),   ignorance   called   out   twice,   “Who   is   there,”   but   received   no  
or   mistake   of   fact   relieves   the   accused   answer.   Fearing   that   the   intruder   was   a   robber,   he  
from   criminal   liability   (ignorantia   facti   leaped   from   his   bed   &   called   out   again,   “If   you   enter  
excusat).   Mistake   of   fact   is   a   the  room  I  will  kill  you.”  But  at  that  precise  moment,  
misapprehension   of   fact   on   the   part   of   the   he   was   struck   by   the   chair   that   had   been   placed  
person   who   caused   injury   to   another.   He   is   against   the   door,   &   believing   that   he   was   being  
not,   however,   criminally   liable,   because   he   attacked   he   seized   a   kitchen   knife   &   struck   &   fatally  
did   not   act   with   criminal   intent.   An   honest   wounded   the   intruder   who   turned   out   to   be   his  
mistake  of  fact  destroys  the  presumption  of   roommate.  
criminal   intent   which   arises   upon   the    
commission   of   a   felonious   act.   (People   v.   Issue:   WON   Ah   Chong   must   be   acquitted   because   of  
Coching,   et.   Al.,   C.A.,   52   O.G.   293,   citing   mistake  of  fact.  
People  v.  Oanis,  74  Phil.  257)    
2. Mistake   of   fact   has   certain   requisites   to   Held.  Yes.  Had  the  facts  been  as  Ah  Chong  believed  
be  a  valid  defense.     them   to   be,   he   would   have   been   justified   in   killing  
1. That   the   act   done   would   have   been   the   intruder   under   A11,   par.   1,   of   the   RPC,   which  
lawful   had   the   facts   been   as   the   requires,  to  justify  the  act,  that  there  be:  
accused  believed  them  to  be.     1. unlawful   aggression   on   the   part   of   the  
2. That   the   intention   of   the   accused   in   person  killed,  
performing  the  act  should  be  lawful.     2. reasonable   necessity   of   the   means  
3. That   the   mistake   must   be   without   employed  to  prevent  or  repel  it,  &  
fault   or   carelessness   on   the   part   of   3. lack  of  sufficient  provocation  on  the  part  of  
the  accused   the  person  defending  himself  
3. Lack  of  intent  to  commit  a  crime  may  be   If   the   intruder   was   really   a   robber,   forcing   his   way  
inferred  from  the  facts  of  the  case.     into   the   room   of   Ah   Chong,   there   would   have   been  
4. In   mistake   of   fact,   the   act   done   would   unlawful   aggression   on   the   part   of   the   intruder.  
have   been   lawful,   had   the   facts   been   as   There  would  have  been  a  necessity  on  the  part  of  Ah  
Rañeses  41  
Chong  to  defend  himself  and/or  his  home.  The  knife   failing   to   do   an   act   must   also   be   voluntary,  
would  have  been  a  reasonable  means  to  prevent  or   there   must   be   freedom   and   intelligence   on  
repel   such   aggression.   And   Ah   Chong   gave   no   the  part  of  the  offender,  but  the  requisite  of  
provocation   at   all.   Under   Art.   11   of   the   RPC,   there   is   criminal  intent,  which  is  required  in  felonies  
nothing   unlawful   in   the   intention   as   well   as   in   the   by   dolo,   is   replaced   by   the   requisite   of  
act  of  the  person  making  the  defense.   imprudence,  negligence,  lack  of  foresight,  or  
  lack  of  skill.    
Doctrine:  Mistake  of  fact  is  a  valid  defense  as  long    
as   the   requisites   are   met.   (Refer   to   item   no.   2   of   Such  negligence  or  indifference  to  duty  or  to  
Reyes’s  annotations  under  mistake  of  fact.)     consequence   is,   in   law,   equivalent   to  
  criminal   intent.   (U.S.   v.   Catolico,   18   Phil.  
People  v.  Oanis,  74  Phil.  257  (1943)     507)  
Facts:   Chief   of   Police   Oanis   and   his   co-­‐accused    
Corporal   Galanta   were   under   instructions   to   arrest   But   in   felonies   committed   by   means   of  
one   Balagtas,   a   notorious   criminal   and   escaped   culpa,   the   mind   of   the   accused   is   not  
convict,  and  if  overpowered,  to  get  hi  dead  or  alive.   criminal.   However,   his   act   is   wrongful,  
Proceeding  to  the  suspected  house,  they  went  into  a   because  the  injury  or  damage  caused  to  the  
room   and   on   seeing   a   man   sleeping   with   his   back   injured   party   results   from   the   imprudence,  
toward   the   door,   simultaneously   fired   at   him   with   negligence,   lack   of   foresight   or   lack   of   skill  
their  revolvers,  without  first  making  any  reasonable   of  the  accused.    
inquiry   as   to   his   identity.   The   victim   turned   out   to   2. Felonies   committed   by   means   of   culpa  
be   an   innocent   man,   Tecson,   and   not   the   wanted   has  certain  requisites  as  well.    
criminal.   1. He  must  have  FREEDOM  while  doing  
  an  act  or  omitting  to  do  an  act;  
Issue:  WON  the  accused  can  use  mistake  of  fact  as  a   2. He  must  have    INTELLIGENCE  while  
valid  defense.     doing   the   act   or   omitting   to   do   the  
Held:  No.    Both  accused  are  guilty  of  murder.    Even   3. He   is   IMPRUDENT,   NEGLIGENT   or  
if   it   were   true   that   the   victim   was   the   notorious   LACKS   FORESIGHT   or   SKILL   while  
criminal,   the   accused   would   not   be   justified   in   doing   the   act   or   omitting   to   do   the  
killing   him   while   the   latter   was   sleeping.   In   act.    
apprehending  even  the  most  notorious  criminal,  the   3. In  culpable  felonies,  the  injury  caused  to  
law  does  not  permit  the  captor  to  kill  him.  It  is  only   another   should   be   unintentional,   it   being  
when  the  fugitive  from  justice  is  determined  to  fight   simply   the   incident   of   another   act  
the   officers   of   law   who   are   trying   to   capture   him   performed  without  malice.    
that  killing  him  would  be  justified.   4. Mistake   in   the   identity   of   the   intended  
  victim   is   not   reckless   imprudence.   A  
Doctrine:  Careless  on  the  part  of  the  accused  does   deliberate   intent   to   do   an   unlawful   act   is  
not  allow  for  the  usage  of  mistake  of  fact  as  a  valid   essentially   inconsistent   with   the   idea   of  
defense.     reckless   imprudence.   Where   such   an  
  unlawful   act   is   willfully   done,   a   mistake   in  
Culpa   the  identity  of  the  intended  victim  cannot  be  
Reyes:   considered  as  reckless  imprudence.    
1. Criminal  intent  is  replaced  by  negligence    
and   imprudence   in   felonies   committed   Elements  
by   means   of   culpa.   In   felonies   committed   People  v.  Carmen,  355  SCRA  267  (2001)    
by   means   of   culpa,   since   the   doing   of   or  
Rañeses  42  
Facts:   The   trial   court   rendered   a   decision   and   the   precaution   on   the   part   of   the   person   performing   such  
accused-­‐appellants   were   all   found   guilty   beyond   act.   Compared   to   intentional   felonies,   such   as  
reasonable   doubt   of   the   crime   of   Murder   after   homicide   or   murder,   what   takes   the   place   of   the  
having   performed   a   cultic   healing   pray-­‐over   which   element   of   malice   or   intention   to   commit   a   wrong  
resulted   to   the   death   of   Randy   Luntayao.   They   were   or   evil   is   the   failure   of   the   offender   to   take  
sentenced   to   suffer   the   penalty   of   RECLUSION   precautions   due   to   lack   of   skill   taking   into   account  
PERPETUA.   his   employment,   or   occupation,   degree   of  
  intelligence,   physical   condition,   &   other  
Issue:   WON   accused-­‐appellants   can   be   held   liable   circumstances  regarding  persons,  time,  &  place.  
for   reckless   imprudence   resulting   in   homicide,    
considering  that  the  information  charges  them  with   The  elements  of  reckless  imprudence  are  apparent  in  
murder.   the   acts   done   by   accused-­‐appellants   which,   because  
  of  their  lack  of  medical  skill  in  treating  the  victim  of  
Held:   Yes.   Conviction   modified   to   reckless   his  alleged  ailment,  resulted  in  the  latter's  death.  The  
imprudence   resulting   in   homicide.   Killing   a   person   accused   had   no   intention   to   cause   an   evil   but   rather  
w/  treachery  is  murder  even  if  there  is  no  intent  to   to  remedy  the  victim's  ailment.  
kill.   When   death   occurs,   it’s   presumed   to   be   the    
natural  consequence  of  physical  injuries  inflicted.  In   TC's   reliance   on   the   rule   that   criminal   intent   is  
murder   qualified   by   treachery,   it’s   required   only   presumed   from   the   commission   of   an   unlawful   act  
that   there   is   treachery   in   the   attack,   &   this   is   true   is   untenable   because   such   presumption   only   holds  
even  if  the  offender  has  no  intent  to  kill  the  person   in  the  absence  of  proof  to  the  contrary.  
  Consequently,   treachery   cannot   be   appreciated   for  
One   who   commits   an   intentional   felony   is   in  the  absence  of  intent  to  kill,  there’s  no  treachery  
responsible   for   all   the   consequences   which   may   or   the   deliberate   employment   of   means,   methods,   &  
naturally   and   logically   result   therefrom,   whether   manner   of   execution   to   ensure   the   safety   of   the  
foreseen  or  intended  or  not.   accused   from   the   defensive   or   retaliatory   attacks  
  coming  from  the  victim.  
Intent   is   presumed   from   the   commission   of   an    
unlawful   act.   The   presumption   of   criminal   intent   Important   snippet   from   the   case:   Compared   to  
may  arise  from  the  proof  of  the  criminal  act.  Hence,   intentional   felonies,   such   as   homicide   or   murder,  
they   are   liable   for   all   the   direct   and   natural   what   takes   the   place   of   the   element   of   malice   or  
consequences   of   their   unlawful   act,   even   if   the   intention   to   commit   a   wrong   or   evil   is   the   failure   of  
ultimate  result  had  not  been  intended.   the   offender   to   take   precautions   due   to   lack   of   skill  
  taking   into   account   his   employment,   or   occupation,  
The   strange   procedure   resulted   in   the   death   of   the   degree   of   intelligence,   physical   condition,   and   other  
boy.   Thus,   accused-­‐appellants   had   no   criminal   circumstances  regarding  persons,  time,  and  place.  
intent  to  kill  the  boy.  Their  liability  arises  from  their    
reckless   imprudence   because   they   ought   that   to   Distinguished  from  dolo  
know  their  actions  would  not  bring  about  the  cure.   People  v.  Pugay,  167  SCRA  439  (1988)  
They   are,   therefore,   guilty   of   reckless   imprudence   Facts:   The   accused   are   pronounced   by   the   RTC   of  
resulting  in  homicide  and  not  of  murder.   Cavite  guilty  beyond  reasonable  doubt  for  the  crime  
  of   murder   of   Bayani   Miranda   and   sentencing   them  
Art.  365,  of  the  RPC,  as  amended,  states  that  reckless   to   a   prison   term   ranging   from   12   years   (prison  
imprudence   consists   in   voluntarily,   but   w/o   malice,   mayor)   as   minimum   to   20   years   (prison   temporal)  
doing   or   failing   to   do   an   act   from   which   material   as   maximum   and   for   Samson   to   be   sentenced   to  
damage   results   by   reason   of   inexcusable   lack   of   reclusion  perpetua.  
Rañeses  43  
  them   is   liable   only   for   the   act   that   was  
Miranda   and   the   accused   Pugay   are   friends.   committed  by  him.  
Miranda   used   to   run   errands   for   Pugay   and   they   2. Having   failed   to   exercise   diligence   necessary  
used   to   sleep   together.   On   the   evening   of   May   19,   to   avoid   every   undesirable   consequence  
1982   a   town   fiesta   was   held   in   the   public   plaza   of   arising   from   any   act   committed   by   his  
Rosario   Cavite.   Sometime   after   midnight   accused   companions   who   at   the   same   time   were  
Pugay  and  Samson  with  several  companions  arrived   making   fun   of   the   deceased,   Pugay   is   guilty    
(they   were   drunk),   and   they   started   making   fun   of   of  reckless  imprudence  resulting  to  homicide  
Bayani   Miranda.   Pugay   after   making   fun   of   the    
Bayani,   took   a   can   of   gasoline   and   poured   its   On   the   other   hand,   since   the   evidence   is  
contents   on   the   latter,   Gabion   (principal   witness)   insufficient   to   establish   qualifying  
told   Pugay   not   to   do   the   deed.   Then   Samson   set   circumstances   of   treachery   and   conspiracy,  
Miranda   on   fire   making   a   human   torch   out   of   him.   and   given   the   mitigating   circumstance   that  
They  were  arrested  the  same  night  and  barely  a  few   he   never   intended   to   commit   so   grave   a  
hours   after   the   incident   gave   their   written   wrong,  Samson  is  guilty  of  homicide.    
  B. Crimes   defined   and   penalized   by   special  
Issue:   WON   conspiracy   is   present,   thus   affirming   laws  
the   charge   of   murder.   If   not,   what   are   the   criminal   Reyes:  
responsibilities  of  the  accused?     1. There   are   three   classes   of   crimes.   The  
  RPC   defines   and   penalizes   the   first   two  
Held:   classes   of   crimes,   (1)   the   intentional  
1. No.   Conspiracy   is   determined   when   two   or   felonies,   and   (2)   the   culpable   felonies.   The  
more  persons  agree  to  commit  a  felony  and   third   class   of   crimes   are   defined   and  
decide   to   commit   it.   Conspiracy   must   be   penalized   by   special   laws   which   include  
proven  with  the  same  quantum  of  evidence   crimes   punished   by   municipal   or   city  
as   the   felony   itself,   more   specifically   by   ordinances.    
proof   beyond   reasonable   doubt.   It   is   not   2. When   the  crime  is  punished  by  a  special  
essential   that   there   be   proof   as   to   the   law,   as   a   rule,   intent   to   commit   the   crime  
existence   of   a   previous   agreement   to   is   not   necessary.   It   is   sufficient   that   the  
commit   a   crime.   It   is   sufficient   if,   at   the   time   offender  has  the  intent  to  perpetrate  the  
of   commission   of   the   crime,   the   accused   had   act  prohibited  by  the  special  law.    
the   same   purpose   and   were   united   in   its   3. Intent   to   commit   the   crime   and   intent   to  
executed.   perpetrate  the  act  must  be  distinguished.  
  A   person   may   not   have   consciously  
Since   there   was   no   animosity   between   intended   to   commit   a   crime;   but   he   did  
Miranda   and   the   accused,   and   add   to   the   intend   to   commit   an   act,   and   that   act   is,   by  
that   that   the   meeting   at   the   scene   of   the   the   very   nature   of   things,   the   crime   itself.  
incident   was   purely   coincidental,   and   the   (U.S.  v.  Go  Chico,  14  Phil.  128)    
main  intent  of  the  accused  is  to  make  fun  of    
miranda.   In   the   first,   there   must   be   criminal   intent;   in  
  the   second,   it   is   enough   that   the   prohibited  
Since   there   is   no   conspiracy   that   was   act  is  done  freely  and  consciously.    
proven,   the   respective   criminal   4. In  those  crimes  punished  by  special  laws,  
responsibility   of   Pugay   and   Samson   arising   the  act  alone,  irrespective  of  its  motives,  
from   different   acts   directed   against   Miranda   constitutes  the  offense.    
is  individual  and  NOT  collective  and  each  of  
Rañeses  44  
5. Good  faith  and  absence  of  criminal  intent   funds   in   or   credit   with   the   drawee   bank   for   the  
not  valid  defenses  in  crimes  punished  by   payment   of   said   check   in   full   upon   presentment,  
special   laws.   (For   specific   exemptions,   which   check   is   subsequently   dishonored   by   the  
refer   to   pp.   56-­‐58  of  Reyes’s   annotations  of   drawee   bank   for   insufficiency   of   funds   or   credit   or  
the  RPC,  17th  edition.)     would   have   been   dishonored   for   the   same   reason  
  had   not   the   drawer,   without   any   valid   reason,  
Crimes  Mala  in  se  and  Mala  prohibita   ordered   the   bank   to   stop   payment."   The   penalty  
Reyes:   prescribed   for   the   offense   is   imprisonment   of   not  
1. There   is   a   distinction   between   crimes   less  than  30  days  nor  more  than  one  year  or  a  fine  
which   are   mala   in   se,   or   wrongful   from   or   not   less   than   the   amount   of   the   check   nor   more  
their   nature,   such   as   theft,   rape,   than   double   said   amount,   but   in   no   case   to   exceed  
homicide,   etc.,   and   those   that   are   mala   P200,000.00,  or  both  such  fine  and  imprisonment  at  
prohibita,   or   wrong   merely   because   the  discretion  of  the  court.  
prohibited   by   statute,   such   as   illegal    
possession   of   firearms.   Crimes   mala   in   se   The   statute   likewise   imposes   the   same   penalty   on  
are   those   so   serious   in   their   effects   on   "any   person   who,   having   sufficient   funds   in   or  
society   as   to   call   for   almost   unanimous   credit   with   the   drawee   bank   when   he   makes   or  
condemnation  of  its  members;  while  crimes   draws  and  issues  a  check,  shall  fail  to  keep  sufficient  
mala   prohibita   are   violations   of   mere   rules   funds   or   to   maintain   a   credit   to   cover   the   full  
of   convenience   designed   to   secure   a   more   amount  of  the  check  if  presented  within  a  period  of  
orderly   regulation   of   the   affairs   of   society.   ninety   (90)   days   from   the   date   appearing   thereon,  
(Bouvier’s   Law   Dictionary,   Rawle’s   3rd   for   which   reason   it   is   dishonored   by   the   drawee  
Revision)   bank.  
2. In   acts   mala   in   se,   the   intent   governs;   but    
in  those  mala  prohibita,  the  only  inquiry   An   essential   element   of   the   offense   is   "knowledge"  
is,  has  the  law  been  violated?     on   the   part   of   the   maker   or   drawer   of   the   check   of  
3. The   term   mala   in   se   refers   generally   to   the   insufficiency   of   his   funds   in   or   credit   with   the  
felonies   defined   and   penalized   by   the   bank  to  cover  the  check  upon  its  presentment.  Since  
RPC.   When   the   acts   are   inherently   this   involves   a   state   of   mind   difficult   to   establish,  
immoral,   they   are   mala   in   se,   even   if   the  statute  itself  creates  a  prima  facie  presumption  
punished   by   special   laws.   On   the   other   of   such   knowledge   where   payment   of   the   check   "is  
hand,   there   are   crimes   in   the   RPC   which   refused  by  the  drawee  because  of  insufficient  funds  
were  originally  defined  and  penalized  by   in  or  credit  with  such  bank  when  presented  within  
special   laws,   like   use   of   opium,   ninety   (90)   days   from   the   date   of   the   check.   To  
malversation,  brigandage  and  libel.     mitigate  the  harshness  of  the  law  in  its  application,  
4. The  term  mala  prohibita  refers  generally   the   statute   provides   that   such   presumption   shall  
to  acts  made  criminal  by  special  laws.     not   arise   if   within   five   (5)   banking   days   from  
  receipt   of   the   notice   of   dishonor,   the   maker   or  
Lozano  v.  Martinez,  146  SCRA  323  (1986)   drawer   makes   arrangements   for   payment   of   the  
Facts:   Petitioners,   charged   with   Batas   Pambansa   check  by  the  bank  or  pays  the  holder  the  amount  of  
Bilang   22   (BP   22   for   short),   popularly   known   as   the   the  check.  
Bouncing   Check   Law,   assail   the   law's    
constitutionality.   Another  provision  of  the  statute,  also  in  the  nature  
  of  a  rule  of  evidence,  provides  that  the  introduction  
BP  22  punishes  a  person  "who  makes  or  draws  and   in   evidence   of   the   unpaid   and   dishonored   check  
issues   any   check   on   account   or   for   value,   knowing   with   the   drawee   bank's   refusal   to   pay   "stamped   or  
at  the  time  of  issue  that  he  does  not  have  sufficient   written   thereon   or   attached   thereto,   giving   the  
Rañeses  45  
reason   therefor,   "shall   constitute   prima   facie   proof   eventually   hurt   the   welfare   of   society   and  
of   "the   making   or   issuance   of   said   check,   and   the   the  public  interest.  
due   presentment   to   the   drawee   for   payment   and    
the   dishonor   thereof   ...   for   the   reason   written,   The   enactment   of   BP   22   is   a   declaration   by  
stamped   or   attached   by   the   drawee   on   such   the   legislature   that,   as   a   matter   of   public  
dishonored  check."   policy,   the   making   and   issuance   of   a  
  worthless   check   is   deemed   public   nuisance  
The   presumptions   being   merely   prima   facie,   it   is   to   be   abated   by   the   imposition   of   penal  
open   to   the   accused   of   course   to   present   proof   to   sanctions.  
the  contrary  to  overcome  the  said  presumptions.   2. No.   The   freedom   of   contract   which   is  
  constitutionally   protected   is   freedom   to  
Issues:   enter   into   "lawful"   contracts.   Contracts  
1. WON   BP   22   violates   the   constitutional   which   contravene   public   policy   are   not  
provision  forbidding  imprisonment  for  debt.     lawful.   Besides,   we   must   bear   in   mind   that  
2. WON  BP  22  impairs  the  freedom  to  contract.   checks   can   not   be   categorized   as   mere  
3. WON  it  violates  the  equal  protection  clause.   contracts.   It   is   a   commercial   instrument  
  which,   in   this   modem   day   and   age,   has  
Held:   become   a   convenient   substitute   for   money;  
1. No.   The   gravamen   of   the   offense   punished   it   forms   part   of   the   banking   system   and  
by   BP   22   is   the   act   of   making   and   issuing   a   therefore   not   entirely   free   from   the  
worthless   check   or   a   check   that   is   regulatory  power  of  the  state.  
dishonored   upon   its   presentation   for   3. No.   Petitioners   contend   that   the   payee   is  
payment.   It   is   not   the   non-­‐payment   of   an   just   as   responsible   for   the   crime   as   the  
obligation   which   the   law   punishes.   The   law   drawer   of   the   check,   since   without   the  
is   not   intended   or   designed   to   coerce   a   indispensable   participation   of   the   payee   by  
debtor   to   pay   his   debt.   The   thrust   of   the   law   his   acceptance   of   the   check   there   would   be  
is   to   prohibit,   under   pain   of   penal   sanctions,   no   crime.   This   argument   is   tantamount   to  
the  making  of  worthless  checks  and  putting   saying   that,   to   give   equal   protection,   the   law  
them   in   circulation.   Because   of   its   should   punish   both   the   swindler   and   the  
deleterious  effects  on  the  public  interest,  the   swindled.   Moreover,   the   clause   does   not  
practice   is   proscribed   by   the   law.   The   law   preclude   classification   of   individuals,   who  
punishes   the   act   not   as   an   offense   against   may   be   accorded   different   treatment   under  
property,   but   an   offense   against   public   the   law   as   long   as   the   classification   is   no  
order.   unreasonable  or  arbitrary.  
The   effects   of   the   issuance   of   a   worthless   Magno  v.  C.A.,  210  SCRA  475  (1992)  
check  transcends  the  private  interests  of  the   Facts:   Petitioner   Magno   was   in   the   process   of  
parties   directly   involved   in   the   transaction   putting   up   a   car   repair   shop   sometime   in   April  
and  touches  the  interests  of  the  community   1983,  but  he  did  not  have  complete  equipment  that  
at  large.  The  mischief  it  creates  is  not  only  a   could   make   his   venture   workable.   He   also   had  
wrong   to   the   payee   or   holder,   but   also   an   another   problem,   and   that   while   he   was   going   into  
injury  to  the  public.  The  harmful  practice  of   this   entrepreneurship,   he   lacked   funds   with   which  
putting   valueless   commercial   papers   in   to  purchase  the  necessary  equipment  to  make  such  
circulation,   multiplied   a   thousand   fold,   can   business  operational.  Thus,  petitioner,  representing  
very   wen   pollute   the   channels   of   trade   and   Ultra   Sources   International   Corporation,  
commerce,   injure   the   banking   system   and   approached   Corazon   Teng,   (private   complainant)  
Vice   President   of   Mancor   Industries   (hereinafter  
Rañeses  46  
referred   to   as   Mancor)   for   his   needed   car   repair   subject   of   the   petition,   were   held   momentarily   by  
service   equipment   of   which   Mancor   was   a   Corazon   Teng,   on   the   request   of   Magno   as   they  
distributor.   were  not  covered  with  sufficient  funds.    
Having   been   approached   by   petitioner   on   his   Subsequently,   petitioner   could   not   pay   LS   Finance  
predicament,   who   fully   bared   that   he   had   no   the   monthly   rentals,   thus   it   pulled   out   the   garage  
sufficient   funds   to   buy   the   equipment   needed,   the   equipment.   It   was   then   on   this   occasion   that  
former   (Corazon   Teng)   referred   Magno   to   LS   petitioner  became  aware  that  Corazon  Teng  was  the  
Finance   and   Management   Corporation   (LS   Finance   one  who  advanced  the  warranty  deposit.  Petitioner  
for   brevity)   advising   its   Vice-­‐President,   Joey   Gomez,   with   his   wife   went   to   see   Corazon   Teng   and  
that   Mancor   was   willing   and   able   to   supply   the   promised   to   pay   the   latter   but   the   payment   never  
pieces   of   equipment   needed   if   LS   Finance   could   came  and  when  the  four  (4)  checks  were  deposited  
accommodate   petitioner   and   provide   him   credit   they  were  returned  for  the  reason  "account  closed."  
  For   having   issued   the   four   (4)   checks   that   later  
The   arrangement   went   through   on   condition   that   bounced,   petitioner   was   charged   with   four   (4)  
petitioner   has   to   put   up   a   warranty   deposit   counts  of  violation  of  B.P  Blg.  22.  After  trial,  he  was  
equivalent   to   thirty   per   centum   (30%)   of   the   total   found  guilty  and  sentenced  to  imprisonment  for  one  
value   of   the   pieces   of   equipment   to   be   purchased,   year   in   each   criminal   case   and   to   pay   complainant  
amounting  to  P29,790.00.  Since  petitioner  could  not   the   respective   amounts   reflected   in   the   subject  
come   up   with   such   amount,   he   requested   Joey   checks.  
Gomez   on   personal   level   to   look   for   a   third   party    
who   could   lend   him   the   equivalent   amount   of   the   Issue:   WON   petitioner   should   be   punished   for   the  
warranty  deposit.  However,  unknown  to  petitioner,   issuance  of  the  checks  in  questions.  
it   was   Corazon   Teng   who   advanced   the   deposit   in    
question,  on  condition  that  the  same  would  be  paid   Held:   No.   By   the   nature   of   the   "warranty   deposit"  
as  a  short  term  loan  at  3%  interest.   amounting   to   P29,790.00   corresponding   to   30%   of  
  the   "purchase/lease"   value   of   the   equipment  
As   part   of   the   arrangement,   petitioner   and   LS   subject   of   the   transaction,   it   is   obvious   that   the  
Finance   entered   into   a   leasing   agreement   whereby   "cash   out"   made   by   Mrs.   Teng   was   not   used   by  
LS  Finance  would  lease  the  garage  equipments  and   petitioner   who   was   just   paying   rentals   for   the  
petitioner   would   pay   the   corresponding   rent   with   equipment.   It   would   have   been   different   if  
the   option   to   buy   the   same.   After   the   petitioner   opted   to   purchase   the   pieces   of  
documentation  was  completed,  the  equipment  were   equipment  on  or  about  the  termination  of  the  lease-­‐
delivered   to   petitioner   who   in   turn   issued   a   purchase  agreement  in  which  case  he  had  to  pay  the  
postdated   check   and   gave   it   to   Joey   Gomez   who,   additional   amount   of   the   warranty   deposit   which  
unknown   to   the   petitioner,   delivered   the   same   to   should   have   formed   part   of   the   purchase   price.   As  
Corazon   Teng.   When   the   check   matured,   petitioner   the   transaction   did   not   ripen   into   a   purchase,   but  
requested   through   Joey   Gomez   not   to   deposit   the   remained   a   lease   with   rentals   being   paid   for   the  
check   as   he   (Magno)   was   no   longer   banking   with   loaned   equipment,   which   were   pulled   out   by   the  
Pacific  Bank.   Lessor   (Mancor)   when   the   petitioner   failed   to  
  continue   paying   possibly   due   to   economic  
To   replace   the   first   check   issued,   petitioner   issued   constraints  or  business  failure,  then  it  is  lawful  and  
another   set   of   six   (6)   postdated   checks.   Two   (2)   just   that   the   warranty   deposit   should   not   be  
checks   dated   July   29,   1983   were   deposited   and   charged  against  the  petitioner.  
cleared   while   the   four   (4)   others,   which   were   the    
subject  of  the  four  counts  of  the  aforestated  charges  
Rañeses  47  
To   charge   the   petitioner   for   the   refund   of   a   encourage   users   of   the   system   to   enrich  
"warranty  deposit"  which  he  did  not  withdraw  as  it   themselves   through   manipulations   and  
was   not   his   own   account,   it   having   remained   with   circumvention   of   the   noble   purpose   and  
LS   Finance,   is   to   even   make   him   pay   an   unjust   objective  of  the  law.  (Quoting  Paras,  J.)    
"debt",   to   say   the   least,   since   petitioner   did   not   2. …   still   in   mala   prohibita,   while   there   is   no  
receive   the   amount   in   question.   All   the   while,   said   need   of   criminal   intent,   there   must   be  
amount   was   in   the   safekeeping   of   the   financing   knowledge   that   the   same   existed.   Without  
company,   which   is   managed,   supervised   and   the   knowledge   of   voluntariness   there   is   no  
operated  by  the  corporation  officials  and  employees   crime.  (Quoting  Paras,  J.)    
of  LS  Finance.   3. The   much   abused   theory   of   malum  
  prohibitum—that   the   only   point   of   inquiry  
It  is  intriguing  to  realize  that  Mrs.  Teng  did  not  want   in   this   kind   of   offense   is,   whether   the   law  
the   petitioner   to   know   that   it   was   she   who   has   been   violated—was   already   clearly  
"accommodated"   petitioner's   request   for   Joey   relegated   to   the   background   in   favor   of   the  
Gomez,   to   source   out   the   needed   funds   for   the   teleological  idea  of  fairness  and  justice.    
"warranty   deposit".   Thus   it   unfolds   the   kind   of   4. The  Lozano  doctrine,  which  uses  the  theory  
transaction   that   is   shrouded   with   mystery,   of   malum   prohibitum   as   justification,   was   a  
gimmickry   and   doubtful   legality.   It   is   in   simple   haphazard   ruling   and   its   effect   is   a  
language,   a   scheme   whereby   Mrs.   Teng   as   the   perversion   of   the   criminal   process,   because  
supplier   of   the   equipment   in   the   name   of   her   payees   of   dishonored   are   using   the   threat   of  
corporation,  Mancor,  would  be  able  to  "sell  or  lease"   criminal   sanction   to   enforce   collections   of  
its   goods   as   in   this   case,   and   at   the   same   time,   their  credits.    
privately   financing   those   who   desperately   need   5. Three  classes  of  crimes  are  recognized  in  
petty   accommodations   as   this   one.   This   modus   the   second   and   third   paragraphs,   Art.   3  
operandi   has   in   so   many   instances   victimized   of   the   Revised   Penal   Code   (Refer   to   page  
unsuspecting   businessmen,   who   likewise   need   29  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision).  
protection   from   the   law,   by   availing   of   the   1. Crimes  mala  in  se  are  unlawful  facts  
deceptively   called   "warranty   deposit"   not   realizing   accompanied   by   evil   intent.   The  
that   they   also   fall   prey   to   leasing   equipment   under   Code   calls   these   crimes   dolo  
the  guise  of  a  lease-­‐purchase  agreement  when  it  is  a   offenses.   This   class   of   crimes   is  
scheme  designed  to  skim  off  business  clients.   based   on   the   general   condition   of  
  penal   liability   under   the   legal  
This  maneuvering  has  serious  implications  especially   maxim,   actus   non   facit   reum,   nisi  
with   respect   to   the   threat   of   the   penal   sanction   of   the   mens   sit   rea,   or   the   mens   rea  
law  in  issue,  as  in  this  case.  And,  with  a  willing  court   doctrine,   under   which   the   unlawful  
system   to   apply   the   full   harshness   of   the   special   law   act   alone   does   not   amount   to   guilt  
(B.P   Blg.   22)   in   question,   using   the   "mala   prohibita"   unless   it   is   accompanied   by   a   guilty  
doctrine,  the  noble  objective  of  the  law  is  tainted  with   mind.    
materialism  and  opportunism  in  the  highest  degree.    
  Offenses  mala  in  se  require  malice  or  
A   Theory   of   Crime   and   Punishment   by   David   G.   malicious   intention.   The   term   dolus,  
Nitafan   as   an   element   of   the   mode   of  
1. Magno   v.   Court   of   Appeals:   For   all   intents   commission  of  this  class  of  offenses,  
and   purposes,   the   law   was   devised   to   involves   a   complex   idea,   which  
safeguard  the  interest  of  the  banking  system   consists   of   several   elements;  
and   the   legitimate   public   checking   account   freedom,   intelligence,   and   intent.  
user.  It  did  not  intend  to  shelter  or  favor  nor   The   violation   must   be   a   voluntary  
Rañeses  48  
act,  otherwise  it  will  not  amount  to  a   corrupt   intent.   The   display   itself,   without   the  
crime,   or   stating   it   in   another   way,   intervention  of  any  other  fact,  is  the  evil.  It  is  quite  
no  criminal  liability  is  incurred.     different  from  that  large  class  of  crimes,  made  such  
  by   the   common   law   or   by   statute,   in   which   the  
2. There   are   crimes   which,   by   the   act   injurious   effect   upon   the   public   depends   upon   the  
alone,   irrespective   of   its   motives,   the   corrupt   intention   of   the   person   perpetrating   the  
constitute   the   offenses   punished   by   act.   […]   In   the   case   at   bar,   however,   the   evil   to  
the   statute.   These   are   the   crimes   society   and   to   the   Government   does   not   depend  
mala   prohibita,   where   in   upon  the  state  of  mind  of  the  one  who  displays  the  
determining   the   existence   of   the   banner,   but   upon   the   effect   which   that   display   has  
crime,   the   only   inquiry   is,   has   the   upon   the   public   mind.   In   the   one   case   the   public   is  
law  been  violated?     affected  by  the  intention  of  the  actor;  in  the  other  by  
  the  act  itself.    
Traditional   concept:   the   act   is   evil    
because   it   is   prohibited.   An   offense   Relation  of  RPC  to  special  laws  
malum   prohibitum   is   an   act   made   RPC,  Art.  10  
wrong   by   legislation—a   forbidden  
evil.     Offenses  not  subject  to  the  provisions  of  this  Code.  —  
• With   the   latest   rulings   applying   the   theory   Offenses   which   are   or   in   the   future   may   be  
of   malum   prohibitum,   the   traditional   punishable  under  special  laws  are  not  subject  to  the  
provisions   of   this   Code.   This   Code   shall   be  
concept   of   the   theory   has   been   “exploded.”  
supplementary   to   such   laws,   unless   the   latter  
Knowledge   of   the   prohibition   is   now   a  
should  specially  provide  the  contrary.  
requirement,  so  that  in  charging    an  offense  
the   information   must   now   state   not   mere    
“unlawfulness”   of   the   act   but   that   it   was   Reyes:  
done   “knowingly”   or     “willfully,”   otherwise   1. Art.  10  is  composed  of  two  clauses.  In  the  
the   information   is   insufficient   to   charge   an   first,   it   is   provided   that   offenses   under  
offense.     special   laws   are   not   subject   to   the  
  provisions   of   the   Code.   The   second   makes  
U.S.  v.  Go  Chico,  14  Phil.  128  (1909)     the  Code  supplementary  to  such  laws.    
Facts:   Accused   Go   Chico   was   charged   with   a    
violation  of  Sec.  1  of  Act  No.  1696  of  the  Philippine   The   first   clause   should   be   taken   to   mean  
Commission,   which   punishes   any   person   who   shall   only   that   the   Penal   Code   is   not   intended   to  
expose   to   public   view   any   flag,   banner,   emblem   or   supersede  special  penal  laws.  The  latter  are  
device   used   during   the   late   insurrection   in   the   controlling   with   regard   to   offenses   therein  
Philippines.   Even   if   the   accused   acted   without   specially  punished.  Said  clause  only  restates  
criminal   intent   without   criminal   intent,   the   lower   the  elemental  rule  of  statutory  construction  
court  convicted  him.     that   special   legal   provisions   prevail   over  
  general  ones.    
Issue:  WON  the  conviction  of  the  accused  is  proper.      
  The   second   clause   contains   the   soul   of   the  
Held:   Yes.   The   display   of   a   flag   or   emblem   used,   article.   The   main   idea   and   purpose   of   the  
particularly   within   a   recent   period,   by   the   enemies   article  is  embodied  in  the  provision  that  the  
of   the   Government   tends   to   incite   resistance   of   “Code   shall   be   supplementary”   to   special  
governmental   functions   and   insurrection   against   laws,   unless   the   latter   should   specially  
governmental  authority  just  as  effectively  if  made  in   provide   the   contrary.   (Dissent   of   Justice  
the   best   of   good   faith   as   if   made   with   the   most   Perfecto,  People  v.  Gonzales,  82  Phil.  307)  
Rañeses  49  
2. IMPORTANT  WORDS  AND  PHRASES   8. Plea   of   guilty   as   a   mitigating  
1. “Special   laws”-­‐   defined   in   U.S.   v.   circumstance   is   not   available   to   offenses  
Serapio,  23  Phil.  584,  as  a  penal  law   punishable  under  special  laws.    
which  punishes  acts  not  defined  and   9. No   accessory   penalty,   unless   the   law  
penalized   by   the   Penal   Code.   It   is   a   provides  therefor.  
statute   enacted   by   the   legislative   10. Special   laws   amending   the   RPC   are  
branch,   penal   in   character,   which   is   subject  to  its  provisions.    
not   an   amendment   to   the   RPC.    
Special  laws  usually  follow  the  form    
of  American  penal  law.     C. Criminal  Liability  
2. “Supplementary”   –   the   word   means    
supplying   what   is   lacking;   How  incurred  
additional.   Some   provisions   of   the  
Penal   Code   are   perfectly   applicable  
to  special  laws.     RPC,  Art.  4  
3. “Unless  the  latter  should  provide  the   Criminal   liability.   —   Criminal   liability   shall   be  
contrary.”  -­‐     incurred:  
3. The   provisions   of   the   RPC   on   penalties  
cannot  be  applied  to  offenses  punishable   1.   By   any   person   committing   a   felony   (delito)  
under  special  laws.   although   the   wrongful   act   done   be   different   from  
that  which  he  intended.  
4. Offenses   under   special   laws   are   not  
subject   to   the   provisions   of   the   RPC   2.  By  any  person  performing  an  act  which  would  be  
relating   to   attempted   and   frustrated   an  offense  against  persons  or  property,  were  it  not  
crimes.     for   the   inherent   impossibility   of   its   accomplishment  
5. The   special   law   has   to   fix   penalties   for   or   an   account   of   the   employment   of   inadequate   or  
attempted   and   frustrated   crime.   The   ineffectual  means.  
penalty   for   the   consummated   crime   cannot  
be   imposed   when   the   stage   of   the   acts   of  
execution   is   either   attempted   or   frustrated,  
1. Criminal   liability   is   incurred   by   any  
because  the  penalties  for  the  attempted  and  
person   in   the   cases   mentioned   in   the   two  
frustrated   crime   is   two   degrees   or   one  
paragraphs   of   Art.   4.   The   article   has   no  
degree   lower,   respectively.   The   special   law  
reference  to  the  manner  criminal  liability  is  
does   not   provide   for   penalty   one   or   two  
incurred.   The   manner   of   incurring   criminal  
degrees   lower   than   that   provided   for   the  
liability   is   stated   in   Art.   3,   that   is,  
consummated   stage.   The   special   law   has   to  
performing   or   failing   to   do   an   act,   when  
fix   a   penalty   for   the   attempt   and   a   penalty  
either   is   punished   by   law,   by   means   of  
for   the   frustration     of   the   crime   defined   by  
deceit   (with   malice)   or   fault   (through  
it,   in   order   that   the   crime   may   be   punished  
negligence  or  imprudence).    
in   case   its   commission   reached   only   the  
2. One  who  commits  an  intentional  felony  is  
attempted  or  frustrated  stage  of  execution.    
responsible   for   all   the   consequences  
6. When   a   special   law   covers   the   mere  
which   may   naturally   and   logically   result  
attempt   to   commit   the   crime   defined   by  
therefrom,  whether  foreseen  or  intended  
it,   the   attempted   stage   is   punishable   by  
or  not.  Ordinarily,  when  a  person  commits  a  
the  same  penalty  provided  by  the  law.    
felony   with   malice,   he   intends   the  
7. Art.   10,   RPC,   is   not   applicable   to   punish  
consequences  of  his  felonious  act.  But  there  
an  accomplice  under  the  special  law.    
are   cases   where   the   consequences   of   the  
felonious   acts   of   the   offender   are   not  
Rañeses  50  
intended   by   him.   In   those   cases,   “the   2. “Although   the   wrongful   act   done   be  
wrongful   act   done”   is   “different   from   that   different   from   that   which   he  
which  he  intended.”     intended.”   –   The   causes   which   may  
  produce   a   result   different   from   that  
In   view   of   par.   1   of   Art.   4,   a   person   which  the  offender  intended  are:  (1)  
committing   a   felony   is   criminally   liable   mistake   in   the   identity   of   the   victim;  
although   the   consequences   of   his   felonious   (2)  mistake  in  the  blow,  that  is  when  
act  are  not  intended  by  him.     the   offender   intending   to   do   an  
  injury   to   another   person   actually  
One   is   not   relieved   from   criminal   liability   inflicts  it  on  another;  and  (3)  the  act  
for  the  natural  consequences  of  one’s  illegal   exceeds   the   intent,   that   is,   the  
acts,  merely  because  one  does  not  intend  to   injurious   result   is   greater   than   that  
produce   such   consequences.   (U.S.   v.   Brobst,   intended.    
14  Phil.  310)     4. Under  par.  1,  Art.  4,  a  person  committing  
3. IMPORTANT   WORDS   AND   PHRASES   IN   a  felony  is  still  criminally  liable  even  if-­‐  
PAR.  1  OF  ART.  4.     1. There   is   a   mistake   in   the   identity   of  
1. “Committing   a   felony.”   –   Not   mere   the  victim  –  error  in  personae.    
performance   of   an   act.   A   felony   is   an   2. There   is   a   mistake   in   the   blow   –  
act  punishable  by  the  RPC.  If  it  is  not   aberratio  ictus.    
punishable   by   the   code,   it   is   not   a   3. The   injurious   result   is   greater   than  
felony.   The   felony   committed   should   that  intended  –  praeter  intentionem.    
be  one  committed  by  means  of  dolo,   5. The   first   paragraph   of   Art.   4   has   certain  
that  is,  with  malice,  because  par.  1  of   requisites.    
Art.   4   speaks   of   wrongful   act   done   1. That   an   intentional   felony   has   been  
“different   from   that   which   he   committed;  and  
intended.”     2. That   the   wrong   done   to   the  
  aggrieved   party   be   the   direct,  
If   the   wrongful   act   results   from   natural   and   logical   consequence   of  
imprudence,   negligence,   lack   of   the   felony   committed   by   the  
foresight   or   lack   of   skill   of   the   offender.    
offender,   his   liability   should   be   6. Any   person   who   creates   in   another’s  
determined   under   Art.   365,   which   mind   an   immediate   sense   of   danger,  
defines   and   penalizes   criminal   which   causes   the   latter   to   do   something  
negligence.     resulting   in   the   latter’s   injuries,   is   liable  
  for  the  resulting  injuries.    
The   act   or   omission   should   not   be   7. The   felony   committed   must   be   the  
punished   by   a   special   law,   because   proximate   cause   of   the   resulting   injury.  
the   offender   violating   a   special   law   Proximate   cause   is   “that   cause,   which,   in  
may   have   the   intent   to   do   an   injury   natural  and  continuous  sequence,  unbroken  
to   another.   In   such   case,   the   by  any  efficient  intervening  cause,  produces  
wrongful   act   done   could   not   be   the   injury,   and   without   which   the   result  
different   as   the   offender   did   not   would   not   have   occurred.”   (Bataclan   v.  
intend  to  do  any  other  injury.     Medina,   102   Phil.   181,   186,   quoting   38   Am.  
§ When   a   person   has   not   Jur.  695)  
committed   a   felony,   he   is   not    
criminally   liable   for   the   Moreover,   a   person   committing   a   felony   is  
result  which  is  not  intended.     criminally   liable   for   all   natural   and   logical  
Rañeses  51  
consequences   resulting   therefrom   although   3. That  death  ensued  within  a  
the   wrongful   act   done   be   different   from   that   reasonable  time.  (People  v.  Datu  
which   he   intended.   “Natural”   refers   to   an   Baginda,  (C.A.,  44  O.G.  2287)    
occurrence  in  the  ordinary  course  of  human   9. A   supervening   event   may   be   the   subject  
life   or   events,   while   “logical”   means   that   of  amendment  of  original  information  or  
there   is   a   rational   connection   between   the   of  a  new  charge  without  double  jeopardy.    
act  of  the  accused  and  the  resulting  injury  or    
damage.   The   felony   committed   must   be   the    
proximate   cause   of   the   resulting   injury.    
Proximate   cause   is   that   cause   which,   in    
natural  and  continuous  sequence,  unbroken  
by  any  efficient  intervening  cause,  produces  
the   injury,   and   without   which   the   result  
would   not   have   occurred.   The   proximate  
legal   cause   is   that   acting   first   and   producing  
the  injury,  either  immediately,  or  by  setting  
other   events   in   motion,   all   constituting   a  
natural  and  continuous  chain  of  event,  each  
having   a   close   causal   connection   with   its  
immediate  predecessor.    
The   felony   committed   is   not   the   proximate  
cause  of  the  resulting  injury  when:  
1. There   is   an   active   force   that  
intervened   between   the   felony  
committed   and   the   resulting   injury,  
and   the   active   force   is   a   distinct   act  
or   fact   absolutely   foreign   from   the  
felonious  act  of  the  accused;  or  
2. The   resulting   injury   is   due   to   the  
intentional  act  of  the  victim.    
*Refer  to  pp.  78-­‐79  of  Reyes’s  annotation  of  
the   RPC,   17th   edition,   for   the   examples   of  
causes   which   are   not   considered   efficient  
intervening  causes.  
8. There  are  certain  requisites  before  death  
is   presumed   to   be   the   natural  
consequence   of   physical   injuries  
1. That   the   victim   at   the   time   the  
physical   injuries   were   inflicted   was  
in  normal  health.    
2. That   death   may   be   expected   from  
the  physical  injuries  inflicted.    
Rañeses  52  
RPC,  Art.  14  (1)    
RPC,  Art.  14  (3)  
Aggravating   circumstances.   -­‐   The   following   are  
aggravating  circumstances:   Aggravating   circumstances.   -­‐   The   following   are  
aggravating  circumstances:  
1. That  advantage  be  taken  by  the  offender  of  
his  public  position.   3. That  the  act  be  committed  with  insult  or  in  
disregard  of  the  respect  due  to  the  offended  
RPC,  Art.  13(3)  
party  on  account  of  his  rank,  age,  or  sex,  or  
that   it   be   committed   in   the   dwelling   of   the  
Mitigating   circumstances.   -­‐   The   following   are  
offended   party,   if   the   latter   has   not   given  
mitigating  circumstances:  
3. That   the   offender   had   no   intention   to    
commit   so   grave   a   wrong   as   that    
committed.   Reyes:  
1. (Art.   14   [1])   Failure   in   official   duties   is  
RPC,  Art.  48   tantamount  to  abuse  of  office.    
Penalty   for   complex   crimes.   -­‐   When   a   single   act  
2. Same.   It   is   not   aggravating   when   it   is   an  
constitutes  two  or  more  grave  or  less  grave  felonies,   integral   element   of,   or   inherent   in,   the  
or   when   an   offense   is   a   necessary   means   for   offense.    
committing   the   other,   the   penalty   for   the   most   3. (Art.   13[3])   This   mitigating   circumstance  
serious   crime   shall   be   imposed,   the   same   to   be   can  only  be  applied  when  the  facts  show  
applied   in   its   maximum   period.   (As   amended   by   Act   that   there   is   a   notable   and   evident  
No.  4000.)   disproportion   between   the   means  
RPC,  Art.  49   employed  to  execute  the  criminal  act  and  
its   consequences.   (US   v.   Reyes,   36   Phil.  
Penalty  to  be  imposed  upon  the  principals  when  the   904,  907)  
crime   committed   is   different   from   that   intended.   -­‐   4. Same.   Intention,   being   an   internal   state,  
In   cases   in   which   the   felony   committed   is   different   must  be  judged  by  external  acts.    
from   that   which   the   offender   intended   to   commit,  
5. Same.   It   is   not   applicable   when   the  
the  following  rules  shall  be  observed:  
offender  employed  brute  force.    
1.  If  the  penalty  prescribed  for  the  felony  committed   6. Same.   It   is   applicable   only   in   offenses  
be   higher   than   that   corresponding   to   the   offense   resulting  in  physical  injuries  or  harm.    
which  the  accused  intended  to  commit,  the  penalty   7. (Art.   48)   This   provision   requires   the  
corresponding   to   the   latter   shall   be   imposed   in   its   commission   of   at   least   two   crimes.   But  
maximum  period.   the   two   or   more   grave   or   less   grave   felonies  
2.  If  the  penalty  prescribed  for  the  felony  committed   nmust   be   the   result   of   a   single   act,   or   an  
be  lower  than  that  corresponding  to  the  one  which   offense   must   be   a   necessary   means   for  
the  accused  intended  to  commit,  the  penalty  for  the   committing  the  other.    
former  shall  be  imposed  in  its  maximum  period.   8. Same.   A   complex   crime   is   only   one   crime,  
even   if   two   or   more   crimes   are   actually  
3.   The   rule   established   by   the   next   preceding  
committed.   The   offender   has   only   one  
paragraph   shall   not   be   applicable   if   the   acts  
criminal  intent.    
committed   by   the   guilty   person   shall   also   constitute  
an   attempt   or   frustration   of   another   crime,   if   the  
9. Same.  Two  kinds  complex  crimes:  
law   prescribes   a   higher   penalty   for   either   of   the   1. When  a  single  act  constitutes  two  or  
latter   offenses,   in   which   case   the   penalty   provided   more  grave  or  less  grave  felonies.  
for   the   attempted   or   the   frustrated   crime   shall   be   2. When   an   offense   is   a   necessary  
imposed  in  its  maximum  period.  (Arts.  61,  62,  65)   means  for  committing  the  other.    
Rañeses  53  
10. Same.  “When  a  single  act  constitutes  two   20. Same.   When   two   crimes   produced   by   a  
or   more   grave   or   less   grave   felonies.”   –   single   act   are   respectively   within   the  
(1)   That   only   a   single   act   is   performed   by   exclusive   jurisdiction   of   two   courts   of  
the   offender   and   (2)   that   the   single   act   different  jurisdiction,  the  court  of  higher  
produces   (a)   two   or   more   less   grave   jurisdiction  shall  try  the  complex  crime.    
felonies,   or   (b)   one   or   more   grave   and   one   21. Same.   Art.   48   is   intended   to   favor   the  
or   more   less   grave   felonies   or   (c)   two   or   culprit.   In   directing   the   penalty   for   the  
more  less  grave  felonies.     graver   offense   shall   be   imposed   in   its  
11. Same.  “Two  or  more  less  grave  felonies.”   maximum  period,  Art.  48  could  have  had  no  
–   In   the   case   of   a   compound   crime,   the   other   purpose   than   to   prescribe   a   penalty  
offenses   involved   should   be   either   both   lower  than  the  aggregate  of  the  penalties  for  
grave   or   both   less   grave,   or   one   of   them   a   each   offense,   if   imposed   separately.   When  
grave  felony  and  the  other  less  grave.     two  or  more  crimes  are  the  result  of  a  single  
12. Same.  Light  felonies  are  produced  by  the   act,   the   offender   is   deemed   less   perverse  
same   act   should   be   treated   and   punished   than   when   he   commits   said   crimes   through  
as  separate  offenses  or  may  be  absorbed   separate   but   distinct   acts.   (People   v.  
by  the  grave  felony.     Hernandez,  99  Phil.  515,  542-­‐543)  
1. Several   light   felonies   resulting   from   22. Same.   The   penalty   for   complex   crime   is  
one  single  act  –  not  complex.     the   penalty   for   the   most   serious   crime,  
2. When   the   crime   is   committed   by   the   same   to   be   applied   in   its   maximum  
force   or   violence,   slight   physical   period.    
injuries  are  absorbed.   23. Same.   When   two   felonies   constituting   a  
13. Same.   “When   an   offense   is   a   necessary   complex   cime   are   punishable   by  
means   for   committing   the   other.”   –   (1)   imprisonment   and   fine,   respectively,  
That   at   least   two   offenses   are   committed,   only  the  penalty  of  imprisonment  should  
(2)   that   one   or   some   of   the   offenses   must   be   be  imposed.    
necessary  to  commit  the  other,  and  (3)  That   24. Same.   This   provision   only   applies   when  
both   or   all   the   offenses   must   be   punished   the   Code   does   not   provide   a   definite  
under  the  same  statute.     specific  penalty  for  a  complex  crime.    
14. Same.   “Necessary   means”   does   not   mean   25. One   information   should   be   filed   when   a  
“indispensable  means.”     complex  crime  is  committed.    
15. Same.   In   complex   crime,   when   the   26. Same.   When   a   complex   crime   is   charged  
offender   executes   various   acts,   he   must   and   one   offense   is   not   proven,   the  
have  a  single  purpose.     accused  can  be  convicted  of  the  other.    
16. Same.   There   is   no   complex   crime   when   27. Same.   Art.   48   does   not   apply   when   the  
one   offense   is   committed   to   conceal   the   law   provides   on   single   penalty   for   the  
other.     special  complex  crime.    
17. Same.  No  complex  crime  when  one  of  the   28. Same.  Plurality  of  crimes  –  consists  in  the  
offenses  is  penalized  by  a  special  law.     successive  execution  by  the  same  individual  
18. Same.   When   two   or   more   crimes   are   of  different  criminal  acts  upon  any  of  which  
committed  but  (1)  not  by  a  single  act,  or   are  no  conviction  has  been  declared.    
(2)   one   is   not   a   necessary   means   for   29. Same.   Kinds   of   plurality   crimes   –   (1)  
omitting   the   other,   there   is   no   complex   formal   or   ideal   and   (2)   real   or   material  
crime.     plurality    
19. Same.   Thgere   is   no   complex   crime   of   30. Same.  A  continued  crime  is  not  a  complex  
rebellion   with   murder,   arson,   robbery,   crime.   A   continued   crime   is   a   continuous,  
or  other  common  crimes.     unlawful  act  or  series  of  acts  set  on  foot  by  a  
Rañeses  54  
single  impulse  and  operated  by  a  force  that   the  victim  is  of  tender  age  as  well  as  
is   not   intermittent,   however   long   a   time   it   of  old  age.  
may  occupy.  (22  C.J.S.,  52)   3. Sex   in   the   circumstances  
31. Same.   In   material   plurality,   each   eact   enumerated   refer   to   the   female   sex,  
constitutes   a   separate   crime,   while   each   not  the  male  sex.    
act   in   a   continued   crime   constitute   only   40. Same.  It  is  not  applicable  when:  
one  crime.     1. The  offender  acted  with  passion  and  
32. (Art.   49)   It   only   applies   when   there   is   a   obfuscation  
mistake   in   the   identity   of   the   victim   of   2. There   exists   a   relationship   between  
the   crime,   and   the   penalty   for   the   crime   the  offended  party  and  the  offender.  
committed   is   different   from   that   for   the   3. The   condition   of   being   a   woman   is  
crime  intended  to  be  committed.     indispensable   in   the   commission   of  
33. Same.   It   has   no   application   in   cases   the  crime.    
where   a   more   serious   consequence   not   41. Same.   Disregard   of   sex   is   absorbed   in  
intended   by   the   offender   befalls   the   treachery.  
same  person.     42. Same.   That   the   crime   be   committed   in  
34. Same.   It   is   applicable   only   when   the   the  dwelling  of  the  offended  party  
intended   crime   actually   committed   is   1. The   abuse   of   confidence   which   the  
punished  with  different  penalties.     offended   party   reposed   in   the  
35. Same.   Art.   49   imposes   the   lesser   penalty   offender  by  opening  the  door  to  him;  
to   be   applied   in   its   maximum   period,   or    
while   Art.   48   applies   the   penalty   for   the   2. The   violation   of   the   sanctity   of   the  
more   or   most   serious   crime   in   its   home   by   trespassing   therein   with  
maximum  period.     violence   or   against   the   will   of   the  
36. Same.   Rule   no.   3   in   Art.   49   is   not   owner.    
necessary,   because   the   cases   43. Same.   Offended   party   must   not   give  
contemplated   in   the   said   rule   may   be   provocation.   As   may   be   seen,   a   condition  
covered  by  Art.  48.     sine   qua   non   of   this   circumstance,   is   that   the  
37. (Art.   14[3])   The   four   circumstances   offended   party   “has   not   given   provocation”  
enumerated   in   the   provision   can   be   to   the   offender.   When   it   is   the   offended  
considered   single   or   together.   If   all   are   party   who   has   provoked   the   incident,   he  
present,   they   have   the   weight   of   one   single   loses   his   right   to   the   respect   and  
aggravating  circumstance.     consideration  due  him  in  his  own  house.    
38. Same.   It   is   applicable   only   to   crimes   44. Same.  Provocation  must  be:  
against  persons  or  honor.     1. Given  by  the  owner  of  the  dwelling  
39. Same.   “With   insult   or   in   disregard.”   –   2. Sufficient,  and  
There   must   be   evidence   that   in   the   3. Immediate   to   the   commission   f   the  
commission   of   the   crime,   the   accused   crime    
deliberately  intended  to  offend  or  insult  the   45. Same.   There   must   be   close   relation  
sex   or   age   of   the   offended   party.   (People   v.   between   provocation   and   commission   of  
Mangsant,  65  Phil.  548,  550-­‐551)     the  crime  in  the  dwelling.    
1. There   must   be   difference   in   the   46. Same.   Because   the   provocation   is   not  
social   condition   of   the   offender   and   immediate,  dwelling  is  aggravating.    
the  offended  party.      
2. The   circumstance   of   lack   of   respect   U.S.  v.  Brobst,  14  Phil.  310  (1909)  
due   to   age   applies   in   cases   where   Facts:  The  defendant,  James  L.  Brobst,  and  another  
American  named  Mann,  were  engaged  in  work  on  a  
Rañeses  55  
mine  located  in  the  municipality  of  Masbate,  where   defendant's   mine;   his   sister   testified   that   on   the  
they   gave   employment   to   a   number   of   native   morning   of   the   day   he   died,   he   left   her   house   in  
laborers.     apparent   good   health   and   went   to   the   mines   to   look  
  for   work;   a   short   time   afterwards   he   received   a  
Mann   discharged   one   of   these   laborers   named   violent   blow   on   his   lower   left   side,   a   region   of   the  
Simeon   Saldivar,   warned   him   not   to   come   back   on   body   where   many   of   the   vital   organs   are   located;  
the  premises,  and  told  the  defendant  not  to  employ   and   immediately   thereafter,   he   stared   up   the   short  
him   again,   because   he   was   a   thief   and   a   disturbing   trail   leading   to   his   sister's   house,   and   died   as   he  
element  with  the  other  laborers.     reached  the  door.  In  the  absence  of  evidence  of  any  
  intervening   cause,   we   think   there   can   be   no  
A  few  days  afterwards,  sometime  after  6  o'clock  on   reasonable   doubt   that   his   death   resulted   from   the  
the   morning   of   the   10th   of   July,   1907,   Saldivar,   in   blow.    
company   with   three   of   four   others,   went   to   the    
mine   to   look   for   work.   The   defendant,   caught   sight   In   the   case   at   bar   the   evidence   conclusively  
of  Saldivar,  ordered  him  off  the  place,  exclaiming  in   establishes  the  voluntary,  intentional,  and  unlawful  
bad   Spanish,   "Sigue,   Vamus!"   (Begone).   Saldivar   infliction   by   the   accused   of   a   severe   blow   on   the  
made   no   move   to   leave,   and   although   the   order   was   person  of  the  deceased;  and  while  it  is  true  that  the  
repeated,   merely   smiled   or   grinned   at   the   accused   does   not   appear   to   have   intended   to   take  
defendant,   whereupon   the   latter   became   enraged,   the   life   of   his   victim,   there   can   no   doubt   that   in   thus  
took   three   steps   toward   Saldivar,   and   struck   him   a   striking   the   deceased,   he   intended   to   do   him   some  
powerful   blow   with   his   closed   fist   on   the   left   side,   injury,   at   least   to   the   extent   of   inflicting   some  
just   over   the   lower   ribs,   at   the   point   where   the   degree   of   physical   pain   upon   him,   and   he   is  
handle   of   Saldivar's   bolo   lay   against   the   belt   from   therefore,   criminally   responsible   for   the   natural,  
which  it  was  suspended.   even   if   unexpected   results   of   his   act,   under   the  
  provisions   of   article   1   of   the   Penal   Code,   which  
On   being   struck,   Saldivar   threw   up   his   hands,   prescribes  that:    
staggered.   (dio   vueltas   -­‐   spun   around   helplessly)    
and   without   saying   a   word,   went   away   in   the   Any   person   voluntarily   committing   a   crime   or  
direction   of   his   sister's   house,   which   stood   about   misdemeanor   shall   incur   criminal   liability,   even  
200   yards   away,   and   about   100   feet   up   the   side   of   a   though   the   wrongful   act   committed   be   different   from  
hill.   He   died   as   he   reached   the   door   of   the   house,   that  which  he  had  intended  to  commit.    
and  was  buried  some  two  or  three  days  later.      
  In   such   cases   the   law   in   these   Islands   does   not  
Issue:   Whether   or   not   Brobst   is   guilty   of   homicide   excuse   one   from   liability   for   the   natural  
and  not  homicide  as  a  result  of  reckless  negligence.     consequences   of   hi   illegal   acts   merely   because   he  
  did   not   intend   to   produce   such   consequences,   but   it  
Held:     Yes.   The   evidence   of   record   leaves   no   room   does   take   that   fact   into   consideration   as   an  
for   reasonable   doubt   that   the   defendant   struck   extenuating   circumstance,   as   did   the   trial   judge   in  
Saldivar   a   powerful   body   blow   with   his   closed   fist;   this  case.  
and   that   was   far   in   excess   of   such   authority,   and    
was,   therefore,   unlawful,   and   cannot   be   excused   or   People  v.  Mananquil,  132  SCRA  196  (1984)  
justified   as   an   exercise   of   necessary   force   in   the   Facts:     Valentina   Mananquil   y   Laredo   was   accused  
exercise  of  a  right   of  parricide  allegedly  committed  as  follows:  
The   deceased   came   to   his   death   as   a   result   of   the   On   March   6,   1965,   at   about   11:00   o'clock   in   the  
blow   inflicted   by   the   defendant.   Two   or   three   days   evening,  appellant  went  to  the  NAWASA  Building  at  
prior   to   his   death   he   was   employed   as   a   laborer   in   Pasay  City  where  her  husband  was  then  working  as  
Rañeses  56  
a   security   guard.   She   had   just   purchased   ten   (10)   2. Yes.     The   cause   of   death   as   shown   by   the  
centavo   worth   of   gasoline   from   the   Esso   Gasoline   necropsy   report   is   pneumonia,   lobar  
Station  at  Taft  Avenue  which  she  placed  in  a  coffee   bilateral.   Burns   2'   secondary.   There   is   no  
bottle.   She   was   angry   of   her   husband,   Elias   Day   y   question   that   the   burns   sustained   by   the  
Pablo,   because   the   latter   had   burned   her   clothing,   victim   as   shown   by   The   post-­‐mortem  
was  maintaining  a  mistress  and  had  been  taking  all   findings  immunity  about  62%  of  the  victim's  
the   food   from   their   house.   Upon   reaching   the   entire   body.   The   evidence   shows   that  
NAWASA   Building,   she   knocked   at   the   door.   pneumonia   was   a   mere   complication   of   the  
Immediately,   after   the   door   was   opened,   Elias   Day   burns   sustained.   While   accepting  
shouted   at   the   appellant   and   castigated   her   saying,   pneumonia  as  the  immediate  cause  of  death,  
"puta   buguian   lakaw   galigaon"   The   appellant   tired   the   court   a   quo   held   on   to   state   that   this  
of   hearing   the   victim,   then   got   the   bottle   of   gasoline   could   not   litem   resulted   had   not   the   victim  
and   poured   the   contents   thereof   on   the   face   of   the   suffered   from   second   degree   burns.   It  
victim   (t.s.n.,   p.   14,   Id).   Then,   she   got   a   matchbox   concluded,   and   rightly   so,   that   with  
and   set   the   polo   shirt   of   the   victim   a   flame.   The   pneumonia   having   developed,   the   burns  
appellant  was  investigated  by  elements  of  the  Pasay   became   as   to   the   cause   of   death,   merely  
City   Police   to   whom   she   gave   a   written   statement   contributory  
where  she  admitted  having  burned  the  victim.      
