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Agricultural Sales Management System

Achieng Mandy


An Information Systems Final Documentation submitted to the Faculty of Information

Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma in
Business Information Technology of Strathmore University

Faculty of Information Technology

Strathmore University
Nairobi, Kenya

August 2019
I declare that this work has not been previously submitted and approved for the award of a
Diploma by this or any other University. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the
documentation contains no material previously published or written by another person except
where due reference is made in the document itself.

Student’s Signature:

…………………………………………. [Name]

…………………………………………. [Signature]

…………………………………………. [Date]

The Information System Project Documentation of Mandy Achieng was reviewed and approved

Supervisor’s Signature:

………………………………………… [Name]

………………………………………… [Signature]

……………………………………….... [Date]

Agriculture is an economical sector where farmers thrive mostly when they manage to have high
yield production and sale of the respective yield at good prices thus having great profit margins.
Farmers have had problems when it comes to generating high yield due to environmental factors
such as pest infestation which destroys most of their crops. Websites such as agrivi have been
put in place to help cab such problems by offering services in regards to Farm Management. The
websites in place offer services such as Inventory Management, Livestock Management and
Labor Management.

The farmers are able to acquire knowledge on how to improve their yield but lack a platform
where they can sell the actual yield. The Agricultural Sales Management System will create
room for the sale of this yield. Farmers can create accounts after which they can post photos of
their yield with their respective prices. Customers will also create accounts which will then
enable them to view the homepage where farmers’ have posted photos of their yield. Customers
will be able to bid beginning from the price set by the farmer and the highest bidder receives the
yield after payment is done.

The Agricultural Sales Management System will help cab challenges such as the use of brokers
as middlemen between farmers and their target markets so as to help farmers improve on their
profit margins.

The methodology used for the Agricultural Sales Management System is the Prototyping
methodology. This methodology helps to cater for the challenges faced by farmers in using the
prototypes before the Agricultural Sales Management System’s final implementation.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study...................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................1
1.3 General Objective.............................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Objectives..........................................................................................................2
1.5 Research Questions...........................................................................................................2
1.6 Justification.......................................................................................................................2
1.7 Scope.................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2: Literature Review......................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................4
2.2 Challenges..............................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Lack of Storage Facilities...............................................................................................4
2.2.2 Access to Target Markets...............................................................................................4
2.2.3 Haste Decision Making...................................................................................................4
2.3 Existing Systems....................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 agrivi...............................................................................................................................5
2.3.2 Cropio.............................................................................................................................6
2.4 Gaps in Existing Systems......................................................................................................6
2.5 Related Works.......................................................................................................................7
2.5.1 Farmbrite.........................................................................................................................7
2.6 Conceptual Framework..........................................................................................................7
Chapter 3: Research Methodology..............................................................................................9
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................9
3.2 System Development and Methodology and its Justification................................................9
3.3 Functional and Non-functional Requirements.....................................................................10

3.3.1 Functional Requirements..............................................................................................10
3.3.2 Non-functional Requirements.......................................................................................10
3.4 Tools used........................................................................................................................10
3.5 Milestones and Deliverables................................................................................................11
Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design...................................................................................12
4.1 Analysis Diagrams...............................................................................................................12
4.1.1 Use Case Diagram........................................................................................................12
4.1.2 Sequence Diagram........................................................................................................13
4.1.3 Data Flow Diagrams.....................................................................................................15
4.1.4 Entity Relationship Diagram........................................................................................19
4.1.5 Flowchart......................................................................................................................20
4.2 Design Diagrams.................................................................................................................21
4.2.1 Database Schema..........................................................................................................21
4.2.2 Wireframes/Interface designs.......................................................................................22
Chapter 5: System Implementation and Testing.......................................................................26
5.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................26
5.2 Administrator Module.........................................................................................................26
5.2.1 Block user.....................................................................................................................26
5.2.2 Manage users................................................................................................................26
5.2.3 Manage posts................................................................................................................26
5.3 User Module........................................................................................................................27
5.3.1 Creation of an account..................................................................................................27
5.3.2 User Login....................................................................................................................27
5.3.3 Posting of photos..........................................................................................................28
5.3.4 Profile update................................................................................................................28
5.4 Testing.................................................................................................................................29
5.4.1 Black-box testing..........................................................................................................29
5.4.2 White-box testing..........................................................................................................31
Chapter 6: Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Works................................................32
6.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................32
6.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................32
6.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................32

