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MA, EXERCISE 5.1 1. Forwhich ofthese would you use a histogram to show the data’ (a) The number of letters for different areas in apostman’s bag. (b)_ The height of competitorsin an athletics meet. (©) The number of cassettes produced by 5 companies. (@)_ The number of passengers boarding trains from 7:00 a.m.t0 7:00 p.m. ata station. Give reasons for each, 2. The shoppers who come to a departmental store are marked as: man (M), woman (W), boy (B) or girl (G). The following lst gives the shoppers who came during the firsthourin the moming: WW WGBWWMGGMMWWWWGBMWBGGMWWMMWW. WMWBWGMWWW WG WMMW WMWGWMGWMMBGGW “Make a frequency distribution table using tally marks. Draw a bar graph to llustat it “The weekly wages (in) of 30 workers in a factory are. 830, 835, 890, 810, 835, 836, 869, 845, 898, 890, 820, 860, 832, 833, 855, 845, 804, 808, 812, 840, 885, 835, 835, 836, 878, 840, 868, 890, 806, 840 Using tally marks make a frequency table with intervals as 800-810, 810-820 and. 4. Draw ahistogram for the frequency table made for the data in Question 3, and answer the following questions. (Which group has the maximum number of workers? (i How many workers earn® 850 and more? Gil) How many workers eam less than 850? The number of hours for which students ofa particular class watched television daring, holidaysisshown through the given graph. Answerthe following. © _Forhow many hours did the maximum number of students watch TV? i) How many students watched TV forless than 4 hours? 201920 Data Howwune 77 (ii) How many students spent more than S hours in watching TV? 2 Bre ts [Number of students —> 123 45 Hours of TY watched per “CF 82 Bl Maricnsris MA, EXERCISE 5.2 1. A survey was made to find the typeof music that acertain group of young people liked in city Adjoining pe chart shows the findings ofthis survey, Ctasiat ‘ane From this pie chart answer the following: 10% . 120 people liked cassial music, how ‘many young people were surveyed? @ Which type of music is liked by the val maximum numberof people? : (i) Wa cassete company were to make [FSW oan 1000 CD's, how many of each type would they make? 2. A group of 360 people were asked to vote for their favourite season from the three seasons rainy winter and summer. ‘Which season got the most votes? Gi) Draw a pie chart to show this information. Draw apie chart showing the following information. The table shows the colours preferred by a group of people Colours Find the proportion ofeach sector For example, ot 5 andsoon, Use Pies 36 this to find the corresponding angles adjoining pie chart gives the marks scored in an examination by a student in , English, Mathematics, Social Science and Science. Ifthe total marks obtained students were 540, answer te following questions. In which subject did the student score 105 marks? (Hint: for 40 marks, the central angle = 360". Xo, So, for 105 marks, what isthe central angle?) ia i) How many more marks were obtained by the ‘student in Mathematics than in Hindi? A) Gi) Examine whether the sum of the marks i ‘obtained in Social Science and Mathematics ismore than that in Science and Hindi. (Hint: Just study the central angles). Hindi 219.20 Dara Hanounc I 83 ‘5. The numberof students in a hostel, speaking different languages is given below. Display the data ina pie chart. (Language [Hindi | English | Marathi | Tamil | Bengali | Tow! ) Number | 40 2 9 7 4 Dy of students MA EXERCISE 5.3 1. Listthe outcomes youcan seein these experiments, (a) Spinning a whee! CTS (b)_ Tossing two coins together as) ‘When adie is thrown, listthe outcomes of an event of getting @ (@) aprime number (b) nota prime number. Gi) (@) anumber greater than 5. (b) anumber not greater than 5. 