  Appellant's   case   falls   squarely   under   Art,   4,  
Upon   the   other   hand,   the   victim   was   taken   first   to   Par.   1   of   the   Revised   Penal   Code   which  
the   Philippine   General   Hospital   and   then   to   the   provides:    
Trinity   General   Hospital   at   Sta.   Ana,   Manila,   when    
he  died  on  March  10,  1965.  due  to  pneumonia,  lobar   Art.   4.   Criminal   Liability.     Criminal  
bilateral  Burns  2  secondary.     liability  shall  be  incurred.    
Issues:   By   any   person   committing   a   felony  
1. WON   or   not   appellant's   extrajudicial   (delito)   although   the   wrongful   act  
confession  was  voluntarily  given;     done   be   different   from   that   which   he  
2. WON   or   not   the   burns   sustained   by   the   intended.    
victim   contributed   to   cause   pneumonia    
which  was  the  cause  of  the  victim's  death.     The   essential   requisites   of   which   are:   (a)  
  that   an   intentional   felony   has   been  
Held:   committed;   and   (b)   that   the   wrong   done   to  
1. Yes.    No  denunciation  of  any  sort  was  made   the   aggrieved   party   be   the   direct,   natural  
nor   levelled   by   her   against   the   police   and   logical   consequence   of   the   felony  
investigators.   Neither   was   there   any   committed  by  the  offender.    
complaint  aired  by  her  to  the  effect  that  she   People  v.  Iligan,  191  SCRA  643  (1990)    
merely   affixed   her   signatures   thereto   Facts:   At   around   2   in   the   morning   Esmeraldo  
because   of   the   promise   by   the   police   that   Quinones   and   his   companions   Zaldy   Asis   and   Felix  
she  will  be  released  later.   Lukban   were   walking   home   from   barangay   Sto.  
  Domingo  after  attending  a  barrio  fiesta.  On  the  way  
Furthermore   almost   all   the   recitals   and   they   met   the   accused     Fernando   Iligan   and   his  
narrations   appearing   in   the   said   statement   nephew   Edmundo   Asis   and   Juan   Macandog.  
were   practically   repeated   by   her   on   the   Edmundo  Asis  pushed  them  aside  prompting  Zaldy  
witness   stand   thus   authenticating   the   truth   Asis  to  box  him.  Felix  quickly  said  that  they  had  no  
and   veracity   of   her   declarations   contained   desire   to   fight.   Upon   seeing   his   nephew   fall,  
Rañeses  57  
Fernando   Iligan   drew   from   his   back   a   bolo   and   The   hacking   incident   happened   on   the   national  
hacked  Zaldy  but  missed.     highway   where   vehicles   pass   any   moment;   the  
  hacking   blow   received   by   Quinones   weakened   him  
Terrified   the   trio   ran,   pursued   by   the   three   accused.   and  was  run  over  by  a  vehicle.  The  hacking  by  Iligan  
They   ran   for   a   good   while   and   even   passed   the   is   thus   deemed   as   the   proximate   cause   of   the  
house   of   Quinones,   when   they   noticed   that   they   victim’s  death.    
were   no   longer   being   chased   the   three   decided   to    
head  back  to  Quinones  house.  On  the  way  back  the   Iligan   is   held   liable   for   homicide   absent   any  
three   accused   suddenly   emerged   from   the   road   qualifying  circumstances  
side,   Fernando   Iligan     then   hacked   Quinones   Jr.   on    
the   forehead   with   his   bolo   causing   him   to   fall   down.   People  v.  Sabalones,  294  SCRA  751  (1998)  
Felix   and   Zaldy   ran.   Upon   returning   they   saw   that   Facts:   Beronga,   Sabalones,   cabanero   and   Alegarbe  
Quinones  Jr.  was  already  dead  with  his  head  busted.     were  convicted  of  2  counts  of  murder  and  3  counts  
  of  frustrated  murder  of  Glenn  tiempo,  Alfred  nardo,  
The  postmortem  examination  report  and  the  death   rey   bolo,   reogelio   presores   and   nelson   tiempo.   A  
certificate   indicates   that   the   victim   died   of   “shock   shooting  incident  on  June  1,  1985  in  Manuela  Comp,  
and   massive   cerebral   hemorrhages   due   to   vehicular   Talisay  Cebu  led  to  these  deaths.  
Issue:   WON   the   accused   are   liable   for   the   victim’s   1. WON   prosecution   witnesses   and   evidence  
death   given   that   it   was   due   to   a   vehicular   accident   are  credible.  
and  not  the  hacking.   2. WON  alibi’s  acceptable.  
  3. WON  correct  penalty  imposed.  
Held:  Yes.  We  are  convinced  beyond  peradventure    
that   indeed   after   Quinones,   Jr.   had   fallen   from   the   Held:    
bolo   hacking   perpetrated   by   Iligan,   he   was   run   over   1. Yes.   RTC   findings   were   binding   to   court  
by  a  vehicle.    This  finding,  however,  does  not  in  any   with   appreciated   testimonies   of   two  
way   exonerate   Iligan   from   liability   for   the   death   of   witnesses.  There  was  positive  identification  
Quinones   Jr.   This   being   under   ART   4   of   the   RPC   by   survivors   who   saw   them   when   they  
which  states  that  criminal  liability  shall  be  incurred   peered  during  lulls  in  gunfire.  The  place  was  
by   any   person   committing   a   felony   although   the   well-­‐lit,   whether   from   post   of   car’s  
wrongful   act   done   be   different   from   that   which   he   headlights.   The   extrajudicial   confession   has  
intended.     no   bearing   because   the   conviction   was  
  based   on   positive   identification.   It   is  
The   essential   requisites   of   Art   4   are:   that   an   binding,   though,   to   the   co-­‐accused   because  
intentional   felony   has   been   committed   and   that   the   it   is   used   as   circumstantial   evidence  
wrong   done   to   the   aggrieved   party   be   the   direct   corroborated   by   one   witness.   The  
natural   and   logical   consequence   of   the   felony   inconsistencies   are   minor   and  
committed  by  the  offender.     inconsequential   which   strengthen  
  credibility   of   testimony.   Furthermore,   in  
It  is  held  that  the  essential  elements  are  present  in   aberratio   ictus   (mistake   in   blow),   mistake  
this  case.  The  intentional  felony  committed  was  the   does   not   diminish   culpability;   same   gravity  
hacking  of  the  head  of  Quinones  the  fact  that  it  was   applies,   more   proper   to   use   error   in  
considered   superficial   by   the   physician   is   personae.    
immaterial.   The   location   of   the   wound   intended   to    
do  away  with  him.  
Rañeses  58  
2. No.   It   was   still   quite   near   the   crime   scene.   It   President   Roxas,   the   accused   committed   two   grave  
is   overruled   by   positive   identification.   felonies,   namely:   (1)   murder,   of   which   Simeon  
Furthermore,  flight  indicates  guilt   Varela   was   the   victim;   and   (2)   multiple   attempted  
  murder,   of   which   President   Roxas,   Alfredo   Eva,   Jose  
3. No.  Under  RPC  A248,  the  imposable  penalty   Fabio,  Pedro  Carrillo  and  Emilio  Maglalang  were  the  
is   reclusion   temporal,   in   its   maximum   injured  parties.  
period   to   death.   There   being   no    
aggravating/mitigating   circumstance,   aside   The   killing   of   Simeon   Varela   was   attended   by   the  
from   the   qualifying   circumstance   of   qualifying  circumstance  of  treachery.  In  the  case  of  
treachery,   the   appellate   court   correctly   People  vs.  Mabug-­‐at,  supra,  this  court  held  that  the  
imposed  reclusion  perpetua  for  murder.  The   qualifying   circumstance   of   treachery   may   be  
CA  however  erred  in  computing  the  penalty   properly   considered,   even   when   the   victim   of   the  
for   each   of   the   three   counts   of   frustrated   attack   was   not   the   one   whom   the   defendant  
murder.   Under   RPC   A50,   the   penalty   for   a   intended  to  kill,  if  it  appears  from  the  evidence  that  
frustrated   felony   is   the   next   lower   in   degree   neither  of  the  two  persons  could  in  any  manner  put  
than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   the   up  defense  against  the  attack,  or  become  aware  of  it.  
consummated   felony   xxx.”   Because   there   In   the   same   case   it   was   held   that   the   qualifying  
are   no   aggravating   or   mitigating   circumstance  of  premeditation  may  not  be  properly  
circumstance   as   the   CA   itself   held,   the   taken   into   the   account   when   the   person   whom   the  
penalty   prescribed   by   law   should   be   defendant   proposed   to   kill   was   different   from   the  
imposed  in  its  medium  period.   one  who  became  his  victim.  
People  v.  Guillen,  85  Phil.  307  (1950)   There   can   be   no   question   that   the   accused  
Facts:   Guillen   was   charged   with   the   crime   of   attempted   to   kill   President   Roxas   by   throwing   a  
murder   of   Simeon   Varela   (Barrela)   and   to   multiple   hand  grenade  at  him  with  the  intention  to  kill  him,  
frustrated   murder   of   President   Roxas,   Alfredo   Eva,   thereby   commencing   the   commission   of   a   felony   by  
Jose   Fabio,   Pedro   Carrillo   and   Emilio   Maglalang   over   acts,   but   he   did   not   succeed   in   assassinating   him  
who   were   the   injured   parties,   as   the   information   "by   reason   of   some   cause   or   accident   other   than   his  
filed   against   him   provided.   Guillen   pleaded   not   own   spontaneous   desistance."   For   the   same   reason  
guilty   to   the   crime   charged   against   him,   but   was   we   qualify   the   injuries   caused   on   the   four   other  
later  found  after  duly  admitting  his  intention  to  kill   persons   already   named   as   merely   attempted   and  
the   President,   the   lower   court   found   him   guilty   not  frustrated  murder.  
beyond   reasonable   doubt   and   was   sentenced   with    
the   highest   capital   punishment,   for   the   murder   of   *The   accused   committed   a   mistake   in   blow  
Simeon   Varela   (Barrela)   and   to   the   multiple   (aberratio  ictus),  hence  the  application  of  Art.  48.    
frustrated  murder  of  President  Roxas  et  al.    
  People  v.  Albuquerque,  59  Phil.  150  (1933)  
Issue:   WON   the   conviction   of   the   accused   was   Facts:  Appellant,  deeply  affected  by  the  knowledge  
proper.     that   his   daughter   had   been   impregnated   by   the  
Held:   No.   The   case   is   clearly   governed   by   the   first   victim,   made   efforts   to   force   victim   to   legitimize  
clause   of   article   481   because   by   a   single   act,   that   a   marry   his   daughter.   Although   the   victim   agreed   to  
throwing   highly   explosive   hand   grenade   at   give   the   child   a   monthly   allowance   by   way   of  
support,   he   never   complied   with   his   promise.  
                                                                                                                        Incensed,  the  appellant  went  into  the  victim’s  office.  
 Art.  48.  Penalty  for  Complex  Crimes.  —  When  a  single  act   Upon   hearing   the   victim   refuse   once   again,  
constitutes   two   or   more   grave   or   less   grave   felonies,   or  
when  an  offense  is  a  necessary  means  for  committing  the   appellant   whipped   out   his   penknife   and   stabbed  
other,   the   penalty   for   the   most   serious   crime   shall   be   him   in   the   face.   Due   to   his   lack   of   control   of   the  
imposed,  the  same  to  be  applied  in  its  maximum  period.  
Rañeses  59  
movement   of   his   arm,   the   weapon   landed   on   the   cases   where   the   crime   committed   befalls   a   different  
base  of  the  neck  of  the  victim,  killing  him.     person  (aberratio  ictus).    
Issue:  WON  conviction  of  the  appellant  was  proper   Bataclan  v.  Medina,  102  Phil.  181  (1957)  
in  view  of  the  circumstances.     Facts:   The   deceased   Juan   Bataclan   was   among   the  
  passengers   of   Medina   Transportation,   driven   by  
Held:  Yes.  The  appellant  did  not  intend  to  cause  so   Conrado   Saylon   and   operated   by   Mariano   Medina.  
grave  an  injury  as  the  death  of  the  deceased.  In  his   On   its   way   from   Cavite   to   Pasay,   the   front   tires  
testimony   the   appellant   affirmed   that   he   only   burst   and   the   vehicle   fell   into   a   canal.   Some  
wanted   to   inflict   a   wound     that   would   leave   a   passengers   were   able   to   escape   by   themselves   or  
permanent  scar  on  the  face  of  the  deceased,  or  one   with   some   help,   while   there   were   4,   including  
that   would   compel   him   to   remain   in   the   hospital   for   Bataclan,   who   could   not   get   out.   Their   cries   were  
a  week  or  two.  There  was  no  intention  to  kill  him,  as   heard  in  the  neighborhood.  Then  there  came  about  
that   would   frustrate   his   efforts   to   get   the   deceased   10   men,   one   of   them   carrying   a   torch.   As   they  
to   marry   his   daughter   or   at   least   provide   some   approached   the   bus,   it   caught   fire   and   the  
support.     passengers   died.   The   fire   was   due   to   gasoline   leak  
  and  the  torch.  Salud  Villanueva  Vda.  de  Bataclan,  in  
In   view   of   the   foregoing,   the   mitigating   her   name   and   on   behalf   of   her   5   minor   children,  
circumstances  of  lack  of  intention  to  cause  so  grave   sought   to   claim   damages   from   the   bus   company.  
an  injury  as  the  death  of  the  deceased  as  well  as  his   The   CFI   favored   the   plaintiff,   and   the   Court   of  
voluntary   surrender   to   the   authorities,   and   acted   Appeals   forwarded   the   case   to   the   Supreme   Court  
under   the   influence   of   passion   and   obfuscation   due  to  the  amount  involved.  
should  be  taken  into  consideration.      
  Issue:   WON   Medina   Transportation   was   liable   for  
Appellant’s   contention   of   self-­‐defense   has   no   merit   the  deaths  and  damages  incurred  by  the  passengers.    
as   he   provoked   and   commenced   the   aggression.    
Defense  counsel’s  claim  for  application  of  Art.  49  of   Held:   Yes.   The   case   involves   a   breach   of   contract   of  
the   RPC2   has   no   merit   for   it   is   only   applicable   in   transportation   for   hire,   the   Medina   Transportation  
having   undertaken   to   carry   Bataclan   safely   to   his  
destination,  Pasay  City.  We  also  agree  with  the  trial  
  Article   49.   Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   the   principals   court   that   there   was   negligence   on   the   part   of   the  
when  the  crime  committed  is  different  from  that  intended.   defendant,   through   his   agent,   the   driver   Saylon.  
-­‐  In  cases  in  which  the  felony  committed  is  different  from   There   is   evidence   to   show   that   at   the   time   of   the  
that   which   the   offender   intended   to   commit,   the  
blow   out,   the   bus   was   speeding,   as   testified   to   by  
following  rules  shall  be  observed:  
  one  of  the  passengers,  and  as  shown  by  the  fact  that  
1.   If   the   penalty   prescribed   for   the   felony   committed   be   according   to   the   testimony   of   the   witnesses,  
higher  than  that  corresponding  to  the  offense  which  the   including  that  of  the  defense,  from  the  point  where  
accused   intended   to   commit,   the   penalty   corresponding  
one   of   the   front   tires   burst   up   to   the   canal   where  
to  the  latter  shall  be  imposed  in  its  maximum  period.  
  the   bus   overturned   after   zig-­‐zaging,   there   was   a  
2.   If   the   penalty   prescribed   for   the   felony   committed   be   distance   of   about   150   meters.   The   chauffeur,   after  
lower   than   that   corresponding   to   the   one   which   the   the  blow-­‐out,  must  have  applied  the  brakes  in  order  
accused   intended   to   commit,   the   penalty   for   the   former  
shall  be  imposed  in  its  maximum  period.  
to   stop   the   bus,   but   because   of   the   velocity   at   which  
  the   bus   must   have   been   running,   its   momentum  
3.  The  rule  established  by  the  next  preceding  paragraph   carried  it  over  a  distance  of  150  meters  before  it  fell  
shall   not   be   applicable   if   the   acts   committed   by   the   guilty   into  the  canal  and  turned  turtle.  
person   shall   also   constitute   an   attempt   or   frustration   of  
another  crime,  if  the  law  prescribes  a  higher  penalty  for                                                                                                                                                                                                            
either   of   the   latter   offenses,   in   which   case   the   penalty   be   imposed   in   its   maximum   period.(Read   also   Arts.   61,  
provided  for  the  attempted  or  the  frustrated  crime  shall   62,  and  65)  
Rañeses  60  
  can   also   in   part   be   attributed   to   the   negligence   of  
There   is   no   question   that   under   the   circumstances,   the   carrier,   through   is   driver   and   its   conductor.  
the  defendant  carrier  is  liable.  The  only  question  is   According   to   the   witness,   the   driver   and   the  
to   what   degree.   A   satisfactory   definition   of   conductor  were  on  the  road  walking  back  and  forth.  
proximate  cause  is  found  in  Volume  38,  pages  695-­‐ They,   or   at   least,   the   driver   should   and   must   have  
696   of   American   jurisprudence,   cited   by   plaintiffs-­‐ known  that  in  the  position  in  which  the  overturned  
appellants  in  their  brief.  It  is  as  follows:   bus  was,  gasoline  could  and  must  have  leaked  from  
  the  gasoline  tank  and  soaked  the  area  in  and  around  
.   .   .   'that   cause,   which,   in   natural   and   continuous   the  bus,  this  aside  from  the  fact  that  gasoline  when  
sequence,   unbroken   by   any   efficient   intervening   spilled,   specially   over   a   large   area,   can   be   smelt   and  
cause,   produces   the   injury,   and   without   which   the   directed   even   from   a   distance,   and   yet   neither   the  
result   would   not   have   occurred.'   And   more   driver   nor   the   conductor   would   appear   to   have  
comprehensively,   'the   proximate   legal   cause   is   that   cautioned  or  taken  steps  to  warn  the  rescuers  not  to  
acting   first   and   producing   the   injury,   either   bring  the  lighted  torch  too  near  the  bus.  
immediately  or  by  setting  other  events  in  motion,  all    
constituting   a   natural   and   continuous   chain   of   Impossible  Crimes  
events,  each  having  a  close  causal  connection  with  its   Reyes:  
immediate   predecessor,   the   final   event   in   the   chain   1. The   commission   of   an   impossible   crime  
immediately   effecting   the   injury   as   a   natural   and   is   indicative   of   criminal   propensity   or  
probable   result   of   the   cause   which   first   acted,   under   criminal   tendency   on   the   part   of   the  
such   circumstances   that   the   person   responsible   for   actor.   Such   person   is   a   potential   criminal.  
the   first   event   should,   as   an   ordinary   prudent   and   According   to   positivist   thinking,   the  
intelligent  person,  have  reasonable  ground  to  expect   community   must   be   protected   from   anti-­‐
at  the  moment  of  his  act  or  default  that  an  injury  to   social   activities,   whether   actual   or   potential,  
some  person  might  probably  result  therefrom.   of   the   morbid   type   of   man   called   “socially  
  dangerous  person.”    
In   the   present   case   under   the   circumstances   2. To   be   classified   as   an   impossible   crime,  
obtaining  in  the  same,  the  proximate  cause  was  the   certain  requisites  must  be  met.  
overturning   of   the   bus,   this   for   the   reason   that   1. That  the  act  performed  would  be  an  
when   the   vehicle   turned   not   only   on   its   side   but   offense  against  persons  or  property.    
completely   on   its   back,   the   leaking   of   the   gasoline   2. That   the   act   was   done   with   evil  
from   the   tank   was   not   unnatural   or   unexpected;   intent.    
that   the   coming   of   the   men   with   a   lighted   torch   was   3. That   its   accomplishment   is  
in   response   to   the   call   for   help,   made   not   only   by   inherently   impossible,   or   that   the  
the   passengers,   but   most   probably,   by   the   driver   means   employed   is   either  
and   the   conductor   themselves,   and   that   because   it   inadequate  or  ineffectual.  
was  dark  (about  2:30  in  the  morning),  the  rescuers   4. That   the   act   performed   should   not  
had   to   carry   a   light   with   them,   and   coming   as   they   constitute   a   violation   of   another  
did   from   a   rural   area   where   lanterns   and   flashlights   provision  of  the  RPC.    
were  not  available;  and  what  was  more  natural  than    
that   said   rescuers   should   innocently   approach   the  
vehicle   to   extend   the   aid   and   effect   the   rescue  
requested   from   them.   In   other   words,   the   coming   of  
the  men  with  a  torch  was  to  be  expected  and  was  a  
natural  sequence  of  the  overturning  of  the  bus,  the  
trapping   of   some   of   its   passengers   and   the   call   for  
outside   help.   What   is   more,   the   burning   of   the   bus  
Rañeses  61  
RPC,  Art.  4  (2)   d. Infanticide  (Art.  255)  
e. Abortion   (Arts.   256,   257,  
Criminal   liability.   —   Criminal   liability   shall   be   258  and  259)  
incurred:   f. Duel  (Arts.  260  and  261)  
2.  By  any  person  performing  an  act  which  would  be  
g. Physical   injuries   (Arts.   262,  
an  offense  against  persons  or  property,  were  it  not   263,  264,  265  and  266)  
for   the   inherent   impossibility   of   its   accomplishment   h. Rape  (Art.  266-­‐A)  
or   an   account   of   the   employment   of   inadequate   or    
ineffectual  means.   Felonies  against  property:  
a. Robbery   (Arts.   294,   297,  
Art.  59  
298,  299,  300,  302  and  303)  
Penalty  to  be  imposed  in  case  of  failure  to  commit  the   b. Brigandage   (Arts.   306   and  
crime   because   the   means   employed   or   the   aims   307)  
sought  are  impossible.  -­‐  When  the  person  intending   c. Theft   (Arts.   308,   310   and  
to   commit   an   offense   has   already   performed   the   311)  
acts  for  the  execution  of  the  same  but  nevertheless   d. Usurpation   (Arts.   312   and  
the   crime   was   not   produced   by   reason   of   the   fact   313)  
that   the   act   intended   was   by   its   nature   one   of  
e. Culpable   insolvency   (Art.  
impossible   accomplishment   or   because   the   means  
employed  by  such  person  are  essentially  inadequate  
to   produce   the   result   desired   by   him,   the   court,   f. Swindling   and   other   deceits  
having  in  mind  the  social  danger  and  the  degree  of   (Arts.   315,   316,   317   and  
criminality   shown   by   the   offender,   shall   impose   318)  
upon   him   the   penalty   of   arresto   mayor   or   a   fine   g. Chattel  mortgage  (Art.  319)  
from  200  to  500  pesos.   h. Arson   and   other   crimes  
involving   destruction   (Arts.  
320,  321,  322,  323,  324,  325  
and  326)  
i. Malicious   mischief   (Arts.  
PAR.  2  OF  ART.  4  
327,  328,  329,  330  and  331)  
1. “Performing   an   act   which   would   be  
an   offense   against   persons   or  
If   the   act   performed   would   be   an  
property.”   –   In   committing   an  
offense   other   than   a   felony   against  
impossible   crime,   the   offender  
persons  or  against  property,  there  is  
intends   to   commit   a   felony   against  
no  impossible  crime.    
persons  or  a  felony  against  property,  
2. “Were   it   not   for   the   inherent  
and   the   act   performed   would   have  
impossibility   of   its   accomplishment  
been   an   offense   against   persons   or  
or  on  account  of  the  employment  of  
property.   But   a   felong   against  
inadequate   or   ineffectual   means.”   –  
persons   or   property   should   not   be  
In   impossible   crime,   the   act  
actually   committed,   for,   otherwise,  
performed   by   the   offender   cannot  
he   would   be   liable   for   that   felony.  
produce   an   offense   against   persons  
There   would   be   no   impossible   crime  
or   property,   because:   (1)   the  
to  speak  of.    
commission   of   the   offense   (against  
persons   or   against   property)   is  
Felonies  against  persons:  
inherently   impossible   of  
a. Parricide  (Art.  246)  
accomplishment;   or   (2)   the   means  
b. Murder  (Art.  248)  
c. Homicide  (Art.  249)  
Rañeses  62  
employed   is   either   (a)   inadequate;   the   said   1/8   unit   of   a   Philippine   Charity  
or  (b)  ineffectual.     Sweepstakes  ticket  is  genuine  and  that  he  is  entitled  
  to  the  corresponding  amount  of  P359.55  so  won  by  
“Inherent   impossibility   of   its   said  ticket  
accomplishment.”   –   This   phrase    
means   that   the   act   intended   by   the   Said   accused   failed   to   perform   all   the   acts   of  
offender   is   by   its   nature   one   of   execution   which   would   have   produce   the   crime   of  
impossible   accomplishment.   (Art.   estafa   through   falsification   of   a   security   as   a  
59)   consequence   by   reason   of   some   causes   other   than  
  this   spontaneous   desistance,   to   wit:   one   Bayani  
There   must   be   either   (1)   legal   Miller,   an   employee   to   whom   the   said   accused  
impossibility,   or   (2)   physical   presented   said   ticket   in   the   Philippine   Charity  
impossibility   of   accomplishing   the   Sweepstakes   Office   discovered   that   the   said   ticket  
intended  crime.     as   presented   by   the   said   accused   was   falsified   and  
2. In   impossible   crime   the   act   immediately   thereafter   he   called   for   a   policeman  
performed   should   not   constitute   a   who   apprehended   and   arrested   the   said   accused  
violation   of   another   provision   of   the   right  then  and  there.  
3. The  purpose  of  punishing  impossible   Issue:   WON   said   act   constitutes   an   impossible  
crimes   is   to   suppress   criminal   crime  
propensity   or   criminal   tendencies.    
Objectively,   the   offender   has   not   Held:   No.   It   may   be   that   appellant   was   either  
committed   a   felony,   but   subjectively,   he   reckless  or  foolish  in  believing  that  a  falsification  as  
is  a  criminal.     patent   as   that   which   he   admitted   to   have  
  perpetrated   would   succeed;   but   the   recklessness  
People  v.  Balmores,  85  Phil.  493  (1950)   and  clumsiness  of  the  falsification  did  not  make  the  
Facts:   Appellant,   waiving   the   right   to   be   assisted   by   crime   impossible   within   the   purview   of   paragraph  
counsel,  pleaded  guilty  to  the  following  information   2,   article   4,   in   relation   to   article   59,   of   the   Revised  
filed   against   him   in   the   Court   of   First   Instance   of   Penal  Code  
  Judging   from   the   appearance   of   the   falsified   ticket  
The   accused   did   then   and   there   willfully,   unlawfully   in   question,   we   are   not   prepared   to   say   that   it  
and   feloniously   commence   the   commission   of   the   would   have   been   impossible   for   the   appellant   to  
crime   of   estafa   through   falsification   of   a   security   consummate  the  crime  of  estafa  thru  falsification  of  
directly   by   overt   acts,   to   wit;   by   then   and   there   said   ticket   if   the   clerk   to   whom   it   was   presented   for  
tearing  off  at  the  bottom  in  a  cross-­‐wise  direction  a   the  payment  had  not  exercised  due  care.  
portion   of   a   genuine   1/8   unit   Philippine   Charity    
Sweepstakes   ticket   thereby   removing   the   true   and   Intod  v.  Court  of  Appeals,  215  SCRA  52  (1992)  
real   unidentified   number   of   same   and   substituting   Facts:  In  the  morning  of  February  4,  1979,  Sulpicio  
and   writing   in   ink   at   the   bottom   on   the   left   side   of   Intod,   Jorge   Pangasian,   Santos   Tubio   and   Avelino  
said   ticket   the   figure   or   number   074000   thus   Daligdig   went   to   Salvador   Mandaya's   house   in  
making   the   said   ticket   bear   the   said   number   Katugasan,   Lopez   Jaena,   Misamis   Occidental   and  
074000,  which  is  a  prize-­‐winning  number.     asked   him   to   go   with   them   to   the   house   of  
  Bernardina  Palangpangan.  Thereafter,  Mandaya  and  
He   presented   the   falsified   ticket.   exchanging   the   Intod,  Pangasian,  Tubio  and  Daligdig  had  a  meeting  
same   for   the   corresponding   cash   that   said   number   with   Aniceto   Dumalagan.   He   told   Mandaya   that   he  
has  won,  fraudulently  pretending  in  said  office  that   wanted  Palangpangan  to  be  killed  because  of  a  land  
Rañeses  63  
dispute   between   them   and   that   Mandaya   should   In  our  jurisdiction,  impossible  crimes  are  recognized.  
accompany   the   four   (4)   men,   otherwise,   he   would   The   impossibility   of   accomplishing   the   criminal  
also  be  killed.   intent  is  not  merely  a  defense,  but  an  act  penalized  by  
  itself.   Furthermore,   the   phrase   "inherent  
At   about   10:00   o'clock   in   the   evening   of   the   same   impossibility"   that   is   found   in   Article   4(2)   of   the  
day,   Petitioner,   Mandaya,   Pangasian,   Tubio   and   Revised   Penal   Code   makes   no   distinction   between  
Daligdig,   all   armed   with   firearms,   arrived   at   factual   or   physical   impossibility   and   legal  
Palangpangan's   house   in   Katugasan,   Lopez   Jaena,   impossibility  
Misamis   Occidental.   At   the   instance   of   his    
companions,   Mandaya   pointed   the   location   of   To   uphold   the   contention   of   respondent   that   the  
Palangpangan's   bedroom.   Thereafter,   Petitioner,   offense  was  Attempted  Murder  because  the  absence  
Pangasian,  Tubio  and  Daligdig  fired  at  said  room.  It   of   Palangpangan   was   a   supervening   cause  
turned   out,   however,   that   Palangpangan   was   in   independent   of   the   actor's   will,   will   render   useless  
another   City   and   her   home   was   then   occupied   by   the   provision   in   Article   4,   which   makes   a   person  
her   son-­‐in-­‐law   and   his   family.   No   one   was   in   the   criminally   liable   for   an   act   "which   would   be   an  
room  when  the  accused  fired  the  shots.  No  one  was   offense  against  persons  or  property,  were  it  not  for  
hit  by  the  gun  fire.   the   inherent   impossibility   of   its   accomplishment   .   .  
  ."   In   that   case   all   circumstances   which   prevented  
Petitioner   and   his   companions   were   positively   the   consummation   of   the   offense   will   be   treated   as  
identified   by   witnesses.   One   witness   testified   that   an  accident  independent  of  the  actor's  will  which  is  
before  the  five  men  left  the  premises,  they  shouted:   an  element  of  attempted  and  frustrated  felonies.  
"We   will   kill   you   (the   witness)   and   especially    
Bernardina  Palangpangan  and  we  will  come  back  if   Stages  of  Commission  
(sic)  you  were  not  injured    
Issue:   WON   said   act   constitutes   an   impossible    
RPC,  Art.  6  
Held:   Yes.   The   factual   situation   in   the   case   at   bar   Consummated,   frustrated,   and   attempted   felonies.   -­‐  
present   a   physical   impossibility   which   rendered   the   Consummated   felonies   as   well   as   those   which   are  
intended  crime  impossible  of  accomplishment.  And   frustrated  and  attempted,  are  punishable.  
under   Article   4,   paragraph   2   of   the   Revised   Penal  
A   felony   is   consummated   when   all   the   elements  
Code,   such   is   sufficient   to   make   the   act   an  
necessary   for   its   execution   and   accomplishment   are  
impossible  crime.  
present;   and   it   is   frustrated   when   the   offender  
  performs   all   the   acts   of   execution   which   would  
To  be  impossible  under  this  clause,  the  act  intended   produce   the   felony   as   a   consequence   but   which,  
by   the   offender   must   be   by   its   nature   one   nevertheless,  do  not  produce  it  by  reason  of  causes  
impossible   of   accomplishment.   There   must   be   independent  of  the  will  of  the  perpetrator.  
either   impossibility   of   accomplishing   the   intended  
There  is  an  attempt  when  the  offender  commences  
act    in  order  to  qualify  the  act  an  impossible  crime.  
the   commission   of   a   felony   directly   by   overt   acts,  
Legal   impossibility   occurs   where   the   intended   acts,  
and  does  not  perform  all  the  acts  of  execution  which  
even   if   completed,   would   not   amount   to   a   crime.  
should  produce  the  felony  by  reason  of  some  cause  
Factual   impossibility   occurs   when   extraneous   or   accident   other   than   his   own   spontaneous  
circumstances   unknown   to   the   actor   or   beyond   his   desistance.  
control   prevent   the   consummation   of   the   intended    
crime.  The  case  at  bar  belongs  to  this  category.  
Rañeses  64  
1. Consummated   -­‐   A   felony   is   consummated   a   felony   directly   by   overt   acts.   He   has   not  
when   all   the   elements   necessary   for   its   performed   all   the   acts   of   execution   which  
execution  and  accomplishment  are  present.     should  produce  the  felony.    
2. Frustrated   -­‐   It   is   frustrated   when   the    
offender   performs   all   the   acts   of   execution   Elements  of  attempted  felony:  
which   would   produce   the   felony   as   a   1. The   offender   commences   the  
consequence   but   which,   nevertheless,   do   commission  of  the  felony  directly    by  
not   produce   it   by   reason   of   causes   overt  acts;  
independent  of  the  will  of  the  perpetrator.     2. He   does   not   perform   all   the   acts   of  
3. Attempted   -­‐   There   is   an   attempt   when   the   execution  which  should  produce  the  
offender   commences   the   commission   of   a   felony.    
felony   directly   by   overt   acts,   and   does   not   3. The  offender’s  act  is  not  stopped  by  
perform   all   the   acts   of   execution   which   his  own  voluntary  desistance;  
should   produce   the   felony   by   reason   of   4. The   non-­‐performance   of   all   acts   of  
some   cause   or   accident   other   than   his   own   execution   was   due   to   cause   or  
spontaneous  desistance.     accident   other   than   his   own  
4. Development   of   crime.   From   the   moment   spontaneous  desistance.    
the  culprit  conceives  the  idea  of  committing   6. IMPORTANT   WORDS   AND   PHRASES   IN  
a  crime  up  to  the  realization  of  the  same,  his   ART.  6  (Attempted  felony)  
act  passes  through  certain  stages.     o “Commences   the   commission   of   a  
1. Internal   acts,   such   as   mere   ideas   in   felony   directly   by   overt   acts.”   A  
the   mind   of   a   person,   are   not   felony   is   deemed   to   have   been  
punishable   even   if,   had   they   been   commenced   through   overt   acts  
carried   out,   would   constitute   a   when   (1)   there   are   external   acts   and  
crime.     (2)   such   external   acts   have   direct  
  connection   with   the   crime   intended  
Intention   and   effect   must   concur.   to  be  committed.    
Mere   intention   producing   no   effect   § Overt   act   –   some   physical  
is   no   more   a   crime   than   a   mere   activity   or   deed   indicating  
effect   without   the   intention   is   a   the   intention   to   commit   a  
crime.     particular   crime,   more   than  
2. External   acts   cover   (a)   preparatory   a   mere   planning   or  
acts;  and  (b)  acts  of  execution.   preparation,  which  if  carried  
a. Preparatory  acts  –  ordinarily  not   to   its   complete   termination  
punishable.   Hence,   proposal   to   following   its   natural   course,  
commit   a   felony,   which   are   without   being   frustrated   by  
preparatory   acts,   are   not   external   obstacles   nor   by   the  
punishable,  except  when  the  law   voluntary   desistance   of   the  
provides   for   their   punishment   in   perpetrator,   will   logically  
certain  felonies.  (Art.  8)     and   necessarily   ripen   into   a  
b. Acts   of   execution   –   they   are   concrete  offense.    
punishable   under   the   RPC.   The   7. Indeterminate   offense   –   it   is   one   where  
stages   of   acts   of   execution   –   the   purpose   of   the   offender   in   performing  
attempted,   frustrated   and   an   act   is   not   certain.   Its   nature   in   relation   to  
consummated  –  are  punishable.     its  object  is  ambiguous.    
5. Attempted   felony   –   there   is   an   attempt   8. The   intention   of   the   accused   must   be  
when  the  offender  begins  the  commission  of   viewed   from   the   nature   of   the   acts  
Rañeses  65  
executed   by   him,   and   not   from   his   the  felony  because  of  some  cause  or  
admission.   The   intention   of   the   accused   accident.    
must   be   ascertained   from   the   facts   and,   4. “Other   than   his   own   spontaneous  
therefore,   it   is   necessary   that   the   mind   be   desistance.”   –   If   the   actor   does   not  
able   to   directly   infer   from   them   the   perform   all   the   acts   of   execution   by  
intention   of   the   perpetrator   to   cause   a   reason   of   his   own   spontaneous  
particular  injury.     desistance,   there   is   no   attempted  
  felony.  The  law  does  not  punish  him.    
Acts   susceptible   of   double   interpretation…    
must   not   and   cannot   furnish   grounds   by   The   desistance   may   be   through   fear  
themselves   for   attempted   crime   (People   v.   or  remorse.  (People  v.  Pambaya,  See  
Lamahang,  61  Phil.  707)   60   Phil.   1022)   It   is   not   necessary  
  that  it  be  actuated  by  a  good  motive.  
In   offenses   not   consummated,   as   the   The   Code   requires   only   that   the  
material   damage   is   wanting,   the   nature   of   discontinuance   of   the   crime   comes  
the   action   intended   cannot   exactly   be   from   the   person   who   has   begun   it,  
ascertained,   but   the   same   must   be   inferred   and   that   he   stops   of   his   own   free  
from   the   nature   of   the   acts   executed.   (I   will.  (Albert)  
Groizard,  p.  99)  The  overt  acts  leading  to  the   9. The  desistance  should  be  made  before  all  
commission   of   the   offense   are   not   the  acts  of  execution  are  performed.    
punishable   except   when   they   are   aimed   10. The   desistance   which   exempts   from  
directly  at  its  execution,  and  therefore  must   criminal   liability   has   reference   to   the  
have  an  immediate  and  necessary  relation  to   crime  intended  to  be  committed,  and  has  
the  offense.  (I  Viada,  p.  47)     no   reference   to   the   crime   actually  
1. “Directly   by   overt   acts.”   –   the   law   committed   by   the   offender   before   his  
requires   that   the   “offender   desistance.    
commences   the   commission   of   the   11. In   attempted   felony,   the   offender   never  
felony   directly   by   overt   acts.”   Only   passes   the   subjective   phase   of   the  
offenders   who   personally   execute   offense.    
the   commission   of   a   crime   can   be   1. Subjective   phase     -­‐   that   portion   of  
guilty   of   attempted   felony.   The   word   the   acts   constituting   the   crime,  
“directly”   suggests   that   the   offender   starting   from   the   point   where   the  
must   commence   the   commission   of   offender   begins   the   commission   of  
the   felony   by   taking   direct   part   in   the   crime   in   that   point   where   he   still  
the  execution  of  the  act.     has   control   over   his   acts,   including  
2. “Does   not   perform   all   acts   of   their  (acts’)  natural  course.    
execution.”   –   If   the   offender   has    
performed   all   acts   of   execution   – F   between   these   two   points   the  
nothing  more  is  left  to  be  done  –  the   offender   is   stopped   by   any   cause  
stage   of   execution   is   that   of   a   outside   of   his   own   voluntary  
frustrated   felony,   if   the   felony   is   nt   desistance,   the   subjective   phase   has  
produced;   or   consummated,   if   the   not  been  passed  and  it  is  an  attempt.  
felony  is  produced.     If  he  is  not  so  stopped  but  continues  
3. “By   reason   of   some   cause   or   until   he   performs   the   last   act,   it   is  
accident.”  –  In  attempted  felony,  the   frustrated,  provided  that  the  crime  is  
offender  fails  to  perform  all  the  acts   not   produced.   The   acts   then   of   the  
of   execution   which   should   produce  
Rañeses  66  
offender  reached  the  objective  phase   consummation   of   the   offense   or   may  
of  the  crime.     be  due  to  the  perpetrator’s  own  will.    
12. Frustrated  Felony    
Elements:   If  the  crime  is  not  produced  because  
1. The   offender   performs   all   the   acts   of   of   the   timely   intervention   of   a   third  
execution;   person,  it  is  frustrated.    
2. All   the   acts   performed   would    
produce   the   felony   as   a   If  the  crime  is  not  produced  because  
consequence;   the   offender   himself   presented   its  
3. But  the  felony  is  not  produced;   consummation,   there   is   no  
4. By   reason   of   causes   independent   of   frustrated  felony,  for  the  4th  element  
the  will  of  the  perpetrator.     is  present.    
ART.  6  (Frustrated  Felony)   Note   that   the   4th   element   says   that  
1. “Performs   all   the   acts   of   execution.”   the   felony   is   not   produced   “by  
–   In   frustrated   felony,   the   offender   reason  of  causes  independent  of  the  
must   perform   all   the   acts   of   will  of  the  perpetrator.”  Hence,  if  the  
execution.  Nothing  more  is  left  to  be   cause   which   presented   the  
done  by  the  offender,  because  he  has   consummation  of  the  offese  was  the  
performed   the   last   act   necessary   to   perpetrator’s   own   and   exclusive  
produce   the   crime.   This   element   will,  the  4th  element  does  not  exist.    
distinguishes   frustrated   felony   from   14. Frustrated   felony   distinguished   from  
attempted   felon.   In   attempted   attempted  felony.  
felony,   the   offender   does   not   1. In   both,   the   offender   has   not  
perform  all  the  acts  of  execution.  He   accomplished  his  criminal  purpose.    
does   not   perform   the   last   act   2. While   in   frustrated   felony,   the  
necessary   to   produce   the   crime.   He   offender   has   performed   all   the   acts  
merely   commences   the   commission   of   execution   which   would   produce  
of  a  felony  directly  by  overt  acts.     the   felony   as   a   consequence,   in  
2. “Would   produce   the   felony   as   a   attempted   felony,   the   offender  
consequence.”   –   All   the   acts   of   merely   commences   the   commission  
execution  performed  by  the  offender   of   a   felony   directly   by   overt   acts   and  
could  have  produced  the  felony  as  a   does   not   perform   all   the   acts   of  
consequence.     execution.    
3. “Do   not   produce   it.”   –   In   frustrated    
felony,   the   acts   performed   by   the   In   other   words,   in   frustrated   felony,  
offender   do   not   produce   the   felony,   the   offender   has   reached   the  
because   if   the   felony   is   produced   it   objective  phase;  in  attempted  felony,  
would  be  consummated.     the   offender   has   not   passed   the  
4. “Independent   of   the   will   of   the   subjective  phase.    
perpetrator.”  –  Even  if  all  the  acts  of   15. Attempted   or   frustrated   felony  
execution   have   been   performed,   the   distinguished  from  impossible  crime.    
crime   may   not   be   consummated,   1. In   attempted   or   frustrated   felony  
because   certain   causes   may   prevent   and  impossible  crime,  the  evil  intent  
its   consummation.   These   certain   of  the  offender  is  not  accomplished.    
causes   may   be   the   intervention   of   2. But   while   in   impossible   crime,   the  
third   persons   who   prevented   the   evil  intent  of  the  offender  cannot  be  
Rañeses  67  
accomplished,   in   attempted   or   1. Formal   crimes   –   consummated   in   one  
frustrated   felony   the   evil   intent   of   instant,   no   attempt.   (i.e.   slander,  
the   offender   is   possible   false  testimony)  
accomplishment.     2. Crimes   consummated   by   mere  
3. In   impossible   crime,   the   evil   intent   attempt   or   proposal   or   by   overt   act.  
of   the   offender   cannot   be   (i.e.   flight   to   enemy’s   country  
accomplished   because   it   is   [Art.121])  
inherently   impossible   of   3. Felony   by   omission.   –   there   can   be   no  
accomplishment   or   because   the   attempted   stage   when   the   felony   is  
means   employed   by   the   offender   is   by   omission,   because   in   this   kind   of  
inadequate   or   ineffectual;   in   felony  the  offender  does  not  execute  
attempted   or   frustrated   felony,   what   acts.   He   omits   to   perform   an   act  
prevented  its  accomplishment  is  the   which  the  law  requires  him  to  do.    
intervention   of   certain   cause   or   4. Crimes   requiring   the   intervention   of  
accident   in   which   the   offender   had   two   persons   to   commit   them   are  
no  part.     consummated   by   mere   agreement.  
16. Consummated   felony   –   a   felony   is   (i.e.  betting  in  sport  contests)  
consummated   when   all   the   elements   5. Material   crimes   –   There   are   three  
necessary  for  its  execution  are  present.     stages   of   execution   –   attempted,  
17. IMPORTANT   WORDS   AND   PHRASES   IN   frustrated,   consummated,   (i.e.   rape,  
ART.  6  (Consummated  felony)     homicide).    
o “All   the   elements:   necessary   for   its   20. There   is   no   attempted   or   frustrated  
execution   and   accomplishment   “are   impossible  crime.    
  RPC,  Art.  7  
In   consummated   felony,   all   the  
elements  necessary  for  its  execution   When   light   felonies   are   punishable.   -­‐   Light   felonies  
and   accomplishment   must   be   are   punishable   only   when   they   have   been  
consummated,   with   the   exception   of   those   committed  
present.   Every   crime   has   its   own  
against  person  or  property.  
elements   which   must   all   be   present  
to  constitute  a  culpable  violation  of  a    
precept  of  law.    
18. When   not   all   the   elements   of   a   felony   are  
1. Light  felonies  are  those  infractions  of  law  
proved-­‐   when   a   felony   has   two   or   more  
for   the   commission   of   which   the   penalty  
elements   and   one   of   them   is   not   proved   by  
of   arresto   menor   or   a   fine   not   exceeding  
the   prosecution   during   the   trial,   either   (1)  
200   pesos,   or   both,   is   provided.   (Art.   9,  
the   felony   is   not   shown   to   have   been  
par.  3)  
consummated,   or   (2)   the   felony   is   not  
2. Light  felonies  punished  by  the  RPC:  
shown   to   have   been   committed,   or   (3)  
1. Slight  physical  injuries.  (Art.  266)  
another   felony   is   shown   to   have   been  
2. Theft.  (Art.  309,  pars.  7  and  8)  
3. Alteration   of   boundary   arks.   (Art.  
Hence,   all   the   elements   of   the   felony   for  
4. Malicious  mischief.  (Art.  328,  par.  3;  
which   the   accused   is   prosecuted   must   be  
Art.  329,  par.  3)  
present  in  order  to  hold  him  liable  therefor  
5. Intriguing  against  honor.  (Art.  364)  
in  its  consummated  stage.    
19. Manner  of  committing  the  crime.  
Rañeses  68  
1. “With   the   exception   of   those   A   felony   is   frustrated   when   the   offender   performs  
committed   against   persons   or   all   the   acts   of   execution   which   should   produce   the  
property.”     felony   as   a   consequence,   but   which,   nevertheless,  
  do   not   produce   it   by   reason   of   causes   independent  
General   rule:   Light   felonies   are   of   the   will   of   the   perpetrator.   To   put   it   in   another  
punishable   only   when   they   have   way,  in  case  of  an  attempt  the  offender  never  passes  
been   consummated,   UNLESS   they   the  subjective  phase  of  the  offense.  
are   committed   against   persons   or    
property.   If   that’s   the   case,   they   are   On   the   other   hand,   attempted   murder   is   defined   as  
punishable,   even   if   they   are   when  the  offender  commences  the  commission  of  the  
attempted  or  frustrated  only.     felony   directly   by   overt   acts,   and   does   not   perform   all  
  the   acts   of   execution   which   constitute   the   felony   by  
U.S.  v.  Eduave.  36  Phil.  209  (1917)   reason  of  some  cause  or  accident  other  than  his  own  
Facts:     The   accused   rushed   upon   the   girl   suddenly   voluntarily  desistance.  Hence    the  subjective  phase  is  
and  struck  her  from  behind,  in  part  at  least,  with  a   completely   passed.   Subjectively   the   crime   is  
sharp   bolo,   producing   a   frightful   gash   in   the   lumbar   complete.    
region   and   slightly   to   the   side   eight   and   one-­‐half    
inches  long  and  two  inches  deep,  severing  all  of  the   The   subjective   phase   is   that   portion   of   the   acts  
muscles  and  tissues  of  that  part.  Fortunately  the  girl   constituting   the   crime   included   between   the   act  
was  able  to  survive   which   begins   the   commission   of   the   crime   and   the  
  last   act   performed   by   the   offender   which,   with   the  
The   motive   of   the   crime   was   that   the   accused   was   prior   acts,   should   result   in   the   consummated   crime.  
incensed   at   the   girl   for   the   reason   that   she   had   From   that   time   forward   the   phase   is   objective.   It  
theretofore  charged  him  criminally  before  the  local   may   also   be   said   to   be   that   period   occupied   by   the  
officials   with   having   raped   her   and   with   being   the   acts   of   the   offender   over   which   he   has   control   that  
cause   of   her   pregnancy.   He   was   her   mother's   period   between   the   point   where   he   begins   and   the  
querido  and  was  living  with  her  as  such  at  the  time   points   where   he   voluntarily   desists.   If   between  
the  crime  here  charged  was  committed   these  two  points  the  offender  is  stopped  by  reason  
  of   any   cause   outside   of   his   own   voluntary  
The  accused  is  charged  with  frustrated  murder.  We   desistance,   the   subjective   phase   has   not   been  
are   satisfied   that   there   was   an   intent   to   kill   in   this   passed   and   it   is   an   attempt.   If   he   is   not   so   stopped  
case.   A   deadly   weapon   was   used.   The   blow   was   but   continues   until   he   performs   the   last   act,   it   is  
directed   toward   a   vital   part   of   the   body.   The   frustrated.  
aggressor  stated  his  purpose  to  kill,  thought  he  had    
killed,  and  threw  the  body  into  the  bushes.  When  he   People  v.  Enriquez,  281  SCRA  103  (1997)  
gave   himself   up   he   declared   that   he   had   killed   the   Facts:   Accused   Enriquez   and   Rosales   were  
complainant.     supposed  to  sell  6  kg  of  marijuana  in  violation  of  the  
  Dangerous  Drugs  Act  of  1972,  but  were  caught  red-­‐
Issue:   WON   the   accused   is   to   be   charged   with   handed   in   a   buy-­‐bust   operation:   Rosales   had   just  
frustrated  murder.   delivered   the   drug,   while   Enriquez   peddled   sale   to  
  agents.   Sale   and   delivery   of   marijuana   is   punishable  
Held:  Yes.  The  crime  cannot  be  attempted  murder.   under  the  aforementioned  statute.      
This   is   clear   from   the   fact   that   the   defendant    
performed   all   of   the   acts   which   should   have   Issue:   WON   ‘attempted   delivery’   of   the   prohibited  
resulted  in  the  consummated  crime  and  voluntarily   drug  is  applicable  in  the  case  at  bar.    
desisted  from  further  acts.    
Rañeses  69  
Held:   No.   Offense   penalized   by   a   special   law   and   (Cont.)  
not   the   RPC,   hence   no   such   thing   as   attempted  
delivery.   Incomplete   delivery,   granting   it   is   true,   is   Whenever   the   crime   of   rape   is   committed   with   the  
inconsequential.   Mere   act   of   conveying   drugs   use  of  a  deadly  weapon  or  by  two  or  more  persons,  
the  penalty  shall  be  reclusion  perpetua  to  death.    
punishable,   immaterial   whether   or   not   place   of  
destination  is  reached.     When   the   victim   has   become   insane,   the   penalty  
  shall  be  death.    
Doctrine:   If   the   act   is   punishable   under   a   special  
law,  the  stages  of  execution  cannot  be  applied.     When   rape   is   attempted   or   frustrated   and   a  
homicide  is  committed  by  reason  or  on  the  occasion  
thereof,  the  penalty  shall  be  likewise  death.  
People  v  Listerio,  335  SCRA  40  (2000)    
Facts:     Araque   brothers   went   to   Muntinlupa   to    
collect   money   from   a   certain   Tino.   Being   unable   to  
People  v.  Erinia,  50  Phil.  998  (1927)  
collect,   they   started   on   their   way   home.   However,  
Facts:   The   accused   endeavored   to   have   carnal  
before  they  could  do  so,  Listerio  et  al,  accosted  and  
knowledge   with   victim   (3   years   old   +   11months).  
attacked   them   with   bladed   weapons   and   lead   pipes,  
The   attempt   foiled   from   further   violating   the   child  
killing   Jeonito   Araque   and   wounding   his   brother  
by   the   appearance   of   victim’s   parents   and   sister.  
Marlon  Araque.      
Physician   found   inflammation   of   the   exterior   parts  
of   the   organ,   but   no   signs   of   penetration.   Mother  
Issue:     WON   the   conviction   of   attempted   homicide  
saw   that   genitals   was   covered   with   sticky  
at  least  in  terms  of  Marlon  Araque  was  correct.    
substance,   however,   no   proof   was   shown   to  
corroborate  such  an  allegation.    
Held:   No.   It   should   have   been   frustrated   homicide.  
Accused   only   left   when   victims   became  
Issue:   WON   this   was   considered   consummated  
unconscious.   Gravity   of   wunds   should   not   be   the  
determinative   factor   but   whether   or   not   the  
subjective   phase   in   the   commission   of   a   crime   has  
Held:   No,   this   was   merely   frustrated   rape.   It   was  
been  passed.    
suggested   penetration   was   impossible   due   to   the  
age   of   the   child,   but   for   rape   to   be   consummated  
*Refer   to   item   11,   sub-­‐item   1   on   page   65   for   the  
only   partial   penetration   was   required,   up   to   the  
definition  of  the  subjective  phase.    
labia.   However,   as   no   such   proof   of   penetration   was  
evident,   benefit   of   the   doubt   was   accorded   to   the  
Specific  Felonies   accused,  hence  only  frustrated  rape  
RPC,  Art.  335   *Later   rape   cases   have   dismissed   Erinia   as   a   stray  
decision,  and  is  therefore  not  controlling.    
When   and   how   rape   is   committed.   —   Rape   is  
committed  by  having  carnal  knowledge  of  a  woman  
People  v.  Hernandez,  49  Phil.  980  (1925)  
under  any  of  the  following  circumstances:  
Facts:   Domingo   Hernandez,   70   yrs   old   charged   of  
1. by  using  force  or  intimidation;   raping   his   9   yr   old   step   granddaughter,   Conrada  
2. When   the   woman   is   deprived   of   reason   or   Jocson  with  threat  to  kill  if  she/doesn’t  give  in  to  his  
otherwise  unconscious;  and   wish.   Aggravating:   (1)   related,   (2)   grave   abuse   of  
3. When   the   woman   is   under   twelve   years   of   confidence  since  they  lived  in  same  house.  
The   crime   of   rape   shall   be   punished   by   reclusion   Issue:  WON  act  is  consummated  rape  
perpetua.   Held:   Yes,   plus   there   is   an   aggravating  
Rañeses  70  
1. People   v.   Rivers:   rupture   of   hymen   not   enter   and   with   difficulty;   vaginal   cavity   tight,   no  
necessary   as   long   as   there   is   proof   that   discharges  noted  
there’s   some   degree   of   entrance   of   male    
organ  within  labia  of  the  victim.     Issue:  WON  rape  is  consummated  
2. Physical   exam   findings:   hymen   intact,   labia    
and  vaginal  opening  inflamed,  abundance  of   Held:   Rape   was   consummated.   Perfect   penetration  
semen,  she  felt  intense  pain.     is  not  essential.  For  the  consummation  of  rape,  any  
  penetration   of   the   female   organ   by   the   male   organ  
People  v.  Orita,  184  SCRA  105  (1990)   is  sufficient  to  qualify  as  having  carnal  knowledge.  
Facts:     At   around   1:30   am,   after   attending   a   party,   In  the  crime  of  rape,  from  the  moment  the  offender  
Abayan   came   home   to   her   boarding   house.   As   she   has   carnal   knowledge   of   the   victim,   he   actually  
knocked   at   the   door,   Orita   suddenly   held   her   and   attains   his   purpose   and   from   that   moment,   the  
poked  a  knife  at  her  neck.  She  pleaded  for  him  to  let   essential   elements   of   the   offense   have   been  
her   go   but   instead   of   doing   so,   Orita   dragged   her   accomplished.  
upstairs   with   him   while   he   had   his   left   arm    
wrapped   around   her   neck   and   his   right   hand   *According   to   Orita,   there   is   no   more   frustrated  
holding  and  poking  the  balisong  at  the  victim.  At  the   rape.    
second  floor,  he  commanded  Christina  to  look  for  a    
room.   Upon   finding   a   room,   Orita   held   her   against   People  v.  Campuhan,  329  SCRA  270  (2000)  
the   wall   while   he   undressed   himself.   He   then   Facts:  Primo  Campuhan  was  accused  of  raping  four  
ordered   her   to   undress.   As   she   took   off   her   shirt,   he   year  old  Crysthel  Pamintuan.  Campuhan  was  caught  
pulled  off  her  bra,  pants  and  panty,  and  ordered  her   by  child’s  mother  on  April  25,  1996  at  around  4pm  
to   lie   on   the   floor.   He   then   mounted   her   and,   in   their   house.   Campuhan,   helper   of   Corazon’s  
pointing   the   balisong   at   her   neck,   ordered   he   to   brother  was  allegedly  kneeling  in  front  of  the  child  
hold   his   penis   and   insert   it   in   her   vagina.   In   this   with   both   their   pants   downa   dn   child   was   crying  
position,  only  a  portion  of  his  penis  entered  her,  so   “ayoko,   ayoko”   while   Primo   forced   his   penis   into  
he   ordered   Abayan   to   go   on   top   of   him.   With   him   child’s  vagina  
lying  on  his  back  and  Abayan  mounting  him,  still,  he    
did  not  achieve  full  penetration  and  only  part  of  his   Issue:  WON  crime  is  consummated  rape  
penis   was   inserted   in   the   vagina.   At   this   instance,    
Abayan   got   the   opportunity   to   escape   Orita   because   Held:  No.  Modified  to  attempted  rape  
he  had  both  his  hands  and  the  knife  on  the  floor.   1. Consummated  rape:  perfect  penetration  not  
  essential.  Slight  penetration  is  equivalent  to  
Abayan,  still  naked,  was  chased  from  room  to  room   rape.   Mere   touching   of   external   genitalia  
with   Orita   climbing   over   the   partitions.   Abayan,   considered   when   its   an   essential   part   of  
frantic   and   scared,   jumped   out   of   a   window   and   penetration   not   just   touching   in   ordinary  
darted   for   the   municipal   building   and   was   finally   sense   (People   v.   Orita).   Labia   majora   must  
found  by  Pat.  Donceras  and  other  policemen.  Due  to   be   entered   for   rape   to   be   consummated  
darkness  though,  the  failed  to  apprehend  Orita.   (People  v.  Escober)  
  2. Attempted   –   no   penetration   or   didn’t   reach  
In   the   medico   legal,   Dr.   Ma.   Luisa   Abude   had   the   labia/mere  grazing  of  surface  
following  findings:  circumscribed  hematoma  at  Ant.   3. Failed   to   prove   that   penetration   occurred.  
neck,   linear   abrasions   below   left   breas,   multiple   Mother’s   testimony   questionable   with  
pinpoint   marks   at   the   back,   abrasions   on   both   regards   to   her   position   relative   to   Primo  
kness,   erythemetous   areas   noted   surrounding   and   child.   They   failed   to   establish   how   she  
vaginal   orifice,   tender;   hymen   intact;   no   laceration   could   have   seen   actual   contact   in   her  
fresh   and   old   noted;   examining   finger   can   barely   position  
Rañeses  71  
4. Man’s  instinct  is  to  run  when  caught.  Primo   Held:   Yes.   Aggravating   Circumstance,   public  
could   not   have   stayed   or   to   satisfy   his   lust   possession  
even  if  ..  seeing  Corazon   1. He   performed   all   acts   of   execution   as  
5. Child  denied  penetration  occurred   required   by   RPC   Art.   3.   He   didn’t   need   to  
6. People   v.   Villamor:   consummation   even   take  it  out  of  the  building  
when   penetration   doubted:   pain’s   felt,   2. Spanish   Supreme   Court:   taking   first   caught  
discoloration   of   inner   lips   of   vagina   or   red   by   police   still   consummated   no   proof   of  
labia   minora   or   hymenal   tags   not   visible.   contrary;   pickpocket   got   money   but  
Now   seen   in   case,   Medico   legal   officer,   returned  it  later  on,  still  consummated;  took  
though   penetration   not   needed   to   prove   money   even   if   its   on   top   of   safe,   still  
contact,   no   medical   basis   to   hold   that   there   consummated.  
was  sexual  contact.  Hymen  intact.    
Interesting   metaphors:   “shelling   of   the   castle   of   People  v.  Dino,  45  O.G.,  3445  
orgasmic  potency,”  “strafing  the  citadel  of  passion,”   Facts:   Accused   Dino   found   guilty   as   accomplice   in  
“bombardment  of  the  drawbridge.”     the  crime  of  qualified  theft  and  sentenced  to  penalty  
  from  3  months  11  days  of  arresto  mayor,  to  1  year  8  
Theft   months   21   days   of   prision   correccional.   Appellant  
RPC,  Art.  308.  
was   driver   of   US   Army,   and   after   dropping   off  
articles   in   the   port   in   South   Harbor   in   Manila,   he  
 Who   are   liable   for   theft.   —   Theft   is   committed   by   was   found   with   3   boxes   of   10   caliber   .30   army   rifles  
any   person   who,   with   intent   to   gain   but   without   (carbines).      
violence   against   or   intimidation   of   persons   nor    
force   upon   things,   shall   take   personal   property   of  
another  without  the  latter's  consent.  
1. WON  crime  is  consummated  theft.  
Theft  is  likewise  committed  by:   2. WON  conviction  as  accomplice  was  proper.  
1. Any   person   who,   having   found   lost   Held:    
property,   shall   fail   to   deliver   the   same   to  
1. No.  The  court  held  in  this  case  the  crime  of  
the  local  authorities  or  to  its  owner;  
theft   cannot   be   said   to   be   consummated,  
2. Any   person   who,   after   having   maliciously  
since   the   fact   determinative   of  
damaged   the   property   of   another,   shall  
remove   or   make   use   of   the   fruits   or   object   consummation   is   the   ability   of   the   thief   to  
of  the  damage  caused  by  him;  and   dispose  freely  of  the  articles  stolen,  even  if  it  
3. Any   person   who   shall   enter   an   inclosed   were   more   or   less   momentary,   and   in   the  
estate  or  a  field  where  trespass  is  forbidden   case  at  bar,  this  fact  can  only  be  seen  to  have  
or   which   belongs   to   another   and   without   occurred   if   the   carbines   passed   the   MP  
the   consent   of   its   owner,   shall   hunt   or   fish   checkpoint.   Therefore,   the   appellant   should  
upon   the   same   or   shall   gather   cereals,   or   be  convicted  of  frustrated  theft.  
other  forest  or  farm  products.  
2. No.   Since   the   passing   of   the   truck   through  
the   MP   checkpoint   was   an   essential   part   to  
the   consummation   of   the   crime,   the  
U.S.  v.  Adiao,  38  Phil.  752  (1918)  
appellant   should   be   considered   a   principal  
Facts:   Tomas   Adiao,   customs   inspector,   got   a  
instead   of   an   accomplice,   since   he   directly  
leather   bag   costing   P0.80   from   baggage   of   T.  
participated  in  the  commission  of  the  crime.  
Murakami   and   kept   it   in   his   desk   where   it   was  
found  by  other  employees  
Aristotel   Valenzuela   v.   People,   G.R.   No.   160188,  
Issue:  WON  act  is  consummated  theft.    
21  June  2007  
Rañeses  72  
Facts:  Aristotel  Valenzuela  and  Jovy  Calderon  tried   dispose   freely   of   the   articles   stolen.   Unlawful   taking  
to   steal   boxes   of   Tide   from   SM   Super   Sale   Club   in   is  deemed  complete  from  the  moment  the  offender  
North  Edsa.  Security  guard  Lorenzo  Lago  witnessed   gains   possession   of   the   thing,   even   if   he   has   no  
this   and   stopped   the   taxi   that   the   2   were   riding   in   opportunity   to   dispose   of   the   same.   Theft   cannot  
trying   to   escape   with   the   goods.   The   accused   ran   have   a   frustrated   stage,   since   unlawful   taking  
and   Lago   fired   a   warning   shot   to   alert   the   other   produces  the  felony  in  its  consummated  stage.  
guards,   causing   the   apprehension   of   the   accused.    