6.4 Future Works.......................................................................................................................32
Appendix A1: GANTT CHART.............................................................................................34
Appendix A2.............................................................................................................................34
Appendix A3.............................................................................................................................34

Figure 2.1 agrivi...............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2.2 Cropio.............................................................................................................................6
Figure 2.3 Farmbrite........................................................................................................................7
Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework..................................................................................................8
Figure 4.1 Use case Diagram.........................................................................................................12
Figure 4.2 Farmer Sequence Diagram...........................................................................................13
Figure 4.3 Customer Sequence Diagram.......................................................................................14
Figure 4.4 Administrator Sequence Diagram................................................................................15
Figure 4.5 Context Level Diagram................................................................................................16
Figure 4.6 Level 0 DFD.................................................................................................................17
Figure 4.7 Level 1 DFD.................................................................................................................18
Figure 4.8 Entity Relationship Diagram........................................................................................19
Figure 4.9 Flowchart Diagram.......................................................................................................20
Figure 4.10 Database Schema........................................................................................................21
Figure 4.11 Index Page Wireframe................................................................................................22
Figure 4.12 Create Account Page Wireframe................................................................................23
Figure 4.13 Login as User Wireframe...........................................................................................24
Figure 4.14 Profile Wireframe.......................................................................................................25
Figure 5.1Administrator page........................................................................................................26
Figure 5.2Create Account..............................................................................................................27
Figure 5.3Login.............................................................................................................................28
Figure 5.4Homepage......................................................................................................................28
Figure 5.5Profile............................................................................................................................29
Figure 7.1Gantt Chart....................................................................................................................34

A.S.M.S Agricultural Sales Management System
D.B Database
A.M Authentication module

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Farmers have a problem when it comes to access of knowledge which could help them know
what to do so as to improve on their farming strategies. For example, they need to acquire
knowledge on the best pesticides to use that have no effect on the crops that would later on affect
the consumers. Websites such as Agrivi have been put in place where farmers can read and know
the best quality of products, their respective prices, how to use this particular product and the
areas in which they could purchase the products at their own comfort.

Websites such as agrivi(2019) give them knowledge which leads to most of them having better
yields in their respective farming regions but they do not give them channels through which they
can market and sell their yields at fair prices. They are forced to look for ways to reach their
target market so as to gain profits which would be a means of acquiring funds to sustain them
and their respective families and at the same time cater for the next farming season.

The challenge comes in when the farmers have had a lot of yield from their farms but have no
granaries for storage and no means of transport to reach their target market. This is what leads to
haste decision making to avoid selling their yields too late which will mean they are not in a
fresh state. Moreover, the farmers want to avoid a situation whereby they have a complete loss
due to all their yield rotting and going to waste due to not being suite for human consumption
anymore.[ CITATION Far19 \l 1033 ]

1.2 Problem Statement

Farmers normally have high yields most of the time but are faced with various challenges. First
and foremost, the farmers in rural or remote areas don’t have means of transporting their yield to
their target market. This then forces them to sell their produce through brokers. Brokers are
people who act as middlemen between the farmers and their target market. Brokers are normally
aware of the fact that most farmers have no means of transport to move their yield from their
location to their target market. The farmer is then forced to sell their yield at a price set by the
broker. Therefore, the farmer has no chance of maximizing their ability to make good profit.

Lack of granaries to store their yields for preservation is another challenge which would lead the
farmers to make haste decisions and sell their produce through brokers. The farmers sell at good

prices when their yield is in a fresh state than when it has stayed for quite some time and hasn’t
been preserved in any way. Lack of preservation of the yield leads to its depreciation in terms of
state and value. This will then force the farmer to sell at any convenient price so as to clear the
yield before it depreciates. Therefore, the farmer does not maximize on their profit margin once
again. [ CITATION GKA16 \l 1033 ]

1.3 General Objective

The aim of the Agricultural Sales Management System is to provide a platform where farmers
can auction and sell their yield to the highest bidder.

