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My Career Aspiration
As I grew older, I had many ambitions. I wanted to be a princess with
all my imaginations, then a teacher, and finally a doctor. But when I was in sixth grade, there was
a school trip to Baguio where we competed, and I competed in slogan making, which I didn't win
lol. We went on a tour before returning home, and on that tour, we visited a military school, and I
was so impressed that I fell in love with that school. I told myself that I wanted to be one of them,
that I wanted to join PMA. At first, I just want to get into that school so that when I graduate, my
cousins will salute me because I will be higher in rank than they are. But then, when I was in eighth
grade, something happened that inspired me to prove to them that I can do it. When I read Taste
of Sky by Ventre Canard, I was inspired by Behati's story and what she said in the story, "I am a
woman breathing air with purpose," which really inspired me to pursue my career aspiration. As
time passes, every time I tell someone about my dream, they say something negative about it just
to scare me so that I won't do it anymore, especially my mother, who, despite the fact that I am her
only child and daughter, doesn't really agree with me at that point. But every time someone says I
can't do it, that's when I really want to do it and prove to them that I can. My career goal is to one
day join the army, to be a student and alumni of the Philippine Military Academy, and even though
I know I lack some qualifications, I will continue to try. But even if I didn't get in, I know I gave
it my all and didn't give up, so I won't have any regrets. I can still pursue my other life goals. If I
don't get into PMA, I'll study education at Bicol University and follow in my mother's footsteps,
because in our family, most of the boys end up in the army and the girls end up teaching, if not
working for the government. If I graduate from education, I will take the Licensures Exam and
then try to enter BFP; if not, I will become a teacher. If I don't get into PMA, that is my backup
plan. But I'll do my best to get in anyway so I don't have any regrets. I really want to become
someone I want to be, and despite the fact that there are so many complications and so many people
in my life who are working against it, I will continue to pursue it just so that my heart will be full
and I will be happy in my own aspirations.

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