RTC   of   QC   convicted   both   of   the   crime   of   Robbery  
consummated  theft.   RPC,  Art.  293.  
Petitioners   appealed,   but   only   Valenzuela   was   Who  are  guilty  of  robbery.  —  Any  person  who,  with  
considered   to   have   filed   the   appeal   since   Calderon   intent   to   gain,   shall   take   any   personal   property  
was  considered  to  have  abandoned  the  appeal.     belonging   to   another,   by   means   of   violence   or  
intimidation   of   any   person,   or   using   force   upon  
anything  shall  be  guilty  of  robbery.  
Issue:  WON  crime  is  consummated  theft.    
Held:   Yes.   The   Court   said   that   the   Dino   ruling   has  
People  v.  Lamahang,  61  Phil.  703  (1935)  
not   been   held   as   precedent   by   the   court.   It   also  
Facts:   Aurelio   Lamahang   was   caught   opening   with  
discussed   that   a   felony   has   a   “subjective   phase”   or  
an   iron   bar   a   wall   of   a   store   of   cheap   goods   in  
that   portion   of   the   acts   constituting   the   crime  
Fuentes   St.   Iloilo.   He   broke   one   board   and   was  
included   between   the   act   which   begins   the  
unfastening  another  when  a  patrolling  police  caught  
commission  of  the  crime  and  ends  with  the  last  act  
him.  Owners  of  the  store  were  sleeping  inside  store  
performed   by   the   offender,   which   would   produce  
as   it   was   early   dawn.   Convicted   of   attempt   of  
the  felony.  
• Elements  of  Theft:  
1. That   there   be   taking   of   personal  
Issue:  WON  crime  is  attempted  robbery?  
2. That   the   said   property   belongs   to  
Held:   No.   Attempted   trespass   to   dwelling.   Attempt  
should   have   logical   relation   to   a   particular   and  
3. That   the   taking   be   done   with   intent   to  
concrete   offense   which   would   lead   directly   to  
consummation.   Necessary   to   establish   unavoidable  
4. That   the   taking   be   done   without   the  
connection   &   logical   &   natural   relation   of   cause   and  
consent  of  the  owner  
effect.   Important   to   show   clear   intent   to   commit  
5. That   the   taking   be   accomplished  
crime.   In   case   at   bar,   we   can   only   infer   that   his  
without   the   use   of   violence   against   or  
intent   was   to   enter   by   force,   other   inferences   are  
intimidation   of   persons   or   force   upon  
not   justified   by   facts.   Groizard:   infer   only   from  
nature   of   acts   executed.   Acts   susceptible   of   double  
• For  the  theft  to  have  been  frustrated,  certain  
interpretation   can’t   furnish   ground   for   themselves.  
factors  are  to  be  considered:    
Mind   should   not   directly   infer   intent.   Spain   SC:  
1. That  the  felony  is  not  produced  
necessary   that   objectives   established   or   acts  
2. That   such   failure   is   due   to   causes  
themselves  obviously  disclose  criminal  objective.  
independent   of   the   will   of   the  
People  v.  Salvilla,  184  SCRA  671  (1990)  
It  is  Congress,  and  not  the  courts,   which  is  to  define  
Facts:   April   12,   1986,   at   about   noon   time   –  
and   punish   crime,   and   it   has   defined   theft   as   to  
Petitioner,   together   with   Reynaldo,   Ronaldo   and  
having   the   5   elements   mentioned   above—the  
Simplicio   (all   surnamed   Canasares),   staged   a  
elements   not   including   “ability   of   the   thief   to  
robbery   at   the   New   Iloilo   Lumber   Yard.   They   were  
Rañeses  73  
armed   with   homemade   guns   and   a   hand   grenade.   Issues:  
On   their   way   inside   the   establishment,   they   met   1. WON   the   crime   of   robbery   was  
Rodita  Habiero,  an  employee  there  who  was  on  her   consummated  
way  out  for  her  meal  break,  and  informed  her  that  it   2. WON  there  was  a  mitigating  circumstance  of  
was   a   hold-­‐up.   They   went   inside   the   office   and   the   voluntary  surrender    
petitioner   pointed   his   gun   at   Severino   Choco,   the    
owner,   and   his   two   daughters,   Mary   and   Mimmie.     Held:  
They   informed   Severino   that   all   they   needed   was   1. Yes.   The   robbery   shall   be   deemed  
money.   Severino   asked   Mary   to   get   a   paper   bag   consummated   if   the   unlawful   “taking”   is  
wherein   he   placed   P20,000   cash   (P5000   acc   to   the   complete.  
defense)   and   handed   it   to   the   petitioner.   Simplicio    
Canasares   took   the   wallet   and   wristwatch   of   Unlawful   taking   of   personal   property   of  
Severino  after  which  the  latter,  his  2  daughters  and   another   is   an   essential   part   of   the   crime   of  
Rodita  were  kept  inside  the  office.  According  to  the   robbery.    The  respondent  claimed  that  none  
appellant,   he   stopped   Severino   from   getting   the   of   the   items   (money,   watches   and   wallet)  
wallet  and  watches.  At  about  2:00  of  the  same  day,   were  recovered  from  them.    However,  based  
the  appellant  told  Severino  to  produce  P100,000  so   on   the   evidence,   the   money   demanded,   the  
he  and  the  other  hostages  can  be  released.    Severino   wallet   and   the   wristwatch   were   within   the  
told   him   it   would   be   hard   to   do   that   since   banks   are   dominion   and   control   of   the   appellant   and  
closed   because   it   was   a   Saturday.   The   police   and   his   co-­‐accused   and   thus   the   taking   was  
military   authorities   had   surrounded   the   lumber   completed.  
yard.   Major   Melquiades   Sequio,   Station   Commander    
of   the   INP   of   Iloilo   City,   negotiated   with   the   accused   it   is   not   necessary   that   the   property   be  
and   appealed   to   them   to   surrender.     The   accused   taken  into  the  hands  of  the  robber  or  that  he  
refused   to   surrender   and   release   the   hostages.   Rosa   should   have   actually   carried   the   property  
Caram,   OIC   Mayor   of   Iloilo   City,   joined   the   away,   out   of   the   physical   presence   of   the  
negotiations.     Appellant   demanded   P100,000,   a   lawful   possessor,   or   that   he   should   have  
coaster,   and   some   raincoats.     Caram   offered   made  his  escape  with  it.  
P50,000   instead.     Later,   the   accused   agreed   to    
receive   the   same   and   to   release   Rodita   to   be   2. No.     The   “surrender”   of   the   appellant   and  
accompanied  by  Mary  in  going  out  of  the  office.    One   his  co-­‐accused  cannot  be  considered  in  their  
of  the  accused  gave  a  key  to  Mayor  Caram  and  with   favor  to  mitigate  their  liability.  
the   key,   Mayor   Caram   unlocked   the   door   and    
handed  to  Rodita  P50,000,  which  Rodita  gave  to  one   To   be   mitigating,   surrender   must   have   the  
of   the   accused.     Rodita   was   later   set   free   but   Mary   following   requisites:   (1)   that   the   offender  
was  herded  back  to  the  office.   The   police   and   had   not   been   actually   arrested,   (2)   that   the  
military   authorities   decided   to   assault   the   place   offender  surrendered  himself  to  a  person  in  
when   the   accused   still   wouldn’t   budge   after   more   authority   or   to   his   agent,   and   that   the  
ultimatums.    This  resulted  to  injuries  to  the  girls,  as   surrender   was   voluntary.     The   “surrender”  
well   as   to   the   accused   Ronaldo   and   Reynaldo   by   the   appellant   and   his   co-­‐accused   hardly  
Canasares.     Mary’s   right   leg   had   to   be   amputated   meets   these   requirements.     There   is   no  
due   to   her   injuries.   The   appellant   maintained   that   voluntary  surrender  to  speak  of.  
the   money,   wallet   and   watches   were   all   left   on   the    
counter   and   were   never   touched   by   them.     He   also    
claimed   that   they   never   fired   on   the   military  
because  they  intended  to  surrender.  
Rañeses  74  
Murder saw   Borinaga   from   the   window   strike   with   a   knife  
RPC,  Art.  248  
at  Mooney,  but  fortunately,  knife  lodged  in  the  back  
of   the   chair   on   which   Mooney   was   seated.   Mooney  
Murder.   —   Any   person   who,   not   falling   within   the   fell  from  the  chair  uninjured  while  Borinaga  fled  to  
provisions  of  Article  246  shall  kill  another,  shall  be   the  market  place.  Borinaga  was  persistent  and  after  
guilty  of  murder  and  shall  be  punished  by  reclusion   nearly   ten   minutes,   returned   with   knife   in   hand   to  
temporal   in   its   maximum   period   to   death,   if   renew   attack   but   was   unable   to   do   so   because  
committed   with   any   of   the   following   attendant  
Perpetua   turned   a   flashlight   on   Borinaga,  
frightening  him.  
1. With   treachery,   taking   advantage   of    
superior   strength,   with   the   aid   of   armed   Above   instances   gave   rise   to   CFI   of   Leyte   convicting  
men,   or   employing   means   to   weaken   the   Borinaga  and  sentencing  him  to  14  years,  8  months  
defense  or  of  means  or  persons  to  insure  or   and   a   day   of   reclusion   temporal,   with   accessory  
afford  impunity.   penalty   and   costs.   Court   held   that   1)   homicidal  
2.  In   consideration   of   a   price,   reward,   or  
intent   of   the   accused   was   plainly   evidenced;   2)  
murder   was   in   the   heart   and   mind   of   the   accused;  
3. By   means   of   inundation,   fire,   poison,  
explosion,  shipwreck,  stranding  of  a  vessel,  
3)   aggressor   stated   his   purpose   and   even  
derailment   or   assault   upon   a   street   car   or   apologized  to  his  friends  for  not  accomplishing  that  
locomotive,   fall   of   an   airship,   by   means   of   purpose;  4)  blow  was  directed  towards  vital  organs;  
motor  vehicles,  or  with  the  use  of  any  other   and   5)   means   used   were   suitable   for  
means  involving  great  waste  and  ruin.   accomplishment   therefore,   crime   qualifies   as  
4. On   occasion   of   any   of   the   calamities   murder.  
enumerated  in  the  preceding  paragraph,  or    
of   an   earthquake,   eruption   of   a   volcano,   Issue:   WON   the   crime   committed   is   attempted  
destructive   cyclone,   epidemic   or   other  
public  calamity.  
5. With  evident  premeditation.  
6. With   cruelty,   by   deliberately   and  
Held:   No.   The   crime   committed   is   frustrated  
inhumanly   augmenting   the   suffering   of   the   murder.   The   essential   condition   of   a   frustrated  
victim,   or   outraging   or   scoffing   at   his   crime,   that   the   author   performs   all   the   acts   of  
person  or  corpse.   execution,   attended   the   attack.   Nothing   remained   to  
  be   done   to   accomplish   the   work   of   the   assailant  
  completely.  The  cause  resulting  in  the  failure  of  the  
People  v.  Borinaga.  55  Phil.  433  (1930)   attack  arose  by  reason  of  forces  independent  of  the  
Facts:  On  March  4,  1929,  an  American  named  Harry   will   of   the   perpetrator.   No   superfine   distinctions  
H.   Mooney,   contracted   with   Juan   Lawaan   for   the   need   be   drawn   in   favor   of   the   accused   to   establish   a  
construction   of   a   fish   corral.   Basilio   Borinaga   was   lesser  crime  than  that  of  frustrated  murder,  for  the  
associated   with   Lawaan.   On   the   morning   of   same   facts   disclose   a   wanton   disregard   of   the   sanctity   of  
date,   Lawaan   and   his   men   went   to   Mooney’s   shop   human  life  fully  meriting  the  penalty  imposed  in  the  
and   tried   to   collect   the   whole   amount   fixed   by   the   trial  court.  
contract   notwithstanding   that   only   2/3   of   the   fish    
corral   was   finished.   Mooney   refused   to   pay   and   People  v.  Sy  Pio,  94  Phil.  885  (1954)  
Lawaan   threatened   him   that   if   he   did   not   pay,   Facts:  Sy  Pio  shot  three  people  early  in  the  morning  
something  would  happen  to  him.   of   September   3,   1949.   Tan   Siong   Kiap,   Ong   Pian   and  
  Jose  Sy.  Sy  Pio  entered  the  store  at  511  Misericordia  
On  the  evening  of  the  same  day,  Mooney  was  in  the   Sta  Cruz  Manila  and  started  firing  with  a  .45  caliber  
store   of   a   neighbor   Perpetua   Najarro   and   was   pistol.   First   to   be   shot   was   Jose   Sy.   Upon   seeing   Sy  
seated  with  his  back  being  to  the  window.  Perpetua   Pio   fire   at   Jose   Sy,   Tan   asked   “what   is   the   idea?”  
Rañeses  75  
thereupon,  Sy  Pio  turned  around  and  fired  at  him  as   Trinidad.  It  is  attempted  and  not  frustrated  murder  
well.   Tan   was   shot   at   his   right   shoulder   and   it   because   he   failed   to   execute   all   acts   due   to   moving  
passed   through   his   back.   He   ran   to   a   room   behind   vehicle  and  this  shielded  Tan’s  body  and  his  wound  
the  store  to  hide.  He  was  still  able  to  hear  gunshots   was   not   fatal   thus   not   sufficient   to   cause   death  
from   Sy   Pio’s   pistol,   but   afterwards,   Sy   Pio   ran   (People  v.  Pilones)  
  People  v.  Ravelo,  202  SCRA  655  (1991)  
 Issue:  WON  accused  is  guilty  of  frustrated  murder.   Facts:   The   accused-­‐appellants   are   members   of   the  
  Civilian  Home  Defense  Force  (CHDF)  stationed  at  a  
Held:  No.  Accused  is  guilty  of  attempted  murder.     checkpoint   near   the   airport   of   Tandag.   At  
1. Sy   Pio   had   to   turn   around   to   shoot   Tan   approximately   6:30   PM   of   May   21,   1984,   accused-­‐
Siong  Kiap.   appellants   allegedly   kidnapped   by   means   of   force  
2. There   is   sufficient   proof.   (Uncontradicted   one  Reynaldo  Gaurano.  They  then  detained  Gaurano  
testimony   of   the   victim,   admissions   made   to   at   the   house   of   Pedro   Ravelo,   one   of   the   accused.  
Lomotan,  testimony  of  physician,  etc.)   Thereafter,   they   assaulted,   attacked,   and   burned  
3. Assignment   of   error   must   be   dismissed.   Gaurano,   with   the   intent   of   killing   the   latter.  
Offended   party   spent   P300   for   the   hospital   Reynaldo  Gaurano  died  on  May  22.  
4. The   fact   that   he   was   able   to   escape   which   At   about   1AM   of   May   22,   the   accused-­‐appellants  
appellant   must   have   seen,   must   have   also   kidnapped   by   means   of   force   Joey   Lugatiman.  
produced   in   the   mind   of   the   defendant-­‐ The   latter   was   also   brought   to   Ravelo's   house  
appellant   that   he   was   not   able   to   hit   his   where   he   was   tortured.   At   5AM,   Lugatiman   was  
victim   at   a   vital   part   of   the   body.   The   transferred   to   the   house   of   accused-­‐appellant  
defendant   appellant   knew   that   he   had   not   Padilla.   There   he   was   tied   to   the   wall   with   a   nylon  
actually   performed   all   acts   of   execution   line  and  was  told  he  would  be  killed  at  9AM.  Shortly  
necessary   to   kill   his   victim.   Under   these   after,  accused-­‐appellants  had  to  attend  to  Gaurano;  
circumstances,   it   cannot   be   said   that   the   Lugatiman   was   thus   left   alone.   He   was   able   to  
subjective  phase  of  the  acts  of  execution  had   escape.  
been  completed.    
  He  reported  what  happened  to  him  and  to  Gaurano  
People  v.  Trinidad,  169  SCRA  51  (1989)   to   the   police   authorities.   RTC   convicted   the  
Facts:   Trinidad   accused   of   2   counts   of   murder   &   1   accused-­‐appellants   of   murder   of   Gaurano   and  
count  frustrated  murder.  Accused  in  member  of  INP   frustrated  murder  of  Lugatiman.  
in  Nasipit.  Crime  occurred  in  Butuan  between  El  Rio    
&   Agfa   while   they   were   in   a   Ford   Fiera   bound   for   In  this  appeal,  counsel  for  the  accused  aver  that  the  
Davao.  Trinidad  shot  &  killed  Soriano  &  Laron  while   lower  court  erred  in  finding  that  accused-­‐appellants  
he  shot  and  injured  Tan   are   guilty   of   frustrated   murder.   Counsel   further  
  contends   that   there   can   be   no   frustrated   murder  
Issue:  WON  conviction  is  proper?   absent   any   proof   of   intent   to   kill,   which   is   an  
  essential   element   of   the   offense   of   frustrated  
Held:   Affirmed.   Murder   and   attempted   murder.   murder.   The   trial   court   merely   relied   on   the  
Trinidad   alibi   is   weak   and   overridden   by   Tan   and   statement   of   the   accused-­‐appellants   stating   they  
Commendador’s   positive   identification.   Though   would  kill  Lugatiman  to  establish  intent  to  kill.  
some   discrepancies   in   testimonies   are   found,   these    
are  trivial.  Distance  between  Trinidad  &  2  deceased   Issue:   WON   the   statement   by   the   accused   stating  
immaterial.  Important  is  that  he  shot  them.  Tan  has   that   Lugatiman   would   be   killed   is   sufficient   proof   of  
no   seen   ill   motive   to   falsifiably   testify   against   intent  to  convict  a  person  of  frustrated  murder  
Rañeses  76  
Held:   No.   In   a   crime   of   murder   or   an   attempt   of   Shortly  after,  Isabela  Holgado,  Maria  Guttierez,  and  
frustration   thereof,   the   offender   must   have   the   Hilarion  Holgado  arrived  at  the  place  with  food  for  
intent   or   the   actual   design   to   kill   which   must   be   the   laborers.   Marcelino   Panaligan,   the   cousin   of  
manifested   by   external   acts.   A   verbal   expression   is   Isabelo   and   Arcadio,   also   arrived   and   ordered  
not  sufficient  to  show  an  actual  design  to  perpetrate   Arcadio  and  the  workers  to  resume  their  work.  
the   act.   Intent   must   be   shown   not   only   by   a   With   this,   they   all   simultaneously   struck   with   their  
statement   of   the   aggressor,   but   also   by   the   bolos.   Marcelo   Kalalo   slashed   Arcadio   while   Felipe  
execution   of   all   acts   and   the   use   of   means   necessary   Kalalo,   Juan   Kalalo   and   Gregorio   Ramos   slashed  
to   deliver   a   fatal   blow   while   the   victim   is   not   placed   Marcelino   Panaligan.   Both   Arcadio   and   Marcelino  
in  a  position  to  defend  himself.   died  instantly.  
Homicide   Marcelo   Kalalo   then   took   a   revolver   from   the   belt   of  
RPC,  Art.  249  
the   lifeless   Marcelino,   and   fired   four   shots   at  
Hilarion   Holgado   who   was   then   also   fleeing   from  
Homicide.  —  Any  person  who,  not  falling  within  the   the  scene.  
provisions  of  Article  246,  shall  kill  another  without    
the   attendance   of   any   of   the   circumstances   Issues:  
enumerated   in   the   next   preceding   article,   shall   be  
1. WON   the   appellants   Marcelo   Kalalo,   Juan  
deemed   guilty   of   homicide   and   be   punished   by  
Kalalo,   Felipe   Kalalo,   and   Gregorio   Ramos  
reclusion  temporal.  
  are  guilty  of  murder  or  of  simple  homicide.  
  2. WON  Marcelo  Kalalo  is  guilty  of  discharge  of  
People  v.  Kalalo,  59  Phil.  715  (1934)   firearms  or  attempted  homicide  
Facts:  Appellant  Marcelo  Kalalo  and  Isabel  Holgado    
had  a  litigation  over  a  parcel  of  land  situated  in  the   Held:  
barrio   of   Calumpang,   Batangas.   Marcelo   Kalalo   1. The   court   held   that   the   appellants   are  
cultivated   the   land   in   questions   during   the   merely   guilty   of   homicide   for   the   crimes   of  
agricultural  years  1931-­‐1932  but  when  the  harvest   killing   Arcadio   and   Marcelino   as   no  
time  came,  Isabela  Holgado  reaped  all  that  had  been   mitigating   circumstance   has   been   proved.  
planted   thereon.   Marcelo   filed   complaints   against   The   accused   and   the   deceased   were   both  
Isabel,  however  these  were  dismissed  by  the  CFI  of   armed.   Marcelino   has   a   revolver   while   the  
Batangas  twice.   accused   have   bolos.   The   risk   was   even  
  between  the  two  parties.  
On   October   1,   1932,   Isabela   Holgado   and   her   2. It   was   held   that   he   is   guilty   of   attempted  
brother   Arcadio   Hodalgo   decided   to   have   the   said   homicide.   Evidence   shows   that   Marcelo  
land   plowed   and   employed   several   workers   for   that   Kalalo  fired  four  successive  shots  at  Hilarion  
purpose.   Arcadio   Hodalgo   together   with   the   hired   Holgado   while   the   latter   was   fleeing   from  
workers  went  to  plow  the  land  early  that  day.   the   scene.   This   fact   simply   shows   that   he  
  was  then  intent  on  killing  Hilarion  Holgado.  
Marcelo   Kalalo   who   had   been   informed   thereof,   he   has   performed   all   acts   necessary   to  
proceeded   to   the   land   together   with   his   brothers   commit   the   crime   but   failed   by   reason   of  
Felipe   Kalalo   and   Juan   Kalalo,   brother   in   law   causes   independent   of   his   will   (poor   aim,  
Gregorio  Ramos,  and  Aejandro  Garcia.  Five  of  them   victim  succeeded  in  dodging  his  shots).  
are  all  armed  with  bolos.  Fausta  Abrenica  and  Alipia    
Abrenica,   mother   and   aunt,   respectively   of   the   Penalties  to  be  imposed  in  relation  to  stages  
Kalalo   brothers,   followed   them   thereafter.   Upon   of  commission  
their   arrival,   they   ordered   those   workers   of   Isabel    
and  Arcadio  Hodalgo  to  stop.    
Rañeses  77  
RPC,  Art.  6   RPC,  Art.  55  

*Refer  to  page  63  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision   Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   accessories   of   a  
frustrated     crime.   —   The   penalty   lower   by   two  
RPC,  Art.  7   degrees   than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   the  
frustrated   felony   shall   be   imposed   upon   the  
*Refer  to  page  67  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision  
accessories   to   the   commission   of   a   frustrated  
RPC,  Art.  50   felony.  

Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   principals   of   a   RPC,  Art.  56.    

frustrated     crime.   —   The   penalty   next   lower   in  
Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   accomplices   in   an  
degree   than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   the  
attempted   crime.   —   The   penalty   next   lower   in  
consummated   felony   shall   be   imposed   upon   the  
degree   than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   an   attempt  
principal  in  a  frustrated  felony.  
to   commit   a   felony   shall   be   imposed   upon   the  
RPC,  Art.  51   accomplices  in  an  attempt  to  commit  the  felony.  

Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   principals   of   attempted   RPC,  Art.  57.    

crimes.   —   A   penalty   lower   by   two   degrees   than   that  
Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   accessories   of   an  
prescribed   by   law   for   the   consummated   felony   shall  
attempted   crime.   —   The   penalty   lower   by   two  
be   imposed   upon   the   principals   in   an   attempt   to  
degrees   than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   the  
commit  a  felony.  
attempted   felony   shall   be   imposed   upon   the  
RPC,  Art.  52     accessories  to  the  attempt  to  commit  a  felony.  

Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   accomplices   in  
consummated   crime.   —   The   penalty   next   lower   in  
degree   than   that   prescribed   by   law   for   the   Conspiracy  and  proposal  to  commit  a  felony  
consummated   shall   be   imposed   upon   the    
accomplices   in   the   commission   of   a   consummated   RPC,  Art.  8  
Conspiracy   and   proposal   to   commit   felony.   —  
RPC,  Art.  53     Conspiracy   and   proposal   to   commit   felony   are  
punishable   only   in   the   cases   in   which   the   law  
Penalty   to   be   imposed   upon   accessories   to   the  
specially  provides  a  penalty  therefor.  
commission   of   a   consummated   felony.   —   The  
penalty   lower   by   two   degrees   than   that   prescribed   RPC,  Art.  115    
by   law   for   the   consummated   felony   shall   be  
imposed  upon  the  accessories  to  the  commission  of   Conspiracy  and  proposal  to  commit  treason;  Penalty.  
a  consummated  felony.   —  The  conspiracy  or  proposal  to  commit  the  crime  
of  treason  shall  be  punished  respectively,  by  prision  
RPC,  Art.  54.     mayor  and  a  fine  not  exceeding  P10,000  pesos,  and  
prision   correccional   and   a   fine   not   exceeding  
Penalty  to  imposed  upon  accomplices  in  a  frustrated    
P5,000  pesos.  
crime.   —   The   penalty   next   lower   in   degree   than  
prescribed  by  law  for  the  frustrated  felony  shall  be   RPC,  Art.  136  
imposed  upon  the  accomplices  in  the  commission  of  
a  frustrated  felony.   Conspiracy   and   proposal   to   commit   coup   d'etat,  
  rebellion   or   insurrection.   —   The   conspiracy   and  
  proposal  to  commit  coup  d'etat  shall  be  punished  by  
prision  mayor  in  minimum  period  and  a  fine  which  
shall  not  exceed  eight  thousand  pesos  (P8,000.00).  
Rañeses  78  
RPC,  Art.  141   (Cont.)   eriods   it   being   sufficient   for   the   imposition  
thereof   that   the   initial   steps   have   been   taken  
Conspiracy   to   commit   sedition.   —   Persons   toward   carrying   out   the   purposes   of   the  
conspiring  to  commit  the  crime  of  sedition  shall  be   combination.  
punished   by   prision   correccional   in   its   medium  
period   and   a   fine   not   exceeding   2,000   pesos.   Any   property   possessed   under   any   contract   or   by  
(Reinstated  by  E.O.  No.  187).   any   combination   mentioned   in   the   preceding  
paragraphs,   and   being   the   subject   thereof,   shall   be  
RPC,  Art.  186   forfeited  to  the  Government  of  the  Philippines.  
Monopolies  and  combinations  in  restraint  of  trade.  —   Whenever   any   of   the   offenses   described   above   is  
The   penalty   of   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum   committed   by   a   corporation   or   association,   the  
period   or   a   fine   ranging   from   200   to   6,000   pesos,   or   president   and   each   one   of   its   agents   or  
both,  shall  be  imposed  upon:  
representatives   in   the   Philippines   in   case   of   a  
foreign   corporation   or   association,   who   shall   have  
1.   Any   person   who   shall   enter   into   any   contract   or  
knowingly   permitted   or   failed   to   prevent   the  
agreement   or   shall   take   part   in   any   conspiracy   or  
commission   of   such   offense,   shall   be   held   liable   as  
combination   in   the   form   of   a   trust   or   otherwise,   in  
principals  thereof.  
restraint   of   trade   or   commerce   or   to   prevent   by  
artificial  means  free  competition  in  the  market;  
RPC,  Art.  306  
2.   Any   person   who   shall   monopolize   any   Who   are   brigands;   Penalty.   —   When   more   than  
merchandise   or   object   of   trade   or   commerce,   or  
three   armed   persons   form   a   band   of   robbers   for   the  
shall   combine   with   any   other   person   or   persons   to   purpose   of   committing   robbery   in   the   highway,   or  
monopolize   and   merchandise   or   object   in   order   to   kidnapping  persons  for  the  purpose  of  extortion  or  
alter  the  price  thereof  by  spreading  false  rumors  or   to   obtain   ransom   or   for   any   other   purpose   to   be  
making   use   of   any   other   article   to   restrain   free   attained   by   means   of   force   and   violence,   they   shall  
competition  in  the  market;   be  deemed  highway  robbers  or  brigands.  
3.  Any  person  who,  being  a  manufacturer,  producer,   Persons   found   guilty   of   this   offense   shall   be  
or   processor   of   any   merchandise   or   object   of   punished  by  prision  mayor  in  its  medium  period  to  
commerce   or   an   importer   of   any   merchandise   or   reclusion  temporal  in  its  minimum  period  if  the  act  
object  of  commerce  from  any  foreign  country,  either   or   acts   committed   by   them   are   not   punishable   by  
as   principal   or   agent,   wholesaler   or   retailer,   shall   higher   penalties,   in   which   case,   they   shall   suffer  
combine,  conspire  or  agree  in  any  manner  with  any   such  high  penalties.  
person   likewise   engaged   in   the   manufacture,  
production,   processing,   assembling   or   importation   If  any  of  the  arms  carried  by  any  of  said  persons  be  
of  such  merchandise  or  object  of  commerce  or  with   an   unlicensed   firearms,   it   shall   be   presumed   that  
any   other   persons   not   so   similarly   engaged   for   the   said  persons  are  highway  robbers  or  brigands,  and  
purpose  of  making  transactions  prejudicial  to  lawful   in   case   of   convictions   the   penalty   shall   be   imposed  
commerce,  or  of  increasing  the  market  price  in  any   in  the  maximum  period.  
part  of  the  Philippines,  of  any  such  merchandise  or    
object   of   commerce   manufactured,   produced,      
processed,   assembled   in   or   imported   into   the   Reyes:  
Philippines,   or   of   any   article   in   the   manufacture   of  
1. (Art.   8)   IMPORTANT   WORDS   AND  
which   such   manufactured,   produced,   or   imported  
merchandise  or  object  of  commerce  is  used.  
1. “Conspiracy  and  proposal  to  commit  
If   the   offense   mentioned   in   this   article   affects   any   felony.”   –   Conspiracy   and   proposal  
food   substance,   motor   fuel   or   lubricants,   or   other   to   commit   are   two   different   acts   or  
articles  of  prime  necessity,  the  penalty  shall  be  that   felonies:  (1)  conspiracy  to  commit  a  
of  prision  mayor  in  its  maximum  and  medium   felony,   and   (2)   proposal   to   commit   a  
Rañeses  79  
2. “Only   in   the   cases   in   which   the   law   1. The   person   who   proposes   is   not  
specifically   provides   a   penalty   determined  to  commit  the  felony.    
therefor.”  –  Unless  there  is  a  specific   2. There   is   no   decided,   concrete   and  
provision   in   the   RPC   providing   a   formal  proposal.    
penalty   for   conspiracy   or   proposal   3. It   is   not   the   execution   of   a   felony  
to  commit  a  felony,  mere  conspiracy   that  is  proposed.    
or  proposal  to  commit  a  felony  is  not   9. The   crimes   in   which   conspiracy   and  
a  felony.     proposal   are   punishable   are   against   the  
2. General  rule:  Conspiracy  and  proposal  to   security   of   the   State   or   economic  
commit   a   felony   are   not   punishable.   They   security.    
are   ppunishable   only   in   the   cases   in   which    
the   law   specially   provides   a   penalty   People  v.  Peralta,  25  SCRA  759  (1968)  
therefor.     Facts:  On  February  16,  1958,  in  the  municipality  of  
3. When   the   conspiracy   relates   to   a   crime   Muntinglupa,  province  of  Rizal,  two  known  warring  
actually  committed,  it  is  not  a  felony  but   gangs  inside  the  New  Bilibid  Prison  as  “Sigue-­‐Sigue”  
only   a   manner   of   incurring   criminal   and   “OXO”   were   preparing   to   attend   a   mass   at   7  
liability,   that   is,   when   there   is   a.m.   However,   a   fight   between   the   two   rival   gangs  
conspiracy,  the  act  of  one  is  the  act  of  all.     caused   a   big   commotion   in   the   plaza   where   the  
4. Requisites  of  conspiracy:   prisoners   were   currently   assembled.   The   fight   was  
1. That   two   or   more   persons   come   to   quelled   and   those   involved   where   led   away   to   the  
an   agreement;.   –   agreement   investigation   while   the   rest   of   the   prisoners   were  
presupposes  meeting  of  the  minds  of   ordered  to  return  to  their  respective  quarters.  
two  or  more  persons    
2. That   the   agreement   concerned   the   In   the   investigation,   it   was   found   out   that   the  
commission   of   a   felony.     –   the   accused,   “OXO”   members,   Amadeo   Peralta,   Andres  
agreement   must   refer   to   the   Factora,   Leonardo   Dosal,   Angel   Paramog,   Gervasio  
commission  of  a  crime.  It  must  be  an   Larita   and   Florencio   Luna   (six   among   the   twenty-­‐
agreement   to   act,   to   effect.   To   bring   two   defendants   charged   therein   with   multiple  
about   what   has   already   been   murder),   are   also   convicts   confined   in   the   said  
conceived  and  determined   prisons  by  virtue  of  final  judgments.  
3. That   the   execution   of   the   felony   be    
decided   upon.   –   the   conspirators   They   conspired,   confederated   and   mutually   helped  
have  made  up  their  minds  to  commit   and   aided   each   other,   with   evident   premeditation  
the   crime.   There   must   be   and  treachery,  all  armed  with  deadly  weapons,  did,  
determination   to   commit   the   crime   then  and  there,  willfully,  unlawfully  and  feloniously  
of  treason,  rebellion  or  sedition   killed   “Sigue-­‐Sigue”   sympathizers   Jose   Carriego,  
5. Direct  proof  is  not  necessary  to  establish   Eugenio   Barbosa   and   Santos   Cruz,   also   convicts  
conspiracy.     confined   in   the   same   institution,   by   hitting,  
6. Quantum  of  proof  is  required  to  establish   stabbing,  and  striking  them  with  ice  picks,  clubs  and  
it.     other   improvised   weapons,   pointed   and/or  
7. Requisites  of  proposal:   sharpened,   thereby   inflicting   upon   the   victims  
1. That  a  person  has  decided  to  commit   multiple  serious  injuries  which  directly  caused  their  
a  felony;  and   deaths.  
2. That   he   proposes   its   execution   to    
some  other  person  or  persons.     Issues:  
8. There  is  no  criminal  proposal  when:   1. WON   conspiracy   attended   the   commission  
of  the  multiple  murder  
Rañeses  80  
  Conspiracy   alone,   without   execution   of   its  
2. WON  an  aggravating  circumstance  of  quasi-­‐ purpose,   is   not   a   crime   punishable   by   law,  
recidivism   is   present   in   the   commission   of   except   in   special   instances   (Article   8,  
the  crime?   Revised   Penal   Code)   which,   do   not   include  
1. Yes.   A   conspiracy   exists   when   two   or   more   Reverting   now   to   the   case   at   bar,   the   trial  
persons   come   to   an   agreement   concerning   court   correctly   ruled   that   conspiracy  
the   commission   of   a   felony   and   decide   to   attended  the  commission  of  the  murders.  To  
commit   it.   Generally,   conspiracy   is   not   a   wit,   although   there   is   no   direct   evidence   of  
crime   unless   when   the   law   specifically   conspiracy,   the   court   can   safely   say   that  
provides   a   penalty   thereof   as   in   treason,   there   are   several   circumstances   to   show  
rebellion   and   sedition.   However,   when   in   that   the   crime   committed   by   the   accused  
resolute   execution   of   a   common   scheme,   a   was   planned.   First,   all   the   deceased   were  
felony   is   committed   by   two   or   more   Tagalogs   and   members   of   sympathizers   of  
malefactors,   the   existence   of   a   conspiracy   “Sigue-­‐Sigue”   gang   (OXO   members   were  
assumes   a   pivotal   importance   in   the   from   either   Visayas   or   Mindanao),   singled  
determination   of   the   liability   of   the   out   and   killed   thereby,   showing   that   their  
perpetrators.   Once   an   express   or   implied   killing   has   been   planned.   Second,   the  
conspiracy   is   proved,   all   of   the   conspirators   accused   were   all   armed   with   improvised  
are   liable   as   co-­‐principals   regardless   of   the   weapons  showing  that  they  really  prepared  
extent   and   character   of   their   respective   for   the   occasion.   Third,   the   accused  
active  participation  in  the  commission  of  the   accomplished   the   killing   with   team   work  
crime/s   perpetrated   in   furtherance   of   the   precision   going   from   one   brigade   to   another  
conspiracy   because   in   contemplation   of   law   and   attacking   the   same   men   whom   they  
the  act  of  one  is  the  act  of  all.   have   previously   marked   for   liquidation   and  
  lastly,   almost   the   same   people   took   part   in  
The   collective   criminal   liability   emanates   the  killing  of  the  Carriego,  Barbosa  and  Cruz.  
from   the   ensnaring   nature   of   conspiracy.   2. Yes.  In  view  of  the  attendance  of  the  special  
The   concerted   action   of   the   conspirators   in   aggravating   circumstances   of   quasi-­‐
consummating   their   common   purpose   is   a   recidivism,   as   all   of   the   six   accused   at   the  
patent  display  of  their  evil  partnership,  and   time   of   the   commission   of   the   offenses   were  
for   the   consequences   of   such   criminal   serving  sentences  in  the  New  Bilibid  Prison  
enterprise   they   must   be   held   solidarity   by   virtue   of   convictions   by   final   judgments  
liable.  However,  in  order  to  hold  an  accused   that   penalty   for   each   offense   must   be  
guilty   as   co-­‐principal   by   reason   of   imposed   in   its   maximum   period,   which   is  
conspiracy,   it   must   be   established   that   he   the  mandate  of  the  first  paragraph  of  article  
performed   an   overt   act   in   furtherance   of   the   160   of   the   RPC.   Hence,   severe   penalty  
conspiracy,   either   by   actively   participating   imposed   on   a   quasi-­‐recidivist   is   justified  
in  the  actual  commission  of  the  crime,  or  by   because  of  the  perversity  and  incorrigibility  
lending   moral   assistance   to   his   co-­‐ of  the  crime.  
conspirators   by   being   present   at   the   scene    
of   the   crime,   or   by   exerting   moral   US  v.  Bautista,  6  Phil.  581  (1906)  
ascendancy  over  the  rest  of  the  conspirators   Facts:   In   1903   a   junta   was   organized   and   a  
as   to   move   them   to   executing   the   conspiracy  entered  into  by  a  number  of  Filipinos  in  
conspiracy.   Hong   Kong,   for   the   purpose   of   overthrowing   the  
  government   of   the   United   States   in   the   Philippine  
Rañeses  81  
Islands   by   force   of   arms   and   establishing   a   new   RPC,  Art.  9  
  Grave  felonies,  less  grave  felonies  and  light  felonies.  -­‐  
Francisco  Bautista  (1),  a  close  friend  of  the  chief  of   Grave   felonies   are   those   to   which   the   law   attaches  
military   forces   (of   the   conspirators)   took   part   of   the  capital  punishment  or  penalties  which  in  any  of  
their   periods   are   afflictive,   in   accordance   with  
several   meetings.   Tomas   Puzon   (2)   held   several   article  25  of  this  Code.    
conferences   whereat   plans   are   made   for   the   coming  
insurrection;  he  was  appointed  Brigadier-­‐General  of   Less   grave   felonies   are   those   which   the   law  
the  Signal  Corps  of  the  revolutionary  forces.  Aniceto   punishes   with   penalties   which   in   their   maximum  
period   are   correctional,   in   accordance   with   the  
de   Guzman   (3)   accepted   some   bonds   from   one   of  
above-­‐mentioned  article.    
the  conspirators.  
  Light   felonies   are   those   infractions   of   law   for   the  
The   lower   court   convicted   the   three   men   of   commission   of   which   the   penalty   of   arresto   menor  
conspiracy.   Bautista   was   sentenced   to   4   years   or   a   fine   not   exceeding   200   pesos   or   both,   is  
imprisonment   and   a   P3,000   fine;   Puzon   and   De    
Guzman  to  3  years  imprisonment  and  P1,000.        
Issue:  WON  the  accused  are  guilty  of  conspiracy.   1. IMPORTANT  WORDS  OR  PHRASES  
  1. “To   which   the   law   attaches   the  
Held:   Yes,   Bautista   and   Puzon   are   guilty   of   capital   punishment.”   –   Capital  
conspiracy.   Bautista   was   fully   aware   of   the   punishment  is  death  penalty.  
purposes   of   the   meetings   he   participated   in,   and   2. “Or  penalties  in  any  of  their  periods  
even   gave   an   assurance   to   the   chief   of   military   are   afflictive.”     -­‐   Although   the   word  
forces  that  he  is  making  the  necessary  preparations.   “any”  is  used  in  the  phrase,  when  the  
Puzon  voluntarily  accepted  his  appointment  and  in   penalty  prescribed  for  the  offense  is  
doing   so   assumed   all   the   obligations   implied   by   composed   of   two   or   more   distinct  
such   acceptance.   This   may   be   considered   as   an   penalties.   The   higher   or   the   highest  
evidence   of   the   criminal   connection   of   the   accused   of  the  penalties  must  be  an  afflictive  
with  the  conspiracy.   penalty3.    
However,  de  Guzman  is  not  guilty  of  conspiracy.  He   If   the   penalty   prescribed   is  
might   have   been   helping   the   conspirators   by   composed   of   two   or   more   periods  
accepting   bonds   in   the   bundles,   but   he   has   not   been   corresponding   to   different   divisible  
aware   of   the   contents   nor   does   he   was,   in   any   penalties,   the   higher   or   maximum  
occasion,   assumed   any   obligation   with   respect   to   period   must   be   that   of   an   afflictive  
those  bonds.     penalty.    
*See   RPC   Art.   136:   Crimes   against   public   order:   If   the   penalty   is   composed   of   two  
conspiracy   and   proposal   to   commit   coup   d’   etat,   periods   of   an   afflictive   penalty   or   of  
rebellion  or  insurrection.   two   periods   corresponding   to  
  different   afflictive   penalties,   the  
Classification  of  Felonies   offense  for  which  it  is  prescribed  is  a  
RPC,  Art.  7   grave  felony.    
3. “Penalties   which   in   their   maximum  
*Refer  page  67  for  the  full  text  of  the  provision  and   period  are  correctional.”  –  When  the  
Reyes’s  explanation.  
3  Reclusion  perpetua,  reclusion  temporal  
Rañeses  82  
penalty  prescribed  for  the  offense  is    
composed   of   two   or   more   disctint    
penalties,   the   higher   or   highest   of    
the  penalties  must  be  a  correctional    
If   the   penalty   prescribed   is    
composed   of   two   or   more   periods    
corresponding   to   different   divisible    
penalties,   the   higher   of   maximum    
period   must   be   that   of   correctional    
If   the   penalty   is   composed   of   two    
periods   of   a   correctional   penalty,    
like  destierro  and  arresto  mayor,  the    
offense  for  which  it  is  prescribed  is  a    
less  grave  felony.      
4. “The   penalty   of   arresto   menor   or   a    
fine   not   exceeding   200   pesos,   or    
both,   is   provided.”   –   When   the   code    
provides   a   fine   P200   for   the    
commission   of   a   felony,   it   is   a   light    
felony.  If  the  amount  provided  for  by    
the   Code   is   more   than   P200,   then   it    
is   a   less   grave   felony,   because    
according   to   art.   26,   a   fine   not    
exceeding   P6k   is   a   correctional    
penalty.   If   the   amount   provided   for    
is   more   than   P6k,   then   it   is   a   grave    
felony,   because,   according   to   Art.   26,    
a   fine   exceeding   said   amount   is   an    
afflictive  penalty.      
Althought   Art.   26   provides   that   a    
fine   not   less   than   P200   is   a    
correctional   penalty,   Art.   9   which    
defines  light  felonies  should  prevail,    
because   the   latter   classifies   felonies    
according   to   their   gravity,   while   the    
former   classifies   the   fine   according    
to  the  amount  thereof.      
 Prision  correctional,  arresto  mayor,  suspension,  destierro  
Rañeses  83  
Circumstances   Which   Affect   prescribed   in   the   next   preceding   circumstance   are  
present,   and   the   further   requisite,   in   case   the  
Criminal  Liability   revocation   was   given   by   the   person   attacked,   that  
  the  one  making  defense  had  no  part  therein.  

Reyes:     3.   Anyone   who   acts   in   defense   of   the   person   or  

1. Imputability   is   the   quality   by   which   an   rights   of   a   stranger,   provided   that   the   first   and  
act   may   be   ascribed   to   a   person   as   its   second   requisites   mentioned   in   the   first  
author   or   owner.   It   implies   that   the   act   circumstance   of   this   Art.   are   present   and   that   the  
committed   has   been   freely   and   consciously   person   defending   be   not   induced   by   revenge,  
done  and  may,  therefore,  be  put  down  to  the   resentment,  or  other  evil  motive.  
doer  as  his  very  own.  (Albert)   4.   Any   person   who,   in   order   to   avoid   an   evil   or  
2. Responsibility   is   the   obligation   of   injury,   does   not   act   which   causes   damage   to  
suffering   the   consequences   of   crime.   It   is   another,   provided   that   the   following   requisites   are  
the   obligation   of   taking   the   penal   and   civil   present;  
consequences  of  the  crime.  (Albert)    
       First.   That   the   evil   sought   to   be   avoided   actually  
3. While   imputability   implies   that   a   deed  
may   be   imputed   to   a   person,  
responsibility   implies   that   the   persom          Second.   That   the   injury   feared   be   greater   than  
must   take   the   consequence   of   such   a   that  done  to  avoid  it;  
       Third.   That   there   be   no   other   practical   and   less  
4. Guilt  is  an  element  of  responsibility,  for  a  
harmful  means  of  preventing  it.  
man  cannot  answer  for  the  consequences  
of  a  crime  unless  he  is  guilty.  (Albert)     5.   Any   person   who   acts   in   the   fulfillment   of   a   duty  
  or  in  the  lawful  exercise  of  a  right  or  office.  
A. Justifying  Circumstances  
6.   Any   person   who   acts   in   obedience   to   an   order  
issued  by  a  superior  for  some  lawful  purpose.  
RPC,  Art.  11    
Justifying   circumstances.   —   The   following   do   not   Reyes:    
incur  any  criminal  liability:  
1. Justifying   circumstances   are   those   where  
1.   Anyone   who   acts   in   defense   of   his   person   or   the   act   of   a   person   is   said   to   be   in  
rights,   provided   that   the   following   circumstances   accordance  with  law,  so  that  such  person  
concur;   is   deemed   not   to   have   transgressed   the  
law   and   is   free   from   both   criminal   and  
               First.  Unlawful  aggression.  
civil   liability.   There   is   no   civil   liability,  
               Second.   Reasonable   necessity   of   the   means   except   in   par.   4   of   Art.   11,   where   the   civil  
employed  to  prevent  or  repel  it.   liability   is   borne   by   the   party   benefited   by  
the  act.    
               Third.  Lack  of  sufficient  provocation  on  the  part   2. The   law   recognizes   the   non-­‐existence   of  
of  the  person  defending  himself.  
a   crime   by   expressly   stating   in   the  
2.   Any   one   who   acts   in   defense   of   the   person   or   opening  sentence  of  of  Article  11  that  the  
rights   of   his   spouse,   ascendants,   descendants,   or   persons  therein  mentioned  “do  not  incur  
legitimate,  natural  or  adopted  brothers  or  sisters,  or   any  criminal  liability.”  
his   relatives   by   affinity   in   the   same   degrees   and   3. There   is   no   crime   committed,   the   act  
those   consanguinity   within   the   fourth   civil   degree,   being  justified.    
provided  that  the  first  and  second  requisites     4. The   circumstances   mentioned   in   Art.   11  
  are  matters  of  defense  and  it  is  incumebt  
Rañeses  84  
upon   the   accused,   in   order   to   avoid   § Unlawful   aggression   is  
criminal   liability,   to   prove   the   justifying   equivalent   to   assault   or   at  
circumstance   claimed   by   him   to   the   least   threatened   assault   of  
satisfaction  of  the  court.     an   immediate   and  
  imminent   kind.   (People   v.  
Self-­‐Defense   Alconga,  78  Phil.  366)    
1. When   the   accused   invokes   self-­‐defense,   There   must   be   an   actual  
it   is   incumbent   upon   him   to   prove   by   physical   assault   upon   a  
clear   and   convincing   evidence   that   he   person,   or   at   least   a   threat   to  
indeed   acted   in   defense   of   himself.   He   inflict  real  injury.    
must   rely   on   the   strength   of   his   own    
evidence   and   not   on   the   weakness   of   the   In   case   of   threat,   the   same  
prosecution.     must   be   offensive   and  
  positively   strong,   showing  
It   must   be   proved   with   certainty   by   the   wrongful   intent   to   cause  
sufficient,   satisfactory,   and   convincing   an   injury.   (U.S.   vs.   Guysayco,  
evidence   that   excludes   any   vestige   of   13  Phil.  292,  295)  
criminal   aggression   on   the   part   of   the    
person   invoking   it   and   it   cannot   be   When   theire   is   no   peril   to  
justifiably   entertained   where   it   is   not   only   one’s   life,   limb   or   right,   there  
uncorroborated   by   any   separate   ompetent   is  no  unlawful  aggression.    
evidence  but,  in  itself,  is  extremely  doubtful.     § Peril  to  one’s  life.    
2. Self-­‐defense   includes   not   only   the   • Actual   –   that   the  
defense   of   the   person   or   the   body   of   the   danger   must   be  
one   assaulted   but   also   that   of   his   rights,   present   that   is,  
that   is,   those   rights   the   enjoyment   of   actually  in  existence.    
which  is  protected  by  law.     • Imminent   –   that   the  
3. Requisites   of   self-­‐defense:   (1)   unlawful   danger   is   on   the  
aggression;   (2)   reasonable   necessity   of   the   point  of  happening.  It  
means  employed  to  prevent  or  repel  it;  and   is   not   required   that  
(3)  lack  of  sufficient  provocation  on  the  part   the   attack   already  
of  the  person  defending  himself.     begins,   for   it   may   be  
• Unlawful   aggression   is   an   too  late.    
indispensable  requisite.  There  can   § Peril  to  one’s  limb.  When  a  
be   no   self-­‐defense,   complete   or   person   is   attacked,   he   is   in  
incomplete,   unless   the   victim   has   imminent  danger  of  death  or  
committed   an   unlawful   aggression   bodily  harm.  It  may  be  actual  
against   the   person   defending   or   only   imminent.   It   includes  
himself.   If   there   is   no   unlawful   peril   to   the   safet   of   oen’s  
aggression,   there   is   nothing   to   person   from   physical  
prevent  or  repel.     injuries.    
§ Aggression   must   be   § There   must   be   actual  
unlawful.   Two   kinds   of   physical   force   or   actual  
aggression:   (1)   lawful   (i.e.   use   of   weapon.   Thus,  
fulfillment  of  a  duty),  and  (2)   insulting  words  addressed  to  
unlawful.     the   accused,   no   matter   how  
Rañeses  85  
objectionable  they  may  have   more  advantageous  position,  
been,   without   physical   the   unlawful   aggression   still  
assault,   could   not   constitute   exists.    
unlawful   aggression.   (U.S.   v.   § The   rule   now   is   “stand  
Carrero,  9  Phil.  544)     ground   when   in   the   right.”  
§ Mere   belief   of   an   The   reason   for   the   rule   is  
impending   attack   is   not   that   if   one   flees   from   an  
sufficient.     aggressor,  he  runs  the  risk  of  
§ A   strong   retaliation   for   an   being  attacked  in  the  back  by  
injury   or   threat   may   the  aggressor.    
amount   to   an   unlawful   § Mere   threatening   attitude  
aggression.     is  not  unlawful  aggression.    
§ Retaliation   is   not   self-­‐ § Threat   to   inflict   real   injury  
defense.   In   retaliation,   the   as   unlawful   aggression.   A  
aggression   that   was   begun   mere   threatening   or  
by   the   injured   party   already   intimidating   attitude,   not  
ceased   to   exist   when   the   preceded   by   outward   and  
accused   attacked   him.   In   material   aggression,   is   not  
self-­‐defense,   the   aggression   unlawful   aggression,  
was   still   existing   when   the   because   it   is   required   that  
aggressor   was   injured   or   the   act   be   offensive   and  
disabled   by   the   person   positively   strong,   showing  
making  a  defense.       the   wrongful   intent   of   the  
§ The   attack   made   by   the   aggressor  to  cause  an  injury.    
deceased  and  the  killing  of   § When   intent   to   attack   is  
the  deceased  by  defendant   manifest,   picking   up   a  
should   succeed   each   other   weapon   is   sufficient  
without   appreciable   unlawful  aggression.    
interval   of   time.   When   the   § Aggression   must   be   real,  
killing  of  the  deceased  by  the   not  merely  imaginary.    
accused   was   after   the   attack   § An   aggression   that   is  
made   by   the   deceased,   the   expected   is   still   real,  
accused   must   have   no   time   provided  it  is  imminent.    
nor   occasion   for   deliberation   • Reasonable   necessity   of   the  
and  cool  thinking.     means   employed   to   prevent   or  
§ The   unlawful   aggression   repel   it.   This   requisite   presupposes  
must   come   from   the   the  existence  of  unlawful  aggression,  
person   who   was   attacked   which  is  either  imminent  or  actual.    
by  the  accused.      
§ Nature,   character,   The   second   requisite   of   defense  
location,   and   extent   of   means   that   (1)   there   be   a   necessity  
wound   of   the   accused   may   of   the   course   of   action   taken   by   the  
belie  claim  of  self-­‐defense.     person   making   a   defense,   and   (2)  
§ When   the   aggressor   flees,   there   be   a   necessity   of   the   means  
unlawful   aggression   no   used.  Both  must  be  reasonable.    
longer   exists.   HOWEVER,   if  
it   is   mere   retreat   to   take   a  
Rañeses  86  
§ The   reasonableness   of   the   3. When,   even   if   the  
necessity   depends   upon   provocation   was  
the  circumstances.     sufficient,   it   was   not  
§ When   only   minor   physical   given   by   the   person  
injuries   are   inflicted   after   defending  himself;  or  
unlawful   aggression   has   4. When,   even   if   a  
ceased   to   exist,   there   is   provocation   was  
still   self-­‐defense   if   mortal   given   by   the   person  
wounds   were   inflicted   at   defending   himself,   it  
the   time   the   requisites   of   was   not   proximate  
self-­‐defense  were  present.     and   immediate   to   the  
§ The   person   defending   is   act   of   aggression.  
not  expected  to  control  his   (Decisions   of   the  
blow.     Supreme   Court   of  
§ Whether   or   not   the   means   Spain   of   March   5,  
employed   is   reasonable,   1902  and  of  April  20,  
will   depend   upon   the   1906)  
nature   and   quality   of   the   § Requisite   of   “lack   of  
weapon   used   by   the   sufficient   provocation”  
aggressor,   his   physical   refers   exclusively   to   “the  
condition,   character,   size   person  defending  himself.”    
and   other   circumstances,   4. The   Battered   Woman   Syndrome.  
and   those   of   the   person   Recognized  in  foreign  jurisdictions  as  a  form  
defending   himself,   and   of   self-­‐defense   or,   at   least,   incomplete   self-­‐
also  the  place  and  occasion   defense.    
of  the  assault.     • Battered   woman   –   a   woman   “who  
§ First   two   requisites   is   repeatedly   subjected   to   any  
common   to   three   kinds   of   forceful   physical   or   psychological  
legitimate  defense.     behavior  by  a  man  in  order  to  coerce  
• Lack   of   sufficient   provocation   on   her  to  do  something  he  wants  her  to  
the   part   of   the   person   defending   do  without  concern  for  her  rights.”    
himself.   The   one   defending   himself   • It  is  characterized  by  the  so-­‐called  
must   not   have   given   cause   for   the   “cycle   of   violence,”   which   has  
aggression   by   his   unjust   conduct   or   three   phases:   (1)   the   tension-­‐
by   inciting   or   provoking   the   building   phase;   (2)   the   acute  
assailant.     battering   incident;   and   (3)   the  
§ It  is  present  when:   tranquil,   loving   (or,   at   least,  
1. No  provocation  at  all   nonviolent)  phase.    
was   given   to   the   5. Flight  is  incompatible  with  self-­‐defense.    
aggressor   by   the    
person   defending   People   v.   Boholst-­‐Caballero,   61   SCRA   180  
himself  ;  or     (1974)  
2. When,   even   iof   a   Facts:   Cunigunda   Boholst   Caballero   seeks   reversal  
provocation   was   of   the   judgment   of   the   CFI   of   Ormoc   City   finding   her  
given,   it   was   not   guilty   of   parricide—she   allegedly   killed   her  
sufficient;  or   husband,   Francisco   Caballero,   using   a   hunting   knife.  
The   couple   was   married   in   1956   and   had   a  
Rañeses  87  
daughter.   They   had   frequent   quarrels   due   to   the   • Unlawful   aggression.   The   husband  
husband's   gambling   and   drinking   and   there   were   resorting   to   pushing   her   to   the   ground  
times   when   he   maltreated   and   abused   his   wife.   then   choking   her   just   because   she   was  
After   more   than   a   year,   Francisco   abandoned   his   out   caroling   at   night   constitutes  
family.   In   1958,   Cunigunda   went   caroling   with   her   unlawful   aggression,   There   was  
friends  and  when  she  was  on  her  way  home  she  met   imminent  danger  of  injury.  
her   husband   who   suddenly   held   her   by   the   collar   • Reasonable  necessity  of  means  employed.  
and  accused  her  of  going  out  for  prostitution.  Then   While   being   choked,   Cunigunda   had   no  
he   said   he   would   kill   her,   held   her   by   the   hair,   other   recourse   but   to   take   hold   of   the  
slapped   her   until   her   nose   bled   then   pushed   her   knife   and   plunge   it   into   husband's   side  
towards  the  ground.  She  fell  to  the  ground,  he  knelt   in   order   to   protect   herself.   Reasonable  
on   her   and   proceeded   to   choke   her.   Cunigunda,   necessity   does   not   depend   upon   the  
having  earlier  felt  a  knife  tucked  in  Francisco's  belt   harm  done  but  on  the  imminent  danger  
line   while   holding   unto   his   waist   so   she   wouldn't   of  such  injury.  
fall   to   the   ground,   grabbed   the   hunting   knife   and   • Lack   of   sufficient   provocation.  
thrust   it   into   her   husband's   left   side,   near   the   belt   Provocation   is   sufficient   when  
line   just   above   the   thigh.   He   died   2   days   after   the   proportionate   to   the   aggression.   In   this  
incident  due  to  the  stab  wound.  Then  she  ran  home   case,   there   was   no   sufficient  
and   threw   the   knife   away.   The   next   day,   she   provocation   on   the   part   of   the   accused  
surrendered   herself   to   the   police   along   with   the   (Cunigunda)  to  warrant  the  attack  of  her  
torn  dress  that  she  wore  the  night  before.   husband.   All   that   she   did   to   provoke   an  
  imaginary  commission  of  a  wrong  in  the  
Issue:   WON   Cunigunda,   in   stabbing   her   husband,   mind   of   her   husband   was   to   be   out  
acted  in  legitimate  self-­‐defense   caroling  at  night.  
Held:  Yes.   People  v.  Alconga,  78  Phil.  366  (1947)  
1. Burden  of  proof  of  self-­‐defense  rests  on  the   Facts:   The   deceased   was   the   banker   in   a   game   of  
accused.  In  this  case,  the  location  and  nature   black   jack.   The   accused   posted   himself   behind   the  
of   the   stab   wound   confirms   that   the   said   deceased  acting  as  a  spotter  of  the  latter’s  cards  and  
victim,  the  husband,  was  the  aggressor.   communicating   by   signs   to   his   partner.   Upon  
  discovering   the   trick,   the   deceased   the   accused  
With   her   husband   kneeling   over   her   and   almost   came   to   blows.   Subsequently,   while   the  
choking   her,   accused   had   no   other   choice   accused   was   seated   on   a   bench   the   deceased   came  
but   to   pull   the   knife   tucked   in   his   belt   line   and   forthwith   gave   a   blow   with   a   “pingahan,”  
and  thrust  it  into  his  side.    but   the   accused   avoided   the   blow   by   crawling  
  under   the   bench.   The   deceased   continued   with  
The  fact  that  the  blow  landed  in  the  vicinity   second   and   third   blows,   and   the   accused   in   a  
where  the  knife  was  drawn  from  is  a  strong   crawling  position  fired  with  his  revolver.  A  hand  to  
indication   of   the   truth   of   the   testimony   of   hand  fight  ensued,  the  deceased  with  his  dagger  and  
the   accused.   Based   on   the   re-­‐enactment   of   the  accused  using  his  bolo.  Having  sustained  several  
the  incident,  it  was  natural  for  her  to  use  her   wounds,   the   deceased   ran   away,   but   was   followed  
right  hand  to  lunge  the  knife  into  husband's   by  the  accused  and  another  fight  took  place,  during  
left  side.   which  a  mortal  blow  was  delivered  by  the  accused,  
  slashing  the  cranium  of  the  deceased.    