1.4 Research Objectives

The research objectives of the Agricultural Sales Management System were;

i. The evaluation of challenges faced by farmers in selling their yield.

ii. The review of existing systems.
iii. The development of the A.S.M.S where farmers can auction and sell their yield at their
own comfort.
iv. To test the Agricultural Sales Management System with a few farmers from different
regions and get feedback on its convenience.

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions for the Agricultural Sales Management System were;

i. What were the challenges faced by farmers in the selling of their yield after harvest?
ii. How did the farmers face their challenges?
iii. What Information Systems had been put in place to cab those challenges?
iv. Had the existing systems cabbed the challenges fully?

1.6 Justification
Farmers are equipped with knowledge on how to improve their yield from websites such as
agrivi. The lack of a platform for the farmers to then auction and sell their yield becomes a

In comparison to the current system of yield being sold, the Agricultural Sales Management
System will help farmers to reach more markets and sell their yield at prices that enable them to
maximise their profits. It will also help in the reduction of using middlemen to sell their yield.

1.7 Scope
Accessibility to the Agricultural Sales Management System requires one’s electronic device to
have internet connectivity. A farmer raising a suggestion on how to improve usability of the
A.S.M.S will lead to system updating.

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
This chapter reviews on existing literature on the existing Agricultural Farm Management
systems and their respective Agricultural Sales Management systems.

2.2 Challenges
Agricultural Farm Management systems basically provide a platform where farmers or Farming
oriented organizations can monitor their day to day activities at ease. They also help equip them
with knowledge on how to increase their yield in every framing season. Examples of such
systems are Cropio, EasyKeeper, FarmBrite, CropTracker and EasyFarm.

Farmers are able to increase their yield with time after using information from the above Farm
Management systems but they are faced with various challenges after harvesting which lead
them to make impulse decisions such as selling at low prices to brokers who act as middlemen
between them and their target market.

2.2.1 Lack of Storage Facilities

Farmers require storage facilities where they can store their yield when they have massive
harvest. Majority of farmers are in rural or remote areas and cannot afford to build storage
facilities due to lack of financial stability. This leads them to selling their yield at very low prices
so as to avoid a greater loss when their yield becomes stale.

2.2.2 Access to Target Markets

The roads in most rural or remote areas are marram roads or they have cotton soil. This becomes
a challenge in that the farmers will have a hard time accessing their target markets mostly if they
do not have good means of transport. This leads to haste decision making in that brokers are able
to convince them to sell to them at low prices because they will also cater for the yield

2.2.3 Haste Decision Making

Farmers make haste decisions when they need to sell their yield before it becomes stale and
market value depreciates. They are then forced to conform to prices set by brokers. This becomes
a challenge in that the money gained most of the time can only cater for the money spent on the
farming season thus the profit margin is low.

2.3 Existing Systems
2.3.1 agrivi
Agrivi Farm Management software helps a farmer to plan, monitor and analyse all activities on
their farms easily. It helps them manage activities such as tillage, planting, crop protection,
fertilization, irrigation, harvesting etc. A farmer can also track input usage quantities, cost and
work hours for every activity. This software basically helps farmers improve on their production
per season.

Figure 2.1 agrivi

Agrivi weather monitoring and pest detection helps farmers to detect any pest infestation that
may affect their crops during the planting season. Advanced detection algorithms alarm farmers
if there is a risk of an insect pest occurrence on their fields.

Agrivi Farm Economics helps farmers to keep farm financial records and documents in one
single place. Farmers are able to track sales, expenses and capital investments and allocate them
to each crop production.

Agrivi Resources and Inventory is a central registry of employees, seasonal workers,

machinery and fields that lets a farmer keep control over their resources. Real-time inventory
status per warehouse and bin lets one avoid low inventory bottlenecks and keeps one’s
operations running smoothly.

Agrivi Farm Analytics and Reports helps farmers find out why different crops do well in
different areas. It also helps them in the preparation of legislative reports and analysis of their
general performance.[ CITATION Aud16 \l 1033 ]

2.3.2 Cropio
Cropio is a satellite crop health management and vegetation control platform that facilitates
remote monitoring of agricultural land and enables its users to efficiently plan and carry out
agricultural operations. Cropio provides real-time updates on current field and crop conditions,
determines vegetation levels and pinpoints problem areas, delivers precise weather forecasts and
an actual overview of the soft commodity market.

