Buzz Marketing: Its Influence On Consumer Purchase Decision

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Buzz Marketing: Its Influence on Consumer Purchase Decision

Chico, Mark Lewis V.

De Luna, Precious Zyra A.

Dela Cruz, Sean Leo M.

Lopez, Michelle Ann DS.

Sabado, Benjelyn E.

Karenina A. Bernandez-Romualdo



Over the past few years, various changes in marketing concept have been a problem by different

firms due to continuous complexity on consumer buying behavior. With these anticipated changes,

marketers have a hard time searching for appropriate marketing strategy to be able to promote their products

in the market effectively. Marketers have been aware of the changes in the way consumer’s research brands

and purchase products. Therefore, marketers need to adjust their marketing strategies by providing

consumers with sufficient information and support during the consumer’s purchase decision journey to help

them make the right purchase decisions (Court et al., 2009).

In response to the public interests as well as to the new trend which is trading through the use of

Internet or other business networking sites, businesses started to rely in buzz marketing. Since customers

show less interest in traditional marketing and focus more on digital. The modern consumer no longer relies

on the information which is provided to them via traditional marketing (Court et al., 2010). Buzz marketing

becomes effective as it has traditional and modern way of promotion which helps the industry to rise.

According to Morrisey (2007) buzz marketing is like a virus, it is ideally spread with a predefined target

which will relay the message to the people who love surrounding the same products and services that carry

the message. According to Billon and Tardieu (2002), buzz marketing is based on word of mouth creating a

buzz around a product, service or event. The increase in the use of social media by numerous consumers is a

big factor to the domination of buzz marketing which also affects to the consumer purchasing decision. By

getting consumers talking about the products being offered through the use of buzz marketing is a good

technique that showcases how the consumers consider this in their buying decision. Through the message it

conveys, "consumer-actor" asserts itself through certain values. It will therefore select brands in functions of

the values attached to it and will do the same for messages. Also, it becomes efficient as the consumers will

have an awareness with regards to the brand. An effective promotion that could lead to brand image and

eventually brand equity.

Consumers today tend to influence easily on what they hear, see or follow, especially in the social

media, family members, friends and people around them. People have always shared information and are

‘programmed’ to do so (Rosen 2000, p. 30). They also have the need to belong to social groups and

therefore socialize and talk to others. By talking, people can express themselves and create a reputation.

Products can help people with that. Rosen (2000, p.34) gives the example of recommending books, through

which people can express themselves and try to convince other people of their views. Another reason to talk

is that asking for information can save people time and reduces risks. Customers are scared of making a bad

purchase, and checking with friends is a good way to reduce this risk (Rosen 2000, p. 35). Consumers are

being captured by what is popular in their environment. With that, these consumers are being curious about

these trend which lead in modifying their buying decision such as searching and asking for information to

avoid risking in purchasing. Consumers are changing the way they research and buy products therefore

marketers are required to pay special attention and focus on the consumer’s purchase decision journey

(Sheenan, 2010). The role of marketers is to reach consumers at moments (or touch points) when consumers

are most open to influence (Court et al., 2009) and maximise the brand awareness, brand associations,

perceived quality of the brand and brand loyalty to influence their decisions (Aaker, 1996; Aaker and

Joachimsthaler, 2000). Consumer buying behavior should be considered in view of the fact that it is being

affected by different marketing strategies. Marketers should keep up with these modifications.

This study will stick on buzz marketing technique, a technique that gives a good marketing strategy

because of the buzz or word of mouth information it creates about a product or brand. The researchers will

seek to determine different factors on how buzz marketing influence the purchase decision of the consumers.

Considering our situation now, this study will be conducted through survey questionnaire online in gathering

information to the 100 selected respondents in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija and gather information to the

other e-sources as we cannot conduct a face to-face interaction. Nevertheless, the study will assure to have

the quality and legitimate information that could be beneficial to the aspiring marketer and entrepreneur.
Statement of the Problem/Objectives

General Objectives

The study aims to determine the factors that possibly influence the consumer purchase decision as

well as to identify if socio-demographic characteristics of selected respondents affects their buying decision.