2. Three   requisites   of   legitimate   self-­‐defense    
are  present   Issue:   WON   Alconga   was   justified   in   killing   the  
Rañeses  88  
  breast   of   the   deceased,   just   above   the   nipple,   and  
Held:   No.   There   were   two   stages   in   the   fight   another  in  the  back  of  his  head.  
between   the   accused   and   the   deceased.   During   the    
first   stage   of   the   fight,   the   accused,   in   inflicting   Issue:  WON  Mack  can  invoke  self-­‐defense.  
several   wounds   upon   the   deceased,   acted   in   self-­‐  
defense,   because   then   the   deceased,   who   had   Held:   Yes.   It   affirmatively   appears   from   the  
attacked   the   accused   with   repeated   blows,   was   the   evidence   of   record   that   there   was   an   unprovoked,  
unlawful   aggressor.   But   when   the   deceased   after   illegal   aggression   on   the   part   of   the   deceased,   as  
receiving   several   wounds,   ran   away,   from   that   held   by   the   trial   court,   after   a   careful   analysis   of   the  
moment  there  was  no  longer  any  danger  to  the  life   testimony;   and   further   that   there   was   reasonable  
of  the  accused  who,  being  virtually  unscathed,  could   necessity  for  the  use  of  the  means  employed  by  the  
have   chosen   to   remain   where   he   was   and   when   he   accused   to   defend   himself   from   this   unlawful  
pursued   the   deceased,   fatally   wounding   him   upon   aggression.    
overtaking   him,   Alconga   was   no   longer   acting   in    
self-­‐defense,   because   the   aggression   begun   by   the   Mere   physical   superiority   in   no   protection   to   an  
deceased  ceased  from  the  moment  he  took  flight.     unarmed  man,  as  against  an  assailant  armed  with  a  
  large   bolo,   and   if   it   be   true   that   the   deceased   was  
United  States  v.  Mack,  8  Phil.  701  (1907)     under   the   influence   of   liquor   when   he   made   that  
Facts:  The  accused  was  sitting  on  a  bench  a  few  feet   attack,   his   intoxication   probably   rendered   him   the  
back   from   the   street,   in   the   town   of   Tacloban,   in   the   more   dangerous   unless   he   was   so   drunk   as   to   be  
Province  of  Leyte,  in  an  open  space  some  3  or  4  feet,   physically   helpless,   which   is   not   suggested   in   the  
width,   between   the   tienda   or   content   of   a   woman   evidence.  
named   Olimpia   and   another   building.   The   deceased,    
with   another   policemen,   approached   the   place   A  murderous  attack  with  a  formidable-­‐looking  bolo  
directed   Olimpia   to   close   her   tienda,   and,   later,   is   a   very   different   from   an   assault   with   a   small  
ordered   the   accused   and   another   soldier   who   was   chisel   or   a   piece   of   bamboo,   and   the   fact   that   this  
standing  nearby  to  go  to  their  quarters.  The  accused   court   has   held   that   the   taking   of   life   was   not  
did  not  obey  this  order,  and  it  is  probable  that  some   reasonably   necessary   in   defending   oneself   against  
words   passed   between   the   soldiers,   the   policemen,   assault   in   the   latter   cases   does   not   sustain   a   ruling  
and   the   woman   which   angered   the   deceased,   that   taking   the   life   of   one's   assailant   in   the   former  
though   the   weight   of   the   evidence   clearly   maintain   case   may   not   become   reasonably   necessary   in   the  
the   contention   of   the   accused   that   he   did   and   said   defense   of   one's   person,   as   we   think   it   was   in   the  
nothing   to   provoke   or   offend   the   deceased,   except   case  at  bar.  
in  so  far  as  his  failure  to  obey  the  order  to  go  to  his    
quarters   may   have   had   that   effect.   The   deceased,   People  v.  Sumicad,  56  Phil.  643  (1932)    
who   was   standing   some   10   or   12   feet   from   the   On   February   23,   1931,   the   accused,   a   resident   of  
accused,   cursing   and   abusing   him   for   his   failure   to   Buenavoluntad,   in   the   municipality   of   Plaridel,  
obey   the   order,   wrought   himself   into   a   passion   Occidental  Misamis,  was  engaged  with  others  in  the  
dragged  himself  free  from  his  companion,  who  was   gratuitous   labor   of   hauling   logs   for   the   construction  
endeavoring  to  restrain  him  and  take  him  away,  and   of  a  chapel  in  the  barrio  above-­‐mentioned.  At  about  
started   toward   the   accused,   at   the   same   time   5.30  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  on  the  day  mentioned,  
drawing  his  bolo  and  brandishing  it  in  a  threatening   when   the   laborers   were   resting   from   the   work   of  
manner.   Thereupon   the   accused   got   up,   drew   his   the   day,   one   Segundo   Cubol   happened   to   pass   the  
revolver,  and  the  deceased  having  then  approached   place   where   the   accused   was   sitting.   Prior   to   this  
within   a   distance   of   from   3   to   6   feet,   the   accused   date   the   accused   had   rendered   five   and   one-­‐half  
fired   three   shots,   one   of   which   took   effect   in   the   left   days   service   to   Cubol,   and   as   the   latter   passed,   the  
accused   said   to   him,   "Segundo,   pay   me   for   the   five  
Rañeses  89  
and   one-­‐half   days   work   for   which   you   owe   me."   the   saying   is,   and   uses   in   a   defensive   way   the   only  
Cubol   replied,   "What   debt!,"   an   exclamation   which   weapon   at   his   disposal.   One   is   not   required,   when  
was   followed   by   an   insulting   expression.   At   the   hard   pressed,   to   draw   fine   distinctions   as   to   the  
same   time   he   struck   the   accused   with   his   fist.   The   extent  of  the  injury  which  a  reckless  and  infuriated  
accused   arose   from   the   log   upon   which   he   was   assailant   might   probably   inflict   upon   him   (Browell  
sitting   and   moved   backward,   trying   to   escape,   but   vs.  People,  38  Mich.,  732).  And  it  was  not  incumbent  
Cubol   pursued   him   and   continued   striking   him   with   on  the  accused  in  this  case,  when  assailed  by  a  bully  
his   fists.   As   the   accused   receded   he   found   himself   of   known   violent   disposition,   who   was   larger   and  
cornered   by   a   pile   of   logs,   the   wings   of   which   stronger   than   himself.   On   the   contrary,   under   the  
extended   out   on   either   side,   effectually   preventing   circumstances   stated,   he   had   the   right   to   resist   the  
any  further  retreat.  As  Cubol  pressed  upon  him,  the   aggression   with   the   bolo,   and   if   he   unfortunately  
accused   drew   his   bolo   and   delivered   a   blow   on   inflicted  a  fatal  blow,  it  must  be  considered  to  have  
Cubol's   right   shoulder.   Upon   this   Cubol   lunged   at   been   given   in   justifiable   self-­‐defense.   Upon   this  
the   accused   with   the   evident   intention   of   wresting   point   it   may   be   recalled   that   the   deceased,   when  
the   bolo   from   the   accused.   To   prevent   this,   the   asked   about   the   circumstances   of   the   homicide,  
accused   struck   two   other   blows   with   the   bolo,   admitted  that  he  himself  was  the  aggressor;  and  it  is  
inflicting   two   deep   cuts   on   Cubol's   forehead   above   noteworthy   that   he   used   no   word   placing   blame  
the   left   eye.   One   of   these   blows   broke   through   the   upon  the  accused.  
cranium.   The   other   made   a   cut   extending   from   the    
left  eyebrow  to  the  nose  and  upper  lip.  Upon  finding   Reyes:  
a  seat  on  a  log  nearby.  A  witness,  named  Francisco   1. The   defense   of   rights   requires   also   the  
Villegas,   who   came   up   in   a   moment,   after   learning   first   and   second   requisites   (unlawful  
something   about   the   matter,   asked   Cubol   whether   aggression,   reasonable   necessity   of   the  
he   had   struck   the   accused   blows   with   his   fist.   means   employed   to   prevent   or   repel   it)  
Cubols   replied   that   he   had.   The   witness   Villegas   present   in   the   three   classes   of   defense  
then   turned   to   the   accused,   who   was   standing   a   mentioned  in  Arts.  1,  2  and  3  of  Art.  11.    
short  distance  away,  and  told  him  to  put  up  his  bolo   1. Attempt   to   rape   a   woman   –   defense  
and  go  to  the  poblacion.  Acting  upon  this  suggestion   of  right  to  chastity  
the   accused   immediately   repaired   to   the   office   of   2. Defense  of  property  –  can  be  invoked  
the  justice  of  the  peace  and  surrendered  himself  to   only   when   it   is   coupled   with   an  
the  authorities.  Cubol  lived  only  an  hour  or  so,  and   attack   on   the   person   of   one  
died  from  the  effect  of  the  wounds  received.  In  one   entrusted  with  said  property.  
of   the   pockets   of   the   deceased   a   knife   was   found,   3. Defense  of  home    
and   the   accused   testified   that,   when   he   struck   the    
deceased   with   his   bolo,   the   latter   was   attempting   to   Defense  of  honor  
draw  a  knife  from  his  pocket.   People  v.  Luague,  62  Phil.  504  (1935)    
  Facts:   In   the   morning   of   February   18,   1935,   while  
Issue:  WON  accused  can  invoke  self-­‐defense.     the   accused   Natividad   Luague   was   in   her   house  
  situated  in  Lupuhan,  barrio  of  Agpañgi,  municipality  
Held:  Yes.    The  person  assaulted  must,  in  such  case,   of  Calatrava,  Occidental  Negros,  with  only  her  three  
either  resist  with  the  arms  that  nature  gave  him  or   children   of   tender   age   for   company,   her   husband  
with  other  means  of  defense  at  his  disposal,  short  of   and  co-­‐accused  Wenceslao  Alcansare  having  gone  to  
taking  life.  But  that  rule  contemplates  the  situation   grind   corn   in   Juan   Garing's   house   several  
where   the   contestants   are   in   the   open   and   the   kilometers  away,  Paulino  Disuasido  came  and  began  
person  assaulted  can  exercise  the  option  of  running   to   make   love   to   her;   that   as   Natividad   could   not  
away.  It  can  have  no  binding  force  in  the  case  where   dissuade   him   from   his   purpose,   she   started   for   the  
the   person   assaulted   has   retreated   to   the   wall,   as   kitchen   where   Paulino   followed   her,  
Rañeses  90  
notwithstanding   her   instance   that   she   could   by   no   subsection   1,   of   the   Revised   Penal   Code,   because,   as  
means   accede   to   his   wishes,   for   Paulino,   bent   on   stated   by   a   commentator   of   note,   "aside   from   the  
satisfying  them  at  all  costs,  drew  and  opened  a  knife   right  to  life  on  which  rest  the  legitimate  defense  of  
and,   threatening   her   with   death,   began   to   embrace   our   person,   we   have   the   right   to   party   acquired   by  
her  and  to  touch  her  breasts;  that  in  preparing  to  lie   us,   and   the   right   to   honor   which   is   not   the   least  
with  her,  Paulino  had  to  leave  the  knife  on  the  floor   prized  of  man's  patrimony."  (1  Viada,  172,  173,  5th  
and   the   accused,   taking   advantage   of   the   situation,   edition.)   "Will   the   attempt   to   rape   a   woman  
picked   up   the   weapon   and   stabbed   him   in   the   constitute   an   aggression   sufficient   to   put   her   in   a  
abdomen;   and   that   Paulino,   feeling   himself   state   of   legitimate   defense?"   asks   the   same  
wounded,   ran   away   jumping   through   the   window   commentator.  "We  think  so,"  he  answer,  "inasmuch  
and   falling   on   some   stones,   while   the   accused   set   as   a   woman's   honor   cannot   but   be   esteemed   as   a  
forth   immediately   for   the   poblacion   to   surrender   right   as   precious,   if   not   more,   cannot   her   very  
herself  to  the  authorities  and  report  the  incident.   existence;   this   offense,   unlike   ordinary   slander   by  
  word   or   deed   susceptible   of   judicial   redress,   in   an  
The   theory   the   prosecution,   which   we   consider   a   outrage   which   impresses   an   indelible   blot   on   the  
trifle   unsubstantial   is   as   follows:   The   accused   victim,  for,  as  the  Roman  Law  says:  quum  virginitas,  
Wenceslao   Alcansare,   thinking   that   Paulino   vel   castitas,   corupta   restitui   non   protest   (because  
importuned  his  wife  with  unchaste  advances,  out  of   virginity   or   chastity,   once   defiled,   cannot   be  
jealousy,   decided   to   get   rid   of   him.   His   chance   to   restored).   It   is   evident   that   a   woman   who,  
bring  about  his  plan  can  when,  in  the  morning  of  the   imperiled,   wounds,   nay   kills   the   offender,   should   be  
crime,   Paulino   happened   to   pass   in   front   of   the   afforded   exemption   from   criminal   liability   provided  
house   of   the   spouses   with   his   friend   Olimpio   by   this   article   and   subsection   since   such   killing  
Libosada.  The  accused  wife  invited  Paulino  to  drop   cannot   be   considered   a   crime   from   the   moment   it  
in,  which  the  letter  and  his  friend  did.  The  spouses   became   the   only   means   left   for   her   to   protect   her  
met  them  at  the  threshold.  The  accused  wife  asked   honor  from  so  great  an  outrage."  (1  Viada,  301,  5th  
Paulino   whether   he   had   a   knife   and   as   the   latter   edition.)  
answered   in   the   affirmative,   she   asked   him   to   lend    
it   to   lend   it   to   her   because   she   wanted   to   cut   her   People  v.  De  la  Cruz,  61  Phil.  344  (1935)  
nails,   to   which   Paulino   willingly   acceded,   while   the   Facts:   The   accused,   a   woman,   was   walking   home  
accused   wife   was   cutting   her   nails,   she   asked   with   a   party   including   the   deceased,   Francisco  
Paulino   where   he   came   from   and   the   latter   Rivera.  It  was  already  dark  and  they  were  passing  a  
answered,   turning   his   head   around,   that   he   came   narrow   path.   When   the   other   people   were   far  
from   the   house   of   one   Inting,   whereupon   the   ahead,  the  deceased  who  was  following  the  accused  
accused   wife   slashed   him   in   the   abdomen.   Paulino   suddenly   threw   his   arms   around   her   from   behind,  
tried   to   return   the   blow   but   the   accused   husband   caught  hold  of  her  breasts,  kissed  her,  and  touched  
picked   up   a   stone   and   struck   him   in   the   forehead.   her   private   parts.   He   started   to   throw   her   down.  
Wounded   in   the   abdomen   and   in   the   forehead,   When   the   accused   felt   she   could   not   do   anything  
Paulino  fled  therefrom.   more  against  the  strength  of  her  aggressor,  she  got  
  a  knife  from  her  pocket  and  stabbed  him.    
Issue:   WON   the   accused   can   invoke   defense   of    
honor/self-­‐defense   Issue:  WON  accused  can  invoke  defense  of  honor  
Held:   Yes.   Natividad   Luague's   act   in   mortally   Held:   Yes.   She   was   justified   in   making   use   of   the  
wounding   Paulino   Disuasido,   unaided   her   husband   knife  in  repelling  what  she  believed  to  be  an  attack  
and   co-­‐accused   Wenceslao   Alcansare,   and   in   the   upon   her   honor   since   she   had   no   other   means   of  
circumstances   above   set   out,   constitutes   the   defending  herself.    
exempting   circumstance   defined   in   article   11,    
Rañeses  91  
People  v.  Jaurigue,  76  Phil.  174  (1946)   with   sugar   cane,   at   a   distance   of   about   100   meters  
Facts:   The   deceased   was   courting   the   accused   in   from   his   granary.   For   the   purpose   of   ascertaining  
vain.   One   day,   the   deceased   approached   her,   spoke   who   had   done   it,   he   left   the   palay   there,   and   that  
to   her   of   his   love   which   she   flatly   refused,   and   he   night,   accompanied   by   Gregorio   Bundoc,   Antonio  
thereupon   suddenly   embraced   her   and   kissed   her   Ribao,  and  Saturnino  Tumamao,  he  waited  near  the  
on  account  of  which  the  accused  gave  him  fist  blows   said  field  for  the  person  who  might  return  to  get  the  
and  kicked  him.  Thereafter,  she  armed  herself  with   palay.   Guillermo   Ribis   appeared   and   attempted   to  
a  fan  knife,  whenever  she  went  out.  One  week  after   carry   the   palay   away   him,   but   at   that   instant  
the   incident,   the   deceased   entered   a   chapel,   went   to   Bumanglag,   Bundoc,   and   Ribao   assaulted   the  
sit   by   the   side   of   the   accused,   and   placed   his   hand   presumed  thief  with  sticks  and  cutting  and  stabbing  
on   the   upper   part   of   her   thigh.   Accused   pulled   out   weapons;   as   a   result   of   the   struggle   which   ensued,  
her  fan  knife  and  with  it  stabbed  the  deceased  at  the   Ribis  fell  down  and  died  instantly.  
base   of   the   left   side   of   the   beck,   inflicting   a   mortal    
wound.     Issue:  WON  there  is  defense  of  property.  
Issue:  WON  accused  can  invoke  defense  of  honor   Held:   No.   Defense   of   property   can   be   invoked   as   a  
  justifying  circumstance  only  when  it  is  coupled  with  
Held:   No.   The   means   employed   by   the   accused   in   an   attack   on   the   person   of   one   entrusted   with   said  
the   defense   of   her   honor   was   evidently   excessive.   property.  (People  v.  Apolinar)  
The   chapel   was   lighted   with   electric   lights,   and    
there   were   already   several   people,   including   her   The   bolo   worn   by   the   deceased   was   in   its   sheath  
father   and   the   barrio   lieutenant,   inside   the   chapel.   and  hanging  from  his  waist.  It  can  not  be  concluded  
Under  the  circumstances,  there  was  and  there  could   that   the   deceased   even   intended   to   assault   his  
be  no  possibility  of  her  being  raped.     murderers   with   his   bolo   either   before   he   was  
  attacked   by   them   or   during   the   fight.   Without  
Defense  of  property   unlawful  aggression  and  the  other  requisites  which  
People  v.  Apolinar,  38  OG  2870   would   exempt   the   accused   from   criminal  
Facts:   The   accused,   armed   with   a   shotgun,   was   responsibility,   the   appellant   and   his   two  
looking   over   his   land.   He   noticed   a   man   carrying   a   companions  assaulted  Ribis  with  sticks  and  cutting  
bundle  on  his  shoulder.  Believing  that  the  man  had   and   stabbing   arms,   inflicting   upon   him   serious   and  
stolen   his   palay,   the   accused   fired   in   the   air   and   mortal   wounds,   and   therefore,   the   said   accused   is  
then  at  him,  causing  his  death.     guilty   of   the   crime   of   homicide   as   co-­‐principal   by  
  direct   participation,   fully   convicted,   together   with  
Issue:  WON  accused  can  invoke  defense  of  property   his   codefendants   who   are   already   serving   their  
Held:   No.   Defense   of   property   is   not   of   such    
importance  as  right  to  life,  and  defense  of  property   People  v.  Narvaez,  supra  
can   be   invoked   as   a   justifying   circumstance   only   Facts:   Mamerto   Narvaez   has   been   convicted   of  
when   it   is   coupled   with   an   attack   on   the   person   of   murder   (qualified   by   treachery)   of   David   Fleischer  
one  entrusted  with  said  property.     and   Flaviano   Rubia.   On   August   22,   1968,   Narvaez  
  shot   Fleischer   and   Rubia   during   the   time   the   two  
United  States  v.  Bumanglag,  14  Phil.  644  (1909)   were   constructing   a   fence   that   would   prevent  
Facts:   On   the   night   of   January   2,   1909,   Rafael   Narvaez   from   getting   into   his   house   and   rice   mill.  
Bumanglag   noticed   that   40   bundles   of   palay   which   The   defendant   was   taking   a   nap   when   he   heard  
were   kept   in   his   granary   were   missing.   He   searched   sounds  of  construction  and  found  fence  being  made.  
for   the   missing   palay   the   following   morning   and   He   addressed   the   group   and   asked   them   to   stop  
found  them  in  an  enclosed  field  which  was  planted   destroying   his   house   and   asking   if   they   could   talk  
Rañeses  92  
things  over.  Fleischer  responded  with  "No,  gadamit,   violation   of   property   rights,   the   courts  
proceed,   go   ahead."   Defendant   lost   his   referred   to   Art.   30   of   the   civil   code  
"equilibrium,"   and   shot   Fleisher   with   his   shotgun.   recognizing  the  right  of  owners  to  close  and  
He   also   shot   Rubia   who   was   running   towards   the   fence   their   land.   Although   is   not   in   dispute,  
jeep  where  the  deceased's  gun  was  placed.  Prior  to   the   victim   was   not   in   the   position   to  
the   shooting,   Fleischer   and   Co.   (the   company   of   subscribe   to   the   article   because   his  
Fleischer's   family)   was   involved   in   a   legal   battle   ownership   of   the   land   being   awarded   by   the  
with   the   defendant   and   other   land   settlers   of   government   was   still   pending,   therefore  
Cotabato   over   certain   pieces   of   property.   At   the   putting   ownership   into   question.   It’s  
time  of  the  shooting,  the  civil  case  was  still  pending   accepted   that   victim   was   the   original  
for  annulment  (settlers  wanted  granting  of  property   aggressor.  
to   Fleisher   and   Co.   to   be   annulled).   At   time   of   the   2. Yes.   However,   the   argument   of   the   justifying  
shooting,   defendant   had   leased   his   property   from   circumstance  of  self-­‐defense  is  applicable  only  if  
Fleisher   (though   case   pending   and   ownership   the   3   requirements   are   fulfilled.   Art.   11(1)   RPC  
uncertain)   to   avoid   trouble.   On   June   25,   defendant   enumerates  these  requisites:  
received   letter   terminating   contract   because   he   1. Unlawful  aggression.  In  the  case  at  bar,  
allegedly  didn't  pay  rent.  He  was  given  6  months  to   there   was   unlawful   aggression  
remove   his   house   from   the   land.   Shooting   was   towards   appellant's   property   rights.  
barely   2   months   after   letter.   Defendant   claims   he   Fleisher   had   given   Narvaez   6   months  
killed   in   defense   of   his   person   and   property.   CFI   and   he   should   have   left   him   in   peace  
ruled   that   Narvaez   was   guilty.   Aggravating   before  time  was  up,  instead  of  chiseling  
circumstances   of   evident   premeditation   offset   by   Narvaez's   house   and   putting   up   fence.  
the   mitigating   circumstance   of   voluntary   surrender.   A536   of   the   CC   also   provides   that  
For   both   murders,   CFI   sentenced   him   to   reclusion   possession  may  not  be  acquired  through  
perpetua,   to   indemnify   the   heirs,   and   to   pay   for   force   or   intimidation;   while   Art.   539  
moral  damages.   provides   that   every   possessor   has   the  
  right  to  be  respected  in  his  possession  
Issues:   2. Reasonable   necessity   of   means   employed  
1. WON   CFI   erred   in   convicting   defendant-­‐ to  prevent  or  repel  attack.  In  case,  killing  
appellant   despite   the   fact   that   he   acted   in   was  disproportionate  to  attack.  
defense  of  his  person.   3. Lack   of   sufficient   provocation   on   part   of  
2. WON   the   court   erred   in   convicting   person   defending   himself.   Here,   there  
defendant-­‐appellant   although   he   acted   in   was   no   provocation   at   all   since   he   was  
defense  of  his  rights.   asleep  
3. WON   he   should   be   liable   for   subsidiary   Since   not   all   requisites   present,   defendant   is  
imprisonment   since   he   is   unable   to   pay   the   credited   w/   the   special   mitigating  
civil  indemnity  due  to  the  offended  party.   circumstance   of   incomplete   defense,  
  pursuant   to   A13(6)   RPC.   These   mitigating  
Held:   circumstances   are:   voluntary   surrender   &  
1. No.   The   courts   concurred   that   the   fencing   passion   &   obfuscation   (read   p.   405  
and  chiseling  of  the  walls  of  the  house  of  the   explanation)  
defendant   was   indeed   a   form   of   aggression    
on   the   part   of   the   victim.   However,   this   Crime   is   homicide   (2   counts)   not   murder  
aggression   was   not   done   on   the   person   of   because   treachery   is   not   applicable   on  
the   victim   but   rather   on   his   rights   to   account   of   provocation   by   the   deceased.  
property.   On   the   first   issue,   the   courts   did   Also,   assault   wasn’t   deliberately   chosen  
not   err.   However,   in   consideration   of   the   with   view   to   kill   since   slayer   acted  
Rañeses  93  
instantaneously.   There   was   also   no   direct   3. In  case  the  provocation  was  given  by  
evidence  of  planning  or  preparation  to  kill.   the   person   attacked,   the   making   a  
  defense  had  no  part  therein.    
Art.  249  RPC:  Penalty  for  homicide  is   § The   phrase   “in   case”   means  
reclusion  temporal.  However,  due  to   “in  the  event  that.”    
mitigating   circumstances   and   § Reason:   Although   the  
incomplete   defense,   it   can   be   provocation   prejudices   the  
lowered   3   degrees   (Art.   64)   to   person   who   gave   it,   its  
arresto  mayor.   effects   o   not   reach   the  
3. No.   He   isn’t   liable   for   subsidiary   defender   who   took   no   part  
imprisonment   for   non-­‐payment   of   civil   therein,   because   the   latter  
indemnity.  RA  5465  made  the  provisions  of   was   prompted   by   some  
A39   applicable   to   fines   only   &   not   to   noble  or  generous  sentiment  
reparation   of   damage   caused,   in   protecting   and   saving   a  
indemnification  of  consequential  damages  &   relative.    
costs   of   proceedings.   Although   it   was    
enacted   only   after   its   commission,   United  States  v.  Esmedia,  17  Phil.  260  (1910)  
considering   that   RA   5465   is   favorable   to   the   Facts:   Ciriaco   Abando,   his   wife,   and   their   son,  
accused  who  is  not  a  habitual  delinquent,  it   Santiago,  lived  in  the  jurisdiction  of  the  municipality  
may   be   given   retroactive   effect   pursuant   to   of  Sibalom,  in  the  barrio  of  Bongboñgan,  Province  of  
RPC  Art.  22.   Antique.   Gregorio   Esmedia,   father   of   these   two  
  accused,  son-­‐in-­‐law  of  Ciriaco  Abando  and  brother-­‐
Defense  of  relative   in-­‐law  of  Santiago  Abando,  lived  in  the  same  barrio.  
Reyes:   These   tow   families   lived   very   near   to   each   other  
1. Relatives  that  can  be  defended.   and  owned  adjoining  rice  lands.  Before  this  trouble  
1. Spouse   occurred   there   had   been   a   dispute   between   these  
2. Ascendants   two   families   relative   to   the   ownership   of   the   rice  
3. Descendants   land   then   occupied   by   Ciriaco   Abando.   About   2  
4. Legitimate,   natural   or   adopted   o'clock   on   the   afternoon   of   the   24th   of   June,   1909,  
brothers   and   sisters,   or   relatives   by   Ciriaco  Abando  instructed  his  son,  Santiago,  to  go  to  
affinity  in  the  same  degrees   a  certain  place  in  his  rice  field  to  let  out  the  water  in  
5. Relatives   by   consanguinity   within   order   that   they   could   plant   rice   the   said   field.   In  
the  fourth  civil  degree   compliance   with   these   instructions   of   his   father,  
§ Relatives  by  affinity,  because   Santiago   proceeded   to   the   place   designated,   and  
of   marriage,   are   parents-­‐in-­‐ while   at   work   doing   what   he   had   been   ordered   by  
law,   son   or   daughter-­‐in-­‐law,   his  father  to  do,  Gregorio  Esmedia  appeared  on  the  
and  brother  or  sister-­‐in-­‐law.     scene   and   started   a   quarrel   with   Santiago.   Soon  
2. Basis:   Founded   not   only   upon   a   thereafter   Gregorio   drew   a   dagger   and   stabbed  
humanitarian   sentiment,   but   also   upon   the   Santiago  in  the  back.  Santiago  fell  to  the  ground,  but  
impulse  of  blood  which  impels  men  to  rush,   arose   immediately   and   attacked   Gregorio   with   his  
on   the   occasion   of   great   perils,   to   the   rescue   bolo,  inflicting  several  wounds  on  the  said  Gregorio  
of   those   close   to   them   by   ties   of   blood.   in   consequence   of   which   he   fell   to   the   ground.  
(Albert)     Before   this   trouble   finally   terminated   the   two  
3. Requisites  of  defense  of  relatives:   accused   and   Ciriaco   Abando   appeared   in   that  
1. Unlawful  aggression;   immediate  vicinity.  
2. Reasonable   necessity   of   the   means    
employed  to  prevent  or  repel  it;  and  
Rañeses  94  
These  two  accused  contend  that  they  were  working   2. Basis:   What   one   may   do   in   his   defense,  
in   their   rice   field   nearby,   and   on   seeing   Ciriaco   another  may  do  for  him.  
Abando  and  Santiago  Abando  attacking  their  father,   3. Any   person   not   included   in   the  
Gregorio,   they   started   to   the   place   to   render   their   enumeration   of   relatives   mentioned   in  
father  assistance,  Ponciano  starting  first;  that  when   par.  2  is  considered  a  stranger.    
Ponciano   got   near   the   place   of   the   trouble   he   was    
met  by  Ciriaco  and  Santiago  who  attacked  him  with   Avoidance  of  a  greater  evil  or  injury  
bolos   and   clubs   and   that   he,   Ponciano,   in   self-­‐ Reyes:    
defense,   knocked   them   both   down,   and   after   they   1. Although,   as   a   rule   there   is   no   civil  
had   fallen   the   other   accused,   Mena   Esmedia,   liability   in   justifying   circumstances,   it   is  
arrived.   Ponciano   further   contends   that   he   did   not   only   in   Par.   4,   of   Art.   11   where   there   is  
use  a  bolo  in  this  fight,  but  used  a  club  only.   civil   liability,   but   the   civil   liability   is  
  borne  by  the  persons  benefited.    
Issue:  WON  the  two  accused  can  invoke  defense  of   2. Requisites:  
relative   1. That   the   evil   sought   to   be   avoided  
  actually  exists;  
Held:   YES   to   Santiago,   but   NO   to   Ciriaco.     Under   2. That   the   injury   feared   be   greater  
the   provisions   of   No.   5,   article   8   of   the   Penal   Code,   than  that  done  to  avoid  it;    
the   two   accused   are   exempt   from   criminal   § If   evil   sought   is   merely  
responsibility   for   having   caused   the   death   of   expected   or   anticipated   or  
Santiago   Abando,   inasmuch   as   it   has   been   shown   may   happen   in   the   future,  
that   they   inflicted   these   wounds   upon   him   in   Par.   4   of   Art.   11   is   not  
defense  of  their  father  who  was  fatally  wounded  at   applicable  
the   time.   They   honestly   believed,   and   had   good   3. That  there  be  no  other  practical  and  
grounds   upon   which   to   found   their   belief,   that   less  harmful  means  of  preventing  it  
Santiago   would   continue   his   attack   upon   their   3. The   greater   evil   should   not   be   brought  
father.   They   are,   however,   guilty   of   having   caused   about   by   the   negligence   or   imprudence   of  
the   death   of   the   old   man,   Ciriaco   Abando.   When   the  actor  
they   attacked   and   killed   him   the   other   trouble   had    
terminated   and   they   were   not   in   danger   of   bodily   People  v.  Norma  Hernandez,  55  OG  8465  
harm  from  him.   Facts:   Maria   Norma   Hernandez   and   her   parents  
  were   charged   with   serious   slander   by   deed   by  
Defense  of  stranger     Vivencio   Lascano.   Vivencio   had   courted   Maria   and  
Reyes:     after   months   of   courtship,   Maria   finally   accepted  
1. Requisites:     Vivencio.   Vivencio   brought   his   parents   to   Maria’s  
1. Unlawful  aggression;   home  so  they  could  talk  about  marriage;  when  they  
2. Reasonable   necessity   of   the   means   came   with   his   12   aunts,   they   brought   30   chickens  
employed  to  prevent  or  repel  it;  and   and   3   goats   and   asked   for   Maria’s   hand   in   marriage.  
3. The   person   defending   be   not   The  parents  of  both  parties  agreed  to  the  marriage.  
induced   by   revenge,   resentment,   or   The   date   was   set,   Vivencio’s   parents   agreed   to   buy  
other  evil  motive.     the  wedding  dress  among  other  clothes,  to  advance  
§ Defense  must  be  actuated  by   P20   for   fetching   the   sponsors   of   the   wedding   and   to  
a   disinterested   or   generous   repair  the  roof  of  the  house  of  one  of  Maria’s  uncles.    
motive,   whe   it   puts   down   A   marriage   license   was   already   secured   and   a  
“revenge,  resentment,  or  evil   wedding   gown   sewn   and   bought.   Vivencio   and   his  
motive”   as   illegitimate.   parent’s   made   preparations   for   a   wedding   feast   by  
(Albert)     cleaning   their   house   and   yard,   setting   up   a  
Rañeses  95  
temporary   shed   and   stove   and   slaughtering   goats,   the   hospital.   She   further   claimed   that   no  
pigs,   chickens.   On   March   18,   The   guests   came   but   consideration   was   obtained   by   her   because   all   the  
Maria   was   nowhere   to   be   found;   Vivencio   and   his   checks  were  made  as  payment  to  the  medical  bills.  
parents   waited   for   her   up   to   12   midnight   but   she    
never  came  which  resulted  to  their  great  shame  and   Issue:   WON   avoidance   of   a   greater   evil   can   be  
humiliation.   The   CFI   acquitted   her   parents,   but   invoked  in  the  case  at  bar  
Maria  was  found  guilty  and  sentenced  her  a  fine  and    
imprisonment.   Maria   claims   that   she   did   not   love   Held:   No.   In   the   instant   case,   the   evil   sought   to   be  
Vivencio   and   that   her   parents   had   forced   her   to   avoided   is   merely   expected   or   anticipated.     If   the  
agree   to   the   marriage.   On   March   11,   without   her   evil   sought   to   be   avoided   is   merely   expected   or  
parent’s   knowledge,   she   left   for   Mindoro   to   avoid   anticipated   or   may   happen   in   the   future,   this  
the  marriage.   defense   is   not   applicable.   Ty   could   have   taken  
  advantage   of   an   available   option   to   avoid  
Issue:   WON   Maria   acts   constituted   serious   slander   committing  a  crime.    By  her  own  admission,  she  had  
by  deed   the   choice   to   give   jewelry   or   other   forms   of   security  
  instead   of   postdated   checks   to   secure   her  
Held:   No.   Maria’s   act   in   going   to   Mindoro   with   the   obligation.  
deliberate  purpose  of  preventing  the  celebration  of    
the  marriage  with  Vivencio  because  she  did  not  love   Moreover,   for   the   defense   of   state   of   necessity   to   be  
him,   does   not   constitute   the   crime   of   slander   by   availing,   the   greater   injury   feared   should   not   have  
deed.   Malice,   which   is   an   essential   requisite   of   been   brought   about   by   the   negligence   or  
slander,   was   absent   because   in   changing   her   mind,   imprudence,   more   so,   the   willful   inaction   of   the  
she  was  merely  exercising  her  right  not  to  give  her   actor.   In   this   case,   the   issuance   of   the   bounced  
consent   to   a   marriage   after   mature   deliberation.   checks   was   brought   about   by   Ty’s   own   failure   to  
She  had  the  right  to  avoid  to  herself  the  evil  of  going   pay  her  mother’s  hospital  bills.  
through   a   loveless   marriage   pursuant   to   Art.   11,    
par.   4   of   the   RPC.   If   a   party   to   an   agreement   to   The   Court   thinks   it   rather   odd   that   Ty   has   chosen  
marry   who   backs   out   should   be   held   liable   for   the   the   exempting   circumstance   of   uncontrollable   fear  
crime   of   slander   by   deed,   then   that   would   be   an   and  the  justifying  circumstance  of  state  of  necessity  
inherent   way   of   compelling   said   party   to   go   into   a   to   absolve   her   of   liability.     It   would   not   have   been  
marriage  without  his  or  her  free  consent.   half   as   bizarre   had   Ty   been   able   to   prove   that   the  
  issuance   of   the   bounced   checks   was   done   without  
Ty  v.  People,  439  SCRA  220  (2004)   her  full  volition.    Under  the  circumstances,  however,  
Facts:  Ty’s  mother  was  confined  in  Manila  Doctor's   it  is  quite  clear  that  neither  uncontrollable  fear  nor  
Hospital   to   which   a   medical   bill   amounting   to   avoidance   of   a   greater   evil   or   injury   prompted   the  
600,000   pesos   was   made   to   be   paid   to   TY,   after   issuance  of  the  bounced  checks.  
signing   a   contract   of   responsibility   with   the    
hospital.   Ty,   issued   7   checks   to   cover   the   said   Fulfillment  of  duty  
expenses,   all   of   which   were   dishonored   for   being   Reyes:  
drawn   against   a   closed   a   account.   Manila   Doctors   1. Requisites:  
Hospital  then  instituted  criminal  actions  against  Ty   1. That   the   accused   acted   in   the  
for  violation  of  BP22.   performance   of   a   duty   or   in   the  
  lawful  exercise  of  a  right  or  office;  
In   her   defense   she   alleged   that   she   issued   the   2. That  the  injury  caused  or  the  offense  
checks   involuntarily   because   her   mother   committed   be   the   necessary  
threatened   to   commit   suicide   due   to   the   inhumane   consequence   of   the   due  
treatment   she   allegedly   suffered   while   confined   in  
Rañeses  96  
performance   of   duty   or   the   lawful   from   Pat.   Pabon.   The   latter   unfortunately   was   not  
exercise  of  such  right  or  office.     hit.  After  two  more  thrusts  were  made  towards  him,  
  Pabon   retreated   but   accused   was   stabbed   in   his  
People  v.  Delima,  46  Phil.  738  (1922)   lower  left  shoulder.  The  accused  firearm  was  slung  
Facts:   Lorenzo   Napoleon   escaped   from   jail.   over  his  shoulder.  As  Bataller  made  another  thrust,  
Poiiceman  Felipe  Delima  found  him  in  the  house  of   Accused   gave   a   shot,   which   after   doing   so,   Bataller  
Jorge   Alegria,   armed   with   a   pointed   piece   of   suddenly   grabbed   the   firearm.   Bataller‘s   two   other  
bamboo  in  the  shape  of  a  lance.  Delima  ordered  his   companions   had   also   ganged   up   on   him.   They  
surrender   but   Napoleon   answered   with   a   stroke   of   struggled   with   each   other   and   the   gun   went   off.   It  
his   lance.   The   policeman   dodged   it,   fired   his   was   semi-­‐automatic,   so   one   squeeze   at   the   trigger  
revolver  but  didn't  hit  Napoleon.  The  criminal  tried   would   fire   a   shot.   After   the   armalite   went   off,  
to   ran   away,   not   throwing   his   weapon;   the   Bataller  fell.  He  took  the  knife  and  that  was  the  time  
policeman   shot   him   dead.   Delima   was   tried   and   people   started   to   gather.   They   went   to   the   police  
convicted  for  homicide;  he  appealed.   station   and   turned   over   the   knife.   Pat.   Pabon‘s  
  testimony   corroborated   with   the   accused‘   except  
Issue:  WON  the  accused  acted  in  fulfillment  of  duty   the  part  when  accused  fired  a  warning  shot  and  the  
  deceased‘   companions   ganging   up   on   accused.  
Held:   The   SC   ruled   that   Delima   must   be   acquitted.   Accused  pleaded  not  guilty  invoking  self-­‐defense  in  
The   court   held   that   the   killing   was   done   in   the  performance  of  his  official  duty  
performance   of   a   duty.   Napoleon   was   under   the    
obligation  to  surrender  and  his  disobedience  with  a   Issue:   Was   the   trial   court   correct   in   holding  
weapon   compelled   Delima   to   kill   him.   The   action   accused-­‐appellant  guilty  of  murder?  
was  justified  by  the  circumstances.    
  Held:   No.   It   was   modified   to   HOMICIDE.   To   prove  
People  vs.  Belbes,  334  SCRA  220  (2004)   self-­‐defense,  the  accused  must  show  with  clear  and  
Facts:   Accused   together   with   Pat.   Jose   Pabon   were   convincing  evidence  that  (1)  he  is  not  the  unlawful  
assigned  to  maintain  peace  and  order  at  the  prom  of   aggressor,   (2)   there   was   lack   of   sufficient  
Pili   Brgy.   High   School.   At   9:00   pm,   two   students   provocation   on   his   part,   and   (3)   he   employed  
approached   them   and   their   teacher   saying   someone   reasonable   means   to   prevent   or   repel   the  
was   making   trouble.   Accused   and   Pat.   Pabon   who   aggression.  
were   armed   with   an   armalite   and   .38   caliber    
respectively,   responded   forthwith.   Meanwhile,   It  is  incumbent  upon  an  accused  who  has  admitted  
Fernando  Bataller  and  two  of  his  company.  Bataller   to   inflict   fatal   injuries   to   prove   the   justifying  
was  drunk  and  was  vomiting  and  holding  on  to  the   circumstance   claimed   by   him   with   clear,  
bamboo   wall   of   the   school‘s   temporary   building   satisfactory   and   convincing   evidence   in   order   to  
when   the   bamboo‘s   broke.   At   this   instance,   the   avoid  criminal  liability.  Appellant  offers  no  material  
accused   and   Pat.   Pabon   appeared   and   without   evidence   to   sufficiently   support   his   claim   of   self-­‐
warning  Accused  fired  his  gun.  Bataller  fell  and  the   defense  on  the  face  of  mortal  danger  while  on  police  
two  patrolmen  fled.   duty.  The  knife  used  by  the  deceased  was  not  even  
  subjected  to  fingerprinting.  The  accused  wound  was  
Accused’s  version  of  the  facts:   only  examined  after  21  hours  making  self-­‐infliction  
Upon  responding  and  arriving  at  the  scene:  Bataller   a   possibility.   If   it   was   true   that   accused   and   Bataller  
was  a  little  tipsy  but  not  vomiting.  They  introduced   grappled   face   to   face,   then   the   victim   should   not  
themselves   as   policemen   but   Bataller   didn‘t   mind   have  been  hit  sideways.  
them.   Bataller   then   stabbed   Pabon   with   a   knife    
which   accused   said   he   knew   because   he   saw   the   TIME   FACTOR!   It   took   only   about   6   seconds   from  
glint   of   the   blade   and   he   was   only   1   meter   away   the  time  the  accused  left  his  seat  until  the  gunshots  
Rañeses  97  
were   heard.   There   are   two   requisites   to   invoke   self-­‐ 3. That   the   means   used   by   the  
defense  in  the  fulfillment  of  a  duty:   subordinate   to   carry   out   said   order  
1. that   the   offender   acted   in   the   performance   is  lawful.    
of  a  duty  or  in  the  lawful  exercise  of  a  duty    
or  in  the  lawful  exercise  of  a  right   People  v.  Beronilla,  96  Phil.  566  (1955)  
2. that   the   injury   or   offense   committed   be   the   Facts:   Arsenio   Borjal   was   mayor   of   La   Paz   Abra   at  
necessary   consequence   of   the   due   the   outbreak   of   war   and   continued   to   serve   as  
performance  of  such  right  or  office   mayor   during   the   Japanese   occupation.   Dec   19,  
  1944   accused-­‐appellant   Manuel   Beronilla   was  
The  first  requisite  is  present  for  it  was  admittedly  a   appointed   Military   Mayor   of   La   Paz   by   Lt.   Col  
performance  of  his  duty.  However  the  second  one  is   Arnold.   Simultaneously,   he   received   a  
lacking   for   the   killing   need   not   be   a   necessary   memorandum  issued  by  Arnold  authorizing  them  to  
consequence   on   the   performance   of   his   duty.   He   appoint  a  jury  of  12  bolomen  to  try  persons  accused  
exceeded   his   duty   which   is   only   to   maintain   peace   of   treason,   espionage   or   aiding   the   enemy.   He   also  
and   order   when   he   fired   his   armalite   without   received   a   list   of   all   puppet   government   officials   of  
warning.   Thus,   it   would   account   only   as   an   Abra,   with   a   memorandum   instructing   all   Military  
INCOMPLETE  JUSTIFYING  CIRCUMSTANCE.   Mayors   to   investigate   said   persons   and   gather  
  against   them   complaints.   Beronilla,   pursuant   to   his  
ON   MURDER:   Treachery   must   be   proved   by   clear   instructions  placed  Borjal  under  custody  and  asked  
and   convincing   evidence   as   conclusively   as   the   residents  of  La  Paz  to  file  case  against  him.  He  also  
killing  itself.  For  it  to  be  a  qualifying  circumstance,  2   appointed  a  12-­‐man  jury  composed  of  Labuguen  as  
conditions  must  concur:   chairman   and   others,   plus   Alverne   and   Balmaceda  
1. the   employment   of   means,   method   or   were  prosecutors;  Paculdo  as  clerk  of  the  jury,  and  
manner   of   execution   which   would   ensure   Inovermo   as   counsel   for   the   accused,   later   Atty.  
the   safety   of   the   malefactor   from   defensive   Barreras   voluntarily   appeared   as   counsel   for   Borjal.  
or  retaliatory  acts  on  the  part  of  the  victim,   The   jury   found   Borjal   guilty   on   all   counts   and  
no   opportunity   being   given   the   latter   to   imposed   death   penalty.   Mayor  Beronilla  forwarded  
defend  himself  or  to  retaliate   the  records  of  the  case  to  Headquarters  of  Infantry  
2. the   means,   method   or   manner   of   execution   for   review.   Records   were   returned   on   April   18,  
were  deliberately  or  consciously  adopted  by   1945   with   approval   of   Arnold.   On   the   same   day,  
the  offender   Beronilla   ordered   the   execution   of   Borjal.  
3. None  of  the  two  conditions  were  committed.   Immediately  after  the  execution,  Beronilla  reported  
Likewise,   suddenness   of   an   attack   does   not   the   execution   to   Arnold,   the   latter   complementing  
necessarily   imply   treachery.   Thus,   ruling   Beronilla.  
out   murder.   Homicide   resulting   from    
reckless   imprudence   is   not   recognized   Two   years   later,   Mayor   Beronillo   and   others  
either.   involved   in   the   Borjal   case   were   indicted   by   CFI   of  
  Abra   for   murder,   for   allegedly   conspiring   and  
Lawful  order  of  superior   confederating  in  the  execution  of  Borjal.  Pres.  Roxas  
Reyes:   issued   E.P.   no.   8,   granting   amnesty   to   all   persons  
1. Requisites:   who   committed   acts   penalized,   under   RPC   in  
1. That   an   order   has   been   issued   by   a   furtherance   of   resistance   to   the   enemy   against  
superior.     persons   aiding   in   the   war   efforts   of   the   enemy.   All  
2. That   such   order   must   be   for   some   the   accused   (except   Labuguen   who   filed   and  
lawful  purpose.     granted   amnesty   by   the   AFP),   filed   their   application  
to   Second   Guerilla   Amnesty   Commission,   which  
denied   their   application   on   the   ground   that   they  
Rañeses  98  
were   inspired   by   purely   personal   motives,   thus   RPC,  Art.  12  
remanding   case   to   CFI   for   trial   on   merits.   On   July  
10,   1950   Beronillo,   Paculdo,   Velasco   and   Adriatico   Circumstances  which  exempt  from  criminal  liability.  -­‐  
were   convicted   as   conspirator   and   co-­‐principals   of   The  following  are  exempt  from  criminal  liability:  
crime  murder.  They  appealed.   1.   An   imbecile   or   an   insane   person,   unless   the   latter  
  has  acted  during  a  lucid  interval.  
Issue:   WON   accused   appellants   are   guilty   of  
murder;  and  WON  they  should  be  granted  amnesty.   When   the   imbecile   or   an   insane   person   has  
  committed  an  act  which  the  law  defines  as  a  felony  
(delito),   the   court   shall   order   his   confinement   in  
Held:  The  records  are  ample  to  show  that  Beronilla  
one   of   the   hospitals   or   asylums   established   for  
acted   pursuant   to   the   orders   of   the   Infantry  
persons   thus   afflicted,   which   he   shall   not   be  
Headquarters.   Although   it   was   alleged   by   the   state  
permitted   to   leave   without   first   obtaining   the  
that   there   was   a   radiogram   from   certain   Col.   permission  of  the  same  court.  
Volkmann   to   Lt.   Col.   Arnold,   on   the   illegality   of  
Borjal's   execution,   there   are   no   sufficient   evidence   2.  A  person  under  nine  years  of  age.  
to   show   that   it   was   known   to   Beronilla.  
3.  A  person  over  nine  years  of  age  and  under  fifteen,  
Furthermore,   the   messages   of   Col.   Arnold  
unless   he   has   acted   with   discernment,   in   which  
approving   the   decisions   of   Beronilla   prove   case,   such   minor   shall   be   proceeded   against   in  
otherwise.   The   testimony   of   Rafael   Balmaceda,   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  article  80  of  this  
relative  of  Borjal  was  also  unreliable.   Code.  
The   state   claims   that   the   appellants   held   grudges   When   such   minor   is   adjudged   to   be   criminally  
irresponsible,   the   court,   in   conformity   with   the  
against  late  Borjal,  but  court  said  that  the  conduct  of  
provisions   of   this   and   the   preceding   paragraph,  
the   appellants   does   not   dispose   that   they   were  
shall   commit   him   to   the   care   and   custody   of   his  
impelled   by   malice.   In   fact,   prior   to   the   execution,   family   who   shall   be   charged   with   his   surveillance  
Beronilla   sent   the   decision   for   review.   The   lower   and  education;  otherwise,  he  shall  be  committed  to  
court   also   found   that   Borjal   was   really   guilty   of   the   care   of   some   institution   or   person   mentioned   in  
treasonable   acts.   The   court   held   that   the   accused-­‐ said  article  80.  
appellants   just   acted   upon   the   orders   of   superiors  
4.   Any   person   who,   while   performing   a   lawful   act  
and  criminal  intent  was  not  established.  
with   due   care,   causes   an   injury   by   mere   accident  
without  fault  or  intention  of  causing  it.  
Even   assuming   the   accused-­‐appellant   are   guilty   of  
murder,   they   should   not   be   denied   of   the   amnesty   5.   Any   person   who   acts   under   the   compulsion   of  
on   the   ground   that   the   slaying   took   place   after   irresistible  force.  
actual   liberation   of   the   area   from   enemy   control.  
6.   Any   person   who   acts   under   the   impulse   of   an  
The   court   held   that   any   reasonable   doubt   as   to  
uncontrollable  fear  of  an  equal  or  greater  injury.  
whether   a   given   case   falls   within   the   amnesty  
proclamation   shall   be   resolved   in   favor   of   the   7.  Any  person  who  fails  to  perform  an  act  required  
accused.   by  law,  when  prevented  by  some  lawful  insuperable  
B. Exempting  Circumstances    
1. Definition:   Excemtping   circumstances  
(non-­‐imputability)   are   those   grounds   for  
exemption   from   punishment   because   there  
is   wanting   in   the   agent   of   the   crime   any   of  
Rañeses  99  
the  conditions  which  make  the  act  voluntary   5. Dementia   praecox   is   covered   by   the   term  
or  negligent.     insanity.   Schizophrenia   is   its   current  
2. Basis:   Based   on   the   complete   absence   of   incarnation.    
intelligence,   freedom   of   action,   or   intent,   or   6. Based   on   the   complete   absence   of  
on   the   absence   of   negligence   on   the   part   of   intelligence.    
the  accused.      
3. There   is   a   crime   committed   but   no   People  v.  Bonoan,  64  Phil.  87  (1937)  
criminal  liability  arises.     Facts:  
4. In   justifying   circumstances,   there   is   • 12  Dec.  1934  -­‐  Celestino  Bonoan  met  Carlos  
neither   a   crime   nor   a   criminal.   No   civil   Guison   on   Avenida   Rizal   near   a   barbershop  
liability,   except   in   par.   4   (causing   close   to   Tom's   Dixie   Kitchen.   Francisco  
damage  to  another  in  state  of  necessity).     Beech,   who   was   at   the   time   in   the  
In   exempting   circumstances,   there   is   a   barbershop,   heard   Bonoan   say   in   Tagalog,   "I  
crime   but   no   criminal   liability.   There   is   will   kill   you."   Beech   turned   around   &   saw  
civil   liability,   except   in   pars.   4   and   7   Bonoan   withdrawing   his   right   hand,   w/c  
(causing   an   injury   be   mere   accident;   held   a   knife,   from   the   side   of   Guison   who  
failing  to  perform  an  act  required  by  law   said,   "I   will   pay   you,"   but   Bonoan   simply  
when   prevented   by   some   lawful   or   replied  saying  that  he  would  kill  him  &  then  
insuperable  cause)  of  Art.  12.     stabbed  Guison  3  times  on  the  left  side.  The  
  incident   was   witnessed   by   policeman  
Insanity   Damaso   Arnoco.   Bonoan   was   arrested   on  
Reyes:   the   day   itself.   Bonoan   admitted   to   stabbing  
1. While  the  imbecile  is  exempt  in  all  cases   Guison.   Guison   was   taken   to   PGH   where   he  
of   criminal   liability,   the   insane   is   not   so   died  2  days  later.  
exempt   if   it   can   be   shown   that   he   acted   • 5   January   1935   -­‐   Prosecuting   attorney   of  
during  a  lucid  interval.     Manila   filed   an   information   charging  
  Celestino  Bonoan  with  the  crime  of  murder.  
An   imbecile   is   one   who,   while   advanced   in   • 16   January   1935   -­‐   Bonoan's   defense   counsel  
age,   has   a   mental   development   comparable   objected   to   the   arraignment   on   the   ground  
to   that   of   children   between   two   and   seven   that   the   defendant   was   mentally   deranged  
years  of  age.     and   was   at   the   time   confined   in   the  
2. To   constitute   insanity,   there   must   be   psychopathic  hospital.  The  court  issued  and  
complete   deprivation   of   intelligence   or   order   requiring   the   Director   of   the   hospital  
that   there   be   a   total   deprivation   of   the   to   report   on   Bonoan's   mental   condition.   A  
freedom  of  the  will.     report  was  rendered  by  Dr.  Toribio  Joson.  
3. The  defense  must  prove  the  accused  was   • 23   March   1935   -­‐   the   case   was   called   for  
insane   at   the   time   of   the   commission   of   arraignment  again,  the  defense  objected  and  
the   crime,   because   the   presumption   is   again  the  court  filed  another  order  requiring  
always   in   favor   of   sanity.   (People   v.   the  doctor  who  examined  Bonoan  to  appear  
Bascos,  44  Phil.  204,206)   in   court   to   report   on   Bonoan's   mental  
4. When  a  person  was  insane  at  the  time  of   condition.  
the   commission   of   the   felony,   he   is   • 26   March   1935   -­‐   Dr.   Toribio   appeared  
exempt   from   criminal   liability.   When   he   before   the   court   for   the   inquiry.   The   court  
was   sane   at   the   time   of   the   commission   of   issued   another   order   asking   to   summon  
the  crime,  but  he  becomes  insane  at  the  time   other   doctors   from   the   hospital   and   to   put  
of  the  trial,  he  is  liable  criminally.     Bonoan   under   another   doctor,   Dr.   Jose  
Rañeses  100  
Fernandez,   for   closer   observation.   Dr.   at   the   time   of   committing   the   criminal   act  
Fernandez  filed  his  report  on  11  June  1935.   should   be   clear   and   satisfactory   in   order   to  
• 28   June   1935   the   case   was   called   again,   Dr   acquit   the   accused   on   the   ground   of  
Fernandez   showed   up   in   court   and   reported   insanity.  (Philippines  uses  this)  
that   Bonoan   was   still   not   in   a   condition   to   2. That   an   affirmative   verdict   of   insanity   is   to  
defend  himself.   be  governed  by  preponderance  of  evidence,  
• 21   January   1936   -­‐   Dr.     Fernandez   reported   and   in   this   view,   insanity   is   not   to   be  
to  the  court  that   established  beyond  a  reasonable  doubt.  
• Bonoan   could   be   discharged   from   the   3. Prosecution   must   prove   sanity   beyond   a  
hospital   and   appear   for   trial   as   he   was   reasonable  doubt.  
"considered  a  recovered  case."    
• 27   February   1936   -­‐   Bonoan   was   arraigned   When  a  defendant  in  a  criminal  case  interposes  the  
and   pleaded   "not   guilty"   and   the   trial   was   defense   of   mental   incapacity,   the   burden   of  
held.  To  prove  motive  and  mental  normalcy   establishing   the   fact   rests   upon   the   defendant.   To  
of  Bonoan  the  prosecution  called  on  Damaso   prove   insanity   the   evidence   must   be   clear   and  
Arnoco   who   testified   that   the   reason   for   convincing.   The   courts   need   to   distinguish   insanity  
Bonoan's   attack   was   that   Guison   owed   him   in   law   from   passion   or   eccentricity,   mental  
P55   and   would   not   pay   him   back.   Bonoan   weakness   or   mere   depression   resulting   from  
had  bought  the  knife  with  which  he  stabbed   physical   ailment.   In   the   separate   reports   given   by  
Guison   for   50   centavos   and   had   been   Dr.   Toribio   Joson   and   Dr.   Fernandez   they   both  
waiting   2   days   to   kill   him.   He   acquired   this   diagnosed   Bonoan   to   be   unstable,   stating   that   "he  
information   when   he   arrested   and   will   always   have   troubles   and   difficulties   with   this  
questioned   Bonoan.   Bonoan   was   charged   world   of   realities."   Bonoan   was   diagnosed   with  
with   the   murder   of   Carlos   Guison,   and   dementia   praecox   which   is   a   mental   disease   that  
sentenced   him   to   life   imprisonment   and   to   disqualifies   a   person   from   legal   responsibility   for  
pay  P1K  to  indemnify  the  heirs  of  Guison.   his   actions.   In   these   people   homicidal   attacks   are  
• The   defendant   appealed   the   case   and   his   common   because   of   the   delusions   that   they   are  
counsel   cited   that   the   lower   court   had   erred   being   interfered   with   or   that   their   property   is   being  
in   finding   that   Bonoan   had   dementia   taken.   The   court   was   of   the   opinion   that   Bonoan  
intermittently  and  not  immediately  prior  to   was   demented   at   the   time   he   perpetrated   the  
the   commission   of   the   offense,   in   finding   serious   offense   charge   with   and   that   consequently  
that   the   accused   did   not   show   any   he  is  exempt  from  criminal  liability.  
abnormality   either   in   behavior,   action,    
language,  appearance,  or  action  that  he  was   Judgment:   Judgment   of   the   lower   court   REVERSED.  
mentally   deranged,   in   finding   that   the   Defendant   appellant   ACQUITTED   but   to   be   kept   in  
burden   of   proof   lay   in   the   defendant   to   confinement  in  the  San  Lazaro  Hospital  or  any  other  
prove  that  he  was  mentally  deranged  at  the   hospital  for  the  insane.  
time   of   the   crime,   and   in   not   acquitting    
Bonoan.   Imperial,   dissenting:   "The   dissenting   opinions,   in  
  establishing   the   conclusion   that   the   accused   was  
Issue:   WON   Bonoan   was   insane   at   the   time   of   the   then  in  the  possession  of  his  mental  faculties  or,  at  
commission  of  the  crime.   least,   at   a   lucid   interval,   are   based   on   the   fact  
  admitted   by   the   parties   and   supported   by   expert  
Held:  Yes.  There  are  3  different  theories  used   testimony,   that   the   accused   before   the   commission  
1. Insanity   as   a   defense   in   a   confession   and   of   a   crime,   had   been   cured   of   dementia   praecox   and  
avoidance   and   as   such   must   be   proved   later  of  manic  depressive  psychosis."  The  inference  
beyond   reasonable   doubt.   Proof   of   insanity   of   the   majority   that   the   accused   was   insane   is   not  
Rañeses  101  
sufficiently   supported   by   evidence.   No   attention   People  v.  Ambal,  100  SCRA  325  (1980)  
was   given   to   the   decision   of   the   judge   who   Facts:   Felicula   (Feling),   married   to   Honorato  
originally   tried   the   case,   which   should   have   been   Ambal,   was   mortally   wounded,   having   7   incised  
done   because   he   was   able   to   observe   Bonoan,   the   wounds   in   different   parts   of   her   body.   She   died   40  
witnesses,   the   evidence   and   the   testimonies.   This   minutes  later.  Honorato  admitted  to  killing  his  wife.    
court  generally  gives  importance  to  the  conclusions    
drawn   by   the   judge   who   tried   the   case   in   first   The   immediate   provocation   for   the   assault   was   a  
instance  unless  there  is  a  clear  contradiction  in  the   fight,   because   Feling   had   not   bought   medicine   for  
evidence   and   the   decision,   which   is   not   the   case   Honorato,  who  then  had  influenza.  She  told  him  that  
here.   he   was   better   off   dead,   so   he   attacked   her.   He   was  
  charged   with   parricide.   He   pleaded   not   guilty.   His  
Diaz,   dissenting:   The   appellant   committed   the   defense  was  insanity.    
crime   when   he   was   sane   or   at   least   during   a   lucid    
interval.   He   had   motive   to   kill   Guison   [55php],   as   Dr.   Cresogono   Llacuna   said   that   Ambal   suffered  
clearly   stated   by   the   arresting   police   officer.   The   from  a  minor  psycho-­‐neurosis,  a  disturbance  of  the  
law  presumes  that  everyone  is  sane,  and  insanity  is   functional  nervous  system  which  is  NOT  INSANITY.  
an  exception,  to  be  established  by  clear  proof  and  it   He  was  normal  but  nervous,  and  HAD  NO  MENTAL  
is   not   usually   permanent.   There   is   no   evidence   or   DISORDER.    Trial  court  concluded  that  his  behavior  
record  that  can  prove  that  Bonoan  was  insane  at  the   immediately   after   the   incident   showed   he   wasn‘t  
time   he   committed   the   crime,   or   that   he   was   insane  and  that  he  acted  like  a  normal  human  being.    
continuing   to   suffer   from   insanity   from   the   date   of    
the  commission  of  the  crime.  Where  it  is  shown  that   Issue:     Should   Ambal   be   exempted   from   criminal  
the   defendant   experiences   lucid   intervals,   the   crime   liability  by  reason  of  insanity?    
is   assumed   to   have   been   committed   during   one   of    
them,  unless  proven  otherwise.   Held:     NO.   Courts   should   be   careful   to   distinguish  
  insanity  in  law  from  passion  or  eccentricity,  mental  
Concepcion,   dissenting:   There   is   no   evidence   or   weakness   or   mere   depression   resulting   from  
record  to  prove  that  Bonoan  was  insane  at  the  time   physical   ailment.   The   State   should   guard   against  
he  committed  the  crime,  and  there  were  no  records   sane   murderers   escaping   punishment   through   a  
to   show   that   he   had   suffered   a   relapse   of   the   general  plea  of  insanity.    
condition   he   had   sought   treatment   for   at   the   San    
Lazaro   hospital   years   before   the   crime   was   Imbecile:   person   marked   by   mental   deficiency;  
committed.   Bonoan   had   been   sane   for   9   years   [or   at   must   be   deprived   completely   of   reason   or  
least   "socially   adjustable"].   The   attack   of   insomnia   discernment   and   freedom   of   the   will   at   the   time   of  
before   the   event   is   not   clear   proof   that   he   was   committing  the  crime.      
insane  or  suffering  a  bout  with  insanity  at  the  time    
of   the   crime,   it   merely   presents   a   possibility,   and   Insanity:   one   who   has   an   unsound   mind   or   suffers  
the   innocence   to   the   accused   cannot   be   based   on   a   from   a   mental   disorder;   there   must   be   complete  
mere   possibility.   The   accused   when   questioned   by   deprivation  of  intelligence  in  the  commission  of  the  
the   police   immediately   after   the   crime   did   not   act   or   that   the   accused   acted   without   the   lease  
exhibit   insane   behavior.   It   cannot   be   said   that   discernment.   Mere   abnormality   of   his   mental  
Bonoan   stabbed   Guison   because   of   a   hallucination   faculties  does  not  exclude  imputability.  
because   Guison   actually   owed   him   money   and   this    
was  confirmed  by  the  fact  of  his  saying  "I  am  going   Passion   and   motives   of   anger,   hatred,   etc,   is   not  
to  pay  you"  before  he  was  stabbed.  This  shows  the   insanity   either.   Neither   is   being   weak-­‐minded.   The  
motive  for  aggression  [vengeance]   court   presumes   that   a   person   is   of   sound   mind  
Rañeses  102  
unless   there   is   positive   proof   stating   otherwise.   In   • Dr.   Araceli   Maravilla   of   Dr.   Jose   Reyes  
this  case,  no  such  proof  has  been  given.   Memorial   hospital   said   Puno   was   an  
  outpatient   who   could   very   well   live   with  
People  v.  Puno,  105  SCRA  151  (1981)   society   even   if   he   was   afflicted   with  
Facts:   schizophrenic  reaction.  
• 8   Sep.   1970   -­‐   around   2pm   Ernesto   Puno   • Dr.   Reynaldo   Robles   stated   that   Puno   had  
entered  the  bedroom  of  72  y.o.  Francisca  Col   schizophrenic   reaction   but   that   this  
also   known   as   Aling   Kikay,   in   Little   Bagio,   condition  was  "not  socially  incapacitating"  
barrio  Tinajeros,  Malabon,  Rizal.  Aling  Kikay   • Dr.   Carlso   Vicente   of   the   National   Mental  
was   on   the   bed,   when   Puno   entered   &   Hospital   testified   that   Puno   acted   w/  
insulted   her   by   saying   "Mangkukulam   ka,   discernment   &   could   distinguish   right   from  
mambabarang,   mayroon   kang   bubuyog."   wrong.  
Then,  he  repeatedly  slapped  her  and  struck   • 21  October  1970  -­‐  Puno  was  indicted  for  the  
her   on   the   head   several   times   with   a   murder   in   the   Circuit   Criminal   Court   at  
hammer  until  she  was  dead.  The  assault  was   Pasig,   Rizal.   Alleged   in   the   information   as  
witnessed   by   Hilaria   dela   Cruz   who   was   aggravating   circumstances   were   evident  
present   in   the   room   during   the   attack,   and   premeditation,   abuse   of   superiority   and  
by   Lina   Pajes,   a   tenant   in   the   next   room.   disregard   for   sex.   Puno   was   sentenced   to  
After  killing  the  old  lady  Puno  went  into  the   death  and  ordered  to  pay  P22K  to  the  heirs  
next  room,  where  the  girls  had  taken  refuge   of  the  victim  
&   made   the   following   confession   &   threat    
"Huag   kayong   magkakamaling   tumawag   ng   Issue:   WON   Puno   was   insane   when   he   killed   Aling  
pulis   at   sabihin   nunyo   na   umalis   kayo   ng   Kikay.  
bahay   at   hindi   ninyo   alam   kung   sino   ang    
pumatay   sa   matanda."   Or   according   to   Lina   Held:   No.   Record   from   Puno's   stay   at   the   National  
"pinatay   ko   na   ang   iyong   matanda.   Huag   Mental   Hospital   stated   that   he   had   been   an   out  
kayong   tumawag   ng   pulis.   Pag   tumawag   patient  for  schizophrenia  in  1962,  recovered,  had  a  
kayo   ng   pulis,   kayo   ang   pahihigantihan   ko."   relapse  in  1964,  improved  and  in  1966  his  sickness  
After   Puno   left,   Lina   called   the   police.   Puno   remained   UNIMPROVED.   Treatment   continued   in  
fled  to  his  parents'  house  then  later  on  to  his   San   Lazaro   Compound   up   to   1970   where   he   was  
second  cousin,  Teotimo’s  house.   relieved   of   symptoms   and   did   not   come   back   for  
• 10   Sep.   1970   -­‐   Puno's   father   surrendered   medication.   It   cited   that   he   was   quiet   and   as   usual  
him   to   the   police.   He   was   brought   to   the   manageable.  The  report  stated  that  he  "is  presently  
National   Mental   Hospital   in   Mandaluyong,   free   from   any   social   incapacitating   psychotic  
Rizal.   He   was   charged   with   murder   in   the   symptoms",   but   persons   suffering   from  
municipal  court.   schizophrenia   may   retain   some   of   the   residual  
• Puno's   wife,   his   sister   in   law   and   his   2nd   symptoms   but   it   wouldn't   affect   their   discernment  
cousin   all   testified   in   court   describing   his   of  right  and  wrong.  
appearance   [bloodshot   eyes]   and   his    
behavior  immediately  before   and  after  them   The   court   says:   "in   the   light   of   the   strict   rule   just  
murder,   [boxing   the   dog,   having   an   stated  and  the  circumstance  surrounding  the  killing,  
imaginary   bumble   bee   flying   around   him,   we   are   led   to   the   conclusion   that   Puno   was   not  
singing,  etc..]   legally  insane  when  he  killed,  the  victim''  The  court  
• The   defense   presented   3   doctors   to   prove   cited  that  had  he  been  a  homicidal  maniac  he  would  
insanity  but  the  doctors  instead  proved  that   have   killed   Lina   and   Hilaria   too.   The   evidence  
Puno   had   acted   with   discernment   when   he   should  prove  clearly  that  he  was  insane  at  the  time  
killed  Aling  Kikay.   of  the  commission  of  the  crime.  