Figure 2.2 Cropio

Cropio offers Farm management features such as Built-in Accounting, Control Management,
Crop Management, Inventory Management, Labor management, Livestock Management, Order
Processing, Pricing Management, Supplier Management, Traceability and Weather Records.

A farmer or Farming organization creates and account and then requests for services in any of
the above areas from Cropio.[ CITATION Lau17 \l 1033 ]

2.4 Gaps in Existing Systems

Most of the existing Farm Management Systems do not have a marketing and selling platform
where farmers can sell their yield after harvest.

2.5 Related Works
2.5.1 Farmbrite
Farmbrite has a user-friendly online farm and ranch management software which helps a farmer
to organize and manage their Agricultural business. It helps a farmer to keep livestock genealogy
and health records, plan, schedule and manage tasks and calendar, map fields, use their seed
order estimator and harvest reports, market and sell online, track income and expenses, field and
pasture rotation, equipment maintenance, important contacts, multiple users all from their
devices or computers.

Figure 2.3 Farmbrite

Farmbrite has a marketing and selling feature where farmers can market and sell their yield after
harvest. A farmer will login to their respective account, post photos of their yield and their
respective prices and await a customer to claim the yield.[ CITATION Ell15 \l 1033 ]

2.6 Conceptual Framework

A farmer creates an account by filling in a form and submitting it. After the account has been
successfully created, they can now post photos of their yield with their respective price that starts
the bargain. At the end of twenty-four hours they will be able to then sell their yield to the
highest bidder.

A customer on the other hand also creates an account by filling in a form and submitting it. After
the account has been created successfully, the customer can browse through the posted photos by
farmers on the respective homepage and bid accordingly.
Create Account

Post photo and view profile

Log out

Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework

Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
The method used for this Agricultural Sales Management System is prototyping. A prototype is a
working model of software with some limited functionality. Prototyping is used to allow the
users evaluate developer proposals and try them out before implementation. It also helps
understand the requirements which are user specific and may not have been considered by the
developer during product design.

The advantages of using prototyping are promotion of team work and cross training, it is a good
model for environments that change steadily, easy to manage, reduces development costs,
developers are able to receive quantifiable user feedback, it facilitates user feedback since users
know what to expect, it results in high user satisfaction and exposes developers to potential
future system enhancements.

The disadvantages of using prototyping are it can lead to insufficient analysis, users expect the
performance of the ultimate system to be the same as the prototype and sometimes leads to
incomplete documentation.

3.2 System Development and Methodology and its Justification

The phases of system development for the A.S.M.S were as follows;

Problem identification. Farmers from different regions were handed out with questionnaires and
random interviews conducted to identify the various challenges that they faced after harvest.

Analysis. The A.S.MS was drawn in diagrams which showed the requirements needed for the
creation of the prototypes. The system was drawn in its respective context level and level zero
diagram to help the developer have an idea of what the final system should be able to do.

Design. The decision on how the prototypes were created was decided within this phase and how
the farmers from different regions would be able to use it and give feedback.

Implementation. The farmers got to use the implemented prototype and give feedback. The
feedback was used to make changes where necessary before having the final implementation of
the A.S.M.S.

Maintenance. The farmers’ feedback was used to create another prototype with additional
features from the feedback to ensure that the final system met all their needs.

Prototyping was the best methodology to use because with every prototype, farmers were able to
interact with the Agricultural Sales Management System and give feedback which helped
improve the system. It also helped in saving costs because the prototype was a mimic of the
actual system and did not have a lot of requirements.[ CITATION Ele90 \l 1033 ]

3.3 Functional and Non-functional Requirements

3.3.1 Functional Requirements
The following were the functional requirements for the A.S.M.S;

i. Every farmer and customer should be assigned to an account after they fill in the form
and submit.
ii. Every farmers’ and customers’ account should be authenticated before they can login and
proceed to their respective homepage.
iii. Farmers should set a starting bid price for their bid after posting a photo of their yield.
iv. Farmers should sell their yield to the highest bidder after twenty-four hours of posting
their yield.
v. Customers should pull out of a bid before the post finishes twenty-four hours otherwise
they cannot.