Specific Objectives

The study aims:

1. To describe the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Occupation

1.4 Monthly Income

1.5 Reference Groups such as friends, peers, etc.

2. To describe the factors that influence consumer purchase decision in terms of:

2.1 Public Relation

2.2 Advertising

2.3 Social Media Marketing

2.4 Market Communications Via Touch Points


Significance of the Study

This study would give a substantial contribution and could be highly significant to the following:

Marketers - this study will be helpful to those future marketers that are planning to put up a business

someday. This study will explain the effects of buzz marketing in consumer’s buying decision.

Marketing Department- this study will be helpful to the marketing department whereas it explains different

factors that consumer considers in buying.

Business Owners - this study will be helpful for the business owners to achieve a successful business by

considering the importance of consumer’s decision making in terms of purchasing.

Online Sellers – this study will help the online sellers to identify the influence of buzz marketing in relation

to the consumer’s basis in buying.

Academic Community – this study will be beneficial to the corporate students to have an idea about what is

the effect of this marketing strategy to the consumer’s decision making.

Future Entrepreneurs – this study will be able to help them to clearly understand the buzz marketing and its

effect to the purchasing decision of the consumer.

Business Researchers - this study will be helpful for the researchers in a way the it will potentially increase

their knowledge about the topic and help them to learn about the buzz marketing and its concept. This can

serve as a consolidated frame work to be used for a new study in the future.

Scope and Limitations

The study was conducted in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija where selected respondents with the age

bracket of 15-30 are consumers that capable in purchase decision to answer the survey questionnaire. These

consumers are also potential researcher when it comes to the product they want to purchase or brand to

patronize. They use the internet or social media to gather information about a specific brand or product. This

study mainly focuses on buzz marketing and the following factors that influence the consumer purchase

decision such as the public relation, advertising, social media marketing and market communications via

touch points as well as to identify if the socio-demographic characteristics of the selected respondents

affects their buying decision.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

According to Cova (2001), who explains that buzz marketing uses social ties of some consumer

groups called community (individuals with common behaviors) to promote an offer. This method can offer

tailored to different needs of consumers. In the field of the community, the product is a recognition factor, a

real tool that creates a link among individuals in the community. In fact, the marketing approach is specific.

According Riou (2003), the product must not only respond to a need, but also be a vehicle built on

the values of the group. The product should ideally be an object, a symbol of recognition among members of

the community.

According to Hetzel (2003), communication about the offer will be the lever to its acceptance by the

community. The means of communication used to promote a product must meet the criteria of belonging to

a community as it is. The image of the offer must be monitored very carefully.

Heilbrunn and al (2005) supported that buzz marketing is a term considered by some as vague and

imprecise, but this approach is increasingly sought after as companies and counseling agencies are faced

with a major communication problem, the one of saturation of consumers against advertising broadcast. We

try, in this research, to better understand this term and the aim of this work is to provide clear answers to

creative and business are skeptical about this concept in order to guide their choice in their communication


According Chetochine (2006), his analysis is based on the fact that: consumers become

"consommacteur" means an experience by becoming an active brand vector. Buzz marketing is a response to

this desire. The consumer is involved in the life of the brand and saw a story through its consumer brands

and therefore it consumes. Brands want to build relationships with consumers by surprise in their own

environment. Buzz marketing is therefore to recover the link between the brand and the consumer

environment. This new consumer involvement will help generate word of mouth that meets the objectives of

the company and thus affect many people.

According to a research done by Engel (2006) and Dru (2007), companies are aware of the

changing consumer behavior, and use more this technique is growing. Indeed, the characteristics of a buzz

marketing operation seem to respond effectively to the specific needs of consumers.

Manafy (2007) supports this concept that the individual holds the central place. It is no longer just a

consumer becomes an actor but his own consumption and influence the consumption of others. Through the

message it conveys, "consumer-actor" asserts itself through certain values. It will therefore select brands in

functions of the values attached to it and will do the same for messages.

