S-The Adventures of Pinocchio

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December 8, 2020

The Adventures of Pinocchio

inside [ɪn'saɪd]

walk [wɔ:k]

talk [tɔ:k]

send [send] ( sent [sent], sent [sent] )

spend [spend] ( spent [spent], spent [spent] )

ask [ɑ:sk]

lie [laɪ]

row [rəʊ]

relive [ri:'lɪv]

promise ['prɒmɪs]

keep [ki:p]

- 1 -
ago [ə'gəʊ]

instead [ɪn'sted]

suddenly ['sʌdnlɪ]

whenever [wen'evə]

never ['nevə]

carpenter ['kɑ:rpəntə]

puppet ['pʌpɪt]

wood [wʊd]

ball [bɔ:l]

string [strɪŋ]

town [taʊn]

schoolbook [sku:lbʊk]

circus ['sɜ:kəs]

ticket ['tɪkɪt]

nose [nəʊz]

sea [si:]

boat [bəʊt]

whale [weɪl]

sneeze [sni:z]


long [lɒŋ]
old [əʊld]
small ['smɔ:l]
real [ri:l]

- 2 -
Long ago, there lived a lonely old carpenter named Geppetto.
He made a puppet out of some wood, a ball, and a string. That
night, a fairy visited and cast a spell that made the puppet
walk and talk. Geppetto named him Pinocchio.

Geppetto gave Pinocchio some money and sent him into town to
buy schoolbooks. Instead, Pinocchio spent the money on a
circus ticket.

The fairy asked him what he did with the money and he lied to
her. Suddenly, his nose grew. The fairy said, "Whenever you lie,
your nose will get bigger. Now go find Geppetto. He's out
looking for you by the sea."

Pinocchio was rowing a small boat in the sea and found

Geppetto inside a whale. Pinocchio made the whale sneeze and
they escaped.

Relived, he promised to never lie again. The fairy said, "Keep

that promise and I will turn you into a real boy."

there live...
there lived a lonely old carpenter named Geppetto.
there be~

make N out of N
make out of - He made a puppet out of some wood, a ball, and a string.
make into - The old buildings were made into classrooms.
make from - Plastic is made from oil.
make of - She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.
make with - This dish is made with beef, red peppers and herbs.

- 3 -
make sb V. / N. /Adj.
make the puppet walk and talk
make the whale sneeze
make me happy
make her a princess

give Pinocchio some money

give me a book
give him pens
( me / you / her / him / it / us / them)

send ... into ... to V

send him into town to buy schoolbooks

spend ... on ...

spend the money on a circus ticket
spend all her spare time on learning foreign languages

lie to sb
He lied to her.

his nose grow

Whatever / Whoever(Whomever) / Wherever / Whichever

go find

look for
by the sea
row a small boat in the sea

find ... inside a whale

promise to V
promise to never lie again

keep N/ Ving
keep that promise
keep going on

turn you into a real boy

- 4 -
Q. & A.
1. What did the carpenter made and how?

2. Later, Who came and did what for the puppet?

3. What did Geppetto have Pinocchio do?

4. Did Pinocchio do what Geppetto said to him?

5. What did Pinocchio do to the fairy and what happened

to him?

6. What did the fairy say to Pinocchio?

7. Where did Pinocchio find Geppetto and what did he do

for saving Geppetto?

8. What did Pinocchio and the fairy promise each other?

- 5 -

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