3.3.2 Non-functional Requirements

The following were the non-functional requirements for the A.S.M.S;

i. The Agricultural Sales and Management website should always be up and running
twenty-four hours daily.
ii. The website should be fast
iii. The website should be user friendly and easy to understand.

3.4 Tools used

The tools that were used for the successful creation of the A.S.M.S were;

i. HTML which is a standard mark-up language for creating the respective web pages.

ii. PHP which is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and
interactive web pages. It will be the tool used to link the web pages to each other and to
the database.
iii. My SQL which is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in
databases. It will be the tool used to create the database where the data for the system is
to be stored.

3.5 Milestones and Deliverables

The milestones for the A.S.M.S were;
i. To have cabbed most of the challenges faced by farmers during sales of their yield using
the Agricultural Sales Management website.
ii. To have linked the Agricultural Sales Management website to a database.

The deliverables for the A.S.M.S were;

i. An Agricultural Sales Management System that can allow a farmer to bid his yield and
sell his yield at his own comfort.

Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design
4.1 Analysis Diagrams
4.1.1 Use Case Diagram
A farmer creates an account by filling in a form and submitting it. This then prompts him to
login. Once the farmer is logged in to the A.S.M.S, they can post photos of their yield, view
comments and respond to them and update their respective profile.

A customer creates an account by filling in a form and submitting it. This then prompts him to
login. Once the customer is logged into the A.S.M.S, they can make comments on photos posted
by the farmers and enquire on products they want to purchase.

An administrator is able to update the system and block any user that has any irregularities.

<<include>> <<include>> Create Account
Create Account Validation

Login <<extend>>
<<extend>> Make
Post Photo Customer
Password Update
Update Profile
Farmer Profile


Block user


Figure 4.5 Use case Diagram

4.1.2 Sequence Diagram Farmer Sequence Diagram

Farmer A.S.M.S A.M D.B

Username and Password

Username and Password
Username and Password
Login Verification
Login Authentification

Display Homepage
Post Photo
Post Latest Photo Update Posted
Check Photo
Check Photo Comments Retrieve Photo
Photo Comments Comments
Displayed Photo
Check Profile
Check Profile
Retrieve Profile
Display Profile
Update Profile
Update Profile
Save Changes
Log Out
Log Out
End Session
Log Out Authentification
Display Login
Display Login

Figure 4.6 Farmer Sequence Diagram

13 Customer Sequence Diagram

Customer A.S.M.S A.M D.B

Username and Password

Username and Password
Username and Password
Login Verification
Login Authentification

Display Homepage
View Photo
View Latest Photo Retrieve Posted
Make Photo
Add Photo Comments Update Photo
Check Profile
Check Profile
Retrieve Profile
Display Profile
Update Profile
Update Profile
Save Changes

Log Out
Log Out
End Session
Log Out Authentification
Display Login
Display Login

Figure 4.7 Customer Sequence Diagram

14 Administrator Sequence Diagram

Admin A.S.M.S A.M D.B

Username and Password

Username and Password
Username and Password
Login Verification
Login Authentification

Display Homepage

Change System
Setup Update System Save System

Updated System
Display System

Display System

Block User
Block User
Update Blocked
Log Out
Log Out
End Session

Log Out Authentification

Display Login
Display Login

Figure 4.8 Administrator Sequence Diagram

4.1.3 Data Flow Diagrams

The Data Flow Diagrams show the processes that occur in the Agricultural Sales Management
System and how data is stored and retrieved from each respective database store.

15 Context Level Data Flow Diagram
The context level DFD shows the data that the farmer and the customer input into the
Agricultural Sales Management System and the data they receive from it after interaction.


