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Name : English for shopkeeper in clothing shop

Level : Intermediate
Skill : Speaking
Number of the meeting : 12
Goal study : students can communicate with customers promptly and accurately
Basic Competence Indicator Material Learning Activity Evaluation Time Source


1.1 Greeeting  to use greeting Greetings and leave takings  Speaking  Spoken test 2 X 50 minutes  American
− Dialogue Business English
and leave taking in _Good morning. − Saying greetings, Responding statement  Person to
right situation Good Afternoon introducing. pernyataan Person
− Role playing, dialogues, written test  Pictures from
newspapers or
− How are you? introducing, completing the magazines
How Are you doing Work in pair sentence Breakthrough

− I’m fine, thanks

See You
Bye bye
− See you later.

1.2Telling time To express the time - What time is it Saying time Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
correctly - 7 o’clock Guessing Game Correct  Person to
- It closed at 9pm Doing exercises pronounciaion Person
- Wait For? Team work  Pictures from
newspapers or
- A quarter to nine Written test magazines
Complete the Breakthrough

to use simple present S+V1(s/es)+O Reading a loud Written test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
1.3 Simple Present correctly Adi Buys Clothes Doing exercises mUltiple choice  Person to
They Choose Tie matching Person
Ceneng and his friends take  Pictures from
newspapers or
alook in the store today magazines
2.Offering Something

2.1 Attracting consumer To attract the customer Come in please? Role play Spoken Test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
using interesting Visit here Work in pair Team work  Person to
exspression You will not disappointed Person
Here serve quality  Pictures from
newspapers or
I will magazines
Lets me see Breakthrough
2.2 Preference To express the I like Role Play Spoken Test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
exspresion of preferring I rather…than… Work in pair Correct expression  Person to
correctly I prefer …to… Flash cards about preferring Person
I dislike…. Writen test  Pictures from
newspapers or
Do You like this clothes? Make story based on magazines
Yes, I do. the pictures Breakthrough
It’s beautiful

2.3 Offering help To express the Can I help you Role Play Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
exspresion of offering Could you do me a favor Work in group Dialogue  Person to
help Lend me your hand Doing exercises Using appropriate Person
Help me exspression  Pictures from
newspapers or
Of, course Written test magazines
My pleasure Completing the Breakthrough
No thank sentences
I’m busy

2.4 Simple Countinous To use Simple S+tobe+V ing Reading a loud Written test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
Countinous corectly Adverb of time Doing exercises Matching  Person to
Now Completing the Person
At Present sentences  Pictures from
newspapers or
Listen! magazines
What are you looking for? Breakthrough
I’m looking for a hat.

2.5 Apologizing To exprees the Apologizing − Pronunciation practice Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
− Dialogue practice Business English
exspression about − I am sorry for ... Stories which stimulate readers’
Using correct  Person to
regretting apologizing − Please forgive me .. emotion expression Person
correctly - I back to you Dialogue  Pictures from
newspapers or
Written test
- Never mind Retell the story based magazines
on the picture

3.1 Ofering Product Do you want causal or party Direct actions Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
To exprees the wear. Dealing with real costumer Appropriate  Person to
exspression about We have latest stock. observation expression of Person
offering product Which size do you want? offering product  Pictures from
newspapers or
See this frock. magazines
3.2 Bargaining With To exprees the Shopkeeper : It is of 2000 Rs. − Pronunciation practice Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
Role play Business English
Concumer exspression about Customer : It is too expensive. Dialogue  Person to
bargaining with I Direct actions Appropriate Person
consumer Customer : I will not give you expression of  Pictures from
newspapers or
more than 1500 Rs. bargaining with magazines
Shopkeper : Ok. If you are custommer Breakthrough
insisting, give 1800 Rs.
Customer : No. You are over
Shopkeeper : Now I have left
my profit. Give me 1700 Rs.
Customer : I am giving you
1600 Rs.

Shopkeeper : You won. Give

the money.
3.3 Counting money or  To understand about  Cardinal and ordinal Comprehensive theory Written test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
cardinal numbers (cardinal / ordinal) numbers doing exercise Completing  Person to
and the usage in daily − ten, twenty, first, fifth, playing puzzle game sentences Person
life dsb Matching  Pictures from
newspapers or
3.4 Gratitude  To express  Thanking Saying gratitude Spoken test 2 X 50 menit  American
Business English
many kind expression − Thank you very much. Pronunciation practice Appropriate  Person to
of gratitude and the − You are welcome. Role play expression of Person
responses in context in gratitude  Pictures from
newspapers or
daily life magazines
Team work Breakthrough

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