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October 20, 2020

The Goose with the Golden Eggs


with [wɪð]

second ['sekənd]

by [baɪ]

own [əʊn]

get [get] ( got[gɒt], gotten[gɒtən] )

lay [leɪ] (laid [leɪd] laid [leɪd] )

take [teɪk] ( took [tʊk], taken [teɪkn] )

throw [θrəʊ] ( threw [θru:], thrown [θrəʊn] )

become [bɪ'kʌm] ( became [bɪ'keɪm], become [bɪ'kʌm] )

sell [sel] ( sold [səʊld], sold [səʊld] )

decide [dɪ'saɪd]

cut [cʌt] ( cut [cʌt], cut [cʌt] )

- 1 -
soon [su:n]

farmer ['fa:mə]

goose [gu:s]

egg [eg]

lead [li:d]

thought [θɔ:t]

delight [dɪ'laɪt]

gold [gəʊld]

nothing ['nʌθɪŋ]


heavy ['hevɪ]

pure [pjʊə]

every ['evrɪ]

new [nju:]

golden ['gəʊldən]

rich [rɪtʃ]

greedy ['gri:dɪ]

open [əʊpən]

- 2 -
A farmer once owned a goose.

One day, he went to get the egg his goose laid. When he took
it up, it was as heavy as lead. So he was going to throw it
away. But he took it home on second thought.

To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold. Every

day there was a new golden egg. He soon became rich by
selling his eggs.

He got greedy and decided to kill the goose to get all the gold.
He killed it, cut it open and found nothing.

own a goose

go to get ~
(go to get the egg)

the egg his goose laid

( ex: the book you gave, the gift my mum bought )

When ~
(When I was a child, ~/ When mum went to church, ~)

as heavy as lead
( as strong as Eunseo / as diligent as Sua )

throw it away

take it up
take it home
( take it away )
- 3 -
on second thought
( on second thoughts )
( first / second / third / fourth / fifth / sixth ......)

to his delight
( to his surprise / to my anger )

find that ~
(find that it was an egg of pure gold.
find that nothing was interesting. )

a new golden egg

( golden egg / gold egg)

become rich

by selling his eggs

get greedy
( get happy / get angry / get sad / get busy )

decide to V
(decide to kill the goose)

cut it open

find nothing

- 4 -
Q. & A.
1. What did the farmer own?

2. What did the egg the farmer's goose laid look like?

3. What was the farmer going to do when he saw the

golden egg?

4. Did the man throw the egg away, and what did he do


5. What made the man delightful later?

6. What kind of person did the farmer become after?

7. Why did the farmer kill his goose at last?

- 5 -
( Try to make a correct sentence with the words given)

1. a goose / once / owned / a farmer

2. one day / his goose laid / he / get the egg / went to

3. it / as heavy as lead / when / took it up / was / he

4. was going to / so he / throw it away

5. he / on second thought / took it home / But

6. he / an egg of pure gold / to his delight / it was / found


7. a new golden egg / there was / every day

8. become rich / he soon / by selling his eggs

9. got greedy / kill the goose / all the gold / he / and

decided to / to get

10. cut it open / killed it / and found nothing / he

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