According Bardidia and al (2007), Badot and Cova (2003), or Godin (2001), buzz marketing

draws heavily among young people [15 years and 30 years] and those aged 50 years and older. In addition,

some authors, such as Chetochine (2006), who pointed out that this type of campaign, can be considered

independently of the level of study

In a research study by Morrissey (2007), states that the consumer must have a sense of freedom,

the desire for involvement and interaction must be for successful buzz marketing campaign. Otherwise

would be inconsistent with the principle of buzz marketing. By offering simple actions, attractive,

innovative, creative, original, mysterious (the teasing), entertaining and even shocking but not excessive, the

consumer adheres to the concept without prejudice mentioned Devin (2006). It has been shown theoretically

that buzz marketing campaign influences the variables that measure its effectiveness, including image,

awareness and purchasing decision. Indeed, because of its efficiency, buzz marketing offers direct stimuli,

sensory renewal, a direct response to a need and possibly the production of meaning leading to an interaction

between the consumer and the brand. It is based on a speech exchange. Henceforth, this work will allow us

to establish a direct relationship between the buzz marketing and these variables. This research would also

allow us to study the impact of a buzz marketing campaign on these variables and to better understand and

target consumers to identify their different expectations.

Chapter III

Theoretical Framework



Promotion Mix Consumer Characteristics Purchase

Public Relation Beliefs/Attitudes Products
Advertising Knowledge

Social Media Marketing

Market Communication

Other Demographic Decision Making Process No Purchase

Information Search


Past Purchase

Chapter IV


This chapter describes a discusses how the researchers will gather the data and information that will be

use in entire study.

Locale of the Study

This study was implemented in San Jose, Nueva Ecija. It is the third-class component city in the

province of Nueva Ecija with the population of 139,783 people. The researcher will be implemented it in the

online customers who purchase products through online and ages 15 to 30 years old. This will test how buzz

marketing affects their online purchasing decision.

Map of San Jose City, Nueva Ecija


The researchers decided to choose to gather information from online customers who purchases

product that they see through online sellers, social media, application who sell products preferably those

who ages 15 to 30 years old. The researcher came up with the total of 100 respondents that will be given an

online questionnaire at their vacant time that will not disturb them. Researchers want to seek more

information for the respondents on how the pandemic affects their purchasing decisions.
Data Collection

This study will be use online questionnaires. Online questionnaires will be used to collect information

from respondents. Online questionnaires are a structured questionnaire that target audience completes over

the internet generally through filling out a form. Online surveys can vary in length and format and

participants are most likely submit their answer in simply check boxes and answering dichotomous question

that only answer yes or no. In this study, online questionnaire technique will enable the researcher to reach

all information with the safest and not risky method during this pandemic.

Research Design

The research design of this paper will be an online questionnaire. Online questionnaires are a

structured questionnaire that target audience completes over the internet generally through filling out a form.

Online surveys can vary in length and format and participants are most likely submit their answer in simply

check boxes and answering dichotomous question that only answer yes or no.

Research Procedure

The researcher will adopt descriptive method. This method describes the characteristics of the

population or phenomenon studied through asking their own perception, values and different attitudes. It

will also use to achieve the researcher objectives. The researchers also used qualitative approach to get more

information descriptively. Quantitative research is generally given to the study of the overall statistical

results obtained and carried out, which has characteristics of exploratory, diagnostic, and predictive. The

purpose of using this method is not the pursuit of accurate conclusions, but simply to understand where the

problem located and to find out the situation, drawing the perceptions finally, and importantly the

information in this research method is shown in some kind figures (Saunders et al. 2012)

Data Analysis

After the researchers collect all the data needed through online questionnaires, the researchers will

use descriptive technique with the use of graphs to interpret and show a visual representation of the data.
Descriptive analysis will use to transform the raw data into a form that will make them easy to understand

and interpret the data.

Definition of Terms

Buying Behavior- it refers to the action taken both online and offline by consumers before buying a product

or services.

Buzz Marketing- it is a viral marketing technique that is focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth

potential of a particular campaign or product.

Consumer-actor- is a consumer who re appropriates the act of consumption by using his purchasing power

to protect the values and causes he defends.

Digital marketing- promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using internet and other form

of digital communication.

Generation Z- born after mig-1990’s or colloquially known as boomers and millennials.