Rañeses  103  
  report   revealed   that   the   victim   sustained   14  
Insanity  exists  when  there  is  a  complete  deprivation   wounds,  5  of  which  were  fatal.  
of   intelligence   in   committing   the   act,   that   is,   the    
accused   is   deprived   of   reason,   he   acts   without   the   Rodolfo   Sigua,   husband   of   the   deceased,   testified  
least   discernment   because   there   is   a   complete   that   sometime   in   February   1987,   the   accused  
absence   of   the   power   to   discern,   or   total   Rosalino   Dungo   inquired   from   him   why   his   wife  
deprivation  of  freedom  of  wilt.  Mere  abnormality  of   was   requiring   so   many   documents   from   him.  
the  mental  faculties  will  not  exclude  imputability.   Rodolfo  explained  to  him  the  procedure  at  the  DAR.  
Two   aggravating   circumstances,   dwelling   and   The   accused,   in   defense   of   himself,   tried   to   show  
disregard   of   the   respect   due   to   the   age   of   the   victim   that  he  was  insane  at  the  time  of  the  commission  of  
are   off   set   by   the   mitigating   circumstances   of   the  offense:  
voluntary   surrender   and   the   offender's   mental   • Two   weeks   prior   to   March   16,   1987,  
illness   (mild   schizophrenic   reaction)   which   Rosalino's   wife   noticed   that   he   appears   to  
diminished   him   of   his   will   power   but   did   not   be  in  deep  thought  always,  maltreating  their  
deprive  him  of  consciousness  of  his  acts.   children  when  he  was  not  used  to  it  before.  
  There   were   also   times   that   her   husband  
Judgment:   Medium   penalty   for   murder   imposed.   would   inform   her   that   his   feet   and   head  
Death   penalty   is   set   aside.   Accused   is   sentenced   to   were  on  fire  when  in  truth  they  were  not.  
RECLUSION  PERPETUA   • On   that   fateful   day,   Rosalino   complained   of  
  stomachache   but   they   didn't   bother   to   buy  
Makasiar,  dissenting:  The  appellant  should  not  be   medicine   as   the   pain   went   away  
held  liable  for  the  crime  of  murder.  He  was  mentally   immediately.   Thereafter,   he   went   back   to  
ill   when   he   committed   the   alleged   killing   of   the  store.  But  when  Andrea  followed  him  to  
Francisca   Col   (Aling   Kikay).   His   medical   records   the   store,   he   was   no   longer   there.   Worried,  
properly   evaluated   &   confirmed   undeniably   she   looked   for   him.   On   her   way   home,   she  
establish   the   fact   that   he   had   been   ailing   with   a   heard   people   saying   that   a   stabbing  
psychotic   disorder   medically   known   as   chronic   occurred.   She   saw   her   husband   in   her  
schizophrenia   of   the   paranoid   type.   His   record   for   parents-­‐in-­‐law's   house   with   people   milling  
treatment   stated   him   to   be   "unimproved"   upon   around.   She   asked   her   husband   why   he   did  
discharge   and   his   out   patient   record   merely   stated   the   act,   to   which   Rosalino   answered,   "That's  
him   as   "improved"   not   "recovered"   or   the   only   cure   for   my   ailment.   I   have   cancer  
"unimproved".   Appellant   was   treated   18   times   in   of  the  heart.  If  I  don't  kill  the  deceased  in  a  
the   National   Mental   Hospital   and   Jose   Reyes   number   of   days,   I   would   die.”   That   same  
Memorial   Hospital   in   a   span   of   8   years,   day,  the  accused  went  to  Manila.  
characteristic   of   the   chronic   nature   of   his   mental    
illness.  This  was  confirmed  by  Dr.  Carlos  Vicente.     Dr.  Santiago  and  Dr.  Echavez  of  the  National  Center  
  for   Mental   Health   testified   that   the   accused   was  
People  v.  Dungo,  199  SCRA  860  (1991)   confined  in  the  mental  hospital,  as  per  order  of  the  
Facts:   On   March   16,   1987   between   2:00   and   trial   court   dated   Aug.   17,   1987.   Based   on   the  
3:00pm,   the   accused   went   to   Mrs.   Sigua's   office   at   reports   of   their   staff,   they   concluded   that   Rosalino  
the   Department   of   Agrarian   Reform,   Apalit,   was   psychotic   or   insane   long   before,   during   and  
Pampanga.   After   a   brief   talk,   the   accused   drew   a   after   the   commission   of   the   alleged   crime   and  
knife   from   the   envelope   he   was   carrying   and   classified   his   insanity   as   an   organic   mental   disorder  
stabbed   Mrs.   Sigua   several   times.   After   which   he   secondary   to   cerebro-­‐vascular   accident   or   stroke.  
departed   from   the   office   with   blood   stained   clothes,   But   Dr.   Balatbat   who   treated   the   accused   for  
carrying   a   bloodied   bladed   weapon.   The   autopsy   ailments   secondary   to   stroke,   and   Dr.   Lim   who  
Rañeses  104  
testified   that   the   accused   suffered   dorm   occlusive   The  fact  that  the  accused  was  carrying  an  envelope  
disease,   concluded   that   Rosalino   was   somehow   where   he   hid   the   fatal   weapon,   that   he   ran   away  
rehabilitated   after   a   series   of   medical   treatment   in   from   the   scene   of   the   incident   after   he   stabbed   the  
their  clinic.   victim  several  times,  that  he  fled  to  Manila  to  evade  
  arrest,  indicate  that  he  was  conscious  and  knew  the  
Issue:   WON   the   accused   was   insane   during   the   consequences   of   his   acts   in   stabbing   the   victim.  
commission  of  the  crime  charged.   (This  was  taken  from  the  TC's  decision).  
Held:   No.   For   insanity   to   relieve   the   person   of   Judgment:  questioned  decision  AFFIRMED.  
criminal   liability,   it   is   necessary   that   there   be   a    
complete   deprivation   of   intelligence   in   committing   People  v.  Yam-­‐id,  308  SCRA  651  (1999)  
the  act,  that  he  acts  w/o  the  least  discernment  and   Facts:   Julius   Cantutay   and   Jerry   Tejamo   passed   by  
that   there   be   complete   absence   or   deprivation   of   the   house   of   the   accused   who   greeted   them   “Good  
the  freedom  of  the  will.   Evening,”   unsheathed   a   long   bolo   and   ran   after   the  
Under   Philippine   jurisdiction,   there's   no   definite   two.   Appellant   caught   up   with   Jerry   and   stabbed  
test   or   criterion   for   insanity.   However,   the   him   on   the   left   portion   of   his   back,   then   held   him   by  
definition   of   insanity   under   Sec   1039*   of   the   the  hair  and  hacked  him  on  the  nape.  As  Jerry  fell  to  
Revised   Administrative   Code   can   be   applied.   In   ground,   the   appellant   further   stabbed   him   on   the  
essence,   it   states   that   insanity   is   evinced   by   a   right   side   of   his   back   then   the   appellant   knelt   over  
deranged   and   perverted   condition   of   the   mental   the   prostrate   body   of   Jerry   and   sucked   the   blood  
faculties,   which   is   manifested   in   language   or   from   his   neck   .   At   the   automatic   review   at   the  
conduct.   An   insane   person   has   no   full   and   clear   Supreme   Court,   the   appellant   admitted   to   killing  
understanding   of   the   nature   and   consequence   of   his   Jerry   and   pleaded   insanity   as   his   defense   which  
act.   contends  that  he  has  schizophrenia.    
Evidence   of   insanity   must   refer   to   the   mental   Issue:   WON   the   appellant   can   use   the   defense   of  
condition   at   the   very   time   of   doing   the   act.   insanity  in  killing  of  Jerry  Tejamo    
However,   it   is   also   permissible   to   receive   evidence    
of   his   mental   condition   for   a   reasonable   period   Held:   No.   Insanity   must   be   proven   beyond  
before  and  after  the  time  of  the  act  in  question.  The   reasonable   doubt   to   exist   before   or   at   the   very  
vagaries  of  the  mind  can  only  be  known  by  outward   moment   the   crime   was   committed,   by   whoever  
acts.   invokes   it   as   a   defense.   Defense   failed   to   discharge  
  its   burden   of   proving   that   accused-­‐appellant   was  
It   is   not   usual   for   an   insane   person   to   confront   a   insane   at   the   time   of   the   commission   of   the   crime.  
specified   person   who   may   have   wronged   him.   But   Also,   no   evidence   was   presented   that   the   accused  
in   the   case   at   hand,   the   accused   was   able   to   Mrs.   was   insane   at   the   time   of   the   commission   of   the  
Sigua.  From  this,  it  can  be  inferred  that  the  accused   crime   and   the   fact   that   the   defense   of   insanity   was  
was  aware  of  his  acts.  This  also  established  that  the   not   even   raised   during   the   trial   of   the   case   gives   the  
accused  has  lucid  intervals.   impression  that  is  but  an  afterthought.  
Moreover,  Dr.  Echavez  testified  to  the  effect  that  the    
appellant   could   have   been   aware   of   the   nature   of   People  v.  Belonio,  429  SCRA  579  (2004)  
his  act  at  the  time  he  committed  it  when  he  shouted   Facts:  RTC  found  Randy  Belonio  y  Landas  guilty  of  
(during  laboratory  examination)  that  he  killed  Mrs.   the  murder  of  Ramy  Tamayo  and  sentenced  him  to  
Sigua.  This  statement  makes  it  highly  doubtful  that   death.   The   night   of   a   wake,   Ramy   decided   to   buy  
the  accused  was  insane  when  he  committed  the  act.   cigarettes   from   a   store.   Ramy   was   occupying   that  
  space   in   front   of   the   opening   to   pay   when   the  
accused  Randy  Belonio  arrived.  Randy  tried  to  force  
Rañeses  105  
his   way   in   front   of   the   opening   and   as   a   insanity   and   must   be   clearly   proven.  
consequence,  he  bumped  on  Ramy.   (People  v.  Gimena,  55  Phil.  604)  
Jennifer  and  Ramy  sat  and  talked  on  the  bench.  The   People  v.  Taneo,  58  Phil.  255  (1933)  
accused   came   over   and   sat   on   the   other   end   of   the   Facts:   Potenciano   Taneo   and   his   wife   lived   in   his  
bench   and   conversed   with   Ramy.   The   accused   left   parent's   house   in   Dolores,   Ormoc.   On   January   16,  
but   after   a   few   minutes   he   returned,   delivered   a   1932,   a   fiesta   was   being   celebrated   in   the   said  
stabbing   blow   with   a   dagger   which   was   concealed   barrio   and   guests   were   entertained   in   the   house,  
in  his  hand.     among   them   were   Fred   Tanner   and   Luis   Malinao.  
  Early   that   afternoon,   Potenciano   went   to   sleep   and  
Randy   Belonio   raised   the   defense   of   insanity   and   while   sleeping,   he   suddenly   got   up,   left   the   room  
relied   on   the   expert   assessment   of   his   witness,   Dr.   bolo   in   hand   and,   upon   meeting   his   wife   who   tried  
Antonio   Gauzon,   who   certified   that   he   is   suffering   to   stop   him,   wounded   her   in   the   abdomen.   He   also  
from  schizophrenia  triggered  by  abuse  of  shabu  and   attacked  Fred  and  Luis  and  tried  to  attack  his  father,  
marijuana.   RTC   found   appellant   guilty   of   Murder   after   which,   he   wounded   himself.   Potenciano's   wife,  
and  that  he  had  full  control  of  his  mental  faculties.     who   was   7   months   pregnant   at   that   time,   died   five  
  days  later  as  a  result  of  the  wound.  
Issue:   WON   appellant‘s   defense   of   insanity   as   an    
exempting  circumstance  is  tenable.     The  trial  court  found  Potenciano  guilty  of  parricide  
  and  was  sentenced  to  reclusion  perpetua.  
Held:   NO.   Appellant   is   found   GUILTY   of   murder.    
The   defense   utterly   failed   to   discharge   its   burden   of   It  appears  from  the  evidence  that  the  day  before  the  
proving   that   appellant   was   insane.   The   evidence   commission   of   the   crime,   the   defendant   had   a  
adduced   by   the   defense   is   sorely   insufficient   to   quarrel   over   a   glass   of   "tuba"   with   Collantes   and  
establish  his  claim  that  he  was  insane  at  the  time  he   Abadilla,   who   invited   him   to   come   down   and   fight.  
killed  Tamayo.   When  he  was  about  to  go  down,  he  was  stopped  by  
  his   wife   and   his   mother.   On   the   day   of   the  
Belonio’s   acts   tend   to   establish   that   Belonio   was   commission   of   the   crime,   it   was   noted   that   the  
well  aware  of  what  he  had  just  committed,  and  was   defendant   was   sad   and   weak,   had   a   severe  
capable   of   distinguishing   right   from   wrong.   stomachache  that's  why  he  went  to  bed  in  the  early  
Otherwise,   he   would   not   have   attempted   to   escape   afternoon.   The   defendant   stated   that   when   he   fell  
and   go   into   hiding.   Evidence   of   insanity   after   the   asleep,  he  dreamed  that  Collantes  was  trying  to  stab  
fact   of   commission   of   the   offense   may   be   accorded   him   with   a   bolo   while   Abadila   held   his   feet.   That's  
weight   only   if   there   is   also   proof   of   alleged   why   he   got   up   and   it   seemed   to   him   that   his  
abnormal   behavior   immediately   before   or   enemies  were  inviting  him  to  come  down;  he  armed  
simultaneous   to   the   commission   of   the   crime.   Dr.   himself   with   a   bolo   and   left   the   room.   At   the   door,  
Guazon‘s  report  was  silent  as  regards  the  incidents   he  met  his  wife  who  seemed  to  say  to  him  that  she  
occurring   prior   to   or   during   the   circumstance   for   was   wounded.   Then,   he   fancied   seeing   his   wife  
which  Belonio  stands  trial.   really   wounded   and   in   desperation   wounded  
  himself.  As  his  enemies  seemed  to  multiply  around  
Somnambulism   him,  he  attacked  everybody  that  came  his  way.  
1. Another  case  of  lack  of  intelligence.     Issue:  WON  defendant  acted  while  in  a  dream.  
2. Somnambulism   or   sleepwalking,   where    
the   acts   of   the   person   afflicted   are   Held:    Yes.  The  defendant  acted  while  in  a  dream  &  
automatic,   is   embraced   in   the   plea   of   his   acts,   therefore,   weren’t   voluntary   in   the   sense   of  
entailing  criminal  liability.  
Rañeses  106  
  b. Conditional   responsibility   –  
The   apparent   lack   of   motive   for   committing   a   between  9  and  15  years.    
criminal   act   does   not   necessarily   mean   that   there   c. Full   responsibility   –   18   or   over  
are  none,  but  that  simply  they  are  not  known  to  us.   (adolescence)  to  70  (maturity).    
Although   an   extreme   moral   perversion   may   lead   a   d. Mitigated   responsibility   –   over   9  
man   to   commit   a   crime   without   a   real   motive   but   and   under   15,   offender   acting   with  
just   for   the   sake   of   committing   it.   In   the   case   at   discernment;   15   or   over   but   less  
hand,   the   court   found   not   only   lack   of   motives   for   than  18;  over  70  years  of  age.    
the   defendant   to   voluntarily   commit   the   acts    
complained   of   (read:   he   loved   his   wife   dearly,   he   Senility   –   although   said   to   be   the  
tried   to   attack   his   father   in   whose   house   the   lived   second   childhood,   is   only   a  
and   the   guests   whom   he   invited),   but   also   motives   mitigated  responsibility,    
for  not  committing  the  acts.   5. Discernment:   mental   capacity   to  
  understand   the   difference   between   right  
Dr.   Serafica,   an   expert   witness   in   the   case,   stated   and   wrong,   and   such   capacity   may   be  
that   considering   the   circumstances   of   the   case,   the   known   and   should   be   determined   by   taking  
defendant   acted   while   in   a   dream,   under   the   into   consideration   all   the   facts   and  
influence   of   a   hallucination   and   not   in   his   right   circumstances   afforded   by   the   records   in  
mind.   each   case,   the   very   appearance,   the   very  
  attitude,   the   very   comportment   and  
The   wife's   wound   may   have   been   inflicted   behavior   of   said   minor,   not   only   before  
accidentally.   The   defendant   did   not   dream   that   he   during   the   commission   of   the   act,   but   also  
was   assaulting   his   wife,   but   that   he   was   defending   after  and  even  during  the  trial.    
himself  from  his  enemies.   a. May  be  shown  by:  
  i. Manner   of   committing   the  
Minority   crime.  
Reyes:   ii. Conduct  of  offender.    
1. “Under  nine  years”  to  be  construed  “nine   6. The   child   in   conflict   with   the   law   shall  
years  or  less.”     enjoy  the  presumption  of  minority.    
2. Age  of  absolute  irresponsibility  raised  to   7. Age  may  be  determined  through:  
fifteen   years   of   age.   Republic   Act   No.   9344   a. Birth  certificate  
otherwise   known   as   “Juvenile   Justice   and   b. Baptismal   certificate   or   any   other  
Welfare   Act   of   2006”   raised   the   age   of   pertinent  documents  
absolute   irresponsibility   from   nine   (9)   to   c. In   the   absence   of   the   above,  
fifteen  (15)  years  of  age.     information   from   child  
3. Children   above   fifteen   (15)   but   below   himself/herself  
eighteen   (18)   years   of   age   who   acted   d. Testimonies  of  other  persons  
without   discernment   exempt   from   e. Physical  appearance  of  the  child  
criminal   liability.   It   is   incumbent   upon   the    
prosecution   to   prove   that   a   minor   who   is   People  v.  Doquena,  68  Phil.  580  (1939)  
over  15  but  under  18  years  of  age  has  acted   Facts:   Between   1-­‐2   pm   of   Nov.   19,   1938,   Juan  
with   discernment,   in   order   for   the   minor   Ragojos   and   Epifanio   Rarang   were   playing  
not   to   be   entitled   to   this   exempting   volleyball   in   the   yard   of   their   school   in   Sual,  
circumstance.     Pangasinan.   Valentin   Doquena,   the   accused,  
4. Periods  of  criminal  responsibility   intercepted   the   ball,   and   threw   it   a   Ragojos,   who  
a. Absolute   irresponsibility   –   9   years   was   hit   in   the   stomach.   Miffed,   Ragojos   chased  
and  below  (infancy).   Doquena,  and  upon  catching  him,  slapped  Doquena  
Rañeses  107  
on   the   nape,   and   punched   him   in   the   face.   After   People  v.  Navarro,  51  OG  4062  
doing  this,   Ragojos   went  back  to  Rarang   to  resume   Facts:   Luisa   Navarro   13   years   old   who   was  
playing   volleyball.   Insulted,   Doquena   looked   for   approached   by   agents   of   the   Price   Enforcement  
something  to  throw  at  Ragojos,  finding  none,  he  got   Division  of  PRISCO  asking  frot  he  price  of  one  tin  of  
his  cousin's  (Romualdo  Cocal)  knife,  and  confronted   Hershey’s   Cocoa.   She   was   arrested   after   allegedly  
Ragojos.   Ragojo's   denied   Doquena's   request   for   a   selling  cocoa  11  cents  more  that  ceiling  price.  Found  
fight   and   resumed   playing.   Doquena   stabbed   the   guilty   of   violating   E.O.   447   in   connection   with   Sec  
unaware   Ragojos   in   the   chest,   thereby   killing   the   12  of  RA  509-­‐  Anti-­‐  Profiteering  law  and  was  sent  to  
latter.   The   court   held   that   in   committing   the   act,   the   the  custody  of  Phil.  Training  School  for  Girls  
accused  acted  with  discernment  and  was  conscious    
of   the   nature   and   consequences   of   his   acts,   Issue:  WON  Article  12  par  3  can  be  applied  despite  
therefore   his   defense   that   he   was   a   minor   was   being  charged  with  violation  of  a  special  law  
untenable  (given  that  the  Doquena  was  a  7th  grade    
pupil,   one   of   the   brightest   in   his   class,   and   was   an   Held:   Yes.   Nothing   in   the   law   says   that   RPC   is   not  
officer  in  the  CAT  program),  and  thus  convicted  him   suppletory  to  their  provisions  (Art10)  
of  the  crime  of  homicide.  The  court  ordered  him  to   While   intent   is   immaterial   in   crimes   mala   prohibita,  
be   sent   to   the   Training   School   for   Boys   until   he   the   circumstances,   which   exempt   from   criminal  
reaches  the  age  of  majority.  Thus,  the  appeal  by  the   liability,  are  based  on  lack  of  intelligence,  intent  and  
accused,   stating   that   to   determine   whether   or   not   spontaneity.  In  the  language  of  art  12  (3),  state  has  
there   was   discernment   on   the   part   of   the   minor,   the   the   burden   of   proving   that   the   minor   acted   with  
following  must  be  taken  into  consideration:   discernment.   Discernmentbeing   more   than   mere  
a. The  facts  and  circumstances  which  gave  rise   understanding  is  the  mental  capacity  to  understand  
to  the  act  committed.   the   difference   between   right   and   wrong.     In   the  
b. The  state  of  mind  at  the  time  the  crime  was   instant   case,   accused   did   not   fully   grasp   the  
committed   importance  of  the  question  and  there  was  no  record  
c. The  time  he  had  at  his  disposal   that   she   was   a   merchant.   Such   minor,   over   9   but  
d. The  degree  of  reasoning  of  the  minor   less  than  15  is  not  criminally  responsible.  
Issue:  WON  the  accused  acted  with  discernment   Remiendo   v.   People   of   the   Philippines,   G.R.   No.  
  184874  (2009)  
Held:  Decision  affirmed.  Yes,  the  accused  acted  with   Facts:   Petitioner   was   a   minor   above   15   but   below  
discernment.  Accused  mistakes  the  discernment  for   18  years  old  when  he  raped  a  minor  when  the  latter  
premeditation,  or  at  least  for  lack  of  intention,  as  a   was   left   alone   in   her   house.   He   threatened   to   kick  
mitigating   circumstance.   However,   the   the  latter  if  she  would  shout  for  help.  Petitioner  was  
DISCERNMENT  that  constitutes  an  exception  to  the   convicted   of   rape   but   on   appeal   invoked   suspension  
exemption   from   criminal   liability   of   a   minor   under   of   sentence   pursuant   to   RA   9344.   By   the   time   he  
15   years   but   over   nine,   who   commits   an   act   was  convicted  by  the  trial  court,  he  was  already  22  
prohibited   by   law,   is   his   MENTAL   CAPACITY   to   years  old  
understand   the   difference   between   right   and    
wrong,  and  such  capacity  may  be  known  and  should   Issue:   WON   petitioner   is   exempt   from   criminal  
be   determined   by   taking   into   consideration   all   the   liability   and   entitled   to   suspension   of   sentence  
facts   and   circumstances   afforded   by   the   records   in   under  sec  38,  40  of  RA  9344    
each   case,   the   very   appearance,   the   very   attitude,    
the   very   comportment   and   behavior   of   said   minor,   Held:   NO.   Since   he   is   above   15but   below   18,   finding  
not   only   before   and   during   the   commission   of   the   of   discernment   is   necessary   to   determine  
act,  but  also  after  and  even  during  the  trial.   exemption  from  criminal  liability.  His  act  of  waiting  
  for   victim’s   parents   before   defiling   her   and  
Rañeses  108  
threating   to   kick   her   if   she   shouts   prove   that   the   2. With  due  care;  
petitioner  can  differentiate  b/w  right  and  wrong.   3. He   causes   an   injury   to   another   by  
  mere  accident;  
Sec  38  and  40  can  no  longer  be  availed  since  by  the   4. Without  fault  or  intention  of  causing  
time   sentence   was   imposed,   he   was   already   22   it.    
years   old.   Sec   40   provides   that     if   the   child   in   2. Accident:   something   that   happens   outside  
conflict  with  law  has  reached  18  years  while  under   the   sway   of   our   will,   and   although   it   comes  
suspended   sentence,   the   court   can   determine   about   through   some   act   of   our   will,   lies  
whether   to   discharge   the   child   in   accordance   with   beyond   the   bounds   of   humanly   forseeable  
the   act   or   to   order   execution   of   sentence   or   to   consequences.    
suspend   the   sentence   for   a   certain   period   until   the   1. Presupposes   lack   of   intention   to  
child  reaches  maximum  age  of  21  years.   commit  the  wrong  done.    
  3. Accident  and  negligence  are  intrinsically  
Sierra   v.   People   of   the   Philippines,   G.R.   No.   contradictory.    
182941  (2009)   1. Accident:   a   fortuitive   (sic)  
Facts:    Petitioner  was  15  years  old  when  he  raped  a   circumstance,   event   or   happening;  
minor.   He   was   convicted   of   rape   where   penalty   was   an   event   happening   without   any  
reclusion  perpetua  and  a  fine.  During  the  pendency   human   agency,   or   if   happening  
of   appeal   to   CA,   RA   9344   took   effect.   CA   affirmed   wholly   or   partly   through   human  
the   conviction   and   denied   the   defense   of   minority   agency,   an   event   which   under   the  
since   age   was   not   established   by   presenting   birth   circumstance   is   unusual   or  
certificate   but   only   alleged   testimonies   of   petitioner   unexpected   by   the   person   to   whom  
and  his  mother.  According  to  them,  burden  of  proof   it  happen.    
of  age  is  upon  the  prosecution   2. Negligence:   failure   to   observe,   for  
  the   protection   of   the   interest   of  
Issue:  Who  has  the  burden  of  proof  in  establishing   another   person,   that   degree   of   care,  
age   of   accused   and   can   RA   9344   be   given   precaution   and   vigilance   which   the  
retroactive  application?   circumstances   justly   demand  
  without   which   such   other   person  
Held:   Minority   is   usually   established   through   birth   suffers  injury.    
certificate   of   the   child,   baptismal   certificate,    
testimonies   of   other   persons   and   physical   People  v.  Bindoy,  56  Phil.  15  (1931)  
appearance.  In  case  of  doubt,  minority  should  be  in   Facts:  On  May  6,  1930,  Donato  Bindoy  offered  some  
favor   of   the   child.   Minority   in   this   case   was   tuba   to   Tibay,   Faustino   Pacas'   wife.   She   refused   and  
established   by   testimonies   of   he   petitioner   and   his   Bindoy   threatened   to   injure   her   if   she   did   not  
mother.   This   was   not   objected   to   by   prosecution   accept.   Pacas   stepped   in   to   defend   his   wife   and  
and  did  not  even  present  contrary  evidence.     attempted   to   take   away   from   Bindoy   the   bolo   he  
  carried.   The   disturbance   attracted   the   attention   of  
Law   should   be   given   retroactive   effect   since   it   is   Emigdio   Omamdam.   In   the   course   of   the   struggle,  
favorable  to  the  accused  as  provided  for  by  the  RPC.   Bindoy   succeeded   in   disengaging   himself   from  
Case   is   dismissed   and   petitioner   is   referred   to   Pacas,   wrenching   the   bolo   from   the   latter's   hand,  
appropriate  local  social  welfare.   with   such   violence   that   the   point   of   the   bolo  
  reached   Omamdam's   chest,   who   was   then   behind  
Negligence   Bindoy.   The   trial   court   held   that   Bindoy   was   guilty  
Reyes:   of  the  crime  of  homicide.  Bindoy  appealed,  alleging  
1. Elements:   that   the   death   of   Omamdam   was   caused  
1. A  person  is  performing  a  lawful  act;   accidentally  and  without  malicious  intent.  
Rañeses  109  
  Facts:   On   January   26,   1909,   Cecilio   Tanedo,   a  
Issue:   WON   the   crime   of   which   Bindoy   was   found   landowner,  went  with  some  workers  to  work  on  the  
guilty  of  can  be  mitigated  on  the  ground  of  accident.   dam  on  his  land,  carrying  with  him  his  shotgun  &  a  
  few   shells.   Upon   reaching   the   dam,   the   accused  
Held:  Yes.  Decision  is  reversed.  Bindoy  is  acquitted   went  on  his  way  to  hunt  for  wild  chickens,  meeting  
according   to   Article   8,   No.   8   of   the   Revised   Penal   the   victim,   Feliciano   Sanchez,   the   latter's   Mother   &  
Code   Uncle.   The   accused   went   into   the   forest   upon   the  
  recommendation   of   the   deceased   to   continue   his  
1. There   is   no   evidence   to   show   that   Bindoy   search   for   the   elusive   wild   chickens.   Upon   seeing  
deliberately   and   intentionally   killed   one,  Tanedo  shot  one,  but  simultaneously,  he  heard  
Omamdam.   a  human  cry  out  in  pain.    After  seeing  that  Sanchez  
• No  evidence  that  Omamdam  took  part  in   was  wounded,  Tanedo  ran  back  to  his  workers  and  
the  fight  between  Bindoy  and  Pacas.   asked   one,   Bernardino   Tagampa,   to   help   him   hide  
• No   evidence   that   Bindoy   was   aware   of   the  body,  which  they  did  by  putting  it  amidst  the  tall  
Omamdam's  presence.   cogon   grass,   &   later   burying   in   an   old   well.   Only   1  
• No   evidence   that   there   was   shot   was   heard   that   morning   &   a   chicken   was   killed  
disagreement   or   ill   feelings   between   by   a   gunshot   wound.   Chicken   feathers   were   found  
Bindoy   &   Omamdam.   On   the   contrary,   at   the   scene   of   the   crime.   There   was   no   enmity  
they   were   nephew   &   uncle,   &   were   on   between  the  accused  and  the  deceased.  Prior  to  the  
good  terms  with  each  other.   trial,   the   accused   denied   all   knowledge   of   the   crime,  
2. The   witness   for   the   defense   corroborates   but   later   confessed   during   the   trial.   The   lower   court  
the   defendant   to   the   effect   that   Pacas   and   found  the  accused  guilty  of  homicide,  having  invited  
Bindoy   were   actually   struggling   for   the   the   deceased   into   the   forest   &   intentionally  
possession   of   the   bolo,   and   that   when   the   shooting  him  in  the  chest.  Accused  was  sentenced  to  
latter   let   go,   the   former   had   pulled   so   14   yrs,   8   mos   &   1   day   of   reclusion   temporal,  
violently   that   it   flew   towards   Omamdam,   accessories,   indemnifications   &   costs.   The   accused  
who   was   therefore   hit   in   the   chest,   without   appealed.  
Bindoy's   seeing   him,   because   Omamdam    
had   passed   behind   him.   The   testimony   of   Issue:  WON  the  accused  is  guilty  
this   witness   was   not   contradicted   by   any    
rebuttal  evidence  adduced  by  the  fiscal.   Held:   No.   The   idea   that   Tanedo   intended   to   kill  
3. If,   in   the   struggle,   the   defendant   had   Sanchez  is  negated  by  the  fact  that  the  chicken  and  
attempted   to   wound   his   opponent,   and   the   man   were   shot   at   the   same   time,   there   having  
instead   of   doing   so,   had   wounded   only  one  shot  fired.  Also,  according  to:  
Omamdam,   he   would   be   liable   for   his   act,   • Article   1   of   the   Penal   Code:   Crimes   or  
since  whoever  willfully  commits  a  felony  or   misdemeanors   are   voluntary   acts   and  
a   misdemeanor   incurs   criminal   liability,   omissions  punished  by  law…  
although   the   wrongful   act   done   is   different   • Article   8:   He   who   while   performing   a   legal  
from  that  which  he  intended.   act   with   due   care,   causes   some   injury   by  
  mere   accident   without   liability   or   intention  
This  is  not  the  case  here.  Bindoy  did  not  try   of  causing  it.  
to   wound   Pacas.   He   was   only   trying   to   • Section  57  of  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure:  A  
defend   his   possession   of   the   bolo,   which   defendant   in   a   criminal   action   shall   be  
Pacas  was  trying  to  wrench  away  from  him.   presumed   to   be   innocent   until   the   contrary  
His  conduct  was  perfectly  lawful.   is  proved,  and  in  case  of  a  reasonable  doubt  
  that  his  guilt  is  satisfactorily  shown  he  shall  
U.S.  v.  Tanedo,  15  Phil.  196  (1910)   be  entitled  to  an  acquittal.  
Rañeses  110  
  possession   of   the   gun   while   the   left   hand   was  
In   this   case   there   is   no   evidence   of   negligence   on   warding   off   Balboa.   Under   such   circumstance,  
the   part   of   the   accused,   nor   is   it   disputed   that   the   Pomoy   could   not   have   coolly   and   effectively  
accused   was   engaged   in   a   legal   act,   nor   is   there   released  the  safety  lock,  aim  and  fire  at  Balboa.  The  
evidence   that   the   accused   intended   to   kill   the   grappling   was   fierce   and   vicious.   The   logical  
deceased.  The  only  thing  suspicious  is  his  denial  of   conclusion   is   the   safety   lock   was   released   through  
the  act  and  his  concealment  of  the  body.   the   scuffle   and   accidentally   fired   as   the   .45   pistol  
  immediately   replaces   the   empty   bullet   with   a   new  
The  court  quoted  State  vs.  Legg:  "Where  accidental   one  making  it  prone  to  accident/  The  location  of  the  
killing  is  relied  upon  as  a  defense,  the  accused  is  not   wound  cannot  be  taken  into  account  as  the  nozzle’s  
required   to   prove   such   a   defense   by   a   direction   was   continuously   changing   in     the  
preponderance   of   the   evidence,   because   there   is   a   struggle.   His   defense   of   the   possession   of   his   gun  
denial  of  intentional  killing,  and  the  burden  is  upon   was   a   lawful   act.   No   intent   or   negligence   was  
the  state  to  show  that  it  was  intentional,  and  if,  from   proven   and   he   even   had   precautionary   measures    
a   consideration   of   all   the   evidence,   both   that   for   the   keeping   the   gun   in   the   holster.   The   circumstance  
state   and   the   prisoner,   there   is   a   reasonable   doubt   was   beyond   the   control   of   Pomoy.   Pomoy   is  
as   to   whether   or   not   the   killing   was   accidental   or   AQUITTED.  
intentional,  the  jury  should  acquit."    
  Irresistible  force/Uncontrollable  fear  
Court   held   that   the   evidence   was   insufficient   to   Reyes:  
support  the  judgment  of  conviction.   1. Irresistible  force  
  1. Elements:  
Decision:   Judgment   of   Conviction   is   reversed,   the   1. That   the   compulsion   is   by  
accused  acquitted,  and  discharged  from  custody.   means  of  physical  force.    
  2. That  the  physical  force  must  
Pomoy  v.  People,  439  SCRA  439  (2004)   be  irresistible.    
Facts:   Balboa   was   arrested   for   being   one   of   the   3. That  the  physical  force  must  
suspects  in  a  robbery.  Sergeant  Pomoy  went  to  the   come  from  a  third  person.    
cell   of   Balboa   and   started   to   escort   him   to   the   2. Passion   or   obfuscation   cannot   be  
investigation   room.   When   they   reached   the   main   irresistible  force.    
building,   2   gunshots   were   heard   and   Pomoy   was   3. Basis:  complete  absence  of  freedom  
still   holding   the   gun   with   Balboa   lying   in   a   pool   of   2. Uncontrollable  fear  
blood   dead.   The   lone   witness   said   that   Pomoy   and   1. Elements:  
Balboa   were   grappling   possession   of   the   gun   with   1. That  the  threat  which  causes  
Pomoy’s  right  hand  on  the  handle  with  Balboas  left   the   fear   is   of   an   evil   greater  
hand   over   the   right   hand   of   Pomoy   and   such   hand   than  or  at  least  equal  to,  that  
positions   did   not   change   when   the   gun   was   out   of   which   he   is   required   to  
the  holster.  The  witness  did  not  see  who  pulled  the   commit;  
trigger.   Pomoy   was   convicted   of   homicide   by   the   2. That   is   promises   an   evil   of  
trial   court   and   affirmed   by   the   Court   of   Appeals   such   gravity   and   imminence  
because  he  was  said  to  have  control  of  the  gun  as  he   that   the   ordinary   man   would  
held  it  and  2  shots  were  fired.   have  succumbed  to  it.    
  2. Duress   as   a   valid   defense   should  
Issue:  WON  Pomoy  had  control  of  the  gun.   be   based   on   real,   imminent   or  
  reasonable   fear   for   one’s   life   or  
Held:   The   testimony   of   the   witness   showed   that   limb   and   should   not   be  
Pomoy’s   right   hand   was   trying   to   maintain  
Rañeses  111  
speculative   fanciful   or   remote   when   the   burial   took   place.   Their   failure   to   report  
fear.     the   crime   is   not   an   offense   punished   by   the   Penal  
3. The   accused   must   not   have   Code.    
opportunity   for   escape   or   self-­‐  
defense.   A   threat   of   future   injury   is   United  States  v.  Exaltacion,  3  Phil.  339  (1904)  
not  enough.  The  compulsion  must  be   Facts:   On   March   26,   1903,   Liberate   Exaltacion   and  
of   such   character   as   to   leave   no   Buenaventura   Tanchinco   were   charged   with  
opportunity   to   the   accused   for   rebellion   –   willfully   and   illegally   bound   themselves  
escape  or  self-­‐defense.     to  take  part  in  a  rebellion  against  the  government  of  
4. Speculative,   fanciful   and   remote   the  US,  swearing  allegiance  to  the  Katipunan  Society  
fear  is  not  uncontrollable  fear.     (whose  purpose  was  to  overthrow  the  government  
5. In   irresistible   force,   the   offender   by   force   of   arms).   Exaltacion   and   Tanchinco   claim  
uses   violence   or   physical   force   to   that  they  were  captured  by  armed  bandits  and  were  
compel   another   erson   to   commit   compelled   to   sign   documents   (containing   oath  
a  rime;  in  uncontrollable  fear,  the   taken   in   the   name   of   God   and   a   covenant   to   carry  
offender   employs   intimidation   or   out   superior   orders   of   the   Katipunan   Society   and  
threat   in   compelling   another   to   never  disobey  them  until  their  death  in  the  defense  
commit  a  crime.     of   the   mother   country)   under   threat   of   death.  
6. Basis:  complete  absence  of  freedom.     Exaltacion   and   Tanchinco   reported   the   incident   to  
  the   governor,   lieutenant   of   volunteers   and   the  
United  States  v.  Caballeros,  4  Phil.  350  (1905)   president  of  Meycauayan.  Witnesses  testified  to  this  
Facts:  Robert  Baculi  and  Apolonio  Caballeros  were   fact  as  well.  
convicted   as   accessories   to   the   crime   of    
assassination   or   murder   of   four   American   school-­‐ Issue:    
teachers,  having  buried  the  corpses  of  the  victims  to   1. WON  the  defendants  are  guilty  of  the  crime  
conceal  the  crime.  They  were  allegedly  coerced.   of  rebellion    
  2. WON   defendants   incur   criminal   liability  
Issue:  WON  the  defense  under  Art12(5)  is  tenable   when  they  signed  the  documents?  
Held:   Yes.   Not   only   is   Baculi’s   confession   that   he   Held:  No.  The  evidence  for  the  prosecution  and  the  
only   assisted   in   the   burial   of   the   corpses   because   he   documents  signed  by  the  accused  is  not  sufficient  to  
was   compelled   by   the   murderers,   but   this   was   prove   the   guilt   of   the   latter   or   to   justify   the  
corroborated   by   the   only   eyewitness   to   the   crime,   imposition  upon  them  of  the  penalty  inflicted  by  the  
Sabate.   Sabate   said   that   he   was   present   when   the   judgment  of  the  court  below.  The  facts,  established  
Americans   were   killed;   that   Baculi   was   not   a   by   the   evidence,   that   the   defendants   were  
member   of   the   group   of   murderers   but   he   was   in   kidnapped   by   brigands   who   belonged   to   the  
the  banana  plantation  gathering  some  bananas;  that   Contreras   Band,   and   that   they   signed   the   said  
when   he   heard   the   shots   he   began   to   run;   that   he   documents   under   compulsion   and   while   in  
was,   however,   seen   by   Damaso   and   Isidro,   the   captivity,   relieve   them   from   all   criminal   liability  
leaders  of  the  band;  that  the  latter  called  to  him  and   from   the   crime   of   rebellion   of   which   they   are  
striking  him  with  the  butts  of  their  guns  forced  him   charged.   The   conduct   of   the   defendants   in  
to  bury  the  corpses.  As  for  Caballeros,  there  was  no   presenting  themselves  to  the  authorities  as  soon  as  
proof   that   he   took   any   part   in   the   execution   of   the   they   were   released   is   corroborative   of   their  
crime;   there   was   conclusive   proof   to   the   contrary.   innocence.   Guilt   of   defendants   was   not   established  
Sabate   and   Baculi   declared   that   Caballeros   did   not   beyond  reasonable  doubt.  
take  any  part  in  the  burial  of  the  aforesaid  corpses,    
nor   was   he   even   in   the   place   of   the   occurrence   Insuperable  cause  
Rañeses  112  
Reyes:   2. Other   absolutory   causes.   Aside   from   the  
1. Elements:   justifying   and   exempting   circumstances,  
1. That  an  act  is  required  by  law  to  be   there  are  also  other  absolutory  causes  (Arts.  
done;   6,  20,  124,  247,  280,  332,  344)    
2. That   a   person   fails   to   perform   such   3. Instigation  is  an  absolutory  cause.    
act;   1. Must   be   made   by   public   officers   or  
3. That   his   failure   to   perform   such   act   private  detectives  
was   due   to   some   lawful   or   4. Entrapment  is  not  an  absolutory  cause.    
insuperable  cause.     5. There   is   a   wide   difference   between  
2. Basis:  Absence  of  intent.     entrapment   and   instigation,   for   while   in  
  the   latter   case   the   instigator   practically  
U.S.  v.  Vicentillo,  19  Phil.  118    (1911)   induces   the   would-­‐be   accused   into   the  
Facts:   Municipal   Pres.   Vicentillo   was   found   guilty   of   commission   of   the   offense   and   himself  
illegal   and   arbitrary   detention   after   detaining   Ney   become   a   co-­‐principal,   in   entrapment,  
for   three   days   without   bringing   the   latter   to   the   ways   and   means   are   resorted   to   for   the  
proper  judicial  authority  for  trial.     purpose   of   trapping   and   capturing   the  
  lawbreaker   in   the   execution   of   his  
Issue:     WON   Pres.   acted   arbitrarily   and   without   criminal  plan.    
legal  authority  in  such  detainment   6. There   is   neither   instigation   nor  
  entrapment  when  the  violation  of  the  law  
Held:   No.   It   was   conclusively   proven   that   neither   is  simply  discovered.    
the  local  justice  of  the  peace  nor  his  auxiliary  were   7. Assurance   of   immunity   by   a   public  
in   the   municipality,   and   to   reach   the   justice   of   the   officer   does   not   exempt   a   person   from  
peace   of   either   of   the   two   adjoining   municipalities,   criminal  liability.    
it  was  necessary  to  take  a  long  journey  by  boat.      
  People  v.  Lua  Chu,  56  Phil.  44  (1931)  
People  v.  Bandian,  63  Phil.  530  (1936)   Background   of   Case:   On   Nov.   1929,   Uy   Se   Tieng,  
Facts:   Josefina   was   seen   going   to   the   bushes   was   the   consignee   of   the   Shipments   of   Opium  
coming  from  Hongkong,  who  represented  agents  of  
apparently  to  respond  to  a  call  of  nature.  When  she  
the   real   Owners   of   Shipments   of   Opium   containing  
emerged   from   the   bushes   her   clothes   were   stained   3,252   tins.     He   collaborated   w/   Samson   &   Natividad  
with  blood  and  she  was  weak  and  dizzy.  Neighbors   of   the   Customs   by   paying   them   an   amount   of   P6K  
helped   her   go   up   to   her   house   and   later   found   a   for  the  opium  to  be  released  safely  from  Customs.    
dead  newborn  in  the  bushes.     On  Dec.  1929,  upon  arrival  of  the  Shipment  of  Opium  
  in   the   ports   of   Cebu,   Uy   Se   Tieng   informed   Samson  
Issue:  WON  she  is  guilty  of    infanticide   that   the   former   consult   the   real   owners   on   how   to  
proceed   the   payment   of   P6K   &   will   come   over   to  
Samson   house   on   Dec.   17,   1929   to   inform   the  
Held:   No.     Evidence   does   not   show   that   she   decision  of  the  owners.  
willfully,   consciously   or   imprudently   left   her   child    
when   she   was   continuously   ill,   dizzy,   and   On   the   same   day   Samson   informed   the  
inexperienced  as  to  childbirth.   Constabulary  represented  by  Captain  Buencosejo  &  
  the   Provincial   Fiscal   requesting   a   stenographer   to  
take   down   the   conversation   between   Samson   &   Uy  
Instigation  and  entrapment  
Se  Teung.  
1. Absolutory   causes:   those   where   the   act   On   the   night   of   Dec.   17,   1929,   Captain   Buencosejo  
committed   is   a   crime   but   for   reasons   of   and  a  stenographer  named  Jumapao  from  a  law  firm  
public   policy   and   sentiment   there   is   no   and  hid  themselves  behind  the  curtains  in  the  house  
penalty  imposed.     of   Samson   to   witness   the   conversation   between  
Samson,  Uy  Se  Teung  and  Lua  Chu.  
Rañeses  113  
Captain   Buencosejo   &   Jumapao   noted   the   ff.   ordered  the  opium  
important  facts:   without  the  consent  or  
1. Uy  Se  Teung  informed  Samson  that  Lua  Chu  was   participation  of  Juan  
one  of  the  owners  of  the  Opium.   Samson.  
2. Lua   Chu   informed   Samson   that   aside   from   him,   • Did  not  help  the  accused  
there   were   co-­‐owners   named   Tan   and   another   to  successfully  
located  in  Amoy.     implement  there  plan  
3. Lua   Chu   promised   to   pay   the   P6,000   upon   rather,  Samson  assured  
delivery  of  the  opium  from  the  warehouse  of  Uy   the  seizure  of  the  
Se  Tieng.       imported  drug  and  the  
4. A   Customs   Collector   had   a   conversation   before   arrest  of  the  smugglers.    
when   Samson   was   on   vacation   in   Europe,   with   Trial  judge   Not  one  of  the  means  
Lua  Chu  and  agreed  on  the  business  of  shipping   refusal  of   prescribed  in  section  342  of  
the  Opium.         exclusion  of   the  Code  of  Civil  Procedures  
The   following   morning   Uy   Se   Tieng   and  companion,   Juan  Samson  in  
Uy   Ay   presented   papers   to   Samson   &   Captain   the  witness  
Buencosejo   showed   up   &   caught   them   in   the   act   &   stand  even  
arrested   the   two   Chinese.     The   Constabulary   then   though  he  was  
arrested   Lua   Chu   &   confiscated   P50K   worth   of   already  
Opium  (3,252  tins).   dismissed  from  
Facts  of  Case:  An  Appeal  was  made  by  Uy  Se  Tieng   the  Customs  
&   Lua   Chu   &   made   10   assignments   of   errors   made   secret  service  
by  the  TC  in  its  judgment.   In  accepting   1. The  transcript  contains  
  the  transcript   certain  admissions  made  by  
Appelant’s   Held   taken  down  by   the  defendants.  
Point  of   Jumapao  as  the   2. Stenographer  attested  that  
Defense   true  &  correct   it  was  faithfully  taken  down.    
Juan  Samson   1. A  public  official  shall  be   conversation   3. Corroborated  by  statement  
induced  the   involved  in  the  crime  if:   between  Juan   of  Juan  Statement  in  the  
defendants  to   • He  induces  a  person  to   Samson  &  Uy   court.  
import  the   commit  a  crime  for   Se  Tieng  
opium.   personal  gain    
  • Does  not  take  the   Concluding  Remarks:  
necessary  steps  to  seize   Entrapment  
the  instrument  of  the   1. The   practice   of   entrapping   persons   into   crime  
crime  and  to  arrest  the   for   the   purpose   of   instituting   criminal  
offenders  before  he   prosecutions  
obtained  the  profits  in   2. It   is   a   scheme   or   technique   ensuring   the  
mind.   apprehension   of   the   criminals   by   being   in   the  
• He  obtained  the  profits  in   actual  crime  scene.      
mind  even  through   3. The  law  officers  shall  not  be  guilty  to  the  crime  if  
afterwards  does  take  the   he  have  done  the  following:  
necessary  steps  seize  the   a. He   does   not   induce   a   person   to   commit   a  
instrument  of  the  crime   crime   for   personal   gain   or   is   not   involved   in  
&  to  arrest  the  offenders.   the  planning  of  the  crime.    
2. Even  though  Juan  Samson   b. Does   take   the   necessary   steps   to   seize   the  
smoothed  the  way  for  the   instrument   of   the   crime   and   to   arrest   the  
introduction  of  the   offenders   before   he   obtained   the   profits   in  
prohibited  drugs,  the  ff   mind.  
should  be  noted  that  held    
Samson  not  guilty  for  the   Instigation:   This   is   the   involvement   of   a   law   officer  
crime:   in  the  crime  itself  in  the  following  manners:  
• The  accused  have  already   a. He   induces   a   person   to   commit   a   crime   for  
planned  and  actually   personal  gain  
Rañeses  114  
b. Doesn’t   take   the   necessary   steps   to   seize   the   1. Ordinary   mitigating   –   those  
instrument  of  the  crime  &  to  arrest  the  offenders   enumerated   in   subsections   1   to   10  
before  he  obtained  the  profits  in  mind.   of  Art.  13.    
c. He   obtained   the   profits   in   mind   even   through    
afterwards   does   take   the   necessary   steps   seize   Those   mentioned   in   subsection   1  
the   instrument   of   the   crime   and   to   arrest   the   of   Art.   13   are   ordinary   mitigating  
offenders.   circumstances,   if   Art.   69,   for  
  instance  is  not  applicable.    
United  States  v.  Phelps,  16  Phil.  440  (1910)   2. Privileged  mitigating  –    
Facts:   BIR   employee   Smith   (under   the   guise   of   a. Art.  68.  Penalty  to  be  imposed  
Lockwood)   came   to   Phelps’   house   and   asked   if   upon  a  person  under  eighteen  
Phelps   knew   anyone   who   could   assist   Smith   to   years  of  age.   When  the  offender  
smoke   opium.   Smith   acted   like   he   was   having   is   a   minor   under   eighteen   years  
convulsions   and   he   needed   to   smoke   opium   but   of   age   and   his   case   falls   under  
refused   to   be   brought   to   the   hospital,   so   Phelps   the   provisions   of   the   Juvenile  
helped  him  find  a  Chinaman  who  prepared  opium.       Justice   and   Welfare   Act,   the  
  following   rules   shall   be  
At  the  opium  house,  a  Chinaman  gave  them  a  pipe  of   observed:  
opium,   which   Smith   took   as   evidence   to   get   a   (1) A   person   under   fifteen  
warrant   of   arrest.   Phelps   was   arrested   40   minutes   years   of   age,   and   a  
later.     person   over   fifteen   and  
  under   eighteen   years   of  
The  Chinaman  testified  that  he  prepared  the  opium   age   who   acted   without  
after  repeated  demands  by  Smith.     discernment,   are   exempt  
  from  criminal  liability;  
Issue:  WON  Phelps  was  instigated   (2) Upon   a   person   over  
  fifteen   and   under  
Held:   Yes.     Smith   not   only   suggested   but   also   stated   eighteen   years   of   age  
that   he   desired   to   commit   the   offense   and   would   who   acted   with  
pay   the   expense   necessary   for   the   commission   of   discernment,   the   penalty  
the  act.     next   lower   than   that  
  prescribed   by   law   shall  
When   an   employee   of   the   Government   encourages   be   imposed,   but   always  
or   induces   persons   to   commit   a   crime   in   order   to   in  the  proper  period.  (As  
prosecute   them,   such   conduct   is   most   amended   by   RA   No.  
reprehensible.     9344)    
  b. Art.  69.  Penalty  to  be  imposed  
Phelps   is   not   guilty.   The   judgment   of   the   lower   when   the   crime   committed   is  
court  is  reversed  and  the  appellant  acquitted.   not   wholly   excusable.   A  
  penalty   lower   by   one   or   two  
C. Mitigating  Circumstances   degrees   than   that   prescribed   by  
Reyes:   law  shall  be  imposed  if  the  deed  
1. Mitigating   circumstances   are   those   is   not   wholly   excusable   for  
which,   if   present   in   the   commission   of   reason  of  the  lack  of  some  of  the  
the   crime,   do   not   entirely   free   the   actor   conditions  required  to  justify  the  
from   criminal   liability,   but   serve   only   to   same  or  to  exempt  from  criminal  
seduce  the  penalty.     liability   x   x   x,   provided   that   the  
2. Basis:   Mitigating   circumstances   are   based   majority   of   such   conditions   be  
on   the   diminution   of   either   freedom   of   present.    
action,   intelligence,   or   intent,   or   on   the   c. Art.   64.   Rules   for   the  
lesser  perversity  of  the  offender.     application   of   penalties   which  
3. Classes  of  mitigating  circumstances.   contain  three  periods.  In  cases  
in   which   the   penalties  
prescribed   by   law   contain   three  
Rañeses  115  
periods,   whether   it   be   a   single   6. Mitigating  circumstances  only  reduce  the  
divisible  penalty  or  composed  of   penalty,   but   do   not   change   the   nature   of  
three   different   penalties,   each   the  crime.    
one   of   which   forms   a   period   x   x   • Where   the   accused   is   charged   with  
x,   the   courts   shall   observe   for   murder,   as   when   treachery   as   a  
the  application  of  the  penalty  the   qualifying  circumstance  is  alleged  in  the  
following   rules,   according   to   information,   the   fact   that   there   is   a  
whether   there   are   or   are   not   generic   or   privileged   mitigating  
mitigating   or   aggravating   circumstance  does  not  change  the  felony  
circumstances:     or  homicide.    
  • If   there   is   any   ordinary   or   generic  
x  x  x.       mitigating   circumstance,   not   offset   by  
  any   aggravating   circumstance,   the  
(5)  When  there  are  two  or  more   accused   should   be   found   guilty   of   the  
mitigating  circumstances  and  no   same   crime   of   murder,   but   the   penalty  
aggravating   circumstances   are   to   be   imposed   is   reduced   to   the  
present,   the   court   shall   impose   minimum  of  the  penalty  for  murder.    
the   penalty   next   lower   to   that   • If   there   is   a   privileged   mitigating  
prescribed   by   law,   in   the   period   circumstance,   the   penalty   for   murder  
that   it   may   deem   applicable,   will   be   reduced   by   one   or   two   degrees  
according   to   the   number   and   lower.    
nature  of  such  circumstances.     • In   every   case,   the   accused   should   be  
  held  guilty  for  murder.    
x  x  x.     • The   judgment   of   the   trial   court   that   the  
4. Privileged   mitigating   circumstances   mitigating  circumstance  of  non-­‐habitual  
applicable  only  to  particular  crimes.     drunkenness   changes   the   felony   to  
1. Voluntary   release   of   the   person   homicide   is   erroneous,   because  
illegally   detained   within   3   days   treachery   is   alleged   in   the   information  
without   the   offender   attaining   his   and   the   crime   committed   by   the  
purpose  and  before  the  institution  of   appellant   is   that   of   murder.   The  
criminal   action.   (Art.   268,   par.   3)   mitigating   circumstance   reduces   the  
The  penalty  is  one  degree  lower.     penalty   provided   by   law   but   does   not  
2. Abandonment   without   justification   change   the   nature   of   the   crime.   (People  
of   the   spouse   who   committed   v.  Talam,  C.A.,  56  O.G.  3654)    
adultery.   (Art.   333,   par.   3)   The    
penalty  is  one  degree  lower.    
RPC,  Art.  13  
5. Distinctions.    
1. Ordinary   mitigating   circumstance   is   Mitigating   circumstances.   -­‐   The   following   are  
susceptible   of   being   offset   by   any   mitigating  circumstances:  
aggravating   circumstance;   while  
privileged   mitigating   cannot   be   1.  Those  mentioned  in  the  preceding  chapter,  when  
offset  by  aggravating  circumstance.     all   the   requisites   necessary   to   justify   the   act   or   to  
2. Ordinary   mitigating,   if   not   offset   by   exempt   from   criminal   liability   in   the   respective  
an   aggravating   circumstance,   cases  are  not  attendant.  
produces   only   the   effect   of   applying  
the   penalty   provided   by   law   for   the   2.   That   the   offender   is   under   eighteen   years   of   age  
crime   in   its   minimum   period,   in   case   or   over   seventy   years.   In   the   case   of   the   minor,   he  
of   divisible   penalty;   whereas   shall   be   proceeded   against   in   accordance   with   the  
privileged   mitigating   produces   the   provisions  of  article  80.  
effect  of  imposing  upon  the  offender  
the   penalty   lower   by   one   or   two   3.  That  the  offender  had  no  intention  to  commit  so  
degrees  that  that  provided  by  law  for   grave  a  wrong  as  that  committed.  
the  crime.      
Rañeses  116  
4.   That   sufficient   provocation   or   threat   on   the   part   § Uncontrollable  fear.  (Art.  12,    
of  the  offended  party  immediately  preceded  the  act.   par.  6)    
2. Same.   When   all   the   requisites  
5.   That   the   act   was   committed   in   the   immediate   necessary  to  justify  the  act  are  not  
vindication  of  a  grave  offense  to  the  one  committing   attendant.    
the   felony   (delito)   his   spouse,   ascendants,   § Incomplete   self-­‐defense,  
descendants,   legitimate,   natural   or   adopted   defense   of   relatives,   and  
brothers  or  sisters  or  relatives  by  affinity  within  the   defense  of  stranger.  Unlawful  
same  degrees.   aggression   must   be   present,  
it   being   an   indispensable  
6.  That  of  having  acted  upon  an  impulse  so  powerful   requisite.   What   is   absent   is  
as   naturally   to   have   produced   passion   or   either  one  or  both  of  the  last  
obfuscation.   two  requisites.    
3. Same.   Par.   1   is   applicable   only  
7.   That   the   offender   had   voluntarily   surrendered   when   unlawful   aggression   is  
himself   to   a   person   in   authority   or   his   agents,   or   present   but   the   other   two  
that   he   had   voluntarily   confessed   his   guilt   before   requisites   are   not   in   any   of   the  
the   court   prior   to   the   presentation   of   the   evidence   cases  referred  to  in  circumstances  
for  the  prosecution.   Nos.  1,  2  and  3  of  Art.  11.    
§ Art.   13,   par.   1,   applies   only  
8.   That   the   offender   is   deaf   and   dumb,   blind   or   when   unlawful   aggression   is  
otherwise   suffering   some   physical   defect   which   present,   but   the   other   two  
thus   restricts   his   means   of   action,   defense,   or   requisites   are   not   present.  
communication  with  his  fellow  beings.   (Guevara)  
§ When   two   of   the   three  
9.  Such  illness  of  the  offender  as  would  diminish  the   requisites  mentioned  therein  
exercise   of   the   will-­‐power   of   the   offender   without   are   present   (for   example,  
however  depriving  him  of  consciousness  of  his  acts.   unlawful  aggression  and  any  
one   of   the   other   two),   the  
10.  And,  finally,  any  other  circumstance  of  a  similar   case  must  not  be  considered  
nature  and  analogous  to  those  above  mentioned.   as   one   in   which   an   ordinary  
  or   generic   mitigating  
  circumstance   is   present.  
Reyes:     Instead,   it   should   be  
1. Par.   1.   “Those   mentioned   in   the   considered   a   privileged  
preceding  chapter.”   mitigating   circumstance  
1. Refers   to   justifying   and   exempting   referred   to   in   Art.   69   of   this  
circumstances.     Code.    
§ Self-­‐defense  (Art.  11,  par.  1);   § If   there   is   no   unlawful  
§ Defense  of  relatives  (Art.  11,   aggression,   there   could   be  
par.  2);   no  self-­‐defense  or  defense  of  
§ Defense   of   stranger   (Art.   11,   a  relative,  whether  complete  
par.  3);     or  incomplete.    
§ State   of   necessity   (Art.   11,   4. Same.   Incomplete   justifying  
par.  4);   circumstance   of   avoidance   of  
§ Performance   of   duty   (Art.   greater  evil  or  injury.  If  any  of  the  
11,  par.  5);   last   two   requisites   is   absent,   there   is  
§ Obedience   to   order   of   only  a  mitigating  circumstance.    
superior  (Art.  11,  par.  6);   5. Same.   Incomplete   justifying  
§ Minority   over   9   and   under   circumstance   of   performance   of  
15  years  of  age  (Art.  12,  par.   duty.   Since   the   Supreme   Court  
3);   considered  one  of  the  two  requisites  
§ Causing   injury   by   mere   as  constituting  the  majority,  it  seems  
accident  (Art.  12,  par.  4);  and     that   there   is   no   ordinary   mitigating  
Rañeses  117  
circumstance   under   Art.   13,   par.   1,   background   without   resulting   to   formal  
when   the   justifying   or   exempting   court   proceedings.   (Section   4[j],   Rep.   Act.  
circumstance   has   two   requisites   No.  9344)  
6. Same.   When   all   the   requisites   “Diversion   Program”   refers   to   the   program  
necessary   to   exempt   from   that   the   child   in   conflict   with   the   law   is  
criminal   liability   are   not   required   to   undergo   after   he/she   is   found  
attendant.     responsible   for   an   offense   without   resorting  
7. Same.   Incomplete   exempting   to   formal   court   proceedings.   (Section   4[j],  
circumstance   of   minority   over   9   Rep.  Act.  No.  9344)  
and   under   15   years   of   age.   The   4. Same.   System   of   Diversion.   Children   in  
case   of   a   minor   invoking   this   conflict  with  the  law  shall  undergo  diversion  
circumstance   is   specifically   covered   procceedings   without   undergoing   court  
by  Art.  68.     proceedings   subject   to   the   following  
8. Same.   Incomplete   exempting   conditions:  
circumstance   of   accident.   If   the   1. Imposable   penalty   is   not   more  
second   requisite   (performance   of   a   than   six   (6)   years.   Law  
lawful   act)   and   the   first   part   of   the   enforcement   officer   or   Punong  
fourth  requisite  are  absent  (without   Barangay   with   the   assistance   of   the  
fault),   the   case   will   fall   under   Art.   local   DSWD   officer   or   other  
365   which   punishes   a   felony   by   members   of   the   Local   Councils   for  
negligence  or  imprudence.     the   Protection   of   Children   (LCPC)  
§ In  effect,  there  is  a  mitigating   established   in   a   all   levels   of   local  
circumstance,   because   the   government   shall   conduct  
penalty   is   lower   than   that   mediation,   family   conferencing   and  
provided   for   intentional   conciliation  and,  where  appropriate,  
felony.     adopt   indigenous   modes   of   conflict  
If  the  first  requisite  (performance  of   resolution   in   accordance   with   the  
a   lawful   act)   and   the   second   part   of   best   interest   of   the   child   with   a   view  
the   fourth   requisite   (without   to   accomplishing   the   objectives   of  
intention  of  causing  it)  are  absent,  it   restorative   justice   and   the  
will  be  an  intentional  felony.  The  2nd   formulation  of  a  diversion  program.    
and  3rd  requisites  will  not  be  present   2. In   victimless   crimes   where   the  
either.     imposable   penalty   is   not   more  
• In  this  case,  there  is  not   even   than   six   (6)   years   of  
a  mitigating  circumstance.     imprisonment.   Local   DSWD   officer  
9. Same.   Incomplete   exempting   shall   meet   with   child   and   his/her  
circumstance   of   uncontrollable   parents   or   guardians   for   the  
fear.   If   only   of   the   requisites   of   development   of   the   appropriate  
uncontrollable   fear   as   an   exemting   diversion   and   rehabilitation  
circumstance   is   present,   there   is   program,   in   coordination   with   the  
only    mitigating  circumstance.     Barangay   Council   for   the   Protection  
2. Par.  2.  Impliedly  repealed  by  RA  9344.  An   of  Children  (BCPC).    
offender   fifteen   (15)   or   over   but   under   3. Imposable   penalty   for   the   crime  
eighteen   (18)   years   of   age   is   exempt   from   committed   exceeds   six   (6)   years  
criminal   liability   should   he/she   act   without   imprisonment.  Diversion  measures  
discernment.     may  be  resorted  to  only  by  the  court.  