Filled Form Details

Login Authentication

Customer Login

Login Details

Photo AGRICULTURAL Photo comments
With Caption

MANAGEMENT Profile Updates
Profile Updates
Farmer Login Credentials

Login Details

Filled Form Details

Post Photo

Figure 4.9 Context Level Diagram

16 Level 0 DFD

Farmer Filled Form Details Filled Form Details Customer

Create Farmer and

Account Customer Data

Login Requirements
Login Requirements 2
Farmer Process Login Login Credentials
Login Credentials


3 Photos with captions

Photo with caption upload
Farmer Display Photo Comments
Photo with comments
Homepage Store Photos
And comments

Photos and

Profile Changes
Profile Changes
Farmer Display Customer
Profile Update Profile Profile Update
Update Profile

Profile Updates

5 Log Out Customer

Farmer Log Out Process
Log Out

Figure 4.10 Level 0 DFD

17 Level 1 DFD
The Level 1 DFD breaks down every process that occurs in the first process which is

Farmer Filled Form Details Filled Form Details Customer

1.0 Farmer and

Register F Name Customer
F Name Details

Register S Name
S Name

Validate Email
Email Address


Password Location

1.4 Account


Figure 4.11 Level 1 DFD

4.1.4 Entity Relationship Diagram
The Entity Relationship Diagram shows the Farmer and Customer as users of the Agricultural
Sales Management System with their respective attributes and their relationship with other


S Name

F Name

User Gender


Farmer Customer
1...1 has 1..1 Farmer Customer 1..1 has 1..1
Profile Profile

Farmer Comments
Posts * Image
details on Customer

Price of

Figure 4.12 Entity Relationship Diagram

4.1.5 Flowchart
The Flowchart shows the flow of processes in the Agricultural Sales Management System and
how the occur progressively. One process has to occur for the next one to commence.


Fill in the Create

Account Form

Filled Form

Enter Login

Display Post photo/

Authenticate Display
Invalid N Valid Y Homepage
Make comment/
Credentials Login Update profile

Log Out


Figure 4.13 Flowchart Diagram

4.2 Design Diagrams
4.2.1 Database Schema
This is a graphic representation of the tables in the system database with their attributes and how
they are related.

Figure 4.14 Database Schema

4.2.2 Wireframes/Interface designs
A wireframe is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website. The
wireframes depict the page layout or arrangement of the Agricultural Sales Management System.
This includes the interface elements and navigational systems, and how they work together. The Index Page Wireframe

This page has the following buttons; create an account, login as a user and login as an admin.
The create account button enables a new user to go to the create account page where they fill out
the create account form. The login as a user enables the farmers and customers to login to the
Agricultural Sales Management System and thus have access to the homepage.

Figure 4.15 Index Page Wireframe

23 Create Account Wireframe
The Create Account Page has a form which one submits after filling in the various fields so as to
create their respective user account.

Figure 4.16 Create Account Page Wireframe Login as User Wireframe

The Login as User interface has a form which requests you to input your email address and
password for you to login. It also has icons for the forgot password or email address in case a
user does not remember their email address or password and wishes to recover their account.

Figure 4.17 Login as User Wireframe Homepage Wireframe

The homepage has a horizontal navigation bar which contains the home, profile and logout
buttons. It also has the name of the user who has logged in. Profile Wireframe

The Profile page has details of the user who has logged in and the photos they have posted.

Figure 4.18 Profile Wireframe

Chapter 5: System Implementation and Testing
5.1 Introduction
This chapter highlights the two modules which were developed and tested for the Agricultural
Sales Management System.

5.2 Administrator Module

The administrator module contains two major functionalities;

i. Block user
ii. Manage users
iii. Manage posts

5.2.1 Block user

The administrator can block any user that is posting irrelevant content.

5.2.2 Manage users

The administrator can view the users who are logged into the system.

5.2.3 Manage posts

The administrator can delete posts that are irrelevant to the A.S.M.S users.

Figure 5.19Administrator page

5.3 User Module
The user module has four key functionalities;

i. Creation of an account.
ii. User login.
iii. Posting of photos.
iv. Profile update.

5.3.1 Creation of an account

A new user seeking to use the Agricultural Sales Management System needs to create an account
by filling in a form on the create account page. The user will then submit the data which will be
counter checked with data in the database to ascertain that the user does not already have an
existing account.

Figure 5.20Create Account

5.3.2 User Login

An existing user can login to the Agricultural Management System by filling in the form in the
user login page which requires them to input their email address and their respective password.
The user can also choose the forgot password icon which will enable them to reset their
password if they cannot seem to remember their password.

