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NATURE SCAVENGER HUNT ¢ 4 ipa a & 5 DITERENT A CE Types OF DIRT o biRk 3 DIFFERENT seers Bs ; Aspe & p i) > vas é y—/ fS sore S ‘WIFY SOMETHING EDIBLE af bn DIFFERENT eS EU UNvEs me 4 stor D_ SOMETHING Bue A se 100 SOMETHING wer SOMETHING PRICKLY 3 DIFFERENT. Dis SOMETHING MP 5 peter FLOWERS CAN YOU FIND THEM ALL? SNAP AND SHARE YOUR ADVENTURES WITH US ON FACEBOOK OR INSTAGRAM! ‘A THERMOUTDOOR @THERMOUTDOOR Nature ee er nl ~ “ie re A feather Semetheng fluff 1 colourful rock jorathing smooth ¢ cold Seung, 3 bf i B different cnseets — bumpy, A piece of bark Coloured Pr er @ 2 em: 2 alc Seed 2 bets of rabbuh rock with 2 colours Something wel J Semethay dead ealible plants tlaina Haste ‘09 —nraetuie— $e VENGER we Sei Tete UG WORM Bi FLOWER LEAF hal hebeslel Ld WEB FEATHER BIRD a EI LS ie a Cl a FLY : a BERRY i MAL UE CYCLE of a = DLONT SPIN-AN- “EXERCISE eae e S ae exercise. Repeat far more foe REdRL maatet Do 5 jumping jacks | Can you do a split? f w Stretch to the side Do 5 Leg Lifts Weather Draw! my name is Draw the weather BOa® OM, AY OO RAR hill a at ee elie Today it’s windy Today it's rainy 1 Today it's sunny Today it’s cloudy Today it's snowy KX WE’RE GOING ON A ae BEAR HUNT ad a | thick oozy |=— a deep > eS mud cold river se long wavy a big dark grass forest a swirling a narrow cute, whirling gloomy snowstorm cave bear home w PLOT, CHARACTER & SETTING Sort the jumbled journey e Cut out the boxes and arrange them in order to tell the story. / i ig dark sarast Ses yf (eae se aan eolaniver sD SQ] BSS c O | ce s®ec ¥) 2 > ° °o JF oe a = © Swirling whirlin c © Thick oozymud © | © See % oS So oc 80 © a | wavy grass sail 20 READSRESPOND Were Going on aiast Hare We're Going on a Bear Hunt Long wavy grass A deep cold river Thick oozy mud A big dark forest A swirling whirling snowstorm A narrow gloomy cave Five Wise Owls Five wise old owls Set on a barn door, One flew away And then there were four. Four wise old owls Sat down for tea, ‘One fell in hic cup And then there were three. Three wice old owls Hooted on cue, ‘One lost his voice And then there wore two. Two wise old owls Weren't having any fun, So ene fell asleep And then there waz ene. One wise old owl In the setting cun, Flow off to the forest And then there were none. The Squirrel beat, big bear, Fray, actnting neg the tees, Hippity hap, casting on he honeycomb nade by busy bees. aoe ) To the tree topl ig bear, big be feiend aed ar, big bear, dlesing inthe take. en Fish is yout Favourite aise Deep: he soarpoet: Which one will you take? Tothe grand. (Gyish, swish, Swish) Fury, Curly. ig bear, What « toil acing in yout den. Tal oS a feather, s steeping rough the vinter Brood as a snail Before you're in. ee ce Where’ his supper? Inthe shell Snap. crocicy: Outitiel p aon or _ claws Bats have... fur eyes edps and fingers claws i Bats are mammals

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