Guerrilla Marketing- is utilizes minimal effort which can have a higher effect on a given venture.

Marketer- is a person that deals in a market specially he is the one who promotes or sells a product or a

service. Marketing Concept- use of marketing data to focus on the needs and wants of customers in order to

develop marketing strategies.

Marketing strategy- is all of the company’s marketing goals and objectives combined into a single plan.

Online sellers- sell anything through online or any form of internet and social media Pandemic-is defined as

an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually

affecting a large number of people.

Purchasing decision- is the thought process that leads a consumer from identifying a need, generating

options, and choosing a specific product and brand.

Social media- websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in

social networking.
Street marketing- is a type of guerrilla marketing with contributing time, validity, and creative mind to a

business effort.

Traditional marketing- refers to any type of marketing that isn't online. This means print, broadcast, direct

mail, phone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. From newspapers to radio, this method of marketing

helps reach targeted audiences.

Trend- currently popular or widely discussed online, especially on social media websites.

Viral Marketing- is any marketing strategy that includes websites or users to pass on a marketing message

to other site or users, creating a potential exponential growth in the message.

Word-of-Mouth- an unpaid form of promotion in which satisfied customers to tell other people how much

they like a business, product, or services.


Name(Optional):__________________________ Age:____

Gender:______________ Occupation:______________

Civil Status:_______________ Estimated

Monthly Income:__________
Email Address:___________________________

DIRECTION: Put a check in the given space below honestly based on what you are

thinking at this moment.


Do you have access to

How many hours per week 1hr – 4hrs
do you spend on the 5hrs – 10hrs
internet? 20hrs – 40hrs
More than 40hrs
Not at all
Do you consider business
networking sites in

Have you previously used

the internet to learn more
about products?

Have you previously used

the internet to seek for
information about a
Have you ever checked
online customer reviews
before purchasing a product?
Which of the factors listed Online competitions
below would help you to Interactive games
learn more about Testimonies
brands/products by engaging Television ads
in social media? Celebrity endorsements / Influencers
Select all that apply: Press releases
Would you use social media
networks to communicate
your opinions of your
product purchase
experience/journey to your
friends and family?

Which of the social media Facebook

sites listed below do you use
in purchasing? Instagram


Other (Shopee, Lazada or any Online Store)

None of the above

DIRECTION: Put a check and rate yourself honestly based on what you are thinking at this moment
using the following scales:1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4-Strongly Agree, 5-Agree.
5 4 3 2 1
Products Being Experience and recommended by family, peers and

friends influence my purchase decision.

Products that has good advertising influence my purchase decision.
Product that is appealing
Products that are trends
Products that give awareness to the brand build relationship toits

target groups.
It influence my purchase decision when a brand or company conducts

activities to promote their products.

Product you had experience and had interaction or contact on it has

impact on my purcahse decision.

Products being endorsed or recommended by influencers, celebrities,

or who you follow on social media affects my purchase decision.

Products that are not recommended by anyone
Products that are being available in deifferent social media

applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Shopee, and

Lazada influence my purchase decision.

My consumer purchase decision is being influence by:

 Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2000. Brand Leadership. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc.

 Aaker, D.A., 1996. Measuring Brand Equity across productions and markets. California


 Billon, D. & Tardieu, J. M. (2002). Les Nouvelles Techniques de Marketing, Chiron.

 Court, D. Elzinger, D. Mulder, S. and Vetvik, O.J., 2009. The consumer decision journey. McKinsey

Quarterly, [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 12 May


 Gicquel, Y. (2006). Le Buzz Marketing, Le Génie des Glaciers.

 Manafy, M. (2007). 'Viral Video,' Econtent, 30 (5), 3-4.

 Morrissey, B. (2007). "Brands Infiltrate Social Circles to Create Buzz," Adweek, 48 (39), 14-15.

 Review, 38(3), pp.102-20, 174.

 Rosen, E., 2000, The anatomy of Buzz, HarperCollins Publishers, London

 Rosen, E., 2000, The anatomy of Buzz, HarperCollins Publishers, London

 Sheenan, B., 2010. Basics Marketing: Online Marketing. Switzerland: AVA Publishing.

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