3. Same.   Diversion   and   Diversion   Program   (see   Section   23,   Republic   Act   No.  
under   RA   9344.   “Diversion”   refers   to   an   9344)  
alternative,   child-­‐appropriate   process   of   5. Same.   Contract   of   Diversion.   If   during   the  
determining   the   responsibility   and   conferencing,   mediation   or   conciliation,   the  
treatment  of  a  child  in  conflict  with  the  law   child   voluntarily   admits   the   commission   of  
on   the   basis   of   his/her   social,   cultural,   the   act,   a   diversion   program   shall   be  
economic,   pasychological,   or   educational   developed   when   appropriate   and   desirable  
Rañeses  118  
as   determined   under   Section   30.   Such   to   the   law   enforcement   officer,   prosecutor  
admission  shall  not  be  used  against  the  child   or  the  appropriate  court,  as  the  case  may  be.  
in   any   subsequent   judicial,   quasi-­‐judicial   or   Upon   the   issuance   of   the   corresponding  
administrative   proceedings.   The   diversion   document,   certifying   to   the   fact   that   no  
program   shall   be   effective   and   binding   if   agreement  has  been  reached  by  the  parties,  
accepted   by   the   parties   concerned.   The   the   case   shall   be   filed   according   to   the  
acceptance   shall   be   in   writing   and   signed   by   regular   process.   (See   Section   27,   Republic  
the   parties   concerned   and   the   appropriate   Act  No.  9344)  
authorities.   The   local   social   welfare   and    
development   officer   shall   supervise   the   If   the   offense   does   not   fall   under   Section  
implementation   of   the   diversion   program.   23(a)  and  (b),  or  if  the  child,  his/her  parents  
The   diversion   proceedings   shall   be   or  guardian  does  not  consent  to  a  diversion,  
completed   within   forty-­‐five   (45)   days.   The   the  Women  and  Children  Protection  Desk  of  
period  of  prescription  of  the  offense  shall  be   the   PNP,   or   other   law   enforcement   officer  
suspended   until   the   completion   of   the   handling  the  case  of  the  child  under  custody,  
diversion   proceedings   but   not   to   exceed   to  the  prosecutor  or  judge  concerned  for  the  
forty-­‐five  (45)  days.   conduct   of   inquest   and/or   preliminary  
  investigation   to   determine   whether   or   not  
The   child   shall   present   himself/herself   to   the   child   should   remain   under   custody   and  
the   competent   authorities   that   imposed   the   correspondingly   charged   in   court.   The  
diversion   program   at   least   once   a   month   for   document   transmitting   said   records   shall  
reporting   and   evaluation   of   the   display   the   word   "CHILD"   in   bold   letters.  
effectiveness  of  the  program.   (Sec.  28,  Rep.  Act  No.  9344)  
  8. Determination   of   age   of   child   in   conflict  
Failure   to   comply   with   the   terms   and   with  the  law.    The  child  in  conflict  with  the  
conditions   of   the   contract   of   diversion,   as   law  shall  enjoy  the  presumption  of  minority.  
certified   by   the   local   social   welfare   and   He/She   shall   enjoy   all   the   rights   of   a   child   in  
development  officer,  shall  give  the  offended   conflict   with   the   law   until   he/she   is   proven  
party   the   option   to   institute   the   appropriate   to   be   eighteen   (18)   years   old   or   older.   The  
legal  action.   age   of   a   child   may   be   determined   from   the  
  child's  birth  certificate,  baptismal  certificate  
The   period   of   prescription   of   the   offense   or   any   other   pertinent   documents.   In   the  
shall   be   suspended   during   the   effectivity   of   absence   of   these   documents,   age   may   be  
the   diversion   program,   but   not   exceeding   a   based   on   information   from   the   child  
period   of   two   (2)   years.   (Sec.   26,   Rep.   Act.   himself/herself,   testimonies   of   other  
No.  9344)   persons,   the   physical   appearance   of   the  
6. Where   diversion   may   be   conducted.   child  and  other  relevant  evidence.  In  case  of  
Diversion   may   be   conducted   at   the   doubt   as   to   the   age   of   the   child,   it   shall   be  
Katarungang   Pambarangay,   the   police   resolved  in  his/her  favor.  
investigation   or   the   inquest   or   preliminary    
investigation   stage   and   at   all   1evels   and   Any  person  contesting  the  age  of  the  child  in  
phases  of  the  proceedings  including  judicial   conflict  with  the  law  prior  to  the  filing  of  the  
level.  (Section  24,  Republic  Act  No.  9344)   information   in   any   appropriate   court   may  
7. Duty  of  the  Punong  Barangay  or  the  Law   file  a  case  in  a  summary  proceeding  for  the  
Enforcement   Officer   when   there   is   no   determination   of   age   before   the   Family  
diversion.  If  the  offense  does  not  fall  under   Court   which   shall   decide   the   case   within  
Section   23(a)   and   (b),   or   if   the   child,   his/her   twenty-­‐four   (24)   hours   from   receipt   of   the  
parents   or   guardian   does   not   consent   to   a   appropriate   pleadings   of   all   interested  
diversion,   the   Punong   Barangay   handling   parties.  
the   case   shall,   within   three   (3)   days   from    
determination  of  the  absence  of  jurisdiction   If   a   case   has   been   fiied   against   the   child   in  
over   the   case   or   termination   of   the   conflict   with   the   law   and   is   pending   in   the  
diversion   proceedings,   as   the   case   may   be,   appropriate   court,   the   person   shall   file   a  
forward  the  records  of  the  case  of  the  child   motion   to   determine   the   age   of   the   child   in  
Rañeses  119  
the   same   court   where   the   case   is   pending.   1. It   is   appreciated   when   the   victim  
Pending   hearing   on   the   said   motion,   dies.    
proceedings   on   the   main   case   shall   be   9. Not  applicable  to  felonies  by  negligence.    
suspended.   10. Applicable   only   to   offenses   resulting   in  
  physical  injuries  or  material  harm.    
In   all   proceedings,   law   enforcement   officers,   11. Basis:  Intent,  an  element  of  voluntariness  in  
prosecutors,   judges   and   other   government   intentional  felony,  is  diminished.    
officials   concerned   shall   exert   all   efforts   at    
determining   the   age   of   the   child   in   conflict   People  v.  Ural,  56  SCRA  138  (1974)  
with   the   law.   (Section   7,   Republic   Act   No.   Facts:   Ural   was   convicted   of   murder   by   the  
9344)   Zamboanga   CFI   sentencing   him   to   reclusion  
9. That  the  offender  is  over  70  years  of  age   perpetua,   and   orderinh   im   to   indemnify   the   heirs   of  
is   only   a   generic   mitigating   Felix   Napola,   in   the   sum   of   P12K   and   to   pay   the  
circumstance.     costs.  The  judgment  of  conviction  was  based  on  the  
10. Basis:   The   mitigating   circumstance   in   testimony   of   Brigido   Alberto,   former   detention  
paragraph   2   of   Art.   13   are   based   on   the   prisoner   who   witnessed   what   happened.   Ural,   a  
diminution   of   intelligence,   a   condition   of   policeman,   boxed   the   deceased,   Felix   Napola,   a  
voluntariness.     detention   prisoner,   inside   the   jail.  As  a  consequence  
  of   the   fistic   blows,   the   deceased   collapsed   on   the  
Lack   of   intention   to   commit   so   grave   a   floor.  The  accused  stepped  on  the  prostate  body  and  
wrong   left.  After  a  while  he  returned  with  a  bottle  poured  
Reyes:   its   contents   on   the   re¬cumbent   body   of   the  
1. This   circumstance   can   be   taken   into   deceased,   ignited   it   with   a   match   and   left   the   cell  
account  only  when  the  facts  proven  show   again.  As  a  consequence,  the  victim  later  on  died  of  
tat   there   is   a   notable   and   evident   the   burns.   The   crime   committed   by   appellant   Ural  
disproportion   between   the   means   was   murder   by   means   of   fire   (incendio)   (Art  
employed  to  execute  the  criminal  act  and   248(3),  RPC)  
its   consequences.   (U.S.   vs.   Reyes,   36   Phil.    
904,  907)   Issue:   WON   the   mitigating   circumstance   of   lack   of  
2. Intention,   being   an   internal   state,   must   intention   to   commit   so   grave   a   wrong   can   be  
be   judged   by   external   acts.   Intention,   as   appreciated  in  thie  case  at  bar.  
an   internal   act,   is   judged   not   only   by   the    
proportion   of   the   means   employed   by   him   Held:   Yes.   The   trial   court   correctly   held   that   the  
to   the   evil   produced   by   his   act,   but   also   by   accused   took   advantage   of   his   public   position   (Art  
the  fact  that  the  blow  was  or  was  not  aimed   14(1),  RPC)  but  it  failed  to  appreciate  the  mitigating  
at  a  vital  part  of  the  body.     cir¬cumstance  of  "no  intention  to  commit  so  grave  a  
3. The   weapon   used,   the   part   of   the   body   wrong   as   that   committed."   (Art.13(3),   RPC).   The  
injured,   the   injury   inflicted,   and   the   intention,   as   an   internal   act,   is   judged   not   only   by  
manner   it   is   inflicted   may   show   that   the   the   pro-­‐portion   of   the   means   employed   by   him   to  
accused  intended  the  wrong  committed.     the  evil  produced  by  his  act,  but  also  by  the  fact  that  
4. Not   applicable   when   the   offender   the  blow  was  or  was  not  aimed  at  a  vital  part  of  the  
employed  brute  force.     body.   Thus,   it   may   be   deduced   from   the   proven  
5. Lack   of   intention   to   commit   so   grave   a   facts   that   the   accused   had   no   intent   to   kill   the  
wrong   mitigating   in   robbery   with   victim,   his   design   being   only   to   maltreat   him,   such  
homicide.     that   when   he   realized   the   fearful   consequences   of  
6. Appreciated   In   murder   qualified   by   his   felo¬nious   act,   he   allowed   the   victim   to   secure  
circumstances   based   on   manner   of   medical  treatment  at  the  municipal  dispensary.  
commission,   not   on   state   of   mind   of    
accused.     Lack   of   intent   to   commit   so   grave   a   wrong   offsets  
7. Not   appreciated   in   murder   qualified   by   the   generic   aggravating,   circumstance   of   abuse   of  
treachery.     his   official   position.   The   trial   court   properly  
8. Lack   of   intent   to   kill   not   mitigating   in   imposed  the  penalty  of  reclusion  perpetua  which  is  
physical  injuries.     the  medium  period  of  the  penalty  for  murder  (Arts  
64(4)  and  248,  RPC)  
Rañeses  120  
Sufficient  provocation   Leonor   stabbed   Dr.   Tarlengco,   grabbed   her   watch  
Reyes:     and   ran   away.     Dr.   Tarlengco   struggled   out   of   the  
1. Provocation   is   understood   as   any   unjust   clinic  and  saw  the  man  running  out  of  the  building,  
or   improper   conduct   or   act   of   the   Dr.  Tarlengco  shouted  for  help.  
offended   party,   capable   of   exciting,    
inciting,  or  irritating  any  one.     Reynaldo   Baquilod,   building   security   guard,   heard  
2. Requisites:   Dr.   Tarlengco   shouting,   “Tulungan   ninyo   ako,  
1. That   the   provocation   must   be   sinaksak  ako  ng  taong  iyon.”    Baquilod  noticed  that  
sufficient.   Dr.  Tarlengco  was  referring  to  the  man  “running  out  
§ Sufficient   –   adequate   to   of   the   building,   coming   from   upstairs.”     Baquilod  
excite   a   person   to   commit   chased   Leonor   up   to   Daang   Hari   Street   where   he  
the   wrong   and   must   was   joined   by   traffic   policeman   Luis   Galeno   who  
accordingly   be   was   alerted   by   people   running   after   a   person   with  
proportionate  to  its  gravity.   bloodied   shirt.     When   Galeno   and   Baquilod   caught  
§ Dependent   on   the   act   up   with   Leonor,   Baquilod   grabbed   Leonor’s   hand  
constituting  provocation,  the   and   took   therefrom   a   Titus   wristwatch   and   P900  
social  standing  of  the  person   cash.    When  queried,  Leonor  readily  answered,  “Sir,  
provoked,   the   place   and   the   hindi   ko   naman   gusto   po   ito.     Ginawa   ko   lang   ito  
time   when   the   provocation   dahil   kailangan   ng   pamilya   ko.”     Leonor   was  
is  made.     brought  to  the  Parañaque  Police  Block  Station,  PO3  
2. That   it   must   originate   from   the   Interia  who  was  instructed  to  investigate  proceeded  
offended  party.     to   Dr.   Tarlengco’s   clinic,   where   they   saw,   among  
3. That   the   provocation   must   be   other[   ]   [things],   a   bloodied   balisong   (fan   knife)   at  
immediate   to   the   act,   i.e.,   to   the   the   ground   floor   of   the   Hermano’s   building.    
commission   of   the   crime   by   the   Baquilod  turned  over  the  watch  and  money  he  took  
person  who  is  provoked.     from   Leonor   to   Interia.     Thereafter,   Galeno   and  
3. Difference   between   sufficient   Interia   returned   to   the   police   station   where   they  
provocation   as   requisite   of   incomplete   were  interrogated.  
self-­‐defense   and   as   a   mitigating    
circumstance.     As   an   element   of   self-­‐ Issue:   WON   the   mitigating   circumstance   of  
defense,   it   pertains   to   its   absence   on   the   sufficient  provocation  can  be  invoked  in  the  case  at  
part   of   the   person   defending   himself,   while   bar.    
as   a   mitigating   circumstance,   it   pertains   to    
its   presence   on   the   part   of   the   offended   Held:   No.   CHRISTOPHER   is   thus   claiming   that   a  
party.     push   and   “bad   words”   justify   retaliation   with   a  
4. Provocation   must   be   immediate   to   the   knife.    Such  claim  is  undeserving  of  belief  and  does  
commission  of  the  crime.     not   entitle   CHRISTOPHER   to   the   benefit   of   the  
5. Basis:  Diminution  of  intelligence  and  intent.     mitigating   circumstance   prior   provocation   by   the  
  offended  party.  
People  v.  Leonor,  305  SCRA  285    
Facts:   In   the   morning   of   May   15,   1995,   Dr.   Maria   Immediate  vindication  of  a  grave  offense  
Teresa   Tarlengco,   a   dentist   by   profession,   was   at   Reyes:  
her   clinic   at   the   third   floor   of   the   Hermanos   1. Requisites:  
Building,  Bicutan,  Parañaque,  Metro  Manila,  when  a   1. That   there   be   a   grave   offense   done  
man   entered   and   inquired   about   the   cost   of   tooth   to   the   one   committing   the   feloy,   his  
extraction.     After   Dr.   Tarlengco   quoted   her   spouse,   ascendants,   descendants,  
professional   fee,   the   man,   who   was   later   on   legitimate,   natural   or   adopted  
identified  as  Christopher  Leonor,  said  that  he  would   brothers   or   sisters,   or   relatives   by  
come   back   and   then   left   in   a   hurry.     Minutes   later,   affinity  within  the  same  degrees;  
Leonor   came   back[,]   and   Dr.   Tarlengco   told   him   to   2. That   the   felony   is   committed   in  
take   a   seat   and   wait.     Dr.   Tarlengco   was   preparing   vindication   of   such   grave   offense.   A  
her  dental  instruments  when  Leonor  barged  in  and   lapse   of   time   is   allowed   between   the  
demanded   money.     Dr.   Tarlengco   told   Leonor   that   vindication   and   the   doing   of   the  
her   money   [was]   on   the   table.     On   hearing   this,   grave  offense.    
Rañeses  121  
§ The   word   “immediate”   used   came   up   behind   him   and   struck   him   on   the   head  
in   the   English   text   is   not   the   with  an  ax.  
correct   translation.   The    
Spanish  text  uses  “proxima.”     Issue:   WON   immediate   vindication   of   a   grave  
2. Distinguish   provocation   from   offense   is   available   as   a   mitigating   circumstance   in  
vindication.     this  case.    
1. In  the  case  of  provocation,  it  is  made    
directly   only   to   the   person   Held:   While   it   may   be   mere   trifle   to   an   average  
committing   the   felony;   in   person,   it   evidently   was   a   serious   matter   to   an   old  
vindication,   the   grave   offense   may   man,  to  be  made  the  butt  of  a  joke  in  the  presence  of  
be   committed   also   against   the   so   many   guests.   The   accused   was   given   the   benefit  
offender’s   relatives   mentioned   by   of   the   mitigating   circumstance   of   vindication   of   a  
law.     grave   offense.   In   this   case,   the   age   of   the   accused  
2. In   vindication,   the   offended   party   and   the   place   were   considered   in   determining   the  
must   have   done   a   grave   offense   to   gravity  of  the  offense.  
the   offender   or   his   relatives    
mentioned   by   the   law;   in   People  v.  Pajares,  210  SCRA  237  (1992)    
provocation,   the   cause   that   brought   Facts:   Renato   R.   Perez,   a   resident   of   1386-­‐K   Burgos  
about  the  provocation  need  not  be  a   St.,   Paco,   Manila,   is   the   same   Renato   Perez   who   is  
grave  offense.     the   victim   in   Criminal   Case   No.   85-­‐40580   for  
3. In   provocation,   it   is   necessary   that   Frustrated   Homicide.   He   testified   that   at   about  
the   provocation   or   threat   11:30   p.m.   on   October   11,   1985,   he   and   the  
immediately   preceded   the   act,   i.e.,   deceased   Diosdado   Viojan   were   on   their   way   to   a  
that   there   be   no   interval   of   time   store   located   at   Gomez   St.,   Paco,   Manila   to   buy  
between   the   provocation   and   the   something.   They   were   walking   abreast   with   each  
commission   of   the   crime;   while   in   other,  the  deceased  was  at  his  right  side  and  was  a  
vindication,   the   vindication   of   the   bit   ahead   of   him,   when   appellant   Pajares   suddenly  
grave   offense   may   be   proximate,   appeared   from   behind   and   hit   Viojan   with   a  
which   admits   of   an   interval   of   time   baseball   bat   at   the   back   of   his   head.   The   latter   ran   a  
between   the   grave   offense   done   by   short   distance   and   fell   down   near   the   store   of   one  
the   offended   party   and   the   Alex   Blas.   When   Perez   tried   to   help   Viojan.   he,   too,  
commission   of   the   crime   by   the   was   attacked   by   Pajares   with   the   baseball   bat  
accused.     hitting   him   at   the   back   below   the   left   shoulder.   He  
3. Same.   Reason   for   difference.   Greater   then  grappled  with  the  appellant  for  the  possession  
leniency   in   the   case   of   vindication   is   due   of   the   baseball   bat   but   the   latter's   companions,  
undoubtedly  to  the  fact  that  it  concerns  the   namely:   Rudy   Dokling,   Popoy,   Inggo   and   Lauro  
honor  of  a  person,  an  offense  which  is  more   Duado   mauled   him   until   he   lost   consciousness.   He  
worthy   of   consideration   than   mere   spite   was   brought   to   the   Philippine   General   Hospital   by  
against   the   one   giving   the   provocation   or   Eugene   Panibit   and   Joselito   Perez   where   he   was  
threat.     treated  for  the  injuries  he  sustained.  He  identified  in  
4. Basis  to  determine  the  gravity  of  offense   court  the  baseball  bat  used  by  Pajares.    
in   vindication.   Social   standing,   place   and    
time  when  the  insult  was  made.     Issue:   WON   the   mitigating   circumstance   of  
5. Basis:   Diminution   of   the   conditions   of   immediate  vindication  can  be  applied  in  the  case  at  
voluntariness.     bar.    
United  States  v.  Ampar,  37  Phil.  201  (1917)   Held:   Yes.   Having   established   the   guilt   of   herein  
Facts:   During   a   fiesta,   an   old   man   70   years   of   age   appellant.   the   next   question   is   whether   or   not   the  
asked   the   deceased,   Patobo,   for   some   roast   pig.   In   mitigating  circumstance  of  immediate  vindication  of  
the  presence  of  many  guests,  the  deceased  insulted   a   grave   offense   can   be   appreciated   in   his   favor.  
the   old   man,   saying:   "There   is   no   more.   Come   here   While   it   may   be   true   that   appellant's   brother  
and  I  will  make  roast  pig  of  you."  A  little  later,  while   Roberto   Pajares   was   mauled   by   the   companions   of  
the   deceased   was   squatting   down,   the   old   man   the   deceased   at   about   11:30   a.m.   of   October   11,  
1985   as   show   in   the   entry   in   the   Police   Blotter  
Rañeses  122  
(Exhibits  "A"  to  "A-­‐3",  Original  Records  of  Criminal   8. Provocation   and   obfuscation   arising  
Case   No.   85-­‐40579.   pp.   30-­‐33)   and   by   appellant's   from   one   and   the   same   cause   should   be  
brother  himself  (Exhibits  "G",  "Q"  and  "A"  Nos.  7-­‐9,   treated   as   only   one   mitigating  
Ibid.,  p.  219),  it  must  be  emphasized  that  there  is  a   circumstance.    
lapse   of   about   ten   (10)   hours   between   said   incident   9. Vindication   of   grave   offense   cannot   co-­‐
and   the   killing   of   Diosdado   Viojan.   Such   interval   of   exist  with  passion  and  obfuscation.    
time  was  more  than  sufficient  to  enable  appellant  to   10. Exception   –   When   there   are   other   facts,  
recover   his   serenity   (People   v.   Benito,   G.R.   No.   L-­‐ although   closely   connected.   But   where  
32042,  December  17,  1976  [74  SCRA  271]).  Hence,   there   are   other   facts,   although   closely  
the   mitigating   circumstance   of   immediate   connected   with   the   fact   upon   which   one  
vindication  of  a  grave  offense  cannot  be  appreciated   circumstance   is   premised,   the   other  
in  his  favor.   circumstance   may   be   appreciated   as   based  
  on   the   other   fact.   (People   vs.   Diokno,   63  
Passion  or  obfuscation   Phil.  601)  
Reyes:     11. Passion   or   obfuscation   compatible   with  
1. Requisites:   lack   of   intention   to   commit   so   grave   a  
1. The  accused  acted  upon  impulse.   wrong.    
2. The   impulse   must   be   so   powerful   12. Passion   or   obfuscation   incompatible  
that  it  naturally  produced  passion  or   with  treachery.    
obfuscation  in  him.     1. Vindication  or  obfuscation  cannot  be  
2. Rules  for  application  of  this  paragraph.     considered   when   the   person  
• Passion   or   obfuscation   may   attacked   is   not   the   one   who   gave  
constitute  a  mitigating  circumstance   cause  therefor.    
only   when   the   same   arose   from   13. Passion   and   obfuscation   cannot   co-­‐exist  
lawful  sentiments.     with  evident  premeditation.    
• For   the   above   reason,   there   is   no   14. Passion   or   obfuscation   distinguished  
mitigating  circumstance  when:   from  provocation.    
1. The   act   is   committed   in   a   15. Passion   or   obfuscation   distinguished  
spirit  of  lawlessness;  or   from  provocation.    
2. The   act   is   committed   in   a   1. Provocation  comes  from  the  injured  
spirit  of  revenge.     party;   passion   or   obfuscation   is  
3. Exercise   of   a   right   or   fulfillment   of   duty   produced   by   an   impulse   which   may  
is   not   a   proper   source   for   passion   or   be  caused  by  provocation.    
obfuscation.     2. Provocation   must   immediately  
4. No  passion  or  obfuscation  after  24  hours,   precede   the   commission   of   the  
or  several  hours  or  half  an  hour.     crime;  in  passion  or  obfuscation,  the  
1. The  defense  must  prove  that  the  act   offense   which   engenders  
which   produced   passion   or   perturbation   of   mind   need   not   be  
obfuscation  took  place  at  a  time  not   immediate.   It   is   only   required   that  
far   removed   from   the   commission   of   the   influence   thereof   lasts   until   the  
the  crime.     moment  the  crime  is  committed.    
2. The   crime   committed   must   be   the   3. In   both,   the   effect   is   the   loss   of  
result  of  a  sudden  impulse  of  natural   reason   and   self-­‐control   on   the   part  
and  uncontrollable  fear.     of  the  offender.    
5. Obfuscation   –   when   relationship   is    
illegitimate  –  is  not  mitigating.     United  States  v.  Hicks,  14  Phil.  217  (1909)  
6. The   cause   producing   passion   or   Facts:   For   about   5   years,   the   accused   and   the  
obfuscation   must   come   from   the   deceased   lived   illicitly   in   the   manner   of   husband  
offended  party.     and   wife.   Afterwards,   the   deceased   separated   from  
7. Basis:   Passion   or   obfuscation   is   a   mitigating   the   accused   and   lived   with   another   man.   The  
circumstance   because   the   offender   who   acts   accused   enraged   by   such   conduct,   killed   the  
with   passion   or   obfuscation   suffers   a   deceased.  
diminution  of  intelligence  and  intent.      
Rañeses  123  
Issue:  WON  the  mitigating  circumstance  of  passion   3. A   diseased   mind,   not   amounting   to  
or  obfuscation  can  be  invoked.     insanity,  may  give  place  to  mitigation.    
  4. Basis:  Diminution  of  intelligence  and  intent.    
Held:   No.   Even   if   it   is   true   that   the   accused   acted    
with   obfuscation   because   of   jealousy,   the   mitigating   People  v.  Javier,  311  SCRA  576  (1999)    
circumstance   cannot   be   considered   in   his   favor   Facts:    
because   the   causes   which   mitigate   criminal   1. Dec  1954:  Accused-­‐appellant  Eduardo  Javier  
responsibility   for   the   loss   of   self-­‐control   are   such   was   married   to   Florentina   Laceste.     They  
which   originate   from   legitimate   feelings,   and   not   begot   10   children.   On   June   ’96,   after   41   yrs  
those   which   arise   from   vicious,   unworthy   and   of  marriage,  Javier  admitted  killing  his  wife.  
immoral  passions.   2. Testimonies   of   SPO1   Rotelio   Pacho,   a   desk  
  investigator,    and  Consolacion  Javier  Panit  &  
United  States  v.  De  la  Cruz,  22  Phil.  429  (1912)   Alma  Javier,  daughters  of  the  sps:  
Facts:   The   accused,   in   the   heat   of   passion,   killed   his   3. Between  2–3am,  Consolacion,  who  lived  10-­‐
common-­‐law   wife   upon   discovering   her   in   flagrante   15m.   away,   heard   her   mom   shouting,   “your  
in   carnal   communication   with   a   common   father   is   going   to   kill   me!”   (translated   from  
acquaintance.   local   dialect).     She   ran   outside   &   met   her  
  sister   Alma   who   was   weeping   &   informed  
Issue:  WON  the  mitigating  circumstance  of  passion   her   of   their   parents’   quarrel.     Together,   they  
or  obfuscation  can  be  invoked  in  the  case  at  bar.     went  to  their  brother  Manuel’s  house,  about  
  70-­‐80m.  away  from  their  parents’  house.  
Held:  Yes.  In  this  a  case,  the  accused  was  entitled  to   4. Upon   reaching   the   latter,   Manuel,   who  
the   mitigating   circumstance   of   passion   or   entered   first,   found   the   lifeless   body   of   his  
obfuscation.   The   facts   in   this   case   must   be   mother   in   their   bedroom   and   his   father,  
distinguished   from   the   case   of   U.S.   vs.   Hicks   where   wounded  in  the  abdomen.  
it   was   found   that   the   accused,   deliberately   and   after   5. Their   father,   Eduardo,   confessed   to   son  
due   reflection   resolved   to   kill   the   woman   who   had   Manuel  that  he  killed  his  wife  and  thereafter  
left   him   for   another   man.   With   a   clean   and   well-­‐ stabbed  himself.  
prepared  weapon,  he  entered  the  house;  disguising   6. April   1997:   RTC   held   Javier   guilty   of   the  
his   intention   and   calming   her   by   his   apparent   crime   of   parricide   and   sentenced   him   to  
repose   and   tranquility,   doubtless   in   order   to   suffer  the  penalty  of  death,  and  to  indemnify  
successfully   accomplish   his   criminal   design.   In   this   the   heirs   of   the   victim   in   the   amount   of  
case,   the   cause   of   the   alleged   passion   and   PhP50K   as   moral   damages   and   PhP21,730  
obfuscation   of   the   accused   was   his   vexation,   as  actual  expenses.  
disappointment   and   anger   engendered   by   the   7. In   his   appeal,   Javier   claims   he   killed   his   wife  
refusal   of   the   woman   to   continue   to   live   in   illicit   because  he  was  suffering  from  insomnia  for  
relations  with  him,  which  she  had  a  perfect  right  to   a   month   and   at   the   time   of   the   killing,   his  
do.   In   the   present   case,   however,   the   impulse   was   mind   went   totally   blank   and   he   did   not  
caused   by   the   sudden   revelation   that   she   was   know  what  he  was  doing.    He  claims  that  he  
untrue  to  him,  and  his  discovery  of  her  in  flagrante   was  insane  then.  
in  the  arms  of  another.    
Illness   1. WON   accused-­‐appellant   Javier   can   claim  
Reyes:   mitigating   circumstances   of   illness   and   of  
1. Requisites:     passion  and  obfuscation  
1. That  the  illness  of  the  offender  must   2. WON   he   should   be   sentence   to   suffer   a  
diminish   the   exercise   of   his   will-­‐ lower  penalty  
2. That  such  illness  should  not  deprive   Held:  
the   offender   of   consciousness   of   his   1. No   to   both.   On   illness,   since   Javier   has  
acts.     already   admitted   to   the   killing,   it   is  
2. When   the   offender   completely   lost   the   incumbent   upon   him   to   prove   the   claimed  
exercise   of   will-­‐power,   it   may   be   an   mitigating   circumstance.     OSG   found   no  
exempting  circumstance.     sufficient   evidence   or   medical   finding   to  
Rañeses  124  
support   his   claim.     For   the   mitigating   2. Over   60   years   old   with   failing   eyesight,  
circumstance  of  illness  of  the  offender  to  be   similar   to   over   70   years   of   age  
appreciated,   the   law   requires   the   presence   mentioned  in  par.  2.    
of  the  following  requisites:   3. Outraged   feeling   of   owner   of   animal  
1. Illness  must  diminish  the  exercise  of   taken   for   ransom   analogous   to  
the  willpower  of  the  offender,  and   vindication  of  a  grave  offense.    
2. Such   illness   should   not   deprive   the   4. Outraged   feeling   of   creditor,   similar   to  
offender  of  consciousness  of  his  acts.   passion   and   obfuscation   mentioned   in  
  par.  6.    
For   the   circumstance   of   passion   and   5. Impulse   of   jealous   feeling,   similar   to  
obfuscation   of   the   offender   to   be   passion  and  obfuscation.    
appreciated,   the   law   requires   the   presence   6. Manifestations   of   Battered   Wife  
of  the  ff  requisites:   Syndrome,   analogous   to   an   illness   that  
1. There   should   be   an   act   both   diminishes  the  exercise  of  will  power.    
unlawful   and   sufficient   to   produce   7. Esprit   de   corps,   similar   to   passion   and  
such  condition  of  mind,  and   obfuscation.    
2. Such   act   w/c   produced   the   8. Voluntary   restitution   of   stolen   property,  
obfuscation   was   not   far   removed   similar   to   voluntary   surrender  
from  the  commission  of  the  crime  by   mentioned  in  paragraph  7.    
a  considerable  length  of  time,  during   9. Extreme   poverty   and   necessity,   similar  
w/c   the   perpetrator   might   recover   to  incomplete  justification  based  on  state  
his  moral  equanimity.   of  necessity.    
  10. Testifying  for  the  prosecution,  analogous  
The   defense   never   presented   any   medical   to  plea  of  guilty.    
record   of   the   accused   nor   was   a   psychiatrist    
presented   to   validate   the   defense   of   Canta  v.  People,  353  SCRA  250  (2001)  
insanity.   None   of   the   elements-­‐requisites   Facts:  
were   proved   to   be   present   &   in   his   1. Narciso   Gabriel   acquired   a   cow   upon   its  
testimony,   Javier   even   stated   that   he   was   birth  on  March  10,  1984  
not   jealous   of   his   wife.   Equally   important,   2. Narciso   left   it   with   his   sister   in   law   Erlinda  
the   defense,   during   the   trial,   never   alleged   Montes,   then   he   left   it   with   Generoso  
the  above-­‐claimed  mitigating  circumstances   Cabonce,   then   with   Maria   Tura,   and   then  
of   illness   &   passion   &   obfuscation,   thus   with  Gardemo  Agapay.  
weakening   the   case   of   accused-­‐appellant.     3. Agapay   took   the   cow   up   a   mountain   for  
The   alleged   mitigating   circumstances   are   grazing  and  it  was  gone  when  he  came  back  
mere   afterthought   to   whittle   (to   shape)   for  it  
down  his  criminal  liability.   4. Hoof  prints  led  him  to  Valejos  house  and  he  
2. Yes.     The   crime   of   parricide,   not   being   a   was  told  that  Canta  had  taken  it.  
capital   crime   per   se   is   not   punishable   by   5. Narciso   instructed   Maria   Tura   to   get   the  
mandatory  death  penalty  but  by  the  flexible   cow.  She  met  Canta  who  said  that  he  gave  it  
penalty   of   reclusion   perpetua   to   death,   two   to   his   father,   the   barangay   captain.   They  
indivisible  penalties.    The  application  of  the   went  to  father‘s  house  and  Tura  recognized  
lesser   of   greater   penalty   depends   on   the   cow.   Canta   said   he   will   consult   with   his  
presence   of   mitigating   and   aggravating   father   on   what   to   do   and   call   her   about   it  
circumstances.     Thus,   in   the   absence   of   any   later.  
aggravating   or   mitigating   circumstance   for   6. Canta   didn‘t   call   so   Narciso   reported   it   to  
the   accused,   the   lesser   penalty   of   reclusion   police  
perpetua  should  be  imposed.     7. In   the   investigation   Canta   admitted   he   took  
  cow,   but   he   contended   that   it   was   his   cow.  
Analogous  circumstances     He   lost   it   Dec   3   1985.   He   produced   2  
Reyes:     certificates   of   ownership   dated   March   17,  
1. Must   be   of   similar   nature   and   analogous   1986  and  Feb  27,  1988.  
to  those  mentioned  in  paragraphs  1  to  9   8. Narciso   presented   certificate   of   ownership  
of  Art.  13.     dated   Mar   9   1986   signed   by   municipal  
Rañeses  125  
treasurer.   I   contained   a   description   of   the   d. Filed  complaint  against  Nicolas  for  cattle  
cow   including   identifying   marks   (cowlicks   rustling.  
on   the   head,   back   and   legs;   coloring).   4   3. Cattle  Rustling  requisites  
previous   caretakers   certify   that   this   is   the   a. Large  cattle  is  taken  
cow  they  took  care  of.   b. It  belongs  to  another  
9. Canta   said   that   he   got   the   baby   cow   as   4. No  question  cattle  belongs  so  Narciso  Gabriel  
payment  for  taking  care  of  Pat.  Villanueva‘s   a. Taking  without  consent  of  owner  
cow.   It   was   born   on   Dec   5,   1984   and   was   5. Canta   took   cow   from   Agapay   even   if   he   knew  
lost   Dec   2   1985.   He   reported   loss   to   Padre   Agapay  was  holding  it  for  Narciso.  
Burgos.   a. Taking   done   by   any   means   method   or  
10. His   uncle   said   he   saw   the   cow   under   the   scheme  
care   of   Agapay.   Canta   went   to   the   Agapay‘s   6. He  falsified  certificate  of  ownership,  a  scheme  
grazing  place  with  the  mommy  cow  to  see  if   a. Taking  is  with  or  without  intent  to  gain  
the  baby  cow  would  drink  its  milk,  it  did  so   7. Canta   concocted   a   ploy   to   obtain   ownership   so  
Canta  assumed  the  baby  cow  was  his.   he  had  an  obvious  intent  to  gain  
11. He  brought  it  to  his  father  and  Maria  tried  to   a. Taking  without  violence  or  intimidation  
get   it   but   Canta‘s   father   refused   and   asked   8. No  violence  
Narciso   to   come   by   so   they   can   discuss.   a. Fact   that   Canta   went   to   barangay  
Narciso   never   came   by.   Canta   took   cow   to   captain   does   not   prove   good   faith.   He  
Padre  Burgos.   already   committed   a   crime,   also   the  
  barangay  captain  was  his  father.  
Issues/Held/Ratio:     b. Calves   suckle   on   strange   cows.   It   don‘t  
1. Canta‘s  Certificate  of  Ownership   have  to  be  the  mom.  
a. It   was   not   filed   by   the   municipal   9. Petitioner   says   that   even   if   his   certificate   of  
treasurer,  but  by  Canta‘s  friend  Franklin   ownership   is   ―not   in   order‖   it   does   not   mean  
Telen  who  was  a  janitor  at  the  municipal   he  did  not  believe  in  good  faith  that  the  cow  was  
treasurer‘s   office.   Telen   issued   his.  Merely  mistake  of  fact.  
certificate   on   March   24,   1986   but   he   a. His   certificate   was   FRADULENT.  
antedated  it  Feb  27,  1985  at  the  request   Negates  good  faith.  
of   Canta   who   assured   Telen   that   he   b. If  he  had  been  responsible  he  could  have  
owned   the   cow.   No   registration   verified   ownership   of   cow   first.   He   was  
recorded  in  municipal  records.   negligent  
b. Trial   Court   said:   Obviously   Canta   took   c. He   was   NOT   justified   to   take   cow,   tried  
the   cow   using   strategy   and   stealth   to  take  law  into  own  hands  
considering   Agapay   was   separated   by   a   10. MITIGATING  circumstances  
hill   and   couldn‘t   see   him.   Canta   tries   to   a. Analogous   with   voluntary   surrender,  
justify   taking   the   cow   with   a   certificate   which  has  the  ff  elements  
of   ownership   but   Telen   said   he   b. Offender  not  actually  arrested  
antedated  the  certificate.   11. In   the   case:   Canta   not   yet   arrested.   There   was  
c. It   is   clear   Canta   falsified   and   no   complaint   filed   against   him   when   he  
manipulated   the   certificate   of   title.   He   surrendered   cow.   The   intent   to   unconditional  
only   got   it   after   the   incident   happened   submission   was   there.   Also   there   was   intent   to  
on  March  14,  1986.  His  claim  has  no  leg   save   authorities   the   trouble   of   search   and  
to  stand  on.  CA  agrees.   capture.  
2. Petitioner   Canta   claims   good   faith   and   honest   12. He   voluntarily   took   cow   to   municipal   hall   of  
belief  in  his  right  to  the  cow   Padre   Burgos   and   put   it   in   custody   of  
a. Brought   mother   cow   and   calf   suckled   its   authorities.  
milk   13. Can   be   considered   analogous   to   voluntary  
b. Compared   marks   on   the   cow   to   the   surrender  
recorded   marks   on   his   certificate.   a. Offender  surrenders  to  authority  
Match.   b. Surrender  is  voluntary  
c. He  turned  over  cow  to  barangay  captain,   c. PD  533  Anti-­‐Cattle  Rustling  Law  is  not  a  
and   later   to   police   when   the   dispute   special   law.   It‘s   penalties   are   discussed  
began   in  RPC.  
Rañeses  126  
14. DECISION:   One   mitigating   circumstance   equals   crime  its  proper  and  exclusive  name  
the   case   be   fixed   in   minimum   period.   CA   but   also   to   place   the   author   thereof  
decisions  lessened.  4  yrs.  2  mos.  (minimum)  10   in   such   a   situation   as   to   deserve   no  
yrs  1  day  maximum.   other   penalty   than   that   specially  
  prescribed   by   law   for   said   crime.  
D. Aggravating  Circumstances   (People  v.  Bayot,  64  Phil.  269,  273)  
Reyes:   2. A  qualifying  circumstance  cannot  be  
1. Definition.   Aggravating   circumstances   are   offset   by   a   mitigating   circumstance;  
those  which,  if  attendant  in  the  commission   a   generic   aggravating   circumstance  
of   the   crime,   serve   to   increase   the   penalty   may   be   compensated   by   a   mitigating  
without,   however,   exceeding   the   maximum   circumstance.    
of   the   penalty   provided   by   law   for   the   3. A   qualifying   circumstance   to   be   such  
offense.     must   be   alleged   in   the   information.  
2. Basis:   Greater   perversity   of   the   offender   If   it   is   not   alleged,   it   is   a   generic  
manifested   in   the   commission   of   the   felony   aggravating  circumstance  only.    
as   shown   by:   (1)   the   motivating   power   5. Aggravating   circumstances   (a)   which   in  
itself,   (2)   the   place   of   commission,   (3)   the   themselves   constitute   a   crime   specially  
means  and  ways  employed,  (4)  the  time,  or   punishable   by   law,   or   (b)   which   are  
(5)   the   personal   circumstances   of   the   included   by   the   law   in   defining   a   crime  
offender,  or  of  the  offended  party.     and   prescribing   the   penalty   therefor  
3. Four  kinds  of  aggravating  circumstances.   shall   not   be   taken   into   account   for   the  
1. Generic   –   Those   that   can   generally   purpose   of   increasing   the   penalty.   (Art.  
apply  to  all  crimes.     62,   par.   1)   Same   rule   shall   apply   with  
• Par.  Nos.  1,  2,  3  (dwelling),  4,   respect   to   any   aggravating   circumstance  
5,  6,  9,  10,  14,  18,  19  and  20,   inherent  in  the  crime  to  such  a  degree  that  it  
“except   by   means   of   motor   must   be   of   necessity   accompany   the  
vehicles,”   are   generic   commission  thereof  (Art.  62,  par.  2).    
aggravating  circumstances.     6. Aggravating   circumstances   which   arise:  
2. Specific   –   Those   that   apply   only   to   (a)   from   the   moral   attributes   of   the  
particular  cimes.     offender,   or   (b)   from   his   private  
• Par  Nos.  3  (except  dwelling),   relations   with   the   offended   party,   or   (c)  
15,  16,  17  and  21  are  specific   from  any  other  personal  cause,  shall  only  
aggravating  circumstances.     serve   to   aggravate   the   liability   of   the  
3. Qualifying   –   Those   that   change   the   principals,   accomplices,   and   accessories  
nature  of  the  crime.   as   to   whom   such   circumstances   are  
• Art.   248   enumerates   the   attendant.    
qualifying   circumstances   7. The   circumstances   which   consist   (1)   in  
which  qualify  the  killing  of  a   the   material   execution   of   the   act,   or   (2)  
person  to  murder.     in   the   means   employed   to   accomplish   it,  
4. Inherent   –   Those   that   must   of   shall   serve   to   aggravate   the   liability   of  
necessity   accompany   the   those   persons   only   who   had   knowledge  
commission   of   the   crime.   (Art.   62,   of   them   at   the   time   of   the   execution   of  
par.  2)     the   act   or   their   cooperation   therei.   (Art.  
4. Qualifying   circumstances   distinguished   62,  par.  4)    
from  generic  aggravating  circumstance.     8. Aggravating   circumstances   not  
1. The   effect   of   a   generic   aggravating   presumed.    
circumstance,   not   offset   by   any    
mitigating   circumstance,   is   to   RPC,  Art.  14  
increase   the   penalty   which   should  
be  imposed  upon  the  accused  to  the   Aggravating   circumstances.   -­‐   The   following   are  
maximum   period,   but   without   aggravating  circumstances:  
exceeding   the   limit   prescribed   by  
law;   while   that   of   a   qualifying   1.   That   advantage   be   taken   by   the   offender   of   his  
circumstance   is   not   only   to   give   the   public  position.  
Rañeses  127  
2.   That   the   crime   be   committed   in   contempt   of   or   13.   That   the   act   be   committed   with   evident  
with  insult  to  the  public  authorities.   premeditation.  

3.   That   the   act   be   committed   with   insult   or   in   14.  That  craft,  fraud,  or  disguise  be  employed.  
disregard   of   the   respect   due   to   the   offended   party  
on   account   of   his   rank,   age,   or   sex,   or   that   it   be   15.  That  advantage  be  taken  of  superior  strength,  or  
committed   in   the   dwelling   of   the   offended   party,   if   means  be  employed  to  weaken  the  defense.  
the  latter  has  not  given  provocation.  
16.   That   the   act   be   committed   with   treachery  
4.   That   the   act   be   committed   with   abuse   of   (alevosia).  
confidence  or  obvious  ungratefulness.  
There   is   treachery   when   the   offender   commits   any  
5.  That  the  crime  be  committed  in  the  palace  of  the   of  the  crimes  against  the  person,  employing  means,  
Chief  Executive,  or  in  his  presence,  or  where  public   methods,   or   forms   in   the   execution   thereof   which  
authorities   are   engaged   in   the   discharge   of   their   tend   directly   and   specially   to   insure   its   execution,  
duties,  or  in  a  place  dedicated  to  religious  worship.   without   risk   to   himself   arising   from   the   defense  
which  the  offended  party  might  make.  
6.  That  the  crime  be  committed  in  the  nighttime,  or  
in   an   uninhabited   place,   or   by   a   band,   whenever   17.   That   means   be   employed   or   circumstances  
such   circumstances   may   facilitate   the   commission   brought   about   which   add   ignominy   to   the   natural  
of  the  offense.   effects  of  the  act.  

Whenever   more   than   three   armed   malefactors   shall   18.   That   the   crime   be   committed   after   an   unlawful  
have   acted   together   in   the   commission   of   an   entry.  
offense,  it  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  committed  
There   is   an   unlawful   entry   when   an   entrance   is  
by  a  band.  
effected  by  a  way  not  intended  for  the  purpose.  
7.   That   the   crime   be   committed   on   the   occasion   of   a  
19.  That  as  a  means  to  the  commission  of  a  crime  a  
conflagration,   shipwreck,   earthquake,   epidemic,   or  
wall,  roof,  floor,  door,  or  window  be  broken.  
other  calamity  or  misfortune.  
20.   That   the   crime   be   committed   with   the   aid   of  
8.   That   the   crime   be   committed   with   the   aid   of  
persons   under   fifteen   years   of   age   or   by   means   of  
armed   men   or   persons   who   insure   or   afford  
motor   vehicles,   motorized   watercraft,   airships,   or  
other   similar   means.   (As   amended   by   Rep.   Act   No.  
9.  That  the  accused  is  a  recidivist.   5438,  approved  Sept.  9,  1968.)  

A   recidivist   is   one   who,   at   the   time   of   his   trial   for   21.   That   the   wrong   done   in   the   commission   of   the  
one  crime,  shall  have  been  previously  convicted  by   crime   be   deliberately   augmented   by   causing   other  
final   judgment   of   another   crime   embraced   in   the   wrong  not  necessary  for  its  commission.  
same  title  of  this  Code.    
10.  That  the  offender  has  been  previously  punished   Insult  to  public  authorities  
for   an   offense   to   which   the   law   attaches   an   equal   or   Reyes:  
greater  penalty  or  for  two  or  more  crimes  to  which   1. Basis:   Greater   perversity   of   offender,   as  
it  attaches  a  lighter  penalty.   shown   by   the   lack   of   respect   for   the   public  
11.  That  the  crime  be  committed  in  consideration  of   2. Requisites:  
a  price,  reward,  or  promise.   1. That  the  public  authority  is  engaged  
in  the  exercise  of  his  functions.    
12.   That   the   crime   be   committed   by   means   of   2. That   he   who   is   thus   engaged   In   the  
inundation,   fire,   poison,   explosion,   stranding   of   a   exercise   of   said   functions   is   not   the  
vessel  or  intentional  damage  thereto,  derailment  of   person   against   whom   the   crime   is  
a   locomotive,   or   by   the   use   of   any   other   artifice   committed.   (U.S.   vs.   Rodriguez,   19  
involving  great  waste  and  ruin.  
Rañeses  128  
Phil.   150,   156;   People   vs.   Siojo,   61   Facts:   Floro   Rodil   was   found   guilty   of   the   crime   of  
Phil.  307,  317)   murder   by   the   Circuit   Criminal   Court   for   the   death  
3. The   offender   knows   him   to   be   a   of  Lt.Masana.  
public  authority.      
4. His   presence   has   not   prevented   the   Version  of  the  prosecutor  
offender   from   committing   the   • April   24,   1971   around   1:00   pm   –   Masana  
criminal  act.     together   with   Fidel,   Ligsa   and   Mojica   was  
3. Meaning   of   “public   authority.”   A   public   having   lunch   inside   a   restaurant   in   front   of  
authority,  sometimes  also  called  a  person  in   the   Indang   Market.   While   they   were   eating,  
authority,   is   a   public   officer   who   is   already   their  attention  was  called  by  Rodil  who  was  
vested   with   jurisdiction,   that   is,   a   public   outside   blowing   his   whistle.     Masana,   in  
officer   who   has   the   power   to   govern   and   civilian  clothing,  accompanied  by  Fidel  went  
execute   the   las.   The   councilor,   the   mayor,   outside   and   asked   Rodil,   after   identifying  
the   governor,   etc.,   are   persons   in   authority.   himself   as   a   PC   officer,   whether   the   gun   that  
The   barangay   captainand   barangay   was  tucked  under  his  shirt  had  a  license  
chairman  ae  also  persons  in  authority.  (Art.   • Instead   if   answering   Rodil   attempted   to  
152,   as   amended   by   P.D.   No.   1232,   Nov.   7,   draw  his  gun  but  Fidel  grabbed  the  gave  and  
1977)   gave  it  to  Masana.  
4. Not   applicable   when   crime   is   committed   • The   three   went   inside   the   restaurant   and  
in   the   presence   of   an   agent   only.   An   agent   Masana   wrote   a   receipt   for   the   gun   and   he  
of  a  person  in  authority  is  “any  person  who,   asked   Rodil   to   sign   it   but   the   appellant  
by   direct   provision   of   law   or   by   election   or   refused  to  do  so.    Masana  refused  to  return  
by   appointment   by   competent   authority,   is   the  gun  to  Rodil  and  as  Masana  was  about  to  
charged   with   the   maintenance   of   public   stand   up   Rodil   pulled   out   his   dagger   and  
order  and  the  protection  and  security  of  life   stabbed   Masana   several   times   on   the   chest  
and   property,   such   as   barrio   councilman,   and  stomach  causing  his  death  after  several  
barrio   policeman   and   barangay   leader,   and   hours.  
any  person  who  comes  to  the  aid  of  perons   • The  companions  of  Masana  took  the  accused  
in   authority.”   (Art.   152,   as   amended   by   BP   into  custody.  
Blg.  873)    
5. The   crime   should   not   be   committed   Version  of  the  defense  
against   the   public   officer.   If   the   crime   is   • Rodil  is  claiming  self-­‐defense  
committed   against   a   public   authority   while   • Rodil   together   with   his   wife   were   eating  
he  is  in  the  performance  of  his  official  duty,   inside   the   restaurant   and   while   they   were  
the   offender   commits   direct   assault   (Art.   waiting   for   their   food   Masana   approached  
148.)   without   this   aggravating   and   inquired   whether   he   was   a   member   of  
circumstance,   because   it   is   not   a   crime   the  Anti-­‐smuggling  Unit.    Rodil  answered  in  
committed  “in  contempt  of  or  with  insult”  to   the   affirmative   and   Masana   invited   him   to  
him,  but  a  crime  directly  committed  against   join  him  in  his  table.  
him.     • Rodil   accepted   the   invitation.     During   their  
6. Knowledge   that   a   public   authority   is   conversation   Masana   asked   for  
present  is  essential.  Lack  of  knowledge  on   identification   of   Rodil   and   the   latter   showed  
the   part   of   the   offender   that   a   public   his   ID.     Masana   told   Rodil   that   his   ID   was  
authority   is   present   indicates   lack   of   fake   and   Rodil   insisted   that   it   was   genuine.    
intention  to  insult  the  public  authority.     Masana   was   demanding   that   Rodil  
7. Presence   of   public   authority   has   not   surrender   his   ID   to   him   but   Rodil   refused.    
prevented  offender  from  committing  the   When   Rodil   refused   Masana   pulled   out   his  
crime.   An   offense   may   said   to   have   been   gun   and   hit   the   accused   on   the   head   with   its  
committed  in  contempt  of  a  public  authority   handle   for   2   times   and   as   a   result   blood  
when   his   presence,   made   known   to   the   gushed  out  from  his  head  and  face.  
offender,   has   not   prevented   the   latter   from   • Rodil   pulled   out   his   dagger   and   stabbed  
committing  the  criminal  act.     Masana  and  then  ran  out  of  the  restaurant.  
• Rodil  went  to  the  direction  of  the  Municipal  
People  v.  Rodil,  109  SCRA  308  (1981)   building   where   he   intended   to   surrender.    
Rañeses  129  
On   his   was   he   met   the   Chief   of   Police   and   he   it   at   the   same   time   possible   or   hard   for   the  
was   accompanied   to   the   municipal   building   victim  to  defend  himself  or  retaliate.  
and  was  given  first  aid  treatment.   • Treachery   exists   when   the   offender  
  commits   any   of   the   crimes   against   the  
Issues:     person  employing  means,  methods,  or  forms  
1. WON  self-­‐defense  can  be  availed  by  Rodil.   in   the   execution   thereof   which   tend   to  
2. WON   the   crime   committed   was   murder   or   directly  and  specially  to  insure  its  execution,  
homicide   merely   or   murder   or   homicide   w/o   risk   to   himself   arising   from   the   defense  
complexed   (sic)   with   assault   upon   an   agent   of   which  the  offended  party  might  make.  
authority.   • Information  does  not  allege  the  fact  that  the  
3. WON   the   AC   disregard   of   rank   should   be   accused   then   knew   that,   before   or   at   the  
appreciated   time  of  the  assault,  the  victim  was  an  agent  
  of  a  person  in  authority.  
  • Such   knowledge   must   be   expressly   and  
Held:   specifically   averred   in   the   information;  
1. No.   Self-­‐defense   must   be   proven   by   clear,   otherwise,  in  the  absence  of  such  allegation,  
sufficient,   satisfactory   and   convincing   the   required   knowledge   would   only   be  
evidence   appreciated   as   a   generic   aggravating  
• Accused   must   rely   on   the   strength   of   his   circumstance.  
own   evidence   and   not   on   the   weakness   of   • It   is   essential   that   the   accused   must   have  
the  prosecution.   knowledge   that   the   person   attacked   was   a  
• Having   admitted   the   wounding   or   killing   of   person   in   authority   or   his   agent   in   the  
the   victim,   the   accused   must   be   held   liable   exercise   of   his   duties,   because   the   accused  
for   the   crime   unless   he   establishes   to   the   must  have  the  intention  to  offend,  injure,  or  
satisfaction   of   the   court   the   fact   of   assault   the   offended   party   as   a   person   in  
legitimate  self-­‐defense.   authority  or  agent  of  a  person  in  authority.    
• Court  cannot  perceive  how  the  refusal  of  the   3. Yes.  Whenever  there  is  a  difference  in  social  
accused   to   give   his   ID   could   have   provoked   condition   between   the   offender   and   the  
or   enraged   the   deceased     to   the   extent   of   offended   party,   this   aggravating  
initiating   the   aggression   by   drawing   his   circumstance  sometimes  is  present.  
pistol  and  hitting  the  accused  with  its  butt.   • Mesana  identified  himself  as  a  PC  officer  and  
• It  is  the  accused  who  had  every  reason  to  be   the   accused   is   merely   a   member   of   the   Anti-­‐
resentful  of  the  deceased  and  to  be  enraged   Smuggling   Unit   and   therefore   inferior   both  
after   the   deceased   refused   to   heed   his   plea   in  rank  and  social  status.  
that  his  gun  be  returned.   • Rank   –   refers   to   a   high   social   position   or  
2. Crime   committed   was   homicide   (No   • Cases  wherein  the  aggravating  circumstance  
complex   crime   but   there   is   a   general   of  disregard  of  rank  was  appreciated  
aggravating  circumstance)   o People   vs.   Benito   –   clerk   murdered  
• Murder   –   it   was   established   by   the   assistant   chief   of   the   personnel  
prosecution   that   during   the   stabbing   transaction  division  
incident,   appellant   suddenly   and   without   o People   vs.   Torres   –   murder   of   Col.  
giving  the  victim  a  chance  to  defend  himself,   Salgado   and   injuries   to   Gen.  
stabbed   the   latter   several   times   with   a   Castaneda  
dagger,  inflicting  mortal  wounds.   o People   vs.   Valeriano   –   murder   of  
• No   treachery   –   assailant   &   victim   was   face   district  judge  
to   face.   Attack   wasn’t   treacherous   because   • Chief   of   Police   (Panaligan)   was   present  
the   victim   was   able   to   ward   off   the   same   w/   during   the   incident.   Panaligan   was   the   one  
his   hand.     Force   of   warding   off   the   attack   who  wrested  the  dagger  from  Rodil  and  the  
was   so   strong   that   the   accused   bump   his   accused  knew  him  to  be  the  chief  of  police.  
head   on   a   table   nearby,   causing   injuries   to   • Chief   of   police   is   considered   a   public  
him.    Failed  to  show  that  the  accused  made   authority   or   a   person   in   authority   for   he   is  
any   preparation   to   kill   his   victim   so   as   to   vested   with   jurisdiction   or   authority   to  
insure  the  commission  of  the  crime,  making   maintain  peace  and  order  and  is  specifically  
Rañeses  130  
duty   bound   to   prosecute   and   to   apprehend   c. “The   home   is   a   sort   of   sacred   place   for  
violators  of  the  law   its   owner.   He   who   goes   to   another’s  
  house   to   slander   him,   hurt   him   or   do  
Dissent:  Melencio-­‐Herrera   him   wrong,   is   more   guilty   than   he   who  
• Contempt   of,   or   which   insult   to   public   offends   him   elsewhere.”   (Viada,   5th  
authorities  to  be  considered  as  aggravating,   edition,  Bol.  II,  pp.  323-­‐324)    
it  is  essential  that:   4. Offended   party   must   not   give  
• Crime   is   committed   in   the   presence   of   a   provocation.   If   the   offended   party  
public   authority,   not   a   mere   agent   of   the   provoked   the   incident,   he   loses   his   right   to  
authorities   respect   and   consideration   due   him   in   his  
• Public   authority   is   engaged   in   the   exercise   own  house.  (People  vs.  Ambis,  supra)  
of   his   functions   and   is   not   the   person   5. Meaning   of   provocation   in   the  
against  whom  the  crime  is  committed.   aggravating  circumstance  of  dwelling.  
• Masana   is   not   a   public   authority   nor   a   a. Given  by  the  owner  of  the  dwelling  
person   in   authority   he   is   a   mere   agent   of   a   b. Sufficient,  and  
person  in  authority     c. Immediate   to   the   commission   of   the  
• Disregard  of  the  respect  due  to  rank   crime.    
• There   must   be   a   difference   in   social   If   the   above   conditions   are   present,   the  
condition   of   the   offender   and   the   offended   offended   party   is   deemed   to   have   given  
party   provocation,   and   the   fact   that   the   crime   is  
• Offender  and  offended  are  of  the  same  rank   committed   in   the   dwelling   of   the   offended  
the   aggravating   circumstance   does   not   party  is  not  an  aggravating  circumstance.    
• Difference   in   rank   bet   a   lieutenant   and   On  the  other  hand,  if  any  of  those  conditions  
officer  of  anti-­‐smuggling  unit  is  not  such  of  a   is   not   present,   the   offended   party   is   deemed  
degree   as   to   justify   consideration   of   not   to   have   given   provocation,   and   the   fact  
disrespect  of  rank  due  to  the  offended  party.   that  the  crime  is  committed  in   the  dwelling  
of   the   offended   party   is   an   aggravating  
Note:   The   ruling   in   this   case   directly   contradicts  
6. There   must   be   close   relation   between  
Reyes’s  statement  with  regard  to  the  Chief  of  Police  
provocation   and   commission   of   the  
being   mere   agent.   In   the   case   at   bar,   the   chief   of  
crime  in  the  dwelling.    
police  is  now  a  person  of  authority  as  well.    
7. Because   the   provocation   is   not  
immediate,  dwelling  is  aggravating.    
Dwelling   8. Owner   of   dwelling   gave   immediate  
provocation   à   dwelling   is   not  
1. Dwelling   must   be   a   building   or   structure,  
exclusively   used   for   rest   and   comfort.   A  
9. Prosecution   must   prove   that   no  
“combination   house   and   store”   (People   vs.  
provocation   was   given   by   the   offended  
Magnaye,   89   Phil.   233,   239),   or   a   market  
stall  where  the  victim  slept  is  not  a  dwelling.    
10. The   offender   need   not   enter   the   dwelling  
2. Basis:   Greater   perversity   of   offender,   as  
for  the  circumstance  to  apply.    
shown  by  the  place  of  the  commission  of  the  
11. If   the   crime   took   place   outside   the  
dwelling,   it   is   still   aggravating   if   the  
3. What   aggravates   the   commission   of   the  
commission   of   the   crime   was   begun  
crime  on  one’s  dwelling?    
a. The   abuse   of   confidence   which   the  
12. Dwelling  is  not  included  in  treachery.    
offended   party   reposed   in   the   offender  
by  opening  the  door  to  him;  or  
People  v.  Daniel,  86  SCRA  511  (1978)  
b. The   violation   of   the   sanctity   of   the   home  
Facts:   13-­‐yr   old   Margarita   Paleng   filed   complaint  
by   trespassing   therein   with   violence   or  
against   Amado   Daniel   alias   “Amado   Ato”   for   the  
against   the   will   of   the   owner.  
crime  of  rape.      
(Dissenting   opinion   of   Justice   Villareal,  
• On   Sept   20,   1965,   Margarita,   a   native   of   Mt  
People  vs.  Ambis,  68  Phil.  635,  637)  
Province,  arrived  in  Baguio  City  from  Tublay  
Rañeses  131  
in   a   Dangwa   bus.   She   was   then   en   route   to   the   place   where   he   lives   or   dwells.     Be   he   a   lessee,   a  
her   boarding   house   in   Guisad   as   she   was   a   boarder,   or   a   bed-­‐spacer,   the   place   is   his   home   the  
high   school   student   at   the   Baguio   Eastern   sanctity  of  w/c  the  law  seeks  to  protect  and  uphold.  
High   School.   While   she   was   waiting   inside    
the   bus,   the   accused   Daniel   came   and   Nighttime/Disguise  
started  molesting  her  by  inquiring  her  name   Reyes:  
and   getting   hold   of   her   bag.     She   did   not   1. Par.6.   (Nighttime).   Basis:   Time   and   place  
allow   the   latter   and   instead   called   the   of   the   commission   of   the   crime   and   the  
attention   of   the   bus   driver   and   the   means  and  ways  employed.    
conductor   but   was   merely   shrugged   by   2. Same.  When  aggravating.  
them.     It   seemed   that   they   were   also   afraid   a. When   it   facilitated   the   commission   of  
of  the  accused.    Despite  the  rain,  she  left  the   the  crime;  or  
bus  and  went  to  ride  in  a  jeep  parked  some   b. When   especially   sought   for   by   the  
100meters  away.    The  accused  followed  her   offender  to  insure  the  commission  of  the  
and   rode   and   sat   beside   her.     When   crime   or   for   the   purpose   of   impunity  
Margarita  alighted  in  Guisad,  she  was  again   (People  vs.  Pardo,  79  Phil.  568,  578);  or  
followed   by   the   accused.     Reaching   her   c. When   the   offender   took   advantage  
boarding   house,   she   opened   the   door   and   thereof   for   the   purpose   of   impunity.  
was   about   to   close   it   when   the   accused   (U.S.   vs.   Billedo,   32   Phil.   574,   579;  
dashed   in   and   closed   the   door   behind   him.     People  vs.  Mathagon,  60  Phil.  887,  893)    
He   pulled   a   dagger   8   inches   long   and    
threatened  her  saying,  “If  you  will  talk,  I  will   Although   nocturnity   (sic)   should   not   be  
kill  you.”    Because  of  her  fear,  Margarita  fell   estimated   as   an   aggravating  
silent.     She   was   then   forced   to   lie   down   w/   circumstance,   since   the   time   for   the  
the   accused   placing   a   handkerchief   in   her   commission   of   the   crime   was   not  
mouth   and   holding   a   dagger   to   her   neck.     deliberately   chosen   by   the   accused;   yet,  
Her   attempts   to   flee   was   to   no   avail   as   she   if   it   appears   that   the   accused   took  
was   only   4   ft   8   inches   tall   &   95   lbs   while   advantage   of   the   darkness   for   the   more  
Daniel   was   5   ft   7   inches   tall   and   weighed   successful  consummation  of  his  plans,  to  
126   lbs.     The   accused   was   successful   in   prevent   his   being   recognized,   and   that  
having   carnal   knowledge   of   Margarita.     the   crime   might   be   perpetrated  
Thereafter   she   lost   consciousness.     When   unmolested,   the   aggravating  
she  recovered,  Daniel  had  already  gone.       circumstance   of   nocturnity   should   be  
• For   his   defense,   Daniel   asserts   that   he   and   applied.    
