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Artificial intelligence a threat to humanity?

You’ve seen it in movies, you’ve read books about it, you’ve fantasized about it. In fact in
the last 100 years or so these 2 words put together makes everyone feel amazing. Some feel
it will really enhance their lives, some feel like it’s the final frontier, some call it the Holy
grain- Artificial intelligence.
But will ‘superpower’ known as Artificial intelligence pose a threat to humanity? Will there
ever be a situation where Artificial Intelligence surpasses Human Intelligence?
AI is what makes machines intelligent, think of us. We are an organism and what really
makes us special is our brain and similarly AI is what makes machines special. AI is
something that optimizes the brain. We have already started seeing this in a wide variety of
spheres. Long time back we thought that chess could never be conquered by machines,
however we proved that AI can defeat humans. Now we are getting into driverless cars, we
are getting into scenarios where we can find robbers and terrorists using AI. AI will be used
to make life more convenient. I personally think that the AI industry will be bigger than the
automobile industry.
This is just the start, and just in the start so many things that you have described all make
human beings redundant. AI and robotics put together have the potential to completely
destroy economies, jobs, people in engaged in manual labor. And now AI can even replace
analysts. Stock market analysts, traders and so many more. With just about 10% more
advanced AI about 700 categories of jobs can be made redundant. Are you excited about
making humans redundant?
Of course not. While it is true that AI will be able to perform several tasks that are currently
performed by humans with much more efficiency, AI will also create jobs once it is
While it's speculated AI will take over 1.8 million human jobs, the technology is also
expected to create 2.3 million new kinds of jobs, many of which will involve the
collaboration between humans and AI.
It is not so much about losing jobs but about how jobs are being transformed and
employees in these sectors will add new tasks to their profile while being supported by
computers and robots in others.
For example, a surgeon will be able to perform a surgery with more precision with the help of
AI. The surgeon’s job isn’t getting replaced, instead the task is being performed in a more
effective manner. Every major revolution that occurred in the past resulted in the elimination
of human labor, but eventually more jobs were generated through the advancement.
Do you truly believe that Artificial intelligence will be able to do all parts, perform all jobs
that humans are performing? You said that the brain is the most important part of a human
being, but don’t you feel that self-awareness, I know who I am is the most important
attribute of a human being and will AI be able to compete with that?
I personally believe that AI will not reach as far as the human intelligence in many scenarios
and it will supersede the human intelligence in many scenarios. So, at this point we should
think about machines and humans as two separate entities. As 2 entities which possess
different skill sets. While our memory and our compute power is smaller than AI we possess
a different type of skill set like creativity, emotional intelligence, the ability to critically
analyse and solve problems as well as the power to think on our feet in a time of crisis. And
hence AI and humans joining forces or joining hands will lead to an efficient and bright

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