Figure 5.21Login

5.3.3 Posting of photos

A user has access to the homepage of the Agricultural Sales Management System after logging
in. The farmer can then post photos of his yield which will also automatically appear on their
respective profile.

Figure 5.22Homepage

5.3.4 Profile update

The farmer can view and update his profile to make changes where necessary.

Figure 5.23Profile

5.4 Testing
Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its components with the intent to find whether it
satisfies the specified requirements or not. Testing of the Agricultural Management System was
done so as to point out the defects and errors that were made during the development phase.

The Agricultural Sales Management System was tested using the black-box testing and the
white-box testing.

5.4.1 Black-box testing

Black-box testing is whereby a random user interacts with the system without knowledge of how
the system is structured inside the box. One is able to test the functionality of the system by
noting whether the user had an easy time using the system. The non-functional requirements can
also be monitored by noting whether the system had any defects during the time period which the
user interacted with the system.[ CITATION SNi12 \l 1033 ]

Test Test Test Steps Test Data Expected Actual Pass/
Case Scenario Results Results Fail

TUCA1 Check the 1. Go to the Fname: User account As Pass

user module site () Mandy creation Expected
creation of 2Enter Sname: should be
account with Fname Achieng successful.
valid data. 3 Enter Email:
Sname Mandy.achieng
4. Enter @strathmore.edu
Email National ID:
5 Enter 5362726
National ID Selected query:
6 Enter What’s your favorite
Password pet?
7 Select Answer:
recovery Cat
8. Enter
9. Click

TUCA2 Check the 1. Go to the Fname: User account As Pass.

user module site () Alexis creation expected
creation of 2Enter Sname: should not be
account with Fname Kamau successful.
valid data. 3 Enter Email:
Sname mandy123
4. Enter @gmail.com
Email National ID:
5 Enter 5362726
National ID Selected query:
6 Enter What’s your favorite
Password pet?
7 Select Answer:
recovery Dog
8. Enter
9. Click

TL1 Check the 1. Go to the Email: Login should As Pass
user login site Mandy.achieng be successful expected
module with 2. Enter @strathmore.edu
valid data email. Password:
3. Enter Mandy
4. Click

TL2 Check the 1. Go to the Email: Login should As Pass

user login site Mandy.achieng not be expected
module with 2. Enter @strathmore.edu successful.
valid data email. Password:
3. Enter mandy
4. Click

5.4.2 White-box testing

I did the white-box testing of the Agricultural Sales Management System because I was equipped
with the details of how the system was implemented.

Chapter 6: Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Works
6.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the conclusions, recommendations and future works of the Agricultural
Sales Management System.

6.2 Conclusion
This project has been able to review the current Sales Management Systems that are being used
by farmers and how they have improved performance of this farmers. It has also gathered
together the challenges that have not been solved by the existing systems which have helped in
the implementation of the Agricultural Sales Management System.

6.3 Recommendations
The A.S.M.S was made on scope whereby the user inputs their location which is not very
accurate. It can be improved by linking the system to google maps so that the user just inputs
their location pin thus giving their exact location.

6.4 Future Works

The A.S.M.S is in form of a website but can be further implemented into a mobile application.

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Farm Management. (2019). Retrieved from Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/farm-
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Sanders, A. (2016, December 9). Retrieved from Unreasonable:

Appendix A1: GANTT CHART

14-May-19 5/21/2019 28-May-19 4-Jun-19 11-Jun-19 18-Jun-19 2-Jul-19 15-Jul-19 7/25/2019

Project Statement Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Planning Requirement Analysis Implementation Maintainance Final Documentation Presentation

5/19/2019 5/26/2019 6/2/2019 6/9/2019 6/16/2019 6/23/2019 6/30/2019 7/7/2019 7/14/2019 7/21/2019 7/28/2019
5/14/2019 7/31/2019

24-Jun-19 22-Jul-19
Design Process 8-Jul-19 Project Presentation
17-May-19 2-Jun-19
Prototype testing
concept note submission Proposal Submission

Figure 7.24Gantt Chart

Appendix A2
Supervision Sheet.
Appendix A3
Final Documentation Marking Sheet.


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