Margarita   have   known   each   other   since   3. Same.   Nighttime   may   facilitate   the  
1963   and   this   was   in   fact   the   2nd   time   he   commission   of   the   crime,   when   because  
had   carnal   knowledge   of   her.     Also,   he   of  the  darkness  of  the  night  the  crime  can  
alleges   that   he   promised   to   marry   Margarita   be   perpetrated   unmolested,   or  
and  was  actually  surprised  the  she  filed  the   interference   can   be   avoided,   or   there  
complaint   against   him.   Medico-­‐Legal   report   would   be   greater   certainty   in   attaining  
indicated  that  Margarita  was  a  virgin  before   the   ends   of   the   offender.   (People   vs.  
the  incident  complained  of.   Matbagon,  60  Phil.  887,  894)    
  4. Same.   Nighttime   need   not   be   specifically  
Issue:   WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of   sought   for   when   (1)   it   facilitated   the  
“dwelling”  can  be  appreciated  in  the  case  at  bar.     commission   of   the   offense,   or   (2)   the  
  offender   took   advantage   of   the   same   to  
Held:   Yes.   The   crime   committed   by   Daniel   is   rape   commit  the  crime.    
w/   the   use   of   a   deadly   weapon   w/   the   aggravating   5. Same.  “Nighttime”  should  be  understood,  
circumstance   of   having   been   committed   in   the   according   to   Viada,   as   that   period   of  
dwelling  of  the  offended  party.    Although  Margarita   darkness   beginning   at   end   of   dusk   and  
was   merely   renting   a   bedspace   in   a   boarding   house,   ending   at   dawn.   Nights   are   from   sunset  
her  room  constituted  for  all  intents  and  purposes  a   to  sunrise.  (Art.  13,  Civil  Code)  
“dwelling”  as  the  term  is  used  in  Art  14  (3)  RPC.    It  is   6. Same.   The   information   must   allege   that  
not   necessary,   under   the   law,   that   the   victim   owns   nighttime   was   sought   for   or   taken  
Rañeses  132  
advantage   of   by   the   accused   or   that   it   Bonaobra   told   him   it   was   Jose   Abion.   The   two  
facilitated  the  commission  of  the  crime.     accused  pretended  to  paddle  away.  When  they  were  
7. Same.   Not   aggravating   when   the   crime   about   7   meters   away,   Bermas‘   companion   fired   his  
began  at  daytime.     Armalite  m16  rifle  at  Bonaobra  and  his  companions.  
a. The  commission  of  the  crime  must  begin   They   heard   2   volleys   fired   at   them.   They   lay   down  
and  be  accomplished  in  the  nighttime.     but   could   not   avoid   the   attack.   After   5   minutes,  
b. The  offense  must  be  actually  committed   Renato,   upon   instruction   from   his   father   Arturo,  
in  the  darkness  of  the  night.     crawled   to   turn   off   remaining   pressure   gas   lamp  
c. When   the   place   of   the   crime   is   and   loosen   the   anchor.   He   then   lost   consciousness.  
illuminated   by   light,   nighttime   is   not   The   boat   was   carried   away   by   the   currents   of   the  
aggravating.     sea   and   into   the   shore,   where   they   were   found   by  
8. Par.  14.  (Disguise).  Disguise  is  the  use  of   Jose,   Rudy,   and   Santiago   Abion   the   following  
any  device  to  conceal  identity.     morning.   Arturo   Abion   and   Catalino   Bellen   were  
9. Same.   The   purpose   of   the   offender   in   already   dead.   Renato   Abion,   Jesus   Lotera,   and  
using   any   device   must   be   to   conceal   his   Bonaobra   were   seriously   wounded,   such   that   had  
identity.     they   not   received   medical   attention,   they   would  
  have   died   from   said   wounds.   Antonio   Abion   was  
People  v.  Bermas,  309  SCRA  741  (1999)   also   injured   though   not   as   grave.   Teodoro   Cas   was  
Facts:     missing,   and   his   body   was   found   3   days   later   in   a  
Lower   court   ruling:   Rustom   Bermas   and   Galma   neighboring   town   in   Albay.   Santiago   found   2   slugs  
Arcilla   were   found   guilty   of   Multiple   Murder   and   inside   the   fishing   boat,   which   he   surrendered   to   the  
Multiple   Frustrated   Murder,   “with   evident   police.  
premeditation,   conspiring,   confederating   and    
helping   one   another,   with   treachery,   taking   Prior   to   the   night   in   question,   the   following   events  
advantage   of   nighttime,   with   the   use   of   high   happened:  
powered  firearms,  and  with  intent  to  kill.”    
Rustom  Bermas  worked  in  a  mining  firm  and  was  a   October  13,  1984  –  at  a  public  dance  at  Namanday,  
councilman   for   Brgy.   Liguan   while   Galma   Arcilla   Albay,   Arcilla   was   involved   in   a   fistfight   with  
was  a  member  of  the  PC  Company,  with  the  position   Leopoldo   Abion.   He   boxed   Leopoldo   in   the   chest  
of   Asst.   Detachment   Commander,   and   was   in   leaving   him   writhing   in   pain   on   the   ground.  
possession  of  an  Armalite  M-­‐16.   Thereafter,   the   Abion   brothers   arrived   to   get   even  
  with   Arcilla   and   Daniel   Abion   was   able   to   hit  
On  April  20,  1985,  at  around  8:30  in  the  evening,  at   appellant  on  the  face  with  a  piece  of  wood.  Rustom  
the   sea   of   Albay,   Arturo,   Abion,   Antonio   Abion,   Bermas,   the   usual   confederate   and   companion   of  
Renato   Abion,   Teodoro   Cas,   Jesus   Lotera,   Catalino   accused,   arrived   to   seek   revenge   for   Arcilla,   but  
Bellen,   and   Expedito   Bonaobra   (barangay   captain)   Daniel  had  already  left.  
were   aboard   a   fishing   boat   named   ―Sagrada    
Familia‖,   owned   by   the   Abion   family,   for   the   October   14,   1985   –   Galma   Arcilla,   with   a   group   of  
purpose  of  catching  fish.   armed   men   forced   open   a   window   in   Santiago‘s  
  house   looking   for   the   latter.   Santiago‘s   pregnant  
The   accused   Rustom   Bermas   and   a   masked   wife  was  so  scared,  she  miscarried.  
companion,   which   the   courts   held   to   be   Galma   April  4,  1985  –  Rustom  Bermas  pounded  on  a  table  
Arcilla,   approached   the   party   through   a   small   and   said   to   Santiago,   ―I   will   bring   home   the  
paddled  boat.  They  circled  the  fishing  boat  Sagrada   Baraka‖.   Baraka   is   the   appellation   (title/label)   of  
four   times   which   gave   survivors/witnesses   the   Abion   family.   This   was   considered   a   death  
Bonaobra   and   Renato   Abion   opportunity   to   threat  to  the  family.  
recognize   Bermas   as   the   one   paddling   the   boat.    
Bonaobra  asked  Arturo  to  remove  the  shade  of  the   On   appeal:   Defendants‘   defense   was   alibi,   insisting  
gas   lamp   so   they   could   recognize   Bermas‘   that   they   were   at   a   different   place   at   the   time   of   the  
companion  but  they  still  could  not  due  to  the  mask   crime   in   question.   Arcilla   further   contends   that  
he   was   wearing.   Bonaobra   asked   Bermas   if   they   lower   court   erred   in   ruling   it   was   he   who   was   the  
were   fishing.   The   accused   said   yes,   and   that   they   masked   companion   since   none   of   the   witnesses  
were   looking   for   somebody.   He   then   asked   identified   him   as   the   masked   man   who   fired   at   the  
Bonaobra   who   owned   the   fishing   boat   and   victims.  There  was  also  that  question  of  the  firearm,  
Rañeses  133  
and  that  the  one  used  to  commit  the  felony  was  not   with  the  one  who  executed  the  criminal  act.  
the   same   one   he   was   issued   with,   and   that   the   In   this   case,   Bermas‘   act   of   paddling   to   and  
firearm   he   owned   was   not   in   his   possession   that   from   the   boat,   as   well   as   his   silence   while  
night.   Bermas   claims   he   had   no   motive   to   kill   and   the  victims  were  being  gunned  down  by  his  
that  conspiracy  was  not  proven.   companion,   was   enough   to   warrant   a  
  conspiracy.  He  must  be  equally  liable  as  co-­‐
Issues:   principal.  It  was  also  a  well-­‐known  fact  that  
1. WON  defendant’s  alibi  can  be  accepted.   he  was  a  close  companion  of  his  co-­‐accused  
2. WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of   and   they   were   frequently   seen   together,   as  
nighttime  may  be  appreciated.   testified  by  other  witnesses.  
3. WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of    
disguise  may  be  appreciated.     Treachery   was   appreciated   in   this   case  
  because   it   satisfied   the   requirements   that   a)  
Held:   malefactor  employed  means  of  execution  to  
1. No.   Alibi   is   the   weakest   of   all   defenses   ensure  his  safety  from  retaliatory  acts  of  the  
because  it  is  easy  to  contrive  and  difficult  to   victim   b)   said   means   were   deliberate.  
disprove.  Defendant‘s  defense  of  alibi  easily   Essence   of   treachery   is   in   the   swift   and  
crumbles   in   the   weight   of   evidence   unexpected   attack   on   unsuspecting   and  
presented  against  them.   unarmed  victims.  
Although   the   witnesses   were   unable   to   2. No.   Nighttime   was   not   appreciated   as   an  
identify   the   masked   man,   it   is   of   no   moment   aggravating   circumstance   in   this   case.   The  
because   there   were   enough   circumstantial   mere  fact  that  the  offense  happened  at  night  
evidence  on  which  the  ruling  could  be  based   was   not   enough   to   sustain   a   finding   of  
on.   The   facts   established   are   enough   to   nocturnity.   It   only   becomes   an   aggravating  
warrant  a  finding  of  guilt  beyond  reasonable   circumstance   when   the   following   requisites  
doubt.   Circumstantial   evidence   may   be   are   present:   1.   It   was   specially   SOUGHT   by  
sufficient   to   warrant   a   conviction.   Physical   the   offender   2.   It   was   TAKEN   ADVANTAGE  
evidence   speaks   more   eloquently   than   all   by  him,  or  3.  It  FACILITATES  commission  of  
the  witnesses  put  together.   the   crime   by   insuring   immunity   from  
The  firearm  used  in  the  felony  was  found  to    
be   exactly   the   one   issued   to   Galma   Arcilla.   In   this   case,   nothing   suggests   that   it   was  
That  he  allegedly  left  his  gun  in  the  custody   consciously  resorted  to.  
of  another  person  was  dubious  because  the    
military   requirement   is   to   leave   firearms   at   3. Yes.   Disguise,   however,   was   appreciated   as  
the   headquarters   where   it   would   be   safer.   an   aggravating   circumstance   because   of  
He  also  failed  to  satisfactorily  explain  where   appellant‘s  use  of  a  mask.  
and   how   the   missing   ammunitions   were    
used.   Evident  premeditation  
In   sum,   court   held   that   Arcilla   had   been   1. Basis:   Ways   of   committing   the   crime,  
lying  in  order  to  exculpate  himself.   because   evident   premeditation   implies   a  
  deliberate   planning   of   the   act   before  
With   regard   to   Bermas‘   contention   that   he   executing  it.    
had   no   ill   motive   since   the   quarrel   was   2. Evident   premeditation   may   be  
between  Arcilla  and  the  Ambions,  court  held   considered  as  to  principal  by  induction.    
that   proof   of   ill   motive   becomes   irrelevant   3. Essence   of   premeditation.   Execution   of  
in  the  face  of  positive  identification.  Bermas   the   criminal   act   must   be   preceded   by   cool  
was   positively   identified   by   Bonaobra   and   thought   and   reflection   upon   the   resolution  
Renato  Ambion.   to   carry   out   the   criminal   intent   during   the  
  space   of   time   sufficient   to   arrive   at   a   calm  
Conspiracy   is   proven   by   the   specific   acts   judgment.  (People  vs.  Durante,  53  Phil.  363,  
done   with   such   closeness   and   coordination   369)  
Rañeses  134  
4. The   premeditation   must   be   “evident.”   Facts:   The   accused,   Manalinde,   who   pleaded   guilty  
There   must   be   evidence   showing   that   the   confessed   that   his   wife   died   about   one   hundred  
accused   meditated   and   reflected   on   his   days  before;  that  he  was  directed  by  Datto  Mupuck  
intention  between  the  time  when  the  crime   to   go   huramentado   and   to   kill   the   two   persons   he  
was   conceived   by   him   and   the   time   it   was   would   meet   in   the   town;   that   if   he   was   successful   in  
actually  perpetrated.     the  matter,  Mupuck  would  give  him  a  pretty  woman  
5. Requisites:   on   his   return;   that   in   order   to   carry   out   his  
1. The  time  when  the  offender  determined   intention   to   kill   two   persons   in   the   town   of  
to  commit  the  crime;   Cotobato,  he  provided  himself  with  a  kris,  which  he  
2. An   act   manifestly   indicating   that   the   concealed   in   banana   leaves;   that   he   traveled   for   a  
culprit   has   clung   to   his   determination;   day  and  a  night  from  his  home;  that  upon  reaching  
and   the   town,   he   attacked   from   behind   a   Spaniard  
3. A   sufficient   lapse   of   time   between   the   named   Igual,   and   immediately   after,   he   attacked   a  
determination   and   execution,   to   allow   Chinaman  named  Choa,  who  was  close  by;  and  that  
him  to  reflect  upon  the  consequences  of   he  had  no  quarrel  with  the  assaulted  persons.  Both  
his   act   and   to   allow   his   conscience   to   victims  died  as  a  result.  
overcome  the  resolution  of  his  will.      
6. The   date   and   time   when   the   offender   Issue:   WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of  
determined   to   commit   the   crime   evident  premeditation  is  established  by  the  facts.  
7. The   premeditation   must   be   based   upon   Held:   Yes.   Those   facts   establish   the   aggravating  
external   acts   and   not   presumed   from   circumstance  of  evident  premeditation.  
mere  lapse  of  time.  (U.S.  vs.  Ricafort,  1  Phil.    
173,  176)   The   three   requisites   of   evident   premeditation   are  
8. Mere  threats  without  the  second  element   illustrated  by  the  facts:  
(external   acts)   does   not   show   evident    
premeditation.     First  requisite:   On   a   certain   date,   Manalinde  
9. Existence  of  ill-­‐feeling  or  grudge  alone  is   accepted   the   proposition   that   he   would   turn  
not  proof  of  evident  premeditation.     hurmentado  and  kill  the  first  two  persons  he  would  
10. Three  hours  or  less  considered  sufficient   meet   in   the   market   place.   On   said   date,   the   offender  
lapse  of  time.     is  said  to  have  determined  the  crime.  
11. Why   sufficient   time   is   required.   The    
offender   must   have   an   opportunity   to   coolly   Second   requisite:   He   undertook   the   journey   to  
and   serenely   think   and   deliberate   on   the   comply   therewith   and   provided   himself   with   a  
meaning   and   the   consequences   of   what   he   weapon.   The   journey   and   the   carrying   of   the  
planned   to   do,   an   interval   long   enough   for   weapon   are   acts   manifestly   indicating   that   the  
his   conscience   and   better   judgment   to   offender   clung   to   his   determination   to   commit   the  
overcome   his   evil   desires   and   scheme.   crime.  
(People  vs.  Mendoza,  91  Phil.  58,  64)    
12. There   must   be   sufficient   time   between   Third   requisite:   After   the   journey   for   a   day   and   a  
the   outward   acts   and   the   actual   night,   he   killed   the   victims.   One   day   and   one   night  
commission  of  the  crime.     constitute  a  sufficient  lapse  of  time  for  the  offender  
13. Conspiracy   generally   presupposes   to  realize  the  consequences  of  his  contemplated  act.  
14. Evident   premeditation   and   price   or   Treachery  
reward  can  co-­‐exist.     Reyes:  
15. When   victim   is   different   from   that   1. Basis:   Reference   to   the   means   and   ways  
intended,  premeditation  not  aggravating.     employed  in  the  commission  of  the  crime.    
16. It  is  not  necessary  that  there  is  a  plan  to   2. Meaning   of   treachery.   There   is   treachery  
kill  a  particular  person.  For  premeditation   when   the   offender   commits   any   of   the  
to  exist,  it  is  not  necessary  that  the  accused   crimes   against   the   person,   employing  
plan  to  kill  a  particular  person.     means,   methods   or   forms   in   the   execution  
  thereof  which  tend  directly  and  specially  to  
United  States  v.  Manalinde,  14  Phil.  77  (1909)   insure  its  execution,  without  risk  to  himself  
Rañeses  135  
arising   from   the   defense   which   the   offended   2. When   the   assault   was   not   continuous,   in  
party  might  make.     that   there   was   an   interruption,   it   is  
3. Rules.   sufficient   that   treachery   was   present   at  
1. Applicable   only   to   crimes   against   the   the  moment  the  fatal  blow  was  given.    
person.     10. Treachery   is   not   to   be   considered   as   to  
2. Means,   methods   or   forms   need   not   the   principal   by   induction   when   it   is   not  
insure  accomplishment  of  crime.     shown   that   the   principal   by   induction  
3. The  mode  of  attack  must  be  consciously   directed   or   induced   the   killer   of   the  
adopted.     deceased  to  adopt  the  means  or  methods  
4. Treachery   cannot   be   presumed.   The   actually   used   by   the   latter   in  
suddenness   of   the   attack   does   not,   of   itself,   accomplishing  the  crime.    
suffice  to  support  a  finding  of  alevosia,  even   11. Treachery,   abuse   of   superior   strength,  
if   the   purpose   was   to   kill,   so   long   as   the   and   means   employed   to   weaken   the  
decision   was   made   all   of   a   sudden   and   the   defense,  distinguished.    
victim’s   helpless   position   was   accidental.   1. Treachery   –   means,   methods   or   forms  
The   qualifying   circumstance   of   treachery   of   attack   are   employed   by   the   offender  
may   not   be   simply   deduced   from   to   make   it   impossible   or   hard   for   the  
presumption   as   it   is   necessary   that   the   offended   party   to   put   up   any   sort   of  
existence   of   this   qualifying   or   aggravating   resistance.    
circumstance   should   be   proven   as   fully   as   2. Abuse   of   superior   strength   –   the  
the   crime   itself   in   order   to   aggravate   the   offender   does   not   employ   means,  
liability  or  penalty  incurred  by  the  culprit.     methods   or   forms   of   attack;   he   only  
5. The   mode   of   attack   must   be   consciously   takes  advantage  of  his  superior  strength.    
adopted.     3. Means   employed   to   weaken   the  
1. The   accused   must   make   some   defense   –   employs   means   but   the  
preparation   to   kill   the   deceased   in   such   means   employed   only   materially  
a   manner   as   to   insure   the   execution   of   weakens   the   resisting   power   of   the  
the   crime   or   to   make   it   impossible   or   offended  party.    
hard   for   the   person   attacked   to   defend   12. When   there   is   conspiracy,   treachery   is  
himself  or  retaliate.   considered  against  all  the  offenders.    
2. The   mode   of   attack   must   be   thought   of   13. The  mastermind  should  have  knowledge  
by   the   offender,   and   must   not   spring   of  the  employment  of  treachery  if  he  was  
from  the  unexpected  turn  of  events.     not   present   when   the   crime   as  
6. Treachery   cannot   be   appreciated   where   committed.    
there   is   nothing   in   the   record   to   show   14. If   the   intervention   of   other   persons   did  
that   the   accused   had   pondered   upon   the   not   directly   and   especially   insure   the  
mode   or   method   to   insure   the   killing   of   execution  of  the  crime  without  risk  to  the  
the   deceased   or   remove   or   diminish   any   accused  there  is  no  treachery.    
risk   to   himself   that   might   arise   from   the   15. Treachery,   evident   premeditation   and  
defense  that  the  deceased  might  make.     use  of  superior  strength  are  absorbed  in  
7. Requisites:   in  treason  by  killings.  
1. That  at  the  time  of  the  attack,  the  victim   16. Treachery   absorbs   abuse   of   superior  
was  not  in  a  position  to  defend  himself;   strength,   aid   of   armed   men,   by   a   band  
and   and  means  to  weaken  the  defense.    
2. That   the   offender   consciously   adopted   17. Nighttime  inherent  in  treachery.    
the  particular  means,  method  or  form  of   18. Craft   is   included   in   and   absorbed   by  
attack  employed  by  him.     treachery.    
8. Treachery   must   be   proven   by   clear   and   19. Age  and  sex  are  included  in  treachery.    
convincing  evidence.     20. Treachery   cannot   co-­‐exist   with   passion  
9. Guiding  principles.     or  obfuscation.    
1. When   the   aggression   is   continuous,    
treachery   must   be   present   in   the   People  v.  Sangalang,  58  SCRA  737  (1974)  
beginning  of  the  assault.     Facts:   June   9,   1968,   6   a.m.:   Ricardo   Cortez   left   his  
nipa   hut   in   Silang,   Cavite   to   gather   tuba   from   a  
Rañeses  136  
nearby   coconut   tree.   His   wife   Flora   Sarno   was   left   didn’t   give   any   immediate   provocation.  
inside  the  hut.  While  on  top  of  the  tree,  Cortez  was   Deliberate   &   surprise   attack   insured  
struck   by   a   valley   of   shots.   He   later   on   fell   to   the   victim’s  killing  w/o  any  risk  to  the  offenders  
ground   at   the   base   of   the   coconut   tree.   Flora   went   arising   from   any   defense   w/c   the   victim  
outside  &  was  supposed  to  help  his  husband  but  the   could  have  made.  Thus,  offense  is  murder.  
five   persons   each   armed   w/a   long   firearm   fired   at   • Treachery  absorbs  the  AC  of  band.    
her  too.  She  went  back  to  the  hut  for  cover  but  she   • Evident   premeditation,   though   alleged,  
was   able   to   recognize   the   5   as   Conrado   Gonzales,   was  not  proven.    
Irineo   Canuel,   Perino   Canuel,   Eleuterio   Cuyom   &    
Laureano  Sangalang.  The  latter  was  known  to  Flora   Ignominy  
&  her  bro  Ricardo  since  childhood.  The  five  left  after   Reyes:  
about   5mins   &   when   she   returned   to   her   husband,   1. Ignominy  is  a  circumstance  pertaining  to  
he  was  already  dead.  L     the   moral   order,   which   adds   disgrace  
  and   obloquy   to   the   material   injury  
Ricardo  Sarno,  Flora’s  bro  who  lived  nearby,  heard   caused  by  the  crime.    
the   gunshots   too.   He   went   out   &   saw   Sangalang   2. Applicable   to   crimes   against   chastity,  
shooting   Cortez   w/a   Garand   carbine.   He   was   less   serious   physical   injuries,   light   or  
supposed   to   help   Cortez   but   he   was   fired   upon   by   grave  coercion,  and  murder.    
the  men  too.      
Sarno   &   Flora   executed   sworn   statements   &   based   People  v.  Torrefiel,  45  OG  803  
on   these,   a   complaint   against   the   5   offenders   was   Facts:   The   accused   and   his   companion   were  
filed.   Only   Sangalang   was   arrested.   CFI   convicted   guerillas  of  the  USAFFE.  
him  of  murder  &  was  sentenced  to  RP.     On  their  way  to  their  headquarters,  they  stopped  at  
  the   house   of   the   offended   party   and   asked   her  
Defense:  Sangalang  claims  that  during  that  time,  he   husband  for  khaki  clothes.  
was   in   Sampaloc,   Manila   to   borrow   money   from   a    
certain   Gatdula   for   the   tuition   fees   of   his   children.   The   offended   party   accused   them   of   being   looters.  
He  likewise  impugns  the  credibility  of  Mrs.  Cortez  &   They   then   decided   to   bring   the   spouses   to   their  
Ricardo.   headquarters   supposedly   to   investigate   the  
1. WON  Sangalang’s  alibi  is  admissible   The   accused   was   initially   assigned   to   accompany  
2. WON   the   qualifying   AC   of   treachery   the  husband  and  his  companion  the  wife.  However,  
(alevosia)  should  be  appreciated.   the  accused  was  lost  on  their  way,  which  led  to  the  
  escape  of  the  husband.  
1. No.   Discrepancies   in   the   testimonies   of   He   eventually   kept   up   with   his   companion,   who,  
Sarno   &   Mrs.   Cortez   are   not   glaring   and   after   realizing   that   the   husband   escaped,   left   the  
instead   these   strengthen   their   credibility   &   wife  with  the  accused  to  look  for  said  husband.  
show   that   they   did   not   rehearse   their    
testimonies.   The   wife   then   testified   that   the   accused,   after  
• Cortez   &   Sarno   clearly   &   consistently   winding   cogon   grass   around   his   genital   organ,  
testified   that   Sangalang   was   among   raped  her.  
those   who   shot   Ricardo.   Their    
unwavering   identification   negates   Issue:   WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of  
Sangalang’s  alibi.     ignominy  can  be  appreciated.    
• Although   motive   for   killing   was   not    
proven,   it   was   not   shown   either   that   Held:   Yes.   The   court   appreciated   the   aggravating  
Cortez   &   Sarno   were   impelled   by   circumstance   stating   that   the   manner   of  
malicious   desires   to   falsely   incriminate   commission   augmented   the   wrong   done   by  
Sangalang.     increasing  the  pain  and  adding  ignominy  thereto.  
2. Yes.   When   the   crime   happened,   victim   was    
on  top  of  a  coconut  tree.  He  was  unarmed  &   People  v.  Alfanta,  320  SCRA  357  (1999)    
defenseless.  The  assault  was  unexpected.  He  
Rañeses  137  
Facts:   The   offended   party   testified   that,   while   • Spouse,  
sleeping  in  the  living  room  of  a  friend,  was  suddenly   • Ascendant,  
pulled  and  boxed  by  the  accused,  and  then  covered   • Descendant,  
her  mouth  with  his  hand.   • Legitimate,   natural,   or   adopted   brother  
  or  sister,  or,  
With  a  bolo,  the  accused  allegedly  ordered  her  to  go   • Relative  by  affinity  in  the  same  degree  of  
out,  climb  up  the  fence  to  the  next  house.   the  offender.    
  5. Same.   Same.   When   mitigating   and   when  
The   accused   then   ordered   her   to   undress   and   to   aggravating.  
separate  her  legs.  She  was  then  raped.   • As   a   rule,   relationship   is   mitigating   in  
  crimes   against   property,   by   analogy   to  
Allegedly,   the   accused   also   inserted   his   genital   the  provisions  of  Art.  332.    
organ  in  her  genital  organ.   • It   is   aggravating   in   crimes   against  
The   accused   defense   was   that   they   were   persons   in   cases   where   the   offended  
sweethearts.   party   is   a   relative   of   a   higher   degree  
  than   the   offender   or   when   the   offender  
The  court  rejected  this  theory,  it  being  belied  by  the   and   the   offended   party   are   relatives   of  
offended   party   stabbing   him,   after   which   she   the  same  level.    
reported  the  incident  to  the  police.   6. Same.  Same.  If  the  crime  against  persons  
  is  any  of  the  serious  physical  injuries,  the  
The   court   also   appreciated   two   aggravating   fact   that   the   offended   party   is   a  
circumstances.   descendant   of   the   offender   is   not  
  mitigating.   But   when   the   offense  
Issue:     committed   is   less   serious   physical   injuries  
1. WON   the   aggravating   circumstance   of   (Art.   265);   or   slight   physical   injuries   (Art.  
nighttime  can  be  appreciated.     266),   relationship   is   a   mitigating  
2. WON  the  aggravating  circumstance  of     circumstance,   if   the   offended   party   is   a  
  relative   of   a   lower   degree   of   the   offender;  
Held:   and   an   aggravating   circumstance,   if   the  
1. Yes.   Nighttime:   The   accused   took   advantage   offended   party   is   a   relative   of   a   higher  
of   the   time   in   order   to   facilitate   the   crime   degree  of  the  offender.    
without  being  recognized.   7. Same.   Same.   Relationship   is   neither  
2. Yes.   Ignominy:   While   the   accused   claimed   mitigating   nor   aggravating,   when  
that   the   manner   in   which   the   rape   was   done   relationship  is  an  element  of  the  offense.    
was   normal   for   lovers,   the   court   did   not   8. Same.   Same.   In   crimes   against   chastity,  
think  so.   relationship  is  always  aggravating.    
  9. Same.  Intoxication.  
E. Alternative  Circumstances   • Mitigating   –   (1)   if   intoxication   is   not  
Reyes:   habitual,   or   (2)   if   intoxication   is   not  
1. Alternative   circumstances   are   those   subsequent   to   the   plan   to   commit   a  
which   must   be   taken   into   consideration   felony.    
as  aggravating  or  mitigating  according  to   • Aggravating   –   (1)   if   intoxication   is  
the   nature   and   effects   of   the   crime   and   habitual;   or   (2)   if   it   is   intentional  
the   other   conditions   attending   its   (subsequent   to   the   plan   to   commit   a  
commission.     felony).    
2. Basis:   nature   and   effects   of   the   crime   and   10. Same.   Same.   The   accused’s   state   of  
the   other   conditions   attending   its   intoxication  must  be  proved.    
commission.     11. Same.   Same.   Drunkenness   must   affect  
3. The  alternative  circumstances  are:   mental  faculties.    
1. Relationship;   12. Same.   Even   if   intoxication   is   not   habitual,  
2. Intoxication;  and   it  is  aggravating  when  subsequent  to  the  
3. Degree   of   instruction   and   education   of   plan  to  commit  the  crime.    
the  offender.     13. Same.   Same.   Presumption   is   that  
4. Same.  Relationship.   intoxication  is  accidental.    
Rañeses  138  
14. Same.   Same.   Non-­‐habitual   intoxication,   of   intoxication,   if   the   same   is   not   habitual   or  
lack   of   instruction   and   obfuscation   are   subsequent   to   the   plan   to   commit   said   felony;   but  
not  be  taken  separately.     when   the   intoxication   is   habitual   or   intentional,   it  
15. Same.   Degree   of   instruction   and   shall  be  considered  as  an  aggravating  circumstance.  
education   of   the   offender.   Low   degree   of    
instruction   and   education   or   lack   of   it   is    
generally   mitigating..   High   degree   of   Intoxication  
instruction   and   education   is   aggravating    
when   the   offender   avails   himself   of   his   People  v.  Camano,  115  SCRA  688  (1982)  
learning  in  committing  the  crime.     Facts:    
• Lack  of  sufficient  intelligence  is  required   • Feb.   17,   1970   bet.   4   &   5   p.m.   in   Nato,  
in  illiteracy.     Sagnay,   Camarines   Sur:   Camano,   after  
• Lack   of   sufficient   instruction   is   not   drinking   liquor,   stabbed   Godofredo   Pascua  
mitigating   when   the   offender   is   a   city   w/a  bolo  while  the  latter  was  walking  along  
resident   who   knows   how   to   sign   his   the  barrio  street  almost  in  front  of  the  store  
name.     of   one   Socorro   Buates.   Pascua   sustained   2  
16. Same.   Same.   Lack   of   instruction   must   be   mortal   wounds   w/c   caused   his   death.  
proved   by   the   defense.   It   must   be   Afterwards,  Camano  went  to  the  seashore  of  
positively   and   directly   proved   and   cannot   the   barrio   where   he   found   Mariano  
be  based  on  mere  deduction  or  inference.     Buenaflor  leaning  at  the  gate  of  the  fence  of  
17. Same.   Same.   The   question   of   lack   of   his   house   in   a   kneeling   position   w/both  
instruction   cannot   be   raised   for   the   first   arms  on  top  of  the  fence  &  his  head  stooping  
time  in  appellate  court.     down.   Camano   then   hacked   Buenaflor  
18. Same.   Same.   Ordinarily,   low   degree   or   w/the   same   bolo   sustaining   8   wounds   w/c  
lack   of   instruction   is   mitigating   in   all   caused   latter’s   death.   No   proof   of   any  
crimes.     altercation   between   the   accused   &   victims  
19. Same.  Same.  High  degree  of  instruction  as   prior  to  the  incidents.  
aggravating.     • 3   yrs   before   the   incident,   the   victims   had   a  
• Degree   of   instruction   is   aggravating   misunderstanding   w/the   accused.   Camano  
when   the   offender   availed   himself   or   asked   for   Pascua   to   tow   his   fishing   boat  
took   advantage   of   it   in   committing   the   w/the   motorboat   owned   by   Buenaflor   but  
crime.     the   two   refused   to   do   so.   Camano   resented  
  such   refusal.   Even   if   they   were   seen  
RPC,  Art.  15   drinking   together   later   on,   the   friendly  
attitude   was   more   artificial   than   real.  
Their  concept.  -­‐  Alternative  circumstances  are  those   Camano   refused   to   associate   w/the   2   &   a  
which   must   be   taken   into   consideration   as   neighbor’s   attempt   to   reconcile   the   3   was  
aggravating   or   mitigating   according   to   the   nature   repeatedly   refused.   And   in   instances   when  
and   effects   of   the   crime   and   the   other   conditions   Camano   was   drunk,   he’d   even   challenge  
attending   its   commission.   They   are   the   relationship,   Buenaflor   to   a   fight   &   announce   his   evil  
intoxication   and   the   degree   of   instruction   and   intention  to  kill  them.    
education  of  the  offender.   • Prosecution:   Camano   surrendered   upon  
demand   of   the   peace   officers.   He   admitted  
The   alternative   circumstance   of   relationship   shall   that  he  owned  the  bolo  used  in  the  killing  &  
be   taken   into   consideration   when   the   offended   such   was   hidden   under   the   table   of   his  
party   is   the   spouse,   ascendant,   descendant,   house.  Patrolman  Baluyot  found  the  bolo  at  
legitimate,   natural,   or   adopted   brother   or   sister,   or   the   place   indicated   by   Camano.   The   bolo  
relative   by   affinity   in   the   same   degrees   of   the   was   still   stained   w/human   blood.   He  
offender.   likewise   admitted   that   killed   Pascua   &  
Buenaflor   in   self-­‐defense   but   he   refused   to  
The   intoxication   of   the   offender   shall   be   taken   into   sign   his   statement.   He   was   charged  
consideration   as   a   mitigating   circumstance   when   w/murder   attended   by   evident  
the  offender  has  committed  a  felony  in  a  state   premeditation  &  treachery.    
Rañeses  139  
• Defense:   Camano   claims   that   he   went   3. WON   the   alternative   circumstance   of  
fishing   early   morning   of   Feb.   17.   Buenaflor,   intoxication   should   be   appreciated   as   an  
upon   seeing   that   he   had   a   big   catch,   aggravating  circumstance.  
demanded   a   percentage   for   the   fishery   4. WON   death   is   a   cruel   &   unusual   penalty   &  
commission.   Camano   refused   to   pay   &   saw   not  proper  in  the  case  at  bar.  
Buenaflor   called   him   hard   headed.   He   went    
home  afterwards.  After  dinner,  he  prepared   Held:    
to  go  out  to  sea  again.  While  standing  in  the   1. No.   Evident   Premeditation   is   present   when  
yard   of   his   house,   he   saw   Buenaflor   &   the   offender   had   carefully   planned   the  
Pascua   having   a   drinking   session   w/a   group   killing.    
of   men   at   the   score   of   Socorro   Buates.   He   a. Requisites:   a)   time   when   offender  
claims   that   the   Buenaflor’s   group   determined   to   commit  the  crime;  b)  
approached   him   &   w/o   any   provocation,   act   manifestly   indicating   that   the  
Pascua   boxed   him.   Buenaflor   punched   him   culprit   had   clung   to   his  
also.  He  claims  that  when  Pascua  was  about   determination;   c)   sufficient   lapse   of  
to   bolo   him,   he   was   able   to   grab   the   bolo   time   bet   the   determination   &  
from  Pascua.  Pascua  then  fell  on  the  ground   execution   of   the   crime   to   allow   him  
&  the  rest  of  the  group  ran  away  except  for   to   reflect   upon   the   consequences   of  
Buenaflor   who   approached   him.   Buenaflor   his   act   &   to   allow   his   conscience   to  
was   also   armed   w/a   bolo   w/c   prompted   overcome  the  resolution  of  his  will.    
Camano   to   bolo   him.   Buenaflor   ran   away   b. No   proof   of   the   requisites   in   this  
once  he  was  wounded  but  Camano  ran  after   case.   Trial   court   merely   concluded  
him   claiming   that   former   had   a   gun   at   home   that  crime  was  premeditated  due  to  
w/c  he  might  use  to  shoot  Camano  later  on.   the  incident  w/c  occurred  3  yrs  ago.  
Thus,   he   hacked   Buenaflor   to   death.   He   But   such   did   not   establish   the   time  
denies  killing  Pascua  &  claims  that  the  fight   when   Camano   decided   to   commit  
was   due   to   a   heated   argument   &   their   the   crime.   It   can   only   establish   his  
drunkenness.     motive   for   killing   the   victims.  
• CFI   Camrines   Sur:   sentenced   Camano   to   Previous   incidents   wherein   Camano  
death.   Claims   of   Camano   are   w/o   challenged   Buenaflor   to   a   fight   did  
evidentiary  support  &  are  mere  fictions.  His   not   reveal   a   persistence   of   criminal  
cousin   &   lone   witness,   Nemesio   Camano   is   design  since  there’s  no  proof  that  he  
not  credible  either.  His  testimonies  had  a  lot   was   making   plans   in   between   those  
of   inconsistencies.   Besides,   if   Camano   were   threats   &   the   consummation   of   the  
really   innocent,   he   should   have   produced   crime.  
more   witnesses   considering   that   the   crime    
was   committed   in   broad   daylight   w/many   2. Yes.  Amado  Payago,  one  of  the  men  drinking  
people  witnessing  it.  But  only  Nemesio  was   w/Pascua   &   Buenaflor   during   the   incident,  
presented.  Nemesio  &  Camano’s  testimonies   testified   that   Camano   attacked   Pascua   from  
were   changed   many   times   too.   Evidence   behind.  Such  is  a  measure    w/c  ensures  the  
show   that   he   is   guilty   of   murder   beyond   accomplishment   of   criminal   act   w/o   any  
reasonable  doubt  w/evident  premeditation,   risk   to   the   perpetrator   arising   from   the  
treachery,   abuse   of   superior   strength   &   defense   that   his   victim   may   put   up  
intoxication.     characterizing   treachery.   Payago’s  
• Appeal:   Camano’s   counsel   claims   that   the   testimony   is   further   strengthened   by   the  
accused   is   only   guilty   of   homicide   &   not   nature   &   location   of   the   wounds   sustained  
murder.     by  Pascua  w/c  show  that  the  point  of  entry  
  of   the   stab   wounds   were   at   the   back   &   point  
Issues:     of  exit  were  in  front.    
1. WON   evident   premeditation   should   be    
appreciated.   Buenaflor   was   hacked   while   he   was   in   a  
2. WON  treachery  should  be  appreciated   kneeling   position.   The   attack   was   sudden,  
unexpected   &   lethal   such   as   to   disable   &  
Rañeses  140  
incapacitate   him   from   putting   up   any   barbarous,   something   more   that   the  
defense.   mere  extinguishments  of  life.    
3. No.   IT’S   MITIGATING.   Camano’s   counsel   Aquino   dissenting:   Premeditation   is   aggravating  
claims   that   there   was   no   proof   of   accused’s   thus  accused  should  be  sentenced  to  2  RPs.  
intoxication   at   the   time   of   the   killing   other    
than   Payago’s   testimony   that   he   saw   Makasiar   concurring:   Voluntary   surrender   will  
Camano   drinking   in   his   house   about   30   also  mitigate  guilt  of  the  accused.  He  had  a  choice  to  
meters   away.   No   police   report/doctor’s   surrender   or   not   when   demanded   by   the   policemen  
certification   was   presented   either.   who  didn’t  place  him  under  arrest  nor  did  they  have  
Furthermore,   there’s   no   proof   that   accused   any  arrest  warrant.  
purposefully   got   drunk   to   facilitate   the    
commission   of   the   offense.   If   intoxication    
should   be   appreciated   it   should   be   used   as    
mitigating   circumstance   since   it   diminished    
his  capacity  to  know  the  injustice  of  his  acts    
&   comprehend   fully   the   consequence   of   his    
• Mitigating   if   accidental,   not   habitual   or    
intentional   &   not   subsequent   to   the   plan    
to   commit   the   crime.   It   must   be    
indubitably  proven.    
• Aggravating   if   habitual   or   intentional.    
Habitual   drunkard   is   one   given   to    
intoxication   by   excessive   use   of    
intoxicating   drinks.   Habit   should   be    
actual   &   confirmed.   Not   necessarily   a    
daily   occurrence   but   it   must   lessen   the    
individual’s   resistance  to   evil  thought   &    
undermine  will  power  making  its  victim    
a  potential  evildoer.      
• No   proof   that   Camano   was   a   habitual    
drinker   although   he   used   to   get   drunk    
every   now   &   then.   Even   Pagayo’s    
testimony   does   not   establish   the    
habitual   drinking   of   Camano.   The    
intoxication   not   being   habitual   &   since    
accused  was  in  a  state  of  intoxication  at    
the   time   of   the   commission   of   the   crime,    
intoxication   should   be   appreciated   as   a    
mitigating  circumstance.    
4. No.   Camano’s   counsel   claims   that   the    
penalty  violates  Art.  IV,  Sec.  21  of  the  Consti    
w/c   provides   that   excessive   fines   shall   not    
be   imposed   nor   cruel   or   unusual    
punishment  inflicted.      
• Harden   vs.   Dir   of   Prisons:   DP   is   not    
cruel,   unjust   or   excessive.   Punishments    
are  cruel  when  they  involve  torture  or  a    
lingering   death   but   the   punishment   of    
death   is   not   cruel   w/in   the   meaning   of    
that   word   as   used   in   the   Consti.   It    
implies   something   inhuman   &    
Rañeses  141  
Persons  Criminally  Liable   3. An   artificial   or   juridical   person  
cannot   act   with   malice   or  
A. In  Grave  and  Less  Grave  Felonies   4. Other   penalties   consisting   in  
  imprisonment  and  other  deprivation  
RPC,  Art.  16.    
of   liberty,   like   destierro,   can   be  
executed   only   against   individuals.  
Who   are   criminally   liable.   -­‐   The   following   are   (Albert)    
criminally  liable  for  grave  and  less  grave  felonies:   4. Officers,   not   corporation,   are  
criminally  liable.    
1.  Principals.   5. Juridical   persons   are   criminally  
liable  under  certain  special  laws.    
2.  Accomplices.   6. Only   the   officers   of   the   corporation  
who  participated  either  as  principals  
3.  Accessories.   by   direct   participation   or   principals  
by  induction  or  by  cooperation,  or  as  
The  following  are  criminally  liable  for  light  felonies:  
accomplices   in   the   commission   of   an  
1.  Principals   act  punishable  by  law  are  liable.    
7. Passive   subject   of   crime.   The   holder   of  
2.  Accomplices.   the   injured   rights:   the   man,   the   juristic  
  person,  the  group  and  the  State.    
Reyes:   Principals  
1. Treble   division   of   persons   criminally    
liable.   This   division   rests   upon   the   very   RPC,  Art.  17.    
nature   of   their   participation   in   the  
commission  of  the  crime.     Principals.   -­‐   The   following   are   considered  
When   a   crime   is   committed   y   many,   without  
being   equally   shared   by   all,   a   different   1.   Those   who   take   a   direct   part   in   the   execution   of  
degree   of   responsibility   is   imposed   upon   the  act;  
each   and   every   one   of   them.   In   that   case,  
they   are   criminally   liable   either   as   2.   Those   who   directly   force   or   induce   others   to  
principals,  accomplices  or  accessories.     commit  it;  
2. Active   subject   and   passive   subject   of  
crime.   In   all   crimes   there   are   always   two   3.   Those   who   cooperate   in   the   commission   of   the  
parties,   namely;   the   active   subject   (the   offense   by   another   act   without   which   it   would   not  
criminal)   and   the   passive   subject   (the   have  been  accomplished.  
injured   party).   Art.   16   enumerates   the    
active  subjects.      
3. Only   natural   persons   can   be   active   Reyes:    
subjects  of  crime.  Only  natural  persons  can   1. Difference   between   a   principal   under  
be   the   active   subject   of   crime   because   of   the   any   of   the   three   categories   enumerated  
highly   personal   nature   of   the   criminal   in   Art.   17   and   a   co-­‐conspirator.   The  
responsibility.     difference   between   an   accused   who   is   a  
1. The   RPC   requires   that   the   culprit   principal   under   any   of   the   three   categories  
should   have   acted   with   personal   enumerated   in   Art.   17   of   the   RPC   and   a   co-­‐
malice  or  negligence.  An  artificial  or   conspirator   who   is   also   a   principal   is   that  
juridical   person   cannot   act   with   while   the   former’s   criminal   liability   is  
malice  or  negligence.     limited  to  his  own  acts,  as  a  general  rule,  the  
2. A   juridical   person,   like   a   latter’s  responsibility  includes  the  acts  of  his  
corportation,  cannot  commit  a  crime   fellow  conspirators.    
in   which   a   willful   purpose   or   a    
malicious  intent  is  required.     Principals  by  direct  participation  
Rañeses  142  
Reyes:   8. When  there  is  no  conspiracy,  each  of  the  
1. Two   or   more   persons   may   take   direct   offenders   is   liable   only   for   the   act  
part  in  the  execution  of  the  act,  in  which   performed  by  him.    
case   they   may   be   principals   by   direct   9. Conspiracy   is   implied   when   the   accused  
participation.     had  a  common  purpose  and  were  united  
2. Requisites:   in  its  execution.    
a. That   they   participated   in   the   10. Unity   of   purpose   ad   intention   in   the  
criminal  resolution;   commission  of  the  crime.  
b. That  they  carried  out  their  plan  and   a. Spontaneous   agreement   at   the  
personally  took  part  in  its  execution   moment   of   the   commission   of   the  
by  acts  which  directly  tended  to  the   crime   is   sufficient   to   create   just  
same  end.     responsibility.    
3. Conspiracy.   A   conspiracy   exists   when   two   b. Active   cooperation   by   all   the  
or   more   persons   come   to   an   agreement   offenders   in   the   perpetration   of   the  
concerning   the   commission   of   a   felony   and   crime   will   also   create   joint  
decide  to  commit  it.  (Art.  8,  par.  2)     responsibility.    
a. To   be   a   party   to   a   conspiracy,   one   c. Contributing   by   positive   acts   to   the  
must   have   the   intention   to   realization   of   a   common   criminal  
participate  in  the  transaction  with  a   intent   also   creates   joint  
view   to   the   furtherance   of   the   responsibility.    
common  design  and  purpose.     d. Presence   during   the   commission   of  
4. Silence  does  not  make  one  a  conspirator.     the   crime   by   a   band   and   lending  
5. Conspiracy  transcends  companionship.     moral   support   thereto,   also   create  
6. Existence   of   conspiracy.   The   existence   of   joint  responsibility  with  the  material  
conspiracy   does   not   require   necessarily   an   executors.    
agreement  for  an  appreciable  length  prior  to   e. Where   one   of   the   accused   knew   of  
the  execution  of  the  purpose,  since  from  the   the   plan   of   the   others   to   commit   a  
legal   viewpoint,   conspiracy   exists   if,   at   the   crime   and   accepted   the   role  
time   of   the   commission   of   the   offense,   the   assigned   to   him   and   he   actually  
accused   had   the   same   purpose   and   were   performed  the  role.    
united   in   its   execution.   (People   v.   Binasing,   11. There   may   be   conspiracy   even   if  
et  al.,  98  Phil.  908)   there   is   no   evident   premeditation   on  
7. Proof  of  conspiracy.   the  part  of  the  accused.    
a. In   the   absence   of   collusion   among   12. Where   there   is   conspiracy,   the   act   of  
the   declarants,   their   confessions   one  is  the  act  of  all.    
may   form   a   complete   picture   of   the   13. A   conspirator   is   not   liable   for  
whole   situation   and   may   be   another’s   crime   which   is   not   an  
considered   collectively   as   object   to   the   conspiracy   or   which   is  
corroborative   and/or   confirmatory   not   a   necessary   and   logical  
of   the   evidence   independent   consequence  thereof.    
therefrom.     14. A   person   in   conspiracy   with   others,  
b. It   is   not   essential   that   there   be   who   had   desisted   before   the   crime  
proofs  as  to  the  previous  agreement   was   committed   by   the   others,   is   not  
and  decision  to  commit  the  crime,  it   criminally  liable.    
being   sufficient   that   the   malefactors   15. When   there   is   conspiracy,   it   is   not  
shall  have  acted  in  concert  pursuant   necessary  to  ascertain  the  specific  act  
to  the  same  objective.     of  each  conspirator.    
c. Formal   agreement   or   previous   16. When   there   is   conspiracy,   the   fact  
acquaintance   among   several   that   an   element   of   the   offense   is   not  
persons  not  necessary  in  conspiracy.     present   as   regards   one   of   the  
d. Conspiracy   must   be   established   by   conspirators  is  immaterial.    
positive  and  conclusive  evidence.     17. There   could   be   no   conspiracy   to  
commit   an   offense   through  
Rañeses  143  
18. In   cases   of   criminal   negligence   or   Siaga,   who   remained   below   in   the   tienda   and  
crimes   punishable   by   special   law,   engaged  the  woman  in  conversation  while  the  other  
allowing   or   failing   to   prevent   an   act   defendants   went   up   into   the   house,   should   only   be  
to   be   performed   by   another,   makes   held   as   a   accomplice   (accessary   before   the   fact)   as  
one  a  co-­‐principal.     defined  in  the  Penal  Code,  and  not  as  a  principal.  
19. The   principals   by   direct   participation    
must   be   at   the   scene   of   the   crime,   Issue:    WON  defendant  Eustaquio  Siaga  should  only  
personally   taking   part   in   the   be  held  liable  as  accomplice?  
20. When   the   second   requisite   is   lacking   Held:   No.   The   defendant   Siaga   acted   concurrently  
(culprits   personally   took   part),   there   with  the  other  defendants,  and  must  be  held  to  have  
is  only  conspiracy.     been  present  with  them  aiding  and  abetting  them  in  
21. There   is   collective   criminal   the   commission   of   the   crime   by   remaining   below  
responsibility  when  the  offenders  are   and  talking  with  the  woman  in  order  to  distract  her  
criminally   liable   in   the   same   manner   attention   from   what   was   going   on   upstairs.   In   doing  
and  to  the  same  extent.  The  penalty  to   so  he  was  evidently  serving  as  a  guard  to  warn  his  
be  imposed  must  be  the  same  for  all.     companions  in  case  there  should  arise  any  necessity  
22. In   the   absence   of   previous   for   giving   an   alarm.   When   the   other   defendants  
conspiracy,  unity  of  criminal  purpose   came   down   out   of   the   house   he   went   away   with  
and   intention   immediately   before   the   them.    
commission   of   the   crime,   or    
community   of   criminal   design,   the   This  court  has  repeatedly  held  that  one  who  shares  
criminal   responsibility   arising   from   the   guilty   purpose   and   aids   and   abets   the  
different   acts   directed   against   one   commission   of   a   crime   by   his   presence   at   the   time  
and   the   same   person   is   individual   of   its   perpetration,   even   though   he   may   not   have  
and   not   collective,   and   each   of   the   taken   an   active   part   in   its   material   execution,   is  
participants   is   liable   only   for   the   act   guilty   as   a   principal.   We   have   also   held   that   one  
committed  by  him.     who  stands  as  guard  near  the  place  where  a  crime  is  
  committed   to   keep   others   away   or   to   warn   his  
United  States  v.  Diris,  26  Phil.  133  (1918)   companions   and   fellow   conspirators   of   danger   of  
Fact:   Fulgencio   Seal,   who   lived   in   the   pueblo   of   discovery,   takes   a   direct   part   in   the   commission   of  
Calauag,   Province   of   Tayabas,   received   from   the   the   crime   and   is   therefore   guilty   as   a   principal  
railroad   company,   more   than   P400   in   payment   of   under  article  13  of  the  Penal  Code.  
certain  land  expropriated  by  that  company,  and  that    
the   defendant   Tomas   Olea,   a   nephew   of   Fugencio   Principals  by  inducement  
Seal,  was  present  when  the  money  was  counted  and   Reyes:  
paid   over   to   his   uncle.   Thereafter,   after   Fulgencio   1. The   principal   by   induction   becomes  
Seal  left  the  house  leaving  his  wife  in  charge  of  their   liable   only   when   the   principal   by   direct  
tienda,  the  three  defendants  appeared  at  the  tienda   participation  committed    
and   Eustaquio   Siaga   engaged   the   woman   in   2. Two   ways   of   becoming   principal   by  
conversation   while   the   other   two   defendants   went   induction.  
upstairs,  broke  open  the  trunk,  and  took  the  money,   a.  by  directly  forcing  another  to  commit  
amounting  to  P353,  and  a  receipt  for  P100.  After  the   a  crime,  and  
discovery   of   the   commission   of   the   crime,   The   • By  using  irresistible  force.  
nephew   when   found   admitted   the   theft   of   the   • By   causing   uncontrollable  
money   and   promised   that   if   the   uncle   would   not   fear.    
make   any   trouble   about   it   he   would   try   and   recover   b.  by   directly   inducing   another   to  
it  from  the  other  defendants.     commit  a  crime.    
  • By   giving   price,   or   offering  
At   the   trial   the   defendants   denied   that   they   were   reward  or  promise.    
the  authors  of  the  crime;  Olea  and  Diris  denied  that   • By  using  words  of  command.    
they   were   present   at   the   house   on   the   morning   in   3. Requisites  
question.   However,   they   were   convicted   for   the  
crime   of   robbery.   On   appeal,   defendant   Eustaquio  
Rañeses  144  
a.  That  the  inducement  be  made  directly   7. Ascendancy  or  influence  as  to  amount  to  
with   the   intention   of   procuring   the   moral   coercion   is   not   necessary   when  
commission  of  the  crime;  and   there  is  conspiracy.    
b.  That   such   inducement   be   the   8. One   who   planned   the   crime   committed  
determining   cause   of   the   commission   by  another  is  a  principal  by  inducement.    
of  the  crime  by  the  material  executor.   9. If   the   crime   committed   is   not  
• It   is   necessary   that   contemplated   in   the   order   given,   the  
inducement   be   the   inducement   is   not   material   and   not   the  
determining   cause   of   the   determining  cause  thereof.    
commission   of   the   crime   by   10. Distinguish   principal   by   inducement  
the   principal   by   direct   from  the  offender  who  made  proposal  to  
participation,  that  is,  without   commit  a  felony.    
such   inducement   the   crime   a. In   both,   there   is   an   inducement   to  
would   not   have   been   commit  a  crime.    
committed.     b. In  the  first,  the  principal  by  inducement  
• The   indicement   must   becomes   liable   only   when   the   crime   is  
precede   the   act   induced   and   committed   by   the   principal   by   direct  
must   be   so   influential   in   participation;   in   the   second   the   mere  
producing   the   criminal   act   proposal   to   commit   a   felony   is  
that  without  it,  the  act  would   punishable   in   treason   or   rebellion.   The  
not  have  been  performed.     person   to   whom   the   proposal   is   made  
  should  not  commit  the  crime;  otherwise,  
To   constitute   inducement,   there   must   the   proponent   becomes   a   principal   by  
exist   on   the   part   of   the   inducer   the   inducement.    
most  positive  resolution  and  the  most   c. In   the   first,   the   inducement   involves   any  
persistent   effort   to   secure   the   crime;  in  the  second,  the  proposal  to  be  
commission   of   the   crime,   together   punishable   must   involve   only   treason   or  
with   the   presentation   to   the   person   rebellion.    
induced   by   the   very   strongest   kind   of   11. Effects   of   acquittal   of   principal   by   direct      
temptation  to  commit  the  crime.     participation   upon   the   liability   of  
4. A   thoughtless   expression   without   principal  by  inducement.  
intention   to   produce   the   result   is   not   an   a. Conspiracy   is   negatived   (sic)   by   the  
inducement  to  commit  a  crime.     acquittal  of  the  co-­‐defendant.    
5. The   words   of   advice   or   the   influence   b. One   cannot   be   held   guilty   of   having  
must   have   actually   moved   the   hands   of   instigated   the   commission   ofa   crime  
the  principal  by  direct  participation.     without  first  being  shown  that  the  crime  
6. In   order   that   a   person   using   words   of   has  been  actually  committed  by  another.    
command   may   be   held   liable   as   principal    
under   paragraph   no.   2   of   Art.   17,   the   People  v.  Ong  Chiat  Lay,  60  Phil.  788  (1934)  
following   five   requisites   must   all   be   Facts:   Appellant   and   two   others,   Ong   Ban   Hua   and  
present:   Kua   Sing,   were   jointly   informed   against   by   the  
a. That   the   one   uttering   the   words   of   provincial  fiscal  of  Zamboanga,  charging  them  with  
command   must   have   the   intention   of   having   feloniously   burned   a   building   in   which   was  
procuring  the  commission  of  the  crime.     located   a   store   belonging   to   the   appellant.   Upon   a  
b. That   the   one   who   made   the   command   plea  of  "not  guilty,"  appellant  and  his  codefendants  
must   have   an   ascendancy   or   influence   were  tried  jointly  upon  said  information;  and,  after  
over  the  person  who  acted.     trial,   while   Ong   Ban   Hua   and   Kua   Sing   were  
c. That   the   words   used   must   be   so   direct,   acquitted,  appellant  was  found  guilty  of  the  crime  of  
so  efficacious,  so  powerful  as  to  amount   arson  
to  physical  or  moral  coercion.    
d. The  words  of  command  must  be  uttered   Issue:   WON   the   appellant   is   criminally   liable   as  
prior  to  the  commission  of  the  crime.     principal  by  direct  participation.    
e. The   material   executor   of   the   crime   has    
no  personal  reason  to  commit  the  crime.    
Rañeses  145  
Held:   No.   In   order   to   convict   a   defendant   as   • One   is   induced   directly   to   commit   a   crime  
principal   in   the   commission   of   a   crime,   it   must   be   either   by   command,   or   for   a   consideration,  
shown   either   (1)   that   he   took   a   direct   part   in   the   or   by   any   other   similar   act   w/c   constitutes  
execution   of   the   criminal   act;   (2)   that   he   directly   the  real  &  moving  cause  of  the  crime  &  w/c  
forced  or  induced  another  or  others  to  commit  it;  or   was   done   for   the   purpose   of   inducing   such  
(3)   that   he   cooperated   in   the   commission   of   the   criminal   act   &   was   sufficient   for   that  
offense   by   an   act   without   which   it   would   not   have   purpose.   We’ve   already   seen   in   our  
been   accomplished.   (Revised   Penal   Code,   article   commentary  on  par.  12  of  A8  that  the  1  who  
17.)   They   take   direct   part   in   the   execution   of   a   physically   commits   the   crime   may   escape  
criminal   act   who,   participating   in   the   criminal   criminal   responsibility   by   showing   that   he  
design,   proceed   to   carry   out   their   plan   and   acted   w/   due   obedience   to   an   order;   in   such  
personally   take   part   in   its   execution   by   acts   which   case  the  criminal  responsibility  falls  entirely  
directly  tend  to  the  same  end.  (Viada,  Codigo  Penal,   upon   the   1   who   orders,   i.e.,   upon   him   who  
5th   ed.,   vol.   1,   p.   341;   Albert's   Revised   Penal   Code   by   his   commands   has   directly   induced   the  
Ann.,  144.)   other   to   commit   the   act.   But   in   case   the  
                  obedience   of   the   inferior   isn’t   due   to   the  
In   the   instant   case,   it   is   not   claimed   that   appellant   superior   &   thus   not   necessary,   &   doesn’t,  
had   taken   a   direct   part   in   the   burning   of   the   thus,   exempt   him   from   criminal  
building.   In   fact,   the   prosecution   lays   stress   on   responsibility   as   the   physical   author   of   the  
appellant's  absence  from  the  scene  of  the  fire  as  one   crime,   he   who   thus,   by   his   command,  
of  the  suspicious  circumstances  indicating  his  guilt.   directly   induced   him   to   the   criminal   act   is  
  considered   by   the   law   also   as   principal   in  
United  States  v.  Indanan,  24  Phil.  203  (1913)   the  crime.    
Facts:   Panglima   Indanan,   accussed   is   the   headman   • The  pacto  by  virtue  of  w/c  1  purchases  for  a  
of  Parang.       consideration   the   hand   w/c   commits   the  
• On   Mar.   24,   1912,   Indanan   ordered   the   crime   makes   him   who   gives,   promises,   or  
killing  of  Sariol  to  his  men  Akiran,  Kalyakan   offers  the  consideration  the  principal  in  the  
&  Suhuri  in  the  Chinese  Cemetary  asserting   crime   by   direct   inducement,   because   w/o  
that   Indanan   had   an   order   to   that   effect   such  offer  or  promise  the  criminal  act  would  
from  the  governor.     never  have  been  committed.  But  this  doesn’t  
• The  CFI  found  Indanan  guilty  of   the   crime   of   mean   that   the   1   who   actually   commits   the  
murder  &  sentencing  him  to  be  hanged.     crime   by   reason   of   such   promise,  
  remuneration   or   reward   is   exempted   from  
Issues:   WON   Indanan   is   guilty   of   murder   by   criminal   responsibility;   on   the   contrary,  
inducement.   such   circumstance   constitutes   an  
  aggravation  of  his  crime.    
Held:  Yes.  A13(2),  of  the  Penal  Code  declares  those   • We   have   heretofore   said   that   in   addition   to  
to   be   principals   in   a   crime   "who   directly   force   or   the   precepto   &   the   pacto   there   are   similar  
induce  others  to  commit  it."     means   by   w/c   another   may   be   induced   to  
• Commenting   upon   this   paragraph,   Viada   commit   a   crime   w/c   also   make   the   1   who  
says:     offers   the   inducement   the   principal   in   the  
• They   force   another   to   commit   a   crime   who   crime  by  virtue  of  the  provisions  of  A13(2).  
physically   by   actual   force   or   grave   fear,   for   But  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  these  acts  
example,   with   a   pistol   in   hand   or   by   any   of   inducement   do   not   consist   in   simple  
other   threatening   means,   oblige   another   to   advice   or   counsel   given   before   the   act   is  
commit   the   crime.   In   our   commentary   on   committed,   or   in   simple   words   uttered   at  
par.  9  of  A8  (page  28),  we  have  already  said   the  time  the  act  was  committed.  Such  advice  
that  he  who  suffers  violence  acts  w/o  will  &   &   such   words   constitute   undoubtedly   an  
against   his   will,   is   no   more   than   an   evil   act,   an   inducement   condemned   by   the  
instrument,   &   therefore   is   guilty   of   no   moral   law;   but   in   order   that,   under   the  
wrong.   The   real   culprits   in   such   case,   the   provisions   of   the   Code,   such   act   can   be  
only   guilty   persons,   are   those   who   use   the   considered   direct   inducement,   it   is  
violence,   those   who   force   the   other   to   necessary   that   such   advice   or   such   words  
commit  the  crime.     have   a   great   dominance   &   great   influence  
Rañeses  146  
over   the   person   who   acts;   it   is   necessary   powerful   as   physical   or   moral   coercion   or   as  
that   they   be   as   direct,   as   efficacious,   as   violence  itself.  
powerful  as  physical  or  moral  coercion  or  as    
violence  itself.   Hence,   the   3   co-­‐defendants   of   Autor   are   not  
  responsible  for  the  injury  inflicted  by  him  on  Angel  
People  v.  Kiicihi  Omine,  61  Phil.  609  (1935)   Pulido.    Judging  from  the  nature  of  the  wound,  w/c  
Facts:  Defendants  appeal  from  a  decision  of  the  CFI   was   abt   11   inches   in   length,   it   is   probable   that   it  
finding   them   guilty   of   frustrated   homicide,   w/   the   was   caused   by   the   point   of   the   bolo   on   a   downward  
AC   that   advantage   was   taken   of   their   superior   stroke.    It  was  not  a  stab  wound,  and  was  probably  
strength,   &   sentencing   them   each   to   suffer   an   IS   given  during  a  commotion  and  w/o  being  aimed  at  
from   6   yrs   of   prision   correccional   to   12   yrs   of   any  particular  part  of  the  body.    Moreover,  as  Autor  
prision  mayor.   struck  the  offended  only  once,  it  is  indicative  that  it  
  was   not   his   intention   to   take   the   offended   party’s  
Defendants  Eduardo  Autor,  Luis  Ladion  and  Agapito   life.  
