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MCQ - change to open book or pass/fail

a. Either a proctored online exam or unproctored online exam using a browser
b. Blessing of accrediting body
c. Proctoring is far from ideal
d. Privacy implications
e. Algorithms used by proctoring are far from ideal to detect cheating
f. We have opted for online remote delivery of MCQ (secure browser) +
implemented a number of measures to reduce collusion
g. Honour code students need to agree to
h. 140 Qs in 180 minutes (not that much time to take exam misconduct)
i. Continue studies as normal
j. Behave in an ethical and appropriate manner
k. Evidence of exam misconduct = very serious consequences
l. That strive to cheat is a personal pride!
2. Biomed exam online
3. "To pass an ICE discipline, will we need to pass both MCQ and vivas individually? Or
is it combined mark which needs to be >50%?"
a. Looking at combined mark of MCQ + Viva
b. Looking at a combined mark >50%
c. Don't need to pass MCQ and viva individually, but need a combined >50%
d. Look at the marks after it is all done
2. Reading time before vivas?
a. Reading in front of you - time of 2 min reading before you then start talking
b. Sometimes longer reading times, or shorter
2. Clinical exams are using the fancy algorithm of Boaz
3. MCQ internet disruption
a. There will be a troubleshooting method
b. There will be options to resume or restart assessment if there are major
2. Will P3Admin email those who need to resit the Viva or those who have failed by the
end of each Viva day please
a. BIOMED - Yes
b. Y6 Mx VIVA - No (will need to go back to the fancy Boaz algorithm to check)
i. Failing ONE discipline = remedial
ii. Failing TWO discipline = late supplementary
2. AIM
a. Funding submitted for funding
b. Sites are now working out how many positions and EOIs now
c. Positions run by NSW HEALTH
2. "With MCQs so easy to cheat, osces and clin pharm cancelled, and most courses P/F
- why isn't the whole MD P/F? There is insufficient testing to discriminate"
a. Whole course P/F?
b. Would be better if whole medicine program is P/F - Velan
c. All students to meet the requirement to be safe and effective Drs
d. Majority of students want graded Passes to provide them some advantage
e. Most Drs don't see a great deal of difference when they apply for postgrad
f. Technical POV - sufficient data points in MD component to make a
calculation of WAM
i. Adjusting the existing components pre-cautionately so they
contribute a fair proportion of WAM and contribution has been
shared already
2. "Will results be scaled if students do worse (or better) in comparison to previous
years (given learning plans/NPS Viva were easier to get good marks in)?"
a. Not to do any scaling
b. Can't really make any decision until the data came in
c. Questions are refined every single year
d. There will be some questions that are hard and some that are easy
e. Allow you to graduate as safe, competent doctors
2. "Will Psych/O&G stations involve asking the examiner for relevant findings on
history/exam (as with last year)?"
a. Yes, very well may
2. "Given vivas are assessed by home clinical schools, how will the risk of bias be
mitigated? Especially since some drs have been heavily involved in viva tutes"
a. Year of compromising
b. Look at marking - not much difference in the grades given
c. There may be potential bias, doesn't happen that much
d. Can't swap this year
e. Accept there is potential for familiar
f. PORTFOLIO is examined by people that may not know you so well
g. Mel - there has been differences in the past, no difference
h. Bias can work in your favour and against you (PROs and CONs)
i. Professional learning opportunity
b. Remember that verbal examinations that you need to be aware of the cues
and how to read the cues
2. "Considering that the lockdown will extend into TP4, will TP4 also be P/F similar to
a. TP3 + TP4 = P/F (significant disruptions that has happened)
2. "For the biomed exams (specifically DIAG and PATH stations), how would the white
book assessments be conducted online? would we be asked around the online
a. Most whitebook activities = online demos
2. "If a student has satisfactory LP, term assignments/requirements, viva and mcq does
this indicate that the student has sufficient evidence to pass as “Group 1”?"
a. Group 1 = referring to students who do not need anymore exams in terms of
clinical practice skill
b. Group 2 = to show clinical skills through clinical practice tasks determined by
i. Prepare in the same way as you do with the course
2. Further clarification around electives. Many of us have had difficulties organising and
the ones that are organised may not go ahead with the current outlook
a. No overseas electives
b. Think of alternative options
2. The MCQ has always been a notoriously difficult exam, often assessing very niche
content. It would make sense that it be open book, much like the real world.
a. Cannot be open book
2. Why is there no standardity in viva across clinical schools (online vs face-to-face).
Some of us are living in high-risk LGAs and travelling to clinical schools
a. Data considered thoroughly after results
2. Is there a marking criteria for Classie reflection and what is the expected word
a. Whatever you need to say
b. No marking criteria
2. "If everyone is worried about online MCQs, cant we do it in person like vivas? We're
all vaccinated and will hardly come into contact with unvaccinated people."
a. No facility or infrastructure
2. Just want to clarify if ICE viva (particularly for SWS students) will be online from
home or from clinical school?
a. Will be from the clinical school
b. Down in the education centre
c. Students in one space and examiners in another space
2. Will biomed questions be modified given the immense stress and widely different
clinical experience and exposure throughout the grade?
a. Biomed qs are chosen as they are common classical and critical
2. Is there an order we have to answer Viva questions in for stations with multiple
cases, or can we answer them in any order?
a. Answer the question the examiner asks first
b. Do it in order
2. For the portfolio essay submission (Aug 30), is that also the last date we can submit
supporting evidence?
a. Everything in before essay submitted
b. As soon as essay is submitted, it locks the portfolio
c. If before deadline
2. With the Portfolio Exam, will the process be that a certain % (5%) is marked prior by
the examiners then the remaining (10%) based on the interview as a whole?
a. Based on grades that are calculated
b. Everything is done ON the day
2. How will an online VIVA be different from an in person VIVA?
3. Secure browser locks the browser, cannot screenshot or do anything other than type
in browser and get out of secure browser you restart machine and you dont do until
you flag major issue
4. MCQs all done at home
a. Can also do at clinical school
b. Doing it independently
c. Sydney campuses are not so able to do so
d. No reliable network at Sydney hospitals
a. All other exams are done at clinical school online...

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