3. Find the. (a). Probability ofthe pointer stopping on D in (Question I-(a))? (b) Probability of getting an ace from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards? (© Probability of getting a red apple. (See figure below) OoO® ©O® © jumbers 1 to 10 are written on ten separate slips (one number on one slip), keptin ‘abox and mixed well. One slipis chosen from the box without looking into it. What isthe probability of @_ getting a number 6? G@_gettinga number less than 6? (qi) getting anumber greater than 6? Gv) getting L-digit number? 5. Ifyou have aspinning wheel with 3 green sectors, | blue sector and I red sector, ‘what is the probability of getting a green sector? What isthe probability of getting a znom blue sector? 6. Find the probabilities of the events given in Question 2 96. Marienarics GA, EXERCISE 6.1 1. What will be the unit digit of the squares of the following numbers? fy @ 81 i 272 Gi) 799 (iv) 3853 CN (vy) 1234 (vi) 26387 (vil) 52698 (viii) 99880 f- is (x) 12796 (x) 55555 2. The following numbers are obviously not perfect squares. Give reason. oY @ 1057 Gi) 23453 Gi) 7928 (iv) 222222 (v) 64000 (wi) 89722 (wil) 222000 (viii) 505050 3. The squares of which of the following would be odd numbers? @ 431 (i 2826 iy 779 iv) $2004 4. Observe the following pattern and find the missing digits. 17s 121 101? = 10201 1001? = 1002001 100001? 2 2nd 1000000 font tS ae we=121 1017=10201 101012 = 102030201 10101012 = 2= 10203040504030201 6. Using the given pattem, find the missing numbers. PEs? =¥ P+3+6 Fe PoP? =? 7. grithout adding, find the sum. @ 143454749 (i) 143454749411 + 13415417 H19 Gi) 143454749411 + 1341S +174 19421423 i) Express 49s the sum of 7 odd numbers. Gi Express 121 as the sum of 11 odd numbers. 9. JgA\ many numbers lie between squares of the following numbers? @ Wand 13 (i) 25 and 26 i) 99 and 100 201020 MEA, EXERCISE 6.2 1. Find the square of the following numbers, @ 32 @ 35 Gi) 86 @) 93 71 a 2. Writea Pythagorean fiplet whose one member is. @6 @ 14 Gi) 16 wo” 6.5 Square Roots ‘Study the following situations. (a) Areaofasquare is 144 cm*, What could be the side of the square? 201920 ; MA, EXERCISE 6.3 By A 7. "What could be the possible “one’s’ digits of the square root of each of the following numbers? @ 9801 Gi) 99856 (i) 998001 Gv) 657666025 ‘Without doing any calculation, find the numbers which are surely not perfect squares. @ 153 @ 257 ii) 408 @v) 441 Find the square roots of 100 and 169 by the method of repeated subtraction. Find the square roots ofthe following numbers by the Prime Factorisation Method. @ 729 400 ii) 1764 (iv) 4096 (w) 7744 (vi) 9604 (vil) 5929 (i) 9216 Gx) 529 (x) 8100 Foreach of the following numbers, find the smallest whole number by which itshould be multiplied soas to get a perfect square number. Also find the square root of the square number so obtained. @, 252 @ 180 i) 1008 Gv) 2028, (w) 1458 (vi) 768 Foreach ofthe following numbers, find the smallest whole number by whichit should be divided so as to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the square ‘number so obtained, @ 252 @ 2925, (w) 2800 (vi) 1620 ‘The students of Class VIII of a school donated ® 2401 in all, for Prime Minister's National Relief Fund, Each student donated as many rupees as the number of students, in the class. Find the number of students in the class. i) 396 Gv) 2645 201920 Squares nw Square Roors M103 ts plants are to be planted in a garden in such a way that each row contains as many plants as the number of rows. Find the number of rows and the number of plants in each row, ‘9, Find the smallest square number thats divisible by each of the numbers 4,9 and 10. > Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each ofthe numbers 8, 15 and 20. MA,« EXERCISE 6.4 1. Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. @ 2304 @ 4489 Gi) 3481 Gy) 529 () 3249 (i) 1369 (i) 5776 fo 7921 () 576 (x) 1024 (ai) 3136 ‘xi 900 2. Find the numberof digitsin the square root of each of the following numbers (without any calculation), @ 64 i 144 Gi) 4489 Gv) 27225 390025 201020 108 BH Marnenarcs 3. Find the square root ofthe following decimal numbers. @ 256 @ 7.29 i) 51.84 div) 42.25, @) 3136 4. Find he least number which mustbe subtracted from each of the following numbers 50 as to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the perfect square so obtained. @ 402 @ 1989 il) 3250 iv) 825, «) 4000 5. Find the least number which must be added to each of the following numbers so as. to get a perfect square. Also find the square root of the perfect square so obtained. @ 525 @ 1750 i) 252 iv) 1825 (v) 6412 AF Findthe length of the side of a square whose area is 441m’. 7. Inaright triangle ABC, 2B =90°. (@) IAB=6em,BC=8cm,finkAC | Qf IFAC=13em,BC=Sem, find AB 8. A gardenerhas 1000 plants. He wants o plant these in such a way thatthe number of rows and the numberof columns remain same, Find the minimum number of plants he needs more for this. ‘There are 500 children in a school. For a P.T. drill they have to stand in such a manner that the number of rows is equal to number of columns. How many children: ‘would be left out in this arrangement. CISE 7.1 1. Which of the following numbers are not perfect cubes? @ 216 i) 128 i) 1000 @) 100 () 46656 2. Findthe smallest aumberby which each ofthe following numbers mustbe multiplied to obtain aperfact cube. @ 283 (i) 256 wi) 72 675 () 100 3. Findthe smallestnumberby which each of the following numbers must be divided 10 ‘obtain a perfect cube. @ 81 @ 128 ai 135 Gw) 192 () 708 AA Pasikshit makes a cuboid of plasticine of sides 5 em, 2em, Sem. How many such cauboids wil he need to forma cube? MA, « EXERCISE 7.2 Find the cube root ofeach of the following numbers by prime factorisation method, @ 64 i) 512 i) 10648 (iv) 27000 (w) 15625 (i), 13824 (wi) 110592 (ii) 46656 (x) 175616 F125 2. State true or false. (@_ Cube of any odd numberis even. AP perfect cube does not end with two 2210s. (Gi) Tf square of anumber ends with 5,then its cube ends with 25, Gv) There isno perfect cube which ends with 8. A) Thecube of atwo digit number may be a three digit number. (vi) Thecube of atwo digit number may have seven or more digits. @0% The cube ofa single digit number may bea single digit number. 3. You are told that 1,331 isa perfect cube. Can you guess without factorisation what is its cube root? Similarly, guess the cube roots of 4913, 12167,32768. MA, EXERCISE 16.1 Find the values ofthe letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 1 3A 2 4a 3 1A 425 +98 x A B2 CBB oA 21020 256 Bt Manicures 4 AB 5. B 6 AB +437 x3 x3 oA CAB CA ors ns hiss x 6 +18 pci BBB BO Bis wm 128 +6 SS EXERCISE 16.2 If21y5 isa multiple of 9, where yisa digit, whatis the value of y? 1f 3125s a multiple of 9, where isa digit, whatis the value of 2? ‘You will find that there are two answers forthe last problem. Why is this so? P If 24vis amultiple of 3, where xis adigit, what is the value of x? (Since 24risa multiple of 3, its sum of digits 6+.xis a multiple of 3; 306+ xisone of these numbers: 0,3,6,9, 12, 15, 18,... Butsince.risa digit, it an only be that 6+x=6 or9 or 12 or 15, Therefore, x= 0 or3 or 6 or9. Thus, x can have any of four different values.) 4, 1f31z5is amultiple of 3, where zis adi zz WHAT HAVE WE DISCUSSED? Eq t, what might be the values of 2?

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