Cortesano  were  working  under  co-­‐defendant  Kiichi    
Omine,   the   overseer   or   manager   of   the   hemp   Wherefore,   Eduardo   Autor   is   guilty   of   lesiones  
plantation   owned   by   Angel   Pulido.     The   4   graves   w/   a   sentence   of   1yr   8   mos   &   21   days   of  
defendants   lived   together   in   a   house   on   the   prision   correccional,   since   the   offended   party   was  
plantation.     Kiichi   Omine   asked   Angel   Pulido   incapacitated   for   the   performance   of   his   usual   work  
permission   to   open   a   new   road   through   the   for   a   period   of   more   than   90   days,   and   not   of  
plantation.     Acdg   to   Omine,   Pulido   did   give   his   frustrated   homicide.    The   rest   of   the  co-­‐defendants  
permission  that’s  why  he  began  working  on  the  new   are  acquitted.  
road.     But   acdg   to   Pulido,   he   refused   to   grant   this    
request   because   there   was   already   an   unfinished   Principals  by  indispensable  cooperation  
road.   Reyes:  
  1. To  cooperate  means  to  desire  or  wish  in  
As   Pulido   and   his   son   along   w/   2   others   were   common  a  thing.  But  that  common  will  or  
returning   home   from   a   cockpit,   they   noticed   that   a   purpose   does   not   necessarily   mean  
considerable   number   of   hemp   plants   were   previous   understanding,   for   it   can   be  
destroyed   by   the   construction   of   the   new   road.     explained   or   inferred   from   the  
Angered  by  this,  they  went  to  the  defendants’  house   circumstances   of   each   case.   (People   vs.  
and   there   happened   a   violent   altercation   resulting   Apelgido,  56  Phil.  571,  576)  
to   the   owner   Pulido’s   death   from   a   wound   by   a   bolo   2. Requisites:  
struck  in  his  breast.   a. Participating   in   the   criminal  
  resolution,   that   is,   there   is   either  
Issue:   WON   Kiiche   Omine   is   a   principal   by   anterior   conspiracy   or   unity   of  
induction.     criminal   purpose   and   intention  
  immediately   before   the   commission  
Held:   No.   Although   it   is   alleged   that   Kiichi   Omine   of  the  crime  charged;  and  
uttered   words   of   inducement   to   Eduardo   Autor,   it   b. Cooperation   in   the   commission   of  
would   be   insufficient   to   make   him   a   principal   by   the   offense   by   performing   another  
induction.     Eduardo   Autor   though   working   under   act,   without   which   it   would   not   have  
the   direction   of   Omine   was   still   being   paid   by   been  accomplished.    
Pulido.     Moreover,   it   is   necessary   that   inducement    
be   made   directly   w/   the   intention   of   procuring   the   People  v.  Montealegre,  161  SCRA  700  (1988)  
commission  of  the  crime  and  that  such  inducement   Facts:    
be   the   determining   cause   of   the   commission   of   the   • Edmundo   Abadilla   was   eating   in   a   resto  
crime.      It  must  be  precede  the  act  induced  and  must   when   he   detected   the   smell   of   marijuana  
be   so   influential   in   producing   the   criminal   act   that   smoke  coming  from  a  nearby  table.  
w/o   it   the   act   wouldn’t   have   been   performed.     • Intending   to   call   a   policeman,   he   quietly  
Moreover,   as   words   of   direct   inducement,   it   is   went   outside   and   saw   Pfc.   Renato  
essential   that   such   advice   or   words   have   great   Camantigue.   Camantigue   joined   Abadilla   in  
dominance  and  great  influence  over  the  person  who   the   resto   and   they   both   smelled   the  
acts,   that   they   be   as   direct,   as   efficacious,   as  
Rañeses  147  
marijuana   smoke   from   the   table   of   Vicente   • Montealegre   was   correctly   convicted   of   the  
Capalad  and  Napoleon  Montealegre.   complex   crime   of   murder,   qualified   by  
• Camantigue   collared   the   2   &   said   treachery,   w/   assault   upon   a   person   of  
“Nagmamarijuana   kayo,   ano?”   He   forced   authority.  
them  up,  holding  1  in  each  hand  but  Capalad    
pulled   out   a   knife   &   started   stabbing   People  v.  Simbra,  117  SCRA  242  (1982)  
Camantigue   at   the   back.   Camantigue   let   go   Facts:  Sergio  Tolibas  was  charged  and  found  guilty  
of   Montealegre   to   get   his   gun   but   of  the  crime  of  rape  of  one  Gresilda  Gonzales,  a  16-­‐
Montealegre   restrained   Camantigue’s   hand   yr  old  girl.    
to  prevent  the  latter  from  defending  himself.    
• They   grappled   &   fell   on   the   floor.   Capalac   Prosecution’s   version:   One   night,   Gonzales   left   her  
fled   and   Camantigue   pursued   him   firing   house   to   fetch   water   from   the   artesian   well.   In   the  
some   shots.   Then   he   stopped   and   asked   to   public   market.   About   36   meters   away   from   her  
be  brought  to  a  hospital.  Capalac  was  found   house,   along   an   unlighted   portion   of   the   road,  
slumped   in   the   street,   with   a   bullet   to   his   appellant   Tolibas   and   one   Simbra,   both   smelling   of  
chest.  Both  he  and  Camantigue  died  the  next   ‘tuba’,   accused   her.   Simbra   grabbed   her   by   the   arms  
day.   Montealegre   on   the   other   hand,   while   Tolibas   quickly   covered   her   mouth   with   a  
escaped  through  the  confusion.  He  was  later   handkerchief.  Helping  each  other,  they  dragged  the  
apprehended.   girl   to   a   serin,   where   the   bad   deed   happened.  
  During  the  first  commission  of  rape,  Simbra  was  the  
Issue:   WON   Montealegre   was   rightly   considered   a   one  who  succeeded  having  carnal  knowledge  while  
co-­‐principal   for   having   corroborated   with   Capalad   Tolibas  held  the  girl’s  arms  and  covered  her  mouth.  
in  the  killing  of  the  police  officer.   Simbra  succeeded  twice.  Afterwards,  it  was  Tolibas  
  who  had  carnal  knowledge  of  the  girl  3  times  while  
  Simbra   was   holding   the   complainant.   After   the  
Held:   YES.   The   two   acted   in   concert,   with   Capalad   commission  of  the  crime,  the  two  brought  the  girl  to  
actually   stabbing   Camantigue   7   times   and   the  house  of  Tolibas’  sister,  where  she  was  fetched  
Montealegre  holding  on  to  victim’s  hands  to  prevent   by  her  aunt.  Police  interrogation  followed.    
him  from  drawing  the  pistol  and  defending  himseld,    
as  Abadilla  had  testified.   Defense’s   version:   Gonzales   was   Simbra’s  
• While   it   is   true   that   Montealegre     did   not   sweetheart   and   what   happened   in   the   serin   was  
himself   commit   the   act   of   stabbing,   he   was   done  with  the  consent  of  the  girl.  
nonetheless   equally   guilty   thereof   for    
having   prevented   Camantigue   for   resisting   Issue:   WON   Simbra   was   a   principal   by  
the  attack  against  him.   indispensable  cooperation.  
• Montealegre   was   a   principal   by    
indispensable   cooperation   under   A17(3),   Held:   Yes.   Appellant’s   version   is   hard   to   believe.  
RPC.  The  requisites  of  this  provision   Tolibas  committed  the  crime  of  rape  through  direct  
• Participating   in   the   criminal   resolution,   i.e.,   participation   when   he   himself   had   carnal  
there’s  either  anterior  conspiracy  or  unity  of   knowledge   of   the   girl.   And,   when   he   aided   Simbra,  
criminal   purpose   &   intention   immediately   he   committed   another   crime   of   rape   through  
before  the  commission  of  the  crime  charged;   indispensable   cooperation.   He   is   hereby   guilty   of  
&   two  crimes  of  consummated  rape.  
• Cooperation   in   the   commission   of   the    
offense  by  performing  another  act  w/o  w/c   Accomplices  
it  would  not  have  been  accomplished.    
• But   although   there   was   no   evidence   of   prior   RPC,  Art.  18.    
agreement   between   Capalad   &   Montealegre,  
their   subsequent   acts   should   prove   the   Accomplices.   -­‐   Accomplices   are   those   persons   who,  
presence   of   such   conspiracy.   The   Court   has   not   being   included   in   article   17,   cooperate   in   the  
consistently   upheld   such   view   in   previous   execution   of   the   offense   by   previous   or  
cases   (People   v.   Laganson,   People   v.   simultaneous  acts.  
Cercano,   People   v.   Garcia   Cabarse,   Dacanay    
v.  People)  
Rañeses  148  
1. Quasi-­‐collective   criminal   responsibility.   2. When   the   accomplice  
Between   collective   criminal   responsibility   saw  the  criminal  acts  
and  individual  criminal  responsibility,  there   of  the  principal  
is   the   so-­‐called   quasi-­‐collective   criminal   b. That   he   cooperates   in   the   execution  
responsibility.     of   the   offense   by   previous   or  
  simultaneous   acts,   with   the  
In   quasi-­‐collective   criminal   responsibility,   intention   of   supplying   material   or  
some   of   the   offenders   in   the   crime   are   moral   aid   in   the   execution   of   the  
principals  and  the  others  are  accomplices.     crime  in  an  efficacious  way;  and  
2. The   participation   of   an   accomplice   i. Moral   aid   may   be   through  
presupposes   the   commission   of   the   advice,   encouragement   or  
crime   by   the   principal   by   direct   agreement.    
participation.     c. That   there   be   a   relation   between   the  
3. In   case   of   doubt,   the   participation   of   the   acts  done  by  the  principal  and  those  
offender   will   be   considered   that   of   an   attributed   to   the   person   charged   as  
accomplice   rather   than   that   of   a   accomplice.    
principal.     8. The   accomplice   intends   by   his   acts,   to  
4. When   the   participation   of   an   accused   is   commit   or   take   part   in   the   execution   of   the  
not  disclosed,  he  is  only  an  accomplice.     crime.    
5. An   accomplice   does   not   have   previous   9. The   community   of   design   need   not   be   to  
agreement   or   understanding   or   is   not   in   commit   the   crime   actually   committed.   It   is  
conspiracy   with   the   principal   by   direct   sufficient  if  there  was  a  common  purpose  to  
participation.     commit   a   particular   crime   and   that   the  
6. Conspirators   and   accomplices   have   one   crime   actually   committed   was   a   natural   or  
thing   in   common:   they   know   and   agree   probable   consequence   of   the   intended  
with   criminal   design.   Conspirators,   crime.  
however,   know   the   criminal   intention   10. Principal   in   general   and   accomplice,  
because   they   themselves   have   decided   upon   distinguished.   An   accomplice   is   one   who   does  
such   course   of   action.   Accomplices   come   to   not   take   a   direct   part   in   the   commission   of   the  
know   about   it   after   the   principals   have   act,   who   does   not   force   or   induce   others   to  
reached  the  decision,  and  only  then  do  they   commit   it,   or   who   does   not   cooperate   in   the  
agree   to   cooperate   in   its   execution.   commission   of   the   crime   by   another   act   without  
Conspirators   decide   that   a   crime   should   be   it   would   not   have   been   accomplished,   yet  
committed;   they   merely   assent   to   the   plan   cooperates   in   the   execution   of   the   act   by  
and   cooperate   in   its   accomplishment.   previous  or  simultaneous  actions.    
Conspirators   are   the   authors   of   a   crime;   11. Principal   by   cooperation   and   accomplice,  
accomplices   are   merely   instruments   who   distinguished.  Participation  of  an  accomplice  is  
perform   acts   not   essential   to   the   not  indispensable  as  in  the  case  of  a  co-­‐principal  
perpetration  of  the  offense.     by  cooperation.    
7. Requisites:   12. Principal   by   direct   cooperation   and  
a. That   there   be   community   of   design;   accomplice,  distinguished.    
that   is,   knowing   the   criminal   design   a. In   both,   there   is   community   of  
of   the   principal   by   direct   criminal  design.    
participation,   he   concurs   with   the   b. No  clear-­‐cut  distinction  between  the  
latter  in  his  purpose;   acts   of   the   accomplice   and   those   of  
i. Principal   originates   the   the  principal  by  direct  participation.  
original  design.   In  case  of  doubt,  it  shall  be  resolved  
ii. Accomplice  merely  concurs.     in  favor  of  lesser  responsibility.      
iii. Knowledge  acquired:   c. Between   or   among   principals,   there  
1. When   the   principal   must  be  conspiracy;  but  between  the  
informs   or   tells   the   principals   and   the   accomplices,  
accomplice   of   the   there  is  no  conspiracy.    
former’s   criminal    
purposes.   People  v.  Nierra,  96  Phiil.  1  (1980)  
Rañeses  149  
Facts:  Juliana  Gadugdug-­‐Nierra  and  Pagano  Nierra,   accomplices.   It  is  true,  strictly  speaking,  that  as  co-­‐
her   brother-­‐inlaw,   were   competitors   in   the   conspirators   they   should   be   punished   as   co-­‐
businesses  of  launch  transportation  and  the  sale  of   principals.   However,   since   their   participation   was  
soft  drinks  in  Barrio  Tinago,  General  Santos  City.   not   absolutely   indispensable   to   the   consummation  
  of   the   murder,   the   rule   that   the   court   should   favor  
In   order   to   monopolize   those   businesses   in   the   the  milder  form  of  liability  may  be  applied  to  them  
locality,   Paciano   Nierra   conceived   the   Idea   of   (People  vs.  Tamayo,  44  Phil.  38  and  other  cases).    
liquidating  his  competitor,  Juliana.  For  that  purpose,   In   some   exceptional   situations,   having   community  
Felicisimo   Doblen,   a   cousin-­‐in-­‐law   of   Paciano,   of   design   with   the   principal   does   not   prevent   a  
accompanied   to   Paciano's   house   Gaspar   Misa,   a   malefactor  from  being  regarded  as  an  accomplice  if  
convicted   murderer   who   had   escaped   from   the   his   role   in   the   perpetration   of   the   homicide   or  
Davao  Penal  Colony   murder   was,   relatively   speaking,   of   a   minor  
  character   (See   People   vs.   Ubiña,   97   Phil.   515;   U.S.  
Thereafter,   Doblen,   in   behalf   of   Pagano   Nierra,   vs.  Doming  1st,  37  Phil.  446;  People  vs.  Daligdig,  89  
delivered  to  Misa  at  the  beach  a  package  containing   Phil.  598;  People  vs.  Largo,  99  Phil.  1061).  
a  caliber  .38  pistol  with  five  bullets.  Misa  contacted    
his   friend,   Vicente   Rojas,   and   apprised   him   that   he   People  v.  Doble,  114  SCRA  131  (1982)  
(Misa)   had   been   hired   to   kill   Juliana.   Misa   asked   Facts:     Late   in   the   night   of   June   13,   1966,   10   men,  
Rojas   to   act   as   lookout   when   the   killing   would   be   almost   all   heavily   armed   w/   pistols,   carbines   and  
perpetrated.     thompsons,   left   the   shores   of   Manila   in   a   motor  
  banca   &   proceeded   to   Navotas,Rizal   to   rob   the  
Thereafter,   the   unwary   Juliana   went   to   the   beach   beach-­‐bank  Prudential  Bank  &  Trust  Co.    Said  bank  
where   she   was   accustomed   to   void   and   when   she   wad   an   unusual   banking   hours,   open   from   midnight  
squatted,   Misa   unexpectedly   appeared   behind   her,   till   8AM.     Once   docked   in   Navotas   and   taking  
held  her  hair,  thus  tilting  her  face,  and  while  in  that   advantage   of   the   darkness   of   the   night,   8   men  
posture,   he   inserted   into   her   mouth   the   muzzle   of   disembarked  from  the  banca  and  proceeded  to  their  
the   pistol   and   fired   it.   Paciano   and   Gaudencia,   who   mission.     Once   inside,   they   started   firing   at   the  
were  near  the  beach,  witnessed  the  actual  killing.     bank’s  ceiling,  walls  &  door  of  the  vault.    The  8  men  
  then  returned  to  the  waiting  motor  banca  w/  about  
On   August   7,   1969,   Misa   was   interrogated   by   P10.5K   &   sped   away.     As   a   result   of   the   shooting,  
Patrolman   A.B.   Vencer   Jr.   of   the   city   police   many  people  got  killed  &  injured.    Among  those  who  
department.   He   signed   a   confession   admitting   the   got  killed  were  agents  of  the  law.      
killing   of   Juliana   Nierra   and   implicating   the   other   Only  5  of  the  10  men  were  brought  to  trial,  the  rest  
accused   therein.   ,   Misa   testified   at   the   preliminary   still   remain   at   large.     2   of   the   5   accused   were  
in-­‐vestigation.   In   his   testimony,   he   admitted   again   acquitted.    It  is  only  Cresencio  Doble,  Simeon  Doble  
the  killing  and  confirmed  his  confession  implicating   and   Antonio   Romaquin   appealing   in   the   charge   of  
Paciano   Nierra,   his   wife   Gaudencia,   Doblen   and   bank   robbery   committed   in   band,   w/   multiple  
Rojas   homicide,   multiple   frustrated   homicide   and   assault  
  upon  agents  of  persons  in  authority.  
Thereafter,   Misa,   Doblen,   Rojas   and   the   Nierra    
spouses,   as   co-­‐conspirators,   were   charged   with   Issue:  WON  defendant  is  an  accomplice.    
murder   aggravated   by   reward,   treachery,   evident    
premeditation,   nocturnity,   ignominy   and   abuse   of   Held:   Yes.   First,   as   to   appellant   Simeon,   evidence  
superiority  and,  as  to  Misa,  recidivism,  since  he  had   shows   that   the   malefactors   met   in   his   house   to  
been   sentenced   to   reclusion   perpetua   for   the   discuss   the   plan   to   rob   the   bank.     This   circumstance  
murder  of  Antonio  Abad  Tormis  in  Cebu  City.     alone  doesn’t  conclude  his  guilt  beyond  reasonable  
  doubt.    The  facts  do  not  show  that  he  performed  any  
Issue:   WON   Dublin   and   Rojas   are   criminally   liable   act   tending   to   the   perpetration   of   the   robbery,   nor  
as  accomplice.     that   he   took   a   direct   part   therein   or   induced   other  
  persons   to   commit,   or   that   he   cooperated   in   its  
  consummation   by   some   act   w/o   w/c   it   would   not  
Held:   Yes.   After   a   conscientious   reflection   on   the   have   been   committed.     At   most,   his   act   amounted   to  
complicity   of   Doblen   and   Rojas,   we   have   reached   joining   in   a   conspiracy   w/c   is   not   punishable.    
the   conclusion   that   they   should   be   held   guilty   as   Simeon  then  was  not  a  principal  both  by  agreement  
Rañeses  150  
and  encouragement  for  his  non-­‐participation  in  the   liable   as   mere   accomplices   may   appear   too   lenient  
commission  of  the  crime.    Nor  was  it  clearly  proven   but   evidence   fails   to   establish   their   conspiracy   w/  
that   he   had   received   any   part/fruits   of   the   looted   the   real   malefactors   who   actually   robbed   the   bank  
money   as   to   make   him   an   accessory.   As   and  killed  several  people.  
recommended   by   SolGen,   Simeon   Doble   is   entitled    
to   acquittal   w/   no   sufficient   evidence   to   establish   Wherefore,   Doble   &   Romaquin   are   guilty   beyond  
his  guilt  beyond  reasonable  doubt.   reasonable   doubt   as   accomplices   for   the   crime   of  
  robbery   in   band.     The   penalty   imposable   upon  
Next,  as  regards  Romaquin  &  Doble,  the  malefactors   appellants  is  prision  mayor  min.    The  commission  of  
who   waited   in   the   banca,   both   contend   that   their   the   crime   was   aggr   by   nighttime   &   the   use   of   a  
extra-­‐judicial  statements  upon  w/c  their  conviction   motorized   banca.     There   being   no   MC,   both  
was   principally   made   to   rest,   are   inadmissible   for   appellants   should   be   sentenced   to   an   indeterminate  
having   been   allegedly   obtained   by   force   and   penalty  of  prision  correccional  from  5  yrs,  4  mos,  21  
intimidation,   torture   and   maltreatment,   and   in   days  to  8  yrs  of  prision  mayor  as  maximum.  
violation  of  basic  consti’l  rts  to  counsel  and  against    
self-­‐incrimination.     However,   it   must   be   noted   that   People  v.  Doctolero,  193  SCRA  632  (1991)  
they  didn’t  present  any  medical  cert  to  attest  to  the   Facts:    
injuries   allegedly   inflicted.     More   so   that   their   • Ludovico,   Virgilio,   and   Conrado   were  
testimonies  match  each  other’s.    And  it  should  also   stoning  the  house  of  Marcial.  
be   noted   that   Celso   Aquino’s   testimony,   as   one   of   • After  the  two  women  inside  protested  their  
the  accused,  admitted  that  no  violence  was  inflicted   acts,  the  three  went  up  the  house.  
on   him   to   procure   his   statement.     This   is   evidence   • While   inside   the   house,   Ludovico   boloed  
enough   that   the   appellants   could   not   have   been   both  women  inside,  as  well  as  a  child.  
dealt  w/   differently   as   their  co-­‐accused   Aquino   who    
was  allowed  to  give  his  statement  freely.   Issue:  WON  defendants  are  liable  as  accomplices.  
The   extra-­‐judicial   statements   of   the   appellants   are   Held:  Yes.  
convincing   to   show   that   their   liability   is   less   than   • It  is  reasonable  to  believe  that  Conrado  and  
that   of   a   co-­‐principal   by   conspiracy   or   by   actual   Virgilio   merely   stood   by   as   Ludovico   was  
participation.     Cresencio   was   merely   in-­‐charge   of   boloing   the   two   deceased   women.   Their  
the   banca   and   had   no   knowledge   of   the   concrete   presence  gave  Ludovico  the  encouragement  
plan   and   execution   of   the   crime.     The   mastermind   and  reliance  to  proceed  as  he  did.  
obviously   did   not   extend   confidence   in   him   as   he   • This   is   similar   to   the   case   of   US   v.   Balili  
was  only  asked  to  provide  a  banca  just  a  few  hours   where   it   was   held   that   one   who   goes   with  
before   the   commission   of   the   crime.     Nor   was   the   principals,   and   in   staying   outside   of   the  
Romaquin   considered   a   principle   malefactor   as   house   while   the   others   went   inside   to   rob  
there   was   a   gun   pointed   at   him   by   Cresencio   to   and   kill   the   victim,   effectively   supplies   the  
prevent   him   from   fleeing   away   from   the   scene,   criminals   with   material   and   moral   aid,  
evident   to   show   that   he   never   joined   in   the   criminal   making  him  guilty  as  an  accomplice.  
purpose  and  that  his  acts  were  not  voluntary.    
An   accomplice   is   one   who,   not   being   principal   as    
defined   in   Art   17   RPC,   cooperates   in   the   execution  
of   the   offense   by   previous   or   simultaneous   acts.     RPC,  Art.  19    
There   must   be   a   community   of   unlawful   purpose  
Accessories.   -­‐   Accessories   are   those   who,   having  
between   the   principal   and   accomplice   and  
knowledge   of   the   commission   of   the   crime,   and  
assistance   knowingly   and   intentionally   given   to  
supply   material   and   moral   aid   in   the   consummation   without   having   participated   therein,   either   as  
of   the   offense.     In   this   case,   the   appellants’   principals   or   accomplices,   take   part   subsequent   to  
cooperation  is  like  that  of  a  driver  of  a  car  used  for   its  commission  in  any  of  the  following  manners:  
abduction  w/c  makes  the  driver  a  mere  accomplice.  
1.  By  profiting  themselves  or  assisting  the  offender  
But   it   isn’t   established   by   evidence   that   in   the   mtg  
to  profit  by  the  effects  of  the  crime.  
held   in   the   house   of   Simeon   that   they   all   agreed   to  
kill  and  not  just  rob.    The  finding  that  appellants  are    
Rañeses  151  
2.   By   concealing   or   destroying   the   body   of   the   4. Two   classes   of   accessories   are  
crime,  or  the  effects  or  instruments  thereof,  in  order   contemplated   in   paragraph   3   of   Article  
to  prevent  its  discovery.   19.  
1. Public   officers   who   harbor,   conceal  
3.   By   harboring,   concealing,   or   assisting   in   the   or   assist   in   the   escape   of   the  
escape   of   the   principal   of   the   crime,   provided   the   principal   of   any   crime   (not   light  
accessory  acts  with  abuse  of  his  public  functions  or   felony)   with   abuse   of   his   public  
whenever   the   author   of   the   crime   is   guilty   of   functions.  
treason,  parricide,  murder,  or  an  attempt  to  take  the  
i. Requisites  
1. The   accessory   is   a  
life   of   the   Chief   Executive,   or   is   known   to   be  
public  officer  
habitually  guilty  of  some  other  crime.  
2. He  harbors,  conceals,  
RPC,  Art.  20   or   assists   in   the  
escape   of   the  
Accessories  who  are  exempt  from  criminal  liability.  -­‐   principal.  
The  penalties  prescribed  for  accessories  shall  not  be   3. The   public   officer  
imposed   upon   those   who   are   such   with   respect   to   acts  with  abuse  of  his  
their   spouses,   ascendants,   descendants,   legitimate,   public  functions.  
natural,   and   adopted   brothers   and   sisters,   or   4. The  crime  committed  
relatives   by   affinity   within   the   same   degrees,   with   by   the   principal   is  
the  single  exception  of  accessories  falling  within  the  
any   crime,   provided  
it  is  not  a  light  felony.    
provisions   of   paragraph   1   of   the   next   preceding  
2. Private   persons   who   harbor,   conceal  
  or  assist  in  the  escape  of  the  author  
  of   the   crime   -­‐   guilty   of   treason,  
Reyes:   parricide,   murder,   or   an   attempt   to  
1. An   accessory   does   not   participate   in   the   take   the   life   of   the   Chief   Executive,  
criminal   design,   nor   cooperate   in   the   or  is  known  to  be  habitually  guilty  of  
commission   of   the   felony,   but,   with   some  other  crime.  
knowledge   of   the   commission   of   the   i. Requisites:  
crime,   he   subsequently   takes   part   in   1. The   accessory   is   a  
three  ways:   private  person  
1. Profiting   from   the   effects   of   the   2. He   harbors,   conceals  
crime   or   assists   in   the  
2. Concealing   the   body,   effects   or   escape   of   the   author  
instruments  of  the  crime  in  order  to   of  the  crime.  
prevent  its  discover   3. The  crime  committed  
3. Assisting   in   the   escape   or   by   the   principal   is  
concealment   of   the   principal   of   the   either   (a)   treason,  
crime,   provided   he   acts   with   abuse   (b)   parricide,   (c)  
of   his   public   functions   or   the   murder,   (d)   an  
principal   is   guilty   of   treason,   attempt   against   the  
parricide,   murder,   or   an   attempt   to   life   of   the   President,  
take   the   life   of   the   Chief   Executive,   or   €   that   the  
or  is  known  to  be  habitually  guilty  of   principal  is  known  to  
some  other  crime.     be   habitually   guilty  
2. An   accessory   must   have   knowledgeof   the   of  some  other  crime.    
commission  of  the  crime,  and  having  that   5. One  who  kept  silent  with  regard  to  the  crime  
knowledge,   he   took   part   subsequent   to   he  witnessed  is  not  an  accessory.    
its  commission.     6. Conviction   of   an   accessory   is   possible  
3. Knowledge   may   be   established   by   notwithstanding   acquittal   of   principal   if   the  
circumstantial  evidence.     crime   was   in   fact   committed,   but   the  
principal   not   held   criminally   liable   because  
of  an  exempting  circumstance.    
Rañeses  152  
7. Apprehension   and   conviction   of   principal   for  more  than  3  weeks.  It  was  suspected  that  Teresa  
not   necessary   for   the   accessory   to   be   held   is  having  an  illicit  affair  with  Talingdan,  a  policeman  
criminally  liable.     who   lives   nearby.   Two   days   before   the   crime,  
8. Arraignment,   trial   and   conviction   of   Teresa   was   slapped   several   times   by   Bernardo   after  
accessory  during  the  pendency  of  a  separate   a   violent   quarrel.   She   sought   the   help   of   Talingdan  
case   against   the   principal   are   null   and   void.   who   challenged   Bernardo   to   come   down,   but   the  
Accessory   may   be   prosecuted   and   convicted   latter  refused.  Then,  Talingdan  left  after  shouting  "If  
when  principal  is  not  yet  apprehended.     I   will   find   you   someday,   I   will   kill   you."   Two   days  
9. Principal,   accomplice   and   accessory,   before   the   commission   of   the   crime,   Corazon  
distinguished.     overheard   her   mother’s   meeting   with   the   other  
1. The   accessory   does   not   take   direct   accused-­‐appellants  about  their  plot  to  kill  her  father  
part   or   cooperate   in,   or   induce   the   as   one   of   them   said,   “Shall   he   elude   a   bullet?”  
commission  of  the  crime.     Corazon   was   then   driven   away   by   her   mother  
2. The   same   does   not   cooperate   in   the   saying,   “You   tell   your   father   that   we   will   kill   him.”  
commission   of   the   offense   by   acts   On   the   night   of   the   murder,   Corazon   was   cooking  
either  prior  thereto  or  simultaneous   food   for   supper   when   she   saw   her   mother   talking  
therewith.     with  the  other  accused-­‐appellants  in  their  “batalan”  
3. The  participation  of  the  accessory  in   armed   with   long   guns.   After   a   while,   Teresa   went  
all   cases   always   takes   place   after   the   inside   the   room   to   put   her   baby   to   sleep.   After  
commission  of  the  crime.     eating   supper   alone,   Corazon   told   her   father   about  
10. Exemptions   in   Art.   20.   Based   on   ties   of   blood   the  persons  outside  but  he  ignored  her.  He  went  to  
and  the  preservation  of  the  cleanliness  of  one’s   the  kitchen  and  sat  on  the  floor  near  the  door  then  
name,   which   compels   one   to   conceal   crimes   he   was   fired   at.   Talingdan   and   Tobias   fired   their  
committed   by   relatives   so   near   as   those   guns   again.   Bides   threatened   to   kill   Corazon   if   she  
mentioned  in  the  article.     would   ask   for   help.   Corazon   confessed   to   her  
11. Principals   related   to   accessories   exempt   father’s   relatives   the   identities   of   the   murderers  
from  criminal  liability.     during   his   burial.   The   trial   court   found   them   guilty  
1. Spouse   of   the   offense   and   so   the   five   accused   appealed   to  
2. Ascendant   their  conviction.  
3. Descendant    
4. Legitimate,   natural   or   adopted   Trial   Court:   Murder.   Life   imprisonment   with  
brother,  sister  or  relative  by  affinity   indemnity   to   the   offended   party,   the   heirs   of   the  
within  the  same  degree.     deceased   Bernardo   Bagabag,   in   the   amount   of  
12. Accessory   is   not   exempt   from   criminal   P12,000  
liability   even   if   the   principal   is   related   to    
him,   if   such   accessory   (1)   profited   by   the   Contention   of   the   Accused:   Teresa   denied   having   an  
effects   of   the   crime,   or   (2)   assisted   the   illicit  affair  with  Talingdan,  having  quarrels  with  or  
offender  to  profit  by  the  effects  of  the  crime.     being   maltreated   by   the   victim,   and   leaving   home  
  for  so  long.  She  contends  that  her  in-­‐laws  used  her  
People  v.  Talingdan,  84  SCRA  19  (1978)     daughter   to   testify   against   her   because   they   don’t  
Facts:  Bernardo  Bagabag  was  murdered  in  his  own   want   Teresa   from   the   start.   She   even   added   that  
house   in   Abra   on   June   24,   1967   by   Talingdan,   Bernardo   had   some   enemies   during   his   lifetime.  
Tobias,   Berras,   Bides   and   Teresa   Domogma,   his   Talingdan   said   that   he   escorted   the   Mayor   as   a  
alleged   wife   [whom   cannot   be   charged   with   bodyguard,   while   the   other   three   accused   also  
parricide   because   no   certificate   or   proof   of   claimed   that   they   were   at   a   certain   Mrs.   Bayongan’s  
marriage   could   be   presented   by   the   prosecution].   house  during  the  night  of  the  murder.  
The   murder   was   witnessed   by   Corazon   [12],   the    
eldest  child  of  Bernardo  and  Teresa.  She  testified  to   Contention   of   the   People:   The   sworn   statement   of  
the  crime  committed  by  the  accused-­‐appellants.   the   13-­‐year   old   Corazon   was   true.   She   knew   the  
  accused   because   they   live   nearby.   Besides,   the  
Summary   of   Corazon’s   testimony:   Prior   to   the   accused-­‐appellants   testimonies   are   indefensible  
violent   incident,   Bernardo   and   Teresa   have   had   and  futile.  Moreover,  her  mother  claimed  to  have  no  
several   conflicts   in   their   married   life.   She   would   suspect   in   mind   during   the   investigation   in   their  
often  withdrew  from  their  house.  The  longest  even  
Rañeses  153  
house   although   she   was   in   conspiracy   with   the   Ordono   in   the   Municipal   Trial   Court   of   Balungao,  
other  four  accused.   Pangasinan.   However,   on   March   22,   1985,   the  
  municipal  court  indorsed  the  case  of  Salazar  to  the  
Issue:  WON  Teresa  is  an  accessory.   Judge  Advocate  General's  Office  (JAGO)  inasmuch  as  
  he   was   a   member   of   the   military,   while   the   case  
Held:   Yes.   There   are   two   aggravating   against   Vino   was   given   due   course   by   the   issuance  
circumstances   present,   treachery   and   evident   of  a  warrant  for  his  arrest.  Ultimately,  the  case  was  
premeditation,  with  no  mitigating  circumstances  to   indorsed   to   the   fiscal's   office   who   then   filed   an  
offset   the   accused-­‐appellants.   Talingdan,   Tobias,   information  charging  Vino  of  the  crime  of  murder  in  
Berras,   and   Bides   are   guilty   beyond   reasonable   the  Regional  Trial  Court  of  Rosales,  Pangasinan.  
doubt  of  murder  and  are  sentenced  to  DEATH  to  be    
executed  in  accordance  with  law.  Teresa  Domogma   Upon  arraignment,  the  accused  Vino  entered  a  plea  
is   guilty   as   accessory   to   the   same   murder,   and   is   of   not   guilty.   Trial   then   commenced   with   the  
hereby   sentenced   to   suffer   the   indeterminate   presentation   of   evidence   for   the   prosecution.  
penalty  of  5  years  prision  correccional  as  minimum   Instead   of   presenting   evidence   in   his   own   behalf,  
to   8   years   of   prision   mayor   as   maximum,   with   the   the   accused   filed   a   motion   to   dismiss   for  
accessory  penalties  of  the  law.   insufficiency   of   evidence   to   which   the   prosecutor  
  filed   an   answer.   On   January   21,   1986,   2   a   decision  
Teresa   was   more   or   less   passive   in   her   attitude   was   rendered   by   the   trial   court   finding   Vino   guilty  
regarding   her   co-­‐appellants'   conspiracy,   known   to   as   an   accessory   to   the   crime   of   murder   and  
her.  After   Bernardo   was  killed,   she  became   active   in   imposing   on   him   the   indeterminate   penalty   of  
her   cooperation   with   them.   These   subsequent   acts   imprisonment   of   4   Years   and   2   months   of   prision  
of   her   constitute   "concealing   or   assisting   in   the   correccional   as   minimum   to   8   years   of   prision  
escape   of   the   principal   in   the   crime"   which   makes   mayor   as   maximum.   He   was   also   ordered   to  
her  liable  as  an  accessory  -­‐-­‐-­‐  par.  2  and  3  of  Article   indemnify   the   heirs   of   the   victim   in   the   sum   of  
19,  RPC.   P10,000.00  being  a  mere  accessory  to  the  crime  and  
  to  pay  the  costs.  
Vino  v.  People,  178  SCRA  626  (1989)    
Facts:  At  about  7:00  o'clock  in  the  evening  of  March   Issue:  WON  Vino  is  an  accessory.  
21,  1985,  Roberto  Tejada  left  their  house  at  Burgos    
Street,  Poblacion,  Balungao,   Pangasinan   to   go   to   the   Held:   Yes.   Petitioner   was   charged   as   a   principal   in  
house   of   Isidro   Salazar   to   watch   television.   At   the   commission   of   the   crime   of   murder.   Under  
around   11:00   P.M.,   while   Ernesto,   the   father   of   Article  16  of  the  Revised  Penal  Code,  the  two  other  
Roberto,   was   resting,   he   heard   two   gunshots.   categories   of   the   persons   responsible   for   the  
Thereafter,   he   heard   Roberto   cry   out   in   a   loud   voice   commission  of  the  same  offense  are  the  accomplice  
saying   that   he   had   been   shot.   He   saw   Roberto   ten   and  the  accessory.  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  crime  
(10)   meters   away   so   he   switched   on   the   lights   of   of   murder   had   been   committed   and   that   the  
their   house.   Aside   from   Ernesto   and   his   wife,   his   evidence   tended   to   show   that   Jessie   Salazar   was   the  
children  Ermalyn  and  Julius  were  also  in  the  house.   assailant.   That   the   petitioner   was   present   during   its  
They   went   down   to   meet   Roberto   who   was   crying   commission  or  must  have  known  its  commission  is  
and   they   called   for   help   from   the   neighbors.   The   the   only   logical   conclusion   considering   that  
neighbor   responded   by   turning   on   their   lights   and   immediately   thereafter,   he   was   seen   driving   a  
the   street   lights   and   coming   down   from   their   bicycle   with   Salazar   holding   an   armalite,   and   they  
houses.   After   meeting   Roberto,   Ernesto   and   Julius   were   together   when   they   left   shortly   thereafter.   At  
saw   Lito   Vino   and   Jessie   Salazar   riding   a   bicycle   least   two   witnesses,   Ernesto   and   Julius   Tejada,  
coming   from   the   south.   Vino   was   the   one   driving   attested  to  these  facts.  It  is  thus  clear  that  petitioner  
the   bicycle   while   Salazar   was   carrying   an   armalite.   actively   assisted   Salazar   in   his   escape.   Petitioner's  
Upon   reaching   Ernesto's   house,   they   stopped   to   liability  is  that  of  an  accessory.  
watch   Roberto.   Salazar   pointed   his   armalite   at    
Ernesto   and   his   companions.   Thereafter,   the   two   In  the  present  case,  the  commission  of  the  crime  of  
left.   murder   and   the   responsibility   of   the   petitioner   as  
  an   accessory   was   established.   By   the   same   token  
Lito   Vino   and   Sgt.   Jesus   Salazar   were   charged   with   there   is   no   doubt   that   the   commission   of   the   same  
murder   in   a   complaint   filed   by   PC   Sgt.   Ernesto   N.   offense   had   been   proven   in   the   separate   case  
Rañeses  154  
against   Salazar   who   was   charged   as   principal.   (a)   The   penalty   of   prision   mayor,   if   the   value   of   the  
However,   he   was   acquitted   on   the   ground   of   property   involved   is   more   than   12,000   pesos   but   not  
reasonable  doubt  by  the  same  judge  who  convicted   exceeding   22,000   pesos;   if   the   value   of   such   property  
Vino   as   an   accessory.   The   trial   court   held   that   the   exceeds   the   latter   sum,   the   penalty   provided   in   this  
paragraph   shall   be   imposed   in   its   maximum   period,  
identity  of  the  assailant  was  not  clearly  established.  
adding  one  year  for  each  additional  10,000  pesos;  but  the  
It  observed  that  only  Julius  Tejada  identified  Salazar   total   penalty   which   may   be   imposed   shall   not   exceed  
carrying  a  rifle  while  riding  on  the  bicycle  driven  by   twenty   years.   In   such   cases,   the   penalty   shall   be   termed  
Vino,   which   testimony   is   uncorroborated,   and   that   reclusion  temporal  and  the  accessory  penalty  pertaining  
two   other   witnesses,   Ernesto   Tejada   and   Renato   thereto  provided  in  the  Revised  Penal  Code  shall  also  be  
Parvian   who   were   listed   in   the   information,   who   imposed.  
can   corroborate   the   testimony   of   Julius   Tejada,    
were  not  presented  by  the  prosecution.   (b)  The  penalty  of  prision  correccional  in  its  medium  and  
  maximum  periods,  if  the  value  of  the  property  robbed  or  
PRESIDENTIAL  DECREE  No.  1612   stolen  is  more  than  6,000  pesos  but  not  exceeding  12,000  
ANTI-­‐FENCING  LAW  OF  1979    
  (c)   The   penalty   of   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum  
WHEREAS,   reports   from   law   enforcement   agencies   and   medium   periods,   if   the   value   of   the   property  
reveal   that   there   is   rampant   robbery   and   thievery   of   involved   is   more   than   200   pesos   but   not   exceeding   6,000  
government  and  private  properties;   pesos.  
WHEREAS,   such   robbery   and   thievery   have   become   (d)   The   penalty   of   arresto   mayor   in   its   medium   period   to  
profitable  on  the  part  of  the  lawless  elements  because  of   prision   correccional   in   its   minimum   period,   if   the   value  
the  existence  of  ready  buyers,  commonly  known  as  fence,   of   the   property   involved   is   over   50   pesos   but   not  
of  stolen  properties;   exceeding  200  pesos.  
WHEREAS,   under   existing   law,   a   fence   can   be   prosecuted   (e)  The  penalty  of  arresto  mayor  in  its  medium  period  if  
only  as  an  accessory  after  the  fact  and  punished  lightly;   such   value   is   over   five   (5)   pesos   but   not   exceeding   50  
WHEREAS,   is   imperative   to   impose   heavy   penalties   on    
persons  who  profit  by  the  effects  of  the  crimes  of  robbery   (f)  The  penalty  of  arresto  mayor  in  its  minimum  period  if  
and  theft.   such  value  does  not  exceed  5  pesos.  
NOW,  THEREFORE,  I,  FERDINAND  E.  MARCOS,  President   Section  4.  Liability  of  Officials  of  Juridical  Persons.  If  the  
of   the   Philippines   by   virtue   of   the   powers   vested   in   me   fence   is   a   partnership,   firm,   corporation   or   association,  
by   the   Constitution,   do   hereby   order   and   decree   as   part   the  president  or  the  manager  or  any  officer  thereof  who  
of  the  law  of  the  land  the  following:   knows   or   should   have   known   the   commission   of   the  
  offense  shall  be  liable.  
Section   1.   Title.   This   decree   shall   be   known   as   the   Anti-­‐  
Fencing  Law.   Section   5.   Presumption   of   Fencing.   Mere   possession   of  
  any   good,   article,   item,   object,   or   anything   of   value   which  
Section  2.  Definition  of  Terms.  The  following  terms  shall   has   been   the   subject   of   robbery   or   thievery   shall   be  
mean  as  follows:   prima  facie  evidence  of  fencing.  
(a)  "Fencing"  is  the  act  of  any  person  who,  with  intent  to   Section   6.   Clearance/Permit   to   Sell/Used   Second   Hand  
gain   for   himself   or   for   another,   shall   buy,   receive,   Articles.   For   purposes   of   this   Act,   all   stores,  
possess,   keep,   acquire,   conceal,   sell   or   dispose   of,   or   shall   establishments   or   entities   dealing   in   the   buy   and   sell   of  
buy   and   sell,   or   in   any   other   manner   deal   in   any   article,   any   good,   article   item,   object   of   anything   of   value  
item,   object   or   anything   of   value   which   he   knows,   or   obtained   from   an   unlicensed   dealer   or   supplier   thereof,  
should   be   known   to   him,   to   have   been   derived   from   the   shall   before   offering   the   same   for   sale   to   the   public,  
proceeds  of  the  crime  of  robbery  or  theft.   secure   the   necessary   clearance   or   permit   from   the  
  station   commander   of   the   Integrated   National   Police   in  
(b)   "Fence"   includes   any   person,   firm,   association   the   town   or   city   where   such   store,   establishment   or  
corporation   or   partnership   or   other   organization   entity   is   located.   The   Chief   of   Constabulary/Director  
who/which  commits  the  act  of  fencing.   General,   Integrated   National   Police   shall   promulgate  
  such  rules  and  regulations  to  carry  out  the  provisions  of  
Section  3.  Penalties.  Any  person  guilty  of  fencing  shall  be   this  section.  Any  person  who  fails  to  secure  the  clearance  
punished  as  hereunder  indicated:   or  permit  required  by  this  section  or  who  violates  any  of  
  the   provisions   of   the   rules   and   regulations   promulgated  
Rañeses  155  
thereunder   shall   upon   conviction   be   punished   as   a   fence.   2.   If   the   person   seeking   the   clearance   or   permit   is   a  
  partnership,  firm,  corporation,  or  association  or  group  of  
Section   7.   Repealing   Clause.   All   laws   or   parts   thereof,   individuals,  the  clearance  or  permit  shall  be  obtained  by  
which   are   inconsistent   with   the   provisions   of   this   Decree   or   in   the   name   of   the   president,   manager   or   other  
are  hereby  repealed  or  modified  accordingly.   responsible  officer-­‐in-­‐charge  thereof.  
Section   8.   Effectivity.   This   Decree   shall   take   effect   upon   3.  If  a  store,  firm,  corporation,  partnership,  association  or  
approval.   other  establishment  or  entity  has  a  branch  or  subsidiary  
  and   the   used   secondhand   article   is   acquired   by   such  
Done  in  the  City  of  Manila,  this  2nd  day  of  March,  in  the   branch   or   subsidiary   for   sale   to   the   public,   the   said  
year  of  Our  Lord,  nineteen  hundred  and  seventy-­‐nine.   branch  or  subsidiary  shall  secure  the  required  clearance  
  or  permit.  
PROVISIONS   OF   SECTION   6   OF   PRESIDENTIAL   DECREE   4.  Any  goods,  article,  item,  or  object  or  anything  of  value  
NO.  1612,  KNOWN  AS  THE  ANTI-­‐FENCING  LAW.   acquired   from   any   source   for   which   no   receipt   or  
  equivalent   document   evidencing   the   legality   of   its  
Pursuant   to   Section   6   of   Presidential   Decree   No.   1612,   acquisition  could  be  presented  by  the  present  possessor  
known   as   the   Anti-­‐Fencing   Law,   the   following   rules   and   or   holder   thereof,   or   the   covering   receipt,   or   equivalent  
regulations   are   hereby   promulgated   to   govern   the   document,   of   which   is   fake,   falsified   or   irregularly  
issuance   of   clearances/permits   to   sell   used   secondhand   obtained,   shall   be   presumed   as   having   been   acquired  
articles   obtained   from   an   unlicensed   dealer   or   supplier   from  an  unlicensed  dealer  or  supplier  and  the  possessor  
thereof:   or  holder  thereof  must  secure  the  required  clearance  or  
  permit  before  the  same  can  be  sold  or  offered  for  sale  to  
I.  Definition  of  Terms   the  public.  
1.   "Used   secondhand   article"   shall   refer   to   any   goods,   III.  Procedure  for  Procurement  of  Clearances  or  Permits  
article,  item,  object  or  anything  of  value  obtained  from  an    
unlicensed  dealer  or  supplier,  regardless  of  whether  the   1.   The   Station   Commanders   concerned   shall   require   the  
same  has  actually  or  in  fact  been  used.   owner   of   a   store   or   the   president,   manager   or  
  responsible   officer-­‐in-­‐charge   of   a   firm,   establishment   or  
2.   "Unlicensed   dealer/supplier"   shall   refer   to   any   other   entity   located   within   their   respective   jurisdictions  
persons,   partnership,   firm,   corporation,   association   or   and  in  possession  of  or  having  in  stock  used  secondhand  
any   other   entity   or   establishment   not   licensed   by   the   articles   as   defined   herein,   to   submit   an   initial   affidavit  
government  to  engage  in  the  business  of  dealing  in  or  of   within   thirty   (30)   days   from   receipt   of   notice   for   the  
supplying   the   articles   defined   in   the   preceding   purpose   thereof   and   subsequent   affidavits   once   every  
paragraph.   fifteen   (15)   days   within   five   (5)   days   after   the   period  
  covered,  which  shall  contain:  
3.  "Store",  "establishment"  or  "entity"  shall  be  construed    
to   include   any   individual   dealing   in   the   buying   and   (a)   A   complete   inventory   of   such   articles   acquired   daily  
selling   used   secondhand   articles,   as   defined   in   paragraph   from   whatever   source   and   the   names   and   addresses   of  
hereof.   the  persons  from  whom  such  articles  were  acquired.  
4.   "Buy   and   Sell"   refer   to   the   transaction   whereby   one   (b)   A   full   list   of   articles   to   be   sold   or   offered   for   sale   as  
purchases   used   secondhand   articles   for   the   purpose   of   well   as   the   place   where   the   date   when   the   sale   or   offer  
resale  to  third  persons.   for  sale  shall  commence.  
5.   "Station   Commander"   shall   refer   to   the   Station   (c)  The  place  where  the  articles  are  presently  deposited  
Commander  of  the  Integrated  National  Police  within  the   or  kept  in  stock.  
territorial   limits   of   the   town   or   city   district   where   the    
store,   establishment   or   entity   dealing   in   the   buying   and   The  Station  Commander  may,  at  his  discretion  when  the  
selling  of  used  secondhand  articles  is  located.   circumstances   of   each   case   warrant,   require   that   the  
  affidavit  submitted  be  accompanied  by  other  documents  
II.  Duty  to  Procure  Clearance  or  Permit   showing   proof   of   legitimacy   of   the   acquisition   of   the  
1.   No   person   shall   sell   or   offer   to   sell   to   the   public   any    
used   secondhand   article   as   defined   herein   without   first   2.  A  party  required  to  secure  a  clearance  or  permit  under  
securing  a  clearance  or  permit  for  the  purpose  from  the   these   rules   and   regulations   shall   file   an   application  
proper   Station   Commander   of   the   Integrated   National   therefor   with   the   Station   Commander   concerned.   The  
Police.   application  shall  state:  
Rañeses  156  
  the   Commission   on   Audit   of   the   case   and   comply   with  
(a)  The  name,  address  and  other  pertinent  circumstances   such   procedure   as   may   be   proper   under   applicable  
of   the   persons,   in   case   of   an   individual   or,   in   the   case   of   a   existing  laws,  rules  and  regulations.  
firm,   corporation,   association,   partnership   or   other    
entity,   the   name,   address   and   other   pertinent   4.   The   Station   Commander   concerned   shall,   within  
circumstances   of   the   president,   manager   or   officer-­‐in-­‐ seventy-­‐two   (72)   hours   from   receipt   of   the   application,  
charge.   act   thereon   by   either   issuing   the   clearance/permit  
  requested   or   denying   the   same.   Denial   of   an   application  
(b)  The  article  to  be  sold  or  offered  for  sale  to  the  public   shall   be   in   writing   and   shall   state   in   brief   the   reason/s  
and   the   name   and   address   of   the   unlicensed   dealer   or   therefor.  
supplier  from  whom  such  article  was  acquired.    
  5.   The   application,   clearance/permit   or   the   denial  
In   support   of   the   application,   there   shall   be   attached   to   it   thereof,   including   such   other   documents   as   may   be  
the  corresponding  receipt  or  other  equivalent  document   pertinent   in   the   implementation   of   Section   6   of   P.D.   No.  
to   show   proof   of   the   legitimacy   of   acquisition   of   the   1612  shall  be  in  the  forms  prescribed  in  Annexes  "A",  "B",  
article.   "C",   "D",   and   "E"   hereof,   which   are   made   integral   parts   of  
  these  rules  and  regulations.  
3.  The  Station  Commander  shall  examine  the  documents    
attached   to   the   application   and   may   require   the   6.  For  the  issuance  of  clearances/permit  required  under  
presentation  of  other  additional  documents,  if  necessary,   Section  6  of  P.D.  No.  1612,  no  fee  shall  be  charged.  
to  show  satisfactory  proof  of  the  legitimacy  of  acquisition    
of  the  article,  subject  to  the  following  conditions:   IV.  Appeals  
(a)  If  the  legitimacy  of  acquisition  of  any  article  from  an   Any   party   aggrieved   by   the   action   taken   by   the   Station  
unlicensed  source  cannot  be  satisfactorily  established  by   Commander  may  elevate  the  decision  taken  in  the  case  to  
the   documents   presented,   the   Station   Commander   shall,   the   proper   INP   District   Superintendent   and,   if   he   is   still  
upon   approval   of   the   INP   Superintendent   in   the   district   dissatisfied   therewith   may   take   the   same   on   appeal   to  
and   at   the   expense   of   the   party   seeking   the   the   INP   Director.   The   decision   of   the   INP   Director   may  
clearance/permit,   cause   the   publication   of   a   notice   in   a   also   be   appealed   to   the   INP   Director-­‐General   whose  
newspaper   of   general   circulation   for   two   (2)   successive   decision   may   likewise   be   appealed   to   the   Minister   of  
days   enumerating   therein   the   articles   acquired   from   an   National   Defense.   The   decision   of   the   Minister   of  
unlicensed   dealer   or   supplier,   the   names   and   addresses   National   Defense   on   the   case   shall   be   final.   The   appeal  
of  the  persons  from  whom  they  were  acquired  and  shall   against   the   decision   taken   by   a   Commander   lower   than  
state  that  such  articles  are  to  be  sold  or  offered  for  sale  to   the   INP   Director-­‐General   should   be   filed   to   the   next  
the   public   at   the   address   of   the   store,   establishment   or   higher  Commander  within  ten  (10)  days  from  receipt  of  
other   entity   seeking   the   clearance/permit.   In   places   notice   of   the   decision.   The   decision   of   the   INP   Director-­‐
where   no   newspapers   are   in   general   circulation,   the   General  should  be  appealed  within  fifteen  (15)  days  from  
party  seeking  the  clearance  or  permit  shall,  instead,  post   receipt  of  notice  of  the  decision.  
a   notice   daily   for   one   week   on   the   bulletin   board   of   the    
municipal   building   of   the   town   where   the   store,   firm,   V.  Penalties  
establishment   or   entity   concerned   is   located   or,   in   the    
case   of   an   individual,   where   the   articles   in   his   possession   1.  Any  person  who  fails  to  secure  the  clearance  or  permit  
are  to  be  sold  or  offered  for  sale.   required   by   Section   6   of   P.D.   1612   or   who   violates   any   of  
  the   provisions   of   these   rules   and   regulations   shall   upon  
(b)   If   after   15   days,   upon   expiration   of   the   period   of   conviction  be  punished  as  a  fence.  
publication   or   of   the   notice   referred   to   in   the   preceding    
paragraph,   no   claim   is   made   with   respect   to   any   of   the   2.   The   INP   Director-­‐General   shall   recommend   to   the  
articles   enumerated   in   the   notice,   the   Station   proper  authority  the  cancellation  of  the  business  license  
Commander  shall  issue  the  clearance  or  permit  sought.   of  the  erring  individual,  store,  establishment  or  the  entity  
(c)   If,   before   expiration   of   the   same   period   for    
publication   of   the   notice   or   its   posting,   it   shall   appear   3.   Articles   obtained   from   unlicensed   sources   for   sale   or  
that   any   of   the   articles   in   question   is   stolen   property,   the   offered   for   sale   without   prior   compliance   with   the  
Station   Commander   shall   hold   the   article   in   restraint   as   provisions   of   Section   6   of   P.D.   No.   1612   and   with   these  
evidence  in  any  appropriate  case  to  be  filed.  Articles  held   rules   and   regulations   shall   be   held   in   restraint   until  
in   restraint   shall   be   kept   and   disposed   of   as   the   satisfactory   evidence   or   legitimacy   of   acquisition   has  
circumstances  of  each  case  permit,  taking  into  account  all   been  established.  
considerations  of  right  and  justice  in  the  case.  In  any  case    
where  any  article  is  held  in  restraint,  it  shall  be  the  duty   4.   Articles   for   which   no   satisfactory   evidence   of  
of   the   Station   Commander   concerned   to   advise/notify   legitimacy   of   acquisition   is   established   and   which   are  
Rañeses  157  
found  to  be  stolen  property  shall  likewise  be  held  under   containing   a   consolidation   of   the   information   stated   in  
restraint   and   shall,   furthermore,   be   subject   to   the  reports  of  Station  Commanders  in  his  jurisdiction.  
confiscation   as   evidence   in   the   appropriate   case   to   be    
filed.   If,   upon   termination   of   the   case,   the   same   is   not   3.   Reports   from   INP   District   Superintendent   shall   serve  
claimed  by  their  legitimate  owners,  the  article/s  shall  be   as  basis  for  a  consolidated  report  to  be  submitted  semi-­‐
forfeited  in  favor  of  the  government  and  made  subject  to   annually   by   INP   Directors   to   the   Director-­‐General,  
disposition   as   the   circumstances   warrant   in   accordance   Integrated  National  Police.  
with  applicable  existing  laws,  rules  and  regulations.  The    
Commission  on  Audit  shall,  in  all  cases,  be  notified.   4.  In  all  cases,  reports  emanating  from  the  different  levels  
  of   the   Integrated   National   Police   shall   be   accompanied  
5.  Any  personnel  of  the  Integrated  National  Police  found   with  full  and  accurate  inventories  of  the  articles  acquired  
violating   the   provisions   of   Section   6   of   P.D.   No.   1612   or   from  unlicensed  dealers  or  suppliers  and  proposed  to  be  
any  of  its  implementing  rules  and  regulations  or  who,  in   sold  or  offered  for  sale  in  the  jurisdictions  covered  by  the  
any   manner   whatsoever,   connives   with   or   through   his   report.  
negligence  or  inaction  makes  possible  the  commission  of    
such   violations   by   any   party   required   to   comply   with   the   These   implementing   rules   and   regulations,   having   been  
law  and  its  implementing  rules  and  regulations,  shall  be   published   in   a   newspaper   of   national   circulation,   shall  
prosecuted   criminally   without   prejudice   to   the   take  effect  on  June  15,  1979.  
imposition  of  administrative  penalties.    
VI.  Visitorial  Power   GENERAL,  INP:  
It   shall   be   the   duty   of   the   owner   of   the   store   or   of   the   PRESIDENTIAL  DECREE  No.  1829  
president,   manager   or   responsible   officer-­‐in-­‐charge   of    
any   firm,   establishment   or   other   entity   or   of   an   PENALIZING  OBSTRUCTION  OF  APPREHENSION  AND  
individual   having   in   his   premises   articles   to   be   sold   or   PROSECUTION  OF  CRIMINAL  OFFENDERS  
offered   for   sale   to   the   public   to   allow   the   Station    
Commander  or  his  authorized  representative  to  exercise   WHEREAS,   crime   and   violence   continue   to   proliferate  
visitorial   powers.   For   this   purpose,   however,   the   power   despite  the  sustained  vigorous  efforts  of  the  government  
to  conduct  visitations  shall  be  exercise  only  during  office   to  effectively  contain  them;  
or   business   hours   and   upon   authority   in   writing   from    
and  by  the  INP  Superintendent  in  the  district  and  for  the   WHEREAS,   to   discourage   public   indifference   or   apathy  
sole  purpose  of  determining  whether  articles  are  kept  in   towards   the   apprehension   and   prosecution   of   criminal  
possession  or  stock  contrary  to  the  intents  of  Section  6  of   offenders,  it  is  necessary  to  penalize  acts  which  obstruct  
P.D.  No.  1612  and  of  these  rules  and  regulations.   or  frustrate  or  tend  to  obstruct  or  frustrate  the  successful  
  apprehension  and  prosecution  of  criminal  offenders;  
VII.   Other   Duties   Imposed   Upon   Station   Commanders    
and  INP  District  Superintendent  and  Directors  Following   NOW,  THEREFORE,  I,  FERDINAND,  E.  MARCOS,  President  
Action  on  Applications  for  Clearances  or  Permits   of   the   Philippines,   by   virtue   of   the   powers   vested   in   me  
  by  law  do  hereby  decree  and  order  the  following:  
1.   At   the   end   of   each   month,   it   shall   be   the   duty   of   the    
Station  Commander  concerned  to:   Section   1.   The   penalty   of   prision   correccional   in   its  
  maximum   period,   or   a   fine   ranging   from   1,000   to   6,000  
(a)   Make   and   maintain   a   file   in   his   office   of   all   pesos,   or   both,   shall   be   imposed   upon   any   person   who  
clearances/permit  issued  by  him.   knowingly   or   willfully   obstructs,   impedes,   frustrates   or  
  delays   the   apprehension   of   suspects   and   the  
(b)   Submit   a   full   report   to   the   INP   District   investigation   and   prosecution   of   criminal   cases   by  
Superintendent   on   the   number   of   applications   for   committing  any  of  the  following  acts:  
clearances   or   permits   processed   by   his   office,   indicating    
therein  the  number  of  clearances/permits  issued  and  the   (a)   preventing   witnesses   from   testifying   in   any   criminal  
number   of   applications   denied.   The   report   shall   state   the   proceeding   or   from   reporting   the   commission   of   any  
reasons   for   denial   of   an   application   and   the   offense   or   the   identity   of   any   offender/s   by   means   of  
corresponding   follow-­‐up   actions   taken   and   shall   be   bribery,  misrepresentation,  deceit,  intimidation,  force  or  
accompanied   by   an   inventory   of   the   articles   to   be   sold   or   threats;  
offered  for  sale  in  his  jurisdiction.    
  (b)   altering,   destroying,   suppressing   or   concealing   any  
2.   The   INP   District   Superintendent   shall,   on   the   basis   of   paper,  record,  document,  or  object,  with  intent  to  impair  
the  reports  submitted  by  the  Station  Commander,  in  turn   its   verity,   authenticity,   legibility,   availability,   or  
submit   quarterly   reports   to   the   appropriate   INP   Director   admissibility   as   evidence   in   any   investigation   of   or  
official   proceedings   in,   criminal   cases,   or   to   be   used   in  
Rañeses  158  
the   investigation   of,   or   official   proceedings   in,   criminal   Done  in  the  City  of  Manila,  this  16th  day  of  January,  in  the  
cases;   year  of  Our  Lord,  nineteen  hundred  and  eighty-­‐one.  
(c)  harboring  or  concealing,  or  facilitating  the  escape  of,   B. In  Light  Felonies  
any   person   he   knows,   or   has   reasonable   ground   to    
believe   or   suspect,   has   committed   any   offense   under  
*Refer  to  p.  141  for  Art.  16.  
existing   penal   laws   in   order   to   prevent   his   arrest  
prosecution  and  conviction;  
(d)   publicly   using   a   fictitious   name   for   the   purpose   of   1. Accessories   are   not   liable   for   light  
concealing  a  crime,   evading   prosecution   or   the   execution   felonies.  
of   a   judgment,   or   concealing   his   true   name   and   other   2. Rules  
personal   circumstances   for   the   same   purpose   or   a. Light   felonies   are   punishable   only  
purposes;   when  they  have  been  consummated.  
  (Art.  7)  
(e)   delaying   the   prosecution   of   criminal   cases   by   b. But   when   light   felonies   are  
obstructing   the   service   of   process   or   court   orders   or  
committed  against  persons  or  prope  
disturbing   proceedings   in   the   fiscal's   offices,   in  
Tanodbayan,  or  in  the  courts;   c. rty,  they  are  punishable  even  if  they  
  are   only   in   the   attempted   or  
(f)   making,   presenting   or   using   any   record,   document,   frustrated   stage   of   execution.   (Art.  
paper   or   object   with   knowledge   of   its   falsity   and   with   7)  
intent  to  affect  the  course  or  outcome  of  the  investigation   d. Only   principals   and   accomplices   are  
of,  or  official  proceedings  in,  criminal  cases;   liable  for  light  felonies.  (Art.  16)  
  e. Accessories   are   not   liable   for   light  
(g)   soliciting,   accepting,   or   agreeing   to   accept   any   benefit   felonies,   even   if   they   are   committed  
in   consideration   of   abstaining   from,   discounting,   or   against   persons   or   property.   (Art.  
impeding  the  prosecution  of  a  criminal  offender;  
(h)   threatening   directly   or   indirectly   another   with   the    
infliction   of   any   wrong   upon   his   person,   honor   or  
property  or  that  of  any  immediate  member  or  members  
of   his   family   in   order   to   prevent   such   person   from  
appearing   in   the   investigation   of,   or   official   proceedings  
in,   criminal   cases,   or   imposing   a   condition,   whether  
lawful   or   unlawful,   in   order   to   prevent   a   person   from  
appearing   in   the   investigation   of   or   in   official  
proceedings  in,  criminal  cases;  
(i)  giving  of  false  or  fabricated  information  to  mislead  or  
prevent   the   law   enforcement   agencies   from  
apprehending  the  offender  or  from  protecting  the  life  or  
property   of   the   victim;   or   fabricating   information   from  
the   data   gathered   in   confidence   by   investigating  
authorities   for   purposes   of   background   information   and  
not   for   publication   and   publishing   or   disseminating   the  
same  to  mislead  the  investigator  or  to  the  court.  
If   any   of   the   acts   mentioned   herein   is   penalized   by   any  
other  law  with  a  higher  penalty,  the  higher  penalty  shall  
be  imposed.  
Section   2.   If   any   of   the   foregoing   acts   is   committed   by   a  
public   official   or   employee,   he   shall   in   addition   to   the  
penalties   provided   thereunder,   suffer   perpetual  
disqualification  from  holding  public  office.  
Section  3.  This  Decree  shall  take  effect  immediately.  

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